Community Presbyterian Church of Forsyth, Missouri...2018/10/09  · Answer: Cathie Sutherland!...

October 2018 │Page 1 Community Presbyterian Church of Forsyth, Missouri Community Presbyterian Church Newsletter October 2018 Ongoing __ Sunday School 9:00 a.m. Worship 10:30 a.m., Communion on the 1 st Sunday CAM Food Pantry Sunday on the 1 st Sunday Men’s Breakfast meets Wednesdays, 8:15 a.m. at Fat Daddy's BBQ Women’s Breakfast meets Wednesdays, 8:15 a.m. at Yummy Donuts Choir Practice meets Wednesdays, at 7 p.m. Exercise Class meets Tues. & Thurs., 10 a.m., Old Fellowship Hall AA Tuesdays and Saturdays, 7 p.m. in Old Fellowship Hall October ___ 1 Diabetes Focus Group, Fellowship Hall, 10:00 a.m. 4 The Bookies Book Club, Hospitality Room, 10:30 a.m. 5 Birthday Party, Forsyth Care Center, 3 p.m. 6 Numana/Community Food Project, Forsyth School Cafeteria, 9-11 a.m.; Harvest Moon Festival, downtown Forsyth, 9-2 p.m. 15 Women’s Circle Bible Study, Fellowship Hall, 10:30 a.m. 18 Session Meeting, Hospitality Room, 6 p.m. 20 The Chimes newsletter deadline; Church Picnic, the Gailey Farm (directions inside on p. 4 ), 4 p.m. Liturgist ___ Buddy Roberts Ushers/Greeters ___ Mike & Shirley Mullen, Nathan & Sarah Woodward By Dennis Winzenried Pastor, Community Presbyterian Church The present elders held their organizational meetings on Tuesday, September 18, and Thursday, September 20. As a part of this meet- ing, we reviewed the responsibilities of church members and thus also elders. These come from The Book of Order of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) section G-1.0304. The Ministry of Members in the Church of Jesus Christ is a joy and a privilege. It is also a commitment to participate in Christ’s mission. A faithful member bears witness to God’s love and grace and promises to be involved responsibly in the ministry of Christ’s Church. Such involvement includes: 1. proclaiming the good news in word and deed, 2. taking part in the common life and worship of the congre- gation, 3. lifting one another up in prayer, mutual concern and ac- tive support, 4. studying Scripture and the issues of Christian faith and life, 5. supporting the ministry of the church through giving of money, time and talents, 6. demonstrating a new quality of life within and through the church, 7. responding to God’s activity in the world through service to others, 8. living responsibly in the personal, family, vocational, polit- ical, cultural and social relationships of life. 9. working in the world for peace, justice, freedom and hu- man fulfillment, (Connued on page 2) Reflections from the Pastor s Desk

Transcript of Community Presbyterian Church of Forsyth, Missouri...2018/10/09  · Answer: Cathie Sutherland!...

Page 1: Community Presbyterian Church of Forsyth, Missouri...2018/10/09  · Answer: Cathie Sutherland! Forsyth Community Food Project Saturday, October 6, 2018, 9-11:00 a.m. Our goal this

October 2018 │Page 1

Community Presbyterian Church of Forsyth, Missouri

Community Presbyterian Church Newsletter • October 2018

Ongoing __ Sunday School 9:00 a.m.

Worship 10:30 a.m., Communion on the

1st Sunday

CAM Food Pantry Sunday on the 1st


Men’s Breakfast meets Wednesdays,

8:15 a.m. at Fat Daddy's BBQ

Women’s Breakfast meets Wednesdays,

8:15 a.m. at Yummy Donuts

Choir Practice meets Wednesdays, at

7 p.m.

Exercise Class meets Tues. & Thurs.,

10 a.m., Old Fellowship Hall

AA Tuesdays and Saturdays, 7 p.m. in

Old Fellowship Hall

October ___ 1 Diabetes Focus Group, Fellowship

Hall, 10:00 a.m.

4 The Bookies Book Club, Hospitality

Room, 10:30 a.m.

5 Birthday Party, Forsyth Care Center,

3 p.m.

6 Numana/Community Food Project,

Forsyth School Cafeteria, 9-11 a.m.;

Harvest Moon Festival, downtown

Forsyth, 9-2 p.m.

15 Women’s Circle Bible Study,

Fellowship Hall, 10:30 a.m.

18 Session Meeting, Hospitality Room,

6 p.m.

20 The Chimes newsletter deadline;

Church Picnic, the Gailey Farm

(directions inside on p. 4 ), 4 p.m.

Liturgist ___

Buddy Roberts

Ushers/Greeters ___

Mike & Shirley Mullen,

Nathan & Sarah Woodward

By Dennis Winzenried

Pastor, Community Presbyterian Church

The present elders held their organizational

meetings on Tuesday, September 18, and

Thursday, September 20. As a part of this meet-

ing, we reviewed the responsibilities of church members and

thus also elders. These come from The Book of Order of the

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) section G-1.0304.

The Ministry of Members in the Church of Jesus Christ is a joy

and a privilege. It is also a commitment to participate in Christ’s

mission. A faithful member bears witness to God’s love and

grace and promises to be involved responsibly in the ministry of

Christ’s Church. Such involvement includes:

1. proclaiming the good news in word and deed, 2. taking part in the common life and worship of the congre-

gation, 3. lifting one another up in prayer, mutual concern and ac-

tive support, 4. studying Scripture and the issues of Christian faith and

life, 5. supporting the ministry of the church through giving of

money, time and talents, 6. demonstrating a new quality of life within and through the

church, 7. responding to God’s activity in the world through service

to others, 8. living responsibly in the personal, family, vocational, polit-

ical, cultural and social relationships of life. 9. working in the world for peace, justice, freedom and hu-

man fulfillment,

(Continued on page 2)

Ref lect ions f rom the Pastor ’s Desk

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Page 2 │October 2018

Community Presbyterian Church

271 Main Street

Forsyth, MO 65653





Linda Reynolds

Tex Ritterbush

Anna Koelling

Wayne Gailey

Madelon Kinkade

Donna Lakey

Clyde Henscheid

Dave Wright

Betty Forrest

Dennis Sulgrove

Nathan Woodward

Reed Click

Pastor: Dennis Winzenried

Church Phone: 417-546-2584

Cell Phone: 417-546-7103

Email: [email protected]

Administrative Assistant: Denise Carr

Organist: Linda Stillings

Choir Director: Arliss Stillings

Custodian: Gala Vrionis

Outside Custodian: Dennis Sulgrove

Corporation President:

Tex Ritterbush

Clerk of Session:

Sue Wright


Linda Reynolds

Assistant Treasurer:



Church Email address: [email protected]

On Facebook: Community Presbyterian Church of Forsyth, MO

Mailing address PO Box 486, Forsyth, MO 65653

10. caring for God’s creation, 11. participating in the governing responsibilities of the

Church, 12. and reviewing and evaluating regularly the integrity of

one’s membership, and considering ways in which one’s participation in the worship and service of the church may be increases and made more meaningful.

Wow! Our Lord, Jesus Christ, expects a lot of us. Yes, HE


How are you doing in these areas? Which would you like to

grow in this coming year? Which are you doing well in?

At the session meeting we thought about how we can work in

the world for peace, justice freedom and human fulfillment?

That’s a pretty tall order.

Here are some of my thoughts on that. First we begin at home.

Literally in our homes with our family or neighbors. Then we

work on this in our community and church. We then pray for

our leaders and communicate with them as to how we want this

for our country and world. We begin at home, because that is

where we can make an impact, that then impacts others, that

impacts others.

Your elders will continue to look at these responsibilities as

ways of guiding them in their work on the session this year.

Here is a goal for us in the coming months. Let’s grow in being

faithful disciples of Jesus Christ by growing in our love of God,

one another and others. This is an important part of being a

disciple of Jesus Christ.

Join your elders in striving to do just this, this session year.

Pastor Dennis

(Continued from page 1)

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October 2018 │Page 3

Session Digest for September organizational meetings

Tuesday evening, September 18

Pastor opened the meeting with a devotion focused upon the threefold

pattern of ministry and mission for this year.

The first is Body of Christ – our connection with one another and how we

can become more a part of the church family. The group read 1 Corinthi-

ans 12: 1-12 and discussed how we connect, respect others, listen to

other ideas and greet new worshipers.

The second is spiritual growth – individual and corporate – study of scrip-

ture, deepening our spiritual disciplines, growing in our understanding of

God through Ephesians 3:14-19. Several session members shared how

they have grown spiritually.

The third part is being a blessing from God in the community and with the

community. (Being involved) Scripture 1 John 4:7 and Luke 10:25-37.

Session members discussed how we are to put into action the direction

from Jesus to love everyone and how everyone is our neighbor.

On Thursday evening, September 20, Anna Koelling provided the devo-

tion using Jesus Calling and Ecclesiastes 3 – A Time for Everything. An-

na chose this scripture as this is a new beginning for the new session


Organizational structure of the session for 2018/2019 session calendar

year. All members and friends of the church are encouraged to consider

how they are being called to serve on one of the session’s commit-

tee to assist with its work.

Clerk – Susan Wright with Anna Koelling.

Treasurer Linda Reynolds and Assistant Treasurer – Dennis Sulgrove.

Team to audit financial records/record keeping – Dave Wright and Del-

pha Riley

Committee structure 2018/2019

Budget and Finance – Betty Forrest, Linda Reynolds and Nathan Wood-


Building and Grounds – Clyde Henscheid, Tex Riutterbush and Dennis


Care of Members – Wayne Gailey and Madelon Kinade

Evangelism and Mission – Pastor suggests this committee be handled by

task groups on different parts; website, facebook, other social me-

dia, mission projects and support. The teams can be comprised of

elders and congregational members.

Parish Activities – Donna Lakey and Dave Wright.

Worship and Education – Reed Click and Anna Koelling

Short term:

Personnel – Wayne Gailey, Linda Reynolds and Dave Wright

Nominations - Madelon Kinkade and Tex Ritterbush

Stewardship – Ann Koelling and Linda Reynolds

Commissioner to Presbytery – Reed Click and Betty Forrest

Elders said that the two day meeting was helpful in getting things orga-

nized for this session calendar year.

The Bookies

The next meeting of the Bookie

Club is scheduled for Thursday,

October 4, 2018, at 10:30 AM in the

hospitality room.

Our book this month:

The Ozarks in

Missouri History:

Discoveries in an

American Region

by Lynn Morrow

This collection fea-

tures fifteen essays

that originally appeared in the Mis-

souri Historical Review, the journal

of the State Historical Society. They

explore the history, culture, and ge-

ography of the Missouri Ozarks.

Our November book:

A Long Way Gone

by Ishmael Beah

The author recalls

experiences as a war

refuge and as a thir-

teen-year-old soldier

forced to join the

Sierra Leone army. Beah de-

scribes participation in mass

slaughters, his rehabilitation, im-

migration to America, and in-

volvement with UNICEF.

Biography/War and the Military.

Please join us and bring a friend!

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Page 4 │October 2018

Diabetic Focus Group

Our next meeting will be on

Monday, October 1, at 10 a.m.

in Fellowship Hall.

This month will be a time of

sharing. Bring any articles you

find, challenges you face,

anything that might be of

interest to the group.

Join us and bring a friend or a

neighbor who might benefit from

this meeting.

Benevolence Fund Report: During September we helped 12

families: 4 with rent, 3 with trans-

portation, 2 with family needs, 2

with utilities, and 1 with prescrip-

tion medicine.

We also received 3 donations to

the fund this month. Thanks for

your for your wonderful gifts!

If you would like to make a dona-

tion to the Benevolent Fund,

please do so by marking your

check “special gift - benevolent

fund”. You can also donate to the

fund through our website’s Pay-

Pal button. It’s toward the bottom

on the first page. Please mark

your gift for the Benevolent Fund.

Those who receive our assis-

tance greatly appreciate your


* Statement does not include

end of month salaries.

At the Gailey Farm

2961 Moore Bend Road, Cedarcreek

We will have fried chicken and the fixings!

Please bring your lawn chair and

a small side dish or dessert to share.

Plates, cups, silverware, napkins

and drinks will be provided.

Ample parking and flat lawn and

carport for walking and sitting.

Directions: Hwy 160 E, to M Highway in Kissee

Mills. Turn Rt on M and follow to Hwy KK. Turn Rt

on KK. Continue to Moore’s Bend Rd., turn left and

follow to #2961.

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October 2018 │Page 5

Just for Fun! Can you guess who:

Scored 50 points in a basketball

game where his or her

teammates scored 26 points,

against an opposing team

that only scored 46?

Answer: Cathie Sutherland!

Forsyth Community Food Project

Saturday, October 6, 2018, 9-11:00 a.m.

Forsyth High School Cafeteria

Our goal this year is 20,000 meals. A percentage of the meals

will be going to CAM so they will stay here locally.

The cost is 30¢ per meal, including administrative costs &


To register to help pack food, please go to Numana’s sign up

form at Or if you would prefer,

let the church office know you want to participate and how

many are in your group and we can register you.

During the month of October, we will be

accepting monetary donations for filling

2 disaster clean up buckets. The shop-

ping list for the buckets is very specific

so we will purchase the needed supplies

with any donations received. These

filled buckets are then stored at the PDA

warehouse in Little Rock where they are

ready to send to the next area of disas-

ter. Your contributions to this effort are

greatly appreciated.

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We are thrilled that there are 18 new mentor volunteers

for this fall for a total of 61 mentors! Three of the new mentors

are members of our church, Penny Cantwell, C. J. Gailey, and

Sarah Woodward. Sarah has agreed to serve as my assistant

this year and to become the Coordinator of the Panther Partners

Mentor Program for the next academic year. Thanks, Sarah! All

Community Presbyterian mentors were encouraged to wear their

mentor t-shirts for Mentor Recognition Sunday, September

23rd. In addition to the three new mentors, the following are cur-

rent mentors from our church: Reed Click, Juanita Elders, Vera

Hardin, Madelon Kinkade, Anna Koelling, Becky Roberts, Cathie

Sutherland, Bill and Janell Winkert, and Jeanne Legge.


Silver Dollar City Foundation’s Care for Kids invited the mentors

volunteering in the 14 schools in Taney and Stone counties to a

dinner cruise on the Branson Belle on August 21st. It was a cele-

bration of their 13th year of sponsoring mentoring/tutoring pro-

grams in these schools in addition to providing for the children's

physical and emotional needs. We enjoyed a delicious dinner and

an inspiring and motivational program. Silver Dollar City Founda-

tion has distributed over $1.7 million over the past 12 years to the

14 Taney/Stone County school districts to provide needed ser-

vices to their children. We are grateful for their support through

the past 11 years of our Panther Partners Mentor Program, in-

cluding paying for the background checks which each volunteer

must get prior to being a mentor. It's been a great partnership!

Community Presbyterian Church

Thank you for allowing the Master

Gardeners to use your facilities

when the weather is bad.

We really appreciate all that you do

for us. Without your help our pro-

grams would be greatly hindered.

Marie Ewing

MGO Secretary

Thank you Church family for your

prayers, flowers, cards, food and your

love shown to us during Buddy’s sur-

geries and hospital stays. Life is good

when you have the support of friends

and family. We are especially grateful

to Pastor Dennis for his visits and

prayers, as well as Dr. Reed Click for

his guidance and professional care.

We’re so blessed to be part of a lov-

ing, caring church and we truly appre-

ciate each of you.

Buddy and Becky Roberts

A HUGE thank you to everyone for

your contributions to make the ham

and bean dinner a success! We

raised $1,059! Thanks to all of the

cookie bakers and cornbread makers.

Thanks to all who helped decorate,

set up, cook and clean up. Thanks

also to all of you who attended the

dinner. Couldn't do it without any of


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October 2018 │Page 7


2 Lee Click, Richard Hibben

6 Erin Lacy

7 Ken Bavuso

8 Shirley Mullen

9 Jeanne Legge, Brody Woodward

15 Ginger Clifford

16 Allison Merrell

25 Jim Robbers

26 Nancy Iden

28 Tex Ritterbush

30 Cathie Sutherland

31 Chloe Aley


6 Larry & Janet Pillow, 1 year

17 Jim & Deb Robbers, 41 years

2018 Per Capita Rate

Per capita is a per member

amount that our congregation pays

to our larger Presbyterian Church

(U.S.A.). This annual amount is

shared between our local presbytery, regional

synod and General Assembly. For 2018, our

per capita rate is $35.00 per member. Contri-

butions toward this amount are appreciated.

Please note your contribution as “Per Capita”

to be sure it’s credited correctly. So far this

year, we received donations of $876.50 toward

Per Capita tax.

Quote of the month:

Be a Fruit Loop in a world of Cheerios!


Bulletin Board Corner by Linda Jasper-Reynolds

Food Pantry Sundays During 2018, the first Sunday of the month is

CAM Food Pantry Sunday. Although food can

be donated for this effort, CAM can turn each

$1 into $10 to purchase food for the pantry. CAM donations for September: $180.16

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P.O. Box 486

Forsyth, MO 65653-0486


Forsyth Community Food Project

Meal Packaging Event

Saturday, October 6, 2018, 9:00-11:00 A.M.

Forsyth High School Cafeteria

To register: