
Communism pABLO jose ramirez lopez -tpc- 1

Transcript of Communism

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“Communism is an ideology that advocates a political system understood as a social and economic organization, is an association based in the community of the social means of production and the goods that they produce, through the participation of its members in an atmosphere of collective life.


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Unlike what happens in socialism, communism means to specialization in the division of labor and money.”

Communism is a political ideology which aims to resources and means of production belong to the community, not just individuals, the communism opposes private ownership of resources and means of production. According communism society would allow the proposed equal sharing of all work depending on the ability and the benefits would be spread throughout society based on the needs of each.

Some of the concepts of communist society assume that , ultimately , there needs to be no coercive government and , therefore , communist society would not have to be legislators. However, to reach this final stage, communism must fight through the revolution, for the abolition of private property, responsibility for meeting public needs lies therefore in the state.

Platon and some early Christian communities and referred to the communist society in one way or another , but the idea and concept of communist society emerged in the nineteenth century as a protest to modern capitalism. Communism emerged as a utopian response, since all the first attempts to establish a communist society failed. Most of the first try of building a communist society were in small communities where members participate in society on a voluntary basis and all involved in government.

Years more later, the concept of communism would serve to describe the movement philosopher of scientific socialism established by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in the Communist Manifesto. Since 1917 communism was used to describe those who believed that the Russian Revolution was the ideal political model, recast the traditional orthodox Marxism and Leninism, creator of a genuine revolutionary praxis. The center of gravity of world communism moved out of the central and western Europe from the late 1940s through the 1980s, communist movements have been linked to national independence and other social changes.


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Marx and Engels analyzed the capitalist society. They said the failure of contemporary society: fundamental rights had not abolished the injustice, constitutional governments avoided or mismanagement and corruption, science could mastery of nature but economic cycles, and the efficiency of modern modes of production did not prevent the existence of slums in the midst of plenty.

Described the history of mankind as the attempt of men and women to develop and apply their creative potential in order to control the forces of nature to improve the human condition . When this effort to develop and control the productive forces , mankind has achieved great success ; history is the history of progress . However, when looking for the development of productivity have created several institutions which have resulted in the exploitation , domination and many other evils ; price humanity must pay for progress is to have an unfair society.

According to Marx ideolodi , all social systems of the past had been a way for a few rich and powerful, who could live off the labor and misery of a poor majority. Therefore, any system is threatened by a possible conflict arising from each historical contradiction. In addition, each mode of production that takes place in time has defects that sooner or later , eventually destroy either of its own decay , either by revolution encouraged by the oppressed class . Engels and Marx believed that the capitalist system also had failures and , therefore , was doomed to self-destruction . They tried to prove that the most productive out of the system , the harder it would be to work : the more goods were accumulating less marginal utility derived from such property; As more people are prepared , you could use their skills less. In short , capitalism would end up drowning in their own wealth.

It was believed that the collapse of the capitalist economy culminate in a political revolution in which the proletariat rebel against the oppressor class and end the private ownership of the means of production. Directed by and for the people (after a brief period of the dictatorship of the proletariat ), the economy would produce ,


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not for profit and profitability, but the needs of society , which , once met, the inequalities disappear partner governments coercive . This process would occur , according to forecasts by Marx and Engels in the most industrialized states of Western Europe, where capitalism had created conditions for these changes to take place the conditions conditions.

The capitalism , despite sometimes compromised , has not collapsed. Iin the self- communist countries still occur both inequalities and gaps persist coercive governments ; Moreover, the followers of Marx s have come to power in countries that do not comply with Marx and Engels considered essential . The first country to establish a communist system was Russia, a state of great extension , poor and relatively backward , which began in the industrialization process of the early twentieth century , but in which there was no real star of the native bourgeoisie in transition from a society of the old regime to another capitalist. Russia's mostly illiterate people had no experience in political participation . In 1917 , the Russian Revolution ended the Czarist government, and after a period of political instability became the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR ) in the first state ruled by a communist party , namely Lenin led the Bolshevik .

More late, since the conquest of power by the Bolsheviks , the Communist government of the Soviet Union to a number of problems they face. During the early years, the enemies of the system in the country , even questioned the existence of government. When the Communist Party was victorious , I was faced with the need to rebuild and modernize the economy in ruins. After all efforts were designed to transform a backward country into an industrial nation and a military power.

The goal was ambitious, especially after the disastrous interruption 2 War Worl . Therefore, the Soviet leaders were relentless in organizing all available human and material resources to achieve modernization . The resulting system was total control was called Stalinism low character who starred Joseph Stalin , the leader who controlled and designed the USSR government for more than a quarter century after the death of Lenin. Stalinism away as much as ideology Marxist Leninist dogma , encouraging the emergence of new forms of communism opposition as Trotskyism. Three decades after the death of Stalin, the USSR was ruled by consensus and not by imposition, it was a society with authority


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administered by an administrative bureaucracy that was neither less conservative , nor was closer to the people than they are all large bureaucracies in the world. The cultural and intellectual life of the country was essentially controlled by the ruling party. Meanwhile, the ideology of the party said that socialism had been achieved and that the final implementation of true communism was near. The historical context in which this process has caused dissension developed countries , although it had adopted Marxism , Soviet hegemony was not accepted worldwide communism ; such was the case in China, where its leader Mao Zedong ignited a new adjusted to the particularities of the Third World , which received the name of Maoism communist tendency . In the early 1980s, the USSR was the second industrial power in the world . His military arsenal and equipment were supported by significant scientific advances and an overall high level of technical education . The standard of living , although still low compared with Western countries , had increased significantly since World War II . However, towards the end of the decade it became clear that Soviet communism was in crisis. The growth of nationalism among Soviet republics joined the resentment caused by decades of scarcity and arbitrary , challenged both the ideological foundations of communism as state legitimacy . In late 1991 , the political struggle led to the collapse of the Communist Party and the dissolution of the USSR itself .

In the West of the world ,a communist government would always be threat and since its introduction , an attempt to destroy by force; these attempts did nothing but reinforce the efforts of the Communist government to safeguard their integrity spread the revolution to the world .

Despite its isolated communist regime and threatened the position also it need to establish business relationships and alliances with other countries. Between 1945 and 1975 the number of communist countries increased dramatically, in part because the victors of World War II divided the world and , in part, because the communist revolutionary movements were gaining strength in many Third World countries .The rapid political changes in Eastern Europe , the USSR and other countries between 1989 and 1991 drastically reduced the number of existing communist regimes. Communist governments who remain are loyal to the doctrines of Marx and Lenin , but they differ not only in size and industrial development, but also in the interpretation of its principles, objectives and


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governance. The world communism also encompasses many movements struggling for power and are even more heterogeneous than the existing communist regimes.


1. 2. Documental:Historia delcomunismo ‘TVE SPAIN’3. Notes of Doctor Julian Montes4. Manifiesto Comunista Marx\Engels5. Breve Historia Socialismo y Comunismo de Javier Paniagua6. Introduccion a la historia de las ideas politicas comtenporneas de Santiago
