Community Powered


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Page 1: Community Powered
Page 2: Community Powered

ARTWORK Jacob Hashimoto, lnfinite Expanse of Sky, 2008-2oog, acrylic, paper, thread, bamboo, Studio La Citta, Verona, ltaly


Community­Powered Problem Solving

A health care initiative �n11uu� how brick-and-mortar businesses can co-create s lutions with their partners and change the rules of the game. by Francis Gouillart and Douglas Billings

ALL COMPANIES-EVEN THOSE in entirely B2B, brick-and-mortar in­

dustries-are now in a Facebook-like business. Their leaders have

to be communicy organizers who strive to engage the customers,

'--------rsutpp!IeJ:s, emplo ees, partners, citizens, and regulators that make

up their ecosystems. A good way to do that is to provide those

stakeholders with the means to connect with the company-and

with one another-and encourage them to constantly invent new

ways to create value for their organizations and themselves.

This approach is a ra ical departure from the old way of man­

aging constituencies through specific processes: marketing and

selling to customers, procuring from vendors, developing human

resourees ¡3elieies for employees, and so on. The problem with tra­

ditional processes is that they do 't naturally evolve, since their

April2013 Harvard Business Review 71

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objective is repeatability and compliance, not con­

tinua! adaptation.

Inviting constituencies to collectively salve prob­

lems and exploit opportunities is a better strategy.

We call this approach co-creation. It's a new form of

competing, one we described in "Building the Co­

Creative Enterprise" (HBR October 2010). As consul­

tants, we ha ve helped more than 30 organizations­

in financia! services, agricultura! products, sports

equipment, health care, and other industries-go

down this path. In addition, we have studied sorne

200 other co-creation efforts. (See the exhibit "Who

Is Co-Creating?" for a sample.) In this article we'll

show you how to begin this journey, by telling the

story of a work in progress: the co-creation program

that the Medica! Surgical Systems unit of Becton,

Dickinson and Campan y (BD) has been working on

for nearly two years.

The Building Blocks The first step in building a co-creation system is

identifying a large problem that you need the help

of many people from different organizations to sol ve.

Then, to kick offthe design stage, a company's lead­

ers should ask these five questions:

1. What community of individuals from inside the

company and across externa! stakeholders do we

need to connect to solve this problem?

2. What p/atform (physical or digital forum) does

this community need to start connecting in new


3. What new interactions will community mem­

bers want to engage in on the platform to design a


4. What valuable professional experiences will the

members get out of these interactions?

s. What va/ue will this new set of experiences

generate for our firm and for the other organizations

involved, creating a win for all parties?

The answers to those questions form the build­

ing blocks of a co-creation system. The idea is to

attract people onto platforms that you've provided,

get them to start exploring new ways to connect and

genera te new experiences, and let the system grow


You cannot map out the full structure of a co­

creation system from the beginning. Building one

is like putting together a jigsaw puzzle: You need

to construct it gradually by assembling pieces in

various corners of the puzzle and then identifying

emerging patterns. (See the sidebar "The Four Steps

of Co-Creation:')

Using the five questions, a company should de­

velop a handful of hypotheses about which segments

of the community to mobilize and how. The next

step is to conduct experiments by giving each seg­

ment an engagement platform and seeing whether

it generates valuable interactions and insights. The

first experiment should always focus on an interna!

system. (You won't ha ve any credibility with outside

partners if you haven't learned to co-create inside.)

Later experiments will add more and more externa!

partners. You can begin with the people your com­

pany airead y has relationships with and then enlist

their help in persuading more people to join your co­

creation community.

Live meetings of participants make good ini­

tial platforms, but they're difficult to scale up cost­

effectively. To handle broad participation, you'll

need to move onto digital platforms. These don't

demand huge investments; you can tap into exist­

ing digital connections with your externa! partners

or use inexpensive cloud technology. After a few

months of experimentation, strive to increase the

number of members and segments rapidly and

tackle problems of increasing scope. The larger and

richer the community is, the more everyone in­

volved will get out of it.

BD's Big Challenge To see how this process works, let's look at a major

initiative of the medical technology company BD. A

global leader in supplying syringes to hospitals and

their affiliated doctors' offices, BD's Medica! Surgi-

You cannot map out the full structure of a co-creation system at the start. You must piece it together gradually, like a jigsaw puzzle. 72 Harvard Business Review April2013

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Idea in Brief

Large problems often present big opportu­

nities. The challenge is that their solutions

often require the collaborative efforts of

hundreds, perhaps thousands, of people

from different organizations. The best way

to make this happen is to provide plat­

forms on which these people can engage

with one another and invent new ways to

create value for their organizations and


The first step in building such a A model for this is a work in progress

that Becton, Dickinson and Company is

orchestrating. A global leader in supplying

syringes, BD is using co-creation to deepen

its ties with hospital chains by helping

them reduce the incidence of infections

caused by unsafe injection and syringe­

disposal practices.

"co-creation" system is to identify a large

problem that everyone has an interest in.

Then you should devise and test hypoth­

eses about the segments of the community

that need to be engaged, the platforms

that will allow their members to connect in

new ways, the interactions that will result,

the experiences that members will get

out of the interactions, and the value that

could be generated to create a win

for all.

cal Systems unit set out, in August 2011, to deepen

its ti es with customers by helping them reduce the

incidence of health-care-associated infections, like

hepatitis, caused by unsafe injection and syringe­

disposal practices.

Over the previous 15 years, the company had

successfully helped develop new industrywide

injection-safety standards and persuaded hospital

workers to adopt them. But the degree of adoption

varied widely, even within hospitals, and was espe­

cially low among doctors and nurses who were af­

filiated with hospitals but worked at other locations.

(Hospital systems have been acquiring large num­

bers of physician practices in recent years.)

BD's vision of a "safe injection environment"

presented a natural opportunity for co-creation. In

the United States alone, there are thousands of hos­

pitals and outpatient facilities, with hundreds of

thousands of doctors, nurses, and waste-handling

employees. Ranjeet Banerjee, vice president and

general manager of Medica! Surgical Systems, and

Micha el Ferrara, his director of strategy, realized

early on that if they too k a process approach and

relied sol el y on the unit's sales force to get al! these

players to change their practices, it would take years

and consume huge amounts of resources.

With our assistance as consultants, they carne up

with a more cost-effective, faster alternative: install

numerous platforms (initially live workshops and

then eventually web-based systems) that would

bring together communities of people who shared

an interest in improving injection and syringe­

disposal practices. These included supply chain and

purchasing managers, infection-prevention and oc­

cupational health leaders, sustainability managers

and staff, and chief financial officers. At the outset,

BD had relationships with only sorne of those people.

But by the end of the co-creation process, that would


Launching Experiments At BD, Banerjee and Ferrara assembled a co-creation

team of about 10 managers from divisional manage­

ment, marketing, sales, R&D, clinical and regulatory

affairs, and IT to develop detailed theories about

which communities to engage and what platforms

to give them. In a one-day workshop, the team carne

up with five such hypotheses.

Then the team began to launch experiments to

test them. The first one la y the groundwork by build­

ing an interna! community of BD functions dedi­

cated to solving the injection-delivery and syringe­

disposal challenges of each hospital. The strategic

account managers (salespeople assigned to the hos­

pitals) played the lead role and were supported by

a project team drawn from the same groups repre­

sented on the co-creation team, plus an IT supplier

that specialized in social software services delivered

through the cloud. (Previously, the division had no

formal cross-functional process for engaging each

hospital beyond the sales call.) The initial platform

was a working group that interacted through regular

meetings, e-mail, and the company's collaboration,

or social media, tools. The group started by drawing

maps ofhow various BD people interfaced -or could

interface-with the hospital staff beyond the pro­

curement and supply chain managers they typically

dealt with. These maps were la ter shared with hospi­

tal staffers, who helped identify weak or missing in­

teractions and devise new ways of connecting both

organizations. The maps revealed, for example, that

infection-prevention leaders had no way of measur­

ing the safety performance of doctors and nurses in

individual locations and no knowledge of how much

training in safety procedures su eh personnel had.

The resulting new interactions in the interna!

comrnunity generated insights into how to irnprove

each hospital's safe-injection and syringe-disposal

record. For example, BD was able to cross-pollinate

April2013 Harvard Business Review 73

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the medica! staff's and sustainability department's

knowledge about leading practices for injection

and disposal with the R&D staff's ideas for product


The hope was that the new approach would im­

prove the professional experiences of all players in

the system. It would make the job of the company's

strategic account managers easier by giving them

a new way to work with a hospital and gain access

to its senior medica! staff. And it would make the

jobs of the division's marketing, medical affairs, and

IT people more fulfilling by including them on the

sales team. The hospital chains would lower their in­

cidence of infections, which would reduce their risks

and costs. And BD would deepen its relationships

with hospital networks, in crease sales, and reduce

its need to compete on price.

The second experiment focused on how mem­

bers of the interna! community would engage the

hospitals, beginning with the people with whom

BD airead y had relationships: the procurement and

supply chain managers. To recruit the first hospital

chains, Banerjee and Ferrara enlisted Barry Brian,

BD's vice president of strategic sales. He immedi­

ately saw this effort as a way to turn his strategic

account managers into trusted advisers of senior

hospital executives. Several account managers were

excited and volunteered to ask the procurement

and supply chain managers whether BD could assist

them in developing a safe-injection environment.

Within three months, six U. S. chains had agreed to

give the program a try. As of January 2013, that num­

ber had grown to 16. The account managers asked for the procurement

and supply managers' help in building relationships

with two groups: the infection-prevention and oc­

cupational health leaders responsible for controlling

infections and protecting employees of the hospital

network. Their incentive for joining the program was

access to information on leading practices and to

data about their networks, which would make them

more effective-for instance, in providing custom­

ized training in infection prevention to their organi­

zations' nurses and doctors.

The co-creation team devised a well-oiled

system for collecting data and developing improve­

ment programs tailored to each hospital chain. It

employs proprietary tools that identify practices

that cause variability in the incidence of infections

within a given hospital network. (For example, the

model demonstrates how certain variations in

74 Harvard Business Review April 2013

Who ls Co-Creating? Companies around the world are tackling big problems through communal innovation, or co-creation, efforts.

Crédit Agricole A leading bank operating in a d eclining downtown market had to find new sources of growth

General Electric Lower-cost, environmentally friendlier ways were needed to extract the abundant heavy oil of Alberta

La Poste French postal service needed to reverse the steep decline caused by the internet and to improve service

Microsoft Customers were frustrated with anonymous call-center service

Communities of lndian farmers seeking to im­prove their economic and social lives and protect the land; BASF and ITC field­based advisers

Civic-minded investors, downtown merchants, bank advisers from downtown branches, city officials

Surgery scheduling staff, surgeons, patients, medica! d evice suppliers, FedEx operations

Prívate industrial compa-1 1 nies, the government of

Alberta, research center staff

ji Nurses, doctors, insurers, patients and their families, visiting nurses, local construction workers

Customers, teller em-ployees, local post office managers, local citizens' associations

Freelance car and parts designers, customers will-ing to pay for a unique car experience, Local Motors staff

Customers who needed support, call center agents


Educational sessions, programs, and tools that promote sustain­able and more produc­tive farming

Community-based financia! products that link local saving and lo-cal borrowing and help fund urban renovations and improvements

A sophisticated package technology, SenseAware, that tracks temperature, pressure, humidity, and location

Development of filtering systems that reduce water consumption, by GE and customers who worked side by side at a shared innovation center

Turnaround of a major hospital in Porto Alegre, and creation of a low-cost community hospital

Redesigned, locally customized post office layout and schedule; dramatically reduced waiting times

Online tools for design-ing region-specific cars (such as muscle cars for the Southwest); new car models

A more humanized customer experience, Answer Desk, which al-lows callers to select a personal support agent

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product-usage patterns often are a lead indicator of

future problems.)

A small SWAT team initially assesses the prac­

tices at each chain and then, with BD experts who

work remotely and the chain's infection-prevention

and occupational health leaders, develops a preven­

tion plan. After each diagnostic phase, BD offers to

configure an IT system that uses iPads to deliver in­

formation directly to meetings where improvement­

related decisions are made at the hospital network.

At first the system is used mostly to provide informa­

tion on BD's products and the leading clinical prac­

tices on how to prevent infections. But after a tria!

period of three to six months, the hospital network

can choose to enter its own (anonymous) patient

data and benchmark itself against various hospitals

that the company works with.

To gauge its progress, BD tracks two types of

measurements: sorne related to content and others

related to engagement. The former include what

practice areas were investigated during the diagnos­

tic phase, what improvements were identified, and

how many recommendations were implemented.

The latter include the number of live diagnostics

conducted, how many people were involved, how

frequently users got on the platform, how long they

stayed on it, what data they found most helpful, how

much of their data they contributed, and what im­

provements they achieved in their own operations.

The second experiment has generated a great

de al of engagement, information, insights, and re­

sults. As of January, BD had conducted diagnoses

at 16 hospital networks in the United States, and its

divisions in India and China were beginning to adopt

the co-creation approach. Six U.S. networks, which

collectively ha ve hundreds of locations, had agreed

to test out the IT system.

At one network, infection-prevention leaders

were amazed to discover that 26 of their acute-care

departrnents still occasionally used conventional in­

jection devices that lacked safety features (to protect

against accidental needle sticks). The situation was

even worse in nonacute-care facilities, where 70%


of the injection devices used had no safety features.

Correcting this problem in volved simple education

and training of the staff at each location.

BD is using the data gleaned from the diagnoses

to devise rules on the practices that work and those

that do not, which it shares in the aggregate with its

community. (Individual hospitals' data remain pro­

prietary.) The data continuously generated by the

IT platforms allow the company and the six chains

to track the effectiveness of practices and to begin

building predictive models that correlate variations

in safety performance with specific factors. They in­

elude types of products (sorne ha ve a better record

than others), the safety procedures up and down the

organization, the leve! of training, and the clinical

staff's turnover and experience.

lncreasing the Size and Richness of the Community The third experiment was aimed at connecting BD's

product designers with hospital nurses and doctors.

Nurses, in particular, ha ve lots of ideas about how to

improve syringes, sin ce they handle them daily, but

un ti! the advent of the co-creation program, product

developers tended to interact with users only when

testing designs in the late stages of product develop­

ment. The hope is that the users' early involvement

in product design will open up new ways of thinking

about the syringe experience, leading to innovative

ideas that further reduce the inciden ce of infections

and deepen hospitals' loyalty to the company's


This experiment is offto a slow start. Product de­

velopers had been successful with the traditional ap­

proach, and many were skeptical about having users

participa te in medical-equipment design, so it too k

a while for them to warm up to the co-creation ap­

proach. (The original hope was that they would be

involved in the SWAT teams that conducted the as­

sessments at hospitals, but they started participating

only in late 2012.) But attracted by the opportunity to

pitch their ideas for new products directly to end us­

ers, the developers are now joining the community

With data generated by BD's platform, the community can track the effectiveness of safety practices and build predictive models.

April 2013 Harvard Business Review 75

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STEP ONE STEPTWO ldentify a large problem that the firm

cannot solve alone.

Develop hypotheses about the interna!

and externa! stakeholders that could

help tackle the problem. (4-6 WEEKS)

Begin by asking which members of your

community would have an interest in the

problem, what platforms (or tools and

forums) could connect them, what new

interactions they could have on those plat­

forms, what experiences those interactions

might generate, and what kind of value

everyone involved would ultimately realize.

These five things are the building blocks of


The first should focus on an interna! com­

munity, so yo u can prove your ability to

co-create within your company to potential

partners. The second should include exter­

na[ people that your enterprise already has

relationships with and people yo u need on

your side as you reach deeper into outside

organizations. You can use the results

produced by early hypotheses to persuade

outsiders-particularly those at high levels­

to join your later experiments.

Choose one that requires the help of many

people from different enterprises in the

company's ecosystem.

With the building blocks, craft hypoth­

eses about four to six community segments.

You'll always need to start with the

members of the community, but as long as

yo u have a coherent logic linking the blocks,

the sequence in which you design them

doesn't matter.

in increasing numbers. Still, given the slow progress

and long lead time for development and obtaining

regulatory approval, it may take two or three years

for hard results (in the form of new products) to


The fourth experiment added the chief sustain­

ability officers and staffs of both BD and the hospitals

to the community. The company (with the help of a

waste management partner) already collected used

syringes from many hospitals and recycled them (in

the manufacture of plastic hospital-waste contain­

ers). It also had green programs for reducing waste

and using renewable energies. Now BD is challeng­

ing the internal and external sustainability managers

to come up with new ideas for further reducing both

the environmental impact and the likelihood of in­

fections from the syringe-disposal process.

Making sustainability experts part of the larger

infection-prevention team is expanding their jobs

beyond their traditional role of enforcing environ­

mental regulations and company policies. And help­

ing hospitals reduce the costs and risks associated

with syringe disposal further helps BD become the

supplier of choice. Sustainability people at the hos­

pital chains have proved eager to engage.

The new communities reinforce the company's standing as a global thought leader in safety issues . . 76 Harvard Business Review April 2013

Getting chief financia! officers of the hospitals to

join the community was the object of the fifth and

final experiment. Beca use it depended on the other

experiments' bearing fruit, it was launched about

a year and a half into the co-creation program. BD

and two large hospital networks are beginning to test

the hypothesis that the co-creation system can help

CFOs negotiate lower insurance rates by proving that

the probability of infections due to injection and

syringe-disposal practices has dropped. Toward that

end, BD and the hospitals are developing a health­

economics and risk-modeling tool. BD ultimately

hopes the community members will build a compre­

hensive model that helps dramatically reduce the

infection-related costs of the whole ecosystem.

Expanding the Network About six months into the experimentation phase,

BD realized that the proprietary communities within

each hospital chain were established enough for it

to start building cross-hospital communities-for

example, one for infection-prevention and occupa­

tional health leaders, and another for the leaders of

sustainability departments. These new communi­

ties are growing rapidly and are reinforcing the com­

pany's standing as a global thought leader on hospi­

tal safety issues.

BD believes that its co-creation program enables

it to forge a special relationship with hospitals. In

many industrywide meetings, such as conferences

where hospitals try to develop new standards for

injection practices, BD is the only medical-device

manufacturer present. It says the co-creation pro­

gram has helped it win several new accounts, made

it less reliant on price in competing, and allowed it to

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STEPTHREE Conduct e.xperiments to test the

hypotheses. {6-18 MONTHS)

When approaching externa! partners,

don't pitch your experiments as a pilot;

instead, invite people to be the first mem­

bers of the community you're building.

Make it clear that you want their ideas. (lt

wouldn't be co-creation if you were simply

pushing your views on them!)

lnitial platforms typically consist of live

workshops. Since these don't scale up well,

you'll need to progressively replace (or

supplement) them with digital platforms.

Online platforms need not be complicated

or costly. Tap any digital connections you

already have with externa! partners. lf

none exist, inexpensive cloud software will

suit most needs.

After a few months of experiments, in­

crease the number of community members

and segments rapidly and tackle problems

of increasing scope. The size and richness

of your community will attract more and

more members to your co-creation system.

Start measuring results to gauge whether

you're reaching your goals for engagement,

the quality of experiences, value created,

and so on.

STEP FOUR Continuously generate new insights

from the data.

lt's critica! for the community to establish

rules about who owns the data and what

information can be shared. You'll also

need to organize the data for use, setting

up structures, tools, and protocols with

your IT department.

As more organizations adopt your plat­

form and data accumulate, you can begin

to build models of what practices drive


become a leader in providing sustainability services ing it possible to tackle problems of increasing seo pe.

to hospitals. The number of individuals and organizations that

Sorne questions remain. For example, who owns can be connected is infinite. In the end, firms that

the data being produced? And how will the value build the most vibrant web of human interactions

generated be shared among BD, hospitals, and in- will win the competitive game. lj surance companies? Few hospitals have historically HBR Reprint R1304D

u sed data to define clinical practices. Many of them

have to learn to operate differently to take advantage

ofthe power of the new BD approach.

co-CREATION IS NOT for the fainthearted. It in vol ves

a fundamental transformation of the firm's operat­

ing model and needs to start with top management's

commitment. (At BD the en tire senior management

team, from CEO Vince Forlenza and COO Bill Kozy on

down, encouraged the firm's divisions to experiment

with co-creation.) Beca use of its systemic nature,

co-creation cannot be undertaken as an isolated


Co-creation requires a mix of hard and soft skills.

The ultima te goal is to trigger a chain reaction of win­

wins for people and organizations throughout an

ecosystem by generating and acting on data-driven

insights that benefit multiple stakeholders. But few

people are natural leaders who have both strong

analytical skills (which are needed to construct the

data models) and natural empathy (which inspires

the trust required to share intima te experiences and

data). The answer is to assemble a co-creation team

that in eludes people with different skills, sorne pre­

dominan U y analytical, others stronger on the en­

gagement side.

Co-creation is an evergreen process that even­

tually affects all members of a firm and constantly

draws in more and more extemal stakeholders, mak-

1&'1 Francis Gouillart is the president of Experience ta1 Co-Creation Partnership, a management education and consulting firm in Concord, Massachusetts. Douglas Billings is a principal and the head of the co-creation practice at PwC.

"lt was at this point that we agreed to sell our souls."

April 2013 Harvard Business Review 77