Community Focus - Asian American Federation Focus The Asian American Federation of New York...

Community Focus The Asian American Federation of New York Quarterly Newsletter Spring 2007 Federation Honored with 2007 National Leadership in Action Award by Working to Advance the Civic Voice and Well-Being of Asian Americans in the New York Metropolitan Area W.K. Kellogg Foundation On May 1 st in Seattle, Washington, the Federation, (along with four other nonprofits: Asian Immigrant Women Advocates; Associated Black Charities of Maryland; First Nations Development Institute; and Hispanics in Philanthropy), will be receiving the 2007 National Leadership in Action Award by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation (the ‘Foundation’) . In 2004, the Foundation established the National Leadership in Action Award to recognize, celebrate, and promote outstanding philanthropic and nonprofit organizations. The award is designed to honor innovative approaches to connecting resources of time, money, and know-how to the philanthropic work of communities of color. Since 2003, the Federation’s philanthropy initiative, A New Heritage of Giving has been educating donors, creating volunteer opportunities and encouraging the growth of an inspired strategic community of investors for Asian American causes. Last year, the Federation underwent a strategic plan to reprioritize its mission and create more giving options and programs to better serve its donor network. This new plan places a higher priority on generating resources through individual philanthropy to increase funding for our Asian American Community Fund as well as grow a substantial endowment. And with the creation of AsiaNextGen, a giving circle in 2004, the Federation continues to help raise awareness of community needs and promote charitable giving across all generations and at all giving levels. For more information on giving vehicles and how to create a named field of interest fund, please contact Michelle Tong at [email protected] . Coming soon! W.K. Kellogg produced video on the Federation’s work can be viewed: . Seeding the Federation’s Endowment Within three months, members of the Federation’s board of directors committed $200,000 through personal giving to seed the Federation’s endowment. This is the beginning of a long-term commitment to create permanent assets for the Community Fund and for the Federation’s future. ****************** Members of the Federation’s Board of Directors Photo by: Fong Kit “As the Federation grows and develops, it is crucial to be able to sustain such growth on its own. Because the Federation is at a very important stage of development, the Board collectively felt it was important to demonstrate its support and confidence in the organization’s direction. I thank my colleagues for their deep commitment.” -- Yung Duk Kim, Chairman of the Board

Transcript of Community Focus - Asian American Federation Focus The Asian American Federation of New York...





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The Asian American Federation of New York

ederation Honored .K. Kellogg Founda

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“As the Federation gbe able to sustain suFederation is at a vethe Board collectiveldemonstrate its supporganization’s directheir deep commitme -- Yung Duk Kim, Ch

Community Focu

Quarterly Newsletter Spring 2007

with 2007 National Leadership in Action Award by tion

ay 1st in Seattle, Washington, the Federation, (along with four other ofits: Asian Immigrant Women Advocates; Associated Black Charities of and; First Nations Development Institute; and Hispanics in Philanthropy), e receiving the 2007 National Leadership in Action Award by the W.K. gg Foundation (the ‘Foundation’).

established the National Leadership in Action Award to recognize, celebrate, philanthropic and nonprofit organizations. The award is designed to honor connecting resources of time, money, and know-how to the philanthropic


on’s philanthropy initiative, A New Heritage of Giving has been educating er opportunities and encouraging the growth of an inspired strategic for Asian American causes. Last year, the Federation underwent a strategic ission and create more giving options and programs to better serve its donor places a higher priority on generating resources through individual funding for our Asian American Community Fund as well as grow a

AsiaNextGen, a giving circle in 2004, the Federation continues to help raise needs and promote charitable giving across all generations and at all giving

n giving vehicles and how to create a named field of interest fund, please t [email protected]. Coming soon! W.K. Kellogg produced video on the

e viewed:

on’s Endowment mbers of the Federation’s board of directors committed $200,000 through he Federation’s endowment. This is the beginning of a long-term rmanent assets for the Community Fund and for the Federation’s future.


Members of the Federation’s Board of Directors Photo by: Fong Kit

rows and develops, it is crucial to ch growth on its own. Because the ry important stage of development, y felt it was important to ort and confidence in the tion. I thank my colleagues for nt.”

airman of the Board

E xecutive Director’s Message Spring is in the air and we feel energized by the bright sunlight and warm air. As we gear up for our annual gala held each May, I am reminded that another year has passed and we have the opportunity to celebrate a special year of milestones. As featured in this issue, the Federation is extremely thankful to the W.K. Kellogg Foundation for its acknowledgement and support of our philanthropic initiatives. Their recognition of our work is such a tremendous encouragement as we continue to help connect community assets with community needs. We are also very grateful to our Board of Directors for having taken an important step towards ensuring a vibrant future for the Federation through seeding of an endowment.

This is an exciting time on the Federation’s philanthropic front. We are proud to celebrate these accomplishments among others at our Gala’s celebration in May. In closing, I hope that you can attend our Spirit of Asian America Gala next month! Best, Cao K. O Executive Director

S pirit of Asian America Gala A highlight of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, our Spirit of Asian America Gala provides the opportunity for the Federation to honor those individuals who have made significant contributions to our burgeoning community.

We are proud to recognize these successful leaders within our community:


Farooq KathwariChairman, President & CEO

Ethan Allen Interiors Inc. Fo


Arvind RaghunathanManaging Director &

Head of Global Arbitrage Deutsche Bank

Please join us on May 8, 2007 aJuju Chang, Correspondent, ABSponsorship opportunities, ticketo reserve your ticket now!

Sung-Joo Kimunder of Sungjoo Group Chairperson of MCM

t the Cipriani Wall Street as we celebrate these extraordinaryC News and Cindy Hsu, Anchor, WCBS-TV, Channel 2 will bts, and journal ads are limited. Please contact Kendra Lee at

Haruko SmithFounder & Chairman ember Concert Foundation

Photo by: Kendra Lee

people. e your hosts. [email protected]

S pirit of Asian America Pre-Gala Reception On March 12th the Federation hosted its exclusive Pre-Gala Reception at the Mercedes-Benz Park Avenue showroom. Guests included 2007 gala honorees Arvind Raghunathan and Haruko Smith and NYC Police Commissioner Ray Kelly and his wife Veronica. Those in attendance feasted on Chinese dim sum and platters of fresh sushi while the Ayako Shiraskai Trio played upbeat sounds of jazz. Additional pictures of the Pre-Gala Reception can be found at: (Click on Spirit of Asian American Gala 2007 and then Pre-Gala 2007 Photo Gallery).

Jeff Chin, Paul Huang, & Arvind Raghunathan

Photos by: Christopher Duggan

“ Under the Radar: Old & Poor in a CIn 2005 poverty among older persons in NPoverty threatens well-being and quality particular risk are women, ethnic minoritCitizens’ Committee on Aging, Inc.


A Solution-Oriented Forum

Member Agency Electronic Bullet After a protracted break, the FederationMember Electronic-Bulletin (E-Bulletinresuming its transmission. Sent exclusimember agency executive directors, theE-Bulletin serves as a concise informatisharing medium from the Federation. Eis a monthly e-mail announcement of gropportunities, trainings, and various comactivities.

George Wang, Ray Kelly, & Kyung Yoon

ity of Riches” Conference ew York City was twice the national r

of life, but it does not fall equally uponies, immigrants and disabled persons.

ith collaborative efforts from the Asork, the New York Citizens’ Commi

onference entitled, “Under the Radar:n May 11, 2007. The conference willn the aging population and a panel ofnsights in the context of the various mrom the audience will also be sought discussion. More information can be f

I nformation TechThe Federation’s Infteam is committed isorganizations use tecmission, not on technimplemented a variephone support to weservice fee. The Fednot limited to, Microand Macromedia proa variety of other softechnicians providinreliable. Assistance the purchase of comaffordable and the rineeds. The Federatiensure stability of ancutting down inefficcatch viruses.

in ’s ) is vely to on -Bulletin ants munity

Kay Ikawa, Veronica Kelly, & Haruko Smith

ate: 20.3% versus 9.9%. all groups and all areas. At

Source: The New York

ian American Federation of New ttee on Aging will be hosting a Old & Poor in a City of Riches” address the impact of poverty experts in the field will provide inority communities. Input uring a 45-minute Town Hall

ound at conference details.

nology Service Team ormation Technology service to helping our member hnology to focus on their ology. The Federation

ty of services that range from bsite updates with a small eration offers support for, but soft office products, Adobe ducts, Symantec products, and tware products. Live g on-site service are quick and is also available to help with puter hardware that is both ght solution for agency’s on delivers answers quickly to agency’s infrastructure while

iency when computers crash or

C ornell Externship During the January winter break, three Cornell University externs, Helen Tsang, Carmen Lam, and Linda Yu came to the Federation for one-week externships to learn about nonprofit work and the Asian American community. The Federation and Cao O, alumnae of Cornell University, have facilitated involvement for several years, as the program pairs current students with participating alumni in a variety of fields. As one of a few participating Asian American nonprofit organizations, the Federation is pleased to introduce Asian American leaders of tomorrow to our dynamic community in New York. Special thanks to the following groups for enriching our externs’ experiences: Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund, Chinese-American Planning Council, Coalition for Asian American Children and Families, New York Asian Women’s Center, Child Center of New York, Shuang Wen School, and Professor Siu-Ping Ma of the Hunter College School of Social Work. C IC Steering Committee meeting recognizes Federation CIC Manager as Chair

The CIC Steering Committee met at the Census Bureau’s new building in Suitland, Maryland on February 21-23, 2007. The Steering Committee received updates on Census Bureau activities as well as conducted Steering Committee business. Some key Census Bureau updates include:

• The Census Bureau has finalized the 2010 Census forms and has sent them to the Office of Management and Budget for final approval.

• The Bureau is looking for ways to improve the population estimates challenge process. Population estimates generated by the Census Bureau help federal agencies to allocate funds, such as the Community Development Block Grants, to local communities.

• In 2008, the American Community Survey will add three new questions on health insurance coverage, marital history, and veteran’s service-connected disability. The American Community Survey is the replacement for the Census long-form and is conducted every year, as opposed to once every ten years.

The Steering Committee also elected the Federation’s own Howard Shih as the new chairman. Enrique Lopez of the University of Puerto Rico at Cayey is the new vice chair, and Mark Holman of Sitting Bull College is the new recorder. More information can be found by logging on to the Census Information Center website. F ederation Research Project: South Asians in New JeThe Census Information Center (CIC) worked diligently with th(SAALT) on a report covering South Asian communities in NewBangladeshi, Indian, Pakistani, and Sri Lankan Americans in Nehome ownership rates, languages spoken at home, and place of income, poverty rates, and citizenship status were also examinedlargest South Asian populations, Bergen, Hudson, and Middlesecounty map of the South Asian population in New Jersey. The project represents collaboration between SAALT and the Fdata for South Asians for twelve different metropolitan areas acwith any community organization on using Census and other goAsian American community. For more information, please [email protected] or 212-344-5878 ext. 19.

Howard Shih (Far Left) at the Federation’s CIC Economic Briefing Photo by: Michelle Tong


e South Asian American Leaders for Tomorrow Jersey. The CIC provided Census 2000 data on w Jersey. Age, educational attainment, gender,

birth were covered statewide. English ability, statewide and for the three counties with the x counties. The CIC also provided a county-by-

ederation. A previous project examined Census ross the county. The CIC is available to work vernment data sources to better understanding the tact Howard Shih, the CIC Data Manager, at

ry of Yilo Cheng, Federation’s Mental Health Project Manager In Memo We are saddened to inform our community that our beloved Yilo Cheng, the Federation’s Mental Health Project Manager, passed away on February 5, 2007. Yilo worked with the Federation for the past 1.5 years serving the community in clinical social work, primarily within the area of mental health. He managed projects dealing with post-9/11 tragedies and often collaborated with our member and government agencies.

What people loved most about Yilo was his well-rounded character, compassion and love for others. He was an accomplished musician having played instruments such as the oboe and saxophone as well as being an outdoor enthusiast. He was also involved with local Christian church groups. Yilo graduated magna cum laude from Ramapo College with a Bachelors of Arts in Psychology. He received his Masters of Social Work from New York University. In 2006, he entered the Ph.D. program in social work at New York University.

Our hearts go out to his family and friends during this time of mourning.

Congratulations Federation Board Members!

Curtis S. Chin, was nominated by President George Wconfirmed by the U.S. Senate by unanimous consent onposition of US Executive Director at the Asian Developof ambassador. Curtis has been a loyal and supportive mJune 2005; thus, we are saddened to also hear of his resFederation board effective April 2006, with his taking umost recently served as a Managing Director at Bursoncommunications and public affairs firm. He is a graduaManagement and the Northwestern University Medill Smore on Curtis’s official announcement.

Photo by: Fong Kit

Setsuko Matsunaga Nishi, Ph.D., the Federation’sand a leader of the New York State Advisory Committeon Civil Rights was recognized with a Lifetime AtonemAssociation for Asian American Studies at its annual coCity on April 4-7, 2007. She is Professor Emerita of SoBrooklyn College and the Graduate Center of the City Uand is principal investigator of a major national study, Wthe Life Course of Japanese Americans. Among other accomplishments, Setsuko is a loving mother and grandSetsuko’s award. Photo by: Christopher Duggan

√ Yes, I want to help Asian American communities in New Yor □ Donation Enclosed □ Please send me info on the Asian American Com□ Register me as a volunteer □ Please send me info on how my workplace can p

Name: ________________________________________________________________Address: ________________________________________________________________Telephone: ________________________________________________________________E-mail: ________________________________________________________________

Photos with Federation staff

. Bush and subsequently March 29, 2007 to the ment Bank, with the rank ember of the Board since

ignation from the p the new position. Curtis

-Marsteller, a leading te of the Yale School of chool of Journalism. Read

founding board president e to the U.S. Commission ent Award by the nference in New York ciology at niversity of New York artime Incarceration and

noteworthy mother.


munity Fund artner with the Federation

________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________



A Special Thank You to the Following Donors and Volunteers (January 1, 2007 – March 31, 2007)

$100,000 and Above

Deutsche Bank and Arvind Raghunathan United Way of New York City

$25,000 to $49,999

Altria Group, Inc. Merrill Lynch

Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP

$100 to $499 (Cont’d) Alan Dean, Esq. Josefina Disterhoft Angela Fung Hamilton-Madison House, Inc. Arnold Kawano Anna Lee Edwin and Rena Lee Hong Shing Lee Kendra Lee Winnie Li Mei Ling Edward Ma Archarya Sudha Gift-In-Kind Donors American Ballet Theatre AmorePacific Continental Airlines Godiva Chocolatier, Inc. Hotel Seiyo Ginza Raffles Beijing Hotel Six Flags Starbucks Coffee Company Victoria Cruises, Inc. Warwick New York Hotel Volunteers Christopher Chin Alice Duong Bobbi Huang Karen Kim Yoon-hee Kim Wai Lam Paul Li Wynn Salisch Curtis Smith Helen Tsang Fang Wang Shawn Zen

$10,000 to $24,999 C.J. Huang Foundation Corporation Paul D.C. Huang ConEdison Goldman, Sachs & Co. Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC

$5,000 to $9,999 Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America Long Mountain Road Foundation Schering-Plough Thelen Reid Brown Raysman & Steiner LLP $1,000 to $4,999 Cadwalader, Wickersham, and Taft LLP Curtis Chin Federated Department Stores, Inc. Healthplex, Inc. Japanese Chamber of Commerce & Industry of New York, Inc. Kono Designs Lafayette 148 $500 to $999 CenterCare, Inc. Fidelis Care New York Gary Moriwaki, Esq. Andrew Passeri Pfizer Inc. $100 to $499 Laura Abbot Edward Avery, Jr. Julie Chan Jeannette Chang May-Ling Chang Shu May Chang Elaine Chau Rockwell Chin


Federation Volunteer Mailing Event March 29, 200


Yung DukPreside

Hyundai CorporaChai

JeffrPartner, Ernst & Y

Vice Ch

Dong President & CEO, Va


Gary S. MoPartner, Fox


Stuart GiFinancial Consultant

CurtisManaging Directo

Muzaffar CDirector, MigratioNew York Unive

Paul D.President, C.J.

Peter D. LAttorne

Lisa BSetsuko Matsu

Principal Japanese America

Professor The Graduate SchooThe City University

EktaPrincipal, Ern

DennisPresident of SFOX TelevisioGrace Lyu CommissioneCommission o

Sunil Director of C Gravitas TGeorge H

Partner, Orrick, Her


Senator DaUnited St


Loida NicChairman & C

Francis YLife Partner, Kelle

OscarFinancier an

Procopio U.

Christopher likes our Gala invites! Helen, Kenny, Winnie and Bobbi make sure that

everything is in order.

Paul and Yoon-hee are busy at work!

Photos by: Kendra Lee





Census Info Data

MichelleDonor Rela

Cao K. O

Executive Director



Hong ShChief Oper



Kim, Ph.D. nt & CEO, tion (USA) (Retired) rperson

ey Chin oung LLP (Retired) airperson

Suk Suh ljean 5425 Corporation

asurer riwaki, Esq.

Rothschild LLP retary

bson Adam , Adam & Partners LLC S. Chin r, Burson-Marsteller hishti, Esq. n Policy Institute at rs ty School of Law i C. Huang H ang Foundation u ederer, Esq. y-at-Law

. Murphy naga Nishi, Ph.D. Investigator, n Life Course Project of Sociology, l and Brooklyn College, of New York (Emerita) Singh st & Young LLP Swanson tation Operations, n Stations Group Volckhausen r, New York City n Human Rights

Wadhwa lient Services,

echnology Inc. . Wang, Esq. rington & Sutcliffe LLP


niel K. Inouye ates Senate rperson

olas Lewis

E , TLC-LC, Inc. O . Sogi, Esq. y rye & Warren LLP D L. Tang d Philanthropist Yanong, M.D.


Chan Assistant Lee

Coordinator ing Lee

ating Officer ra Lee nt Manager

nny Li n Technology nager nie Li

Manager rd Shih rmation CenterManager Tong, Esq. tions Director

Wai and Wynn take a break to smile at the camera.

Sake Tasting 2005 Photo by: Fong Kit

120 Wall Street, 3rd Floor 120 Wall Street, 3 New York, NY 10005 New York, NY 10005

Event CommitEvent Commit

Joining a planning committee for the Federation’s SpiritNetworking Event, Sake Tasting and/or other fundraisina program or community issues, and network for businesallow our friends to directly participate with other caringawareness of the Federation’s mission and help our Asia

Joining a planning committee for the Federation’s SpiritNetworking Event, Sake Tasting and/or other fundraisina program or community issues, and network for businesallow our friends to directly participate with other caringawareness of the Federation’s mission and help our Asia

rd Floor

WHO WE ARE The Asian American Federation of New York’s mission is to advance the civic voice and well-being of Asian Americans. We collaboratively foster philanthropy in the community, undertake research to inform policies, and provide support to community service organizations.

TELEPHONE (212) 344-5878 E-MAIL [email protected] WEBSITE(S)

One Way to Reall

y Make it Count…

Young Professionals Ne orking Event 2005 tw Photo by: Michelle Tong

tee Members tee Members

of Asian America Gala, Young Professionals g events are a great way to meet new people, learn about s—and all for a good cause! It’s a fun, free way to , like-minded individuals in activities that help raise n American communities!

of Asian America Gala, Young Professionals g events are a great way to meet new people, learn about s—and all for a good cause! It’s a fun, free way to , like-minded individuals in activities that help raise n American communities!