Commission Unit Summative Assessment

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  • 7/29/2019 Commission Unit Summative Assessment


    Commission UnitSummative Assessment

  • 7/29/2019 Commission Unit Summative Assessment


    Context for both landscape and city projects

    Nowadays society has lots of different social and even psychological

    problems. One of the main cause of it is the fast life speed when all days

    are going as fast as it looks impossible. That is why nowadays society is also

    called the hectic society. Fast life problems are really obvious when people

    are running in other to achieve something more than others, when even in

    the night city is not sleeping, it is still crowded and people are still

    consuming, creating, using, developing and etc. Running, running, running...

    Current world people should be strong, comprehensive and really

    unremitting in order to be able to face all the challenges and go step by step

    with hectic society. According to these facts in my projects I am going to

    represent how nowadays personalities features and psychology can be

    reflected in the nature (landscape) and I will try to stop the hectic city life inmy city project.

  • 7/29/2019 Commission Unit Summative Assessment


    Contextual research

    American psychologist Dr Misty Hook article inwhich she discuses the todays people lifespeed and its impact to families life, peoplehealth and relations with other people.

    Writer and speaker Jay Walljasper article(published in the bookLess is More) in whichhe express current societies life view.

    No matter how fast we go, no matter howmany comforts we forgo in order to quickenour pace, there never seems to beenough time.

  • 7/29/2019 Commission Unit Summative Assessment


    Contextual research proved my initial idea for both projects

    and gave me better understanding about hectic society


    Anxiety is being called the disease of the 21stcentury. Everybody seems to be either afflicted - or knowssomeone who is. According to the World Health

    Organization, disorders related to dread are the mostprevalent mental illness on the globe at the moment. (CBCNEWS NETWORK)

    Article Tips for Handling Stress in Today's Busy Societyby Jason Ladock (publishers of Health Guidance)

    Article "Family meal time victim of today's hectic societywhich reflects the current society problems withinrelations between families and the dicrease of humancommunication

  • 7/29/2019 Commission Unit Summative Assessment


    Landscape: The tree as a symbolic sign

    of human psychology.

    Trees in mythology offer us a living reminders

    of past events.

    Pagans used the trees in order to makerepresentations of gods that they worshiped.

    The old trees as symbols of elder people.

    Trees are natures gladiators, who despite thegreat imbalance in odds, fight to keep a foot

    hold in the most extreme conditions.

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    Tree as the symbol of person

    The roots which provide all the needed nutritions alsocan be interpreted as a symbolic connection betweenperson and his surroundings, people and places bywhich he can be affected.

    The branches - as a symbol of person's needs to getknowledge, experience and historical herritagefrom life going.

    The trunk is the strongest part of the tree which can beunderstood as person's inner strength which is neededby person in order to overcome all life difficulties

  • 7/29/2019 Commission Unit Summative Assessment


    Visual research: Ori Gersht "The forest"

    That is the powerful and haunting filmwhich was shot deep in the forests aroundKosov in Ukraine which was witness to atrocities against to the localJewish population among which was artist's family during theSecond World War.

    The camera's gaze looks through the sun-dapped forest and thetrees start mysteriously fall down. After that the silence of the forestreturns and the viewer can not be sure if he was a witness to thethings that just happened.

    This film is related with my own project idea because it reflects thepersonal life experience and his feelings.

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    Jitka Hanzlova

    Her pictures are one of the

    best example of human's

    senses reflections on the

    landscape. It reflects the

    photographer's senses and

    experiences causedby historical circumstances.

    According to that I found

    out how differently human

    senses can be reflected inthe nature: composition,

    light, day/night time,

    weather conditions and etc.

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    Mulberry Tree, October 1889

    Painted byVincent Van Goghwhenhe was suffering periodicattacks of what seems to beenepilepsy. Particularly about thispainting he wrote three letters

    to his brother and sister in all thewords describing this mulberrytree while he was painting it heseems happy.

    This instance proves the ideathat nature can reflect the sense

    of the human.

    The tree of life, 1909

    Gustav Klimat. The Tree of Life isan important symbol for almostevery culture. The branches ofthe tree reach the sky while the

    roots are deep in the earth. It islike a connection among threeworlds - a link between heaven,the earth, and the underworld.

    The example express tree as thelife symbol idea.

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    Visual changes

    The first choices for formative assessment were

    too complicated. The three was surrounded by

    unnecessary objects in the background and the

    idea of different sky light does not reflected theidea of various life challenges.

    I found out that it is better to represent three

    different trees in the same weather conditionsjust in various sizes as symbolic views of different

    strength of personalities.

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    Final images

    The final series consist of three pictures.

    It includes three different compositions of

    different trees as different lives, personalitiesand theirs understanding symbols.

    The size of the objects reflects the idea of

    various characters and psychological features. The same weather conditions the same


  • 7/29/2019 Commission Unit Summative Assessment


    Self evaluation Project is based on the current societies and personalities problems. I suppose that my

    contextual research gave me better understanding about it and helped me to visualise my

    ideas. With my project I tried to look within the person psychology and find its expressions in the

    nature objects. Moreover, I tried to bring people attention to other people and find ways how

    confident and brave people can provide useful help to others.

    I am quite happy with my visual achievements. Nevertheless, I had problems with landscape

    printing. I needed to dodge all the series pictures in order to achieve the same neutral sky which

    was not achieved during my exposures. According to that it will be more considered by me onthe next shooting time.

    In my view I managed my studies and I have answered the brief requirements. I suppose that

    my time management was better on the second term when everything was more

    understandable after the first verification and feedback which I got for Body and Object unit.

    I think in the future I need to do more test shoots which as I already understood are really

    relevant for visual choices developing and better visual achievements in the end. Additionally, I suppose that contextual research can be improved as well. I think the great

    research in the beginning gives your more understanding about you topic and brings more

    visual ideas.

    The most challenging part of this unit was the looking for appropriate idea which could answer

    the brief questions. Furthermore, I have found challenging the beginning of contextual

    research then I was not sure what were the expectations of me.

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    City: the stopped hectic world The main goalto represent different face of

    current city life. Show the audience that even in busy and hectic

    world we need find time for ourselves and

    beautiful things around us. The visual idea abstract city view was inspired by

    surrealism painter Salvador Dali work The

    persistence of the memory.

  • 7/29/2019 Commission Unit Summative Assessment


    Visual research: Jean Philippe Arthur Dubuffet

    In these particular paintings I like theblack background which helps toaccentuate the colourful lines. In myview it is relevant for me tophotograph my city during the dark

    time when all the lights will beaccentuated.

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    Joseph Mallord William Turner

    Color is overflowed by another color, all therecognizable forms are changed and transformed. Ilearnt how painter managed to hide the subject in

    the color and tones pattern.

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    Naoya Hatakeyama

    In my view both technical choices: to capture city lifethrough the wet window and on the rivers reflection,

    create abstract forms of casual buildings, signs and

    lights and present the cityscape which is not seen by

    hectic people.

  • 7/29/2019 Commission Unit Summative Assessment


    Visual changes

    After my formative review I found out that my

    first choices were a bit opposite to my project


    According to that I came back to my initial

    visual idea to create abstract view through the

    wet window.

    The idea of night time and accentuated night

    lights remain the same.

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    Final images

    The final series consist of three images.

    In the final shoot were captured thecasual hectic society objects: banks, cafes,

    restaurants, petrol stations, traffics and etc. Nevertheless all these commercial objects in

    my series are not recognizable. It express the

    notion of beautiful hectic city view which isnot seen by rushing people.

  • 7/29/2019 Commission Unit Summative Assessment


    Self evaluation

    Project is highlighting the social problems within the hectic society and incredible life speed in today's

    world. In my view I have quite good understanding of this topic because I am a part of hectic world.

    Moreover, I think my contextual research brought me even wider understanding about that.

    With this work I am trying to appeal to current world person and turn his attention to the hectic world

    problems which should not take the main part in our lives. I hope that my work can encourage people to

    reconsider their life priories and hopefully find more time for themselves and their beloved people.

    In my view I managed my studies and I have answered the brief requirements. I suppose that my time

    management was better on the second term when everything was more understandable after the first

    verification and feedback which I got for Body and Object unit.

    The most challenging part of this unit for me was the looking for technical solutions when I was trying to

    capture the city view through the piece of glass. During the process I and my assistant have broken not

    one glass what was stopping my work establishing.

    Furthermore, I had problems with the camera when instead of 8s exposure I used 1/8s exposure and etc.I suppose that next time it will not be a problem.

    I think in the future I need to do more test shoots which as I already understood are really relevant for

    visual choices developing and better visual achievements in the end.

    Additionally, I suppose that contextual research can be improved as well. I think the great research in the

    beginning gives you more understanding about your topic and brings more visual ideas.

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    Project idea is based on problems withincurrent society and the huge amounts ofplastic resources we consume daily whichdestroys our environment.

    The context behind it is the massive amountsof plastic waste which is used by us everysingle day.

    The work should expresses the notion ofcurrent societies' indifference towards theplastic waste caused environmental problems.

  • 7/29/2019 Commission Unit Summative Assessment


    Contextual research: plastic waste

    The production of plastic uses an incredible amount of fossilfuels.

    The environmental balance of the waterways is beingthrown off by the rate of plastic bags finding their way intothe mouths and intestinal tracts of sea mammals.

    In the woodland one bag has the potential tounintentionally kill one animal per every three months due tounintentional digestion or inhalation.

    Plastic is breaking down into smaller and smaller pieces and

    entering the food chain and releasing chemicals into the fishthat eat them

    Less than 1% of all bags sent to recycling plants world wideend up in the recycling project. Most are left to become a

    pollution problem in one way or another.

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    The contextual research helped me better

    understand the seriousness of the plastic pollution

    problem. Moreover, the incredible statisticsproves my idea that today's individual does not

    care about any of these problems or is just trying

    to turn a blind eye.

  • 7/29/2019 Commission Unit Summative Assessment


    Visual research

    Visual choices are based on three wisemonkeys which together embody the

    proverbial principle to "see no evil, hear no

    evil, speak no evil". The phrase is often used to

    refer to those who deal with impropriety by

    turning a blind eye.

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    How I can cover the subject?

    John Stezaker's works. Using found

    photographs and printedmaterial, Stezaker'scollage involve variousinterventions such asexcisions, maskings, cuts,rotations and etc.

    His work createscompelling new images.

    The Stezakers worksmade my think about

    photo montagepossibilities.

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    The works of Solve Sundsbo

    and Steven Meisel gave me

    idea of shadows.

    I thought that maybe variousshadows can cover my


    Moreover, I thought that

    maybe even colourful

    shadows can bring even moreeffect.

    The works of Tina Berning

    helped me to consider themodels posture and

    appropriate gaze.

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    Vogue Italia Mar. 2012 - Haute Mess

    bySteven Meisel

    I liked how the plastic packs of

    chocolate were used as model hair


    The second picture I found in the

    internet and unfortunately it was

    without the author name.

    Nevertheless I like how plastic forks

    are used as accessory for models

    hair style. Additionally, it also covers

    the eyes what is really relevant for

    my research.

    Visual choice to cover my subject

    with the casual consuming plastic


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  • 7/29/2019 Commission Unit Summative Assessment


    Final prints

    The models eyes, mouth and ears are coveredby plastic waste. This photographic choicereveals the idea that person is pretending not

    see, not hear and not talk about the obviousproblems.

    The main purpose of the projecttoencourage people to uncover their attentionand respond of the problems caused by all ofus.

  • 7/29/2019 Commission Unit Summative Assessment


    Self evaluation Project is based on consumer societies daily consumption caused problems. I

    suppose that my understanding after lots of reading for the contextualresearch is wider then it was before I even started to consider such a problem.

    My work is the visual representation of todays person indifference. It reflectsthe notion of misunderstanding and looking for comfortable benefits insteadof thinking how we can get less but give more for our future generations.With this project I am trying to get the audience attention and highlight the

    obvious but invisible problems. I suppose that my visual choices strongly emphasize my series context.

    In my view I managed my studies and I have answered the briefrequirements. I suppose that my time management was better on the secondterm when everything was more understandable after the first verificationand feedback which I got for Body and Object unit. Moreover, it was one of

    the most free choices project so far what made it much more interesting forme.

    The most difficult part of this project was looking for appropriate visualchoices which could reflect the strong idea and effect the audience.

    I think that contextual and visual research helped me to overcome all theproblems that i have challenged during the process of creation. Nevertheless,

    in my view I can improve my research and achieve even better results