Communication & Theatre 4/514 Organizational Communication Teamwork.

“Team” is a metaphor Alternatives: community family folks associates
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Transcript of Communication & Theatre 4/514 Organizational Communication Teamwork.

Page 1: Communication & Theatre 4/514 Organizational Communication Teamwork.

“Team” is a metaphorAlternatives:





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Assess the need


•Groups fail


•Unpopular decisions

•Quick decisions

•The impact of cohesiveness

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It may be that the best teamwork is a momentary process. Teams created for specific projects with well-defined end dates probably work best.

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Ongoing, ever changing, dynamic, non-repetitious interaction of events. All dimensions of a process

are interdependent.

Work Team Process is more Democratic!!

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Linear Models

A Bcauses

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Circular Models



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Helical Models





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Chaotic Models

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Thing vs. Process

Make a cake.

Make a decision.

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Content = the topic of conversation

Process = our working relationships

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3 Dimensions of Process• Structure -the


• Function-how we work together

• Evolution-the history

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We create We create reality, rather reality, rather than discover than discover it!!it!!

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Defensive behaviors are competitive.

Supportive behaviors are cooperative.

Adversarial democracy

Unitary democracy

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Hirokawa: Functional Group Behaviors

• minimal procedural protocol

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• describe problem

• analyze problem

• understand seriousness

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• Identify causes of the problem

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•marshal a range of alternative solutions

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•Evaluate plusses and minuses for each alternative

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meeting planning

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Characteristics of an ideal meeting

Purpose is clearMembers must meetMembers understand


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•Agenda is organized

•Agenda distributed prior to meeting

•members know what is expected

•membership is appropriate

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•Plans for facilitating made

Plan your participation

Personal appearance

Note taking

Room architecture


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Be realistic!!!

In terms of time allotted

In terms of group’s ability to decide the issue

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•Members leave knowing what they have accomplished

•members’ needs met

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Meetings don’t just happen . . . .

They take planning.

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End of Teamwork Session