- . .. .. ·:·, .. · .. · .. : ' . ' ... : .. .- ' ... . ·-o: . ·. ,. .. -,.• .. , ; . ' •- _: ' ., ... .. . ; - ·: ......... - -- ..... -.·4. . •""-- ";;; . , .:: . ·: :i COMPACT CAR VAUXHALL 6 Cylinder Velox SIX PASSENGER $2575· 00 THE DAILY NEWS r. .s Ltd. Vol. 67. No. 67 THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S. NFLD., MONDAY, MARCH 21, 1960 (Price. 7 Cents) Charles Hutton & Sons GIRL FOUND .DEAD AT FORT WILLIAM YOUNG M.AN CHARGED MURDER WITH A young girl, age about 18, was found dead near Fort William at 10:35 last night. A young man, who appan!ntly had been in her company, has b3en arrested and charged with murder, Police made no statement last night as to who discovered the body or how the girl met her death. It is assumed that the body is now at the morgue at the General Hospital. All sorts of rumors flew about town last night. One rumor was to the effect that the girl had bun stabbed, and that the young man had asked a passing car to call the police, but up to press hour no more information could be obtained from the Criminal Investigation Department• ORANGEBURG, S.C.-Chilled and damp negro studeott huddle behind fence Ia yard of Orangeburg County jail here March lStb after some 400 were ar- mted for staging anti-segregation demonstrations. Police turned fire hoses on ltudents-of both sexes-to break up the demonstration. Note blanket in air, left background, being thrown ol'er fence to chilled studenu.-UPI Photo. PAIUAMENT: Members Concerned Over Divorce Bills RUSSIA MAKES A NEW OFFER lN GENEVA TEST BAN TALKS . . Seize Red ¥ Newspaper I Seeks Ban 01,l Low- Yield Underground Explosions . . I --------------- - Reuters - Russia conditionally PARIS <A_P_)-Police Seized ·NOVA SCOTIA offered to sign a treaty for the pennanent prohibition of urday's editJOn of L'Humamte d bl 1 f( · · 1 i which said f a n a t i c a 1 French , ctecta e nuc car tests umler e echl'e mternahona con- Army officers might try to trigger 1 . j trol. a world war with the assassina- F• T k , .. . . tion of President Eisenhower or ·Ir· e s a e ' The condthon !s that the nuclear Soviet Premier Khrushche\', I agree to ban tests are The communist party newspa· 1 cult to detect. Dunng th1s voluntary moratonum, Russ1a per carried what it Silid was a i L would accept a British-American invitation for a joint study by an of Pres-! F of methods to detect low-yield explosions .. One such meth· ideal Eisenhower some i our IVe s i ods a•·e devised, a permanent prohibition on all test! will French were turnmg the 1 ! he written into the treaty. French Army 1nto "a sort of ma·, ! chine for a coup d'etat.'' L'Hu·' - T_wo Nova mother pushed five of: Sovid delegate Sanwon K. Tsarapkin madl' the pro- 1 1 manite said the. officers pre·, f1res Sunday rlaun!'d the !he !am1ly through the wmdow I posal at a specially-rciJUe;ted Saturdav session of the three- sumably a th1rd world con- 1 lives of four persons and sent mto deep snow banks after a; . . . . · . . Oict would destroy communism.· six to hospital. while ladder to the group broke. : ptJ\Wr talks treaty banmng detectable tests ou.d In washington, the White House another blaze left eight home·j Cause of the fire has not been' apply to exP_losmns m the atmosphere, undl·rground, m the rejected the report es phoney Jess. determined. . oceans and m outer space. Communist propaganda. Eisen- Mrs. Graham, 46, her j In Sydney, Mrs. Fitzroy 1 • . , 1 I bower goes to Paris in May for son Gordon, 17. and the seven- 1 Green, 65, died when she was , PROMISE STUDt . . fu. purposes be reached at the East-West summit conference year-old daughter. Eileen, per. I overcome by smoke in a burn-! _u.s. delegate ,J. 1 ?lks _. while Khrushchev starts a once·; ished in a fire which destroyed ling two-apartment home. ! worth _and B r! t a 1 n s Daml - i\e cons1der that explO>Ions postponed visit to France Wed· th · h t J d' 25 11 Th bl b lieved to ha\'e · smd the proposal for peaceful. pUrPOSes should _be I e1r orne a u lque, m cs e aze, e was very mtportant. They prom·, conducted m accord;mce With TO IT , from the western Cape Breton from an . overheated I ised to gire it careful study. 1 agreed pro1·isions of the treaty," I . . town of Inverness. stme, caused extensive damage 1 Tsarapkin described it as "an he said Pres1dentml press secretary, Taken to hospital after the to the interior of the building · · t t · l" · James c Hagertv said the report ,. . b t d · i Impor an compronuse proposa 1 .. · . · · · ,, . r , blaze were the father, CNR A f1re at near 'I Pres on e-' which could lead to a treaty: COSSIDER EXTESSIOS is obviously. Ph 0 n e Y. ddeltbe d.; sectionman Alex Graham, 47,1 strored a two-storey home, leav-l within two weeks or a month. The' If the joint study on small tests ale Commumst a, an · d h' f' h'ld p t · · · 'ght h 1 nd · . th' t 't t ll" an IS Jve c l ren, a nc1a mg e1 orne ess. • · a ·test ban talks have been on fails to reach agreement Ill a there IS no Jng, 0 1 a 8 Janet 15, Cba.rles Vir·j' Daniel "'-rey and four here for more than 16 months. . certain period, Tsarapkin added. gmm 12, and Dame!, mne. children were on "'ay to Diplomatic quarters said the the three powers should consider Cuban Press No The father suffered severe 1 church when the fire broke new Soviet plan would help the extending the moratorium. 1 : burns and lacerations, but none I out. atmosphere o[ the 10-power dis· The Soviet delegate bitterly I , of the children was seriously 1 Two boarders who lived in. armament talks which began, criticized the American in lured. I the house aiM lost their pos·; here l-ast Tuesdav. The disarma- 'last month for a treaty ban only Longe r Free 'Reports said the father and; sessions. : ment conference' is enjoying a on tests with a sei:;mir; 1 -- ·- -- I weekend recess before plunging: threshold of 4. 75 ma,<Znitude-- I today into the complex problem of, equivalent to tons of T'\T MO!'iTEGO BAY, J.a m a 1 c a 29 D• I an international control system. ! President Eisenhower ir (APl:-A!I Inter· AJ?ertcan te n Tsarapkin told a press confer-· the proposal Feh. 1' Association reported ence after Saturday's three-power; that tests below this that .. 1\Jth two session that it would not be ne- 1 could not be policed effectively- lions, the press Plane Crash eessary to conduct nuclear tests; Tsarapkin said Saturcay: "I ?I has, directly_ or during the period of joint re-. the U.S. proposal is adopted, ' tnd1rectly, pbystcally pa:sed mto search. The required data, he would be an invitation to e r the hands of the . said c ou!d be obtained from. sumption of tests." there, or has become so lnbm-1 ! .: F 1 .. 1 •. . • 1 o 'h th ha d T ·arnn' · ld '·d th t 't t be 'd· BOGOTA Colombia - AP - Rescuers brought the 17 in·' con. Pn .ona e .• p 0 J\e.. . :1 1 e 0 er n. s · a,., 1 canno const ' Asked to comme1:t on .\mertcan wrlcoml-<.l the Amencnn pmr•" ered free. . I persons, all women, 1 JUred women from the wreck·[ plans to conduct a non-military· for join: researrh on low·lc,·cl .- The comm1t.tee on. freedom of !-he craoh of a Co!om-1 age. The crew of three and I nuclear test in New :.texico next plosions-pro,·ided no nafcn , the added !n 1ls report to 1 . b1an auhncr 46 . persons 1 the other passengera were. January, Tsarapkin replied that ducted 1 the ,mi?· sess1on of the asso- aboard, authonhes 1a1d dead. S3lc1. 1 an agreement on tests for peace.: during the sh!dy . elations directors: day. The atrlme, Soc1edad Aero-: ________ ......... ·- .. . . --- . "It has become Increasingly The plane rrashed In 1 rain· , nutica de Medellin, &aid alii t D.· for foreign corre&pond·. storm Saturday as It wu bring· aboard were Colombians. 1 F• s h ' · ' ents to perform their legitimate ing vacationers home from the Meanwhile, Reuter• news IVe 0 i journalistic missions In Cuba." resort island of San Andres off agency said two United States I "Since we last met in San the eastern coast of Nicaragua. air force helicopters reached Francisco in 1959, there has been The twin-engined C-46 took the scene of another crash in I D th I H no in the total and off from San Andres on a flight the remote, rugged region of ! ea n 0 nl perenmal lack of of to the city of Medellin in eastern Colombia and reported j press In the dom1mcan northwest Colombia. Captain finding six bodies Saturday. ! and _and there ls Mario Botero, the pilot, radio- The Americans said a co- SE:o;ECA m ( A.Pl A fa - 1 cause for oplimtsm that the m- ed later that both engines had pilot and several .' · · - ml Y tolerable in those coun- f . 1 d d h uld t t h d . ed Tb 1 i of ftve was found shot to death tries will ever alrer under their al e an . e wo 1 ry 0 a surv!v. · . e P ane was in their home Saturday. Authori- t I .. th t 'd reach the airport at P anetar· an amphibious 11rcraft of the ties termed the deaths murder presen ru e:s, e repor. sm ica, 140 miles north of Medel· Colombian Aida Company and · · T!tc committee report said only lin Shortly afterward it had evidently crashed some time in and smcide. and Leslie, 2. It was the seeond case of r. tip\e violent deaths in thf al- la<t week. Wednesday, the 1 odi• of three socially prominent w. men from Rhoerside, Ill., wer- two Spanish n.ewspa· Into aome low bills. the last week. pers In Cuba wh1ch are shU con- _. -------- ____ _ sidered free are Diario de T.a Ma- The victims were: William Win-, founc bludgeoned to death, appar ; ders, 29, a factory worker, his ently by a sex maniac, in Starved rin-a and Prensa Libre of Ha\'ana w Ch d stantly attacked and smeared by wife, Patricia, -rt, and their three Rock State Park, about 20 miles children, Debbie, &, Michael, 5, west or Seneca. -------------------- "and those two are being con- oman a·rge Cuban government officials and [ R • Art c . With . Axe-Slaying ussian . omes Invisible BURLINGTON, Ont. <CPl-Po- man telephoned police at. a.m. Under lice Sunday charged Mrs. Anna and said she bad killed her bus- Ferry, 43, with munler in the band. Vote Counts axe-slaying early in the day ef Two pollee officera found :MI'II. her husband Patrick, 45, a Tor- Ferry standing in the doorway of a; 'nlere. n_ow are graphlea and onto real estate company aaleJ· her home wearing a bloodstained small • scale critical revolution 1 78 pamhngs on vtew. All are by MILWAUKEE <APl-Two "in· man. house coat and bolding a crucifix. at a Russian e.rt exhibi- i c.ont:mporary . depicting visibles" lie beneath the surface Mrs. Ferry, suffering from Five of the aix Ferry children tlon here and. the RuSSians have; m the Sov1et smce the revo- ln the battle for Wisconsin Sun- shoek, was under sedation Sunday aged from four to 17, were at called in remforcements from . . day, each with potentially great night in st. Joseph's hospital in home at the time of the slaying. Moscow. . . . i Do they do c.u.Ju Pma Staff Writer year-old !4P to Tlmiskamlni, are have been passed in a period of effects on the presidential hopes nearby Hamilton. Police were The officers found a short-, The show, the f1rst.of Sov1et _an 1 sta except work, '1\ork, 1'iork. arTAWA (CPl-Two comparative the latest. time that would have seen 100 or of Democratic Senators Hubert unable to question her. handled axe at the foot of the J eVI!r loaned to a pnvate !nshtu-, asks one comment. J'OUillllers have set Parliament Both IMive followed 1 rourae more go through previously. Humphrey and John F. Kennedy. Police said Mr. Ferry was bed, tion in North America, opened. at 1 "Flabbergastin .. 1 1 1 111 Ita ear this session by dlgglng that has exasperated some fel· CHARGE COLLISION One is the "Invisible" Republican killed while esleep In bed. There Coroner Dr. Russell Dingle Jald the Montreal of_ ; other "Felt lik;· taking "shower lito the aometlmea 1ordld details low·MPs. They have refused to Both Mr. Howard and Mr. vote that will be cast for Kennedy were 12 axe wounds In his head Mr. Ferry died Instantly, Arts March with 70 pamtmgs 1 after· 50 much sweat. .. tl cllvorce bills. consent to batches of 50 or more Peters have charged that lea- of Massachusetts, even though he and face. Police said Mrs, Ferry 1 and 80 graphics.. I otbera included· ftelr II'OWed object Is to have divorce billa being passed at a tures of divorce evidence Indicate Is e Democrat. A pollee spokesman said a wo- suffered a nervoua breakdown, I Wh e n Russ!an Ambassador "Wh not Nikit with 1 IOU Plrll&ment abed Its current role time. collusion on the part of private The other Is the "Invisible'' bat· - A. A. Aroutuman opened the ,} a tl dillolvlnc marria11es of Que- This means that under tbe lnvestlgatora with one of the par· lot for the man who Isn't here- show he also provided a book in i club· lite and Newfoundland resident!. rulelJ each bill must be consld· ties involved Ia the divorce to Adlai E. Stevenson. It Is expected Arr ts Of N which he invited viewers to make 1 "Not red enough." Md t'heir lactlct are in the best ered separately, And the two fabricate evidence of adultery. to go largely to Humphrey of Min- es egroes their comments. I "Abominable." tNdltloa of the founder of their CCF MPs heve objected at such They have also suggested that ncsota. First notation In the book was 1 )lrty, the late J.S. Woodsworth. length to particular features of there are grounds for suspecting Humphrey and Kennedy are In by Mrs. Aroutunian. I The exhibition, which .1ftracted It Wll 30 yean ago that Mr. them that fewer than a dozen (Continued on Page 14) Wisconsin, driving hard to win Its c • I s th "I rongratulate this first ex· i 10,000 viewers during Its first .... wortfl tumed I searchlight April 5 primary election. At 'Slake ontmue n ou perience in exhibiting Soviet art II week, leaves Montreal April 3. It •lftl'et evidence presented to · are 31 votes In the Democratic in Canada," she wrote. wilt then head on to Ottawa and l'lrfiaiMat as part of cem· Seek K•lle · Of ronvention which will I "Exciting, revealing, altogether; Toronto . ... tllat cultnlnated In Parlla· . . I r pick a candidate for the Novem· wASHINGTON ·- AP - one NellfO returned the Ver· delightful,'' said the next. "Stag-! --- --- ..... 1JIIII'O"iU ily a vote of tOO ber presidential election. Demonstratio!ll and ·-ta con· dl ta A 1 1 . 1 d ti f zerlng In its power and beauty" : ..... UITFUL D •Til ... "'• IIIII to --er Ontario T -n• c • awyer I e no ce o , .• "brinas a catch to the i r... " - ... ,..,.." h w VOTE HUMPHREY tlnued In the aouth•rn ata•- -··• d d b U 1 " tlllbJIIh di90t'ce court ma- ree omen ,_ 1 P- an arra111e a • throat," hailed others. WASHINGTON !APl- Foreign 3ll Negro TUNE CHANGES minister Horaclo Lafer of hruil ....... . Butler Marrl·es saying he had had "two fruitful IIIICe h!, day, CCF fonowers fYrrAWA, W. lAP> - stata I SAW MAN Humphrey attempted to seize the students and five employees of Then came the revolution. days" In Washington, following Cllried Gil his tampal1111. Frank pollee said Sunday they are work- From It, t be dealer said, mantle of Adlai Slt!venson. But it Negro newspapers were taken "Between see I n g this and his visit to Ottawa, left Sunday lhnrd, M • year old MP for inll on a "good lead" sub- emerged a young man who appears that ·in the absenre of to jail for refusing to leave two LONDON !Reuters) - Esmond throwing myself In the St. Law- for a pril•ate \'isit in' Boston. He -., llld Arnold Peters, f1· stantlaled by lie detector tests In walked over to the shoulder or the Stevenson, many of his admirers public libraries from which 1 Butler, 37-yoor-oid secretary to renee River In January I think will undergo a medical - C:OUIII'Mll' PAJtBON their search for the killer or kil· road 8Jid conversed with them. are going to vote for H!lmpbrey, city ordinance bars them. Some the Governor-General of Canada, I would prefer the second exper· in an unidentified Boston cUnic ••• · lel'll of three IIOC!ally prominent Be said he believed there was a not Kennedy. weJe later released ot: bail. · was mar r i e d quietly at the ience," said one. . and then go on to New York for women. second man who remained In the How Is It that Republicans can . Fifteen Negro college stu- Queen's Chapel, Savoy, London, "Those two on the October several days before returlng to The lead il 1 descrlptklll ot a car. vote for a DemocNlt In the April c-Pnt• were stntenced for par- Saturday to Miss Georgina North, revolution really stink," said a Brazil. man reported 1111en talking The Incident was witnessed 5 primary? ticipating In mass demunstra· 31·year-old cousl!J of the Earl of man. "IncIdent a II y I'm a ----------- to the three Chlcego area women about a half bour be(ore the es- tlrns at Orangeburg, S.C. Guilford. worker." ' 011 a road 1kirting a cllll)'on In tlmated Ume of dealt.. Entering the polling place, the White and Negro sympathi· The wedding wu described as In the midst of this eight more atarved rock •tate park. The The auto dealer was quoted as Wisconsin voter receives both the zers In six northern cities p1.:- "a family affair and wholly prl- paintings arrived from Moscow. women•a battered bodlea were nyiJig he drove on after witness- Republican and Democratic bat- keted store« of the Woolworth vate." found 1ut Wednuday Ia tbe CD· Jni the Incident and 1 ubsequently lots, regardless of his party af- chain, which Is on· a Butler was formerly assistant ,on. forcot about lt-''untU I read filiation. He marks only one, list of the NAACP. Pic!Iets press secretary to the Queen. The report, furnlrhed by an an· about the ldlllllfs," either one. Then he folds both and also marr.hf>d at the White The bride wore a simply cut NORFOLK, Va. IAPl-The U.S. ldenUfled La Salle, Ill., auto Tlie lie detector testing was deposita the unmarked sheet In a House In ballet-length dress of gleaming KDESTROYER ESCOR Darby co dealer, chtelced out under Ue cleo stepped np by a two-man team discard box and the marked one · satin elld framing her face was destroyer escort Darby collided !lector questioalng, ltate pollee of uperts SUIIday, with more In the regular ballot box. Those at 01' a small flower-trimmed hat. She with a Swedish· merchant vessel TWO KILLED Weather Sunny, clouding over this afternoon, with JDOW. Higt. today 32. TEMPERA lURES WDllam Morrll thall 20 periOlll scheduled for A large Republican vote could burg were sentenced to $50 carried a bouquet of bright spring In Chesapeake Bay Saturday llld. quutlflllhll. be cast fo Kenned with no one or 30 In jaU. Au· flowers. . night. The navy said two men fontreal .. .... . Z3 34 Morrla n1d the auto deal_. re- the w r r Y thor1ties, usmg tear gas and The bridegroom wore morning· aboard the Darby were killed and ioncton · · • •••· · 25 26 ported driYIIII pill tile 1NDIIII Morrla reported after the quea- lse fire hoses, arrested 388 of dress with a white carnation. 1S Injured. The Venezuela-bound lalifax ...... ·.. '1:1 31 "'Ciutrili. lib people, 111111t aboat t p.m. lut Monda,- aDd tlonlnJ bellan that two truck drt· Vice-President Richard Nixon is about l,WO student! who par- They will spend their hllney-J merchantman Soya-Atlantic re- Sydney · · · · · · · · 'l:1 :!9 4 tiGIIr ...,., e.Dint fer lbelr that he laW a car back up to vers had been cleared of aus- unopposed on the Republican bal· aded last Tuesday. moon In England and fly to Can- ported· injuries and only minor St. Jolin's' · .... 29 31 Mtrf W llaft JIOJlt." whert t1111 1tood. plcinll of compUcit,-. lot. _ A juzy of five white men and ada next month, , damage. · .... ., ."' ,.!._··.::.""--


Page 1: COMPACT CAR VAUXHALL THE DAILY… ·  · 2014-08-04COMPACT CAR VAUXHALL ... 1 manite said the. officers pre·, ~cotta f1res

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6 Cylinder Velox SIX PASSENGER



4~~ • . s Ltd.

Vol. 67. No. 67 THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S. NFLD., MONDAY, MARCH 21, 1960 (Price. 7 Cents) Charles Hutton & Sons



MURDER WITH A young girl, age about 18, was found dead near Fort

William at 10:35 last night.

A young man, who appan!ntly had been in her company, has b3en arrested and charged with murder,

Police made no statement last night as to who discovered the body or how the girl met her death. It is assumed that the body is now at the morgue at the General Hospital.

All sorts of rumors flew about town last night. One rumor was to the effect that the girl had bun stabbed, and that the young man had asked a passing car to call the police, but up to press hour no more information could be obtained from the Criminal Investigation Department •

ORANGEBURG, S.C.-Chilled and damp negro studeott huddle behind fence Ia yard of Orangeburg County jail here March lStb after some 400 were ar­mted for staging anti-segregation demonstrations. Police turned fire hoses on ltudents-of both sexes-to break up the demonstration. Note blanket in air, left background, being thrown ol'er fence to chilled studenu.-UPI Photo.


Members Concerned Over Divorce Bills


. .

Seize Red ¥ Newspaper I Seeks Ban 01,l Low- Yield Underground Explosions

. . I --------------- GE~EVA - Reuters - Russia Satur~y conditionally PARIS <A_P_)-Police Seized S~t- ·NOVA SCOTIA offered to sign a treaty for the pennanent prohibition of

urday's editJOn of L'Humamte d bl 1 • f( · · • 1 i which said f a n a t i c a 1 French , ctecta e nuc car tests umler e echl'e mternahona con-Army officers might try to trigger


. j trol. a world war with the assassina- F • T k , .. . . tion of President Eisenhower or ·Ir· e s a e ' The condthon !s that the nuclear powe~s volunill:rJ~Y Soviet Premier Khrushche\', I agree to ban low-yi~ld un~erground tests wh1c~ are diff~-

The communist party newspa· 1 cult to detect. Dunng th1s voluntary moratonum, Russ1a per carried what it Silid was a i L would accept a British-American invitation for a joint study ~cret r~port by an aid~ of Pres-! F • of methods to detect low-yield explosions .. One such meth· ideal Eisenhower sa~·mg. some i our IVe s i ods a•·e devised, a permanent prohibition on all test! will French officer~ were turnmg the 1 ! he written into the treaty. French Army 1nto "a sort of ma·,

! chine for a coup d'etat.'' L'Hu·' H~\Ll.FAX-CP - T_wo Nova mother pushed five memb~rs of: Sovid delegate Sanwon K. Tsarapkin madl' the pro-


1 manite said the. officers pre·, ~cotta f1res Sunday rlaun!'d the !he !am1ly through the wmdow I posal at a specially-rciJUe;ted Saturdav session of the three-sumably f~l a th1rd world con- 1 lives of four persons and sent mto deep snow banks after a; . . . . · .

. Oict would destroy communism.· six other~ to hospital. while ladder to the group broke. : ptJ\Wr talks he~e. -~ treaty banmng detectable tests ~ ou.d In washington, the White House another blaze left eight home·j Cause of the fire has not been' apply to exP_losmns m the atmosphere, undl·rground, m the

rejected the report es phoney Jess. determined. . oceans and m outer space. Communist propaganda. Eisen- Mrs. Jessi~ Graham, 46, her j In Sydney, Mrs. Fitzroy 1 • . , 1

I bower goes to Paris in May for son Gordon, 17. and the seven-1 Green, 65, died when she was , PROMISE C~OSE STUDt . . fu. purposes ~hould be reached at

the East-West summit conference year-old daughter. Eileen, per. I overcome by smoke in a burn-! _u.s. delegate ~am~s ,J. lh~ 1?lks he~e. _. while Khrushchev starts a once·; ished in a fire which destroyed ling two-apartment home. ! worth _and B r! t a 1 n s Daml - i\e cons1der that explO>Ions postponed visit to France Wed· • th · h t J d' 25 11 Th bl b lieved to ha\'e · Ormsb~-G~re smd the proposal for peaceful. pUrPOSes should _be I e1r orne a u lque, m cs e aze, e was very mtportant. They prom·, conducted m accord;mce With ~~~~~j.JG TO IT , from the western Cape Breton sta~ed from an . overheated I ised to gire it careful study. 1 agreed pro1·isions of the treaty,"

I . . town of Inverness. stme, caused extensive damage 1• Tsarapkin described it as "an he said

Pres1dentml press secretary, Taken to hospital after the to the interior of the building · · t t · l" · James c Hagertv said the report • ,. . b t d · i Impor an compronuse proposa 1

.. · . · · · ,, . r , blaze were the father, CNR A f1re at near 'I Pres on e-' which could lead to a treaty: COSSIDER EXTESSIOS is obviously. Ph 0 n e Y. ddeltbe d.; sectionman Alex Graham, 47,1 strored a two-storey home, leav-l within two weeks or a month. The' If the joint study on small tests ale Commumst propa~an a, an · d h' f' h'ld p t · · · 'ght h 1 ~lr nd · . th' t 't ~ t ll" an IS Jve c l ren, a nc1a mg e1 orne ess. • · a ·test ban talks have been goin~ on • fails to reach agreement Ill a there IS no Jng, 0 1 a 8 • 1~,. Janet 15, Cba.rles ~3, Vir·j' M~s. Daniel "'-rey and ~hei~ four here for more than 16 months. . certain period, Tsarapkin added.

gmm 12, and Dame!, mne. children were on tb~tr "'ay to Diplomatic quarters said the the three powers should consider

Cuban Press No The father suffered severe 1 church when the fire broke new Soviet plan would help the extending the moratorium. 1 : burns and lacerations, but none I out. atmosphere o[ the 10-power dis· The Soviet delegate bitterly

I, of the children was seriously 1 Two boarders who lived in. armament talks which began, criticized the American propo~al in lured. I the house aiM lost their pos·; here l-ast Tuesdav. The disarma- 'last month for a treaty ban only

Longer Free 'Reports said the father and; sessions. : ment conference' is enjoying a on tests with a sei:;mir; 1 -- ·- -- I weekend recess before plunging: threshold of 4. 75 ma,<Znitude--

• I today into the complex problem of, equivalent to ~0.000 tons of T'\T MO!'iTEGO BAY, J.a m a 1 c a 29 D • I an international control system. ! President Eisenhower ~aid ir

(APl:-A!I Inter· AJ?ertcan Pres.~ te n Tsarapkin told a press confer-· pres~nting the proposal Feh. 1' Association com~lttee reported ence after Saturday's three-power; that tests below this thre~ha:• ~aturday that .. 1\Jth two exce~- session that it would not be ne- 1 could not be policed effectively-lions, the Span,1;'~ langu~ge press Plane Crash eessary to conduct nuclear tests; Tsarapkin said Saturcay: "I ?I ~uba has, ~IIher directly_ or during the period of joint re-. the U.S. proposal is adopted, ' tnd1rectly, pbystcally pa:sed mto search. The required data, he • would be an invitation to e r the hands of the go~ernm~nt . said c ou!d be obtained from. sumption of tests." there, or has become so lnbm-1 ! .: F 1 .. 1 •. . • 1 o 'h th ha d T ·arnn' · ld '·d th t 't t be 'd· BOGOTA Colombia - AP - Rescuers brought the 17 in·' con. Pn .ona e .• p 0• J\e.. . :1 1 e 0 er n. • s '· ·

a,., ~. 1 canno const • I· ' Asked to comme1:t on .\mertcan wrlcoml-<.l the Amencnn pmr•" ered free. . I Seve~teen persons, all women, 1 JUred women from the wreck·[ plans to conduct a non-military· for join: researrh on low·lc,·cl .-

The comm1t.tee on. freedom of S?rvh~ !-he craoh of a Co!om-1 age. The crew of three and I nuclear test in New :.texico next • plosions-pro,·ided no nafcn , the p~ess added !n 1ls report to


. b1an auhncr ~~tr. 46 . persons 1 the other 2~. passengera were. January, Tsarapkin replied that ducted s.mall·sc~le nuclea~ 1

the ,mi?· sess1on of the asso- aboard, authonhes 1a1d Sun-~ dead. au~h~rthes S3lc1. 1 an agreement on tests for peace.: during the sh!dy . elations directors: day. The atrlme, Soc1edad Aero-: ________ ......... ·- .. . ~- . --- .

"It has become Increasingly The plane rrashed In 1 rain· , nutica de Medellin, &aid alii t D.· dange~ous for foreign corre&pond·. storm Saturday as It wu bring· aboard were Colombians. 1 F• s h ' · ' ents to perform their legitimate ing vacationers home from the Meanwhile, Reuter• news IVe 0 i journalistic missions In Cuba." resort island of San Andres off agency said two United States I

"Since we last met in San the eastern coast of Nicaragua. air force helicopters reached Francisco in 1959, there has been The twin-engined C-46 took the scene of another crash in I D th I H no im~rovement in the total and off from San Andres on a flight the remote, rugged region of ! e a n 0 nl perenmal lack of fr~om of t~e to the city of Medellin in eastern Colombia and reported j

press In the dom1mcan re~ubhc northwest Colombia. Captain finding six bodies Saturday. ! and Paragua~, _and there ls ~o Mario Botero, the pilot, radio- The Americans said a co- SE:o;ECA m ( A.Pl A fa -1 • cause for oplimtsm that the m- ed later that both engines had pilot and several passen~ers .' • · · - ml Y tolerable situ:~lion in those coun- f .1 d d h uld t t h d . ed Tb 1 ~ i of ftve was found shot to death tries will ever alrer under their al e an . e wo 1 ry 0 a surv!v. · . e P ane was in their home Saturday. Authori-

t I .. th t 'd reach the airport at P anetar· an amphibious 11rcraft of the ties termed the deaths murder presen ru e:s, e repor. sm • ica, 140 miles north of Medel· Colombian Aida Company and · ·

T!tc committee report said only lin Shortly afterward it had evidently crashed some time in and smcide.

and Leslie, 2. It was the seeond case of r.

tip\e violent deaths in thf al­la<t week. Wednesday, the 1 odi• of three socially prominent w. men from Rhoerside, Ill., wer­

two Spanish la~guage n.ewspa· cr~shed Into aome low bills. the last week. pers In Cuba wh1ch are shU con- _. -------- ____ _ sidered free are Diario de T.a Ma-

The victims were: William Win-, founc bludgeoned to death, appar ; ders, 29, a factory worker, his ently by a sex maniac, in Starved

rin-a and Prensa Libre of Ha\'ana w Ch d stantly attacked and smeared by

wife, Patricia, -rt, and their three Rock State Park, about 20 miles children, Debbie, &, Michael, 5, • west or Seneca.

--------------------"and those two are being con- oman a·rge Cuban government officials and [ R • Art c =.::.::::~~ . ..::~~"' • With . Axe-Slaying ussian . omes

Invisible BURLINGTON, Ont. <CPl-Po- man telephoned police at. a.m. Under lice Sunday charged Mrs. Anna and said she bad killed her bus-Ferry, 43, with munler in the band.

Vote Counts axe-slaying early in the day ef Two pollee officera found :MI'II. her husband Patrick, 45, a Tor- Ferry standing in the doorway of MO~TREAL (~l-There'• a; 'nlere. n_ow are ~ graphlea and onto real estate company aaleJ· her home wearing a bloodstained small • scale critical revolution 1 78 pamhngs on vtew. All are by

MILWAUKEE <APl-Two "in· man. house coat and bolding a crucifix. ~aging at a Russian e.rt exhibi- i c.ont:mporary . art~ts depicting visibles" lie beneath the surface Mrs. Ferry, suffering from Five of the aix Ferry children tlon here and. the RuSSians have; hf~ m the Sov1et smce the revo-ln the battle for Wisconsin Sun- shoek, was under sedation Sunday aged from four to 17, were at called in remforcements from jlu~~on. . . day, each with potentially great night in st. Joseph's hospital in home at the time of the slaying. Moscow. . . . i Do they do anyt~ng ~ 1\~;

c.u.Ju Pma Staff Writer year-old !4P to Tlmiskamlni, are have been passed in a period of effects on the presidential hopes nearby Hamilton. Police were The officers found a short-, The show, the f1rst.of Sov1et _an 1sta except work, '1\ork, 1'iork. arTAWA (CPl-Two comparative the latest. time that would have seen 100 or of Democratic Senators Hubert unable to question her. handled axe at the foot of the J eVI!r loaned to a pnvate !nshtu-, asks one comment. J'OUillllers have set Parliament Both IMive followed 1 rourae more go through previously. Humphrey and John F. Kennedy. Police said Mr. Ferry was bed, tion in North America, opened. at 1 "Flabbergastin .. 1 1 1 111• • Ita ear this session by dlgglng that has exasperated some fel· CHARGE COLLISION One is the "Invisible" Republican killed while esleep In bed. There Coroner Dr. Russell Dingle Jald the Montreal M~eum of_ ~me ; other "Felt lik;· taking "shower lito the aometlmea 1ordld details low·MPs. They have refused to Both Mr. Howard and Mr. vote that will be cast for Kennedy were 12 axe wounds In his head Mr. Ferry died Instantly, Arts March ~ with 70 pamtmgs 1 after· 50 much sweat. .. tl cllvorce bills. consent to batches of 50 or more Peters have charged that lea- of Massachusetts, even though he and face. Police said Mrs, Ferry ~ntly 1 and 80 graphics.. I otbera included·

ftelr II'OWed object Is to have divorce billa being passed at a tures of divorce evidence Indicate Is e Democrat. A pollee spokesman said a wo- suffered a nervoua breakdown, I W h e n Russ!an Ambassador "Wh not Nikit with 1 IOU Plrll&ment abed Its current role time. collusion on the part of private The other Is the "Invisible'' bat· - A. A. Aroutuman opened the ,} a tl dillolvlnc marria11es of Que- This means that under tbe lnvestlgatora with one of the par· lot for the man who Isn't here- show he also provided a book in i club· lite and Newfoundland resident!. rulelJ each bill must be consld· ties involved Ia the divorce to Adlai E. Stevenson. It Is expected Arr ts Of N which he invited viewers to make 1 "Not red enough." Md t'heir lactlct are in the best ered separately, And the two fabricate evidence of adultery. to go largely to Humphrey of Min- es egroes their comments. I "Abominable." tNdltloa of the founder of their CCF MPs heve objected at such They have also suggested that ncsota. First notation In the book was 1

)lrty, the late J.S. Woodsworth. length to particular features of there are grounds for suspecting Humphrey and Kennedy are In by Mrs. Aroutunian. I The exhibition, which .1ftracted It Wll 30 yean ago that Mr. them that fewer than a dozen (Continued on Page 14) Wisconsin, driving hard to win Its c • I s th "I rongratulate this first ex· i 10,000 viewers during Its first

.... wortfl tumed I searchlight April 5 primary election. At 'Slake ontmue n ou perience in exhibiting Soviet art II week, leaves Montreal April 3. It • •lftl'et evidence presented to · are 31 votes In the Democratic in Canada," she wrote. wilt then head on to Ottawa and l'lrfiaiMat as part of • cem· Seek K•lle · Of nomlnatin~t ronvention which will I "Exciting, revealing, altogether; Toronto . ... tllat cultnlnated In Parlla· . . I r pick a candidate for the Novem· wASHINGTON ·- AP - one NellfO returned the Ver· delightful,'' said the next. "Stag-! --- ---..... 1JIIII'O"iU ily a vote of tOO ber presidential election. Demonstratio!ll and ·-ta con· dl ta A 1 1.1 d ti f zerlng In its power and beauty" : ..... UITFUL D •Til ... "'• IIIII to --er Ontario T -n• c • awyer I e no ce o , .• "brinas a catch to the i r... " - ... ,..,.." h w VOTE HUMPHREY tlnued In the aouth•rn ata•- -··• d d b U ~ 1 " tlllbJIIh di90t'ce court ma- ree omen ~ ,_ 1P- an arra111e a • throat," hailed others. WASHINGTON !APl- Foreign ~~ON R!epn:~r~~sa~v~k:,lyN;oo~~! duft"~!ep~:.e~::~. 3ll Negro TUNE CHANGES minister Horaclo Lafer of hruil ....... . Butler Marrl·es saying he had had "two fruitful IIIICe h!, day, CCF fonowers fYrrAWA, W. lAP> - stata I SAW MAN Humphrey attempted to seize the students and five employees of Then came the revolution. days" In Washington, following Cllried Gil his tampal1111. Frank pollee said Sunday they are work- From It, t be dealer said, mantle of Adlai Slt!venson. But it Negro newspapers were taken "Between see I n g this and his visit to Ottawa, left Sunday lhnrd, M • year • old MP for inll on a "good lead" sub- emerged a young man who appears that ·in the absenre of to jail for refusing to leave two LONDON !Reuters) - Esmond throwing myself In the St. Law- for a pril•ate \'isit in' Boston. He -., llld Arnold Peters, f1· stantlaled by lie detector tests In walked over to the shoulder or the Stevenson, many of his admirers public libraries from which 1 Butler, 37-yoor-oid secretary to renee River In January I think will undergo a medical che~kup

- C:OUIII'Mll' PAJtBON their search for the killer or kil· road 8Jid conversed with them. are going to vote for H!lmpbrey, city ordinance bars them. Some the Governor-General of Canada, I would prefer the second exper· in an unidentified Boston cUnic ••• · lel'll of three IIOC!ally prominent Be said he believed there was a not Kennedy. weJe later released ot: bail. · was mar r i e d quietly at the ience," said one. . and then go on to New York for

women. second man who remained In the How Is It that Republicans can . Fifteen Negro college stu- Queen's Chapel, Savoy, London, "Those two on the October several days before returlng to The lead il 1 descrlptklll ot a car. vote for a DemocNlt In the April c-Pnt• were stntenced for par- Saturday to Miss Georgina North, revolution really stink," said a Brazil.

~uni man reported 1111en talking The Incident was witnessed 5 primary? ticipating In mass demunstra· 31·year-old cousl!J of the Earl of man. "IncIdent a II y I'm a -----------to the three Chlcego area women about a half bour be(ore the es- tlrns at Orangeburg, S.C. Guilford. worker." ' 011 a road 1kirting a cllll)'on In tlmated Ume of dealt.. Entering the polling place, the White and Negro sympathi· The wedding wu described as In the midst of this eight more atarved rock •tate park. The The auto dealer was quoted as Wisconsin voter receives both the zers In six northern cities p1.:- "a family affair and wholly prl- paintings arrived from Moscow. women•a battered bodlea were nyiJig he drove on after witness- Republican and Democratic bat- keted store« of the Woolworth vate." found 1ut Wednuday Ia tbe CD· Jni the Incident and 1ubsequently lots, regardless of his party af- chain, which Is on· a bo~cott Butler was formerly assistant ,on. forcot about lt-''untU I read filiation. He marks only one, list of the NAACP. Pic!Iets press secretary to the Queen.

The report, furnlrhed by an an· about the ldlllllfs," either one. Then he folds both and also marr.hf>d at the White The bride wore a simply • cut NORFOLK, Va. IAPl-The U.S. ldenUfled La Salle, Ill., auto Tlie lie detector testing was deposita the unmarked sheet In a House In Wa~hlngton. ballet-length dress of gleaming KDESTROYER ESCOR Darby co dealer, chtelced out under Ue cleo stepped np by a two-man team discard box and the marked one · satin elld framing her face was destroyer escort Darby collided !lector questioalng, ltate pollee of uperts SUIIday, with more In the regular ballot box. Those convt~ted at 01' a small flower-trimmed hat. She with a Swedish· merchant vessel

TWO KILLED Weather Sunny, clouding over this

afternoon, with JDOW. Higt. today 32.

TEMPERA lURES ~ WDllam Morrll thall 20 periOlll scheduled for A large Republican vote could burg were sentenced to $50 carried a bouquet of bright spring In Chesapeake Bay Saturday llld. quutlflllhll. be cast fo Kenned with no one fin~ or 30 ~s In jaU. Au· flowers. . night. The navy said two men fontreal .. .... . Z3 34

Morrla n1d the auto deal_. re- the w r r Y thor1ties, usmg tear gas and The bridegroom wore morning· aboard the Darby were killed and ioncton · · • • • • · · 25 26 • ported driYIIII pill tile 1NDIIII Morrla reported after the quea- lse • fire hoses, arrested 388 of dress with a white carnation. 1S Injured. The Venezuela-bound lalifax ...... ·.. '1:1 31 "'Ciutrili. lib people, 111111t aboat t p.m. lut Monda,- aDd tlonlnJ bellan that two truck drt· Vice-President Richard Nixon is about l,WO student! who par- They will spend their hllney-J merchantman Soya-Atlantic re- Sydney · · · · · · · · 'l:1 :!9 4

tiGIIr ...,., e.Dint fer lbelr that he laW a car back up to vers had been cleared of aus- unopposed on the Republican bal· aded last Tuesday. moon In England and fly to Can- ported· injuries and only minor St. Jolin's' · .... 29 31 Mtrf W llaft JIOJlt." whert t1111 1tood. plcinll of compUcit,-. lot. _ A juzy of five white men and ada next month, , damage. · • •~ .... ..---..~.,..4•-...•..a••,


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Page 2: COMPACT CAR VAUXHALL THE DAILY… ·  · 2014-08-04COMPACT CAR VAUXHALL ... 1 manite said the. officers pre·, ~cotta f1res


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~~~~--~~==============~==~~ Home For I Rangers Win Week End !At Clarenvile CONCEPTION BAY NEWS 1

I J!U. ISLAND !Staff) -\ BELL ISLA:-ill tStalfl -Pat,

L.l.ll.P. 2. Leo Burke arrived' ~lansricld's Hangers hockey 1 N C • t" T I l home Friday. to spend a week·' cluu ,·isitcll l'Ian·n•·Hie m·er the i eary fl ICeS e ep lODe '~· .. , . k' : .)t. • atnc -s

I Night Parties end lea\'e with his family, lie 1 weekend. for an exhibition i C I Se • J is the lOft of Mr. TbOI. Butler,. mert, with the Clmnrille Club. . ounc VICe mproves \\'abana. ~ The l'isitin~ Ranger' ddcated ! . 1


Leo hu 1erved 8 years in the, the Clarenrille team hy a 5·3 , ~-ll.C.N. He made two I'Oyagcs to'scorc. 1 BELL ISLAND tStaff)- On BRIGUS- During the past '. 1 Br-:U. ISL.~ND ISI;•ffl l'on· tile Arctic: in the icebreaker' RangN's arc lraclinl( St. being interviewed Saturday, weeks the Avalon Telephone 'I '· 1 t·t•ptinn Coundl. K. of C. wilt I Laltnt!lor. He is now serving on, Ke\'ins. 2 games lo I. in a hcst: Stcl'e Ncar)', former Deputy 1 Co. has been installing a new rrlt•hrate St. Patrick's night! R.II.C.S. Bonaventure. 'of 5 ,::a mrs srrics, for lite Bell: ~layor of the Wabana Town I line through Brigus, improvin-g I , ll'ith a hall at the Diaiitond i ~l·

Rt rttumed to the Cornwallis 1 Island senior league Champion·! Coundl, ~Jr. Neary accused the the service, and removing V. e were storm-hound on l'luh. for mcmbeh only. Naval Station Monday. 1 ship. Council of being dictated by a 1 troublesome lines that hl\•e scr- 1 ~fonday: ~larch 14th. and the· Th<' annual St. Patrick's Day 1

----------------·----- .. · - •minority group. 1 \'ed for a lona: period. It was 1 Boys Club was dos(•d, hut a l'aratlt'. SJlonsorcd by Concep· i ' . .. I thought at first tbat this was


number of bo)'s rallrtl In sec if lion Council. will be held on






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of the

~ .. "The. del'!~ JOn or the Wabana the becinning of the installation the club was open. On Tuesday· Satunlay :\Ia rei! 19th.

II OII'J~ Counctl n.ot to hold ~ ~ye. for the Dial System but we I Marcil l:ith .. the club was open Thr parade, which will be a


~~cctl~~ .. to flll an wstmg I b~vc been informed that this, for several houJ'> in tiw after- motnrcadl' is to move off from: :• Is a calculate? attempt wtll not be Cor at least another noor~ and for the rc-~ular pcnod St. .tamrs' hall, town ,quare J

It~ _hlock a 11roup ~f tnterestedlyear, Any improvement in the at n1ght. At both sessio11s there in time to arrh·e at St. ~lie· 1 ~Jtlz:~s get~m~. a rcpre· system is a~preciated and ~ore was . a good turn out of: ~oys,: lwei's church, The Front. in . sent alii e tnlo off1ce. I than anytbmg else certamly cons1dermg weather condtllons. 1 tim~ for 11.00 :llass.

"Apart from being 1 direct '!longer houn of service with the During the l~st two Satun!ars: :l!a~s will be celebrated hy contravention to the local possibility of twenty four bours. so~e of ou1· mtermcd1ate a11d. Rl•V. Fr. ~1~Gcttigan P.P .. who Go\·crllment Act under which At present service is only avail· semor members _have been \Wy. is also Chaplain for Conception.

• the Council receives its power I able frDm 9.00 a.m. to 11.00 busy on what J_mght he called a; COlllwil. ; their decision 1~ likely imped: I p.m. and. us~ally trouble strikes I re·dccoratmg. JOh at the dub._: Parties will also be. ht>ld at in~ pro"ress of the town." after mtdmght. Maybe !orne The Saturda) before Ia>!. ten o!, tlw canat!wn Legwn Uuh, The,

~lr. Ncarv went on to sav:; person could take it upon him· ~ur m~mbcrs re-p:unted ~II thP Wilh:ma Country Club and the :"that it i.l his firm belief th~t I self .to. find ways and means _of jltnc~ In the gymnasmm. Th1s, :'.1iddlctown Inn. . ; there i! a sufficient number of obtatmng •arne. How about tt? w_ork wa; do~c under the super-: sincere, dedicated nd Interest- v1s1on or .Ass1~tant Director .hm: I cd members in the Council who Hearn. 'lhe Job took approxl· i Snow Pio·w i realize the implications of this: w M s w }d mately siX hours to complc~c. i ' iK 'action and will continu to re. • • • or for the lines for three Badmm·' ]( B '. , .. ,~ -.. --· -m_ •. I • e ' ton. one Vol!cvball and one I ept usy ! ~u~~r~.~~. nghts that our people D 0£ p Basketball couri had to he re·! · - • TOWER APART\tEXTS-This is :1 model of twin liO· , c ' a y rayer painted. While one ~roup of' stort·y apartment lmildings to be .constructed m·;u I :hi-1 "In order for the Council to boys· were workin~ in the ~:ym- 1 BELL ISLAND. tStaff)-The · ca~o's Loop hy .lulv of J!J()J. The :\FL.CIO Ruildin~ Ser-be succc•sful and accomplish nasium a smallrr .:mup were int~n>c snow storms durin~ the · l , .. · .11 thr Job f~r which It 1! design. BR!GUS The W.M.S. re-painting the lower sections past ll't'L'k piled huge drifts all· :·!r;_e l'mp ?~cs "'mon 111 put :J6 million dollars into the

World Day of Prav. er was ob· r h h 1 h' h d h , > >iJ-foot hl"h stru"lttr~. cd.'' the wormer Deputy Mayor o t c s ower room. On Satur· around t ~~ 1g wa)·s an Y· ; '' - " ' ' urved In the United Church 1 -


1 continued. "Full participation day last. chromNcal was ap- 'wa)·~. in this communi!)'. , Academy on Friday, March ~th. h :or the general public is requir· plied to the floor of the gym.: The one snow plow that t e Ob" 1·i~e him.


1 rd. This c~nnot he accomplish· at 8·00 p.m. A large attendance nasium by our member,, so that Jli.~hroads Branch has at its di'- · IlUafV The few older residrnt' will of women, and several men h h rd undt'r the present arrange. t e gymnasium floor i.< now in · posal here, has been kept usy ,.i remember "Skipper l'at'' as the were "resent to hear Miss Betty · ' f

men! where you have 1 min· " t1p top shape. There is no doubt contiJHtously in an ef ort to STF:'\.".\•"ORD SPR.·\('KLI".'' .one who for years had ehar)!e 'ority ~roup attempting to die· Curtis the principal speaker. about it that our nwmhers ap- ·kerr the roads clear.

1 • • ·' of Hiscock's vessels lakin~

The leader WM Mr~. Rev. Wells. 1 BRIG US - ":\nd the street tale the 1ffairs of th~ town." prcciate the Boys l'lub. and the, On one occa>ion it was ncces· . . crews and supplies back and A collection was taken for the condition of the huildini! after s:tr~· to usc a dozer to help clear shalt be full .~f t.~ttlc eluldren .. fourth to the Labrador m the M. and lit. four year;; of use i; e1·idcncc. the "ww. · playmg lh~re.- \\ Jth the abu,:c summer, watching ovcr their

It should be mentioned that the A' the wcrk ends. more snow words on their ltps and m their' mooring in the winter. Finally Visiting Home Social For BELL lSLAND (Sta{f)-Miss

George Butt Lucy Hawco, Nurses' Aid at the : ~!ental Hospital, St. John,'1, re· turned to duly Sunday, after

. spending a week with her parents. Mr. ·and Mrs. Walter BELL ISLAND (Staff) -Hawco, Lance Cove Road. I Geor-ge Butt, on leave from the

Canadian Army, was guest of

E li d honour at a social held at the D Ste Waban~ Country Club last Fri·

day ntght. He \ll'as presented with a purse 01 money by his

BEL!. ISLAND !Staff) - uncle. Ray Butt.

:\~others Group of the eluh is pilin~ up, with gale force 1 hearts a large assemblage of his strength seemed to bea1·ily

supplied the chrome-seal for the winds from the North East : mo~rners and fnends left the taxed for such arduous work so gymnasium floor. threatrnin!( to onte again block Umtcd Church on Sunday, he took his family to St. .John's.

Last week, on Tuesday night. the roads with drifting snow. ~fare? 6th. to accom~an)' t~e where for twenty Fars he ~larch 8th .. the ~lot her' (;roup ren~ams 01 Sl~naford Sprackltn. worked as a carpenter with the annual election of off'irL'l's wa.; , to Jts _last rP>Iln~ plarP 0? yon· 'R.R. Then with a pt•n;ion h• held at the club. The result; G ; de~ lull. Although only. In ht>: came back to Bri~u> and a~ the were as follows: :\Irs . .James Pa\'ement oin« • Se\enteenth ~ear he ne~er h_ad 'old sailors would say. "(•ast Adams, re-elected. l'rr,id~nt: , ~ :the pnvJic~rs "1. en)o)·mg hfc 'anchor." ;>;ever one t•1 sit irlle :\Irs. Matt Lake, elected. Vice- 'f•) PI'eces :and ':out~ Ill all lis bloom was he busied hims~lf with his pr. President; ~Irs. Ray Bursey, • 1 not hts._ Smrc birth h~ ~ad been den, even up to a couple or re-clectecl, Secretar)': ::O.Irs. Gor- · latd asJdr throul!h Sickness of years ago. There with his ;zrand· don Normorc, rlectrd, Trra· an ,111curable nature.. sons about him, he rPs!rrl, surcr. flELL ISLAND I Staffl-Thr 111c whole of hls hfr was d_e· i loved. honored anrl still in-

For the past thrrr \Cars thr new pa,·cmcnt in section' of pendent on someone for. a.,Js- 'terel'ted in th~ world about Mothers Group hal'r. hrrn ~ Wahana, is simply going to tancc 1n every 11·a~· ~nd It w~s 'him. 'til lht da)' Jan werk whrn tremendous hel to 1 !lor< pic~e~. . . here that the usual ~ood wtll he went quietly to sleep. Cl b Th G P 1 rlt le ·: Bl'111lt'tl Street and a section or a mother's hand was alwa"s

I David Fitzgerald East End has His grandparents, Mr. and ~nli~lcd in the Canadian Army, Mrs. Jas. Butt attended the He ldt )fonda~·. March 14th., I party. Albert Hawc:o was Mas·

UNIMI'LOYMENT INSUitANCE COMMISSION for Camp Borden, to belin ter of ceremonies. He welcom· , 001

1 training. ed those present on behaiC of

II . e ,roup 1a a pal'll· f · d t R . 1 1 , . . . _


o Ten Lomman men ~ an-.;~. ready. even to the last, to do cu ar y succcss!ul ~ca1 111 19o9

1 • :-lo 3 mine are 111 parll-1 h · . 'bl f h' E ·

and we believe 1960 will be . . . . . ·r t e lmpossJ e or lm. I en BISHOP SESTENCEr>

j David Is the son of Mn. Julia Mr. and Mrs. Albert Butt, and the late David Fitzgerald. paren!.'l of Geor&e.

11 . ··f 1 1 cularly bad cond1t10n and I though th1s was only acknow-equa ~ _as succes, 11 : I something is not done im· !edged by a contented smile HO!'lG KONG, I Reuter~•- nn-

----· Spet~kmg 1oft' elcc~onst t~e~e ~mediately, local motorists, who she must hare had the assur- mao Catholic Bishop Kung Pin::-alre o terthe ecBions Clueb ? alhe have occasion to use these anc~ that it was to his satisfae- mei of Shaoghai was sentenced to Pace a e oys u m ~ streets and highways wbich are lion. He will long be remem- life imprisonment by a Shanghai vel ryt' near futhurled. Boy! Cotunthstl particularly affected with a bered by tbem as he was always court Thursday for "s e r i o us

·,. . . -

' ·. :-·=

' .. -:"':

BUILT FOR • ......... - .. ..::.·

---.. ~~--Qj:: .. DRIVIN·G

Here's a car that's really different, really exciting-and really fun to drive. And the all·new Anglia lOSE gives you more car for your money. Take 1

look! Exciti"K ntto styling with a dis· tincrive raked-back rear window for estra rear headroom and greater visi· bility. Exciting new over-.<qrwre engine­wp to 75 m.p.h., more than 40 m.p.g. Euiti"t four-.!pttd transmiHion with a


ftoodevcr for slick spom-ar .....

E:cci1ing rouminm-scate fDar ~~hits;

swallows masses of luggaae iD m kift&­size trunk. Exciti11t pdjol'tlliiiJU the

Anglia 105E came first ia Ita chst m the gruelling 1960 Caaaclila Wiater

Rally. It's waiting for :~• It ,our

British :Ford Line deal•'s-tlN rwld'.<

most 1xciti"f light ""·

THE WORLD'S ~~LIGHT CAR .. ._ fate II'Oft A II'FIOOF·D .. IV. AT VOUA e .. met-1 f!JOJIIID DI£AI.8ft''!


Phone 91011 Phone 256 Phone 2245


ST. JOHN'S-Phone 94061 SPANIARD'S lAY CORNER IROOK Sub-Deolers-Ciarenville, A. Duff itt. Elliston, Tilley's Garage

- - - - - - - - ~-- - - - - ---~ ------------------ -------~-~-~-~-.-..-.._·

e ec 1ons are e "ear v a e h 1 crimes of high treason," the Xew , · series of continuous pot o es, nearby and never prone to wan· . . . Club., Last. year, the ~lay_or of will be faced with repair bills der from them Chma news agency ~eportcd. Thn-the Council, was .Toe l11ckey. lh t th motorists in civi- T h' ·.. t M teen other Chmese were sentenced Joe is now in the Nai'Y. lfp was . a 110 0 er. . d 0 Js so~rowmg p~ren s, · :·I to prison terms ranging from fire home on leave latPiy and we I ".zed rommumtJe~ may he fa,ce_ a~d ~~s. Slmon Sprackhn, hts to 20 yearJ on similar chargt''· we1'e pleased to sPe him, a!- IIJth. .r.u I two st>ters and ~wo brothers The accused V.'l!re said to he most, daily, Joe join['(] with I deepest sympathy 15 e~tendrd. I membet·s o! • "counter·J'PI'oln· our member~ in paintind the i . . ' 1 d ! tionary clique hiding nnder t:t• lines in the "l'mn~sium "r!oor .Spetll Week- :If life be ion)!. 1 wJJI be g a · :cloak or religion'' and "org:miz•·d It is ~ratifl'i~~ In note that • That 1 ma_,. 1oM obr;-: :under a scheme of the l S. im-

! mrmher~ of .then BoYs l'luh who If short. then why should he: periali,ts and tbe \'atican" to sll'>·

1: join the Sen·ire~. wi1 ~n th~.v g~t B "IT ISLI\"D 1St fl 1 sari , 1wt the Communist t'h:ne"r :·r·-

.~, . • · · ·' · a - To '"rlron1c rJJtll~,·· ~.,. L••1••, rio !tot ll'a."te a111' ll.lllC " ·" ""· · ' 111m e. '" ' ' (;corge Butt. St. .John'~. ~pent

P.\TRICK Bl'RKE r.n an·ival at home. in ·g~ttin;: :the wrekcnrl on Bell Island. as , rlown to the Bo•·s Cluh. Several the gncsl of .\lr. and ~Irs. Wal·, nf them ha1·r. been kind rnough lcr l!il\ITO, Lance Co1·e Road. ' I II h I h · fl ~tr. Patrick Burke who would' n tc us l a l l" 111 urJl!'e of llr rrturned to St. .fohn's th B ('I h h · 1 ha1·c been 91 years old ~larch' e oy~ u as remamcr , sunday afternoon. · I with them, when away. 1 ' 2nd. died at his home in Bn_gus .

1 In the ncar future Floor Hoc- ! and was buried w1th Rcqmem

key and Bowling teams will he Pri"zes For ~lass, Feb. 26th, ' formed. Our members should One by one the "old f!Uard" : watch for notices regarding are Jeavinp: Brigus. Mr. Burke 1'

these activities. M. ()lOI"Cade will be sadly missed by his de· T h d d cl • voted daughter and son-in-law, wo un rc an tlurtv-onc b 1 t

members at the present iimc. __ ! with whom he passed I c as have renewed memlwrships. I Bell Island (Staff) -Prizes of · ,cars. an_d the three gra~ds~~~ This is well ahead of thi< time . sl~ SIO and ~5. arc to be , Leo. Dcms and Peter .. H

, v.. • ., h d - d htm some last year. We urge boys to re· · awarded to the t!1rcc motor ~ w 0 pre· e~ea,r d d hv the 1

new early in the year. To the 1

rehicles .Judged to he the best I years ago lias lrn e p. t . k \' Bo)'s of Bell lsland. we sa)', deeorated in the St. Patrick's · same •laughter. A son ]·a nc This Club is for you, make use Da,· motorcaM. and brother Brendan a •o_su_r_· ______ _ of it often. -·--

--W--- I

I Personals BRIGUS - Relatives and !

friends were greatly surprised on Sunday, March 6th. to rc· ceive a visit from an Ex-Bri· .ttonian in the person of )lr. Ted King, Visiting St. ,John's on le(al business. from Toronto, ht. tnok the nfternoon to visit ' with them.

The marria~e of ~Jr. ~·rank ' Morrissey to Winifred Percy of !

Heart's Content will take place on Saturday, March 19th. at St . John'•·

The wedding of Kathleen Walker, daughtt'r of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Walker to Ignatius O'Flaherty of Marysvale was solemnized on :uarch 17th. at 7.00 p.m. in the Roman Catholic Church here.

Mr. F'red Wcrkct', whn !tad been eonsulting with the Bri~us Knitting Mills for two yean ter· minated ilis association~ the first week in March and return­ed to Toronto. He feel~ that thr or~:anization is running well. The management has been as· 1umed by Mr. Ralph Roberts, who bas been doing it between the viaita of Mr. Werker. We wbh blm all possible success.

Mr. Fred Roberts was to have entered. the Grace Hospital on Wednetday morning last for X· ray1 and a general check uup, but unfortunately due to the severe storm, was not able to keep t!la appolntm~nt. He will be making the trip hi 1onn as further at·ran~:enwnts art• rnHII~. Let us lw(J~ th~t whuiL•wr tht aillllL'nt, it will t·cullily rt•spuntl j to whatcv~>J' h·eatmcnt is deter-

mined on. '

SPECIAL FOR CHILDREN Children's Shorts- Sixes 2, 4, 6 ........ 5 for $1.00

Boys' Flann9l Shirts ....................................... . 89c.

Girls' Blouses - Assorted colours .. ......... ..... 95c. •

Children's Cardigans ............... · ..................... 99c.

Boys' Reversible Jacke1s ................................ $1.95

Girls' _New Style Dresses ............................ $1.94

Boys' Ivy League Pants -Sizes 24- 34 ........ $1.95

Boys' Grey Flannel Pants - Sizes 24 - 34 .... $2.95



...... ' .J: t.;_•' j \ ... ,

'· .. ' ...

Page 3: COMPACT CAR VAUXHALL THE DAILY… ·  · 2014-08-04COMPACT CAR VAUXHALL ... 1 manite said the. officers pre·, ~cotta f1res

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..... q .· ~~--~ .. ~· ~

The Daily News \10t~MY,MARCH21,1960 ;;·




LaScie Fish Plant Cost $2,225,000·

The l.aSric fish plant which · world can make a surress of , .lob's l':ill be operatin~:. l'o~t it, this firm can:· added the · lht' Gm·ernment $2.225.000. · Fisheries ~liniste1·. 1

The rlant will soon be l'llm· 1 The I.aScle plant to get un· 1

pletrd. Hon. J. T. Cheeseman, dcr way cannot do with less · I 'linistrr of Fisheries told the than 100 of a staff and this D1ily News Sunday. Only the· will be a boost for the com· fini~hing touches are to be . mun it)'. As pr01lurtion in· addrd such as some electrical ; crrasc~ ~o will the labor ,-,o:·k and minor equipment fllrcc. :nstallation. The plant. :\1r. Clwc,cman 1

The old and rcli:~ble firm. said, is the most modernly· llf .Job's has leased the plant equippc•d in ~or\h Amerka ' ~nd will pay an annual rental . and should be able to prorlure ; t' lilt> gon~rnment. This firm. 1 fish quicker and more effi· added :\Jr. ChPPscman. has the. cil.'ntl~· than some older plants. tN·hnit·al -kill and prrsonnel Its !Gcation L' idral anrl wilh , to oprralt' sud1 a modern roads leadin~ from distant t•:'ant and hr is \'rry hopl'ful rommunitics the supply sboulrl lh~t. under thr new manage· he unlimited. .Job's own sc1·· n:rnt. the plant will he wry era! ci;·aggcrs which can be •un·('<,lul. .Job's ba; a bcll<'r rxpcrimcnlt'd with. if nrt·c•s· ,·!•:.nrc nf t:rll~ng _the plant .<ol)' in the ~cncral lot'ation or I :n111~ and keetlltl!l 1t in n:>rra· far ft·om lanrl. . tion And "if an,1·one in the .It i> only right that pri1·atr


rntrl'JH'isr tak1• r11·cr ~uch a magni firent plant and the :\linistcr is l'Onfirlcnt that La· ' Seir operation wi)] brcomc a ,. maJor industry .

\\'jth tlw full cooperation , of the peo;>le and t>spc!'ially ~ fishCI'III<'n in thr LaScic re· · gion the rnterprise ~houlp br ' I. a great Sltl'('rss. ~tr. Chrcse·

p if

. Spring A Little Late This, ,Year, Calendar Is Wrong( · Spring will he a little J;~tc: fare and cars were parked on· to car drh·ers for parking whii•· : lhb yr•ar. Today, ;ll-rurding lu both ;ides. At onr lime in the, the snow is still left on bo.fb.'' the r·alendar. it is the !ir,;t day afternoon, an ambulance could! sides. The 5anie applies to of spring; but Xcwfouudlanrlers not get through because of a Ordancc Street anrl o t b u•• know b1•ttrr than that when tie-up. If this section or the thoroughfares. they look out their windows street is not cleared today, cars Citizens must ~rin and bear and sre the mountains of snow. should be forbidden to park the Weather ~Ian's unsettle!!

Rrports tro~n ;arious parts of there. otherwise the same fre-. mind at the moment and unijl · the pronm:c 1nrhea\e that roads I qucnt mix-ups will occur. j the snow has been cleared, lt 'are !'till snow-blocked in many 1 )!an)' motorists for parking· would be a good idea if ~ places, and where the gallant: from Wood Street to Bates'. owners walked to work or uscil liidlii'"Y' D~partmcnt plowm<'n i Hill have received $2.50 tickets,! \be bus. ··.'.

·have !wen ahle to pPnl'lratc. the, but olhen were allowed to park~ Some compensating fact~ ~cub an• not yet wide rnou~h for free, not even filling a about the late snow. It is good . for two-way traffic. meter. 'a~ fertilizer for the farms anrl

In the rity. thP ~lunicipal; Bus drivers say they ha1•e, gardens and better still, it ma~ Cnuneil has a lot of rlowing to. nc1·er had to put up wi!h so. aid. the salmon and other earJi do hrfore city traffic returns mttch trouble from parked cars .. fisheries when the ri\'ers stait :n normal. Saturda)' h)' the: especially on some or the so- to carry the melting mow Oift llaiiy :\ens officr traffil' was: called gide streets. There is no into the ocean. Fish cnioy ~ h!'lrl np frequently hccau'r the rea,on wh)·. one bus driver !old fresh water ~trcams runuifil! '!tow had not bern rrmo\'erl thP Xcws \'Cstcrda\·, Arlclairle 1 deep into the oceau and foilil\· f1·om tht• siriP.< nf the thnrnu~l1- Street shouirl not t;e forbidden 1 the streams hack to laud. ,·

Rotary Sponsors Rehabilitation Council, E. J. Cooke President

'l'ro1cl on the Top•ail Jli;:h· '"': "'"' quilr an arlventure '" t'r the weekend. .-\ 'cries nf nnrm11. nne way <'Ill> held lip traifir for trn and firte·en m:nutr' at a timr. ~.' the flm1

man rlrl'ial'ed. ___ J.I_ _____ _ Cars pm·kcd on both sides of Duckworth Street 1\ here the snow lwd

not hcen rrnun ed caused se\'l'ral tmffic jams on Suturday. Durin!!; mw nl' th1·se til.'·nps ul 4.00 p.m. a General Hospital amhuhmcl' un an cmcr:;nt·y trill rushin!-: a lw:nl-ntla!·k victim to hospital was t•ompl<·Idy hlockccl an1l had In back up (see rirclr in (lhntn), then turn amund m11l .l;'' via Ball's' Hill and Qncl'll's Road. :\torr than .lt•,·cnty L·ars 1\l'rc iuvohcd in this par. ticular stoppn~e ns cars parked sncn feel from I lw curb outside snow­hankl formrd a hottlenel'k.

At a _gt•ncral mr.cting !1<•ld ~ in St. .lol~n's Fddii_•:. an im-

}JOl'l,'llll Hcp w.:-~r.: t:li\rn to·

) par on a pl<llllll'r! ~lllrl,l' n£ thr for a rchahiJitatirHI t'OUllril rehabilitation problem. l!e and to produce a cO!I>litution. indicatert thr need for eo-or- Dr. :llcCann ~avp a rletailcrl dination in all pha,es of the report on the Fte•carch aucl programme and pair! tribute Fact-l''inding t'aJTied out h··· to lho.;r P<'OJ>k who hacl done tlw Committee ond lhc rPpfJrl ~" mur·h to pre parr the wa)' of th,•Con~litution Cummittrr. for the ;:eneral meeting. Dr. ~frCann rra:~crl th<' work

• r:.•rrl and piled u:>. whiil~ '<'hil'ic, that had bo:.:gcd rlown.' "r:·r pn>hc'd or J>Ulled into 11~! inn ,'\:::am.

No Whaling In Canada

On ~~turrla\' afternoon. a !"onw Xt•wfoundlanders who :ci,u;rh milk. drlh·ei'l' trlll·k · m.t·d to ~o whaling off British :.cpt tr~ffit• M a l'l'a\1\ as it Columbia will be sorry \0 hear I The Latest '''''11 h•Iant J;· madr it< deli rei'· that the1·r will not he any 1 ir<. whaling in Canada this year .

• • • Anothct· ~l'idcner of de·

(Daily \r·11s l'l1olo In· 1-..r'HIIl'th'

\ hnmr on thr old l'rtty pres~l'd world markets for A• f c • A F• h Harbour Road. 011'11~!1 by :\Jr. meal and oill·ame in the an· trcra t arrlers s IS nr" lin::. was comple\cl.v nounc~mcnt that the British · · • '"'·"Cd under during la~t Columbia whaling fire\ will

;~~t,\~~Oti~S~~;~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~:· ~,~tno~~~;~\~;~~~s~~arlh~o~~a~~· Factory Sh.tps On Grand D\!\11~5 :ntn thrir bedroom. to get out and 90 in the plant, ha1·r been 1 ~ U U il a; 1\ of the hous!', then thcv had to adl'ised that the operation will I ft:o;ht their way to ihe roof be suspended. It normally, Newfoundland fislu•rman ,,.ill off its 'shor<'>. This is partif'll· with an nl•l rrp:•ir .·hip. by a and unco1·er the chimnt>y. t•ommenccs in April and runs rcrcire ~reate r competition larly trur at \he moment in tlw rnmp:::l) t'ornwtl in tJa· City ot "·hkh had been completely for six month~. says the BUI·J this nar. Whilr thrre may not f'35c of the rast coast-hut it. is London. ~nowed under a~ well. Neigh-. letin of the Fisheries Council i be additional foreign countries. an important consideration in "BL'hincl th<· l'<"llnrv i<" linn hours ro!lied to ::\lr. Dcwling's of canada. sending trawlers to the Grand 1\'l':<t coast thinkin~ as well. of ;hi!lhrokt•rs a:Hl ln:u,;;~<'r>. ~~~istance and helped to shO\'el Banks and other east roast fish-


A report in the Fishing :\('1\'s Lamhl'l'tand Br•:H!,.II. "' '"'''' 1 pathway to his door. s . J H ing centres, new methods and of February 19 indicates that cl1id. )lr. Harry Platt tn'd Fi>h·

• • 0 prlll!! 8 ere bigger ships will he used. Air· thr U.K. is preparing for in· in·:.: :\ell's tilat hl' had lwrn Thr snow plow travelling u 1 craft carriers may soon join the' creased fishing in distant workin~1on :hr·<·i for :war.

r-a~t on the Topsail Highway I Difficult to belie1·e? Mayhe numerous fishing craft now a watrrs. It states: "Two ai•·rraft ly a yPar. Tlw air,·ral i r;:r!'il·r· last )!onday. at the overpass' so. but Sprin~ officially began. common sight on the Banks and carriers are to br used as fat'· arc till' Oeean and the Tht•,c·ll>. b~· the Ken mount Road, did I yesterday, l\larch 20th, and in . coming from Britain, France, t tory ships to sen·iec the rtccp hoth t:l.OIIO ton,. ::nd t lw n·pair ~n une,·entfully. Later, travel· spite or ten foot snowdrifts, I Spain, Portugal, German~·. Italy. :sea trawling Ilcct. Thr carriers , ~hip Banpur;l 1 16.000 tons 1 .

ling west. It collided with : dropping temperatures, nd ·Norway, Russia, Belgium and. ha1•e been purchased, along: 1l.'ontinuc11 on l'a·~l' H 1 •omething 110lid under the~ snow flurries around 6 p.m., ·other countries. I ----.. ... ·- · --•now. It was a car, complete·, the Pussywillow, one of the . Attention has h~en drawn re· :~· sno"·ed under and eontain.

1 harbinger~ of ~pring was In· ccn\ly !~ the in~rcascd forci!:n ·"It four. :'mericam. all well full b~d. I compehllon wh11·h Canada is

and aw11ttn1 rescue. I Sprmg Is herP. facing on the fishing ~!rounds

CNR Costs for SJStem

1Oth Drama

Regional Festival

1 1•:arrls the rehabilitatirm uf till' 1 rl~':tbl<'d proplr of till,; Pro\·· I illct•. l'ndl'l' lllr 'I>Oil•:Jr,hip .1· rtf the St. ,John·, H"l'll')' club, , " .\r'l\!ounrll:mrl llPiwhilita· ' I :on Cnunl'il w,1, form;• II)' •ct

up with 11 ~lt.t(' nl ofi it't•r .... a , t'IH1"-titlltioll :111d :1 man :o-izPd i job to l:ll'klc in orrkr to !'Pill'!l

"'0111(' of it~ OlJjPelin'..:. 1 T!w :nr' ljw:,-' W:J· :.n, 1,'1" t!u~

•'J:1.. 1., '·• l,~o, .. A•J.o

Jl:mager f.~.R.

·ci1,1irman:-:tlip pf \lr. Ech!.ar :\Lilcr ;11Hl th.• ;..!Uf';o;t E'l)('al\PI'

was ti11: tlon. J]<:<d::n .1 .. \ilh .. tt. .\iilli~t<'r oi .\luniC'ipal .\l"f;"Jir..; and Suppl)· and "ini<l<'r ot Publi•· \l'l'lf:m•. T:1e lllL'l'ling took p:;"''' in tht' 'l'Jw;t!n· . .I oi 11 t ~cwvi("~~, II!':H lq uart "1"".

The minute~ ol thr prrrious or the l·ommittce and shower! nwrtin;: held on April 24th. how mueh effort was rrquircrt 19:i9. wrrc read b)' :\Ji>> Chafe 1rt 1>ruduce \lw I'Ct')' detai\er! of the Hchabilitation Olficr. reports he wa> submittin::.

.\Jr. 'tillrr introrluccrt the The rrport of thr Rcscan·h .~<1<''1 >pcake•·. lion. flea ton .1. and Fael· Filldin~ Cl>mnllttr• .\hboH. was >uhmitted for the l'Oll

AID FOR DISABLED 'id<'ration of the Council. ThP ~lr .. \bhott eongratutatrd lhr report of thr Constitution

!'l. .John's HoUtry Cluh for its Commitlf'r 11 "' adopted. Thr lri!dcrship in .<pomorin~ a rrpor\ of thP \'ominatin:t flchaiJi!it;nion ('rmncil. a:Hl C•>mmittce 11;1> .<uhmillC'•i h)'

itc r<'fnrerl to .<ome of ti:c 1 Dr. ~JeCann anrt the Chair·

IPgblaLnn P'"'rrt by the \rw· man askrd Dr. Leonard 'IIi!· c·onndlattrl Corernment for the lr:·. Ocput>· ~finister of Health.

to takr thr clwir for the rlec· tion of otficcr,.

THE EXECUTIVE Thr fnllowin;( otlieer< <HI<i

mrmhcr.< of the cxecuii\·r coundl \l'l'I'C r!ectrd:

l'l'l''idPnt. \Jr. E .. r. Cook~; First \'icc·Pre,:rknl. \Jr. W. 1.. Collins: SL·cnnrl \'iec·Pr<• .. i· dent. Dr. C. ;\lcCann: Honor·

110~. Jl, J. ARBOl'T, mni,trr of )lunicipal Affairs

and \\'elfarr

N fldl A • d 11u,·km;:.<tt•r'< Fil'!d, and 11 :" .. t Thl' lOth Newfoundland Re· rd. has not hrt·n deeidt·tl a< )·et. 1; 11·~ 1·iy atll'nr!ecl by reprc, 1·n· pn:·:""" of "''''tin;.! rJisr,blc<l r P·PO In e· !dOnal Drama Jo'estival begin!' The Al'inn l'layers ot (;all· ta;i\'l'' oi g<l\'l'l'lllllC'III depart- Jlt'I':'Uil>. ~lr. Abbott spoke of Wednesday, :\larch 30th. with dcr. and The \\';ll>ana l,ittll' llll'llt.•, J>ri 1·;<tt' ll'('lian• ;,:<<'ll· his per,;onal interest and till' !he first of four plays which Theatre. al>n hrpn i1<l'iled eie,; . .-:·;Tit·<' l'iuh•. <I'Hl pri· intcre,;t of other members of have been .accepted by the Fes· to partil'iJ>:Ilr in the Drama ""''' 'nrli,·irtual.- int 1·rc··tt·d in the C<thinet in the work of re·

T M t I H d t. · ~!;;)~C~o:tg~;~c;h~r:~t~~·~'i; · ~~.~~1i1~"\; 1 .,~~~.~, n:~':.';~r~;~n"';,~l' n;;; ,.,,,I:Hlit;;:1i1::" Fra• kf'r ::~~~;,i;~;~~~ir;;;· ;,\~,n~~~;~a ~~;~~~:!:~ 0 On rea ea qua ers present 'Duct for ,Two H.11Hls' do'" ht·r;lll>C of ln~>in<':'.' n·:t· \li1!1i:~·,.,. 11 t E<l~l~:;,'t';nn. 11·a, :11· and Ute great wurk she is do· <~irec\ed by Doris Jane~ .• The sons. Thl' \\'ahana Litilt• Thea- '" pn ,,•nt. .· . . in~ for rr'tardcd dtilrlren . .\lr .



I laymakers, also of Corner. \r11 had l'nlrrrd a ( anad1an 1 .\lr .. \lillt·r r]>r.'ll<'<l llw mret· .\bbott spokt• with [eclin~ in • Brook, will present 'The Bad pia)', IITiltPn hy )irs. E:ilecn · :n~ hy ,;llllwin~ wh)· thr I:nt:.:·:: inrtiealing the gre:!l need for ~IR. E. )lll.LER.

MOXCT~).:-;-AIIan W, Raf· '1 Appointed ~nspector , In· operation~ on th~ (,rand Seed' directcrl by Tom Cahill. Dieks of Bell !.'land. hut werr l'luh h<>d i11 tcre,tc<I it.,elr in rchahili\alion of the rJisahlcrl. ~5, ~upel'l~t~ndent d of tlhe cha~ge. ohf codmmlss.ary sei'VIces. Trunk Western l.laiiWa)l at 'Winter \\'erlrling', dircctr<l by informed their thY "''" not up I hi< i•rob!t•m and h<' n•lii'IITd COMMITTEE WORK

Pr~sidrnt Rotar~· Cl11h

~ Pepmg, dm ng an par or 1 at :l:olt Sy ney In 19:11, he! Battle Creek, ;\·licll., during, Neala Griffin, is the North· to Frstil·al slandanb. hriel'h- <o 111 ,. of lite ll't'l·k .. ar· The rrport of the Prod,iun· ar;· s~cr<'tar)·. \IJ>' t;ra•·• cad deparlment of Canadian I later was named ,.chief clerk. the Illness of the incumbent. eliffe Drama Group's contri- Adjudicator L!'on :\laior will ri<'d ;:ut b:• ti:r: l'rnvi>imwl at Committee \\·a; gi\·en by Rc) nolrb: llonorar;· Trcawr· Xationa_l R~llways' Newfound. of lh~ department at Halifax. i He ~as transferred to St. hution. and 'Ciarembard'. dircc· :tn'il'e S:n:d:ty. :\lar .. h 27th .. and Cnmmilt(';• i!llrl 11,._, ,,u·ious llr. c. ~lcC~n11 . This eummit· cr. ~lr. R. F. Sparke~: Execu· la~d District, has been ap. In 19~3 he was promoted to ,John~ two years ago to be .ted bv Denys Fen·~·. the St. (l'ontinuPtl on Pa·~e 141 'U'Ht:lllll~ittl'r.< wllil'h have tee had been set up in April· tl\'c :\!ember,. ~lr. Robert pomted general supervisor. of ~gent at Jasper, Alberta. and supermtendent of hi.; depart· John's. Players.' The order in ·- ... -.-- .. - . - .. a! most a 19;;'l. to im·rstigate the need , t Continued on Pa~e 14 l l'OSts for the system Wlt.h In 19:16 c~me to ;\'(.ont.real to "'!ent on the Newfoundland ! which the plays will be .p. re,cnl· I s· ' s I headquarters at 1\lontreal, It' be supcr\'lsor of supplies and district. ---·.--- . 1.. Impsons~ ears was announced Friday by H. wage expense for the systl.'m. 1 ;\irs. Raflus is the former I I ·'· Simons, general manager 1 :Mr. Raf!~s was ~iven the 1. Eva Pickering of Halifax and Car H1•t Official Onenin(J. or the department.. •


special assignment m 1957 ~f. t~cy ha\'e one daughter, ' , ~. · ~ ' :\tr. Raftus, a native of Hall· heading the departments I Cathryn. I Wednesday's Daily N~1ws I

fax has mo!e than 17 ye~rs~ -- ···- - · · .. · ...... -------·---.. -------- By Tra•·n : will carry all the news of · nperien~e. m ~he operat!on, : Simpson's·Sears grand open· and ad~m1strat1on <_~£ sleepm~ · in g. A section wi 11 be pre· and dmmg car serviCes across 511 nted to the public an· . Canada.. , . A car driven bv a man named· nouncing extra special v\!: !

He Jollied the DIR m the , . I Steele was practically demolish· i ues. Watch for it, sleeping, dining and parlor I ed on Saturday night when it : r .. r department in 1942 and :\. , attempted to cross the railway 1

~hortl~· after enlisted in the "' track about one mile cast of' False Alarm Canadian Army. He returned Glenwood in I he path of an ap-! to the railway upon demobili· proaching I rain. The driver of: zation at the end· of 1944 and :• .. ".;•:l the car was not hurl. The car A nrw anglr to progressed through various 1 was damaned to the extent of alarm racket that has heen I positions before becoming . . 1 $1700. b I plaguing city firenwn for years district equipment supervisor ' was added yesterday morning, in .1949. ; when somebody phoned the

Acc'IDE·NJS ·Central Fire Station and slated that an oil burner was givin·;:

Att~nding National Convention

trouble at the home of a certain family on York Street. When

Several two · car collisions I firemen responded to the call, I were reported to city police: they found no fire and nobody


over the weekend. In all cases i in the house with the slightest 1 : only minor damage was report·j knowledge as to who had sent 1

II ed, A three-car collision early

1 in the call.

Saturday morning resultcrl in -------Mr. R: Fraser Neal, manager 1 the arrest of the driver of one '

of The llusical Clock Limited, 'of the cars on 8 c·harge of Many Proj·ects .', is presently attending the 38th drunken driving. At 10 a.m. Annual National Convention Saturday, a parking meter was 1

and Photographle Trade Show hit by a car and damaged to At c J L ke : Of the Muter Photo Dealers some extent. ·aro a I and Finishers Asaoclatlon. The Convention-Trade Show is held this year from March 21st Poli"ce B' Iotter Carol Lake, Labrador, will be ,. to March 25th at St. Louis, a hive of industry during the )(iaouri. 1 next six months or longer as

Durin1 this event, over 190 work starts on the crusher fil'IIIS will be exblblting the 1 Thirteen arrests were made plant, ·housing project and town ne-t deYelopmenta in tbe I by city police over the week· site. pbotolnphic field. Throup end. One man was arrested for The contra cling firm of I Mr. Neal'• purchuinl eUortl; · impaired driving, one for ob- Richard arrd B. A. Ryan, Ltd .. tiMM new produeta from Kodak, 1 s\rueting police, one woman for Montreal, has been awarded the i Bell aad Howell, Allaeo, Gene- disorderly conduct, one man for contract to build the crusher ,. nl J:ledril, Leica 111d other AFI'ER THE STORM-In St. John's for repairs ufter a safekeeping, one under warrant, plant for the Iron Ore c.ompany ._ amllfaeturen will lOOft fearful battering on the Atlantic, the Portuguese trawler ?ne for being drunk and carry- of Canad~. The same f1rm has · "' • dllp1IJ It TIM KUiieal .,_. •-.J- of A • '-'.:h left L' b M' h 2nd h mg a concealed weapon, two for also rece1ved the contract to a.t Liaited. · .,.... AIIWW vetro, Wuw 15 011 arc • as breaches of the Liquor Act, one erect the 92 apartments of two,

llr. Nlll'• buylnt trip wlll tied up on the Southside. Part of the after-deck ~~d to] for theft, and one given in . three and four bedrooms. esti I IIIIo &lb Ilia to ml,jor CIDa· be replaced. The helsrnan and another sailor were InJUred charge for being drunk and dis· I mated at oi'Cr two millior . .. ..... -----·. _ wllen liMp wav• · brob eut hvo windows on the bridge. orderly in the home. dollars. l

LADIES' DRESSES Choose from 3 different qualities ...

1. All black flannel. Chemise style dres~ with smart white bengaline collar and black bow tie. V-pleated back with large bows across hips. 6 large buttons down Front of dress. t~ sleeves. Sizes 9-17.

2. Floral printed cotton dresses, so very smart, so new. large sizt!S 38-44.

3. Dressy rayon dresses in floral and flecked designs on blue, brown and grey ground. Wide flared style with neckline softened with a plealed cape effect and ornament­al clasp. All% sizes: 14 1.~ • l6Y2 • 18\2 • 20Vz.

All These Dresen 2.75 One Price

, .... ·. ~-~~, .. ,, _. .\~,


Page 4: COMPACT CAR VAUXHALL THE DAILY… ·  · 2014-08-04COMPACT CAR VAUXHALL ... 1 manite said the. officers pre·, ~cotta f1res

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\lewfou11dland's Only· Morning Pap"

. -. . • . \E.\RU St1BSCIUPTION RAn~

Can.ula Sl2.00 per anuum Unittd Kingdom

and all torei~ C"<>untries $14.00 per ann•1m _,uthorizrd .~~~ second class rna~

Pl"~l Office Department, Ottawa.

The DAIL \' NEWS is a momlm pa/Jet· C.!itablished iu lSI:H, and pub~ 1is 1cd at the 1\'cw~ Bnildin!!, :355-331 i)uckwnrth S~.cet. St. John's, New· oundland, by Hobin:xm & Company .imifnd,


The Canadian Pres• i~ exclusively ~ntitlcd to the use for republication of all news despatches in this paper crediied to it or to the .\ss<~eiated Press or Reuters and also the local O'!WS published therein.

A II Presg Jrvici! and leature articles in this paper are copvr:ghted and theil reproduction is prohibited.

• Member Audit Bureau

of C!rculation.

~IONDAY, ~lARCH 21. 1960

Struggle For Shipping Business \n article in the Financial Post re·

r.-.·ts (l'nl·rrn in Canada about the hi~h ' 'lt~n!r r>f C.m.1elian imports and t'X·

1'• ·m are routed h" wa'' of Ameri­; .. ,,1 pnrt<. TherE' i~ als~ cm;sidered the ~:,,·;i\'ral roiled ol the Seaway on the , nlillnE' Clf hminr~§ in Canadian ports. lnfluE'nrnH: this situation is the likeli­b·od nt a .lon!lrr oprn srason in thr St. Ll"T<'nce. \\1u1 will this mran to St. l··hn\ .u d Halifax? Jlnw will it affrct t1 1e (lrw·lopmrnt of m•w transshippin~ :··'"' ~uch as R1ie C<>meau? \\'hrrr will \ ,~" jr.::n.lhmd tit int<l the pichn·t•?

T" c> h.lrh,>nrs han• hePn comidrrl'd .·. i·.h--1! ,it.·~ for a major tr:ms>hippin!!

.·. r.~:·•·:• id '''"·fmmdland. ()up is \· :~1:·1 ]),,,. Tlw olht•r i- Hay D•·~pair.

\!,I! !It' I H.t\ ,tiO .t ':!_rt':tt fn·e vnrt t1r<\t

.: ... :.,,,,ll·chi:d "!H. C. Thnnw.·.nn. 1 ·, : "1 '·.) , ;t .. r .• 1 111.111 "ith an ido\t

,; .: .. ~t·d In, "hnlr• lilr l" its lui­, • \;,.rti·r Ha1 ;, th:· \!l't'.ot inlt"t

.. •' • 1,, j .. ; l)ti''ill P''!lill,lll'l·~ hiu>l · · ,, .t .. •." ;, ib m:~;or harh.>m.

... :·· 1:· ,;~, <tc!<d .utd do•Pp \\,ttl'r.•. I\· ::< 1 (;r.tlld Fl•·<·l. at th(• lwi:;:ht

. ; ,., r•''·' n. l'llllld l';tsih- han• auchorl'tl 1 ''"!'"~''"11 M\\' \, lrortier Ha1· as the

~ . •· ,t !:,,,. 11nrt in tlw ''orld. He \'isn· - . . . ·rl ,; .lllrm -<lralt bJ..r hoats pourinc:

· · , thi, h.l\ in tlw prriocl nf oprn :.:. tt<>'l i;, thP GrPat La!..!'•. carr~·­

. :· ::,,. l''"th:··t> nt tlw \Iiddie \\"P\1

• ':l-'"t,l'.!,, ,md bt~n(!illl!, hal'k thr pro­:· ~~- .,f the worlcl whiPh hao hrrn • Jfl'·,,.,,,,.d dmin~.; the wintrr aftC'r 2 · .~ •. 1r:;t"' h>m n~ean-(!ninc: shippim: '·' 11k'1 h.~d piPked up grain and other ~:.,re-1 cart!of'S to ·fill their holes on

their return tri1>s tn a multitude ol world ports. Thompson's imagination carrird his dream onward. He saw the good grazing lands of the Hnrin peuin­sula filled with shE·rp aud catllr. Hf' saw factories rising to assemble tbr parts of machiues of many kind!. ln his \'ision. ~!ortirr Ba\' would becomP one of thr great indt;striul crntres of

the world. Since thl' war. ~lortirr Ray has found

a competitor in the harbom that liPs at the bottom of the great, sheltered inlrt that some pruple t•all, with a ton~lll'·twisting dfort to pwnmmce tlw FrP~lch of the mod:•rn nomenclature. 11:1\" d'Espoir. ami that othPrs prefl'r m~rt· h1ci1PI;· to t•all Hay DL'Slxtir. This has af.,o its ~(lPC'ial aLl\'anta!'(es. Among thL'"' ma1· lw ltlllllht•n•d the plPntiful­m·s' ol ,~·att·r. <'om! bud, accrssibiP po\\er n\ rr a sl~11rl transmission line. :mrl p<ltcntial rna<l mnlacts with cen­tral ;uul <':t~km :\t>wfoundland.

But in tht• tinnl analnis. a choit·e ol port~ llllhl n•st on sou11d en~inPPTing ,tudies. Our cmt<'l'rn at the momeut is with the importance of undertak­ing tht•sp stmlif's on a joint federal­prodndal basis. \\'!' ha\'e been theoris­ing long enough ahnnt the utility of a weat transshippin!! port on the south l'Oast of Xcwfoundland. :\ow the time has t"omr for an ohjrdirr. inu<'prnd­rnt factual sur\' PI, (!Parl'd not only to the comparath·e utility of the sng!!est­ed harhours hut aho to thr transporta· lion needs of the Canadian nation. lt is important rnongh to command im­mediate and urgent consideration.

Let Us Remember John Guy ~i; Cf'ming summrr will see thr

~ · J~h annin•r'sary of the arrival of l :1n Cui' in :\rwfoundland to found ; ; .l';;ny financed and sponsored 1::1df'r ro~·al ch~rter b~· "the Company : • .\cwaturer~ and Planters of the city c>i .·!.c:1dnn and Bristol for th<' colony rr l'lar.t.ltinm in :\cwfoundland.''

Cui' c.,me to ~ewfoumlland with a f.t"et ol tlm'l' ~hips. of which the "En­c.: •• mmr" was lla~ship. in Au~ust, 1610, and th;:rP is a pleasant and not nece5·· apocryphal tale that seeking a fa\'Ourahle sit~ in thP nPighbourhood of "hat ~~ now Port d!' Gra\'e, he was ~;nidtd hv a man named Dawe of that pia~ tn. th~ finP littll' harbour of \.upid~ or rnpar's Cm e. Thl' Di\\\'l'S ha\P het'n in rort de Gra\1' for a long h"'lf'. Th~>' rna,· wrll have planted there Gm:s hml'. F~· y~~rs a!\c>. l"n thl' ot'Casion of

thl' ten·rntrnaf\' n£ Gm·'s arrh·al, cell'· brabon, wtre held and. a simple monu-

ment set up in a field in Cupids to mark the site of the settlement. A special series of postage stamps was issued to commemorate this famous e\·ent.

Xow. with onh· four months to go to the J50tlt anni\'l'~sary. no word has been heard of an\' intention to have a special celebration. or to provide a more suit­able monument than that which now marks the spot. It is probably too late to pPrsnacle the Canadian post office to put out a special commemorative stamp but the effort might well 1M made.

The ~ewfonndland Historical Society, the Tourist Department and the Cana­dian Historic Sites ancl Monuments Board are all bodies that should be glad to take a direct part ia the prepa­ration of a mitable commemoration proJ~:ramme, But timE' iJ getting on. A committee to deal with thf'; matter ought to be set up without delay.

The Sun Crosses The Line We ba,·e come to the time of the

first of each year's two equinoctial ~riods when the sun crosses the line to marie either the official beginning of spring or the end of summer in the no•m hemisphere.

The ,·emal equinox may marie the t«hnical arri\·al of spring but it can hardly be uid that it i~ a reliable index to · the immediate beha\iour of the ~~th~. 111 this respect. spring may be lang deferred. But in one respect the equinox is invariable. It iJ the time "'!len day and night are of equal length. ·we haY!' already observed the lengtb­

eilm; nf d1~·1ight and thi~ help~ 11~ to ~ more tl"lrrant oF "·inter's la~t ";.::lent ~plurg(''. H nwevrr, it i~ to br ~p!'d th.1t ",. ha' I' ~etn thr wor~t for t~;~ \'l'ar anrl that thf' clrrk of th" '~hFr \\ill tr: tn miiJ..I' up tn 11~ fnr f~: ~unshine ('!( which we have bet'l deprh·ed to an excessiv-e deifee in Feb-I.;o.ry and ~larch. • .

Ttu~rt' .m• th;"e who cnnteml that tlw

'·. :1tht>r on the day of the- E'fllliliox i a reliabl~ index to prevailing condi-

tions during the spring. That, of eoune, is an old wife's tale in the same class with the notions that exist about eqlli· nOctial gales or rain ow St. S'Wi.thun's Day.

The important thing iJ tit let tlte kind of weather tha.t will allow the commercial year to get into its full stride and make available the jobs that so many are patiently awaiting It the present time.

Strength For Today By EARL L. DOUGLISI

IT CAN Bi DONE Onr of Lhe most strikin11 stnriN that

came nut of thr first meeting of the St~C·

· urity C~uncil of the UN wa1 thE' account of the casting nl tht> first vot~. The tin··. smith, who madt the box, left a note therein for tht u1embltd dlplomatl to ponder. In tht nott he Vlntured to speak I)Ot only fur himself but for si! ent millions ·who hope and pray for per· manent peace. He left the fint vote in the box, his vote for peace, and he In·

I.OCAL INDUSTRIES What the Director of Economic De·

\'clopment has ~aid in effect aboul the Adler chocolate factory at 13ay Rob· erls is true about all local industries enr,aged in the production of consu­mer goods. These call for a liberal measure of patronage by ~ ewfound­land con~umers to underwrite their success. But that is not always gin•n in the degt·ee that· is necessary and justified.

In the rase of Adlers it is staled that the produl't is the equal of anything of the kind produced in thp Canadian markPt. \t has been reported that a drmand ha' been created on the main· land in thp face of competition which. stiff enough in an~· circumstances. is made stiffer by the high cost of trans· po!'tation on the inward flow of raw materials and the outward flow of finished products. 'Further competi· tion is provided by the low cost of im· ported goods.

But the contention is put forward that the principal factor in creating a lay·off 'in the factory is that a sub· stantial inventory has been built up and that an lncreue in local con· sumption could take care of this. That may require an intensive promotional effort. In many consumer products several factories may produce goods of identical quality and value and this has made merchandising a prime fa<"tor in creatiug the differeuce between failure and success.

Since we are not personally partial to candy in any form, we must admit that we are not conversant with the extent of the Adler line. But we ha,·e noticed that whlle in the past man)' small ~tares had some represt>ntation of the company's products, recenlly they ha\'e been tess apparent. Whether that means that draler:; han• not hrlp· ed to promote thE' line or haYP found it to mm'e too slowly-and it must hr

. remembered that cand.l' store's must opE'rate on qui<"k turno1·er gnod!i--·\1'1' do not know. Again, we arr unah!P from pt•rsonal knowkdgr to •;ay wh~th~ rr the local company ker?s abrrast of the variations in \nra! rlrmand whic·ll constitulP a hill fartnr in tbe sale or this rla~~ o£ merchandi~r.

But all thPse thinl!s a~idr. and think· in;: in grneral term~. wr h~I~P always


Editor Daily X ews, Drar Sir-The most nt>gle~·ted and

rugged highroad in llte Pro1·incr of '\e\\'foundland toda)' is the Torbay Road. In other words the road begin· ning at St. .John's east and going through to Cape Francis. From time to time to time thousands of dollar' have be<'n wasted in repair work on this road, but still the road is full of pot holes and rough and always badly in need of repairs. A proper paving job done on this rrad would eliminate all this unnecessary waste of moneY and give the publlc a good rond to 'drive over.

From time to time promises and more promises have been made to pave the road. The member gets elected. goes to office and then comes back again fOF election, more promises arr made but no paving job. Tnday the people on the Torbay highroad are driving on promises and thr)• find il quite rou~h. it's bang, bang in the pol holes. After one trip over thi5 road you would need repair5 to ycmr car and repairs to yaur health a.< well.

There are quite a number o( branch roads leading off thi5 main dri\'e. Some of the~e are called by-roads, often re· ferred to as lanes. Most of them are important to the people that live ·near them, but those are the forgotten lfOUp and very little is over done to them, to make them passable for thE' people that have to use them. One in particular that is called Bullock.~ town aide road. is one of the most rugged roads tver drove over and near this road are farmers and other valuable busin~ss people. The next one is Newtown road, badly in need of re· palra and very little done for it. Thl' next one ls Lower street, this is the mala lead to the salt water and the fbh.lntr In Torbay. There are !'our or tlve other lane like roads that at·e vital to the fishing business. They are 10 badly In need of repairs, that you would want to bring a set of spare tlrn t.o make one trip over them.

· Tltere Is a new dock in Tapper's Cow with no road to it, for the fisher· men ta get their fishing equlpm~nt

there to go fishing. This is poor atrategy on the part of the planner~. wha built the dock at Tapper'5 Cov~. It is like Iandini! on the Fuuk Islands to start fl!hing with no breakwaters to ltop the rough.sf'as that are pound­inl the. shores. This is more backward work, like building a new dock with ll<J road, one thing the people of Tor. bay can do is to land their fish in the rouJh place either by short wave or -:--7'""--:-~~--·----­

vlted world diplomats to join with him In makinl( lhf vote unal'imous.

One of today·~ mo~l di~conrrrling

rPnlities i~ that with pradically ev~r)'·

one wantinll peacr, humanity aftE'r Pach war has sunk back into further cnnflict. Tody, ninety·nine per CE'nt of all peoplP in the world want peace. Even the dlplomata who so often muff the ball want piiace. But they have iOt so into !he habit of playini the old game iu the old way that st,urrely has the order \)(>rn gi I'Pn In cra~r! firing before trouble starts all o\'cr again.

ub>crvcd in :\ewfoundland before ami since confederation a somewhat de· plorable and deuigratory attitude to· wnrds the output of local factories Through time, consi:;tcncy of quality, promotional effort and by other means. certain local industries have broken down consumer resistance to the local prodm·t. But the~e arP the rx~eptions. If the output of a te~tile plant Nn fintJ a marl;et on the mainland in ti1e faee of fierce competition. it should dcser\·e a good receptiJn ill :\P\1'· foundland. But there is and always has been a cleprp_,in~ attitude that nothing that is made in this pru1·im·e ean be as good as the imported arlidr. It has often brrn hctlrr but that i< c.n idea that too many eonsume•·:; rcsi ;l for no \'alid rt>a:-.ons.

Tlwre are ·"mw thing.', of ''"11:·,,,., thal are hard to heat. For exampk, :\ewfoundland cement i< under>Lod to be a rer;.· good produr:t but freigitt rales are an obstaclL hard to ovrrcome. Trans·Atlantic transportation cools are far below those pre1·ailin~ in Canadil. And the succes,; of .-n1all industries in a remote province like :>;ewfoundland must depend on al'tion by the gorcrn· ment of Canada lo eliminate I he di~· advantages that the eastP.rnmost prov· ince suffers brcau~e of tile g•·ote~que

economic situation impu~ed on it hy the nalure of the ea,t·west mo,·etllel:t of the canadian economy. Sometimes we think, regardless of the initial and even the rontinuing l'o:L that th!' o:1ly way to deal with th1s 1ituation i~ for the pro1·incial ,1:!0\'ernmcut to <ull~i·

dize the capital eost of pl'llvidin~ an efficient loeal f]e!'t and. if net'C5Sar.v, to subsidize also its operating co~ts.

In this materialistic world, t•n:tsu· mers may not be concerned with the contribution thC')' ought to nnkc to tile underwriting of local industt·~·. B:Jt if they are trul~· r~albtir•. they lll<ic t know that e\'el')' dollar tiw;. ~pent! tn '~!P·

port employmr~t in \r\·, fll'.!lldland bring~ tiwm indirn·t IJpnrfit•. \obod;· i< ahlf' lo afford to suh•idiz'' an unpeo· nnmie rntNpri•e by pa,dng 1nnrc for goori~ tl1an !-.!rnilar ('{Jmmndit:P~ <·an hP pl'{)("lll'f'd for iJut. ali thin:"' hPi:lg rea~onallly equal. tile !oral produd should grt the p:·crrrenr~. l!oii'PH'r. in a <·ountr;· in ll'hi~h t'f>'l,llm~r trade i, dominated by p;·omotinna[ mer· ehand1.•ing. the ind\:>!:'io~;; th~msel\'es

mr•st pia,· t hrir full part.

The Editor ](lng wa\'e.

To1·bay mis;;rrt ol!t nn hal'ing a rlream house hail!.. They mu:.t bP the forgotten people by ti1~ men that they hPlrrd I o put in uffie<' in St. .John's ea>t and in Otlall'a. Tori-Jay wa~ by. ;1as:<ed by th~ dream housE' building pmgram. but they a:·~ hnild!ng one at Flatrock. tl1is is a fine rou~hl place for a dream house. sometime' r~icrrcd lo as community stage. II will be a good place for the fishN·men to play cribbage and tal), about the good old days and watch the big seas roll in on the FlatrGek shore~. where there is no breakwater to prevent them.

In my opinion it would be better for the Federal authorities to single thE' Flatrock hills for the people of Flat· rock instead of building them a dream house without a breakwatPr, mort money gone down the 1lrain anrl mor~ ~leps in the wrong direction. 1n the fishing bu~iness.

Getting back to m~· hi~hroar\ pro· gran1. Over Torba~· road rolls ~n

average of two thousand cars pt>r day. There is traffic to pouch Co1·e. Fl~t·

rork. Bauliuc, Portugal Con.'. ~Iiddle

Cove and Outer Co1·e. It's the must u:<ed road in all Xewfoundlanrl, but like I have before ~tatcd the most neglected and badly in need of being pa\'ed. ·

By an art of war. Torbay road ..... as paved from St. John's t.o the Airport, hut the res\ was left in ~ sling ever sinee. This to our touriot and other \'isilors to ':-;ewfoundland and to all the pa.'siug public in ~:eneral. looks like ~ man with a hea1·y beard on hi! fa<·e and one s~de clean shaved.

The paving of Torbay hig!1way would be a step in the right direction in get· ling more people to visit our great fishing eommunities, also our · gn·at trouting lakes and rivers, where the lo(n•at rainbow trout are to be found, in othl'r 1' unls lhl' l•ulllt> of the rain· bow. \\'p are badly iu m•ed of good pan·d roads for I think the people of thi:; l'Ommunity are tin~d of prom· ises. It's time for some action to be taken to pave the Torbay Cape high· wa~·.

Yours truly, .TACK DOD1J.

---·---.. --NEW TRADE TREATY St. Catharin~s Standard

The nel\' trade agrerment between Canada and Au;:tralia i~ more than accord · in pro\·iding increased safe· guards and improved access for Can­adian exports to Australia and Aus· tralian imports to Canada.

The provisions made for closer con· sultntions and co·operatlon between the two <'ollnlril'~ in thr fiPlcl of t1·ade l>ro,·idP a \"Pry important inno,·ation in the new a!!r~rmrnt. Formal rna· rhinrry will he r:;lahlished to enable

· nisrussinns to ht' helrt on any matfer ari~ing frnm the operation of the agreement or any other matter hav· ing a material effect on their trade. It i5 important to ncte in thb connec· lion that Canada has given an undtr· taking to consult, in advance when

. e\•er pradicabl<', about any import restrirtions tm Australian products. Australia has given Canada a recipro·

I I .

:•''"( ·: ; . A. f...'v :·J.''·


Edson In Washington


Bv PETER EDSO); :\EA \l'.ashington Correspondeut


WASHICiiGTON - tSE.\\ - <'on· gr~''ional has~le ol·er new sugar legis· latio~1d and a new sugar quota for hdet Castro's Cuha is developin~t. into more of a domestic American pohhcal battle than it is a foreign policy issue.

The fight centers around II western senators, one southern senator and all House members from ~ugar·p~oducll~!! states who are up for re·cleclton th1s

vear. , Their idea is to cut the Cuban sugar quota and divide it up among their own sugar producers.

The result is that • score or more sugar bills have been introduced in Con­gress tn readjust all do:neslle and lm·

Port su•ar que~tas. Exlsllng sugar legls· M • t So \ation expires Dec. 31. m any even ·

here's a sweet opportunity for senators to sugar up their nwn cane and beet

grower~ and refiner.~. 1 bi~· Ha·.\'aii ~nd Puerto Rien are a. ' 0 . ~

sugar producers, so their poltttctans hal·e an interest in this, too .

This sticky situation is further com· p\icated by tltl" fact that southweslern congressmen like Sen. Barry Goldwater of Arizona are swfi!t on old Mexico. a~d would like to see its sugar quota Jn·

creased. . h Other congresesmen from states Wlt

no sugar production of their own hut sympathetic to other Latin-American sugar producers-Brazil. Peru. Hattl and even Dominican Republic - would hkf' to see them get more U.S. ~ugar hust·

ness. All this would be pretty rough on the

Cuban people who have been good. e.x· porters. to and importer! from the lmt· ed States for half 1 ceotury. to !ay nothing of American owners of Cuban sugar properties. So here the White House and State Dept. get into the act as guardians of U.S. foreign policy and trade.

An Eisenhowt'r administratiron m~'r bill ha! been in preparation for •ome time, with co·operation of thP D~part· ment of Agriculture. which administers the ict.

It was supposed to go tn the C":>.pitol before President Eisenhower l~ft for Latin America. One report is that the new bill was delayed because the Pre~i· dent was going to Brazil. which wants a larger quota. Bul lhe m~ssa~r should drop soon, perhaps before this i5 print· ed.

In the past. !ugar l~gislalion h:.s t,r~n rPnewed for se\'er•l y<'ars at a tmw. This year, Rep. Haro!d D. t'<>ul .. y ! D· N.C.), chairman of the llu11se A!(rkul· ture Committee. favors a simple one· year extension of pre;;ent quotas. This

cal undertaking. ov~r almost three d~~ades thl' 193!

agreement has pro,·ed of c"nsiderable value to both countrie~ ~nd h~s mad~ an important ('ontributlon to the not· able Increase in trode oy~r the p~r~orl. The present is a particularly llu!piri· ous time for inauguration of a new trade agreement between Canada and Austrilia.

Measures taken by the Australian Government have not only increased very markedly the total level or im· ports Into Australb hut haxe practi· rRIIY rliminat~d discrimination a!l;~in~l import~ from the dollar arl'l, includ· ing Canada.

There is evPry reason lo belieYe that the years immediately ahead will see an uninterrupted continuation of the tremendous economic arowth which in the immeQiate Pllit hai been such a characteristic feature of both countrie!. The of the ·new agreemt>nt should mark lht' coniment·t· mtnt of a period of furthri' rJ~pansion in trade between Canada.and Australia.


\ i _. :;;·i;, 2 !'Xp~rt .-:lid t;1e uther da:t lll~i ~·;:, t'?~\ ~ ~:1o·.\· \\·J~i-.iti1LOI1. D.C., r:·:;:(. ~·:1:.; 1113~.' h~'ar b<ltt~r than mo:;t

.\ '11C .: i~· :.t~~:;. . In .ame j.>la"·~;. subllormal h~anng

nr:.· a:;cl'1 up lo :;o per rent or the r>c~ple teo.t:Ll. Eut i 1 \'.'a,i:i:'lgl'Jll tiltl ti;,urc runs uul:·· ai)(,~t 12 per rent.

\\'e to1a:: be able ta g.:t e.L the rea~on fM ti:i,; if we f:Jlluw our expert closcl,l'. Hr pn:nt' out that mo't people hear hett~r through l~>e IE"fl ear tha.n ti:rougil th~ rigil\. .\nd hE' think.• th:s li1i' ma·: be dt<~ to !he ~timulation thl! I~a ea~ gd; L·om <"Cn5tant u>e in tr lc ;>hvl: n ;t. .

\\'ell if use >linmlate~ the audltory 11 e,.1 e5 · and m:.kc:< llear:ng ~harper, ti1rn we have our an,wer.

\'.here more than in WaEhington. the home of our walkie·talkie states~1en, rlo the human ears-both left and nght -get more prat'lire?


Wititin less than 2 1~ months. the leaders of thl' great powers Will IS• semhle for the long heralded summit meet:n~. Optimism i.• not high today that tht',. will find a path away from thrir ha'bitual ri:;:idit:!'~.

Di<armament and thf' futur~ of Ber­lln <cern certaio to be the chief to{licl of disl'usston at that conference. Both art• now in deadlock.

On di5anuament. the heart of th• di,pute is what it has always been: Rus~ia's refusal t:> accept what we re· gard as ironclad in;;pection controls at e1·err stage of a disarmament plan.

Over· the years, this point of co.n­tention ha~ shown itself in many dlf· ferent circumstances. Right now. for in;;tance. it is at the center of the East· \\'est argument in Geneva O\'er a pos· sible nurltar test ban.

We believt that only by cherkin~~: an ~usp.~;ou;; sei.<mir learthqualf.e.JikP) di,turbanci'S could we hop!' to bring sm~ll under6round nuclear test!' un· der control. So we fa,·or excludtnJ these small tests from any ban.

The Ru:siam: want them included. Thev sa\' w,., ran check any stismie rtisl~rbJ~ces, provided we agre~ to an anuuat limit on lhE' number of such checks within the So\·iet Cnion or eiJ!· where.

But they won't tell us how many inspections they ..... ould allow, nor agre~ that the numh~r should be de· termin~d on a sci!'ntific rathl'r than a proliti~a\ basis. So we·r~ baek to the ~~me old brkk wall.

In tl':p matt~r of B<'r1il'1. WP are de­t~rmin!':i as alway~ to assure its free­dc:m from Communist control. The Rus:ians want our armed forces out of there.

.\s a p:·essure de,·i~~. they continue to Lhrcaten the si1ming at an early elate of a separate peace trPaty with E:1sl (lt·l'loJany. w:w,t• ~nil !'Ju·mnpassl'~ l:lerlin Thr~ l'••mht !hen ar!(tlt' that tdlt' l'i::r;l.l"' tla~·ft'~ lilti u~-. ... ll t-~.liujUi£ht1-d. ~vould gi1 e lh .' l'llb~u situation a l'!!an<·e to <·ry>blin· i~;lo l'c!id)'. And it would pre1·ent au election·year taffy pull in the U.S. Co:1gress.

If Cool~y or SeMI!' Agriculture Com· mittee Chairman .~l'cn Ellender. ID· !.~. i r~ll puhlic hearings on sugar. the lid will b~ off and th~ pot will boil 0\'er.

So f!r. ~~~d!'r5 of th~ t'.S. can! and b~~t sug~r indu;trv ha1·~n't bHn ab!r to agre~ amnn~ thems~h·e~ what lhPY wRnt. ~n th~ gol'crnment gets no pid· anc! from them.

Undersecretary of Agriculture Trudr D. Morse and Thomas C. Mann. anistant secretary of state for economi~ affairs. tried to talk Cooley out of his one-yea! extension irlra, hu! her\ nr> lnr< Then SPrrrtary or Atri:nlture Benson tried with no mnr~ ~urrr•s.

Cooley wruld lih In ~Pt hi.• one-yeAr ext~osion hill rPpCirtrd lo the House Un· der 3 closrd rule. This would pre\·enl amendment on the fioor, after debate,

If some of \he crazier proponls In &DJ of the ZQ·odd Slliar billi now btflll'l Con ifeu w&re adopted under dome~Ur: poll­tic:.! pru:ure, lJ. S. SUi r productin, world SUKar mirkt>t.s, the Cuba11 situa­tion and Latin·Amerkan · r~lationt in aenerai mi&ht well ba thrown 'into Uaat.

. ··'"' .. _

~\·~ :~ .. -,;;. ~-.... ; v

.: .. ~

Page 5: COMPACT CAR VAUXHALL THE DAILY… ·  · 2014-08-04COMPACT CAR VAUXHALL ... 1 manite said the. officers pre·, ~cotta f1res

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THf DAllY NEW~. !T. JOHN'S. NfLD., MONDAY, ·MAKH 21, 1960 '5 -----------------------------"--------------------~

r····-------------···---~---···--------------·--- .... -----------: I

' I I I I

' I I I I

Newspaper History .Of Bell Island

r~-~-r- ... _,_._,_ .• ,, ~ From The Files \. l Part 4 1

"l. Of The Daily News .f l.~~~~~-3~ _


'\.ll .. Mareh Ul. H~lifax ~far lA. arrive St. .lohn's :\larch : lrave osame da)'.

":\o1·a pnrt lr~\'P ~1. .lob :"\.H. \larch 22. k'lr rrallf :\l~rrh 25, arri1·r in St. .lnh1 "RI'<"h 28, lr<tl'r ~amP rt~;·.

"CiUifll<ll't lrR\'1' St. ,Jnli -;.R. ~1arl'h 29, lcavr l·tali[; :\pril 1. arril'c St. ,John·~ ,\pr 4, lca1·e same day.


a round ggg and 1 0 'days in

BRITAIN f(; r $..J.J;S. oo

· f>l Kail and ~ra $IZ:i.OO. B~· Air MZ5.1JU fnciurling t,;;pcnses in britain.

· !rum Halifax :\larch 2:Jrd at

By ADDISON BOWN ~I.S. Belle Isle II sailin· F; ~;;;its and ,;;; i;j;:t~;;;~;;;1;; :;d~i:--l

'-·--·•••-·------- .. ·------•••••.,•-••••-•·--·--·-'· •• ,· r1 St J h ' l\1 · h .;5th II\ In, . • 0 II S aJ C ~· .

h .\i..ltt.o\ LV~:\'i'S, lll.i~ ·~:en named Stipendiary Magis- Rev. Sidney Bennett, t:.C. : .\I.S. Bedford 11 sailing from , \ J)lTB Dl'B 0 l · t 1 . 1 tl ·. •It , ·

c·mtp-nn tu~ ;>riti'h Tr:11rl Assol'i~ti·m. Dept. SN-51. !JO Adelaide Street Wrst, Toronto.

I I ! t-.. ·e al Bell Island on Dec. 13 pa•'or visited Palestine that 11 1·r 'I ·h 26tl · .· '"' h- · · - ne ga m R 11 J-,tm 11 ~ pn } 111"' I ''" • ·•, . atax ,,arc 1. arn1mg . , . . I 1 1 • . 1. 11

l.t rol. W. F. I:t-ndcll, CBE,' 1910. summer. I St. ,John's :\larch 28th. . ' :•t!" "" :•"!, r •·t· )a: t•.") ~~. t~yml( tn . 1~ure nu (\,lice: (Onm~anuh:;: t.1e l'.L.B.,. A resident of St. John's and 1 :O.J.S. Fauvettc ~ailing from ho11 to scrub her back. ~he llght-£tttm~ _tu!l ts on~ of

:\a me . . . .... . .. .. ... ... . . .............................. I ,.,,_,~u tile !;'and m1 ~lay ::4 on~ from Branch appeared be- 1 Halifax :11arrh 21Hh. niTII'lng • ~<I •. I •. •, '• '" ·I•"'' 1m d~Spla\' at the .\atumal :\ntlfJliC~, !NEXT: Vlce-Rellal Vlsibl. · ·

j Strrrt . ........... ..... .. .. ......... · ................. - I I :!'own ...... .. ........... .. ......... ......... Pro\'............................... 1 l!:ld u:;pected "J" Cump~n)·. He !ere Jud;;e \\', J. Browne in St. ~t. .fohn's :\Tan·h 3l~t. Shuw in :\,•w York's !liadison Square Carden. -~ ... _ ... ________ ..... _____ __, ...... o.• by Lic:Jt~. Lr>· Jo:m·s on July 2 on larceny, L~ Ho~:.~~ ami I' red C. ~.Lt·,in c:1:;rgrs at Be!l bland:- t 1) a::d s~:,:t. ~l~jur .I:;~; t:~:lJit;:;, of tl\·o boats valued at' $:1.5; (2)

1 u. l.ltrl' n:..t h~· l'a]JI. II. S. stealing goods fi'Om the ilore a.:d J...•ut. 1 tk l \':. Of ~lr~. Die!;~. IJI t'he ,.~lue of 'frrr.;llentcn. 'Inc Company ~~~• Slllil. and 13) stealing goods t.,~n !lo •tn•n~. Rc1. l. !'arson; l'aluerl at S30 from the Tram· "-~' t h;;p:ain. The fullo\·;in~ way frei·&hl shed, the property •:rr lirlllrn;,aB; ,\l:an Tiilcy. ot lhim:m Brown. \\ .1. ~om~rton ~n<i \\'ali!'r A double fatality oc~urred in Tr.,.,~·l~ma~: ~:rphrn 1lllnt w;t; :-io. R mine on JUI)' 4 when ,John Srr:t. 'hj(lr: Tho,. Skanr~ wa; \\'. t:n•se, 5I and Edmund Mer­Hro:ranl :nd .I:H"ol• ~quir~>. r~r. 43. were killed by a fall \\liter :'rar':. l')ril Bnt'rr ami of ground. 0\'trman Daniel HC!hrrt lk:~nr\1 w<lrc rnrp<•rals. Brazil was inj11red while trying ". h \, m. S<;;n"'· Ron;;ld Di~k;. to rc>rne thrm . . \li•:r: Squires ami l'. W. The following wedding~ took Sk~nr>. lancc·c,lrpor~:s. plr.ce that mlmth:-Marjorie

A farrwi'IJ pn1y and pre<rn· Dwyer to Jas. Fitzgerald; Bride ta:to:J -..·ere made to· Allison Kent to Dr. C. J. Ryall at Outer Ta'l-'~' a1 the ll.C. School h~· Co\'t', and Dr. H. F. Giovannetti, fal:t' lta\·tn~ to tnk\ up nur.;ing d~ntist, to ~tary Louise O'Neill at tht Grace Hc~pual. ~Irs. at St. John's, C!u; .\nrlrrws. Supt. or the Three cit~· residents, C. R. prt:nar~· dept .. prcs••nted a ~ill Bell. G. C. Crosbie and Dr. ''" h~il ,'f oi thE" Sunda~· School :.toorcs, crossed from Topsail :r;;::l r; ~:1a pupil;, while r.f\', Beach to the Island in 10 min· ~ Rr,nr.t m~d~ one on behalf utes in a 14-foot spetd hoal of the •·o:~;:-c.~::linn. equipp~·d with an outboard en-

frt'd. ~now was rrerting a gin(', at a speed o( 35 m.p.h. t··•"·'1••rf~ lmildin~ at the B:•aclt Shiff. l'at·bage passed away on •nrl th~ 11artn~r.;hip r:;isting h~· .lui~· 22 at' the age of 26. :"rPn h:m and Freel lla!ph wa; ~lanaget· t'. B. Archibald an­~ ••• ,;, t•rl. 1"ilr Lineoln ll wa~ nnunred on July 23 til at a walt l>nn~:r.;: >llpplir> to ~tr. Snow inrrrasr of 21z t·rnl! Jn hour iron1 W A: J. !llonrfs of l'al'· would Ill" ti\'en to the PM· nnnP~r. plo~·ee~ effective from Aug. bt.

Wm. l.ind•ay wa< elrrled pre· "in appreciation of the loyal ~tdent of tht Tenn'~ l'lub. with man.ner in which il~ employers Btr: Turkrr secretar). met the ~ituation forced upon

W. J, Brien was tran>ferrrd thrm by the depression." Thi~ :~ Bona~·i11a alter ('i:!lll years in had the effect of Increasing rhn~e of the local branch ol the weekly payroll lo $27,000. th• Bank of Son Scotia and Sir Sewlon Moore reported us surrt>rded by Geo. l". Ren· after a vi.<it to England that rltli. Don. Trmplt>man. the pre· pro!Oileocts were brighter for Hnt manager on the !•land, .wa~ • sales of ore but exchange di!­then 'tationE"d a-t CarbonPar. 'ficultirs still existed witil Ger·

_,, "'fll·knnwn rP~ident· in the many. Speaking at a complimen· JM'T;nn of Frerl. Wade passed lary dinner durin£ Sydney's a"a~· on :lh~· 2ll. sesquicentennial celebration, Sir

Ba~tow Lnd~e nf the J..O.R.A. :-Iewton stated that tbe ateel eelehraltrl it<: 20th annh·ersarr plant would takt !!lore than at 1hr tnd of :.Ia,·. '500.000 tons of iron ore from

On June 16 th~ Lord llishop Wabana that ·year and 200,·000 !'( !'r ... ·fnundJanrl \'isited the tons D( limestone fr 41 m !~land and administered Con· A~uathuna. hrmatton. He was accompanied ~rs. Merrillan. 12, had her Ill· Jle1·. J. T. Hiscork. \'ire-pre· foot broken by being run llvtr

aiden\ of Queen's College, and by an ore car and waa uktn Jlte\' . .\. T. Tulk. Rector of, to Lhe General H~pital. Po11ugal Co1·e. The~· were met l Alice ,and Mary Kent. dauch· at tbe Buell b~· the C.L.B. un- ters of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Kent, drr Capt. H. S. Butler. A' were then studying at Columbia 'plendid arch had been erected Ui1iversity. Their aunt, Min near both .\ngltcan churches. Josephine Power, waa viaitinr • .\1 St. Mary's. Lance Cove. Con· Russia on newspaper work. f1rmation ,...;u administered to JohnBasha wu ereetlnr l !12 parishioners. and 156 more building on Town Square elose •rre confirmed at St. Cyprian's. to the office of tile Bell Island

llwu announced at the end Miner. Mark Gosn and Son of June that ~!t·5istrate P. F. 1 were doing the construction. Po•·er •·as retiring owing to: James Case was ereetinJ a new ue. He wa~ succeeded by ~lal- 'building on Bennett Street 11ext colm Hollett. ~lr. Power had to the Post Office.

Baha'i World Faith Celebrates Naw Ruz

The Baha'i Community of St. I Baha'is believe that their John's will celebrate the ar·. Faith is the renewal, for this rinl of the year 117 of the [ particular era, of the eternal Baha'i Dispensation on the first 1 Religion of God, which has been day of sprini. March 21, with a 1 progressively revealed since. the apecial meetilli! to be beld on I the beginning of bu•an history the evening of March 20. The by His messengers, includilli f\'enine wilt begin with pra)•ers . Jesus, Mohammad, Buddha, and readings from the scrip·~ :.loses, and other Founders of tureo of the Baha'i World Faith I great religions, and which will ... :th special reference to Naw· continue to be revealed as hu­Ruz-the Per>ian term used b~· man needs warrant a new stale· B;ha'is for their New Year- men! of God's intentions for a:1d will continuE" with talks on ~lankind. With th; coming of tl:e 13aha'i Ca!endar and the th·~ new messt·~e from God a::<niii<·3nrt of Naw Rul. whi~h H~ brou~ht ushered in

·r;te talentlar i~ nsrcl tlwou~h· a new era of unity and brol h· ou1 the Baha'i world and \',an erhuotl which is g1•aduahy be· d.•,·i, ~LI mm·e. 1han a •·entury ing rt'alized around thl' world, 15" b) tlw Bah. thl' Forerunn~t· just aM the returning warmth of Baha'u'llah, tht· rounder of· of the sun In spring causes tho Baha'i World ~·ail h. Ar·, new life to stir in the ph)·sical co.-ding to this calendar, the world. yeJr is divided into 19 months I The speaker will also refer of 19 days each. The remainin1· to t:1e calendan of the other fo!tr day~. or fil'e in Leap Year, I Reli~ions. Each ~·aith reckons a~ placed between the 18th and its calendar from the year of l!};h. months. from February 261115 founding, and is well as be­to ~larch I. and are known as ing the year 1960 of the Chris· the lnterca'ary Da)·s. The 19th.· tian Era and :1720 of the Jewish month is a period of fasting calendar, there art other •·ailbs: and meditatit~n. c:utuminating; which are even older. I.

in the Fcstiv;:J of NawRuz, and I ay!llbolizes the spiritual re· . R.efres~en~ and a ·social .-..akening to bl found in this pmod o,y111 brmg to a close the new reveiation. celebrahon of a New Year, one

of 'the happiest oeeuion1 in the Baha'I Calendar.


beauty queen Johanna Ehrent·

I tras~er wa5 sentenced Thursday tf. 12 monthq In Jail for slealiitJ

lalmoat £7,000 ll'orlh of furl a jewelry in 1 sho!lliftinr 1pree. 'The defnet ar1ut4 vainly · that the

I bltllde, ~~-~ .. ar-~ld aetrtu, Mtsi : !:uro,. ef 11111, w u tile \•lctlm ttl : 1 l'ldudlll, drul •h• liad been : taklnllinlll! tast 'Junt I~ pa.erve her 17·12,.·1T ftJW't.

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Only in Envoy do you get sucb a range of colors! Besides beauty, Envoy styling is practical, too -Vista· View vision all· round for easier see!n~, better driving! And you chooge from four fabu­lous series-thrifty Stnndard, advent\)rous Spedal, elegant Custom, fun.filled Sherwood Station Wagon!

. •· • : . • • • .. • • • • • • • • .. • • • • •

···············~······················· (.J60A,.

,--------------see your local Envou dealer---------.. -.. -.. _-_.----~---,...


Page 6: COMPACT CAR VAUXHALL THE DAILY… ·  · 2014-08-04COMPACT CAR VAUXHALL ... 1 manite said the. officers pre·, ~cotta f1res

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• -------------------------------------------------------Social-P ersfJnal -Column-

l.S IIOSPIT.U 'Green, Deep Bight: Terrence ~rs. Robert Caines. Duck·' Peddle, Portugal Cove; Lucr I

worth Street. entered the Grace Reid, Dildo; Ronald Ennis, HOI'pllal last Thursday night. !llerasheen, Placentia Bar: Gus I ..,·bel? ~he is remaining unrler En~lish, Bell Island; Phillip . ob5erntion. Her many friends Strickland, Port aux Basques: will bt' plea,Prl to know she is Ann Wall, Whitbourne: Frances fet'lm~ murh ht'tter. • Pynn, Springdale: Joy Bennett.

liM'. Ethel Butler, Black· Springdale, Dianne Crover, 111arsb Road is a p~tipnt at the Bonavisla; Bernadette A~h[ord GraC'r Ho5pital wht•re she is due Ganllois: Elmo Gul!age, Port to ha\'t' an operation. Ht•r many l'nion: Juiia Gillingham. Gam· !Tirnds wi~h her a specrly re· bn; Clay tun Turtle. Shears! own: to\'tr,·. Ililrla Power. Grand Falls:

~!r;. John Ewlri~h. Flatrork. 11al'id Srmi~al:. ~lakkovik. Lab· Carh~r.Plr. rnlrrrrl thr c;r~~·· rador; Kenneth :\larch, l'orm•r lli'>p:t:~l on-r thr 11rr!;,•:ul. Brool;: (;nlcla Young, Spring· '1\·hrrr ~.,,, will remain under dale; Graham \\'el>h. Hearl's oh>rr,·a1ton. nrli·:;ht; Tom Cbnrcl', Sweet

· ll~y; Lind~· Carpenter.' Bishop's DISCH.\IIGF.U t'U0)1 RO!'PIT.\L

1 Fall::: Shirlry Penton. Joe' fl::tl'< Arm: Phillip Noseworthy, 1:!~11 Island. :-.:1, Jl,>r••thY Pt•:JI'r' .. Chur·

r~.:1 n~·:\;1:·!~11r!l:..:. WhO ha~ ':>rrn ~ pat:,·nt at the• l:r;~ce 1:-t IIOSI'IT.\L :y,"'' .. ':'.' t I!!' :rr .,~}-.. •rr:~::u~l. wa:-;. r::'-\ r,l;.:r·r! 1:\~: \\CPJ·pnfL

This t:~t is ~uhmittl'd through thl' c·om·tt·s~· ol the Canadian !led Cro;;. \1:, .•,.,, ... \',llt'l'> ,,[ l'ourh

f'"C'I\t' ., !1·' !1,l .. ht~t·n a pali,nt -,~ ·•·r ,; .. -c,· li11~p11a 1 . wa~ rli:-:· \~~;;:- .:t ~ !'' c~ •!'t' W\'rkl?nci. Shl' :~ ~ t'l' · • • ~nu·h bt.'1t<"r

t:1•nrral Hospital: Thomas l'lalll'l')'. Sweet Bay, B.B., trans- I fc'ITed to Sunshine l'amp; )lurit•l Hose. Hr. Breton, re· l'l'lring tn•atment, feeling fine; ~lax Jtalph, Alexander Bar, re· reiring treatment, feeling fine; S~lina Fursey, Seal Cove, F.B.,

\1~ c ·, !'.···" ~ of Conwr F:--: '..; '.\ !"' ~~ n·11t!,. u:,d£1'rwrnt ~J~~ r~· :;· ~~1r (~r:<'t' Ho~pital .,:, ,;,. ~ ~·,·I F~•rla~·. and re· • ::-.. ··: !~,···~~' \.\ T r .-\.

rerril'lng treatment, feeling ·fill<': Rennie Herlidan, Burin, r~cl·il·ing treatment, feeling

:r_ ... , hr lim·: Leslie Verge, Old Bona· ;~r·,.r! :1 :,, .. '11 1111 :IIi~> Rr.;~- rentur(•, recrivilli: treatment, ..,. .. ,-·. '· ':'1'' t:~ l'~tri~z s: .. i< fe~ltng fine: Norman Hunt. Hr. r···. · >', .·:: . ··rr :mnor sur· Breton, reccl\'lng treatment,

••• ~: < " .. 1 r'; :.!rrry Hns· fl'eling fine; Audrey Whelan, .... Clrernspond, B.D.. recemng treatment, feeling fine. 1

"•; - '> ···o:t::dbnd from S:~natorium: )l:·s. M a r lei ~larrh, Garl\ish. feeling fine; ~Irs. Alire Drod;:e. Little Heart's Ease, feeling fine; :Oirs. ~liriam 1\nstci.. Granrl Beach, frrlin~ fin!'; ~11'5. Ft•ank Hardi­man, Pn111t RMI'r. condition the

.... .T .... :· ~ •.) H~.!1fax a::tl Bos·

( .. _ .\.

~ .....

l .\\. ,l r.. \\' l'l11'1ro;ki. ·.r-:r H. chi·

1, 1 > Proo:k1. :\l!'otr. ,; "~' C R.

'.':· ,··mr ;u:d lilian!. ;· • :. · ,. '11' \1. 1.. l'otr.


For t.4ond.y, t.4•~h 21

P~esent-For You 1nd Yours .•• Avoid 1sking f~von rr c:~nfiding your troubles in

: othm. and don't encouraao o:hm to confide in you, You

' could set an adverse reaction if · you don't curh your ego, Bee~­: tr& c~utious in contacts with , thole who wield the power con·

ceming )·our career.

Past ••• The first breach of r:omise !Uit in this countr)' was filed by the Rev. Grevillc Poole in Vir1inia, in I 623. He claimed that a pretty young widow had damaccd bim by jilting !lim. (The won the case.)

Future ••• The British may "modernize'' their monetary •Y•· tern, doina away with farthings, t: .."tns, half crown1, sixpence and guineas, and replacina them with the decimal system-nick· el1, dimes nd quarters.

The Day Under Your 'Sign ~tiES l~rn t.l~~eh 21 to April ttl LIBRA (St,t. U to Ott. 22)· ~t!!" c:illtum to )'OYfltH. PMple dn'l .Aim for quality. h i1n't lh•:ayJ the h.t bc•ac nm1n.dcd of mi1Ukc-J, amount rena do that Jlrovu o[ v1lue.

TAUAUS (A,.il 20 tt Moy 20t SCOAPIO (Oct. 2J to Nov. 211 ~lr.:hi!J 1Jfot~ell ael btlttr, 10 bole! IIIIi A 1n1ion ~·ith an. lntluentlal PtfiOI I linlt' IOrlitr• tould UIUIL in. profh1ble idtlf,

GEMINI (lofty 2t to Juno 211 SA.IITAIUUS (Nt¥. 2% It Dtc. 21) .\llho'l.l&:b Lnt up to par todar, try· to Uaexputed newt II •n. ia.trre-nlnr p.,,. JDaw:k )'0\l.r ferlin11 !rom athru. · lihiJily. It may arrln 100-n,

CANCER {Juoo 22 to·JIIIr 21) CAPRICORN (Dtc. 21 te J111. 2D) ~Mica 1he motivr of a Pft'IOCl who 11 Opponent• Jlllf have a IU!j)rite \lp .,... to '"'httft' JOUo lip/' · thtll s!ttVCJ,,IO proceed Cladoutly.

110 (Jolr 22 t. A•l· 21 ) AQUARIUS {J1n. 21 te fill. It) lllri<lito loOotljCOI domlo'lnl In Leo You mor. not ... ko much ~ ••••• ,

....._ A'f<ti4 ~proooioiollituadou. ~~~~now, but,_. ffforto won't 1M io

¥1110. fA.,. 22 .. ~· U) PISCIS (.0.. 20 h lolanll 20) - l"tlalto .,.,. lot '!' ,...,, pollt lf . If "•••! • ptoplt ore ~•oiOieal, toll reg.,., be-. rn:ldraa watlt fundt. · t .. m~ Jt 1 Jlone of t•rit lm•inttlo •

. 01960, P'..W. inllll'poiOtl, IM.


i-- ---· "----~ I THE.. 1

I Mature I !Parent 1 By :I'IRS. MURIEL LAWRENCE



Cheese .. Y egetable Dish Is A Lenten Special

By ~1.'\RTH.-\ LOGAN

Daily Recipe


Page 7: COMPACT CAR VAUXHALL THE DAILY… ·  · 2014-08-04COMPACT CAR VAUXHALL ... 1 manite said the. officers pre·, ~cotta f1res

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Lewisporte News

--- - -·--.......------......... ·--~-

' -----------------------------------------------·-------------------------------------Sailor Success Moral Re-Armament

The Wrong Way And The Right Way •••

lhemsc!les, and .11! the other n,• t10ns dtl tdcd n,;amst each other There 11 a, a real nsk of 11 ar Eat!) one mormn~ a turthe1 thought came to htm, the ,\rab n.ttwns 11e1 e meant to be a bndge and not a b,!tllegt our.d He b1 ought them ,t!l togethe1 1T! one room. and thc1 sta1ul In ~t'lhet ulml the) found a tc<oht­twn on wh:ch th.·~ all agreed \I hen 1t 11 ds put to the l'mtcd C\altons the 10\e lidS 80 0 Th~ Tunes nf London satd, '0\ermght an almo'l ma~tcal It an,fOI m~\lon ho~s tome 01 e1 I he scrnc •• :-lEW tr:-IITY IN ,\SI\

to h, 'll" an .!IHICI' to ( 'Pill• l'l lht lllltlfl \.iiiO!lS Jlo> told II•

"('Pill' unsnlll'rl 1111 t!rl h.ll<' sh.l\l('Tfd Lutnpr.111 ll'HII .tnd could h.tll' lrrl In Em opc.•n th1 ... ~,·,1r 'Iht .. arb\H•t ''a" ht ought h) nwn - Btlttsh <;reck, anrl Turk<, 11 ho lhrou~h ~lora! Rc-.\r namcnt honr•t\1 fated the fact that thCI' had bern d01ng thmgs the 11 ron~

A Bntt<h :\lcmbct ol

• m~ to packrd audtcnr••s In 1 ,1pc full n the manager of tne lhr~trr lumsdf mtroduccrl the f1lm and satd, ' \\ r bclte1 e ltus ts the most elfc• \Ive weapon 111 the f•·ec count1 .es today to wm the 11 orlrl to th~ nght tdea " At the end of the f1\m the man v ho pia~ s the part o[ the Pnme )llmster Ill tl, th.• former Pres1dcnt of th~ \fnean te: Jwr, of South \tma steps m front or the

>CICCil Ill the g}lliiOUS l oh05

wh1ch he I' car, tr Frcetlom He spc~',s to 1ltoS!' audtenc"' wh1rh IS an unprecedcn!rd c1 cnt 111 the hfe of South Af nca For vrohahly all the wlutc people m that thc"trr tt 1 the first time the;. have C.) <'I'

bstcnerl to an Afncan spr •k ml-( Afterwards m;;ht aftet nndtt he 15 surrounr'ed h;. tho>r who wat.t to ftnd fmm !um the 'rcrct ut how to get lhetr Ol"n lnes and the hfr of South Al:t•J on the n~ht

Bc\JTJ.r FOR THE \\ORI.II 1 he l ol\1 ell

Largeoi Ali·Camtdian Consumer Loan Company

CASH when you

need it From $50 00 to $2500 00


r \IlL \~IJ Bl.DG ll11d: worth Kt •• PbODI i067, 184. Ualer st, Phooe 5-li!J~ or 64!1! Braae!Les ID Graad Fii11US 111d Coroer Brook.

Page 8: COMPACT CAR VAUXHALL THE DAILY… ·  · 2014-08-04COMPACT CAR VAUXHALL ... 1 manite said the. officers pre·, ~cotta f1res

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c·. N. T. SPORTSLETTER: ~--..;...--~-


Curling News

Players Satur·da~··, mixl'rl hnnspiel

LOcals Place Second In 1Domminion Bowling

Onr nf thtt fnur lora! Cl'\T teams tnlercrl in the .\n~ual Dominion-wide Rnwling Tournamrnt of the C~T placrd ~<'<:ond in the compl'lition on Salnrdav ~ftttmoon at St. Pat'~ Alle~·s. The St. John's squad trailed the winning numhtr ;\') tl'am of Toronto by 135 piN.

With six bowlrrs rollin~~: and the low scOTt' being dmpptd in tach frame, the City team had a three frame total of 3378 while the winnin~ total was 3511. Winnipeg"s number 37 team took thirr!"place with 3236.

Jim Roberts parrd the St. John's tram with a 731 thrtte frame total while Frazer Clarke hit a 316 to be

the top sim:le frame man nn the local team. 1,e followin~ are the imli,·idual scnrr~;-

Bill Pn\• rr Gerr•· Ric-hartlson ......... ..

Tim Rohrrts Chr> t.nd.:e Frau•r Clarkr Harold ~lorrissry

l7!J 2-lfl :!::!'l l3S lfi:! 1:10 97-t

139 216-3:14 ~36 ~()()-68::!

~HI ::!.5:3-731 ::!lS 2.'36-66::! 202 :3lfi-6'l0 226 199-55'i' 1131 12715:376

Thrr~ wrrt ·:;7 teams rntc>rl'd in tht> ~len's Srctinn

r>f tht Tournament. St. John's rlidn't have an rnlr\' in Jht l.:~nies' Di• isit111. It wa$ thr ninth tournat;1rnt

with St. John's now !wing three first places and two


Followinl! thr howlin~. a dinn<>r anrl cncktail party 1111~ hrld h'· thE' C~T Athll'lic A.ssnciation with the .-\ssr>ciation · PrP,idrnt. Fr<m•r Clarkr, as chairman . Supt'rintendent A. C. Jerrett was one of the main

IJ'f'a la·n.

.\IE~!HEHS of the local C\T zowlin~ team that placed sccoml in the Dom­ion-widc C:'\T Tourm•y on Saturday watch Leo Baird sending their scores to Toronto. Taldng part in the tournl'Y were (ll'fl to ri~ht):-Bi\1, Pnwl'r, Ches Lm·ke. I htmld Mnrrisse~·· ~!arlin :\dey, Gerry Hichardson, Jim Roberts, and Fn11cr Clarke. :\. C. Jt•rrctt, Supt·rinll•ndl'nt of the CJ'\T, is shown standing

hehind Cl:trke.-{:\litx 'lerl'cr l'hotn). ···-

Praise For · was won h.l' the fnllowin~ team with a maruin of 29 points.

Sports Ertitnr Daily \!'WS. tell nf St. f)r111"s Drar Sir: "\l'lwn other hc>art• illld otiH'I'

"Th<'y'IJ rH.'\·r·r kt thr old li;''· (;n•rn anrl (;nlrl down TJ1rir 1<11<'' of In\'<' 11<1\1' told."

r'or In St. Pal's 1111''<> r·nlnr.' :\, wr thing nr 111" ru;::ni-arr llw hest in town. I icrnt dforb to rPt~in the

ThP,\' don't want to ri;::ht P,q)·ir Trophy .for St. Bon·~ wr Tn ~how thrir tnil!hl, find hi;::h "" thr ]bt of hnn-But when thPI' rln Olii'Ohlr mrnliPII the iJ'liiWS or Thr•y'll fi;::hl. fi.~l1l. fi~lll!" Bill ~~~~~ Trll c;illics and 1\r•h

Play up Grrru illHI (;old Hcdnwn<l :mrl tllr ollwr anrl

Skip, 11. 1'. carter: ~!ale, D. llart rum: SCL·onrl. [). ~I. Low~;

l.<'~d. ~In'. \\'i\an,k;·.

Crane Trophy, Friday, Mud1 25th.

1-9 .J J.;p\' II. W.dl~ L. c;nJrJ,.trin IJ. \\'. J.owe J>r Str·lllaf<~rd \1' .. \llan D. Tiller .\lr>. Stentaford .J. ~:. Butll'r '.J. Burg~ss

9-11 W~ll won St. Pal's! Thnu;::h rqually nutstanrlin;.! horkt·;. ish , snow <•aps the hills a11rl rar· who marlr the St. Bon's I!!HIJ l pels the roadways, thol•·•h a ~:·am anrl not forgetting the \\'. 1\'r•ir G. ~lardonald i current of rnlrlncl's filters historic anrl mcmorahlc con· D. Clouston \Irs. G. Sparkes i through thi« mirDian·h even· trihutiun. hcrok· in Its Yet·y :\. Lusll E. Warren


1 ing Patrician window' ar0 e"cnce nf the nlrl guard Hu;:h :\Irs. G. O'Leary .r. ;\lcCarthy opened wide to wl'leom" :• ... ··- Fardy, Xoel Vinicomb.l', Jack :\Irs. :\. Rockwell G. Stirling

, bird of happiness whose sweet Hearr!igan. Cyril Power anrl Tuesday, March 2;>th. hiting lyrics fills t:w ,. Bill :\lcGeltigan. Though \'ic· 7·9

' of St. Pat's boys and all l'nlri- lory has not come your wa~· c: T. Thompson H. P. Carter I cians as the much r·orrt :·rt your WQrk was worthv of Four ices for Crawford play· : Boyle trophy takes up its first champs and a true sons 'or St. off.

repo'e on the shelf "f the Bonan•nlure's ,·ou ~rc ,-idors home of the "Galloping c;a0i.s" in your own right. \\'ell playc•l

. and fighting ]rish, St. Patrick'' St. Bon's anrt kl'CJl on with Hall. Thr right to hold this the end nf llu• road. historic symbol of Jirt'ly .'11· "They abo sene wh•J onl) premaey in tl1e eapitaJ rit)· of· 'tand and wait.''--:\lillon. St. .John's was dt•scn·edly earn· To the nwmlll'rs of the c;t. ed h~· the ,;cnior hoek<')' pla.1·· Bon·s. Fcilrlians and t;uarrb ers of the Patric·ian :\'soda· "''' sa)· br>lter hwk a1wlhrr

9·11 One ir·<' for Fost~r pla~·off .

Crane Trophy .J. Clou,ton F. Bisho~ .1. 1\. Pratt J. G. Hearns .1. f'. Chrirrrs R. J. Kent \. P. llnekwcll :\II·s. Lester

Thursday, March 31st. 7-9

lion in their memorable and . time. In your rlark moment thrilling em·ounters rturing the ronsolation can lie in ll~e fact Two i<·t·s for Crawford play·

finals of the hockey serirs of . that you played well ;~nrl dirt off. the St. .John's l.r<>;.:ur•. ~·our be'!. You hrou~ht thr

Coursing throu~h IIH' t•nrri· best in the d1ampion~ for·

I dors ~,r tim!' the wur!rl's his· them to rPal'h th;~l honour. tory 111 pl'acl' ;~nrl ''""~' with And at this point we pau.'c ,·arierl hill'S of giOI'~· ~nd in· with a tin;:r of regret that

· famy ha,·e conc•crnPrl the ~uch exl'cllr•nt anrt skilful

Crane Trophy

.\Jr, .. 1. K. Pratt V. E. Jlur-

L .. '\ .. ~ yre P. F. Baine•

~Irs. Cheh·era 9·11

R. LeGrow

One ier for Foster playoff.


!Nelson And The win for Vanguarrls was· ~hutout. win over ReJmlse minrls anrl hearts of men. In li:1!'k<')'ists as Bill anrl Tcrl Gil·

t·nn.<i<krerl ~n. \IJlSrl as I' at. were Wrlhams. Bradbury _and like manner in 'the worlrt of lies. Bob Herhnond Dou~la< crone Trophy 11~1)"1;. .. B1lly rne~ctt ;md ~~~,~- 1 ?ay,. ~rudhury also recen-ed 1 sport as worthy nf mention :H'C ' squires, Don Yct;nan. Bill ., .- . rtt l.\a~s hlt_nkl'd the ted' <~n .a>sisl. 'rhronit'lerl the [cat' of athletes :\!arlin and Bill Ta\'lor have ~lt. ..• J. 1.. Bullet :\Irs. A. Boyd

. h;:ht.. \oe~ Dmn wa_s the '.rt' ,1o.clay, at 4:15 ~.m_., Black whose prowess and dP\·otion been lost to d1a~pionship R. (ouplan , L. ,J. Brett I

'Vanguard Win By wn.sos lirTJ.ER

Pee Wre hockey a!'linn at the Stadium Saturda'' morn· lng had York mol'r ititn thirrl place in the xavy rlirision hy shut1ill;( out Ht'pulst• 3·0, wl1ilt· Y anguards ~topped :\el~on 3·2.

up_ llldll fmlhr aftrtnoon. ll'· \\alch \S. Jnfantr), 4.35 p.m., sparkle and glistl'n as priceless honours this ve<~r. :\Ia\· their ~CHOOLB.OYS ~URLING rt'l\ lll;! a>slsts on two mark· I Hoorl vs. Nelson, ' polished gems set in a diadem uamr.s adorn tile Bol·le ;J'nnh . . rhc Schoolboys Curler• <'I'· : T d • l 4·15 L'b . · · · . ; · ' ; dr~ws for the Tuesday'•

s. · ues a~ a · p.m., 1 er , of glortous achtevement. lltgh snme future da\' as sueh adorn-' . . ., . . . . .-.. ators vs .. J~ts; ~:.55 p.m., i\lag- · and foremost in such annals mrnt would ad·d to its present :\latc.hless_ :\l~t s~nes: . .

(,, If g,,d,lot k and tllftcenls \S, Bttlon; 6 p.m., and in similar sell in;! ~rr· the wnrlh. I_ \S. 1~. 2 \S. 9, 3 vs. 6, 4\1, llrt•kt·~· tnggt•rrrl the talli<'S Pee Wee Ali·Stars . vs. St praiseworthv efforb; uf the St. S: a ,.,_ t.

lor the se<·ond place \ei<nn ,Joseph's. . Pat's hockt•;·ists who attaint'tl And now as night fall:; and - -··- · --w.lw w!:re kept Ill 1·hrrk all \\'t•rlncsrlay • .~t 4:15 p.m~ such a historit' and gloriou.< the Hoyle Trophy shin<'.< ami eent trophy and honour to the tJ.r. 11 a.~. Gunners vs. I roopers; 4:5a triumph in winning till' hoekP\' stands in~ new nidw SlUTourul illustrious hall of St. Patrick·~ .

Scoi'ln:l [or York in t111•ir p.m .. \'tctory rs. York. senior srrics. also the _junior cd hy nanws and enshroudcd Boiler! eggs and Boyle Trophy

-------------------~------~---- ~··· -- ~e('[ion and eapping and cap- with a host of nwmorit's we· may not :!o Wl'li together but

11 ping the rtouhle triumph h,· rrn<•w olll' rongr·atulat inns to St. Bun's will he lurkinl! at

1 1-~rrying home !he Hoyle l't'l')' worthy ehamp< of St. your door St. Pat's before 1roph'' for 1960. 11 Julst ofiPr· .John's Senim· llnekr)· breakfast next year for the ing th.e new anrl well wortll\' the ~~- l'~t's lt·am of 19fill. \l"e BtJyle. Keep it polished. t:ntil

: rhamps out' sim·ere 1-ongrall; .. fl'el that \he truph)' and hon· tlwn we await the dawning of

!· ,:, !-= ;, -:

~ .. .•

t r . . ~ l



.• ..

Standard cu• automatic tr~n,mi$110n

av•llab1e lrt both model•




, ...... 'IMIM. caa..-t from caller --ia ICCOI!dl. Jutt fald the rear .eat forward uc! JOU're Ill let with 76 cubic "feet ortolldspace. No altbm w remove and lt.ow.


To look at them, who'd ever guess these little beauties actually give you more loadspace than some of today's full-sized station wagons. They seat six passengers·in sedan comfort. Fold down the rear seat and a seven-foot ladder fits with the tailgate up.

Yet the Falcon is more than two feet shorter than regular wagons. And with excellent all around visibility. it's mighty

' easy to handle and park. Easy on the pocket-book, too. You get up to 35 mpg on regular gas, up to 4,000 miles between oil changes. See 'em, try 'em at your Ford Dealer's today!

New roll• down wl ndow lowc!'ll com· pletcly into the tailgate. Safe· and secure, it operates only when the key is in the slot. (Power window is optional.)

Spirt tl•• sets conveniently into the floor, out of the way, yet it's easy to get at for use or for checking pr~sure without removing luggage.

· Jation< we nJance onr tlwir our eould not haYc a line rest· another day a,1 the hockey his­~houlders at the tram whi.·ll ing place than St. Pat's unless tor)' of 1960 is placed on the gave the champs stiff eompe· the wind changcd anrl blew it shelf with the trophy that

' tition all the wa\'. \\'Jwn ""' aero.<; the road to St. Bon'"· famous Boyle. : smoke of battle· has cleared L:ntil that wind comes we say "Royal honours to the fore i and the tension eased we are well done St. Pat's. \\'pJl play· men of Patrick. ; able to appreciate the work erl Capt. :Iackie \\'ithers, .lim Round them shall you stand 1 and worth of the other teams ~alone .• lrm Byrne .. John Per- Steadfast to your .-olon

which made St. Pat's e:;rn ry and the other and _thr other Anrt to God and native land." their honours. Especially we Yery ftne . hoekP)'lSt< who Sincerely yours, ea!'t a [a1·ourahle look at st. _hrought --~'~.'__gt·eat m~gnrft· LEO P. HY~EI. Bon's hockeyists who made Gl.rls·. -----·----------

' Rltch valiant e[forls to retain , the trophy and honour ]odng ' penonnel both the prr\'ious · ----

i 26 Jears. This 26th year hnlr! BI"shops Undefeated . by St. Bon's was a mrmorahlc i and not a likely achieYemcnl

to be ecl1psed hv onlv one

I ~~:~~~~l!o~;~~~·~~~i~~~~,"~:~~;. Drop Curt1"s 71 .. 20 I~ All the more praiseworthy ~·hen one considers the odds facing the Blue and Gold con-tenders in their hirl for the . Bishops. College won their. rilecks. . silverware. Beset on one side ~1xth stratght ba>ketball game Dtana Bennett h1t thh:teel by hockeyists of wide repute .m I he Gt~ls Hlgh Scbool Basket· i pmnts for Btshops .whtle Brenda and matchless skill as found ball Leaoue at the ~!emonal ~larshall helped \\lth ten. June

, in the new champs. St. Pat's, gym Saturd~y a!tcn:oon. when Antle ~:a: the top scorer, ~Dr j Fcildians and Guards teams ~he,) clobhe1ed Lurtb Academ: ~he. ln~ll\0 ~lue and ~hl!--1

of this year, and on the other d-20. _quad \\tth se\cn pomts, flvl In by a series of injuries whkh :\larilyn :\nscworthy was the the. second. half. . crippled many of their bc.,t. big wheel in thr scoring attack Curlts ~atled to get _In dos_e This is not to offer an excuse for Bishops, as she dumped in a~ the Bt~hops. defenSl\'e untl for st. Bon's in losina but to tll'l'nly-eight points to ·set the played a1r light basketball Insert a glorious anl golden · individual high for the season. whtle thctr forwards were ra~­page in St. Bon's hockey his- The preYious high of twenty-six. mg up the pomts. tory and all athletic histories. points was sl'l by \'erna Rob-. Bishops were nabbed for ttl Jlluch has been h~ard of the bi.1s of :llcmorial on friday of the games 23_ fouls called by St. Bon's spirit. That famed ni~ht. refl'ree J:an. Htcks and Carol

I spirit has waxed ~Iron~ un· The l!irls from Bishops srored Parsons. CurtiS scored _~IX tlJileJ

I der pressure and in the new 27 points in thr first half of the fr?m the free throw !me whtlt past y€\ rl'cent hockt•y history conlrsl whilr Curtis netted tNt Bts~ops potted three. a new and unexpected angle anrl then Bishops rinisla•d up q Bt;hops: ~larilyn .'Joseworth~

I was unleashed when sr\·cral with a wallopin~ 44 points to ~8. Jliana Bennett 13. Brenda Old Bovs of St. Bon's in retire· ~rah the win while Curtis bad :\larshall 10. :liar-~ Dawe 9. Ann

. ment returnc>d to fill tllP ,-3 . to he rontent 1rith tl'n more. Duder 9. Sherry Payne 2, cancies made so b)' injuril's.

1 ThP Bishops girls were pared Guards: Barbara Knight. Gail

In their Alma ~latl'r's great , by :\lal'il)·n i'\ose\\'orth~· who «mtden. Ruth Canning, ~[argot need their valiant and unsrl- :divider! her scot·in;! mto the two Duley, June ~I arlin. Sandra fish sons of St. Bon's full of hall·es ofthe enl'ountrr. Cole. loyalty and concern donnrd With all of the t!'am seeing the blades and the dcarlv action and scoring, the Leagur Curtis: .June Antle 7. Rut!\ loved Blue and Golrl and help· :trading team werr aecurale Tiler 5, Vickir .Jo;·ce 5. Audrey I'd to fashion the new champs j with their sharp passing and. Rowe 2, Jurly Davis 1. Guards: by providing keen l'Omprtition . swished the twint>s with easy .. Tal'kie Souliers. Linda Winsor, and. opposition of the highest :two-pointers when thrir elusive II Pe?gy Noseworthy, Cynthia calhng. Here then is a tale . for\\·ards walled frue from the1r De1r. June, Morgan.

WONDERFUL NEW WORLD OF WAGONS --..,.m=~;;~-~.-=.~ ..... ~."!:'-=IOOOfl~ .. ~.~.~~~~oo~.~, .. ~.~ ... ~.~ .... ~.t") -------at your FORD·MONARCH·F ALCON Dealer's -­

, See "Ford Stutime" T~esdays on CBC Television

. ' GEO. G. R. PARSONS, LTD. . I



~-· 'Y."

AGI 10!\ at St. Pat\ ,\llrn on Saturdal' aftentoon as fom teams from the local CNT office rolled in lhr. ,.\nnual Don;iuinn-wide Cl'\T Tournament. One of the local squad5 played !'econd to a squad from loronto.-(Max Mercer Photo).

Page 9: COMPACT CAR VAUXHALL THE DAILY… ·  · 2014-08-04COMPACT CAR VAUXHALL ... 1 manite said the. officers pre·, ~cotta f1res


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~~--------------------------~---N. A .. H. A. i Invitation:

f)()l'(; Cl',t:\11:'\(;S Inn il-c). Bd1 Island netmindcr, falls in Salurdav ni~ht's llod;ry !l.<lllll' nn the hland to stop Alfie Uisl-ock of t~ Cct•Hees. 'like Kelly of the hlantl t'llh'l' skates after Hiscot·k while re£eree Ted Withcl'!i watchPs the

Caps Open Against, Crusaders Tie Finals; B. Island Tonight;Defeat St. Pat's 32-30

A team that will see it's first · right down to the wire, with I action as a unit tonight will re·l Grand Jo'all& in Senior ~B''. ' . <:Jvercoming a ten point de· I : ncc!t'd with only ~eronl1s :eft ~resent. St. John's in it's open· Bic~e~in~ and controversy i f1c1t f:IO!Y Cross ca~e up with ) : to gr, in the game to tl~ the mg action In the 1960 All-New·: plus InJUries to three players 1 a thnlhng 32·30 v1ctory over store at 30-30. foundland Senior Hoekt>y play-~ have weakened this ~·ear's team. I St. Pat's in the H.C.A.A., But ~ftPr he swished the downs. The City Senior Caps With no practice as a full squad


Baske!ball Tournament Satur- · !loop fur the tying point. t!Je and the Bell Island Senior All· and some of the top players \n day mght at the Holy Cross, , Crusnde_rs us~d a long pass to stars clash at the Stadium with the City not performing, the 1 Gym. . 1 get Hobm Short into the clear 8.30 p.m. set as starting time. 'Senior Caps arc much weaker I The wm for the ~rusad~rs. ~ntl he made the twines sway

The same two teams will I than the team of last year, but I evened the best o~ ftve sen_es; \:ith his Ia~ up just brfol·e the face off again tomorrow coach Vinicombe told the Dally at a gam: each wtth _the wm-' . I mal buzzrr soundNf. night. Bell Island lost to the ·News last night, "I'm not con· ner ~0PP 1 ~g the Inrha !'ale· Tlw Gl'~t·n and Gold team CeeBees 6·1 and 17·2 at the ccrn~d about the strength of .\le frop~lcs. . ! kn~cr.l like th~y Wt'l'e well on Island o\'er the weekend. 'our team. All 1 want are the, S~. Pat 5 u~mg a n·t·y ef- lltc;r v:ay to their ~pcond Coach Jack Vinicombe re·! boys who want to play hockey 1 fcelivc man to man zom' that! 'tr&lght 1·ictu~·y iu the finals

leased 19 names for the City's ·and we'll do our best. I\u team, brought Ulcm througiJ the hut " rletcrm,ncd l1ol:1 C;·o>.-leam last night but two players, can rio more." i regular . sdll'dule and 'P'•Ji· ;quad wouldn't J;liH: up.

'are still ctoubtful. Only 11 of I Yil'r\' Green Is sf't In goal l_mals wllh only one detn:t The Cnt.,ader' slowl,l' but :I hi' 30 senior plavers registered tonight with Pat Barrington : l.ept _them well out front In 'urcl.v (•ut down the lc3rl anr! :for St. ,John's arc listed and' as his sub but fro111 there out llh~ fu·st _hal~ of the game. fmnlly eaght liP latr In thr ' eight junior player~ will come i the positions are aot set. ' fhe f~'lsh mtercept!•d n~any I_a~t _ half. The race for th·~ ' np. The Senior l'aps held two' Fil•e defenceman are listed, Holy Closs passes. anti lutncd I m1sh 11'"' won by the Crusa-

---------- ------ last minute rracticel over the 1 but one of them could mol'e np I them m.lo easy pomts 1 ~ grah' ROBIN SHORT ders wlto got the winning

Se • F• I 1 werkend but like the workouts I depending upon the doubtful a half tt~Je lead of 19·9. m the . ba,kPt from Robm Short. All• Ina S: , called all season, they failed to, players. Tom Murphv could see I low scormg game. . Hohm Short 'o\as tlw Ill~ gun Hcferees Lany 1\'inders and

receil'e anv rr~ponse. action on defence ~r up front Bath te_ams m1ssed many' for the 11c:<tcnders throughout Pele Peterson had a rather

C W II B II I I d On Saturday night, nine with Jim ~Ialone. ~tax Howell, good sconng ehances on h~d the (•onte,t. \\'orktng. well ra'y time with the whistle but

pTa~. The Cet•Dt;cs wnn li -2.-({'apital Photo Service),

. eBees a Op e S an •, player5 turned out to set the !Bill ~lartin and Joe Slaney as ~hootmg alter •n_n·kmg In fro~ .the bul'k('t the lla:hl' rltd manage to grl nne per>on high while a drill called for :the other defenders named. I t ios_e to !he bas~ets. . for\\ a_I cl was lhPr. top S1'oret of '' lth u,·e rwr,ona] fnul~. Sunday morning had one Of the 12 forwards listed. I JlJll ConnollJ. and Dal·c, t~e nJghl wtth Ia pomls: Brcn

PI y tte d'

11 f th . . k Rvan shared the spot light lot' t.verarcl helped thP ll'tnntng Thl' third gaml' in the final

H • k s s • M k 1, er 1 n m · I seven are rom e ~unwr ran ·s. U;e Patricians in the scoring eausc with e1ght. ••:ill take place at the llolv

Is co C C 0 res I X ar ers ~\ htie 1: hal'l! t~ee~ nan;erl Slated to ~eerl ac~fn ~p fr~tt: ctepartmcnt. Both rla~·rrs reg- Stt•ve Angel ol St. !';ll·, tied Cro'> li.nn Tur,day nigitl it st1rmgs 3 ~ 111 evend f e act 1

1. a a.rhe 1~art. 1

Fhor ·. oy KJe y,: istered ten points and ~!so 1 the st·orc late in tlw h;tll 1:311 p.m. The winner will take . Payer WI_ see e_cncr or or-, ( ar 1e \\as · Jtm ~)·rne. ohn, performed well under the· game from the free throw line. a ,tranglc hold on the silver-

! ward achon is still unknown .. Per_ry and Derm Connolly of I backboards. 'ThP hard working g 1Nrd con- ll<ll'l'. All Ill are requesterl to be m 1 Pals, Don Yetman. Dave Bat- • ___ __ __ ____ __ ___ .

·the caps dressin]l room at 7.30 ·ten and Ralph Rowsell of G s h I ()}d I'} • I T ~r I 1 1'-.l..\ \ [) ,st.tft I-Doug Cummiug~ has Jl(l ' iod within 30 set•onds ~are the tonight. The 'enior Caps will Feildians and Bob Badcock,l ram mar c 00 : I \.. lemica 0

1''"' 1 "' \ ),., F.udknn. .\II it• 1 [i~t·ock nr \ 1-1· Pikr. l'eeBr~·s an 11·2 ad1·autage. ·play ei~ht games against Bell' Bill Ta~·lor and ~elson KearlP)' : --------------


1111 '"t'''''·" 111 -.:ht 1 :nunning~ monel into thr nrts for Xe1· Pikt· and George Faunk· lslanct and tile CeeBcrs with a of Guards. 1 s B f H I c Speed Ro~·kefS liH Hdl I,J.,

11d ".,,;,,r \li-Stars to f.H·t• thr Cnnt·Pp- uer drew an as~isl ea!'11 with berth In the Pro1·inrial finals' Should th t11·o doubtful t on s 0 y ross ' '-

'''·'" ~'·'' t ,-,.Bn.' .llnl 1\ith thr litH' nt Fuulkul'l'. Hi~t·nt·k lli~cork In on both. awaiting the top team. l pla~·rl'!> fail to pia.~. lht Cit)' • • · · S.\SI\ \TOll:\ ·t'P•-A chemic~! I I

• 1


1 r- I C'ic1• Pike hanged home His- l.ast yt'ar St. .John'~ \lad would have .iust 1 team and compound di,~·n·rre<l 0,- accident

~:·< "'' .tll'111ll!llll'.! lor :.:) Sl'Urim: poinls t I!' "''!'· 1

<'Ock's rebound and Gt•orgr thrir senior squad llattlinJI on~ ~parr. 20 wars ;1g0 al the tn.11·ersitt· of

)-;,,,, 1-111 "" :1 \\·,d1opin'.! 1-:'-~ \idon 11\!'r the !oral ~:·~at!llkfl(l)('rraha1d3-2alsl .. ort~nl.~nssistthede . ·------- -------------·- -------------- 'Take Weekend Vl.ctor.leS s~~k~tihrll'il!l may h~lp pu~h 1!'.\<l, .• t tk li.Jrtl.-tt \l!•tnPrial :\r!'na.· "" - , • s B A A ruck~ts into outer ~pace.

\ li~t· II j,, ·nL-k h,1!1\!!'d home si \ p;oab 11 hill' ha\'· , third period and lli~~ot•k fin- • • • • The compound--railed nitro-in\! tl,

11 ,, ,

1-.i,t• \11., Fanlkn!'r ~<·ored four and set : ished off a play with Pike and nium Jl!'t\:hlurate-was de•·elo,.,.d

1 ' l 1 1 \ 1''1 · t · t · I ' IJ\.· D1· .. 1.\\'.T. S!linL. now pre;-· Jark FatJlkne.r t!J 11·1·detl ti1o c M d F• 1 I Holy Croos junior and senior Gus Cn!'hnmr 12. 'l~x Sullivan ,..,

· I ( · (' I' \ 1 · 1 " " ·' ' d 1 · h idcnt of !he uni·:~rsity and thrn '! 1\ ,. \1 II ,. •:\ !hi' 11.\~ I'I'~IS Nil!~ Wit'(' alll "aJI. C'i!'l' Pikr front .'lrv aJid ampus a e Ina s (;rammar School Basketball 4, Frank Buck 4 "'·"' 1':: 1 '"'~' ·'"1' 1'· ·<·or~,, '•111 ,;nn mt a p:ur 11 • .\\l,_aitt·lk

1· a~.···saitstltks·n1r0r, 8 ilAII~la11(1'DoDIIaa111.clf' I teams strengthrne I 1e1r old St. Bon's: Terry St~ek l!i .. Inn ~"·''' '' 1th \I),,., D.llll'. litn l'!'lllll' ami Carl !'Pnnv , :on first place in the standings Pnwcr 4. Jerome lln~cn 2. a clwmisll·~· pro[e,_,or. and W.J·: Gonion. an American research

::. "'"~ till' nllwr '' "~'~''· \lib· (.;('If,- and \(arlin C:tai·g and (;eor;!r Faulkner and AI- over lht> wPekenrl while St. Robert Dunne I. dtcmi<t ;dw wa< !ben a student. ,, t'll' til!• H1·ll J.l.n

1d go,d\!!'tl<·r~. · ' fir Hisrork from George had D f Sh k Bon's juniors won their first Sund•Y aflprn,H>n aclion in ' th t I , .. h • 2 e eat amroc s •am~ th~ Grammer School Ba;kPihall Tilt• IIIII I' e:·e preparing dichlo-

!'i<!>Jrd;,'· ni~ltl, nrtory !' cones IIIIS t?· . " · rine h••xoxidp 1~hen air lcak•'·i .,, ,.,

1 :w ,,,, ""d , 1 r;L~:ill lor from (;l'or,l!e and C\E'I' Pike ."-II four minor penalties In 'l'he .Junior Cru,adcr~ stopped League had St. Bon'; p:ck up inlu !heir apparatus to form the

1r, <"<'<'fl<'r- a- 1'1<')' droppf'ri anrf then Alt•x ~l't Hiscork up thP fixturr wPnl to Bell ls- thP Bluegolus 34-23 in Satur- llwir lir.;t win hy halting St. llltit(• rn·,•:~lline ~ub,tanc~. Latrr

thr 1<:111d fi 1 •"I Ft'trl:•' ni~hl for two morp quil·k Iallie,. land but no goal~ wrr!" sr•nrl'd Doubling Shnmror·k5 14-i, (;, \larch. F ....... 111 8 U days action at the St. Pat's gym Pat's :li-20 while liw "'nior n•;carrl; ,bowed it to IJc ~ vaul:!-Titt tl'., ~:om<' '~'~'~P' oprnr1l Thr first ~oai came at 8.23 while pla>·crs were in the pen· X a~·! Vinicombe's t'ampus team. G. \lcDonald. S .... II to 21 whtrh wa> l'limaxed hy a big Holy l'ro;; team walloprd Sl. hie component of rocket fuE'l. t"'r E;.-t l'nil•l ,,.

1111ima!s in anrllhl' se<·ond hy llis<•Ock was all>• box. gainl'd a berth in the finals of


T. ~Ianning, r-· ..•••• 14 6 2olsecond h~ll arlvantage. Pat's 56-24. Tlw \'allrry Chemical Cllmpaw: P·c.,;n.---,: :-'rn:or llof'kt·'· !'rored at 9.49 for a 5-0 game. Whil<' the Ce!'Bees wrrr the St. Bon's Athletic Associa-.J. Reardigan. F .. ,. !I 10 lRI St. Bon's hattlPd the Crusad- St. Pat's ant! ~~- Blllt'> star:- or PittsiJ,trzh Ja.'l ~-ear set up,,

T·1r C•TH<'I'• f,rP:f "'HI! l'at·l P<'nny unassisted and hrr;1king thrnugh a wrak Js- lion Hockey series ye-sterday E. C\oonan, ~· ...... II 9 18 ers on f'l't'n terms in the fin'\ ed the rloublP-IH',, 11Pr ill the St. pi:ol rl~n to produce nitroni""' r 1 ·I pPnod ~oal' on ~:~tunla)· .lun Pt•nny from t'red Rossitf'r land dt•fent·e tn fire 40 drives morning. They'll meet .lack D. :"'cville. r.. . , , ,10 5 1~ half of the game hut iell h_,. the Pat's ~~-m yc>tcnlay afternoon rPrdtlor~l·' f•Jr r0 \ear·:h. Tl-~ ~n<1

11(•re JH'\i'r m trnuhle a' and carl Prnny had ll 7·0 at caj;p t•op Cummings the Rearrligan's Forum squad in a X. VinicombP, c .... 8 6 14·waysirle in the last half as !he which lias tied at H-!4 al the compan•; says the compound i~ ,,

ihr•· arlclrct four tallir· in till' aftrr the initial stanza. Island forwards coulrt only best of three games seriPs for 1 D. ~leaJWJ', c ...... D 2 111 Holy Cro>s team scored sixteen half way mark. A •Iron~ ,.cL'OIIII "l;url)' ·h~t item in miS>ilc !'"·

:1llri<l'r ;tan1a alld lui rm· ,is It was Alfif' lli~coek oprn· manage 19 shots at Bill Sulli- the Walsh's Bakery Trophy. .1. Barron, F ....... 8 5 n;point~ to take the victory. h:Jif effort h) the ll!:1egold> ;eJrch" ard has intcrc.'ICJ ,, -,.

'11•'re 111

arkrr, tn til!' fin~l ing the set·ond p~riod !('Orlng ran in the ConcPption Bay ,Jim Walsh paced campu~ The goalie reeords were: 1 Terry Stack paced the Blue·· pulled the game uut of the f1rr era! ii:'ll' lli8l:ing rocket, .,.·.i rur1r Jkll Hand got both a' Alex and (irorge drew a~· net~. with four goals while both Dick- GP G.-\ Avg. golds in the fir>! two quarters for an easy victory. rocket fut-1 in the l'nited State,. 1o;.i' ill ttw ,eeond pt•riod. sist~ h!'fore :\like Kelly con·. LINEUPS !lleville and Dennis Meaney .r. Fihgibbons. c 11 55 9.115 with twelve P?ints. H~ tipped ~uard Terry ,stack _wa' thr

\:f:P lftscot·k ,t:1rll•rl It off n~>cled {or Bell Island on John CEEBEES: Goal, Bill Sulli-. were adding three tallies each. i D. Powell, F. 11 M 9.32 m four more m t~e. final half, malllstay of the St. Bon' attack. •'•~r 32 •rnmd• ol Jhr game , Ka,·ana~h's pass. Alex srored l'an; ct~fr.neP.. George Faull<- 1:\oel Vinicombe ban~ed home 1 B. Dunne, S . . . . 1 62 10.32 of the ~arne to ~1msh as the S_tack scored eJghl pomts lll the "•tn \!rx and (iron.:<' Faull<· on a pa>< from .Jaek Faulkner. ner. ,JJm I~C'.,Jillledy, Frank' a air of markers for Campus

1 I games htghe~l pomt producer,, ~1rst half than ~xplodcd for 13

nP: -rtl:n_g h1111 up (;<'or;.:r 1or .a 9:1 game and !\fartln t Flrml~1g: forwards, xev Pikl', wiih Dal't :\lc('arthy and Ed. I B b II s having 16. 1m the fmal_hall or. the contest

uent all tlw \Ia)· una,;i<tt>d Crm~ l!ll una solo.effort for -~lrx ~aulimer, '\el' Pike, .Ja~k Quigley gettinll their other' ase a COres _Two Holy Cros~ players a!so t~ _cnahle St. Bons get thetr 1n: a ~oal thai ,t:,rtru tour Bell !sla!Hitn haw It 9·2. Two 'Faulkner. Carl Penny, .lim· . I •hit the double-figures whtch first \\lR of the .;cason.

f:ompletes Fir~i Radar Units l'et8rl' markN< 111 onr min· goals by ."-lex Faulkner In the· Pt>nny, f'red RossitPr, Bill' se':l~:il Power scored four tim~s SUNDAY I ga1•e the Crusaders the win. Jim Power and Jerome Brren

lllP and :!ti <1•cond< :\lrx hit last minute of thP mic!dle ptr· :\frDonald .. Allan nawe, Cy I for· Sh~mrocks with Gus Me-; Pittsburgh 6, Kansas I 1

Gu.arrl Ed: Hurley had fourteen shared the othl'r sixteen points --· ·- .... ---· ----- -·-· · Garland, J1m ('oad~. :Donald .John Paifrev and Bill Detroit 9. ~Iii waukee 7 pomts whtle Gus Cochrane net- for. the B!uegold>. _ _ TORO:'\TIJ. On! -·- Thr f< . •

GAIIDER.• I BEL_L ISLAND: Goa!. Doug Whitt!~ as their other marks· St. Louis :, PhiladelphiB 3 i ted a dor.en. . .s~onng for the Patm-1ans 11·~s of the h~i~!JHirdin~ rad-1:· '·': , .R Cummings: defence, Bill 'lor- Th me saw two minor 1 Chicago A 12. Baltimore 2 A rlosely kmtted defense ~ayne Ross1ter wtlh s1x. Ros· heing built here for th·~ I i:. ,.

i !'Ott, (ierard Connors. Bern men. If e .g~l d •'th e ., in" 1 Los Angeles 7. Wash. 5 . which was set up hy the Cru- stter ll'a" the hig hoy for the tree radar line in I!C•r-.l,, 'I

B h D · J.'itzpall'it-k. Leo Burke. Frank, pena ~s ta ; 111 on "0 "I New York 13. Cincinnati 5 1 saders made the biil difference Irish until he fouled out in the i'anada has hPen shipp·"l f,·. !•t

Uc ans rop O'Brien: forwards. Bill Pow· toTehac f' ~qt ua · · 1 1

d th r ' San Fran. 20. Cleveland 5 in the contest, as the unit al· ·early part of the >crond halL a plant of ~'<-~?.dian 'Genr:·::l

G . , e IX ure eomp e e e e· l'h' N 3 B t 2 . - B ·1 Ad d El:Tlric Co. Ltcl.

t•r. POl ge Connor~. Sam .o\t· 1 herlul f the ries and . Jcago • . . os on lowed St. Bon s only etght 1 as1 . ams an Btll Aly-kms, Pat O'Brien, Gerrv Tav-

1 gl_u ~lr psc efoSh !e k SATURDAY points in the final twcli'C ward htl the hoop for fii'C The raclat· units are bei1•e;

101 ••

1 1.1·1 C 1 'l'k ·K 11· 1

.vr1 ower o amroc s cap- I " L · k · . · · 1 h · pn ltlre"' • ~g f'l · 1 · ·'a n rag, ,, 1 P e v, 1

· d lh 1

. h .,\. outs 2. New Yor 0 : mmutcs of plav pom s ear . most ol wluch <I " unuer a ,, . .- 1!1,•:•!'

All Stars 10 -3 . ,lohn Ka\'3naJ;lh, Gordon uhrel 1

e F~P1 scbolrmg ..ronl?urs · Pittsburgh 7. Detroit 4 Hoh:· Cross ·,:ollrrtrd twrli'P came in !he first half. when eotttraet al'.'ardcrl C G. E. i•y , L'katJM w L e • oe 1 z!(t 1ons "' am· -· · 9 M'l k 2 · . . 1 b th 1 1 h. · til" D .. n-•rtttletlt f D [ • I "' ""· . .

1 · - h b

1 I' l IIIClllnali , ' I wau ·ee or the stxtecn fouls dtmng tIP o rams Wl're cas w~ 111 a ' '. • o r en,-·

Rel'er!'es: Ted \\'tthrrs and pus was c atmmg t e es goa 1e Kansas 3. Wash. 1 game b1· RPI'. Bro. Taffe and tight ball ~ame. Prod net ion. on IJehalf of lhr .Tohn !Joylr. award. Los Ang. 7, Philadelp:Jia 5 Rer. Dunn!'. St. Bon'; Twcl1'r of th1• gaiii<'S llll'nt~· l'niterl Slate• :\II' Vo1w Till'

C.-\\DER •Spt't'l:il•- ~<'\rll Finlay~on I'Otald not find the STOPS The fop ten ~eorers were: I Chicaj!o N 5. Boston 4 >cored fire singk points whilc 1 fouls went to tlw St. !len·> equipment wtll be in>l<lllcd >· ftr•l prr:on ",aJ, h•· th!" 1 i,tt- c;anclrr. ~~t but came in for Sulli1·an .. 8 ll 4 17 G A PI~. 1 Chicago A 4. RaltimorP 2

1Holy t'ro,s mi!<.'rd thPir ~ffort~. i t~am. Thr: winnt'r' I! it tlH' ba.'- pari of IIJC :\'orth :\mrrican in-

In~ Bo!·han< 'iilll'r• put thr t\111 as,!~l~. Cumming< .. 8 10 7 2:1 r. rowr•r. S Ill 1a ~2 San Fran. 9. l'IHeland 11 ' Hoi~· Cro~~: F:rl. [lurley 14. _kel tor f1re frer pnmls 1\htlr l('~ra:pd <it-!'Pnct· >).'tr•m . t~li1P on te!' ,,, tiH''. look tlw H!'g lleehan st·ot·rd two of ----------------- ---------- --- St. !'a!'; m;IIW~I'ri four. ll. '!. l!ohinso11. C. (;. t:. neP· <rt·<>nd ~tanw lrom tllP lian<ler (;ancler·~ goal~. both nf thf'lll N H L St. Bon's: T1·n1· Stal'k 21. pre>tdrnt and ,:eneral mana~1·r .-\1! Star< :n Ill(' Ganrlri' Ciar· in thr ,e,·ond period. One. • • • . Jim Power 8 .. l<'rt;me Brel'n s. of the firm's rlrctrtmic equip-lito~ ~aturcla,· Jll!:ht h•· a came on an assist from Bill. St. !'at\: Wa1 nP H•l•sitt•r. fi. mcnt and IUbP department. said kOT~ nf ltl-:1. · Thl' loeal.ho;.s lreland with the other unas·' D t •t M k PI ff Bas1l .\dams :i. ·B11l .\lywanf 5. !lrlill'l')' ni the fir,t unit ~~-~ found lh<· n~l onl\· olll'f' in the ~!sled. C\alhan Dyke on an IS·: e ro I a e ayo s. Len l'arroll 2. "ri~.!hl. on schedule." The heighl-f1r<t lramr hut. <·anw bat·k sist ft•nm Leo Lannon opened, · With threr pla)·prs Intt 111 ~ finrlin~ equipment order. nf

~~~~~~~nR~\:~"i~,~m;:1 :n~1 l~~~;~ th~-~~~.~n:elf~;~~;an~~:~ Rose ' ::~~:~~:~~:~:i~~-r~;)~1~~~;;_ a~t~t~:, ;:~~:~~~ ~uh~~~~~~ct~~rc~~ta~·~n~~ to JCOII' onl~ t\\n in thr see· and Gen Butt handed out six I · Cros; ran up 3 rl<•ri>ive 56-24 dtan supplier~.~~ expel'lerl to hr.

~~~£rtri~:c .::r E~·-::e~:] F4::a~l51rd:~b1 ~-y;;G::a:11n:.d:erel~~~2~yhl.B~ri~~~ ! PI ante H u II w I. n Awards . :~~1110 :~~~~i:~:':~i~:Jl~~:~~~;o~~ ~~~::.'~~~~i::o~h:Ri:as~heq::~:: P'riocl but wt>re held score· ., ' points. f!is output almn't equal- rr.prcsent,~d one of titr fi_r;t lr•• in thr third period. Gander All Stars meet the ed thr output of the entire St. m<~.tor l.S .. radar producl!on

llil!h >!'OI't'r for Blll·hans was Corner Brook Royal~ tonight Pat's team. ~-like Bambrick wa' contrnrts helnl! undertaken h~· 'Roy :\lullins who had threr in the Gander Gardens in the BOSTO~ 1 API - Blond Bobby Hawh :\HL st•oring racr "ilh ~ion·· defit'it hut finally howrrl on next in 111·111 17. 11-111·1!• ~ Canadian manu(a<'furer In Ar-

1 h. d' ,.

1 ·

1. f' Hull of Chicago Blackhawk> 1 Howen•r. Vic Stas1'uk· '!!)th 1 tt·eal'' Jean Bell.l'eau Ea"h ha 1 I1n I'" I · · · ' 1 n •~ rre _11. _,ex In mr. 1rst of a two game :'\AliA ,

1 . . . . . . . ' s - ·; • · • 5 ·? ny ' 1 sons wmnmg . ~oa Perev 'lrDonalrl hod lrn. <'orrlant·r ll'tlh U.S.-C'an~dian

wu the tlrPle~s It ugh Red . semi final series. The sec· 'au ted pa5_t B1_onco Honat_h of goal, which ga1 e Boston a bnef: 74 pomts. The goals were Bath·' wtlh 88 seconds of play remamm~. The Crusaders scnrerl twrntl· prodnction-<harin~ agreement~ Wadden who beat Bob :\larks 1 ond game will be played Tues· Boston Brums l~lo. the ~all~nal: 4·3 edg~ in the ~eco~d period, gale's ~5th and 26th. . Wilson, twice a Detroiter in his cighl points in eaeh half 10 nfi·. 111·ict. 'lclntosh al'o

1wt credit day night. Corner Brook was: ~~~ckey Leagu: slormg ~hamp10n· ~cost Ch~cago goalie Glenn Hall\ ~lannce (The Rock~tl Rtc~~rd rheckered career and traded ~o -----

fnr two of thp :\!inrrs goals. the winner of the two llame sh•P. Sunda! mght, desptle .a dra:, the Vezma Trophy awarded. an· scored for the Cana~1ens. he~ng Toronto last summer. scored h~s :~~e~hewf~~shF'~~trl t;;al;,a\~~cil~:'~ I.U:\DO:\ , AP 1 _ Au,lt·t·an Harrb, cooper and Walker series played with Gander~ mahc re~w? from the hospital b~ I nually to the regular nel·mmder the. score 1-1 early m the thtrd IJ5th goal of the season off goalie -"·ortd one ~al'h. The high last week in the West Coast , the Brums sharp·shooter. The t whose team h'iis surrendered the penod. It was the 3~-year-old, Terry Sawchuk's arm on a 15_ who were nel'~r re~lly in ~he !Jeauty queen Johanna Ehrens-~rortr of Frirlav night's game city. , game between . the two dubs: fewest goals. Roc!<et's 19th goal this season. 1 foot effort. game. they h~d 13 111 the f!r~t trasser was sentenced Thursday -------.. : . - . _ . . . ended in a 5·5 he. Doug Mohns was the big gun Plante's honor also brings a The Leafs jumped in front on, half and II Ill the !alter part tv 12 months in jail for stealing

1-------------------, The 21-year·old. Hu!l sc~red a~ for Boston, firing two goals and $1.000 prize from the league. He Frank Mahovlich's 18th goal 'ilnd: of the encounter. almost £i,OOO worth of furs and

goal and an ass1st m h1s last adding an assist. He started the· was tied with Chicago's Glen Hali 1 captain George Armstrong's 23rd. ~ Holy Cross used the man to jeweh'y in a shoplifting spree. The

I \ Rame of the regular season to scoring at 2:33 of the first period,. going into the game-each with Detroit squared it on Murrav Oli· man defence throughout most defence argued 1·ainly that the

I CAPT.AJN .MORGIUif '------- 'win the Art ~oss Tt~phy and, assisted by Don McKenney and 1175 goals against -but Hall ran 1·er's 20th and Pete Goegan's, of_ the contest which made· blonde, 21

·year-old actress, ~!iss I Hot ButteJted ~ ', 1 S1,000 as the htgh~s~ pomt '!Iaker, A_rt Erickson. ~fcKenney later 1 into a hot Boston team in the Gocgan forced the tiP early in i l~1~gs un~omtortable [or _st. Em·ope of 1958, was the 1·ictim nl

It ' m the NHL. He hmshed with 81 , picked up a goal and another as·: hub citv end gare up four goals the third period and the deadlock · I at s, causmg a lot or confuswn a redueing drug she had be~n

point~. Charlie Burns and Vic Stas-1 in two periods. Plante allowed liB: lasted alhost 18 minutes before , in the Irish passing. Repeatedly laking since Iast June to presel'l'e

I Eflc Neste renko deflected iuk scored Boston's other goals., this season. Wilson's clincher. they lost the ball to the Cru- ~~r_3_1_·22 '~~~fig~re. Cold wealhl'r l'omfort-and ready at almost a Hull's pass out from the corner 1 r'or Chicago, Glen Skov, Ken1 A Madison Square Garden n was a rough, smashing hoc.-sadrrs pressing defcnsil'e unit. . -------mom1mt'11 notit-e! To start, put a few curly bits al 13:nt of the fins[ period to Wharram and Eddie LitZI'n·: crowd of 15.127 saw Bathgate ke1· name that featur~rl a fist which resulted in easy layups. of oranl(e peel, 1 t.<p, of brown HUJIBr, 4 to 6 gii'E' the Point Anne, 'Ont.. 195· i burger netted singles. Litzenbur-' send the Rangers off to a 1-0 first fight nhetwcen C\orm L'ilman al!d Guard Bob Costello was the wholP doves and a tall stirk of cinnamon in JH!Und h us tIer the assist he; ger scored unassisted near the period Iead then assist Brian ('u!·, Carl Brewer. big man in the scorm!( for St. eal'h heavy <·hina or metal mug. Add

1 tsp. of needed. Hull had entered the con·· end of lhP second period. Elmer: len for the tie-brraker at fi,·e Ref ere<' Dalton \fr.-\rtlm1· callPd Pat',:, The lanky Patril'ian

Brandy, 1 t1~p, of butter (unsalted, if you have lest with 79 points to Horl'ath's, \'asko and Dollard St. Laurent 1 minutes of the.last period. Batjl· II penaltle' as bo!h sides in· ~wishrrl 14 11oints whi!'h wm • . 80. . I each ~ot two assists. gate added his second gDal al dicated a willingness to tangle dil'ided erenly brtween the two

it), and 2 oz. of Captain Morgan Rum. Add Hon·ath was bemg x·rayed for :-.lEW YORK 1 APl-Andy Bath· 12:24. srreral times halves. alm011t·boilin11 water and stir well. For the next a possible jaw fracture at a, gate scored two goals and as·. The game wa~ comparatively: :\ll goal~. I1oll'e1·er. tame \1 ith Holr l'ross <·ullectcrl ninr of

I round, usc frl'sh cloves and peel; cinnamon ~earby hospital when Huii reg-, sisled on -another Sunday night as: mild with. only seren penalties. the t~ams at full stren~th. thP 13 foul< \'ailed by llcv. Bro. etick will last for a !ession. tstered his 40th goal on a short,, the last-place :-lew York Rangers· The Rangers' Lou Fontinato in· Detroit carried a 47·25 edge in Sa\·age and Re1·. Br. CunCa!l·

II blazing backha~d shot al 5:48 of ?efeated !'.~ontreal Canadiens 3·1 curred all three of his learn's, shots but Johnny Bower ga1·e a nu.1, who nfficiaterl in both cnn-

f, 8th

1eT s



1the Na

1 l1onal Hockey L,eague'hs thhe la~t -a 10-minute. miscond;ct: bri!iiant shof_w, in the Toronto n~ts., t:sts. St. Pal's hit the hoop four

I . , as regu ar season g-ame.,or bot , w en he took a SWipe at Guy 1 oronto 1mshed the campa1gn tunes while Holy Cruss ma<lt J

1 H~vath, who had led the ~IILjteams. 'Talbot while the l-atter was skat· with a 9-4 edge over Detroit, plus ;good on two tos>l's.

I ~cormg mos_t or the campata:n.1

Even in defeat, Montreal goalie 1 ing by New York bench. Fontin- 1 one tie. · Holy Cross: Ed O'Brien 2:l. ·

I h~ been htt on the lower left I Jacques Plante won the Vezina I ato was off the ice at the time. i DETROIT ICP' - -~ penalty· ~like Bambrick 17. Percy .\le-

I Side of the face by the puck ~ec· trophy as the league's .lead_ing) D_ETROI~ I API- Johnn~ Wit· I f~ee game-a rarity in the ~a· I Donald 10, Tom Healey 4. Ed.:

1 onds before the Dpenlng period go-al.le for a record·breakmll fifth I sons goal m the last 'two mmutes 1 honal Hockey League-was p1·o·: Hurley 2. r· ·

L ended. When the pictures proved straight year. broke a two·all tie and brought i duced by New York Rangers and 1 st. Pat's: Bub Costello · 4

_ ---· : nekg~ive tBfrontcho rf~ced1 ba~kd to Th1~ !foss ha~-~l effect ·on Mon·! TDronto Maple Leafs a 3·2 deci- 1 Detroit Red Wings Saturday as; Bob Pearcey 8 Pat nice 2 ' 'I DO s a.., ou or e ma per1o as I trea s Ina! st ... ru ng as the Cana-l sion over Detroit Red Wings in the Wings came up with a 6·3l' --- - -- - · - . ... . . ·-- ... ; ,.._ • w.~~~~~• ...-.y- )3,8'15 ~oston. Garden fans stood 1 diens long a_go clinched first the season finale before 14,019! victory. playoff hopes of Boston Saturday:

~-~ ID howling tnhute. place. But It bed the season rec· Sunday night. 1 TORONTG !CP)-Goalie Glenn: night b~ drubbing th: Bruins 5-1 1 lim IT MDR

ft•N But luck had run out for Hor· ord for the two clubs at six l'ic·J Defeat locked the Detroiters in' Hall and forward Bobby Hull or' before 14.861 National Hockey l_;~ ' ... ~- vath, who had received the Du· tories and two ties. , fourth place in the final National' Chicago Black Hawks were the League fans. I k

lresne Trophy as the most out. The Canadiens, waiting now for: Hockey League Standings and set, chief losers Saturday night as w L T F A P. ';

games, pnor to the opemng face-, the .lieason w1th .a 41·17·12 record.· M·aple Leafs m the Stanley Cup Hawks Hl m a :'-lational Hoeke:;, Toronto 3o 2n n 199 195 79 ' off. i For the Ran~ers. it was 17·38-15. 'semi·finals which start Wednes· League contest before ~ packed: Chicago 28 2R I~ 191 ISO 69. Wb

I Nesterenko's goal. assisled by: TIIIRD-PLACE TIE 'dav in Toronto. house of 14,015. Detroit 26 2i 15 187 197 Gi fll llfl Iff l'tlildlt

••-- Hot IMII'It4l bllltt lotJrd of Liquor Control ____ Hull, was the one which• opr·, Jlathl!at~·s lhree poinl, tied D2ft•oit, fighlin~ lo kec]J hopes ~IONTREAL 'CP ,_ ~luntrcal's Boston 23 34 S. 220 241 ti4 .. ,~ii-,~-flllllltlll--.J duced the equalizer for the Black: him for the third place in the, for third place, overcame a 2·0. lofty Canadicns snuffed out the' New York 17 38 !5 187 247 49: -""''"-

RUM THE FINEST RUM IN CANADA •u.cK Smooth and ftavourful

Page 10: COMPACT CAR VAUXHALL THE DAILY… ·  · 2014-08-04COMPACT CAR VAUXHALL ... 1 manite said the. officers pre·, ~cotta f1res

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\0--------~------------------------------------------------ .. THf Dt.llY NEWS, ~T JOHN'S. NF.:.O, MONDAY, MARCH 21, 1960

or Stove Oil and Fuel Oil Phone 7 469 or · 3007 This Page Is Presented With The. Compliments Of 1

The Great Eastern Oil & Import Co., Ltd. 1

• Wlllnl IS THE TIME FOR HOME tMPROVEMI: ~ wait fbrtiDTJ.lJ.((~

! ,~=======::::; Jewish Homeland

.acao&s DOWN I Isr~el's 1 Fish

emblem. - 2 Story of Dl\id 3 One of Israel'&

1 Product of cities, Tel-Israel 4 Send

1 Beit N1tut1 , 5 Fish part for instance 6 Clunt

1% Possess ~Equipment

13 ~· -!son 8 Biblical word ,.... 1 Adorned 28 Citrus fruit

H Awlnlian 10 Love god 30 Lenming Oflri~h

15 0! tood 11 Di>order 31 Sea eagle 16 Pass 33 Bar ol steel

17 Lettuc-e ~0 Luke·~'llrm 35 Spotted l8 Demon ... . 19 tloquent 22 Organ parts 40 .... roillitnan

S)'e&kers ~~ Scent 43 Robber ' • 1 M ta. lake 25 French cap 45 Lebanon • oun 111 "6 Span11cd glass seaport J3 Pronoun • :4 Yolp ___ ""''l"..,

tr1bu1.1ry -r. Rlnd

;&9 Wan ·s2 Plan Si Redactor 15 Unclosed a; Recent aiCircle S9 Place 41 Ri\"t.r in

Soo:!.ar.d '2 S:nall child ., :r.see-.s ~ Warm wi:Jd 4.9 B::-d o! ~re~· 1: Do wronc MCr&!l)' 116 liiih prie$1

1Bib,) S~ Blbll;al

iardtll 13 .r ewi.!~ trite

and ci:, :91..<': ~~En·!'!".'!! fl ·,• :nJO

olB Plant 47 Heraldic bJnd 48 Within

(prefix) MAim 51 Moon 52 E.<!sentlat

being 55 Trams at bat

r-c---:-t;...._l __ ;l Jacoby I apt 0 li0

1l ! Now Playing I. n Bridge JAMES STEWART IN "THE FBI STORY" 'SI.'RF: 1'HJS(;' "ThE' FBI Story.'' two·timr NETS OV.:RTRli'K

Pulitzer Priz!'·Winn!'r Don \\'hitehean·~ thril\in!l anri au· R,r OSW.\1.0 Hl'llR\' thenlir account of the nation's Tlm•c IW·trump playrn hy: most famous law enforcement South would hav~ been about I agency, has been brought to , as sure a I'Ontract as possible.

. the screen by Warner Bros., , South could run 10 top tricks



1 and opens at the Capital 1 any time he felt like it. · • Theatre. 1 At five clubs South won the I

I , opening spade lead with the aee Starrl~g In the Techmcolor and drew trump~ with two I

1 prod~ct10n are two of HollY· leads. H his next play hari been 1 ! woods most popu!ar s~ars, a di~mond finesse South would 1

.• Tames. Stewart an~\ era :litle~. : have gone down but he worked 1

1 The ftlm was dtrerted and out a ~urc fire pla\' for five I produt·~d by :\fervyn .LeRoy. · that actuallv produ~;d an over- I who has been .. respo~.~l?Ie for

1 trick. • I

some ~{ th.e great~ 111 mo· ! All he did was to casl dum· tlon ptrture l'ntertamment. m~··s two spades and discard his:

"The FBI Slot)''' traces the .ial'k of diamonds. Then llr' life of a typical ~·oung a;!cnt, played the are anrl queen nf: his home life as wrll as his diamonds from rlummy. Ea.•t ; rarecr with thr FRI. Parallel· co,·ererl with lhe king and 1

ing his story is the develop· South ruffed. Then he wrnl ment and growth of the FBI· back to dumnt\' with the last· from a struggling organization trump and di.,c:u·ded two of his in 1924 to the outstanding ef· hearts on the good diamonds.:

· ficient operation it is today. 1 \\'hy was South's play a sure . thin.~·! Because be had ni:IIIIH'ri I

Included In thr productwn . , are such action-packed e\·ents NORTH H 1

: as gun battles with notorious : • K J 4 1 gangsters John Dillinger, . "'6 5:1 ' "Pretty Boy" Floyd and "Bab~· t A Q 9 8 ' Face'' :-Ietson and undercover .a. Q 9 7

work by agents in solving mur· WEST EAST ders of Osage lndiam in Okla· • 9 7 53 • to 8 ~ 2

. h' 'l'lt •. -\QJl07 '¥94 hom a to obta1n t etr o1 ng, ·'· t 4 2 • K 7 6 53 The film l'il•irllv ri~pil'ts thr

ca1·!)' riays whPli lhc unclrr· milnnrd or~anization workrcl l!l hours a rlay. ortrn ~rl'rll rln.v.' R wrrk. to 's:rt .10h., rlonC'. 11 ~how~ hnw thr I'BI rlurin~

... fi2 ... 53 ·!!Ol'TH II>) •. ~ Q • K R2 .,. t .r to 4 A K .T tOR 4

:'in on~ ,·ulnl'rable .. --~World \\'ar 11 dirl rr>untrr-r.'·

piona!(e work 111 South Amrri· . W•d .Snrth Eaal I 4 Pan I + Pa<S

<·an eountrir~ In which lirr· ~"' Pa~s 4 "' •P•«






man spies wcr~ opera tin~. The 5 .a. Pa~• p3,s Pas' stor~· is bl'ou.~ht up to the Opening lean-• ~ present with the FBI fighting 1

. as relentlessly as in wartime I to" discard. a heart if East did I i to track down enemy agent~ not put the kinf( of diamonds . wh~rever they may be in the I on the queen. Then, if WPSl 1 Umted States today, I held the king of diamonds he 1 LeRoy spent five weeks I would make it but .would never I shooting In Washington, D.C., i be able to gather m two heart 1 and New York City. His cam· 1 tricks. i eras will give moviegoers an 1 c d . in~ide look at the amazing 1 ar Sense


. 1 operation in the FBI Head· ; 1 quarters in Washington where : . .

the evidence rcquirerl to caP· ' , Q-The h1ddm~ has been: tut'c and romi!•t a c1·iminal is !liorth East South West 1 ohscn·cd, collected and analyz. I • 2 t 2 • Pas~ 1

ed. ~ "' Pa>s 4 "' Pass ' 4 • Pa~s ~ I

J.rRt>'' wa~ ~\lnwr.rl entry to Ynu. South. lmlcl: thf' various ciil·i~ions o{ thr .. K~2 ¥K832 tK32 ... ~~~·1' Bureau, inducting thr Jargr't Whal do ynn clo now·: I rrimr. laboratory in IIH' wnrlrl, A--Pass, You havP made All 1

rquipprcl to handle an:• type 1 thr bids your hand warrantli i

of rase: the idrntilicatinn eli· and ~hould llf. glad to l(l't off 'I

\'i>ion in whirh more than 150 the book. milli~n rlifferent ~_ets of finll· 1 TOilAV'S Ql'lo:STIOS ! er prints ~re on file, llldcxrrl Your par1nl'r's openin~ one . and cross-indexed; and to the spaM is ovcn:a\led b)' two dia· ·

: FBI finng ra~ges _at nearby mond<. You holrl: I · Quanllro, \ 1rg1ma, where •3 ¥7 6 5 t8 3 2 "'A K n 7 fi 4 I

agents are trained to. become What. rlo you do? : experts in the use of ftrearms. : Auwer Tomorrow

! Scrne~ wrrP also filml'd I --·-----· . with Jnme~ Stewart anrl Vera : s :!\file~ in a varirtv of locale~: e BARB ' in Washington, hicluclinl( the I

('apitol, the !.inroln ~1emorial,

-:::::;::::;::::;::::;::::,:::::;::::,:::::;:::~====:::::=====~ taurant on the Potomac River.:. \\' .' • HfAI. ('(,._ dR. '1 h 1

: the Union Station and a re~· 1 R·.·· ""H AS -·-·---=:::::.- · c I'P o ten won en•c ow




MATINEE: 1.30 P.M. 9.00.


. At the Lincoln :\1cmorial, i many people TV commercials ' LeRov took the first over-the· ! have caused to grt fat. I • 1 shoulder shot ever made of 1 • • •

1 Abraham Lincoln, Joe Biroc, . Wht>n baseball sea~on i~ on the director of rlnematogra- : a lot of vendors will be work·

: phy, plac•t"'l hijl c·amera atop : ing in ball parks fGr peanuts. 1 T.lw•uln's statu .. sn that h•• was ' • • • · ablt> to I•il'k uy the l'iKht sitfto ·, '""'=-"""'"1 I of the Civil Wnr l'r~sitlt!llt'S : face a net Ul'lll. \1~ t hf'n photo· ; graphed Stewart ann 1\llss . Miles driving by in Uw street . , below with the Washington ; Monument in the background. I Opportunity' sonieiimes'is-dis: . In Nrw Ynrk I.eRn)' cnvPrrrl 'guisprl as hard work and k~eps a con~iderahl~ portion or the :a lot or peopiP. from succeerlmg. . • * • c1ty as he ph'ltiJgraohed th~ : . .

, ~Url'elllance of an rnem:· r~- ' Funny !taw QUickly mamage , pipMge agent by th~ FBI. It stops a man from being a fia,t·

'''!~ 11 \'astl" CC'Implkated oper· 1 terer. ation, Il'qUirlng perfect tim· i lng. to film the s~q11enre in · CH!!QUES FORGED

·which th~ P'BI must cat~h the . ,OTTA\\A <CP•-Famtl;· allow­:: ~uspect tn the act of pas5ln.: : ance cheque !orgt'ries h~re dou-1· Information to a confederate·. 'bled m number in ihe Ja~t two '. years. A paper labled Thursday ! i Among the locales used by the health department for the I. were the Kingsbrldge Station Commons estimate!! committee I In the Bronx, the Yankee Sta· showed, The problem bas existed : dlum, Central Park anrl the from the ~tart In 194o·!io6. There 1 Broadway Joe Restaurant. on were 1,070 for::rrie.~ in the 1947-48 I West 46th Street. The Court 1 fi~caJ year when 19,534,AA:; che· • Street Station in 'Brooklyn, qnes were casherl. In the last !i.~· I abandoned for ~uhway u~e Jn cal yt""ar, 195R-59, there were 2, 12~

1946 was refurbishrn anrl u~ri forgeries among 2n,250,022 ch· to simulate the Bowlin~ Green ques. Station of the film. Also phnto-fiTaphP.d was R Sunday root· No SKEI.TON ball game between the New TORONTO !CPl-The Canadian York Giants and the washing· National Exhibition's 1 boal'd of tnn Redsklns. 1 directr,r:; reported Thurstlay that.

. !'comedian Red Skellon wi\lnot be , Headmg Ute cast with the 1 a\'aiiHil!e for the CNF. gran,lstand 1

~tars, James SteW&l'l and \'~l'a . show this w:u· h~>t·aur.e of ~:mn· : :~Illes, are ~lurray llamillon, . peun t·cuntnilnwnts. l·:~l'iil'r I his· Lal'l'y l't•nnell, :'-iit-k Adam~. month the (''JI·: sairl SkPIInn' Diane .lcrgens, ,Jean Willes. wouln be si~ncd lo headlinr the

. ," Taylor. \'ictor ?.lilian :firs! w~ek of the twn-wnr•k ;;how. · and Parley Bact·. I week of the two·wcc!t show.













Rv V. T. HAMliN


i\-\'1:.\'\ C.Ot".i\~S\ .:1\:l~ \S ~\.1.)~\:l\.. 'i'O~'i'-~'.






llltmiiiOI"··IDT A' lOIIG IS I fi.I.W AS A TOUIIISt ~~ ,...,__,....

Page 11: COMPACT CAR VAUXHALL THE DAILY… ·  · 2014-08-04COMPACT CAR VAUXHALL ... 1 manite said the. officers pre·, ~cotta f1res

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__ ,._ ______ ~----------------------------------------------------------------------~ ···.

RADIO PROGRAMS OUR BOARDING H'OUSE · with MAJOR HOOPlE 1 r-------•1, --IIZI-tr.Wiil. iJIWfliW-Il!-MIIIIliii-II&IIEi·.u;!DrlP.I!IA_B _____ ~

CBN IIIOSDA\', Mardi lht.

4.30-Variety Hour S.llO-Young Peoples Concert I S.30-Fisherics Broadcast 5.415-Music •·rom The Albuma. ! 6.00-CBC News. 6.015-lntermezzo

'7.:!0-l'BC News 6.30-Supper Guest T.3S-Top Of The Mornin1 6.45-Curtain Time. 1.00-CBC News and Weather 7.00-CBC News and Weather l.lS-Musical Clock 7.115-Random Chapter• I.O~lloming DE'\'otions 7.415-Doyle Bulletin 1.15--Prol(ram Prc1·iew 7.30-Tops Today I.:!J-On Paradl' 7.415-Doyle Bulletin t.3f>-.Direct Reports 7.1~-Musical Program 1.43-Records at Random 7.30-Tops Today ll.llO-Ar~htrs 7.45-Doyle Bulletin. 11.15--lris l'o11w A.15-Rawhide M.::~rur l'ousumers 8 30-Freedom ForUin 10.3il-Xfld. School Bror.dcast 1 R.-10-Hour of St. Franris 10.45-l'hils Kitchen. j 8.55-Weather for Mariners 10.5:1-l!usic in thr !olorning.

1 9.0ll-National Farm Forum

ll.Otl-Tn Catch a Falling Star !1.30--Vancou\'er Theatre 11.15--Xfld. S~hool Rroadcast : !1.30-Song~ of my People 11:1!1-Rt'g:na :\lcBridP i 10.00--llawaii Call~ 12.00-BBC :Sews 1 10.30-\'ancouver C:hambfr lZ.lO-Annot"lcers Choice 1" • 1 Orche~tra ... 1.•-Farm Broadca.~t 11.415-t"BC National News,

12.45-)lid Da\' Serenade ! Roundup and Winter 1.00-Po~·le Bulletin · 12.00-Sign ofl-0 Canada-The 1.1.\.....A LOI'I' to remember . Quet'n.

1 30-CBC Xews and Weather: -----------­H~-BBC \"ariPt~. ~ 1~-.-\tl;:ntic School Broad·

ra;t 2.4~-1 ommy Hunter Show 3.1~-Kindergartrn Of The Air 3.30-:Srws and Trans Canada


a Write ter wr Oo"'II·'Y·Moll .,.,., ••• p., • CM4Ui ... ~riviNttt tt a 11i1ttttf

ttntr r•l• ef inte-rut 1 < 'AI'iRN IRUSl C~MPA~Y

VOCM ~WSD.\ Y, Mardi lbt.

8 30-News and Weathrr 11.35-Break(ast With Bill. 6.511-News 7.00-Breakfast with Bill. 7 JG-!\~ws and Waterfront

Director~· 1.315-Breakfast with Bill 7.55-~ews 8.00-Tor bay Weather 8.011-Br!'akfa't witb Bill 8.25-:'llews

1 8.30-Hit Tune of lbe Da7 8.33-Sportscast a.40-Breokfast with BiU 8.5~-News 9.00-~torning Date 11.1!}-Linda's First Love

! !1.30-~orninl Dale 10.00-~ews 10.05-Stork Club 10.1:1-.lim Amerhe Show . 10,53-News.



I Paramount I FURNESS, WITHY & CO., L TO~ ! Today I i l.tvrr(!flot St. John's

~o to R!s · & St. John's Boston

Bo·1ton Halifa~ St. Jnhn's ''' tu tu i

Haii!ax St. John's L'piiJit I

II JOH:-.1 WAYSF.-IVILLIAM HOLDE:\' IS ":"iewfuundland" Omitting call :

S "r-:ewfoundland ~13r 22 •.-1ar 26 ~.l~r 2' "THE HORSJ:: SOLDIER '' '' o - ";\;o,·a Scotia" ~lar 23 ~lar 311 Apr 5 Apr 9 Apr 11 One of the most dramatic and ":'\cwfuundl~nd" Apr. 13 Apr 20 Apr. 26 Apr. 30 ).fay 2

exciting incidents of the Civil . "Nov~ Scotia" Apr. 27 ~lay 4 ~lay 10 ~lay 14 May 1E War supplies the fabric for the; l't•r·sut., ron.~' .. l-•t!lllll! ou.,,,.,ge tu ~uroPe

; stor)' of ''The HorEe Soldiers," ·r should m:Jl>e huul;ing,• well in advance.


1 the $6,500,000 epic production. \Itt P~S~.-\(iES ARRANGE~ BY B.O A.t. .. K-L,~ •. PAN opening today at the Paramount :\MERICAN . ~IRWAYS. SCANDINAVIAN. T VI A. alld Theatre through United Artists 1 ~onnectmg Arrhnt>s .

1 1 Consult us regardrna vour traVi!l oroblema re ease.

FURNESS TRAVEL OFFICE This was the incredibly bold and heroic six-hundred mile ' 'PHONt: IS:S raid through Confederate terri- NEWFOllNDI.AND HOTEL

tory of Colonel Benjamin Grirr-: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ son and his brigade Of union I_; r

cavalry. Historians have ~redit­ed this remarkable feat with 1

havin~ mercifully shortened the conflict by aa murh as a full · year, with the saving of perhaps I 100,000 lives. '

John Wayne and William I

Holden 11re starred in "The Horse Soldiers," and two fam· j

oua Gibsona - Hoot, the great · cowboy alar of yesteryear; and : Althea, the awe-inspiring young ; Negro girl athlete-are featur-


ed. A lovely nell'comer to pic- : tllres, Constance Towers makes her film debut in the drama.

Filmed in DPI.u~e color an location in Missis~ippi and J..oui~iana. in the actual country through which Grierson's tol· umn made its famou1 rai~. "The · Horse Soldiers" is a Miriscb , Company pre~entation. John · l..ef' Mahin and Martin Rackin · produced the film, and also wote the screpnplay, an adapla· tion of Harold Sinclair'• best­ltlling novel.

Nfld. ·Canada Steamships Ltd .. FREIGHT SAILINGS


~fS. "BELLE ISLE II" .. . .. .\!.S. "BEDFORD II' . . .... .. .. MS. "FAUVETTE" ............ ..

Lea1·ing Halifax :.tar. 23 ~!ar. 26 Mar. 29

St. John'a Mar. 25 :l!ar. 28 ~tar. 31

!Subject to chanre 'll'ithnut noticl') for immediate clear~nce per d1rert sailings Tor r&te5, !pace and other information apply


DIAl 2031.

R. N. COLE, Special Representative, St. John's DIAl. Z.!07




The author of Grierson's raid wu, actually, none other than, General Vlysses S. Grant. In I=-~-~~~~~~~=======~==~==~ April of 1863, Vicksburg ";as:.-----------------------, under ~eige; Grant had bePn ' trying to lake the river city for some ten months without suc­cess. At the time. the war was ~oing badly for the N' orth-in the field. in Wa.1hington and in the newspapers. It was vital that Vick.1burg be taken before



AIIIINIItlllf lllllllllflfll tl


-__ J~=~~~::===-=:_:~=======;==~=:::=~---- the summer endrd so that :Grant could launch his stalled j drive to overl\'hel m the Con­







Tt CORNEA BROOK-weekly M,\' "'lrioh RD." and M/V "lrioh Willow"

O<Jmmencint April I).

T• ST.JOHN'S-weeldy S.S. "Novaport", S.S. "Gulfport" ....I

S.S. "Hirhliner" April 13 .

• C".<>mplete IDWTOnce Co¥eno11 • Threu1h Ramo "'ia C.P.R .. C.N.R .. and C.S.L. • Refriter•tod Corao Spo~ro to St. Johm 'o • T roeiftl and EspoditinJ Service.





f~r lrrldtt lf~~rutions

('ontarl 1.-\S SF.LI..-\IlS,

Trl. 5483·2151 or

R.U\'EY !'TEA!\1· SHIPS I.TD.,


CLARKE "First ill the

G11lf o1 Sl. ~.awr-r






11.00-Jim A.meclle Show. 11.15-We•tem JamborH. 1UI5-Newa. P.M. 12.~Wettern Jamboree. l2.3G-New• 12.33-Ramblinl witll Record• 12.45--Fisherman'l Foreut l:UIG-Ramblial with Rerorlll 1.111-Sporl.!icut uo-Ramblinl with Jtetorda UG-New US-Pauinl Parada (Job•

Nubitt) 2.00-Jim A.mtdle lhow. 2.ft&.-NtWI 3.00-Dollan .. Parada 1.11-NtWI 4..00-Bob'l :JaHW&JIIII 4..55-NeWI 5.00-'Bob'a landwa1011 5.30-lupper Serenade. 1!.150-Filherman'• Foreeut 11.00-Bullttin Board 1.11-Sportsnst and Trnel·

IUidt UG-Supper hrlntdl I.U-Newa '7.00-Bhlllelah lhowtima '1.15--Shillelagb Showtime IUJO-Crum of the Crop

10.110-VOCM All Time Hit Parade

10.10-I:Yentlde Mtditatlone 10.46-Sporlleut 10.55-New ll.~'Bil Top TR. 11.0&--Club IIIII! 1.00-ClOit Do1n1


A.M. uo-:Bob Lewis Show. !1.35-Weather Foreeul 11.40-Bob Lewla Show. 1.45--Headllne News and 8.50-Bob Lewis Show. 7.00-New~. 7.011-Bob Lewi1 Show. 7.30--News. 7.35--Weatber Foreealll US-News, 8.05--Weather.

FLY TCA get •-.1 willl


' Relen't a DCW HERTZ lENT A 1 CAR tu m~et you anywhere in the woorld. Drive it 11 your uwn: a new 1960 Chevrolet or other fine new car. l.ow Hertz rate include& all JU, oil and proper iDIUTantl.

IHerve ahead In St. John' 1, ca II

4847 7428

Other centres: s,. listing under "":!ertz ·in the whlte pas••·

1.15-ShippinJ Report 8.20-Bob Lewis Show. 8.25-Xiddiu Corner. 1.40-Bob Lewi1 Show. 8.515-Just a Minute. 9.00-News. 9 05-Music for Milliona. 9.20-Jerry Wiggins Sbcrtl. IUI15-Cliff's Kitchen.

10 00-News Highlights. 10.01-Martin'a Corner. 10.30-The Rigbt to Happinesa. 10.35--Naliona1 News. 10.M-Housewives Choice. 11.00-Music for Relaxin11. 11.01-The Rev. Matthewa. 11.30-Newa. 11.315-Nfld. Quiz. 11.45-Wbo'a That Singing~ la.OO-Newt Highlight.~. 12.01-Town and Counlr'y. 12.30-Newt. 12.3S--Town and Covni.J7. 1.00-New•. l.tli5-Weather Forec:ut. 1.115-New!. 1.35-Don Jaaieaon'a Editorial.' 1.40-Sportl, 1.40-Sporb. 1.45-Art Balter's Notebook. 2.00-News Highlights. 2.03-Jerry Wiggi111 Show . 3.00-News Hiihlights. 3.01-Western Jamboree. 4.00-Ntws. 4.01-Ranch Party. &.!10-NeWI. 5.01-Bob Le'lri~ Dane~ Party. 5.55-Double'mint Show. 1.00-News. tl.ll5-Bulletin Board. 6.1G-National News. fl.2&--News. 6.30-Club Ill. 7.00-News. '1.01-Club t3. 'I.SG-N ews. 7.4&--Don Jamieson's NeWII.

. 1!.00-News in a Minute. 8.01-Best from the Welt. 8.30-National News. 8.33-Best from the West. 8.00-Newa Hlghlighl!l. 1.03-Big Six PrOJTammt. 1.15--Nfld, Soiree, 1.03-Nfld. Soiree. 9.30-Songs oftbe ~01pel. 1.40-Pmonally Speakinc. 9.45--Dosco Newa.

10.00-News Highlilhlll. 10.01-Jury Trial 10.3G-Neft. 10.411-Sporll. 10.55-Musi~ in tht Ni&ht. 11.00-News Hi&bliJhts. 11.01-Music In the Nilht. 12.00-N en· 'Hi&hlightl. 12.01-Music in the Night. 12.30-News. 12.35-MU!ic in lite Night. 1.00-Newa. 1.00-Queen and Si~ Off.

YOUS MONDAY, Mardi lbt.

A.M. 8.00-!itllldial

1.30-New 7.00-Newa 7.30-NtWI, 8.00-Breakfut Club. 8.30-Ga;rlen Drake 8.00-It Happened last night

10.00-Coffee Time 11.00-Turn Back the Clock 11.30-Progam Twelve P.M. 12.30-March of Events 12.45--Sporta Paee 1.00-Artbur GodfreJ 1.215-News UII-For lbt Ladin z.oo-The Surl:'b

1 2.115-Couplt Next Door 2.:!U-News 2.:15-- Panurama


3.415-Junior ~liss

4.00-Spotlight on a IU.r 4.30-Hawaii Calla 5.00-Word Play !1.30-News 5.45-Checkln' In 6.00-Meet the Press 6.30-Checkin' In ( Cont'dJ 8.00-What's My Line 8.30--J ohnny Dollar 9.00--Family Theatre 9.30-Romance in Music

10.00-Final Edition

federacv. ! In r!.rsperatlon. the General ' r.onceived the scheme of send­ing a brigade of cavalry through hundreds of miles of rebel-held territory to attempt to destroy Newton Station, the all-impor· !ant supply center for Vicks­burg. He called Grierson in, confided his plan, and the rest is history-some o! the most exciting history of the entire

. colorful and tragic. Civil War. · 10.115-Sporl.!i Final 10.30-Jack Paar 11.00-Musie 'til Midnight

. here Thursday after an operation ·on Saturday. Youn)( had held dip·

PARIS CReutersl- Sir Gi!orge lomatic posts in Berlin, :\tadrid. Young, minister at the British RDme. the Middle F.as1 and South Embassy here, died in hospital Amfrira.

Lv. ~int Jahn. N.B ............................. March 21 lv. Halifax .......................................... March 23 Ar. St. John's ...................................... March 26 Lv. St. John's ......................................... March 30

Will call at outports as inducement offers and conditions permit. Cargo accepted for Corner Brook discharge subject ice conditions.

For rates, etc. Telephone 2073-5890.

Furness, Withy & Company. Ltd.

, ..... .,. .

PSP helps you laugh at the old Wide smiles all around! Dad just made the

down payment on thefamily'sfirst home. How did be do it? He saved for it with his BNS

Personal Security Program. Next project they'll save for with PSP is

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With your Personal Security Program you aet a savings goat, then reach it with SO equal monthly payments. When you reach your aoat, you receive the amount of it, plus a euh bonus.· And as you save, the full amount of your aoal ia lift-ituurld.

Find out all about PSP

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Get thl1 fret booklet at any branch of tht BNS

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A NETWORK OF OFFICES ACROSS I':ANADA AND !N LONDON • NEW YORK • CHICAGO • JAMAICA • CUBA • PUERTO 'flO OOMLHICAN R(PlJF! ·c, ;'.•.J-i.H1t.> • r;.:::rl'''D • e,i'1B/I.I~C. • co··~r.::.. :,:,[. :,TS Tl:~: WORLD OV~R


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P? ;'•'r) ........ "!f, •


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Page 12: COMPACT CAR VAUXHALL THE DAILY… ·  · 2014-08-04COMPACT CAR VAUXHALL ... 1 manite said the. officers pre·, ~cotta f1res

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______ .. _____ _

Flying Physicians r-·~··-. . ~- _______ .... ~ ·1·' ......... I

• • •

".t h~ giant snowbhuting machine processes snow d ~t on~ surface where it will harden into the qu~­

. f f san tone. The processed snow is blown . over :d --~s. ~h~n it hardens, the forms are withdrawn UHU agam.

r. -...... --~-...,.- -:-·-· .--,-,-.. r-·'.-~•,.p-....,._,....,~--r.--~____,....--..... --.---- ·...-·-~---

Peter Sno~ Miller, a type of rotary snow plow used to ~eep Alpme passes op_e~; whirls its way over 20 feet mto the 1ce~np. _When ftmshed, Camp Century will have more than SIX mllcs o[ Immel. It wifl be foul' blocks long three wide. ' I



Nfld. Armature




___ DIAL 4183


APOLOGY I. ~Irs. E\'clyn Ralph. do

hereby make this puhlk apolol(y to ~lr. AllistPr Brown of )Iundy Pond for any accusations l mal' h:t\'r made a.~ainst him. s~id ~c· ru;ations bring complcl<'IY false.

Signed at St. Nfld.. this 21st ~larch, 1960.

liRS. E\'ELY:'\

.fohn'>. day of




Lounge and Rc.oms.



Tile be:st in good food at popular prices.

reser-1ol i :>ns.



' . . Bill e·. r 1'\ l.ul.r in FI'CJ'I'

hnt:,r 111il h<· \''"'" tn call o~ "' fnr l:,•mo;h·l:n~ nr build· Ill~ plan-. irlras anri top qu:.lJi;· tnalrt'ials, which all ~rid 1111 to 'ali>farlion with your lwildin:.! pl'o.icct.

W.\TEII STHEE'f WEST 1'110!\'E 3011

! -·----tEAL ESTATE- Valuator of

city, farms and outpor pro­perties. Over 40 years' ex­perience. .fohn f), O'Dris· coli. Auctioneer and Real · E.<ltate }.gent. Dial 90312.

THE CENTRAl, BARBER .sHOP-We are now oper­•ting eight chairs. You can be assured of the bPs! possible service plus the least possible waiting, :!4 New Gowrr Str:!et, opp. Adelaide :\iolors.

lr------------------. Where To Stay Balsam Hotel

R.\RSF.S ROAD Situated ·.in •he Heart .r

· the Cit:.

Quiet, Comforlable AtmOI· ph ere.

For Re~Prvalions and hJ. formation.


Dial 6336 Why Miss? Show A Complete Line

l'fOW sell to e\'eryoue. {:loth· lng for the whole family. Ready to wear and tailored til measure. Seasonal speci­als, shoes, work clothes ladies wear, shirts, pant~ and nurses uniforms etc ... High cash commissions . bonus, own clothing FREE. Complete Sales Outfit and instructions FREE. WRITE 1'0-DA Y. Dept. 272. Blake· Walker Co .. P.O. Box 657 Montreal, P.Q. . '


MRS . .JOHN FACE'f Resident Managere~1




Two Tone, Radio.

• • IN~~~Ni~o~~:~15 Getting Up Nights $125·0·00

McKINLAY MOTORS LTD. Build faster -pay less JoB BROTHERs

with the BUTLER & co. LTD. Water Street

Building System __ n_ia_l _2&_58-4_1_23 __

Here is a new concept in con- ·1 struction that combines the MEEHAN & CO. eeonomies or mass-production T. A. Bldg., Duckworth St. with the distinctive appearance I Dial 7046-7047 of custom-styling.

-"' I


~!Jf.~~.ji_ ::.t~ Temple Bldg., P.O. Box 168, '=:.\!'~ -.·~ I 341 Duckworth St.

CMnpl~te it Ito half tho,;,,._ Dial 80370 er 7756


Store At Your Door




Dial 2206 ' __ ...;;.;.;;;;...;;.;.;~--;AYLWARD'S

PHARMACY Cor. Moncby & Empire Ave.

Dial 90070

~==- I DUNN'S ~ --_...,;~~ I PHARMACY

Flloisloittoonyde1J ... .rl>oaottr- Cor. Mayor and

ror the full story, see our sound-! Merrymeeting Rd. tlllde lilms. Call or write todaJo Dial 7388



i Elizabeth Ave.

Fry's Eng;neering I Dial 91120

. MURPHY'S .Co., . Ltd. 1DR~~ STORE


P.O. BOX 580, TELEPHONES 20:!6 • 2037

1 9 Mtlttary Road Dial 6446

FLEMING'S Dial 92937

%65 Pennywell Road

tor quiet eomEarting help for Backachl!' : 1troog c:loudy urine. irritating- passaJ:t'S• · L~g Pains, and lo~s of ellt't"f!Y due t~ i K1~ney and . BJad(ff'r trouhlf's, try , L MARCHANT ROAD C~STEX Qutck. complete .,atisfaction i e · or. mo~ey back. On•r 900 mLI!ion ~~---------~ cYSTEX t~blets U~f'r! proL"e safrty. ~UC• I ft5~. D(ln t sufft-·r another dar without , -~--- · -· -·-·­&!ktnJf 1'0Ur dru,2~ist fDr cY5TF:X.

Tenders Tenders are invilt•d for \he I

supply of tlte following:­MILK 1\!EATS BREAD EGGS FISH ,

to the Department of ~lunicipal i Affaus and Supply for a period 1

of twelve months, endmg ~Iarch f

31st, 1961. • . Fo.rm pf Tender and Speci· •

ftcattons may be obtained on ' application to the Department : of Municipal Affairs and Sup· 1

ply. i Tenders · are due at noon on '

Thursday, :\larch 24th, 1960. I DIRECTOR OF SUPPLY, Department of Municipal

Affairs and Supply. marl0,15,21


From St. John's via A U T 0 M A T I C Whltboume to Old P'!rlican, $1200 00 North Shore Conft>ption i • to Carhonear.



Trucks also available for Baird Motors Ltd. long haul service.

For Rr~::he:~~~~~~;~i.on I MERRYfAE.ETING ROAD DIAL 7!188-ll. DIAL 8-0378 • 8-0379

Page 13: COMPACT CAR VAUXHALL THE DAILY… ·  · 2014-08-04COMPACT CAR VAUXHALL ... 1 manite said the. officers pre·, ~cotta f1res

.. ' . ·. , ' . . ··~ ~--:

, ~-. l • j ... .


-.. . .. . . . . . .

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~ . . ... :;; . . . ... .. -:: :· .. q . ·' l

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- : ... : .· ... , .... - ' . _ .. - '


KINSMEN Boys_ Club

Newspaper BINGO '


B I N G 0 8 20 45 .56 73

12 30 36 52 7!J

9 26 40 55 63

7 19 37 .57 1 18

35 58

29 60

11 16

14 25 42

Help Kin - Help Kiddies ----· --- -------·--- -----

WATCH BROKEN? Han I\ 'Expertly

Repairl'd Herr


.\ l'TO~U TlfS


All Gi\·en

Immediate Auentlon




The Regular Monthly Meeting of Terra Nova Council, No. 1-452, Knights, of Columbus, will be held .

TUESDAY, MARCH 22nd at 8:30 p.m.

BUSINESS: Election of Nominating Committee. D;scussion of motion, notice of which wa\ given at the last monthly meeting.


m21.22 Financial Secretary.

----- ----





Thi1 winner can pick up hi1 prizt any

night afttr 7.30 a1 the Club Rooms,

Harvey R~d. ,


WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23rd, at 9 o'clock,



Anglican Cathedrial The

ANNUAL MEETING of the Parishoners will be at 8 p.m. on

MONDAY, March 21st.,

in the Parish Hall. •


will commence blasting operations in S·t. John's Harbour

MARCH 22nd., 1960

The following will be danger whif,11es: 5 minutes before blasting 5 whistles will be sounded.

Immediately before blasting a series of short whistles will be sounded.

After blasJing one long whistle will indicate all clear.





FOR SALE­MURPHY'S RANGE Situated on the southside of LeMarchant Rood and consisting of a range of 1 1 dwelling Houses with frontage of approximately 194 feet. Excel­lent commercial site. For further particulars apply:



Church Of England Orphanage

The 1 05th Annual General Meeting of Supporters and friends of the Orphanage will be held at The Cathedral Parish Hall, Queen's Rood. on

THURSDAY, APRIL 7th 8.30 p.m.

BUSINESS. Submission of Reports and Financial Statement for 1959-60. Election of Board of Managers and Executive. General Business.

A cordial invitation is extende.d to all interested to be present.

P. E. OUTERBRIDGE, Han. Secretory.


Five day week. Group insurance and other benefits.



Not inserted by B.L.C.


A Bung~l.ow · co~taining three bedrooms, living room, dtmng room and kitchen, with running water. · Included is a Iorge piece of ground half under cultivation.

Interested persons

/PHONE 7695-A


for Coley's Point C .. of E. three room school for September 1st.

For particulars apply to

REV. I. BUTLER, Chairman, Bay Roberts.

Victorian Order of Nurses

Annual Meeting TO-NIGHT, March 21st., at 8.15 p.m.


55 DUCKWORTH STREET. mar16,2!t -- ------· _ .. _ .. ___ .. -


Prompt and efficient service guaranteed Office at

JOB'S COLD STORAGE BUILDING off Water Street next to Marshall Building e DIAL 6885 P.O. BOX E5089 e • •


invites applications for the following positions on the high school staff:-Subject Teaching Grades IX to Xi including Science

Industrial Arts

Home Economics


Applications stating qualifications ani experiencfl $hould be addressed to Mr. C. K. Howse, Choir­man, Staffing Comptittee, Prince of Wales College.

mar19,21 ,.

ANNUAL MASONIC CHURCH SERVICE will be held in Gower Street United Church on

· March 24th at 8:00 p.m. The · Brethren will assemble in the Lecture Hall of the Church at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of donning regalia and forming in processional order. A special weclome is extended to all visiting Brethren. Collection in aid of the St. John'\ Masonic Senevolent Fund.

W. ROVVE, M.E.H.P. Shannon Chapter. M. SQUIRES, W.M. St. John's Lodge, No. 579. E.C. G. SNElGROVE,

·vv.M. Avalon Lodge, No. n6, E.C. N. G. PENNEY, R.W.M. Lodge Tasker, No. 454. S.C. P. PARSONS, W.M. Whiteway Lodge, No. 3541, E.C. W. BENNETT, · R.VV.M. lodge St. 'Andrew, No. 1 1 3~. S.C. li. BERG, W.M. St. George's Lodge. No. 6739, E.C.

mar21,22 •


MARCH 21st and 22nd, 8:30 p.m.


Balcony .. .. .. .. .. . .. ...... .. . $1.00 General Admission ...... 75 cents

Tickets on sale on holding seats today for. both 2.ames, also Monday for Tuesday's:. same, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.


For Nort:,umberlond Strait Ferry Service. Must pcjscss First or Second Class Deportment of T ran~ . port, or equivalent, Diesel Certificate. Canadian • rates of pay. 40-hol!r week. Good working:: conditions.

Apply at once in per.on letter Ia The Employment

or by Office, ..

RAIL-<-f.~~~~? CANADIAN NJ,TIONAL WAYS. Station Building, Moncton, N.B.



KiNDEI\GARTEN . PRIMARY GRADES : EL~MENTARY GRADES AND HIGH SCHOOl~ Prcicrence given to High School Trod~er with

knowledge of Phy>ics. When applying p!eose in­d:caic t8aching experience and qualiikotions. Ho>tcl accommodo:icn provided. The Boord offers an augm~ntation to ell teach~rs. High school teachers do subject teaching. Please apply




NHd. Armature Works Ltd.~ BAMBRICK ST. DIAL 7191 - 7192

Change of tnanoge~ ment. :

Now managed by ,

Mr. Ron Antle

FOR SALE A.B.C. CABS. I l'hr-terfi!'l!l ~uJip "I nw;;t ,,..,,\". Pri('P ... }~tnn nn

1 T.\'. Sf'l .......... ~)llflllll 1 An~<',1no . . . . .S i5011 I llnl \\'ale Hm!f'l' .. -~ 10.0(), l Both , ........... S 25.tl0; 2 Kitchrn Sinks ..... 55.00 earh

1 Wa~h Bn,in Sink . ' ... s 5.00: DIAL 2126 or 404Q ~~~i~~~ ~~~~- ·d~~i~9 · Ja/~~: * 24 HOUR SERVICE:~ 14 CAMPBELL AVENUE or i *All NEW CARS·* PHONE 3906 during day.! marlZ,lm

;~~~=-=~, .. ~~c-__c~=~ i .. _______ ·,·{·: ' FORWARD'S : Entertainmei: COAL and OIL In aid Lions Swim1·~;g

I· ·Pool Fund •

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'-u-~ ........... ~ TO-NIGHT cit 8., n~r J ! :~. ...

For Fast-}

Taxi Serviccf:'


1 l Dial 2424-241 ! · I QIJHN'S ROAD i:

: Open from 41.30 to 2 1.fli.' ! I •I, ' ._, ___________ , _____ ,_,~t

Page 14: COMPACT CAR VAUXHALL THE DAILY… ·  · 2014-08-04COMPACT CAR VAUXHALL ... 1 manite said the. officers pre·, ~cotta f1res

--:?"· . .... .. .

... •

·:" I .

' ',

' .. - - -

' . - ;.· : . ..

. '

.. :-- l ... . :-_:;-


PASTRY FLOUR 7 /7's and 100's






... ,. ..

~I oral I Re-armam-ent 1


(Continued from Page 7) 1

lnou~trial and labor leaders .1

wbo can he bought with money t~mpted by position or by in· , dulgences which m~ke the;n 1 V11Jnerable tu Communist­egy. The play is being nation· 1

ally acclaime~ hPcause it .deals FULL CIRCLE fearlessly w1th the pnmary I need and gives the answer. THE MEMOIRS OF SIR

1 What is t~e answer? Th~ ANTHONY EDEN $7.50 I author ul thiS play, Masa Sl:l· TRIUMPH IN THE WEST I h.1sawa, spbke recently 111 1 Wsshington at the farewell Arthur Bryant ........ 6.00 1 servire for: a. great American THE LIFE .&.NO DEATH OF · !Jatnot, Pr1sc1lla Corne~l. For Sl R HARRY OAKES ·the last few years, w1th her I family and through the wca't- Geoffrey Bocca .... 4.50 ness and 'pain o! cancer, s~e BOSWELL FOR THE has fought ~or a clean. up Ill DEFENCE 1769-1774 the ,leadership !lf Amer1ca, Eu· . . . rope, Asia and Af"ir.a, and heltl· W1ll1am K. W1msoH, ed create the rood news of a and Frederick A.

I world changing. Said Shibt1s- Pottle ................. 8.00 ; i aw, "It is up to us to carry on A E I 1 what she lived. With the r.ross A LIFE IN THE THE TR

I of Christ li\•ed in reality --1 Tyrone Guthrie ...... 6.851 which mean~ a change at th•~ II WAS NO LADY very root-,\me!'lca can save I

:the world. 'This is the revolll-1 Jean w._ Godse/ ... 3.95 i linn which takes the Commu- THE S-ECRET WORLD OF 1 nists' breath awa)' and changes KIDS : them." · 1 3 95 I That's it. The whole-hearted, .Art Lmk effer ........ . '

1 ~ingle-mindcd, completely dedo· PEANUTS REVISITED cated commitment to provide Charles M. Schulz .. 2.95 our nations with leaders who THE WITCH DOOR are Cear·free, hale-free, greed- • free, men and women who know Elizabeth Ogilv1e .... 5.20 the strateg~·. the power and THE CAVE the unitv that comes when the 9 will L~ t~tally given to God for Robert Penn Warren 4. 5

' I F'-- J Sh G d c· l the building of a new world. o· k & c L d







~­~ ..

f 4

February s 000 ortage an er u right way for s~atesmanship. IC s o., t "IN M Th M RA has conclusively demon- t

Births 116 On Bell Island T 0 Present ll~[l~~R1e:~t~~~:leth~nd:!~~~::~ The Booksellers ewspaper agna e ompson BELL ISLAND-There was Ch T UN fear, hate and greed in rna~ is Spin 4425 or 2008 or 3191 Says It Pays To Be Honest Deaths 40 1 shortage of foodstuffs on enue 0 11r.ha~ged, fO~Ut~OilS are rap1dlv

Bell Island during the past 'd , ach1eved. This ~s th~ panoram~ three or four days. The sup- A United Church girl 11 ·before us-so ~Imple that man.

Tl:e , _,:-;:( [)Irths 111 the ply of fresh meat was exhaust· member of the C.G.I.T. g;oup 1m iss is,d so . 1~,n~a~ental we 1 LONDON (CPl-Roy Thomson I businessman, but I might edd I Thomson s~id h~ could. bne C::' ~~··~: ... j~.Ito's Ill rebruary ed on Saturday and for three In Gander has been chosen to I cannot o WI ou. 1 ·_ 1 says that when it comes to that the way to make money ... 1 doubled the c1rculahon of h1s Ed-to:;!icd 116 a:;d deaths 43. In days fresh milk and bread present the U:'-liCEF chequf • , making money out of newspap.ers, is to publish good n~wspapers.l inbur~h pap~r, T~e Scotsman, bJ' tr.e de<.:~> l!<'lrt d.>caH· ciaim- and fresh fruits were items on of $200,000 to the United Na· lOth ReO'IODal honesty i5 the best policy. . .. I think that makmg money 1 a policy of mtrus10n but bad not td :hr '":;),•n:~ er ~u. and can· the hard-to-get list. The short. tlons on behalf of the chll· t' "It pays to be honest-it's as with newspapers goes in line with; done so. ccr m~c . age was due to conditions on dren of Canada: (Continued from Page 3) i fundamental as that," the Cana-l the sense or responsibility. • .. 1 ------

1 iu :·< o'1c death under, the Portugal Cove Road where The C.G.I.T. girl from New· 'will be in the city a full three I ~!~k~~:. ~:~:.r~~-t ~~i~ e ~ oe~ \ Ch~hlii:-You have .•aid that i INQUIItY ENDI :·.c ~:· .. tt:.~ P~~maturity and the heavy snow storms of last I foundland has been chosen I days before the festival hi:ilins. dialogue with freelance writer· tel~I'ISion licences are IIC~nces to: BLANTYRE, Nyasaland !Rent· :~o ,,~;:r'• {·nc d~y and under week blocked o!f the road bec~use the C.G.I.T. groups i This is because arrangements Randolph Churchill. I prmt your ow~ ban~otes. lersl-A government commls· :1.3 d~' :. ·r:;c\' l'.c;c no deaths, completely. unhl the anow in Newfoundland showed great had been made for his arrival, Churchill, son of the wartime i Thomson-:-"' hen will I l,earn to-~ sion inquiring into disturbanctt :.S ,':,;, ,,,u t:,,lrr om· ye~r: .no r plows got In action, ~~!~~:~asrr;;he~~~~t th~rofe~t when it was t~o.ugh_t six groups prime minister, Is oa trenchant I keep my btg mouth shut. .. . here during the January visit ol Ct'.·' :':> {·.•~ l ,·;:.r ami under fll'e : Dril'ing conditions on the sending 1 $1800 to the pro- would be parhclpatlng, · critic of news~ap~r pornograp~y. In other exchanges, Thomson Prime Minister Ilfac!'lillan ended : e~:.. 1 Island arl' pretty bad. All j t n ' The Chairman of the Frsl!val mono~ly pubhshmg and. propr!e-

1 argued that the op.erator of a TV i Thursday after hean~g the evld·

J;~l' Jlr::1 D:o:l f~r January: main roads are now open and e~~ndr Taylor a tweh•e· Committee is the ~on. R. S. MacCORMAC'S tors m general. ~a?ghng w1th 1

. station has "absolutely no power" i ence of SO persons d~rmg 21 dayl ~~~ t • .. ~,ury WJ> 2.,3. com par· : plows are working on the side ·ear-old 8rrom G;nder c.G.I.T. Furlong;. Deputy Chairman, ::\,lr. Thomson on a televiSion program and does not dare to favor one: One of the !ast w1tnesses was d ~>1:h :!Gti l~r t~ll' ;ame two. strt'cts and other thorough· ~lll go to New York, March W. F. , (,a~gay;_ Secretary, Mr. Dial 5181 _ 2 • 3 seen in South Wales and the West[ political party against another; I Orton Chirwa, president of. tht ~-~o:,;.~~ la __ l9J9. 240 tn 1938. · rares. The new pavement job. :!5th accompanied by Miss John o_Ne1l; Fmance, ~lr. John of England, he took some hefty• agreed that he must look at hisj Malawi Congress party. Ch1rwr ::.-t :~ HI~• ~nd 2lll for the 1 however, has not stood up un· Ruth Tillman the Newfolllld· C. Perlm; AccommodatlDn, ~Irs. GEAP ST. swings but found his target al· operation with a view of making; denied his party had been in an, '•:•· :·,,o mo~til> of 1936. I der the strain of winter ron· land Confer~nce Education Grace Sparkes; Transportaho~, 'ways coming back for more. his newspapers. better ne.wspa~rsl way responsible for a demonstra

i ditlons. There are numerous Secretary who sparked the )!r. C. H. Kerr and Mr. Calm DEATHS Some sample exchanges: rather than JUSI proflt-makmg 1 • t id Bl t hotel whilt

I potholes on Bennett Street project i~ this province. Jamieson; Stage M~nagemen~, ChurchUt-You want to be 11 ones· and said that be doesn't; bon ou s e a an yre 'f,)le LaleSl 1 and the pavement on No. 1 Sandra is a Grade 7 stu- Mr. John Holmes; Tlck~ts, ll~·r. COOK-Passed. away oa Sat- monopolist: you buy the whole I like 'intruding Into people's lives: the British prime minister '111'81

j Road and Davidson Avenue dent in the Gander Am alga. P. D. Bowrin~; Box Office, 11 r:' urday, March 19th, after a lot up. • just to seek 1ensationalism and' , . I has practically gone to pleres. mated School. There are Lloyd Soprr, Hou~e . M~nage short illness John W. Cook, TltomHI1-The whole world 1s, boost sales. 1 inside.

•lonl:nued from Page 3> . Bad driving conditions caused twenty In her C.G.I.T. group, ment, Mr: R. G. 0 B~ten, P:o: aged 75 years. Leaving to I wide open; I ca~ buy newspapers I , F:q.npmrn: from 1he la1tcr wall· the cancellation of the annual .the group that collected fo,r gram, Miss Marguente Re1d, mourn his wife Bertha. The

1 in many countries, not necessa·

~~ J•ed m lhr comemon of the motorcade planned by tht UNICEF Club Rooms, Mr. and Mrs. C. f 1• .11 tak 1 t d nly here. · h f h 'II i ! Knl h'· • • f t' M W unera WI e p ace o- ay Wh t h tl j' ;;,r~:cr! and t t'rea ter ~ e wt ; Conception Counc I g .. Miss Mllllcent Peach. her H. Kerr; In or~a. 10n, r. · ·Monday, March 21st at 2_30 p.rn: ChurchUl- a a g as y pros-

'~ supped. . I of Columbus. C.G.I.T. leader said about F. Gal~ay; Publicity, Mr. John from •h:is late residence 48 pect! · • • ":ltr. Plan statt'd that hehcop· I ir 1 d Sandra "Sandra was 80 ex· c. Perlin. 8 . gd 1 St t, to M 1 Thomson-! have 74 newspapers i

:er> ll'il! tw mrd to transfer : The Dominion F e Br ga ~ cited ~bout th "Shell-Out" Other members of the Com- pjrm : ' [ee oun and every one, under my direc-c::t:hrJ from tra"::cr; to !he, res!l'onded Satur~ry to a hea Idea that she !as out bright mlttee arc lliss Sylvia Wigh, easan ceme ery, tlon, bas become I think a bet~er :r.ol;lff ~hip>. earn of which' from Dr. f~· BT~ t;on t wf ~~e and early before school start· ~Ir. R. G. Good, Mr. John ~ay- OATES - Died at Carbonear newspaper. . . .My Can~dlan "1:1 make four !lll·day rouml i car was 8 re. e ron ° e ed collecting for UNICEF Jiss and Mrs. Brenden Devme. on Saturday at 5 p.m. Mrs newspapers have never pubhshed tnp~ a )'l'3r. On . boar~ the, ~'~twas damaged to some ex· children." One or ~he most diffic~lt pr?· Mary Ann Oates, in h;r 9ath anything that's improper or in- --------------------t---M•t:lcr shtps the ftsh w1l~ b~ I • blems facmg the C~mmlttee, IS year. Leaving to mourn two decent. .•• qu1~k frozen and sold to _d1~tr1·] The body of Mrs. Norman R finding accommodations for the daughters, Mrs. w. Parrell and Churchill-Your Canarlfan pa-b~:r,r> on a eo:JJ;act bam. · ·. Parsons of Freshwater who Otary visiting Drama groups, Anyone Mrs. A. Horlick; also onr, son, p.e are little tinl' prol'incial pa·

· ~~r. r:aa cstlmat~s that liO 1 died In the General Hospital, wishing to take any players, can David, with whom she resided. pe~~ just advertising sheets re-t:;. w.en ,.,.111 hr requ1red to scr· I wns brought home for inter· (Continued from Page 3) contact Mrs. Grace Sparkes at Funeral will take place at Car- 11 ' 1

, .~.e c;;dt carrier. He st~ted I ment yesterday. Storey, Mr. C. Hancock. Mr. 90508, any even in!: after s~x. bonear this afternoon. a y. I :~:.: :ra\\ ler owners realized R. Roberts, :Mr. C. H. Davies, Festival Headquarters Will be Thomson-No, nil, no, they're : ~,.: !he plan wa~ an excellent : 64-year-old Ell Hammond, a Mr. Edgar House, Dr. T. A. the Lqunge of the Veterans BYRNE - Passed peaceful· not .••. '"" and that it would allow· long-time resident of Bell Is· Knowllng, Mr. Walter Davis. Club. where players can gather ly away at 2.15 a.m. Sunday, . I · ,! " ws~els to spend more : land, died suddenly Thursday. Following the election of for sandwiches and coffee any March 20th, after 1 short ill- Churchill-If you bave all thts r; -r.t on the fishing grounds.! Interment took place Satur· officers the First President hour of the day. Receptions are ness, Charles J. Byrne, of 72 money and all these papers, T ~r British Trawlrrs' Feder· i day at the Anglican Cemetery. ofthe Newfoundland Rehab ill- still in the planning stage. Brazil street, in his 60th ·year. don't f?U fee] any sense. of res· ,. n:: had ilrrn kept informed i tatlon Council, Mr. E. J. Leaving to mourn wife, Edith; ponsfb1hty before the n~t~~n, !>e-""~ 1 sub-committee bad been l Cooke, took the choir and after one son, Lawre .. ce; three daugh· fore God. and before ~tv1hza.h~ ,,. up to work with the, parent COSt Of a short period of dlscuSlllon ters, Pat:·icia (Mrs. Walter to try to 1mprove our civl!lzahon. c ':npan)·. the meeting was adjourned. Skarbinski}, Youngstown, Ohio, Thomso-Haven't I demonstra.

· In addit:"-. to arting as fac- MUCH SPADE WORK Peggy and Edith at home, lind ted that 1 do have aucb a 1en~ .

1 : ·'r' shiP!. tht carrier~. each It was obvious from the re- one brother, John. Funeral of responsibility? • .. ··~~~ a compiemtnl of 425, will LI•VJng ports presented that a great notice later. 1 :: a> scn·tcing ships suppl)'lng deal of preparatory work had Churchill-Do you like pomo-

1 · h 1 1 'th fuel been done by the Sull·Comm!t· SORENSEN - Passed peace· grapby In the papers? : ~c catc m~ ~"esse 5

\:I ' 1 Between January and Feb- tees. FalHng actual figures fully away at St. Clare's Mercy Thomso-No. Ve,.,. frankly I 11 :rt and other reqtnrements. . 1960 th t tal St .,

.,., c' w 11 have I" hat arr des· ruary, • e 0 • the committees had made an Hospital on March 20th, after don't like it. • .. ! r.- ;;h·(.~ ~~. "~horc ;tnenitirs" for Jrooshen'sa Cfornascutlmonearl P0r_l1c%e Ifn!emx estimate base~ on the best a short illness,• Mrs. Mary Ch _....10 1 . • i h " •v avallable figures, surveys and Sorensen at the age of 60 u .. ,.. - n my oplruon, JOIII . ,, .r.lw.erman . 114.7 to 114.8 as a decline In Incidence figures to show that their difficulties are known years. Left to mourn are six might just as we)) be selling soap I

the Shelter Index was more there Is a total of 28,750 dis· only to the Immediate mem- daughters, Gloria, Eva, Kath- as newspapers. t• arliament than balanced by small UP· abled persons In Newfound- bers of their families. The Jeen, Frances, Marina, and Thomso-I am I businessman I ward movements In the Food, land. Not all these people mere fact that these disabled Margaret; and four sons, Ger- and I operate newspapers as a

1 Cr.ntinued from Page 1) Clothing, Household Opera· are severely or tota!Jy disabled. people might receive some al· aid, Michael, George, and Axel, ~'!TlC ef ~~ testimony is per· ' lion and "other" Commodities This means that there arc ap- lowance/ from the Provincial anad one brother, Mr. Peter ju:ri Botll ha\·~ clearly indi·. and Services indexes. proximately 9,500 severely or Government Is not suf!icient Daniels; also eight grandchil· catf'd thl'y will continue their bat· I Sub-Indexes for January and totally disabled persons in to relieve the public con· dren. Funeral notice later.



• Large roomy bowl

• Spacious drainboard. • Large storage com·

partment. • 4: inches wide.



•·• :or the rfmainder of the ses· • February, 1960, are lhown this Province. The remaining science in this matter. Much mon,tues 1ir.n. I below: 19,000 ,approx.) are not total· can be done to restore disabled

t common~ rules ha\·c pre,·ente:l. Jan. ll'ell, Jy disabled but a large per· peoRie to a state where they tht•ir di~cussing alternatives. So; Food ......• • · ·. 111.11 111.7 centage of them are not at can become more self·suffl­in a statemtnt issued Saturday,!· Shelter ... • ·• • • · 11/J.O 11!1.'1 present fit for any type of em· clent, if not employable.

FAGAN - Passed peacefully I on March 19th, In his 82nd year, James Pagan. Leaving 1

to mourn their sad loss two I sons, Thomas at home and Her­bert in , Buffalo; four daugh­ters, Helen (Mrs. John Gibney) and Madelinu in New York, Josephine and Teresa (Mrs. Ed. Dodd) at home; also three sisters, 1!1 grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. The funeral will take place Tuesday morning from his late resi· dence, 87 New Gower St., to St. Patrick'• Church for Requiem Mass at 10 o'clock. Interment at Mount Carmel Cemetery . ...:....(tel).

OUR MACHINERY DEPARTMENT l'>Cith called on the go1·ernment to Clothing . . . • . . . . 10!1.8 10!1.9 p!oyment because they Jack The Councl! will have a big introouce legislation emoowerinq I Household Oper.. 109.4 1011.7 rehabilitation training and job on its hands and its pro· t~ Excht'Que Court to deal with I other Commodities 1peclal!zed treatment. gramme will certainly require Q~.Wbcc oand ~ewfoundland di· i and Services . . 127.!1 127.11 There are a number of gov· the co-operation of every per· vorc~. 1 Total ......... 114.7 114.8 ernment departments and pri. son In this Province. ·

CJON- CJOX TV MOJ'!o,'DAY, MARCH 21st, 1960

10.45-Cirtoons. 11.00-Romper Room. !.00-Piay of the Week. !.30-Cbez Helene. US-Nursery School Time. :tOO-My Little Margie. 3.30-Crut GUdersleev•. 4.00-()peD HoUM. 4.30-P.M. Party. 5.00-Let'l Look. 1.15-Seience AD Aromxl U1. 1.30-Youth '110. 8.00-Jet Jacbon: fL30-News Cavalcade.

vate agencies ellfaged in the field of rehabilitation, and it wa1 obvious from the reports that excellent work is being done. However, there appears to be a need for co-ordination of the, present activities and a planned procr1mme for the lncreue of existing fac1Utles and the introduction of fae1Il· ties not yet available. The Newfoundl'Jid Rehabilitation Council wtU set u the ciMlr· dinatinM headquarters and with the eo-operation of all aovemment departments and aaencies will be in a position to plan an overall programme to meet the demand wherever it occurs.

One obvious- deficiency in the rehabilltatlon of the dis­abled Ia the matter of public education. There appears to be


POPE In loving memoey til ear

de1r falher,

THOMAS 1, POPE, who passed , away on

Marek 21st, 1959.

-Inserted by the family.



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7.30-Bebind OOHd Doors. 8.00-Tbis is Your Muaip. 8.~Nati0111) News. s.:JO...-Lawrmc Welle Show. 1.00-Don MesHr'l Jubilte. ~ Thom•' Show.

t. ll..,._Mulic '80. 11.08-1\e TOWII Above. ~News .lfeadlina. ·

very llWe doubt that the gen· PHONE 94123 eral public is· not aware of the . lize an'd nature Of the prob­lem. Many people wUl be as­tounded to learu that there are almost 30,000 people In thla Province elaued as diJ-

Electronic · Cel'ltre Ltd. WATER STREET


A. H. MURRAY & Co., ·Ltd. : abled. Many of these people 90 CAMPBELL AVE. rnelve treatment, have no m .. u o.f beinl' treated and After hour~ 'PHONE 7313


'I ..

- .... .. ~-""'~-·-"'- .... ~·· ... "l........ ..... . 111· ... ···- _.,.>..,_,.~ _.... ·'' ..,. .