Community Language Learning

Community Language Learning Second Language Acquisition


Community Language Learning. Second Language Acquisition. CLL – Emphasizes Student Interest. Student ask for what they want to know and are responsible for their own language learning. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Community Language Learning

Community Language LearningSecond Language Acquisition

CLL – Emphasizes Student Interest

Student ask for what they want to know and are responsible for their own

language learning

1) It takes its principles from the “Counseling Learning Approach” developed       by Charles

A. Curran. 2)  It was created especially for Adult Learners who might fear to appear foolish ;       so the teacher becomes a Language Counselor ,

he understands them and leads       them to overcome their fears . 3)  It follows Krashen’s

Monitor Theory (Affective Filter Hypothesis) and the       Cognitive Theory where the human mind

is active .

Techniques1)   Build relationship  2)   Explain procedure  3)   Set time

limit  4)   Language for communication  5)  Human Computer a-  teacher stands behind students  b-  teacher repeats ,

doesn’t correct  c-  interaction among students d-  students feel in control /       responsible  6)    Native language + translation 7)    Reflect on experience , talk about         

feelings  8)    Teacher = counselor =>          he understands, he listens

Technique cont…

9)     Accepting , non-threatening          atmosphere, Non-defensive          learning => security, involvement,         

attention, reflection, retention,          discrimination 10)  One task at a time  11)  Cooperation , no competition 12)  Language Experience Approach :         create a story after an experience ,         feelings are the main focus 13)  Teacher-student centered :

both         are decision-makers 14)  Syllabus designed by students at         the beginning 15)  Creative thinking + self-

evaluation 16)  Integrative Test : Paragraph writing         or oral interview

Principles1) Tape Recording 2)

Transcription 3) Reflection on Experience 4) Reflective

Listening 5) Human Computer a-  teacher

stands behind students  b-  teacher repeats , doesn’t correct  c-  interaction among

students d-  students feel in control / responsible 6)

Small Group Tasks


• One of the major beliefs behind this approach is that learning a new language is often times viewed as threatening and foolish--especially by adults. In this learning environment, the teacher becomes the counselor to the student and creates a positive environment for learning despite the negative views of learning a new language.

• C.L.L. takes on a “whole person” approach in which code switching between the first language and the second language is embraced in order to draw comparisons between the two languages.


• There are five major stages in the C.L.L. approach

• Embryonic stage: students are looking for a sense of security when forming the basics for the new language (i.e. sounds, phonology, etc)

• Self-assertion stage: students begin to feel confident and therefore gain independence in the new language

• Reversal stage: student confidence and independence leads to a lack of necessity with simple suggestions or corrections

• Adolescence stage: students feel competent enough in their language abilities that they are able to accept criticism without losing confidence or independence

• Independent stage: students are now able to have functional meaningful conversations within their newly developed language.

EmphasisSpeaking and listening are emphasized

in the beginning with reinforcement through reading and writing



Community Language Learning Lowers the affective filter

Forms trustThe student relies less and less on the


CritiquesThere are clearly some major problems with CLL. It can

only be done with small numbers of students. The students have to share a single mother tongue. The teacher

(Knower) has to be highly proficient in the target language and in the language of the students. The teacher also has to have enormous reserves of energy – both physical and psychic. Arguably, too, it is unwise to undertake CLL as a

teacher without some counseling training.It has also been pointed out that this is a methodology exclusively suitable for adult learners, not for children. Also, that most descriptions of it in action focus on the

early stages of learning the new language. What do teachers do after that? As for many methods, it gets more difficult to distinguish between one method and another

the more advanced the learner becomes.Perhaps the enduring value of CLL has been its emphasis on whole-person learning; the role of a supportive, non-

judgmental teacher; the passing of responsibility for learning to the and the abolition of a pre-planned syllabus.

Website for Learning Languages

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ResourcesTeaching Method Community Language Learning

Community Language Learning, American University of Beirut

You Tube Presentation

Methodology: Community Language Learning

Duolingo: Website for learning languages