Community Service Project By Ramona Atkins ECSP 4100.

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Transcript of Community Service Project By Ramona Atkins ECSP 4100.

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  • Community Service Project By Ramona Atkins ECSP 4100
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  • The Shepherds Home is a recovery program for women who are trapped in a vicious cycle of drug abuse. It works in close conjunction with Celebrate Recovery-another program for substance abusers. It is dedicated to helping exoffenders transition from prison life to life in our society, although not all the women have come from drug sentencing terms. Some just recognize the need to change and want to be better parents for their children. The goal is to provide spiritual support to these victims that will ultimately result in rehabilitated women that can give glory to God, become contributing members of the community, and reliable workers that are able to build healthy relationships (The Shepherds Home).
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  • The home is staffed by a full-time Executive Director, Administrative Assistant, and Support Staff Supervisor as well as various Support Staff positions and volunteers. All women accepted into the program must be committed to following strict guidelines as follows: Residents will: Engage in small groups that focus on Bible Study and promote a Christian World View. Participate in group activities that promote selfless community. Complete the Celebrate Recovery 12 Steps and 8 Principles. Assist in household duties and share responsibility for the function of the home. Maintain employment and contribute to the funding of the home. Children will not be allowed to live in the home.
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  • There are many different homes similar to the Shepherds Home located around East Tennessee. This Shepherds Home is located on Main St. in Jacksboro, TN. It is the first transition home for women in Campbell County. It sits in a quiet setting behind the Jacksboro Post Office and across the street from the First Baptist Church. This allows the women residing there the tranquility they need to reflect about their purpose in life and work on finding meaning and satisfaction with their inner selves. It is also within distance of several community churches.
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  • The Shepherds Home opened two years ago, in 2009. The facility will hold up to 9 women 18 years or older. Since it has opened it has assisted 7 women who have completely graduated from the program. Currently there are 6 women in the program. The Shepherds Home store opened in November of 2011 as an extended part of the program for recovery. This is a basic community house that is designed for everyday living.
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  • How? It increases crime, poverty, violence, stds, accidents, absenteeism, homelessness, and child abuse, just to name a few of the negative affects. As neighbors, family, coworkers, and tax payers, we are all affected in some way. Families are torn apart everyday, including the children in our local school system. Many of these children come to school, unable to focus on school perfomance because they are worried about their parents. An alarming amount of children in Campbell County are living with caretakers other than their parents because their parents are in jail-some serving lengthy terms, others a month at a time-only to be repeated when they fail to promote healthy lifestyles. populations/principles
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  • McMinn County topped the state's list for the second year in a row with 161 suspected labs seized in 2010 - and more than 600 in the past decade. Monroe County took second place with 139 suspected labs, followed by Campbell County with 117 and Hamilton County with 104. In a recent email from Senator Ken Yager he stated, Prescription drug abuse is the most serious substance abuse problem in the State. Tennessee is the 2 nd in the nation... [of dispensing prescriptions] that have already been filled once within the previous 30 days. He also pointed out that it is more widespread than meth, marijuana or cocaine use. In the last 10 years, 1,500 people have died from accidental overdose of prescription drugs (Yager). Of course, not all women are placed in this program for prescription drug abuse, some are hard core illegal drug abusers. FACTS: Campbell County is the third largest manufacturer of methamphetamine in the state. Tennessee is the second in the country; Missouri is number one. 90% of the crimes are drug-relate. 70% of the women will return to drugs and jail due to unchanged circumstances. These women simply cannot battle this fight on their own. As a community, we can help. Does this affect the local schools and children? Absolutely! /reported-meth-labs-up-in-2010/ /reported-meth-labs-up-in-2010
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  • The women must go through an application process and commit themselves to one full year in the recovery program. It is serious business. These women must work at changing their whole lifestyle-something that cannot happen overnight if it is to be long-lasting and successful. Women that break their contract are discharged from the home. 12 months
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  • I, ___________________________, do hereby authorize The Shepherds Home, Inc, acting through their employees or duly appointed agents, to release information pertaining to my case as the Drug Court deems necessary to further the legitimate purposes of the 8 th Judicial District Drug Court. The Shepherds Home may release general or specific information pertaining to my case to the Board of Probation and Parole, ETHRA Community Corrections, District Attorney, Public Defender, Drug Court team members, service providers, treatment providers, Campbell County Finance Administration Office, family members, and any attorney assigned to my case in the 8 th Judicial District or representing any of the above-listed individuals or entities. The Shepherds Home may release the following information: Drug and/or Alcohol Treatment Progress Notes Initial Assessment/Personal History Discharge Summary Mental Health Assessment Diagnosis Attendance Medical Treatment Other: Behavior while in the program, including any and all drug screen results for all the following purposes: Treatment Planning Educational/Vocational Planning Exchange verbal information to facilitate treatment Submission of Court reports to the above-named Judge/Court/Probation Officer Other: Child custody matters involving your child(ren)
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  • The goal is for the women to be contributing, spiritually-minded women of society and the local community. All women enter the program knowing that: The women are busy focusing on carrying out all of the aspects they have committed to. They are exploring and developing relationships with God. Some are working on getting their G.E.Ds, others are receiving job training skills, and some are also receiving professional therapy.
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  • The Shepherrds Home is a non-profit corporation and must receive its funding through voluntary donations. Its main contributor is the First Baptist Church of Jacksboro, although it remains a non-denominational establishment. It relies on the community-churches, businesses, establishments, and individuals-for monetary donations, services, food, and other essential items necessary for daily living. The residents are also sent to work when they are ready and pay for the daily expenses and budgeting of the home. Much of the funding is supported with the income generated through the Shepherds Home Thrift Store. Where there is love, there is hope (R.A.).
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  • What can I do as a community member to help? The Shepherd's Home relies heavily on the generosity of the community. The home is constantly in need of everyday items (The Shepherds Home). Pray for its residents. Volunteer time and talents (driver, shopper). Donate items to the Shepherds Home Thrift Store. Shop at the thrift store. Contribute monetarily towards the expenses of the Home. Speak positively to the residents and be encouraging. Follow the example of our Lord Jesus.
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  • The Shepherds Home Store Located at the Food City Shopping Center in Lafollette, TN.
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  • Contact The Shepherd's Home at 423-5562- 0030 to fill out an application ( 8115382) 8115382 What would I do if I knew someone who needed the type of assisstance you provide?
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  • Has there been any documented success for this recovery program? The online website for The Shepherds Home states that 7 women have graduated from the program. This means they have completed all levels of recovery and have been placed back in our local community neighborhoods and business establishments. Other programs similar to this in other parts of the country have proven to be successful. Just like any other rehabilation program, success is largely dependent on the individuals commitment to themselves and their community. Since drug abuse has been likened to a disease, there is always the possibility of being overtaken again with their former addictions. This is why the emphasis is placed on personal self-awareness, spirituallity and a relationship with God.
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  • 2012 The Shepherd's Home, Inc Brochure: the shepherds home. A Safe Place for Women in Recovery. The Shepherds Home. Retrieved from: NIDA National Institute on Drug Abuse. (March 2010). InfoFacts: Methamphetamine. Retrieved from: NIDA National Institute on Drug Abuse. (Jan. 2012). Principles of Drug Abuse Treatment for Criminal Justice Populations - A Research-Based Guide. Retrieved from: populations/why-do-people-involved-in-criminal-justice-system-c Also retrieved from: criminal-justice-populations/principles NIDA National Institute on Drug Abuse. (April 2009). Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research- Based Guide. Retrieved from: addiction-treatment/principles-effective-treatment Salter, Jim. (Feb. 23, 2012). National meth lab busts up in 2011. Star-Telegram. Retrieved from: including-TN Drug Rehab Tennessee. (2009). Tennessee DRUG REHAB AND TREATMENT CENTERS. Retrieved from: Jacksboro News and Announcements. (Feb. 1, 2012). Help for the Broken. Welcome to Ridgeview. (March 24, 2010). Community Support Services. Retrieved from: Christine Morris. Interviewee from the Shepherds Home and First Baptist Church, Jacksboro, Tn.