Common learner's errors - Similar Sounding words

Similar Sounding words in English WRITE the RIGHT word



Transcript of Common learner's errors - Similar Sounding words

Page 1: Common learner's errors - Similar Sounding words

Similar Sounding words in English


RIGHT word

Page 2: Common learner's errors - Similar Sounding words

There are lot of words in the English language that have same or similar pronunciation, same or different spellings, but different meanings.

Many such similar sounding words are confusing and often misapplied by lot of people. Some of them have almost similar meaning also but somewhere there is a fine difference.

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Compliment vs Complement

Compliment Refers to an expression of

praise, admiration, or flattery.

The teacher complimented me in front of the other students.

He gave me a compliment about my dress.

Complement Refers to something that

completes, enhances, or improves something else.

The picture frame complements the photo.

The cream is a nice complement to the cake.

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Quick Tip

Here’s an easy way to remember the correct usage of the words.

Remember the letter,‘i’ in Compliment and use it in a sentence that begins with the letter.

I like to give compliments. It is polite to do so. It complements my behavior.

It would also become a good habit if you practise this in real life. A kind word or some appreciation is always positive. And of course, you will be complimented for knowing the difference between compliment and complement.

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It’s vs Its

It’s It’s with an apostrophe is

short for ‘it is’ or ‘it has’.

It’s time to go.

It’s been raining for so long and doesn’t look like it would stop.

Its Its without an apostrophe is the

possessive pronoun like hers, ours, yours.

The car has lost its shine. It needs a paint.

The bank has its own security system.

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Quick Tip

Here’s an easy way to remember the correct usage of the words.

Use both the words, ‘it’s’ and ‘its’ in a single sentence.

It’s a good idea to add some cream on the cake so that its taste becomes better.

Since the most common usage of apostrophe is to signify a possession, or belonging to something or someone, as in –

Roy’s book is very popular among kids

Often people make the mistake of putting an apostrophe before ‘s’ to suggest possession while modifying the word, ‘it’.

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Principal vs Principle

Principal Refers to the head of an

institution, an amount of money, or something of highest importance, value, or rank.

The principal of the school is a nice man.

The principal amount for deposit is not much.

Principle Refers to some accepted rule of

action or conduct, a fundamental law or truth, right conduct, rule.

He was a man of few words but high principles.

His basic principle in life is to stay simple.

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Quick Tip

Here’s an easy way to remember the correct usage of the words.

Use both the words, ‘principal’ and ‘principle’ in a single sentence.

The principal of the school is a man of high principles.

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