Communists in America What happens during the “Red Scare”?

Communists in America Communists in America What happens during the “Red Scare”?

Transcript of Communists in America What happens during the “Red Scare”?

Communists in AmericaCommunists in AmericaWhat happens during the “Red Scare”?

The Red Scare 1940s & 1950sThe Red Scare 1940s & 1950s

• Soviet domination of Eastern Europe & Loss of China had many in US worried – are there communists in America?

Loyalty Review Board, 1947

• Some Republicans claim Truman was soft on Communism

• Truman sets up program to investigate “disloyal” govt employees

• 3.2 million employees dismissed

House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), 1947

• Investigated different organization & industries but Hollywood film industry is hit hardest

• Hollywood Ten: Entertainers who refused to testify were sent to prison, entertainers suspected of communist connections blacklisted.

1. Identify people & objects

3. Identify actions

4. What point is cartoonist trying to make?

2. What are symbols?

Spying Against the USSpying Against the US

Alger Hiss

• Accused of spying for the Soviet Union, prosecuted by Congressman Richard Nixon,

• Hiss claimed his innocence, sent to prison for perjury

Ethel & Julius Rosenberg

• Suspected in helping the Soviets develop their atomic bomb (1949)

• Denied guilt but plead the 5th, found guilty & executed


• Joseph McCarthy, Senator who claims communist are taking over gov• Accuses people of being communist usually with no evidence• Accuses Democrats of allowing “communist infiltration”• 1954: Senate investigations are televised• CBS news reporter Ed Murrow goes after McCarthy• McCarthy loses public support, censure by Senate• Suffering from alcoholism, he dies 3 years later

Communism in the 50s: Good Night & Good Luck1. What are employees of CBS being asked to do?

2. How are US citizens being denied civil liberties?

3. What does Murrow say in his report about the Airforce accusations?

4. After the report, what accusations are made about Murrow? How does CBS respond?

5. How does Senator McCarthy respond to Murrow’s criticisms?

6. How does Murrow respond to McCarthy?

7. How does the CBS President react to Murrow’s reports against McCarthy?