Communities of innovation for natural assurance schemes · Overall goal: reflect on how local and...

Communities of innovation for natural assurance schemes This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730497.

Transcript of Communities of innovation for natural assurance schemes · Overall goal: reflect on how local and...

Page 1: Communities of innovation for natural assurance schemes · Overall goal: reflect on how local and regional communities of innovation can speed up the uptake of nature based solutions

Communities of innovation for natural assurance schemes

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730497.

Page 2: Communities of innovation for natural assurance schemes · Overall goal: reflect on how local and regional communities of innovation can speed up the uptake of nature based solutions


Overall goal: reflect on how local and regional communities of innovation can speed up the uptake of nature based solutions for risk reduction (= natural assurance schemes) in cities and regions


1. To reflect on the role of communities of innovation- example of the Urban Partnerships

2. NAS as an innovation- To illustrate with examples from NAIAD:1. innovative tools and methods- E.g. EcoActuary

2. A natural Assurance scheme at local level

3. A natural Assurance scheme at regional level

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730497.

Page 3: Communities of innovation for natural assurance schemes · Overall goal: reflect on how local and regional communities of innovation can speed up the uptake of nature based solutions


• Communities of Innovation (CoIs) = define communities of innovation (CoIs) as a form of communities of practice dedicated to the support of innovation (Coakes and Smith, 2007)

• Natural Assurance Schemes (NAS) = role ecosystems play in reducing water related risks (e.g. extreme events)

• Examples- CITY-REGION- cities (Lodz) and Potelu (region)- natural catchment

Page 4: Communities of innovation for natural assurance schemes · Overall goal: reflect on how local and regional communities of innovation can speed up the uptake of nature based solutions


13.40: “Introduction to the Session” Elena Lopez Gunn, Scientific coordinator H2020 NAIAD Project, Director Icatalist, Spain


Community- “The Sustainable Partnership and NBS Partnership in the EU Urban Agenda: how can cities innovate with nature?” Alexandru Matei , ICLEI, Germany

13:40 – 13:50

Innovation- “The NAIAD Eco:actuary tool” Sophia Burke, Ambiotek and Mark Mulligan, Kings College London (UK)

13:50 – 14:00

Local CoI:“ The Lodz Natural Assurance Scheme (Poland) Kinga Krauze, ERCE (Poland)

14:00 – 14:10

Regional CoI “The Lower Rumania Natural Assurance Scheme (Rumania)” Albert Scrieciu, Geoecomar (Rumania)

14:10 – 14:20

Samoa circle on Communities of innovation for adoption of Natural Assurance Schemes” (Elena Lopez Gunn and Beatriz Mayor, ICATALIST, Spain)

14:20 – 15:00

Page 5: Communities of innovation for natural assurance schemes · Overall goal: reflect on how local and regional communities of innovation can speed up the uptake of nature based solutions

SAMOA CIRCLE (Talanoa Dialogues)

• "The Samoan circle is a leaderless meeting intended to help negotiations in controversial issues.

• The Samoan circle has people seated in a circle within a circle, however only those in the inner circle are allowed to speak.

• The inner circle should represent all the different viewpoints present, and all others must remain silent. The process offers others a chance to speak only if they join the ‘inner circle’."