COMMITTEE CHAIRS [email protected] … 413-569-6362 or email [email protected] if you would...

Church Office Hours: Tuesday thru Thursday 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM Friday 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM Pastors Office Hours: Tues & Thurs 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM Church Office Phone: 413-569-6362 Susannes Office Phone: 413-569-5630 Website: www. Office e-mail: [email protected] Facebook: Southwick Congregaonal Church UCC Staff: Interim Minister Rev. Dr. Susanne Hayes Choir Director/Organist Roberta Kowal Bell Choir Director Pa P. Wood Office Administrator Lyn Casey Custodians Mahew Kowal & Maria Lempke VOLUME MMXVIII No. 8 Buildings & Grounds: Craig Perras [email protected] 413-652-1615 Christian Education: Brittany Perras [email protected] 413-455-7417 Deacons: Patty Banasik Diane Orson [email protected] [email protected] 413-237-4717 413-265-3253 Finance: Patti Wood [email protected] 413-977-2524 Flowers: Roxanne Cook [email protected] 413-569-6364 Fundraising: Patti Wood [email protected] 413-977-2524 Library: Sonya Murray [email protected] 413-221-0406 Memorial Gifts: Karen Brzezinski [email protected] 413-569-6816 Missions: Donna Sullivan [email protected] 413-569-3356 Music: Joe Sullivan [email protected] 413-569-3356 Nominating: Pastoral Relations: Roxanne Cook [email protected] 413-569-6364 COMMITTEE CHAIRS Southwick Congregational Church United Church of Christ 488 College Highway; P.O. Box 260 Southwick, MA 01077 The Good News letter of the Southwick Congregational Church United Church of Christ Southwick, MA US Postage PAID Permit No. 309 Southwick, MA DATED MATERIAL Southwick Congregaonal Church 488 College Highway P.O. Box 260 Southwick, MA 01077-0260 Return Service Requested Rev. Dr. Susanne Hayes, Interim Minister Please join us Sundays forWorship Service— 9:30 AM Mid-Week Service—Thursdays 6:30 PM Website: www. August 2018

Transcript of COMMITTEE CHAIRS [email protected] … 413-569-6362 or email [email protected] if you would...

Church Office Hours: Tuesday thru Thursday 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM Friday 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM Pastor’s Office Hours: Tues & Thurs 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Church Office Phone: 413-569-6362 Susanne’s Office Phone: 413-569-5630

Website: www.

Office e-mail: [email protected]

Facebook: Southwick Congregational Church UCC

Staff: Interim Minister Rev. Dr. Susanne Hayes

Choir Director/Organist Roberta Kowal

Bell Choir Director Patti P. Wood

Office Administrator Lyn Casey

Custodians Matthew Kowal & Maria Lempke


Buildings &

Grounds: Craig Perras [email protected] 413-652-1615


Education: Brittany Perras [email protected] 413-455-7417

Deacons: Patty Banasik Diane Orson

[email protected] [email protected]

413-237-4717 413-265-3253

Finance: Patti Wood [email protected] 413-977-2524

Flowers: Roxanne Cook [email protected] 413-569-6364

Fundraising: Patti Wood [email protected] 413-977-2524

Library: Sonya Murray [email protected] 413-221-0406

Memorial Gifts:

Karen Brzezinski [email protected] 413-569-6816

Missions: Donna Sullivan [email protected] 413-569-3356

Music: Joe Sullivan [email protected] 413-569-3356


Pastoral Relations:

Roxanne Cook [email protected] 413-569-6364


Southwick Congregational Church

United Church of Christ 488 College Highway; P.O. Box 260

Southwick, MA 01077

The Good Newsletter of the

Southwick Congregational Church

United Church of Christ

Southwick, MA





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Rev. Dr. Susanne Hayes, Interim Minister

Please join us Sundays for…

Worship Service— 9:30 AM

Mid-Week Service—Thursdays 6:30 PM

Website: www.

August 2018


Worship Schedule Sunday Worship service at 9:30 AM

Thursdays Midweek Service at 6:30 PM Ecumenical Service at The American Inn on the third Tuesday of

the month at 6:30 PM

Office Hours

The Church office will be open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday from 9:00 AM~1:00 PM

Tuesday from 11:00 AM~2:00 PM Friday from 8:30 AM~12:00 PM

Rev. Susanne’s Hours Rev. Susanne’s Hours are Tuesday & Thursday 10~12 PM

All Church Meeting

Sunday, September 9, 11 AM OR Thursday September 13, 7 PM

Church Refreshment Schedule

August—Sign up in Old Fellowship Hall

1st week–If your last name begins with A - D, please bring something to share

2nd — If your last name begins with E - H, please bring something to share

3rd — If your last name begins with I - R, please bring something to share

4th — If your last name begins with S - Z, please bring something to share

If there is a fifth week, the church committees will bring the refreshments.

Southwick Congregational Church

is a faithful Christian presence in the

community of Southwick since 1773, and

we look to the future. We are a diverse and

loving congregation, joyfully serving, teaching,

and sharing with one another, according to the gifts we have

been given.


10:00 AM Sunday Worship resumes September 9


A Date with God

We met before dinner for a quick walk in the sand

I didn’t know which I’d rather – Look for shells? Hold His hand?

I wanted to run like a child and play in the surf

Yet also act like an adult and meet Him on His turf

When we sat down to dine I wasn’t sure what to do

Do you still have to say Grace when God sits facing you?

Would I have to make small talk or would God take control?

It seems I needn’t have worried and just let it all simply unfold

Each bite was delicious – a meal unto itself

Such flavor, the texture – the chef outdid himself

No words were needed when I dined with God

We enjoyed it immensely and it did not feel odd

I hope I remember to bring God back home

That He isn’t just here when I am alone

I hope I remember that each day can be

A date with the Presence most special to me

~Evelyn Dean Casey

The Missions and Outreach Committee would like to send care packages to those members of our church who are serving in the military. There will be boxes in the narthex for donations. The following is a list of suggested items:

-foot powder; -energy bars; -shaving lotion; -gum; -lens cleaning cloths; -sunscreen; -bug spray; -beef jerky; -throat lozenges; -lip balm; - baby wipes; -powdered drink mix; -travel size mouth wash; - snack containers of pretzels, chips, nuts, etc.

Thanks so much for your help.


Missions: The Missions/Outreach committee has placed a collection box in the narthex of the church in order to collect items to send to those serving in the military from the church. We are ever so grateful to those who have dropped in their donations.

If you are able to provide us with any addresses, please let one of the committee members (and church office) know.

A couple of our members, along with Rev. Dr. Susanne, visited the Nehemiah House in Granby CT. This is a safe home for women who are navigating unplanned pregnancies alone and are temporarily homeless. We have invited Stephen Danalis and his wife Sherry, to one of our Sunday services in late September. They will explain more of exactly what they are about and how we may be a help to them.

We are also looking forward to a successful Community Day/Vendor Fair on September 15th. Please spread the word.

~Donna S.

Committee Communications See back page for chair contact information

It is evening on this mid-summer day and the shadows run long from the steeple of our church. In archi-tecture, a steeple is a tall tower on a building often incorporating a belfry, a lantern and topped by a spire or in

our case a Gold Dome. For over a thousand years, such steeples have been a common element of religious architecture worldwide and are generally viewed as attempts to reach skyward toward heavens and the divine.

With summer, we reach the mid-point of our Stewardship year. In summary, pledges for 2018 total $91,670 or about 61% of the annu-al budget of $149,785. These totals are similar to income and expens-es for 2017 of stewardship offerings of $89,277 or 63% of the year’s expenses of $141,677.

Stewardship receipts for 2018 received through the end of June total $61,671. Between lowered expenses by virtue of Rev. Dr. Su-sanne Hayes as our interim minister and your support of fund-raisers, (lobster dinner take-out, soft-goods closet clean-out…) we hope to close 2018 with a deficit smaller that incurred in 2017.

Psalm 24: The Earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein. He shall receive blessing from the LORD, and righteousness from the God of his salvation.


My husband Michael and I have finally found something we can do together that is good for us! Neither one of us have exercised for years, due to the aches and pains that have developed as we get older. There’s not a whole lot we can do about that, but Michael discovered a place in Northampton that sells recumbent tricycles, which are tricycles that have a comfortable seat and have pedals that are straight out in front of you, so that you don’t have to put your body weight on your sore knees and hips! Well, we both got one, and are now happily peddling down the local bike trails! Here’s what the trikes look like:

So not only are we peddling down the bike trails, we are also getting some much needed exercise! Not only that, we now have a way to enjoy the glory of God’s handiwork all around us! We see chipmunks and squirrels, and birds and flowers, and trees and plants, and the sky and the clouds, and the sun and a whole lot of other people enjoying nature, and seeing one another, and greeting one another, and communicating with one another!

In fact, on our last ride, Michael saw an animal that I myself would not necessarily want to see, as a baby bear ran across the trail right in front of him, and then right back into the woods. Of course we realize that if there is a baby bear, there must be a Mama bear somewhere. And neither of us would want to upset the Mama Bear.

All this is to say that while we are doing something together, and something that is good for us, I can’t help but be reminded of the many Biblical references to nature and God’s creation. I know that last month I wrote about John being my favorite of the four gospels, so I’m going back to John’s gospel to show my appreciation of our world. This is another of my favorite sections of scripture from the gospel of John.

At the very beginning of John, chapter 1, he writes, “1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being. What has come into being 4 in him was life, and the life


Reverend’s Reverie

was the light of all people. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.”

Wow! Do you realize what that means?! First of all, it means that God created everything, meaning everything around us, and everything Michael and I see as we ride the bike trails, and much, much more that we haven’t ever seen, and probably won’t ever see in our lifetimes! But not only that, these words tell us that God created everything through the Word! And in the Bible, the term “the Word” refers to Jesus our Christ! So John is also telling us that Jesus, as well as the Holy Spirit, has always, yes always, been with our God, since the creation of time!

I find this simply incredible! And the most logical reason why the Son of God is called “the Word” seems to be, that as our words explain our minds to others, so was Jesus eventually sent in order to reveal God’s mind to the world. What John says of Christ maintains the fact that He is truly God. John asserts His existence in the beginning, and His coexistence with God! The Word was with God. All things were made by Him. Without Him, was not anything made that was made, from the highest angel to the creatures of the deepest sea.

In his words, John shows us how well qualified Jesus was for the work of our redemption and salvation. The light of reason, as well as the life of sense, is derived from him, and depends upon him. This eternal Word, this true Light shines, but the darkness does not comprehend it. Let us pray without ceasing, that our eyes may be opened to behold this Light, that we may walk in it, and that we will thus be made wise unto salvation, by our true faith in Jesus Christ.

~Rev. Susanne, Interim Minister


Pastoral Care: Your joys and concerns are of the utmost importance

to our community of faith, and pastoral care is offered for any and all personal and spiritual situations that

might arise in one’s life. Please call the church office at 413-569-6362 or email [email protected] if you would

like to speak with our pastor.

Don’t forget, you can read the weekly sermon on our website: on the page: “From the Pastor”


Coming Events

Clothing Drive Drop Off 9-1; & 8/17 4-7 pm

Clothing Drive 9-12

Fall Schedule Resumes (10 AM Service)

Community Day / Vendor Day

Aug 14-17 ~

August 18 ~

Sept 9 ~

Sept 15 ~

Saturday – August 4, 2018 Southwick Congregational Church - 488 College Hwy


5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 Plan a lobster party!

$25.00 Each

Paid reservations must be in by now!

Call (413) 569-6362 Payable to: Southwick Congregational Church

Boiled Lobster with Drawn Butter

Corn on the Cob • Coleslaw • Baked Potato

Home Baked Brownie

August 5* Jean Haughey Joe Sullivan & Friends

August 12* Sean Uliasz Jack Yourous - guitar/Vocal

August 19 Mike & Steve Pitoniak—Guitar/Vocal

August 26 Geoff Gould - guitar/Vocal

September 2* Ron Shepard Ron Shepard - Organ

*Roberta is on vacation these Sundays Summer Music


Happy August Birthday

August 2 Dawn Turgeon

August 5 Ted Kowal

August 5 Charles Rood, Jr.

August 10 Diane Rood

August 17 Maria Lempke

August 18 Beth Studer

August 18 Keith Ireland

August 20 Sonya Murray

August 21 Martha Johnson

August 29 Dan Warriner

If we’ve missed a birthday, please let the church office know!

The music committee is sponsoring a

calendar raffle in November!

We are asking local businesses for

donations which might include gift

certificates, services, or products.

These donations will be listed on a calendar for 30 days of

prizes which will be drawn each day for the month of November.

Winner’s names are placed back in the drawing so everyone has

multiple chances to win!

The congregation is also welcome to make donations if

they choose. We are asking that any donations be in by

September 16 so that we can organize the donations, create a

calendar, and be ready to sell the calendars in October.

Donations can be given to a member of the music committee or

dropped off in the church office during office hours (9am-12pm

Monday-Friday). Please see a member of the music committee for

more information. Calendars—and therefore raffle tickets—will be

available for $10 apiece.


This year we will be collecting soft goods only:

Clothing, Shoes, Bedding, Towels,


Handbags, Totes, Leather Belts, Wallets, Jewelry

Contact person: Patti P. Wood Date: 8/18/18

Time: 9-12 Location: New Fellowship Hall

Drop off Days/Times: Tues 8/14 thru Sat 8/18, 9 am to 12 pm, and

Friday eve 8/17 from 4-7.



I will need help getting all that is collected to West Springfield.

Please put all soft goods in plastic bags.

Thank you in advance!!!! ~Patti P Wood

You are help.

We had a great end of year All church Committee Meeting night. Both Christian Ed and Finance Committees have some new ideas for the fall.

MOST IMPORTANTLY~ We need to support Christian Ed!!!

Please say yes and volunteer to help with Sunday School and or Nursery! The more people that help out, the lighter the load!

Please, Please consider how you might help out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sun Mon Tue Wed


Office Open 9



Service 9:30 AM

Coffee Hour

OA 3:30 PM


Office Open 9-1


Office Open 11-2

Rev Susanne 10-12


Office Open 9


Worship Service 9:30 Coffee Hour

OA 3:30 PM


Office Open 9-1


Office Open 11-2

Clothing Drive Drop Off

9-1 NFH

Rev Susanne 10-12


Office Open 9

Clothing Drive Drop

Off 9-1 NFH


Worship Service 9:30 Coffee Hour

OA 3:30 PM


Office Open 9-1


Office open 11-2

Rev Susanne 10-12

American Inn 6:30 pm


Office Open 9


Worship Service 9:30 Coffee Hour

OA 3:30 PM


Office Open 9-1


Office Open 11-2

Rev Susanne 10-12


Office Open 9

Wed Thu Fri Sat

Office Open 9-1


Office Open 9-1

Rev Susanne 10-12

Fair Share Co-op

Midweek Service 6:30


Office Open 8:30-12

Henrietta’s Open

OA Meeting 6:00

AA Meeting 7:30

4 Henrietta’s 9-1

Office Open 9-1


Office Open 9-1

Rev Susanne 10-12

Midweek Service 6:30


Office Open 8:30-12

Henrietta’s Open

OA Meeting 6:00

AA Meeting 7:30


Henrietta’s 9-1

Office Open 9-1

Clothing Drive Drop



Office Open 9-1

Clothing Drive Drop

Off 9-1 NFH

Rev Susanne 10-12

Midweek Service 6:30

17Gold Dome Articles Due Office Open 8:30-12

Clothing Drive Drop

Off 9-12 & 4-7 PM

Henrietta’s Open

OA Meeting 6:00

AA Meeting 7:30


Henrietta’s 9-1

Office Open 9-1


Office Open 9-1

Rev Susanne 10-12

Midweek Service 6:30


Office Open 8:30-12

Henrietta’s Open

OA Meeting 6:00

AA Meeting 7:30


Henrietta’s 9-1

Youth Group


Office Open 9-1


Office Open 9-1

Rev Susanne 10-12

Fair Share Co-op

Midweek Service 6:30


Office Open 8:30-12

Henrietta’s Open

OA Meeting 6:00

AA Meeting 7:30