Communal violence and social work

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  • 1. Mohd Zakir Riyaz Department of Social Work, Jamia Millia Islamia New Delhi Communal Violence and Social Work

2. What is Communalism? The word Communalism is used to denote attempts to promote primarily religious stereotypes between groups of people identified as different communities and to stimulate violence between those groups. It derives not from community but from "tensions between the (religious) communities. 3. Communal Violence Violence perpetrated on the bases of ethnic or religious identity. Victims are of the different ethnic or religious community. The proposed Prevention of Commnal Violence Bill(2012) act also includes the structural violence with physical violence like publically humiliation of a person on religious ground, threat to his/her fundamental right or force such person to leave his or her residence or livelihood without his or her consent 4. Causative Factors Psycho-Social -concept of the other/othering -insecurity complex -perceived victimization/ identity crisis Politico Cultural -competitive politics -communal politics -merging modern institutions of democracy and secularism into Indian Society -unbalanced power -Spatial segregation 5. Causative Factors Economic Factors -Rivalry in business -Economic Disparity due to Capitalism Historical factors -Colonial Administration -Communalization of History -Communalization of Indian Politics before Independence 6. Social Work Interventions - Awareness generation with communities to do away with the communal hatred - Forming pressure groups of youth, children, women and adults - Conflict mitigation and peace building - Political advocacy for creating new law and legal machinery to prevent these incidence and punishing the perpetrators - Sensitization workshops for police and other security personnel and for political leaders - Counseling and linking the affected with the resources and opportunities in the context of Post Traumatic Therapy. 7. Conclusion We are aware that communalism is one of the most dangerous threat to Indian democracy and National integrity If we do not attempt to curb this evil force this will engulf the harmony of our country, which will spread like a epidemic. To get justice for every individual in the country social workers should intervene proactively in this area so that it can create a society which will give justice and provide human conditions for living. 8. First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out because I was not a communist; Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out because I was not a socialist; Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist; Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew; Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for