Commercial in confidence CIPFA – “Big Red Button”.

Commercial in confidence CIPFA – “Big Red Button”

Transcript of Commercial in confidence CIPFA – “Big Red Button”.

Commercial in confidence

CIPFA – “Big Red Button”


• Background

• Demonstration

Transforming Finance….The Vision

“…a modernised and integrated financial management system which is fit for purpose for the modern public body…”

This means:

A whole systems approach to budgeting, in-year budget management and reporting, with a seamless link to end of year reporting

Why the need for an Annual Reporting Solution ?

• Increasing demand for finance to show ‘added value’

- Business partnering / supporting decision making

• Final Account Closedown Process –- Resource intensive process - Disruption to normal service provision- High level of manual effort / input- Time pressure for staff- Timeframe for completion – getting shorter

• Automation would be a key transformation agent

Solution Approach - Design Philosophy

• CIPFA Solution based on TechnologyOne Toolkit and CIPFA Intellectual Property

• Empowering business users to complete annual report

• Ease of use for end user and power user

• Flexible, Easy to change within standardised framework

• Iterative approach with approval hierarchy

• Maximise CIPFA Intellectual Property and Standards

• Rapid implementation getting Council up and running quickly

Key Capabilities to be Delivered

• Automatic upload of Council financial data into the Reporting Solution

• Ability to map council chart of accounts structure to the CIPFA approved structure within the Reporting Solution

• Provision of dashboards, milestones and reporting on the status of the Annual Report Production

• Creation, management and full auditability of working papers and disclosure notes as well as the key reports that form the basis of the Annual Report

• Flexible approval hierarchy on sections of the report and the full report itself

• Creation of draft and final reports which conform to the Council’s chosen layout and branding

• Allow approved 3rd parties such as external auditors to access the solution and view the working papers

Key Components of the solution

Not Included in Final Report

Finalised Annual Report

Working Papers

Working Papers

Working Papers

Working Papers

Working Papers

Working Papers



Core Financial Statements:- CIES, Balance Sheet, MIRS,

Cash FlowNotes to Accounts

Supplementary Financial


Notes Notes Notes



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• Don’s Workplace- Dashboard- Core Financial Statements- Couple of disclosure notes

• Administrators Workplace- Upload Council Data- Data Mapping- Trial Balance

• Big Red Button

Click icon to insertsoftware screenshot

Impact of the New EU Procurement Regulations

Florence Gregg

New Legislation

In force from 17th April 2014 Public Sector – Directive 2014/24/EC Utilities Sector – Directive 2014/25/EC Concession contracts – Directive 2014/23/EC

The Public Contracts Regulations 2015 26th February 2015

Utilities and Concessions Regulations - Pending

4 Key Changes

1. Modifications to contracts

2. Exclusion Grounds

3. Award criteria

4. Procurement Procedures

1. Modification of Contracts

Modifications are substantial if It becomes materially different from original contract The change had been part of the original procurement

would have resulted in Different participants, bidders or winner

The economic balance more favourable to contractor IT extends the scope of the contract A new contractor replaces the original contractor

And a new procurement is required Single Tender Actions/Direct Award Contracts

Modifications are permitted where Provided for in the initial procurement documents in

clear, precise and unequivocal review clauses

Additional (unforeseen) requirements that have become necessary Brought about by circumstances which a diligent CA

could not have foreseen Doesn’t alter the overall nature of the contracts Does not increase the prices by more than 50%

Change of contractor

1. Modification of Contracts

Not substantial if

Less that 10% for goods/services; 15% for works, AND

Less than the relevant threshold

Which means it is substantial if it’s greater than 10%/15% OR the relevant threshold – you need to re-tender

1. Modification of Contracts

2. Exclusion Grounds

Mandatory Exclusions – excluded for up to 5 years

Discretionary Exclusions – excluded for up to 3 years Conflict of interest Distortion of competition from the prior involvement

in the preparation of the procurement procedure Significant or persistent deficiencies .. which led to

early termination Self-cleansing

3. Award Criteria

Most Economically Advantageous Tender only


Cost (Total cost of ownership)

Best Quality:Price ratio

4. Procurement Procedures

Open (anyone can tender)


Competitive procedure with Negotiation (new)

Competitive Dialogue

Innovation Partnership (new)

Negotiation without prior publication

Free choice

Rules about when these can be used

Strict rules about when this

can be used

Lunch followed by Workshops

13.00 to 14.00

Better Business Cases™

Graham DiversHead of Global Development [email protected]



Better Business Cases™

What? Why? How? When?

is a systematic and objective approach to all stages of the business case

development process that sits alongside, and complements, HM Treasury’s Green Book guidance.

Better Business Cases is a trade mark of Her Majesty’s Treasury Five Case Model


The Five Case Model


Better Business Cases™ Certification

Accounting Officers - responsible for delivering public value

Senior Responsible Owners (SROs), Programme Directors and Project Managers, responsible for successful delivery

Directors of Finance, procurement and planning, responsible for the forward planning and prioritization of spending proposals

Members of approvals and management boards with responsibility for scrutinizing or approving spending proposals


Better Business Cases™ Certification

An improved understanding of the Better Business Case process, relevant to both those responsible for producing business cases and those who approve them

Understanding of an established and proven methodology which can be applied at both strategic (macro) and tactical (micro) levels

Core business competency for any manager or director


Better Business Cases™ Certification

Reduce unnecessary spend and optimize public value

Reduce consultancy costs

Faster throughput and a clear, proportionate approval process.

Improve quality of decision making


Better Business Cases Foundation

Online exam and certification



The 5 Case Model Syllabus

Learning and reference resources

Green Book Guidance

Using the 5 Case Model

Refreshment break and exhibition

15.30 to 15.50