Comment 089 September 1995

the College ENT ewsletter Prince of ale lIt anre a Road I'mfi I"I-rH JnlJlfl IJlllOtll/(IIl'.:. 'lnl' 1'111111'1"1 (1(1\ (1//'1 If) I'mfeHf)1 /1(1(11' I/(I//tin-I/, (o-f)//f( I'" of Ihe ,\'l'UlOrj,grlll'II/IILt /JII/l/ll'\ Rt \fl//I;' (mIn. T he Pnnce\\ of \\ JIc\ \ I\lted rhe Colle:.:e\ P,lrkin,nll" I )i,e.l\e He,earch (.enrre ,I( \Llnre',1 J{oad on 19 Seprember. 'I he PnIKe\, j, Parron of rhe P'lrkll1,on '\ ()I\ea,e e.,nuer\, .lnU her \ I"r m,lrked rhe de,jgnaflon of rhe IJhnr,l(one, ,1\ a 'C:enrer of E\cellence·. and rhe uonJrion of a LHge gifr. 1)\ rhe 'Jrional Parkin,on Foundarion ('PI) or \liami. l \. '( he 'PI· i, ,tI,o prCJ\ Icling fund\ for Profe\,or .Ienner. Director or rhe Cenrre, ro c,uhli,h anu run a IJbor,l(or\ in \llaml Ifer l{n\JI Illghlle ,\\.1' ho,red Jr rhe C:enrre h\ Ir 1.111 (},IIIl,ford, \ Ice- 1'f1IlLlpal of rhe College, ,lIld Pr"fe"or .I ell Iler. he \\.1' II1rr"uuced rn \lr and \lr, 1-, m 11 10 \Ion,o-\lenuo/,I. repre,enrlng rhe PI-, and ro m,ln\ 'raff ,lIld rc\ear<..her' or rhe Cenrre. She \1 a, inrerc,red ro meer \lr, .Ianer \IL a member or rhe CnulKil of \lanJgemenr of rhe I'Jrkln\on', Di,e,l,e '-;ocier\·. 11 ho repre'cnr, rhe onc in .W,utTerer of P'lrkll1,on', Di,e,l,e \\lHl .Ire uiagno,eu \1 hllc undcr 60. I larrierrc e."lh agc, ,Igcd fi\e, dJughrcr of Dr e."Hah ,Ih Jge or rhe Cenrre. pre,enreu rhe Pnnu.:' \Ilth a po", \lnre rlun IZO.OOO people ill rhe I Ix 'utTer from PJrkll1,clll'\ Di,ea,e: an II1C ur,lhle. pro.gre",\ e, neurologlc,tI dl\ordcr \1 hlch occur, \1 hen cell, In rhe p,1f[ of rhe brJII1 \1 hich ulIlrrol, mo\ emcnr arc de,rroyeu. The College \ PJrkin,rlll" Di,ea'e He,earch Cenrrc 1\ recogni\cd a, rhe oremo\r Bnri\h ream unuerr,lklng -ba,eu re,e.lfch inro rhe ul\ea,e. Ir hJ' an II1rern,lrionJI ZI- ,rron/.: ream or 'cienri,r, and 1\ hea\ cOl11l11lHed ro rraining \oung re,earcher,. Page I


He,earch Cenrrc 1\ recogni\cd a, rhe oremo\r Bnri\h ream unuerr,lklng I.Jhor&#39;Hor~-ba,eu re,e.lfch inro rhe Parkin,on Foundarion (&#39;PI) or \liami. l \. &#39;( he &#39;PI· i, ,tI,o prCJ\ Icling fund\ for Profe\,or .Ienner. &#39;raff ,lIld rc\ear

Transcript of Comment 089 September 1995

Page 1: Comment 089 September 1995

the CollegeENTewsletter

Prince of ale lIt anre a Road

I'mfi I"I-rH JnlJlfl IJlllOtll/(IIl'.:. 'lnl' 1'111111'1"1 (1(1\ (1//'1 If) I'mfeHf)1 /1(1(11' I/(I//tin-I/,

(o-f)//f( I'" of Ihe ,\'l'UlOrj,grlll'II/IILt /JII/l/ll'\ Rt \fl//I;' (mIn.

The Pnnce\\ of \\ JIc\ \ I\lted

rhe Colle:.:e\ P,lrkin,nll"

I)i,e.l\e He,earch (.enrre ,I(

\Llnre',1 J{oad on 19 Seprember. 'I he

PnIKe\, j, Parron of rhe P'lrkll1,on '\

()I\ea,e e.,nuer\, .lnU her \ I"r m,lrked

rhe de,jgnaflon of rhe IJhnr,l(one, ,1\ a

'C:enrer of E\cellence·. and rhe

uonJrion of a LHge gifr. 1)\ rhe 'Jrional

Parkin,on Foundarion ('PI) or

\liami. l \. '( he 'PI· i, ,tI,o

prCJ\ Icling fund\ for Profe\,or .Ienner.

Director or rhe Cenrre, ro c,uhli,h anu

run a IJbor,l(or\ in \llaml

I fer l{n\JI Illghlle ,\\.1' ho,red Jr

rhe C:enrre h\ Ir 1.111 (},IIIl,ford, \ Ice­

1'f1IlLlpal of rhe College, ,lIld Pr"fe"or

.I ell Iler. he \\.1' II1rr"uuced rn \lr and\lr, 1-, m 11 10 \Ion,o-\lenuo/,I.

repre,enrlng rhe PI-, and ro m,ln\

'raff ,lIld rc\ear<..her' or rhe Cenrre.

She \1 a, p,lrriLlllarl~ inrerc,red ro meer

\lr, .Ianer \IL 'ell~, a member or rhe

CnulKil of \lanJgemenr of rheI'Jrkln\on', Di,e,l,e '-;ocier\·. 11 ho

repre'cnr, rhe onc in .W,utTerer of

P'lrkll1,on', Di,e,l,e \\lHl .Ire uiagno,eu

\1 hllc undcr 60. I larrierrc e."lh agc,

,Igcd fi\e, dJughrcr of Dr e."Hah

,Ih Jge or rhe Cenrre. pre,enreu rhe

Pnnu.:' \Ilth a po",

\lnre rlun IZO.OOO people ill rhe

I Ix 'utTer from PJrkll1,clll'\ Di,ea,e:

an II1C ur,lhle. pro.gre",\ e, neurologlc,tI

dl\ordcr \1 hlch occur, \1 hen cell, In

rhe p,1f[ of rhe brJII1 \1 hich ulIlrrol,

mo\ emcnr arc de,rroyeu. The

College \ PJrkin,rlll" Di,ea'e

He,earch Cenrrc 1\ recogni\cd a, rhe

oremo\r Bnri\h ream unuerr,lklng

I.Jhor'Hor~-ba,eu re,e.lfch inro rhe

ul\ea,e. Ir hJ' an II1rern,lrionJI ZI­

,rron/.: ream or 'cienri,r, and 1\ hea\ II~

cOl11l11lHed ro rraining \oung


Page I

Page 2: Comment 089 September 1995

/)r /)fI~'id(:OJ:'(II/ fllld .11fllfly,iall .11illi\/t r of ) 'Ol/Ih fllld -"pOI1'. 1101/ 'Iilll Sri /)alo' Ilj

.lIl/hyiddill. hill Ilj .1I0hd ) {Iuill dllrillJI a 10l/r'lIh, IfllJ.f al "ill,~ ·.f /)mg COlllml Coi/Il

Chri~rma~ 1995:The Collegc \I ill cllhe J[ If>.OO on

ThLJr,da\ 21 December 199.1 Jnd \I ill

rc-open on Tue,d,,\ 2 '/JnIlJf\ 1l)9()

ArehlJi'hn p Ik'll1ond '1'11[11 \I ill

he \ i,i[ing [he College on.2-1

Oc[ober [() ,mend J rc-union of

[he Theolog~ eLl" of 190.1 of \I h ieh he

\la, J member. Dllring hi, \ i,i[ he \I ill

eondue[ J ,pecied Choral EUlhari,r

(17.)() 111 rhe ChJpel) Jnd el[[end .1

rccep[ion Jnd dinner.

The .\rehbi'hop \I ill J\<'o IIn\ eil .\

Inl\[ of him'elf in bronLe. mJde b\

former ,rudem John Ilou!-wn

n 11l:olog~ 1%0) \I ho i, dOneHing [he

piece [0 [he College. Thi, i, [he tir,[

[111)C [he Hi,hop hJ' been 'L1t1pred and

i[ i, imelllku [hat [he [hree-[ime, life

,i/e bll\[ \I ill be di,pIJ\ed in TU[ll".

[he \ enue nelmed in hi, honollr.

rchbi hopTutu to attendcIa s of 65

uncil ne",T


Sir .lame pooner I( .h.ufIll.ln of

CounLlI) and John \\"tllI.lm' ( he

1\:( L \ nominee) h<t\e been

rc<tppolnrcd [0 cnc furrher rhrec-~Celf

rerm, on rhc (.olkgc CounLlI.

I'r"fc"or \lllhJcl K"uffnun of rhc

CourrJulu In'[lrurc ,wou dO\l n \I hen

rhc rcrm of hi, offilc camc to <tn cnd

Jnd \I tll be repl<tced b\ Jnorher "enJre

nominec. I'rofc"or \Iilll.lcl Knibb 1\

reriring from COllncil. and f'rofc"or

Hneln Del' IC' of [hc I)Cj1.lrrmcm of

\ LnhcmeHic' h<t, been eleucd for .1

penod of fOLJr \ Celr' [0 fill rhe

prof!:"orl.tI \ ,Iunl \. Thc rulkm,'

l nlon hel' cleued [he 1'0110\1 ing

,rulknr member, ofCounLlI for

1991-6: Rnberr IIJII (Pre,idenr of

KCL"l ): '-ichoIJ' L'ling (\'ice­

I're'ldem, Fin'lIlce) <tnd Leigh Terr\

(\ iee-I're,idenr, \d mi ni,trJrion l.


appoiming King', w de,ign .lIld

commi"ion [he ne\l cenrre \I ", ,igned

on 2:'i .\ugll'[ a[ [hc I\:ing\ Drug

Conrrol Centre. h~ [he \ I"LI"ian

\Iini,[er of YO[l[h and Spor[,. Ilnn Tan

Sri 1).1[0' Ilj \Iuh~ iddin. bin Ilj ~Iohd

Ya"in. Sir lan Cain,ford and Dr DJ\ id

CO\l·an. Director of [he I)rug Control


Orher Bank llolida~~:

\londJ\ f> \Ia~ - \1,,\ 1)'1\ IlolidJ\

\Ionda~ 27 \LI\ 19% - "prin~ Hanh


\Ionda\ 2f> .\ugu,[ 1l)96 - L,HC

<"umll1cr Ilnlidel~


and ColI g

Ian agrcentr

Bank holidaclosure

King', College h'l' been

appoinred (0 help [he

~lala"iJn (;mernmem

e,[abli,h a Doping Comrol Centre lilr

[he C:omll1on\leal[h Gall1e, raking

plaee in Kuala Lumpur in 1l)9H. Thc

lahorawr\. (0 be ba,ed in Penang. \I ill

bc Jecredi[ed h\ [he Interna[ional

Ol~ 111 pie COll1miuee.

The agreemem officiJI"



HfllIA- IlrJlldflr' fllld ("oil,;!, dOl/llt'

1'1'1-"/111 I ()rlohn 199.:; alld31 .I/lJIIII"!


Ea~rcr 1996:The College \I illllo,c J[ !f'.DO on

\\ cdnc,dJ~ .> \pril Il)t)h Jnd \I ill n:­

opcnnn \\"cdne,del\ 10 \pnl Il)l)h

Page 3: Comment 089 September 1995

\y edi tion of ReCfllla/ion ~ COl/f'ernin 0"(


m 'm!ll:r 0 h· ( oil

111 b no \ hJ\1: r '\.1:1\ ·U H

I:l:n .I lOp 0 ·h· n .

R,. '1llOn ('"C.I7I/IJ. \ /ldt/ll \\ hllh

lJ1Il1: 10 11 lorll: fin "\ jul " 1h' .

rl:~uIJ[I 10 I crc prepJrcu b\ J

\orKIIl;": pJrr\ cr up b hc I'lInllp.tI

ro prouulc .I replJlCmCI for rh . (,Id

R,.III"III,II (fllliYlll/ll. \l1ult/1I ,. hI:

) dlml Hoo"·}. \\ hilh luu bellllne

,ellflU h OIl[ of uJrc. "I hc ) cllm\

HlIo" lontJincu .I number ot Ul1p0rtJIH

( 1I11e;..:c re;..:uIJwlO':-:O\ ernlll:" ,rudel1l

dl'lIplinc Jnu ,rudcnt' . bur

rhe,e \\cre III mJn\ lJ,e, or

Jl11bl;":WHI, III uiu nor rJ"e .ll'lIHIll[ of

rhe lIrllll11'UlllC' In \I hilh ,ruuelH

110\\ 11\ e Jlld 'wu .lI1d UI1I\ er'lrle'

nml opcrJre. \, rhe \lor"ln;..: p.I([\

be;..:an it'> ra'''. Ir bel.ll11e .lpparelH dur

111.111\ lIlel11ber, of ,r.lll \1 erl: Ull.1\1 .Ire

of rhe e'''tel1ce of rhe ) ello\1 Boo". It

I'. hml e\ er. Imporram th.u .tll

l11el11ber, IIf 'tatt ,hlllild be .1\I.tre of

[he ne\\ re;":IIIJtIOI1' bel.III'e of rhell

potelHi.tI il11pOrrJnlT ti,r ,wdent'>

\1 here que,rioll' of u"uplille or

,1l-ldel11ll pro;..:re" .Ire in<. oh ed.

I hI: lI11medlJre imperu, lor dll': of rhe nC\1 rcgul.ltioll'

dcm cd from the nl:ed for tlK C:olle;..:e to

t.I"1: .Il:COllllt of rhe reUlIlll11end.ltlOlh 01

thl: /'."1,,1.- N'j)ol1ol1 SllIrlUlI lJi1llp/illll/1'

Pmllrlll/l"l. Olle of rhe 1l1O't gl.Jri I1g

ddit iel1C1c, of the old reglll.lwlIh \1.1'

the th,u rhl:\ uid nO[ de:,i1 \\ I[h the

"W.I[IOI1 \\ here: .In .iIlege:d ofkl1cl:

a;..:alll'>[ C:ollc~e di,ciplll1e \I .I, .u rhe:

'.lIne [lIlK .Ill offel1ce IInder thl:

llll11inJlla\1 if pro\ cd III a cOllrt of 1.1\1.

"I he IK\I re;..:uIJ[lOll' .Ire '1"1[1:

th.u 111 '"lh l.I'e, the (.olle;..:e \1 tlll10r

ukl: atWlIl under it, 0\1 n di uplinJI\

IHotcdure, unle" thl: mJ[[er h." bel:ll

reportcd to the polile and the ollttomc

deterl11lOed. Onh the:n \Iollld the

(.olk;..:e deCide \1 herher or nor ro r.l"e

JUIIHl under Ir, 0\1 n ul,uplinJI\ todl:.

In rhe long rerm .1 more pre"llll-.

re.l,on for rhl: prep'lIa[lOI1 of 111:\\

rC;":III.uion, 1.1\ in the Llu th.1t rhe

reglil.ltion, In rhe ) clll)\\ Boo" h.ld

gn)\\ n lip h.lphaurdh mcr rhe \'

.lOd h.ld beull11<': omcrhlng of.1 me".

"I h<.: Il1lell[IOn ha, beell Ilot ju,t to

r<.:1 I,e th<.: "Id regul.ltioo, \et a).:Jln. but

rarher to replJce th<.:m \\ irh ,OI11<.:dllllL:

mUlh mor' loh'f n. lor Jmpk.

I'r"- 'dllreor he I rlJI 0

o endlll'..: a::JIO Cl e_'

I{ J .... 10 h' old) ell )\\ B )lIk 1.1

produll:d u he IJ c hll Jod lu I Ir

rl:lCm eJr belome InlrCJ 10;..:1

ulffilulr t'. 'pe[Jre. '1 he ne\1

regulJtion incluue .I lllmpleteh 111:\1

dl'uplll1JI\ lode \1 hllh tontJln, bo h .I

ddil1l£lOl1 of I11I,col1dult Jlld \1 hJt "

hopcJ hJ mUlh c1cJrer Jlld \11)(kablc

,u[el11ent of ui upllOJr\ proceJure'.

o fJr .1' rhe ::en<.:r.11 re;..:ula[loll' Jrc

concerncd. rhe J[[Cl11pt \1 a' I11JUC [()

re 111 m c rhc e'''tll1;'': JnOI11.tlle, ,Ind

.ll11bi;,,:ulrie,. Jnd [0 pre'em thc

re;.:ulJWHl In .I lle.lrer form Jlld .I

l110rc IO"ieal ordcr rhe tillJl1l1.tI

re;..:u!Jrlf'll' Jt"feltlll;": ,[ulkm, h.l\ e

beel1 brollght ro;..:ether III .1 "11!.de

,eltlon Jnu \1 ere ,ubJeued to \ er

c1",e 'lfUtll1\ ..lI1d rhe lull, of

re'ldence r<,:'..:III.I[lOn,. \\ 11Ich .Ire .111

IIHe_rJI p.lrt of the ne\\ regulation,.

1\ cre .11,0 reI i'ed.

rhe rcgul.ltllllh COlleernlll;":

.llJdelllK progre" .Ire of equ.1I

II1lIHlrtJncc..Illd here .Ig.un the Jttel11pt

\I .1' 1ll.ldc ro relllll\ e e'",[(n~

.1ll0111alie, Jnd ro producc r<.:gul.ltiol1'

rhJr \\cre \\ork'lhlc. \ttelltlon i,

p.lf{iClll.lrI~ dr'l\\ 11 [Cl the ,eLtioll Oil the

r<':1l1O\.d of tudellt' orhcr rh.lll fJilure

.11 e"llllina[(on, (-1-.1) Jnd the ,eLtIOIl

on refl"JI [(J rCJdlllir ,tudellt' on

groullll, of failure .It e,alllln.ltion,/

J"e"lllellt' (-I-.n. 'I he forlller ,CttlOIl

prm Ide, dur relllll\ al of,tudellt' hJII

bl: 'In au:orlLIncc \1 ith rhe re;":IIIJtion,

in forcc in the "lhool or I" Jullt\

loncern<.:d· lot 1.:;1. rhe larrer rhar

rch"a' to read III It 'tIIllell , .Iftcr fJilure

.It e'JmlnJtlOn ,hJII he lIIllI l/I/tl 'In

JtcordJnle \1 Irh other relc\ Jilt (.olleg<.:

or LllOol rcgu!Jtlon,·

thool, .Ire rcminded of the nced to

hJ\ e in plale propcr prolcdurc, IIndcr

rc;..:ul.!tIon, -1-.1. - .Ind -1-.2.1 (.Il. Thc,e

\lllIlll:ed to bc r<.:ported [(J the

rJlldin;..: COllllllirtec \1 ho \1 III t.l"<': In\

n<.:c<.:".lr~ JLtioll to en,ure bro.ld

ccllllpJr.lbilit\ JUO" the Colleg<.: ill

the,c local rq~ul.!tIoll'. In [he lJ,e

both of Jcademit progre.... and of

,tudt:1lt di'lIplinc the ne\1 re/.:ularion,

cont.lin throughout prop<.:r pmt<.:dur<.:,

[or .lppe.I"-

I UlJlI".l <.:ntHlll hould hc dr.!\\ n

o th<.: hr<.:· JPl'endl\.<': . he Iahr.Jr

regulJ[(on . th<.: rc::ulJ ion tor thc u <.:

of 1'1 ·JlIlltle. Jnd thc regul.1t101l tor

tIIuent tOnlernlOg lO[ellec UJI

proper f1~hr 0 'I he lihrJI\

rcgulJtlon, hJ\c bcen in c,i, cntC tor

.I \ er\ lon~ [(me Jnd \\ erc IllLluueu III

the) ello\1 Hook. bu th' opportunit\

\1.1' u"<.:n to rc\ I'e: h<.:m. 1 he orher

{\IO .Ippcndicc' .IIC complctc" ne"

Jnu form thc 1ll0,t obe iou, tJtement

In the rq~uIJ[(on of thc lhJngcd

t:irlum'tJnle' III \1 hich \\ c li\ <.:.

\lIlhJcI KIlIbb

(h,\Ifman of the \\orklllg !'Jft on

R, ~lllfllllJlI' (.1)//(/11111I;. S'llld,"/1'

\\"her toobtain a copy ofthe ne\yregulation

Copie' of thc n<':\1 RI'KllltllifJlIY

(.I)/1l1llllllg.\·llIrln//I', \\ hith complcr<.:l~

repLlc<': the e,i,ting Rcgularioll', ha\ e

been lllad<.: .1\ .Iil.lblc for con~ul[.ltioll at

the follml ing locarion':

!'oft<.:r,· lodgc, .It [he "rr'lnd, Corn\\JII

Ilou,e. Ken"ngton. \l.lnre,.1 ROJd Jnd

the \lcditJl lhool

thool Officc,

l.ibrJII<':' Jr trJnd. Ken'lngtllll,

( .hcl'<':'l

C:cntrJI Regi,tf\

tlIdcllt,' I n ion

\11 ,tudent', ne\\ Jnd returning. will

be prol idnl \1 Ith rhe full tc:\t of rhc

ne\1 I-kgulation, upon cnrolment for

[hc 1(9)-1996 "c"ioll. Copie, .IfC .11,0

heln;..: pm\ ideu for all Jut!cllllt 'taf'­

and for Jdmini,rrJti\c '[.lff .I,

.1 I' I'm I' fI 'I t<.:.

\ IrgllllJ \raill\1 righr

Ikpllt\ \eademic Rcgi,

Page 4: Comment 089 September 1995

Science aho\ in Port lTIouth"

hao at King,

SUI/m It'tIlnl't:lfrrJlI/ !\O/ltl :. /io ,mlullnt /IllS \ ictor\ If) 11I,1 ,li::f)11 11, pOlmlirtl/oF

I('(/{nillg!hl' applirrtlifJi) of'm 11ft. Tlit' Irlp If) Pfi/l,1I/01lIn :"f!' pail 0111 ,nfi/I IOllt:lt' FilII It\'

Int SlnlHiI 0/ Frlllfrtlifill.

0 11 Tuc.,UJ\ \ :\ugu.,t.4S outh

KorcJIl 'Li':ll.:e te.1Lhcl'

\ I'>iteu the '\J\.II J)ock\Jrd Jt

Port,mouth ill thc comp<ln\ of

Ieeturcr, from thc SLllOol of '·:duL<ltlon.

Thc~ \\ ere th.:r.: to look for t.:.ILhillg

opportllnitic., in 'lppliL'ltioll'> of


On II\IS l'iIIOll'. the ph"ici,t,

h'ld 110 troublc identif\ ill,!.( c.lllnon, .mu

,hot. pullc\, .md rigging .1' ':'\'lmple,

of ph"iL' Jt \\ ork. \\'ith the 1'/1/(111'

bcing in ur\ dOLk. \rLhillll:LIe,'

prinLiple \\ J' nor ,I'> ,cl 1'-.:\ idcnt J' on.:

might h'I\': c'\pectcd.

I he L11cml'>t., deLlded th.1t

mJtcri.d, 'Licnce \\ J' JII .Hound thcm.

Iron. brJ'>'> 'Ind IeJd. hcmp. cotton

JIH.I \\ood JII pr()\ idc opportunltlc, for

<juc.,tion, of l11JnufJcture. proPCrtlC

Jnd potentiJlitic,. The bIOlogl,t,

UUl(lon, Food e Hc.l!thRc"carchCenuc launch

T he propmed d.ltc for thc

IJunch of the '\ utrltiol1. Food

.::: IIe.llth Hc,eJrch Centr.: I'

21 '\()\ cmber IYY'i.

\11\ OI1C intcre,ted ,I)(lulu contact

I'rofc'>'>or Tom ".1I1dcr Oil e'\t 427 >.

,lured thc ch.:mi,t, Inter.:,t ill the

e'\ploitatioll of pl.lnt product,.

\\'ith thc hOO UC\\ of the \'ic[(lr\

long thc hiologi,t, lud to u,c

thcir imJginJtion, to ,.:c I'>'UC, of

publiL hc.dth and l1utrition .1'> hein!.!;

topic, for e'\!ol1 \\ Ith their 0\\ n


The po.,tgraduatc .,tIIUCnt, at

King', \\ ho .ICt.:U ,I'> intcrpreter, dllril1g

thc ti\c \\eek LOUr'><: \\cre \lec )oung

Oh (EduGltion). Jo Chol 'lIlU ~ung-\\ok

Kim (Life "Llcnce,) togcther \\ith Joo­

Ilan Lce Il'h"iL"j, Thl'> \\,1' tbe fifth

,11Ort cduLatlon Lour,c for Kor.:an

'CI':I1LC te.ILllcr, thJt hJ' hccn rUI1 In

thc Lhool of '·:duLatlon.

\Iartin \Ion"

IlltctrlJtion,I1 Education I nit

Profc""or Lauric Fn:cdmanelccrcd Fcllo\\ of the Briti"h\cadem\

Profc'>'>or L.lune Fr.:cdl1ull

(I kad of th.: I )cp,mment of

\\ 'II' "tudlc,) h.1'> beell elected a

Fello\\ of the Bnri,h \udel1l\. The

Collegc no\\ h.I'> nine I· B \, on It, ,taff.

hat uu,e computcr


mJthemJtlLlJn'. thcorctical

ph\ III t., Jnd t:!cctronlL cnglnccr, to

for'Jkc thclr le.lf~ gardcn, for thc

\\c!tcnng trJnu on In \ugu,t

Jftcrnoon~Thc an.,\\er I' - LhJO'>!

1)1' Kclth Brigg, from thc

nl\ cr'lt~ of \\ e,tcrn. u,tralla ga\ e

.lIl Interul'>L1plinar\ ,cmin.H Oil ch.w'

at Kin!.!;', 011,) \ugu,t a., thc Londoll

C\ cnt in J Europc-\\ iuc IeLturc tour.

IIJ\ ing \\orked in .:hJO'> for more th,m

tcn \,. he \\ ,\, \\ ell-plJccd to ,in\ e\

th.: field .lnu to fOLlI'> on 'C\ eral

import.lnt ne\\ tle\elopment., in

FeigenbJum uni\ er'Jlit\ of IIHcrc,t to

re'e.lrchcr, .It Kmg·,.

Th.: , continueu Inform.d"

()\ Cl' te'l In the cnior Common Hoom

and cOI1L1uued ()\ cl' \\ inc aboJru the

()ueen \I.m. \\ c hopc to repcat thc

c\ent. \\hiLh \\J' orgJlli.,cd 'Inu 11O.,teU

b\ the Ikpartmenr of Complltcr

~L1cnct:. ne'\t ,ummcr. J' J \\J\ of

fo,tcri ng inreru i,ei pi inJ" re.,carch

coll.lboration ill ch.IO'.

l{iLl1.1rd Ch erill

Computcr Seicnce

iRe lJnitIpha-rated

T hC \lcdiLJI Re,cJrLll CoulKil

l nit.1t the R.lI1uallln,titute

hJ" heen alplu-rated h\ the

\IRC', "tr'lt.:g~ Committee Jnd

CounLlI in ,In e'\tremel~ eompetltl\e

\ car. Thi, en,ure, funding of £2.4

million for the l nit ()\ Cl' the ne'\t

th rec ~ eJr.,.

\11 \I HC unit, .Irc .,ubjcct to a

ti\ e-\ eJr progr.lmmc of peer rc\ ic\\.

The elght-per.,on Lommittee. \\ hlLh

\ i,iteu thc l' nit 111 '.:r)\ cmbcr I.I't

\ car. ,uhmlttcd it, report to the

\1 RC'., \lolcLlllar ,II1U Ccllular

\ kdieine BO'HU. \\ here It reeei\ eu an


Page 5: Comment 089 September 1995

Queen \yard pr ented orporate filth

Teaching and management skills

T he Qucen', \\\an.l fOf '-:,port.

a\\ arded [() rhe College in

\J1nl. \\a, fornlJl" prc,cnrcd

[() rhc Chairman of CounLil and rhe

l'nnLlp.t1 on -l ju".

\ reLeprion in rhe CounLlI Room

\\ a, arrcndcd b\ 'raff from rhe man\

group, in rhe Collq,:c \\ ho had

conrribured ro rhc \\ inning of rhc

award. including aeadcmic rc,carLh

Man\ academic 'raff ha\e

diffieulr~ in finding our

.lbour eour'c, and

\\ork'hop, \\hieh mighr hclp rhem

\\ irh rhcir rcaLhing.

London I' ni\'cr,ir~ prm ide, a

r.lngc of \\ork,hop' .Ind eour,e, \\ hiLh

ma\ help \OU ro mcer colleague' from

orher departmenr, and Lollege, ro

,hafe e'pcncnce.

Dt'i.elfl/,il/jC hl~h quull/)' /nuhlllJ.. Ul/rI

Iwmil/X ill rle/,(J/111lNl/'

(Onc da\ cour,c for hcad, of

dcpJrrmcnr' and dcpurie,). ( \lar 90

Two day coursesRmrllllJuffitil'lln': 9/ I () '\0\ 9'i

!·.ntllla/iflll of IOllnes (Jllrl /nuhlllf{: 10/ 17'\m 95

/)f'I:elo/,illjf alld ll/{l/lfIJ{illf! rliS/fIllll:' allr/

jlrooll' ImmillJ{ lfIUJ:les: 30 '\0\/ I I)ee 9.'i

Pm!llell/-oalerl Il'tImillJ{:J /2 Fcb 9fJ

and rcachlOg ,rafr. Larering and hall

,rafr. and member' ofrhe Finance

f)eparrmenr and of rhe I\:CL

Enrerpri,e, re.II11.

The Lord Licurenanr of rhe

Counr\. ,- iell! \ lar,hall rhc Lord

Hramall. prc,enred .1 mounred

ecrrifiearc and an emblem [() rhc

Principal and "lir jamc, c.,pooner.

Chairman ofCounLil.

Tmrhillf{ (JoO/i/,\IIlr/l'illf{'. 25/2n \J1r 9fJ

S/IYI/eKirfill{/wial ll/lll/llf{Nllni/: /9 \ Ia\%

ReIe(mlt ,w!'ur.lliflll: In/17 \Ia\ <.In

Three day courses.h,eulllK flllr/ni/I: .2-l-.2n jan 9n

Sll/llllKmll!' /uultillf{'. 2 /24 Fcb/I \Iar


11II/,IfJUIlf! In'llll1Jlf{'. U- J.'i \ 96

Re,'mrrh lII(l!I(/f!NIlI'll/: 24-31 \ I.t\ 4n

l.Olll"l"e/fIl·IlI'O:' ler/llrer\": -l-n "lcpr 4n

Five day course

l.o/iJ:lefflr eX!,erininr/ In/llI'I'n:

9 - J3 Scpr 9n

If you would likc (() knO\\ morc.

plca,c ring or \Hirc [() f)r Roy C:ox or

jancr Ilarding at the Ccnrrc for Iligher

Education ,tlIdic,. 59 Cordon Square.

London \YC 111 O\.'T. Tcl 0 171-n 1.2

63 :W1362

T he 0 -road nHJlJn alO bike

Lhallen!,:e 10 aid o' unLer u:1l

l~nalllO~ re cafLh ar I\:tn_'

( ,I1e2e Lond lO \\ ill bc held 10

unda\ 2-l ep ember ar Pen hur t

Off-Road Club. !-.en .

\ loun atn blklOg I rhe 1 1\:'

a,re,r j.:fO\\ tn~ 'port \\ rrh more rhan

onc 10 r\\ e" e of rhe 1'1\:' total

popularion nl)\\ 0\\ nlO2 a moun atn

bikc ..... Irhough man\' morc Lir_

d\\eller, arc taktng ro the road a, a

mean, 0 commutlOg [() \\ork. onc of

the bigge,r Lhallcngc, i finding off

thc road are.I' 0 rcal" pur rho'e blkc,

ro rhc re r - \\ h\ ha\ e fat tHe, and

eountle" gear' If \'OLI can't u,e rhem.

'I he ,olurlon i, he Corporate

Challenge - a c[O"-LOUnr[\ rfca'ure

hunr. rime trial. bmh dm\ n hill and .1

hili Lllmb. a ream n:la~ face and. ro

round off rhe da\. a part~ at thc

Pcn,hur,r \ tnc\ard.

\11 of rhe e\ ent' \\ ill be filmed for

T\ Lm erage.

ConraLt rhe C-aOl.:cr Re,e;HLh

C'lmpaign I~\enr, Of ICC. Di,raell

\1c\\,.I)7bl'l1rne~ Iligh ';rrecr.

London "l\Y I.'i I c., l".Tel 01,1-7 41192.

Language {5

CommunicationCentre classes

T hc Languagc c:Communicarion Ccntrc \\ ill

bc offcrin:,: a ncw ,cric, of

c\enlOg Lla"e, from .25 <'cprclllber

(I ,00 ro 19.:0), C:our,c, arc a\ailble

in FrcnLh. Gcrman. c.,pani,h. Iralian.

l'of(u:,:ue,c. (;reek. Ru"ian . .-\rabic.

japane,c and \Iandarin at up [0 fi\e

Ic\cl,. ,ubJcu ro demand.

Fec, arc rcduccd for ,raff and

mcmbcr' of the College:

Onc ,eme,rer - £7.'i

Two ,clllc,rcr, - £ 120

For furthcr informarion plca,c call rhe

I ,angu.lge Ccnrre on cxr 2lj90/.2-lH5

\'ane"a Hcard

Language eColllmuniearion Cenrrc

Page 6: Comment 089 September 1995

In thenews

"paceu ourE\perimcnt\ bCIng carricd our in rhc

Ph\-\iolog\ DcpJrrment ro mimiL rhe

cffcLr of wcq!;h r1c\\nc\, on pcoplc

\\ J' rhe ,ubjeLr of In Jrridc on Tht'

Til/lt'.f 'Lience pJge. The rc\r, rCLfeare

rhe experience of orbirtng a\rronJur,

\\ hen rhe\ \uddenly re-enrcr rhe

EJrrh \ gray irarionJI field. Thi, \\ J'

IJrer pickeu up by J Br,,/.ilian

ne\\\paper a, onc of rhe re,earLher\ i,

J Brazilian PhD 'ruucnr.

Plato pickcdAn edirion of rhe Radio 4', ,cric, abour

philo,opher\ wa, pre,enreu by ~I ~I

~ IcCabe of rhe Dcparrmenr of

Philo,ophy. fler programme concerned

Plaro and an exrraCf from ir wa,

,ub,equcnrly dlo,cn on Pid: of/ht'


John, Charlic e FclipcJohn ~lacDonalu,Profe\\or of

Economic anu Social Policy, appeared

on AHC (.\merican rcle\'i,ion)

di,cu"ing rhe \ ariou\ implicarion, of

rhe re-confirmarion of John ~Iajor a,

leader of rhe Con\er\'ari\'c Pany. He

,,1,0 rook parr in a di,cu"ion on rhe

BHC World Sen'ice (Larin American

Secrion) abour rhc cocaine rrade, pa,t,

pre,enr and furure, anu appcared on

WoddSt'I'i.:if'/:' 7elri..'isioll,\'t"ti"S examining

rhe cri,i, of confidence in rhe Spani\h

Sociali,r Parry Go\·ernmenr. following

revelarion, abour GO\'ernmenr dearh

,quad, a,\a",inaring Ha,que \cparati,r


Defence <,tuuie<, in ucmamlThe war in Bo,nia ha, mcanr rhar

member, of rhe Cenrre for Defence

. rudie\ and the Deparrmenr of War

Srudie, ha\'C been in demand. ~Iike

Clarke, E:-.ecllti\e Direcror of rhe

Cenrre for Defence Srudie" ha\

appeared on ,\'m'_wi/!h/. c:'..::x,-, \\'orld

Sen'ice Radio anu Tele\ i,ion. ,-\BC

and e\en \'ariun Radio. lie wa,

quoted in .\'ru:·s·u~·t'd magazine a, ,a\ing

rhar rhe European were gurle'>\ and

rhe Americalh \\ere brainle\\. lie \\a,

al,o quored in rhe lead ,ror\' of rhe

III/t'ma/iollal I hrald TriIJlIllt'.

l- .. 'hobbling'Jame, GCl\\ ,aiu in rhe Guardiall of rhe

l':x,-', po,irion that rhe war \\ ould nor

illC\ itably e\calare if rhe l'" \\ ithurew.

ir coulu go on ar rhe ,ame hobbling

le\el. lie al\o appeared on .\'e-u:·slII/!h/

di'Lu\\ing rhe iruJrion in Bo'nia.

Dutch dcb.ltcIn an arride in Dt' l'olhfrtJlI/ (onc of

the mJjor ne\\,pJper, in rhe

:x.erherIJnd,1. Dr Jan \\'illem IIonig,

Lecrurer in WJr 'ruuie" wrore thJr rhe

DlItLh conrributed ro rheir 0\\ n

humiliarion in lo,ing. rebrenica in

BmniJ in Jul\- by ,ending our J ho\r of

il1\'iring ,ign,t1, ro rhe ,'erb,. Thi, led

to the Dutch Defence :-'Iini'rer. :-'Ir

jori, \\'oorhoe\'C, to i'>\ue a counrer­

~lf[ide in rhe Durch pre",.

Oil i<,<,uc<,Elaine Iloloboff, Deparrment of War

Srudie,. \\ rore .In arricle for rhe

Fillallf-j((1 Til/lt's \\ hich al,o appeareu in

}allt"s III/dli mct' Rt"i..'ie-.t:. abour rhe

i",uc ar rhe he~lrr of \ lo,co\\ \

Chechn\a ach enrure - an oil pipeline.

\\'rirrcn in thc bloou.-\ breakrhrough in rhe batrle ro bear

diabere, \\'a, wideh reponed in rhe

narional pre",: D((ilv ,llail. Dailv

Tt'It:/!/'fph anu IlIdepmrlm/ a, well a,

regional paper,. Ir focu,ed on re,earch

carrieu our by Dr t\ lichael Chri,rie.

"CS"ID, and hi\ re\earch ream, who

have di,covereu a marker in the blood

rhar accurateh- detect, people in

danger of developing Type [ diabere\.

Don't bank on itKen Oliph'lnr, Leerurer in rhe School

of La\\. appeared on rhe Today

programme and l,a'O:' ill Ac/ioll

di,cu",ing the courr ca,e of rhe couple

\\ ho ,ued L1oyd\ Hank for wrongh­

ad\'i\ing them abour a loan they rook

our ro buy a hou\e which rhen dropped

in \·alue.

Lcgacic<, of !o<,<,Chri\ Ilamoen, Profe'i\or of Human

Geography, reeei\ cd a huge amount of

pre\\ cO\erJge following the

publicarion of hi, reporr IlIhui/allf't'ill

Hri/aill: /ht' diJOp/it'Orillg IIIilliollS. lIe

e\rimared rhar bet\\een 4 ,000 and

f>O,OOO people need re,idenrial or

nur\ing home place\ each year. Of

the,e he reckon~ berween J2,OOO and

40,000 \\ ill need ro \ell their hou\e\ to

pay for care. Thi\ repre,ent\ an equity

withdrawal of £2.1bn a year - ll10lley

Page 7: Comment 089 September 1995

d1.l hllultl he ·u'cJdm~d(m n

hrou!!h he !!enera Illn

Le I morePr'lfe ,on Da\ Id Papineau. lleatl of the

Depar men of Philo oph\. appearetl

on Ibtllo ,,,1' ib' AftrnJllf!I/ \I/I!I

tlhLlh,m!.. ,impIJLlt~ m the .H! anti

Llence ,

\Yed(l\\ ood honouredConratl Ru"e11. Profe"or of Hrnl,h

I1 hWr\. appeared on RatllO ; ulklng

m honour of C \' "'etl~\\ood.

Em·ironmemaJ educa[ionThe PrinLlpal. Prnfe"or \nhur LULa,.

f'rofc"or Paul BlaLk anti JlhW1 Dl1lon

from the chool of Etlucatlon \\ere

qUlHcd In !clOnirlwla!la \Ic'\iun

ne\\'paper).h a re,ult (,fthelr

partlLlpation in a Briti,h CounLlI

,emio,lr. !-.II'i.'Irolllllrlll !-,rlllu/f/oll" (/11111

P,Jiin- (1) Pmlllfr, \\ hiLh \\ a, held ,I[

Lcning go.\ntlre\\ (jrubb. f'rofe"or of Ile,l1th

(.are 1,,1\\, \HOte an artlt.le in the

GII((/{!Jm/ on the i"ue of \\ hether bab\

Thoma' Creedon ,hould be a110\\ cd wdie. lie dre\\ on the Lord,' dcei,ion

In 1<)<), In To11\' Hhlnd', ee1'C ,Ind 'aid

that thc eoun, \\ ould need w c'\tend

thc ruling in Bland w all,m thi, w


Tc,,[ing [imeDr I)a\'id Co\\'an. Direcwr of the Drug

COIHrol Centre. appeared on Radio.'i \

!mirle f.rlXe. e'\plaining h(m a

competiwr·, ,ample i, recei\ cd at the

laborator~. ,wred. and anal"ed. 11 i,

Ienure [() the .\nnual Briti,h

\"ociation for the \d\ ancemem of

C,cience Conference on the CeIHre',

\\ork on 1)1 IT Idih~drntc'[(), crone)

te'ting. reL'ei\ cd C(J\ erage in the

n,lwlnal ne\\ 'paper<, and he ,Ippeared

on BBC HrnJ!.frlfl .\"I"<.'i. lie \\ a, qUOled

In a G/lmdiall aniLIc abom ueatine

\\ hich i, being hyped among athlete'

a, the late't wonder drug, lie ,aid that

according w the doping rulc creatine

i, permiued. It \\CHl1d be diffiLult wban or te,t for a ,ub,tanec rhar i, part

of ou r narural d ier.

.\Ii'\ and m<1[lh\mhea Tmker. ['rofe or If oual

Ger III 010_ • JppeJretl on Radl I "

.ITIll! 'I pro~rJn 11 e \\ hlLh quc IOned

.I I utle .lOll re,plln"bili ie 0 ulllre

gen':rJtion he \\ a al ° k.l uretl In

.In .Ir KIt: m I ItlulI/an !/rI/lI/llZ .IbOUI

hou,m!! Lheme \\hILh ml' people

\\1 h different n.:etl" he hclie\ctl wo

litde re'earLh hatl bcen Larried om m °the .Ith .Image, .Intl tlh.ld\ am.lg.:, of

ml'\mg oltl .Intl ~ oung people m ,uLh

Lheme .

Ju"dy pro\ oked?The 1,1\\ on pro\ oL.!tion \\ a, \\ itlel\

di,cu"cd 1'0110\\ ing rhe (:oun of

\ppe.ll\ tleLi,ion w qU.I,h Emma

Ilumphre~',murder con\ IUlon anti

'ub,tinnc I[ \\ ith onc of man,laughtcr.

T radl[lOnally plea, of prr/\ OC.lllon

coultl onl\ ,ucceed \\ hen the

dcfend.llH kl1lcd ," ,I rc,ult of ·,udtlen

.Ind tempor,I" 10" of ,elf-comrol'.

.\ndre\\ \,h\\orth. I-.tlmund-Da\ ie,

Profe"or of (.[II1)In.11 La\\ ,md

Crllllmal J lhuce, ,.lid of lhe Judgemem

in the GIIII/r!illl/. that it \\oultl \\ idcn

the COntqH of prO\ oc,ltlon and hcgan

ro undermine thc idc.l of ,uutlenne,,"

On [he Frollt/illfJohn \Lmin, Profc,,()[ of

Cardio\ a'cuLtr Science. took pan in a

Channel ~ Fmn/line documemar\

e'\pl.lining thc imporunce of aninul

experimelHation in medical .Ind,ciemific rc,earch,

Ra[ionali:ing hy~[eria

Following thc horrific ga, ,m.lck on

Japan', ,ubwa~ ",tem 'IIltl the bclief

that the\ arc the \ ietim, of tcrrori,t

emack,. Dr Simon "·c"cly, ~cnior

Leewrer in P,ychological \Iedicinc.

c'\plain-. ma" hy,tcria in Thl Tillle\.

Popular perccp[ions1'011\ Thorne. Dirccwr of thc I-:nglt,h

Languelgc TC'lLhing Centre, wok part

in .I ui,cu"ion on The, Iflemlton Shifl.

\\ ith Profe"or Lauric T.I\ lor and

Profc"or Da\ id Cry,ul. on ho\\

audience rcauion w popular

programmc, on tele\ i,ion and radio

he" eh.lIlgcd 0\ cr the yca".

B~ popular demand\n .Ir Illc in he IlIrlrpc-lIr1rlllOIl \UllrI,,)

.Ibou wtlen purnJll~ 'Llence 10

.1\ our 0 Lurrcnd "a hlOnablc cclur e

Itke metllJ wtlle. qu(ltetl Pe er

antler. Prok or of \lJthem.lllL'. lie

<jue I()netl \\ he her lUdcm demantll

in Il elf a uftiLiem re.l on for.l IJr~e

and e pen'l\ e e p.ln,ion in the,e

are.l . lIe .11'0 .IppeJretl on Xt"U illl ;hl

the tla\ the \ le\ cl re uth c.lme out.

Grea[er c,-,peC[a[ion'.\n itcm on Itfc e'\peu.lnc\ in the

!nt!t'!Wnr!ml quoted Emily Grund\ of

the \gc Concern In,tilllte of

Ceronwlogy \\ ho c,tim.lteu lhat abolll

nO per ccm of bo~, .Ind 70 per Lcm of

girl, born in \<) I \\ ill ,urvi\c to

celebr.lte their 7.'1th binhd.l\ in Zl):)o.

.\nima[ed di.,cu"sionCIt\ c 1',lge. I'rofe',or of PllcIrmacolog~.

.Ippeared on BBC 1\ llearl of Ihl .I!a//et

d"UI"lIlg animell, in meuiL.lI rc,carch .

lie .11,0 took part in .I Sumre .\'0<'

programmc tli'cu"ing peptitlc, .I'drug,.

Opera "peakChri,wphcr "·imlc. '\"i,wm Direcwr

ofrhe lmtilille of.\d\'anceU \lu,iL.l1

,C,wdic'. [()()k part in an imenal

tli,ell"ion during the broadeJ't of Kurt

Weill', The N.iI'Umr! Fall of Ihe Cil!' 11,l/ahaKOllIl)' on Radio 3. The tli'cu"ionfo 11 ,1\\ cd on from a joim meeti ng

betwecn rhc 1.\\ IS and Engli,h

;\;ellional Opera held in the College in


Any ad\'ance on nine?"·c h.l\"C di,co\·ercd that \Iichael

C1arkc\ rCLortl of eight mctli.l

imen ie\\\ in .I tla~ can be hcatcn,

I)r \ laHln '\el\ la, of "'ar ')rudie, WJ'

calletlupon w do nine following the

pni,on ga' aluLk in J.lpan,

Pagc 7

Page 8: Comment 089 September 1995

nI' er itv of London Librarv ne,\' acce.,


Page .)

T hc.. method of L1ur!!in~ for u'cof the I'ni\ er'lr\ of I,ondon

Lil)rJ~ Jt 'cnJte Ilou,e 1)\

lllrrent member, of the I' nl\·er'lt\ hJ'

no\\ been cbJnged to J unit lO,t" ,tern.

1 nder thl' method the co,t of .In annuJI

ticket permitting both borro\\ ing .1I1d

reference Illr the I 995-Yh ,e"ion \\ ill be

£ '0. Thc 1"ni\er,it~ Lihrclr~ h.I' J,ked

each College [() ,ute the number of

ticket' it \\ ill n:quire and to gu.lrJnree

the reljui,ite p.l~ menr prior ro the 't.m

of the ,e"ion. Ilo'le\ cr. if at.tu,iI

regi,rr,ltion, .Ire le" th.1I1 the numh..:r of

tilker, purchJ'ed the I nl\er,it\

LibrJr~ \\ ill not he refunuing .111\

mone\. In clddition [() c1l1nuctl (Ilket'.

da\ ticket' \\ ill be a\ ailable .It t5 eCllh.

..... number of the,e hJ\e been purchJ,ed

for the 1995/% ,e"ion.

I'J,t e."\perience ,h()\\, that reclder,

from cerrain deparrment' need to u,e

rhe l'ni\er,ir~ Libra~ hea\ i", \\ hil,t

orher' need it, re,ourcc, rClrel~. if e\ er.

Iri, imporunr dut dlO,e 'taff .1Ild

,rudcnr' ar Kin~'" College \\ ho need (0

u,e mareri,il \\ hich cannot be ohtained

from ,ource, orher rhan the 1'ni\ er,it\

I,ibrar~ ha\ e .Iece" to that I,ihrar~.

In order (() en,ure that the number

of King', 'tafT anu 'rudenr, u,ing the

I'ni\ef',it~ Librar\ match rh..: number

paid for at the ,tan of thi, 'e"ion.. \11

King'" 'taff and 'rudenr, \\ i,hing (() u,e

the l"ni\ er,it~ Librar~ nllN fir't obtain

a blue admi"ion form from either the

Sub Librarian (Reader <'en ice'-l, \ i\ len

I{oben'on. rrand Ccllnpu, Old LillrJr~

lc"\t Li 13>. the Lending Sen ice,

LibrJrian, \ IargJret Robi/NJIl. SrrJnd

Campu, Ilununitie, LibrJr\ (ot 21.>,1);

an~ Reader' ....d\ i,er: the I"ue De,k in

the Ilumanitie, LibrJ~: the Enquir\

Point in the Old Lihra~ or the

Libr.lriJn at KC. '\ ID. Chri, Ilogg.

Thi, form mlht be completed and

rewrned (() either \ Ir, RoberNlIl or

\ Ii" Robin,on.

The detail, wllcLted on the,e

form, \\ ill be of help to l.ibrJr\ 'tafT in

idenrif~ ing gap' in our 0\\ n colleuion,

a, \\ ell .1' increa,ing our J\\ arenc" of

the p.\(tilular .Irea' of ,[()lk \\ hilh

Kin~', reader, find mo,t u,efulln the

nl\er,J(~ Ld)ur~. 1"111' IIlform.ltilHl

\\ ill then he J\ ailJhle ro lhool, Jnd

depJrrment'. a, \\ ell J' (() thl Lil)(J~.

to J' i,t u' in determinln<r \\ hat

proportion of fund, to de\ ore to the

purlha,e of acce" to the 1 nl\ er,it~

Llhra~ or. inueeu. to other non-KCL


If the nutenal reqUired i, on"

•1\ .Iilahle at the l "ni\ er,it~ I ,ihra~ .1

\\ hite \·alid,Hion form \\ ill be prm ided

in e"\c11.lnge for the completed blue

admi"ion form. Thi, mu't he takcn [()

the I' ni\er,ir\ Librar~. [()gether \\ ith a

lurrent King', College\ tiLket a,

.1 mean, of identification, '0 that a

borro\\ ing ticket l\ ,llid (() the cnd of

,e"ion 19Y5-9h) l1\a\ be i"ued.

\lcldemic ,rafT mJ\ al,o ,end the

comrleted \\ hite \ alJd'Hion form (()

\Ii" Janet BO\\c<ltt. Cirlulation De,k.

I'ni\er,ir~ of London Libra~. ,",enate

Ilou,e, if a po'tal application i, more

con\enienr. I f cl tilket for .I pre\ iou,

,e"ion \\ .1' held, thi' ,hould .11,0 be

enclo,ed. The ne\\ tilket \\ ill be

returned by P()\r.

In ,Ol1\e ill\tclI1ce" if onl~ onc or

t\\O item, arc required it ma\ be more

economic to reque't the item, \ ia our

0\\ n Inrer-Lihrar\ Loan 'en·ice. \\'e

ha\e 'taff at each of our eampll' lihrarie,

\\ ho can prO\ idc more information

.Ibout thi, ,en ice. Each loan co,t, the

Librar~ in the region of £~.5(), \\ ith a

lharge of £ I per item (() the reque,ter.

II' on" ,e\ eral JOllrnal, or book,

need to be con,ulted for onc or t\\ 0

<l!tlclc, that ean then be photocopied at

the I' ni\ er,i~ of London Librar\ on a

,ingle \ i,it..1 da~ p,I" at a co,t of £: to

thi, College \\ ill be offered.

Finall~. it m.l~ be more appropriate

to make u,e of ,Inorher libra~ for the

material required. \\ e \\ ill uo our be't

to ad\ i'e reader' .1I1d tr~ (() en'ure thar

e\ er\one', need, arc mer. \\ hl!\t

reuining ,ufficient borrO\\ ing

regi,rration, for tho,e \\ ho,e

requirement' can onl\ he met rh rough

the 1 ni\er,it~ of London Libra~.

People \\ ith .1 per,on.d .Ind pri\ate

inrere't unconneueu \\ ith teaching or

rc,earch undenaken \\ ithin King'"

College \\ ill be ahle to regi,ter ,It the

ni\er,it\ of I,ondon 1.lllrclr\ III a

pef\(lIlal capallt\. Clurge, arc £ I 00 pa

for borrn\\ IIlg Jnd 7- pa Ill( refercnce

1I,e. There arc al,o \\ eekl~ and dad\

referenc'e 1I,e r.lte, cH 17 anu 'h.Plea,e contaLt clther \ 1\ Icn

I{obert,on lc"\t 23 1.» or \ largaret

I{oblll,on lc"\t 2 U.1) if YOU need al1\

further help or informarion .

Calligrapher,,,ant d

T he College occa,ionall\ need,

.In clnuteur but accompli,hed

calligr.lpher to c,ecute .1 fe\\

\\ ord, on offili.11 document,. \n\one

IIlterc'ted ,1101I1d contact J ulie

Thom.I' in the Principal', Officc on

e"\t 3~.B.


T hC 1996 entr\ POJ/f!.mr/II{//I'

!1101j!1l11l1' i, now a\ ailable.

'\e\\ fecltllre, include ,rudent

profile,. a 'ection for internationcll

applicclnt, clnd intilrlnation about grant

.1\\ cuding bodie,.

The Pre" C' Publication, Officc

\c!cclll1e, comment' or ,ugge,tinn'

from 'taff and ,rudcnt, on thi, or other

publication,. Plea,e phone e't ,"07~.

Obtaining copiesII' \ou require copic, of the

PoS/War/Ufl/1' Pmsj!nllll' plea,e order

them \ ia the Regi,tr\ on e"\t .B9~.

Page 9: Comment 089 September 1995

Pm/< Hor JlllhlJlI Dflt 1t'I, Dt'fI(lrlll/t'/lI (if

f./nlrfJ1I/r C j''/II IlIm/ f,II~/I/tt'1I11,:!. 't'T7..t'r!

1J1I1h" RI."i../c- (Q1I1I1I/1Iu ffJ/ /~/uln(tl/

f.1I i1lnfll/j! fOIIItt' /99:; (j//{//il1

J HtUII/t'l/l (if Rt'it'f/ld/ ,ifIltt D/lllh

{'1Ihl?Hllki Tit/? r:1J1I1IIIillu'; n:/l1J11 - {/\

plt/JIisltt'f1 III J1t1l/? /995, anr! fi {/ pith/id\'­(/t'aJ!,t/JI/? dQOIII/t1lI,

T he proce.... differ.... ub ..ranriall~

In Lharauer and merhodolog\

from rhe [' K Re ..eJrdl

.-\",e",menr E"erLi ..e ... \\·herea.. rhe

['K ,~ .. rem I" inirlared b\ /!;O\·ernmenr.

he Dureh a....e"'meJ1[ I'> carried out b~

1111 narlon from rhe Faculrle.. and I"

rherefore more direul~ concerned \1 irh

gil ing adl iLe ro rhe unil er.. iry and

rJculr~ maoagemenr,. In conrra .. r [()

rhe ['K merhod of mapping rhe

a"'c",menr onw a .. ingle S (or 7) Jloinr

"ca le...rrongll linked w furure funding.

rhe Durch .. ~,relll require .. a tilc-poinr

..cde a....e"'menr on four ..ep.lrare

a.. peu.. of cach re ..earLh programllle:

..cienrific qualirv ...cienrific

proL!\I(:ribiliry. cienrific rcleHlnce anL!

,cienrific I'i.lhili~'. rogerher lI'irh a

II'rirren commenr<tr~. Fin.lncial a.. pecr,

arc ,ignificanr in rhi\ proce" onl~ for

rheir eon ..equenrial effed'. For

example. a I irhdr<tll'ld of financial

,upporr could lead ro a Icm raring for

(furure) I iabilir\.

The Rel'iell Commirree for

Elecrrical Engineering lI'a,

inrernarional in member\hip (only rhe

Chairman and rhe Secrera~ were

Dureh). and in order [() deli\'er rhe

required a\\e\\menr. ir II J' nece\\ary

ro ,rud\' ,Ind di" Re,earch Reporr,

and publiearion, for rhe five-year

reviell period (19 9-1 Y9J) Jnd el':tI uare

quanriraril'e and qualitarile dar.1

(financial and per,onnel .. upporr for

each re ..earch programme). In addirion.

an inren .. il·e I'i,ir lI'a, nude bv rhe

Ilhole Commirree w each Faculry,

ill\ oh ing mecring, II irh rhe Faculry

managemenr, inret\ iell'> wirh re ..earch

grollP leader... and guided rour\ of

re,earch faeilirie .. and re\earch

de mon,rra rion,.

Each Facltlry ha .. an opporruniry

[0 cOlllmenr on rhe drafr ler,ion of rhe

Qualit) athe eth

e mrland

nt of re earch in

Commir ec'" J' e"'lllen 0 ir, and he

Comllllrrce ma\ or mal' nor make

L11ange, a, J re,ule.

ULh J deratled a e\'>menr I\ould

11Jrdh be fea iblc in rhe l K" ,rcm,

becau,e 0 rhe large number of

unl\er,it'- depar menr, Lar~ in our

re carch in ElccrricJI En lincenn .

El en e:-.c1uding rhe nell unil er irie

rhere are abour forr\ .. ueh deparrmenr ,

II herea, in rhe \:erherland .. rhere are

onl\' rhree Illajor Faculrie, of Elecrrical

Engineering (Dclfe. Eindhc)\ en and

Twenre). The..e F.lCulrie, arc. of

cour,e:, I e~ large compared II irh [' K

depJrrmenr ' For eX'lmple, IJelfr ha'

nearly 300 full-rime equil .denr

academic 'Ira IT in Elecrrical

Engineering (colllpare rhi, II irh abour

20 ar King',),

The ReI iell C:ommirree

member.. hip i, propo..ed by rhe I{()~al

:"erherland\ ,\cadem\ of ,\rr, and

Science, (K" -\ \\'), and rhe procc" i,

managed by rhe A\.,ociarion of

l'niler.. irie .. in the :'\erherland ..

(\'S;\:['), Thu, it i, nor carried our ar

the in.. rigarion of, or nn behalf of.

gOl ernmenr, alrhough rhe reporr, arc

,enr (for information) ro rhe Durch

:\Iini,r~ for Educarion, Culrurc ,lIld


Of cour..e, rhe Rel'iell Commirree

for Electrical Engineering did have m

make ir .. a....e ....mcnr wirhin a

framework of reduced unil·er.. iry

funding from Durch GOI'ernmenr

,ource,. and ar a rime when major

re'trucruring i, in progre'>'> in rhe

Faeulrie\ in re"pon\e ro change.. which

are primarilv of a financi.d narure.

Ilowel er. rhe overall emph,hi, i.. [0

offer advice w re ..eareh direcHH'i and

rhe Faculty managcmcnr, in order [()

help rhem 'u,rain and enhance rhe

qualirie .. of rheir re'ie:arch,

Profe....or A C Dal·ie ..

Deparnnenr of Eleerronic (f Elecrrical


Pennie fromhea en -le ac ..pledg top £1million

Ei, hleen Illonrh, ago rhe

Del c10pmenr OffiLe:

e,lJbli,hed a progralllllle

aimed al prr)\ idin rhe Colle/!;e 1I irh a

medium ro Ion -rerlll ,ource of pril are

inl'omc from legacic...

The big <.;haririe, recol!ni,ed ,Ollle

rillle ago rhe porenrial of legacie.. a., a

major ..ource of fund .. hOllle of rhem

receil e a\ much a, 70"f of rheir

income from beque.. r.. ). \\'e II ere

confidcnr rhal King'\ could .d ..o

benefir from rhi, relaril ely IClI\-co.. r

form of fundrai,ing and embarked on a

programme of mailing, and rclephone

call, W lllulllni. friend, .lnd fiHmer


Our conlidcnce wa., ju,rified

becau,e rhe wretl of legac\ pledgc..

where rhe currenr I'alue h.I' been

"pecified ha, ju .. r rcached £ 1.1 million.

The acrual wr,d pledged. ho\\'ever. i,

probably much higher becau,e rhi,

fi,gure doe., nor rake inw accounr

pledge, where rhe I'alue i.. un'ipecified.

In addirion rhere arc almo.. r

certainly alumni, friend, and ,raff II ho

ha\ e m.tde prol'i,ion for King'" in rheir

will\ but have nor mid u" and ir \eelll\

clear rhar rhe College can look forward

to a .. ignifieanr income from legacie, in

a fe\\' year.. ' rime.

The legacie, pledged range from

£200 [0 SOO.OOO. :\ lo,r are for

'general purpo,e,' bur orher, have

been direcred ro .. pecific academic

area .. , rhe Librar~, ,rudenr welfare and

po,rgraduarc re..eMch,

Recenr legacie, include £ 10,000

from rhe lare Ilarold Hoyden for a

Ili,[()~ ..cholemhip; £f>,OOO from rhe lare

Janer Hurwn for rhe llarold Hurron

:\Jcmorial Fund (Chemi.,rrv): £JS.OOO

from rhe Iare Karhleen Goodll in for rhe

Library; and a I',tluable collecrion of

pharmacy book, and 17rb cenru~' drug

jar\ from rhe lare IJougla., Ilarrod,

Carolinc Banholomew

De\'elopmenr Officer

Pagc Y

Page 10: Comment 089 September 1995

The biggest reunion yetOZ:f'F '1Lh J JIlIlI/lli, .I'!{(ff

alld !hl iFji-il'llds alld

fa11/ilif'.I' al/Ilt' !o !he

(,'ardf'll /wr!y ill I,all/hf'!h

PalmI' Oil Sa!lIrdal' { l

.l1I1\' - !hf} IflFf.!.t'.I'! rt'lIlliol/• <

I'd 0 rr/({// i.l'f'd Ill' tht'. ," .1\.(:1.. 1. PO/f'r! fl:.'Nlthcl; a

.la· ..... IJt/lld, fI :trtlG.d}('r1y

t('(l, .1'1111/111fT dn'ss('s, shi /1.I'!tf"C·f'S, jJal/fllI/fI hflh- - it

fl:.'{I.I' fill that {I gflFdf'1l

jJfII~l' .I'hollId he.

I'J~t.: I ()

Page 11: Comment 089 September 1995

Presentation celebrations

{)II JII~)I 17, 19 aud 21sludellts /'{'("('i-l.:ed Iheird(rl,F(,(,J al the (,'oll([!/,:,/J /('S('JItati011 ({)/('III 0 11itshdd al lllstlllillsff'r('01IraI Hall. Falllilit':(1Ild/rielld' shared ill tht'r!al' :,' tddJ/({tiolls 'u:hirh('lIdal 'U:.'ith tt({ sl'IT..'td ill({ llIal'lII(,{' ({t /hr' St/{/Ilr!


Page 12: Comment 089 September 1995

port ial inal 1 ht

Dd/hie (fiHI'1' he;lJj.. pl/',mltd :..//h Ih/' Spnl1' Pt/Will IIfJPfll' 1'1 ,',,"/,-(hfll/7/lflll of Ih/'

.\'OOtl/ Cll/h. Ro\ Ilmoll


T he Klnl-('\ (.ollcl-(e port\;;::

OUJI Club held 1[' JnnuJI

flnJI\ '\il-(ht on Frid.!\ lA

June, Fifreen people rook pJrr In eil-(hr

final\. Jlrhoul-(h not .Ill of rhe\c could

bc playcd on FndJ\ becJu\c onc of rhe

Ulnrc,rJnt\ - ()ebble Co"e\ - \\ a\

plJ\ inl-( in ,i, of the fin.t1\.

-\ good nil-(ht \\ a, hJd 1)\ .dl.

hclped .I great deJII)\ rhe man elou'

'IHeJd of food prm H.lcd 1)\ Caten nl-(

and many dunk, .Ire due to Denni,

-\llen and Perer Durrant.

Hy rhe cnd of Fnda\ night. nll1e

people had won rhe 12 trophiC' dldr

lud been llllnpered for durinl-( the

\\ eck. '1 he \\ Inner, \\ ere:

DJrt, 'inglc' - Len "iJng: Pool, pair,

-(j" n B.lker: D.lrr, ':::,nooker pJlr,­

(,oiJn Chlnnc('\: Cnbbage ~ ,nookcr

p.ur\ - Debble Co"e\: nooker \Inglc,

- I,e, I)"Ic\: Cribbage pJlr, - \ h 1.1

Flnnle: Pool ,mgle, - (;eorge \loon:

Lnbbal-(c 'Inl-(Ic, .::: dJrr, pJlr, - \IJn

Phdco,: (loo I pJlr\ - John Rollin on.

I· or her appcar'lnce 111 ,i, of rhe

final, dUring rhe \\eek. Debble (;rh ey

\\ .I, Ju\" .1\\ arded rhe porr,

(lc(\(ln of [hc ) car troph\.

Or Roberr HIJckburn, ReJder in

PubiJc La\\ .It King'\ Jnd onc

of thc country'\ leJding

e,pert' 111 p.lriJJmentary Jnd election

1.1\\, i\ rhe .Iuthor of rhe recently

pubiJ'hed 'fill: f.luloml .\'\'\1/'111111 lJ,ilfJ/lI.

The hook contJin, the re,ulr\ of .I

comprehen'l\ e Jna" 'I' of the Hmi,h


conLlu\lOn\ call for \\ ide-rJnging

LilJnge, [l) moderni,e our cleuorJlla\\.

Roberr HlJckburn i, .I former

,It" i,er to the In rirure for Public PoiJC\

Re,carch, \\ hlch ha\ been influentiJI in

L'lbour\ dc\ elopmenr of it\

con\titlltlonJI :lnd ,ociJI policy

prol-(rJml1le"7n/' Ma/oml.\'1'I'/1'1II ;11 Rn/(/;II 1)\

Robert HIJLkburn. i, publi hed by

\lacmiIlJn. Price: hb £47.:;O/pb £1 :;.99.

Is this a record?

N exr month mark, rhe fifrierh

year of Profe\'\or E \ I "(Ted) Deelcy', conrinuou,

il1\olvement \\ irh rhe College. lie

joined King\ a\ an undergrJduJre in

October 1945 Jnd rook hi I-l c In

Phy,ie' \\ ith fir,t cia" honour\ in

194 ,Jnd hi\ Ph () 111 19:;0. \frer .I

yeJr of po\r-douorJI re\eJrch Jnd fi\'e

year\ .I .I '\" uffield Re\earch Fello\\ In

rhe Deparrment of Ph\\lc\ he beeJme

.I Lecturer in Eleuncal '.. nl-(ineenng 111

19Sfi and .I Reader in 196.,. 11 i\

e1e\ Jrion ro Profe"or of Eleuronic .:::

Electrical Engineering follcmed In

19 7. and he becJITIe IIcJd of

Deparrmenr in 1990. lie official"

rerired in 1991, bur \\ a' offered a pJrr­

time appointment and rhe title of

EmeritLI\ Profe"or. In \\hich cap'lciry

he ha, remained with rhe College until

nO\\. Profe"or Deeley n;cei\ed hi,

award for 40 \ ear, ,cn ice in 1993.



Page 13: Comment 089 September 1995

ir IanGain ford

Sir ItllI "lid I.{/fl\, Gtlills(nrd />/fllllld

fllIl,idl Rlld:illf.!flfllll Pldlm, (/ftlI Si, ItllI

1l'li:I..'fd flH llli/ffllfl/)nd/mllllflt QIIIlII fill

19 JIII\"

Peter Brinck

1\\ oulu likc ro ,cnu ,inccrc rhank,

to .111111\ collcaguc, anu friend, for

a 1110,r mcmorable da\ on 2 J ul~

to m.lrk rhe occa,ion of my reriremenr

from King\, I \\olllu .11,0 like ro rhank

e\ er\both, e,pecialh rhn,c \\ ho \\ ere

un.lble to be pre,enr on rhe U'l\, for

rhc gcnerou, gifr, I rccei\'cd. Wc ha\'c

hung rhe r\\ 0 prinr- \\ hcre rhc~ \\ ill

,en e ro rel11inu mc of m~ man\ happ\

\car, ar King\, Thc \:hequc ha, becn

in\e,reu in PremIum Bnnu, unril \\C

m()\ e ne"\r year. \\ hcn ir \\ ill bc

comerreu into garuen furniwre for our

nc\\ homc,

I \\ould e'peciall~ like to rhank

()onalu Farr. .1 frienu anu collcague for

I11llLh of m\ rimc ar King\, \\ ho in

conjllnulOn \\ irh other" \\ J'

re,poll'>iblc for arrJnging rhe

celebrarion" \" I.I,r tla~ began ar"iimp,on', in rhc ~rrand, \\ hcn

fourre\:n of 11' garhcred to enjo\ rhe

bc,r rIlJr J rrauiriol1J1 Engli,h

bre'lkf:.l,r can offcr, In rhc afrcrnoon a

large number of frienu, joinetl mc in

rhe Council Room for m~ le'l\ Ing

cdebrarion intlutling m\ \\ ifc Jnu

Fello"T hip

John l'IT. Pro c,>,or of EngineeringLa\\ ha, bccn a\\ ardeu a Ro\'al

Acadcm\ of Enginccring

Fe 11 C)\\ ,hq>

Profe orRichard 0 ery

Profe">or I~idlard 0\ cr\" ha,

been .1ppoinred a' rhc I:hir"h

rcpre,enrari\c on rhc Europcan

Science Foundarion projccr on :'\ui

Occupied Europe, Thc projcn i,.1

rhree-~e.H onc .Inu will rc,ulr in rhe

publicarion of four \ olumc, of e"a\,

on coll.Jbor.uion, .ldl11ini,uarion,

culrurc anu cconomic exploirarion,

The ,ccond \:onference of rhc project

\\ ill be hcltl in Lonuon in ,-\pril 19%,

famil\", Ir \\a, e,pc\:ially plca,ing to

'cc ,0 many p:hr membcr, of ,raff

prc\enr, and I look fon\ard [Cl joining

rhcir rank, for rhc nexr ,uch event.

OIKe again. rhank you, for a

\\ onderful day, I will be keeping in

much and, \\ hen wc mO\ c, \\ ould be

\er\ happ\ ro ,ec amone who wi~he~

to pay u, :1 \'i,ir.

Perer Brinck

Biomedical Sciencc,

. 'rrand


T herc will bc .In informal

garhering of fricnd" ,rudenr,

and colleague, of Profe ,or

John Yutlkin in rhc Oltl Rcfccto~,

Kcn,ingron from 16,00 [Cl I ,00 on

\\'cdnc\da\ 25 Ocrober, [Cl \:elebrare

rhc ke\ role he had in e,rabli,hing

~urririon wirhin Qucen Elizaberh

College, rhe fir,r univer,irv cour,e in

rhe L'K and Europc,

] f you plan to arrend plea~e ,end :1

norc m Profc">or Carhcrine Gei\,ler [Cl

hclp e,rimare rhe carcring


An obiwar\ of John Yudkin

appe:1r, on p:1gc 16,

Profe orIargor Jeffer

On 7 Jul\ Profe~~or :\Iargor

Jeffery" \'i,iring Profe~~or in

rhe Cenrre of 1\lcdlcal La\\'

anti Erhic" wa' inducrctl a~ an

honorar\" Fcllow of Roval Hollowav

Collegc, L1niver,irv of London.

Profc~~orJeffery~ ha~ had :1

di,ringui,hed career a a ,o\:ial

'cienri~r and a~ a ~peciali~r in medi\:ine

and healrh carc, She i~ onc of rhe

founder, of medical ~ociology in

Brirain, pionccring rhe de\'clopmenr of

o\:ial <,cience rea\:hing for medical

education, Profe<, or Jeiie~' wa, Jr,r

appoinrcd to rhc academic ,raff ar

Bedford College in 1949 and during

rhe 19:0, worked ar rhe London

. chool of Hygicne d'Tropical

:\ Icdicinc, rerurning to Bedford

Collcge in 1965 a, a cnior Le\:tlIrer

and Direcror of rhe '0 ial Re,earch

L'nir. In 196 rhe L'ni\er,iryof

London conferred a per,onal chair in

"ledic:11 Sociology on hcr and a year

larcr he founded rhc :\Ia~rer\ Cour,e

in :\Icdical. ociology which i, ,rill

running ar R0\',1 I Ilolloway roda\'.

\':1leric Pancueci

Sccrerary, Ccnrrc 01':\ Icdical La\\ and


Page 14: Comment 089 September 1995

taff ne,,' (continued)

College ecre[::lf\ Office Oh I,orJ ,..





) our, falrhrull~

Srephen IIJrro\\


DeJr Commen ,

I·..:,~,d [() ee r1l.1r our ne\\

(.hJpIJm, rhe Rc\ U Tim Di l hlidJ,

hJ' .I ulrJbl \\ f' cn,c of humour­

\\ hlLh lI1uden Jlh, he \\ill need [0 kccp

in ~oou repJIr If he 1 ro ,un I\"C Jnd

nouri h ,Ir Km!.:\,

Thc ( 11.IpiJmc~ dJiI\ p[J\ er

'LheJule il/lntllflm/or Prove!, hJ' rwo

pJrallel Ii,r : c.lch d.l\ a differenr group

or depJrrmenr m Collegc I' commended

ti,r our prJ~ er,: Jnd caLh uJ~ .1 dlffercnt

J'peu of life in 'rhc \\ orld .Ind rhe

Church '. There .Ire ,ome Inrere tin!.:.

nor ro 'J\ m,ighrflll. pJJrJng"

h,r c'\Jmple. on 24 ep cmber.

under hc 'Collcge' heJdlllg, \\ e .Ire

in\ ircd ro pr.l\ ti,r 'rhe PnnupJI Jnd rhc

Collegc ': .Inl! undcr rhe .\\ orld'

huding, 'rllO,e \\ ho Jrc loncl\ .md

i,oIJred' ()n 'i ()uober \\ e prJ\ for '.Ill

rho,c \\ ho \\ ork In Corn\\ Jllllou,e' JJ1(1

'rhe \lerropolJun Policc', On '>0Ouobcr. 'rhe '>rudenr,' l nlOn' cmd

'peJccmJker, '. The Ile'\r dJ~ 'rhe

Theolog\ Ikpartmcnr' Jnd 'rllfJ'e

cmL!\'ed 1)\ rhc occulr', Thc '\\ork of

rhc College\ mcdiccil ,rJW i, ,rarcd for

2 '.:o\cmber, Jlong,ide ,ome of rheir

le" re,pnn,i\c clienr" 'rhe dqlJrrcd'.

On 10 '0\ ember, pra\er~ Jrc for

'rhc cldmini,rrJri\c ,rJff .Inll '.In end [0

.dl \\ Jr'. On 27 '.:o\cmbcr, 'rhe \\'Jr

"rudic, l)epJrtmenr' I' ~okcd \\ irh

',en,iri\ ir\ [() creJrion' (or hJ\'e rhe,c

IJ,r r\\ 0 linkage, become di,conncued

in rhe \\ p~ PcrhJp" on retlecrion. ir

\\mild bc ,m:rchll1g rhe p()\\cr Ofpr,l\er

to corrclJre rhe Jdmll1l,rrJrion \\ nh .I

,en,im 1[\ [0 ueJrion... )

Bllr quire rhe 1l1(l'[ perLipienr

pJlring I' on J7 o\cmber: \\ e Jre

bidden [() prJ\ for rhe 'College poner,

Jnd ,upporr ,raW Jlld 'rho,e \\ho hJ\ e

rhc reJI PO\\ er 111 Bnuin.'

\nu Tim Dirchfield 'J\' 111 hi,

CO\ ering Icrrer rhar he i, 'J\\Jre ju,r ho\\

Imle (hel kne)\\, ,lboU[ Klng\ ,Ind Iile in

gencrJI" Too mode,r, Tim, [00 modc,r.

,e\\ ,uff Jnd orher, \\ ho \\. h to

JOin or \\ ho prefer [() pJ\ rhe

'lilJ'uiprion b\ Lheque ,11OUld

complere rhe form belc)\\ Jnd rerurn I[

[() me \\ irh rhe 'lI'proprlJre

,ub'eriprion \\ hiLh I' £22 for full-rime

member, of 'rJff or!i 11 for pJrr-rime

,rJIT Jnd rlm,e \\ ho ,Ire hJ,ed in In\

orher CJmIJlI' orhcr rl1.In rhe Srr.lnd.

\lJrg,Jrt:r .\1 Brem n

i.\1/ ,\,Il/lldo J)o. "Ill

C"IIe!!.e eue .Ir' "

( onferenLe Room bo )kln~ ROl>nl

; I:?)

Receipr of ume pondenLe

.liltht'I, Par ,,1/'


undlng Committee ofCounLil

\nnu.l1 l.ollege ulnner

r.lff .\1.lnu.l1

-\ m111.1 I hou,e IicenLe,

College ,e.ll

DepJrtmenr.l1 1n\ oiLe, order,/ JI I)"

budger lie .Ill fin.lnu.lIIlI.lw:r,)

Dep.lrtmenul per,onnellll.J[rer,

pecifiL projeu' eg propert\ n1.lrrer,

Please return to Mrs Margaret M Brown, Hon Secretary, SeniorCommon Room, Strand Campus

*1 agree to my subscription being deducted from my salary chequefrom October 1996 (*delete if necessary)

I enclose a cheque for £

for full-time/part-time/other campus membership(£22 full-time; £11 part-time/other campus)

I wish to apply for membership of the Senior Common Room for theyear 1995/96

Mr/Mrs/Ms/Dr/Prof (please delete as necessary)

\kmber,>hip of [he Senior Common Room 199.")/96

•11 )\\ In!!..1 rc, ruL ufln!!.o hc

( llle;!c CUC.lf" OtiiLC, \ I,

I. n .Iunuer Den >n h.l' been

.Ippoin ed 0 rhe po,. IOn ,f euer.lf'

ro rhe (ollc,.:e cue .Ir\ \\ Hh er eL[

rom \ lonu.I\ :? 1 -\u~u,t. he un be

Lonr.lued on exr 3:01 Jnu I' IOL.lreu in

Room' 117 Corn\\.I11 Ilou,e \ Iidlelc,on, rem.llm.l' Per,on.lL

\dmini,rr.lri\c .-\' i,r.lnr, rhou£:h ,he

h.l moved to Room .3/11 Corn\\.I11

Ilou,e. , he un be conr.lued on e'\r

;;04 e-n1.lil,on,@b.l\

In furure enqulrie, .Ibour rhe

following m.lrrer, ,houlu ple.l,e be

.Iddre"ed [() rhe .Ippropri.lre per,on. ,h

I"red rlghr:

,1". ••• ••• • • -._._+

Oe[JiI, of rhe f.lulim:, .1\ .Ii1.1hle

In rhe "enior ( olllmon ROOIll

He 'er our In rhe "r.lff

\lJnuJI. '>ome u,eful numher, .Ire •• ,

follo\\ ':

ChJirmJn \I r Srephen P )IMw\\

e'\r 3-l01lion SeuerJf\ .\Ir, ,\lJrgJrer \1 Bro\\ n

e'\r 2HI17lion TreJ,urer.\lr IJn CIJrk,on

e r 321111.

PJge J4

Page 15: Comment 089 September 1995




T he Srudent\' l'nion welcome

four ne\\ 'ahbarical Officer~

rhi~ academic year:

Rob Hall. Pre ident

Leigh Terry, \ P ,-\dmini~rrarJOn e'rudent ,-\ffair~

:'\ick Laing, \'P Finance, .'pom e. 'ocicrie\

~Iichelle Robemon, \'P Publicarion~eCommunicarion~

The new ream are here ro li ren

and meer rhe need~ of all ~rudent~, If

you have an i~~ue ro rai~e relaring ro

llnion policy or require informarion on

how ro become more invoked \\'irhin

rhe l nion, rhen feel free ro ~peak ro

rhe Sabbarical~ on rhe 3rd Floor of rhe

Srudent~' l'nion, They can be

contacred \'ia rhe inrernal College

phone on 1220,

A~\i~ring rhe Sabbarical Officer~

arc ~e\'en parr-rime E"ecuri\'e Officer~,

,-\11 Execuri\'e member, can be

conracred \'ia Receprion, locared on

rhe 1~r Floor of rhe ~ lacadam Building,

To impro\'e rhe qualiry of ~ervice

offered by l'nion Officer~, exren~ive

rraining wa~ provided during rhe

Summer vacarion, They are now very

keen to repre~ent \rudent~ on every

Ic\'el, placing empha\i, on co-operarion

and helpfulne\~, parricularlv wirhin rhe

\'ariou~ College deparrmenr~,

, 'c\\' dc\'clopmenr<'The laq rhree monrh~ have \een major

developmenr~ in rhe rudenr~' Union,

The Advice Centre ha~ moved ro a

more ~paciou~ and inviring room acro~~

rhe corridor from where ir wa~

originally loeared, whil~r rhe l'nion

Shop ha~ changed bevond all

recognirion, \\'irh ir\ all new, all

enricing '~rudenr-friendly'look, rhe

~hop will pro\'ide \'alue for money and

qualirv ~ervice, rocking producr~

which will carer for e\'ery ~rudent'

(and alumnu\\) need\, ar price~

cheaper rhan rho~e found on rhe high


The Advice Cenrre ha~ enli~red a

number of \'olunreer ~rudent~ ro a~~i~r

ir~ t\lanager. and a drop in \en'ice ha~

been inrroduced. rhu\ exrending

opening hour~,

The 1~r Floor, renamed rhe Lion '<,

\\'alk, al~o welcome~ a new addirion ro

rhe l' nion premi~e~, Dillom

Book~rore i~ now in place and ~rock~

e\\enrial material for cour~e ~rudied ar

King\ a~ \\ell a~ general rexr~ ar price~

you can afford,

End\leigh In urance remain~ on

rhe Lion'\ Walk, offering rea~onable

in urance policie~, \\'hil~r 'TA Travel

cOntinue~ ro help \rudenr~ find rhe

be~r holiday deal~,

Effecri\'e ue of pace i

~omerhing which rhe l' nion i~ alway~

~rri\'ing ro maintain. Wirh limired

,pace, rhi\ i~ ofren difficult.

Neverrhele\~, ir manage~ ro cope, bur

if rhe l nion i~ ro progre" furrhcr in

meering rhe full need~ of an ever­

increa~ing~rudenr popularion, rhen ir

need~ ro expand,

Fre"IH.:r<,· Fa\ reWirh rhe ~rarr of a new academic year,

rhe llnion are bu~y organi~ing

Fre~her~' Fayre and event~ aimed ar

Fre~her" Wirh a programme which

run\ ~Iighrlv over a period of rwo

week~, rhe l 'nion anricipare\ grear

~ucce~ in helping ~rudenr~ ro ~errle in

ro life ar King\, Event~ include:

'1977' (a di~co ~er in rhe year in which

mo~r Fre~her~ were born), boar parrie~,

comedy nighr, hvpnori~r~ and rhe all

e"enri:,t1 Fre\her~ Hop, fearuring

Dannii linogue,

rlalf-rerm pla~ schcmeThe Union continues ro run ir~ popular

half-rerm playscheme, aimed ar \raff

and \rudent~ alike, Ifvou would like

ro book a place for. our child, rhen

contacr Leigh Terrv on rhe 3rd Floor

of rhe ~ lacadam Building, He can be

contacred via rhe internal College line

on e 'r 1247 or direcrlv on rhe rudent

l'nionphoneonOI71 30-7132,

Page 16: Comment 089 September 1995


John \~udkin

j J ul.l hc

a!!c of 4 I le \I a, Bfluln", hc

kn • \ nand 1Il0 rc\ ercd

nlHri I 100,r 1 hi \I a pJr I heulI c flf

III rcp Ira I"n a, .1 'Lleml rand

bculI e of hi' 1I11)(llIe alldl( ro \\ rl(C

Jllollt nu fI IOn In a \\;1\ har \I a ea d

IInd r,(Oou In hc Ia\ publiL. III

popular book fin ulcrln~ and rhc

uan!!cr, flfUJll umln~ ,u;.:ar \lerc

,ounuh ba,eu fin ,ucmifiL e\ IUcnLC.

nHILh of I( ()[1r.:lnJrlll~ In hi' 0\\ n

labor.nor\. Ir I' ca". \\ Irh hlllu'lghr. to

rejCLr hi' iuc." borh abflur ,uL,ar Jnu

ulcring. bur \I hen cn".I~ed In re,e.lrLh

In rhe Iare hi". e peflmemal \I ork on

Iabourflr\ animal,. cplucmlolo!.:iLal

e\ IdenLe and dllllLJI ,rudle on dier

anu rhe h\ pcrlipldaeml.1 ,rrond\

,upported hi, \ le\\'. Our

undcr,r.lnuing of rhe proLC" of

arhcrogcnc,i, and of rhe lIler.lboli'lIl of

Larboll\drarc, h." .IC" anccd grc.lrh

uunng rhe pa,r r\lo ucL.lde ....

John) udkin \1.1'" (lIle flf rhc tc\l

Cl111nCnr nutrlrional "'Lieml ... r, ro

proclaim him,clf a nutrltlon"r.

l{eluuJnce (0 I"e ... lllh .1 ritle ,rcm ...

frol11 ir, \llclc ... ,He.ld u ... c In \\ nrer...

\lllO ... e "'Lientdic credemial ... an;. ro ... a\

rhc Ica ... r....ome\\ lur dublou .... and (0

rhc poor under,ranuing. c\cn amon~

biologiL,d 'cicnri ... r... and diniuan .... of

rhc rrue n,l(urc of rhe "'UbjCLr.

John \\a ... 'lL.ldcmiLalh IHJllianr.

Ilc ).:rauuatcu (ar the age of I( ) \I irh a

uegrec III Chemi... rry Jnd Blolo!!;\ from

Chcl,cJ Collc).:c. \\"I(h '1 hip to

Chmt· ... Collc).:e C'lmbnuge he ruuleu

Biochel11"rr\. then In emerging

...ucmdic dl"'Lipline. undcr Jo ...eph

...... cedham. anu later. \\ith \IJrjorie

" ephen on. e\plorcu microbial

met.lboli m. Ili ... education \"1'"

rounded off\\l(h a degrcc in \leclicine.

\r tbc I)unn urritlon.d

Laboratory In (.ambridge. h"

LOJHribution to thc "'Lience of nurrition

begJn \\ ith \I ork on \ ItJmln \ and

night blind ne ....... 11" Jppolntmcm to

the Ch.lir of Ph\ ... iology. at the Jge of

" . Jr J..:ing .... College of Ilou ... ehold \5

"oLial ."Liencc ... (Iatcr to bccome Quccn

Eli/abeth Colle).:c) .1 11 ()\\cd him (0

de\'clop hi ... conccpt of nlHrition .1'" a

'Licnn; in 1(... 0\\ n righr and in I(J')4 he

c •.Ihli heu he r r, r IIlOII[ B L

U ..:ree Luur e n J n 1 n In 1-.II[Opc.

"lb- rULurc .CL urc\et'omllLh

r -!leL cd hi 0\\ n rJII1I1l!!; .1 .1 Llcn I r.

'f hi \\.1, fflllO\\cu b\ a \IJ rer dc!!rcc

LOll[ c III ILJh7. Jnorher 1·.lIropean tir, .

l{e ... eJrLh In hi, fkpJrrmem

cmbr.lLcu .111 hc C1entltiL UI upllllc .

Indudln!! fluolfl!!'" C1nd I' \LllOlog .

) IIdklll \I .1' onc of hc fc\l nil rl(llInal

L1enrl ,ro hl~hli!!h rhe unpllr JnLC

o ., LI.l!. CLfln(JlllIL .1IlU p YLh{)lo~ILClI

faL or a ueterl11l1lCln ... (If foou choiLe.

anu rhu, of thc ulct-rclJtcu UI,eJ,e,.

In Juell(Jon t I being .1 brdliJnr

tCJLhcr. he \I a, one of rhe kinuc r.

n1O... t Lon'IJerJtc .Ind l11o,t u\ di ed of

men. I le \\111 be 'Juh 1111 ,eu b\

former ,ruuenr,. Lollc.1L.lIC, Jnu .1 11O't

of frienu ... from .111 \I .dk of hfe.

J) J ai"'llllth

1.l11enru ... f'rofe"or of ...... urn(J(Jll 0:'

I )ictcrIL'


Amcmon.11 gJthering for John

) uelklll \I ill be helu on 2:;

OLwber. PIc."e pJge I , for

further t]cr.lil ....

Page 17: Comment 089 September 1995

from the

Changes to provision at theChelsea and Kensington sites.\11 JUdlO \ I'uJI prm I IOn for teJLhing

.lnd conference \\ ork .It \ IJnn:"J J{OJd I'

nm\ under the control of the (.emrJI

I nit \\ hidl i.. bJ cd .H the ",trJnd.

In the IJ .. t month \Ie h.1\ e been

upd.Hinj!; mULh of the equipmcnt

Including In .. tJlling nc\\ 0\ erheJd

IHOJcctor...1nd ..creen .. in nuny of the

centr.dly timCt.lbled room ... Se\ er.d

piece' of equipmcnt h'l\ e [() a.... i.. t the incrca

te.lching in thc .A....cmbl\ 11.111. The,c

inLludc .1 tic rJdio microphone ''''tem.From 25 Scptember onc of thc

I nit'" .. tJff\\ ill be on thc .. itc bef\\een

9.00 Jnd 17.00 each d.I\. They \\ ill be

10c.Hed in J{oom 57 in thc \IJin

Building. C,>;t .+.'.>.>.

\11 cquipment (c\cept merhe.ld

projeuor... \\ hich arc in .dlcenuJlly

timeubled room.. and regu!.lrh

chccked) ..hould be booked eithcr by

filling in .I form obuin.lble from Room

udio \7i ual l nit

:7 or b\ u.. ing our bookin/? phonc line or

1'.1\ number li ..ted belm\. \11 booking..

.Ire emered on our centrali hooking

" .. tem "0 It no longer mJner.. \I nh

\d1lLh officc \ ou make the bookmg.

.\t the Kcn.. in:;;wn .. ite \I e hJ\ e

cOl11menced .I pro:;;rJl11l11e of n:plJcing

the no\\ ob..olete cJrou ..el ,Iide

projeuor, \I ith ne\\ LeitL lincJr tray

projector.. \I hich .lre the .. tandJrd .It the

StrJnd CampII' .1Ild ha\ e been found to

be much more reliable. It i.. \\onh nming

that the ..e u..e a lincar tr.l\ rJther than

the Glrou..el" .. circubr onc. Sp.ue tr.IY"

un be obtained from the Kemingmn

Office \I hich i, in the bJ..emel1l of the

\IJin Building. e\t -+-+5h.Equipment .. hould be booked a..

dct.liled for the Chcl ..ea .. ite.

The World Wide Web0\ er the .. ummer \I e h.1\ e built lip the

.\udio \·i .. u.d ..ection on the King'"\\'\\'\\' luge... Anyone with an ethernet

connection Jnd necc.....lf\ ..oft\\Jre huch

a, '..e ..calK) un bro\\ ..e the e page..

\\ hiLll contJII1 a fullli ..ting of all the

work hat the I nit undertake.. , \1.111\ of

the pJge.. contain full- .. iLe imagc.. of thc

College building... room .. etL \I hich

\\ hen Llicked on ean be drl\\ nlo'ldeu and in document.. and po te". We .Ire.11 ..0 \\orking on onc ..ection \\ hiLh \\ hcn

ready \\ ill hJ\e detailed College "temap.. \\ hich can al ..o be dm\ nloJdcd.

II' you do not ha\'e the nen:,\

connection.. and ..of[\\·are ir i.. ,till

j1o.... iblc ro u..e eirher a PC or .\ lac in onc

of thc Compurer Centre' .. open-act'e....

rcrmin.d room .. to bro\l ..e the Wcb.

• The ['nit'" \\'eb page.. arc located .It:

hnp://\\ \\\\ ../ .. upport/a\ .. u/ro


• Equipmcnt booking linc: C\t 1n.+• Fa\ number: () 171- 7327YO

• ~manu office: () 17- 7323 '6

Rod \\'ilkimon",upef\ i..or

e"v and pecial " ine offer fron1 The King's Table

K ing'" C:olle:;;e C.Hering Sen ice ..\\clt-ome allne\\ .lIld returning

.. rafT and .. tudel1t... Wc operate

on location, throll:;;hollt the College for

all YOllr catering requirement... Our

.. taff \\ ill:;;i\ e \ rHI a warm .lIld friendh

\\elcome and take kindly w.lny

comment.. or .. ugge .. tion, that yOIl \\ i.. h

to nukc. PleJ..e enjo\ ollr facilitie ...

Special offersBooklet with a rJng of temptinoffer, (including promotion .. from 10Lal

and narional compJnie .. ) arc being

di .. rribured to all .. r.tff Jnd .. tudem... \Yc

hope that you \I ill take Jth Jnt.lgC of

the ..c.

Chelsea Christmas lunchThe tr.ldition.11 Chcl ..ea Chri .. tma..

Lunch \\ ill bc held .It \I.lnrC"J ROJd

on Tue 1Y Deccmber 1995.

\ pre-lunLh drink \I ill be ..en cd in

the ..\ ....embh 11.111 ar 12.00 \I ith rhe

Canery -.. ty le lunch commencing at

12.\ 5 in the .\Iain Refectory. The cmt\\ ill be £7.15 per per,on inclu .. i\e.

Booking form .. \\ ill bc circu!.Hcd

.. horth and eMly booking I' .lth

for rhi, popuLir c\enr. Further

information i...1\ Jilablc from rhe

Chel Campu .. Catering Office ext

.+YO 7!-+90K.

Strand Campus wine cellarThe King'" Table ha .. a ..election of

bin-cnd \\ ine.. for purcha..e.

I. ROrOnlll\ SI/pn?r)! (."/WInIlIOt

Hml/oml/ - IY : '.+.50

.\ good full-bodied \\ ine for drinkingoow

2.lltllll·.II"oot Chilll'tlll Rml/Jl/olI!- 19 :£.+..'0

-\ fully-m.Hured wioe. deep in colour

Jnd na\our for drinking no\\

.>. ('o/t Ot CtHlillrJII Chillml/ .llrJIIlill

('rJlfl'lnh - 19•• £5.00

A good dinner \\ inc wirh bOth and

deprh.+. Fmllwr ("/til!till/ .11i1J'I/,,-I·ml- 19 •

£5.00A quality dinner \\ ine ~\ ith tlalour and

character5. f)olllilim Or /11 Pdtlr !JfIIlidt,

r:hlllnlltttn1 f)U-PilP" - 1Y, 0 £h.50

.\ quality \\ ine \I ith .1 di .. tinctil e

.. mooth .mu .. pic y u .. te

6. SillIIl-I<,lIIilioll Chillmu RipNlu - 19, .,

£7 ..10

.\ deliciou.. \1 ine aged in the ca\·e .. of

Saint·Emilion. Deep in colour and

t"'te \\'irh " beautiful bouquct, read\for drinking nm\.

7. Ilalll-, IllIoor r:hillmu IjlllfS,;tllI - 19,'2


.\ chateau that produce .. good qualiry

\\ ine... Thi .. i.. full-bodied and rich in

th.lracter and naHJUr. Jt \\ould

'ompliment an\ peciJI dinner.

. SlIilll-I-:lllilioll Crllllo Cm Chil!t'ttll

PiI,:il - IY 5 £1.1.00

-\ top qualit\ \\ ine known for it ..

c\cellcnce. Full of indi\ iduality.

n~1\ our Jnd aroma, E\ ery mourhful

.. hould be ..a\ourcd Jnu enjoyed.

.\11 price .. arc per bonlc aodinLludc \. -\T anu dut\. A Sty di ..count

i.. a\ ailable on ca..e .. of 12 bottle, \I hich

ma\ be mi'>;ed, Deli\'cry not induJcd.

Plea..e contau Simon Fuller on c,>;t

23.19 to placc your order.

Peter J Iloffman

Catering Ol'licer


Page 18: Comment 089 September 1995

Grant cholar hip

Le\ crhulme Re"e.lrchI· dlm\ "hip" e (Jranr"

l ni\ <:r i( of London C~lHral

R<: ~:lrl"h Fund (;r.1I1 .::::choLlf hip

Thc I,e\ erhulme Tru,r offer,

Jnnuall~ 'I number offcllo\"hip, and granr, ro

inui\ iduJI, in Jid of origin.11 re,earch.

I{e,c.lrt:h gr.lnr, .Ire inrended m


)PIIlJ IOn Jrt: im ut:d trolllIllt: III ht:r o' rht: I'nl\ t:r I

o ht:r rhJn prt:,cnr

undt:rl,:rJduJrt: ,wdt:nh Jnd rho,t:

regl,rcrcd ti,r .I rJughr \ 1J,rcr dc:..rcc I

for Rt:,cJrdl CrJnr 0.1"1 ,p<:L1lic

proJeCh of r<:,cJrch \\ uh rht: prm 1,lon

of c'pcn,c, ,uch .I ,pt:L1JIIlUrerlJl .

Jpp.lrJW' Jnd rr'l\ cl co,r,. 1 he clo"n.~

dJrc till' JpplIcJrion I'> \\ edne,d.l\ !.7eprcmber 11..)9S

\pplIurlon form, Jnd derJII, mJ\

be obrJlned frolll rhe \dIII ml'>rr.lror ofl{e,eJrch (;rJnr,. cnJre Ilou,e. Td

0171 -63h, 000 t:,r ,1-17

Po,,(gradll:lrC ~(lJlkJl( hip\\\ard .l nt\cr"I(\ llfl,ondonfor 19%N7 and ltj<J7/lJ,'

T hl l 111\ t:r,ir\ h.1'> .I r.ln"e oftriM' .1\ .lilJbl<.: for rhc ;\\ .lftl of

IInc or 1'\\ 0-\ eJr l'o,rgrJdll.lrt:

.~rl\denr,hlp' In .Ill ,ubJt:c[ .lreJ' lilr

gr.ldll.He' of rht: I 111\ er,ir\ of I.ondon

'lIld [\\ 0 trll,r, \\ hich grJdu.Hc' frol11

orher uni\ er,mt:' 111.1\ 'Ippl\ for: 'I heL.lurJ de JlIct:[O 'I ru,r ti,l' ( ..lIlcer

Re,c.lrch .lnd rht: I-.dlllllno DJ\ ic,

Tn"r ti,l' re t:Jrch inro \lellIcine. LJ\\


'I ht: dll'lI1g d.ltt: for JPPIICJWH"\\ III be Thur,d.l\ ! FcbnlJr: 1996.

h • lompl> Ion Jnd prqlJrJ IOn or

pllblIu£I ,n 0 rht: r' ul ot re ":Jrlh

Jlrt:Jd\ l>eZl1lI h p..:r on \\ irh .Inc,rJl>li h .J record ot r..: ":Jrlh.

I he I ellO\\ hllh .Ire r..:nJl>k lur

I> . \\ ":t:n rhrt:t: l1Ionrh Jnd \\ 0' eJr,.

Th..: Jllloun 0 rh..: .1\\ .II'd dept:no on

h..: nJwre Jno co,r IIf rhe J"l'>r.lI1c":

,ouJu bur \\ ill nflr e'c'eeo J mul flf£1- .050. -\\\ .II'd, l11u,r be ukcn up

I>t:r\\een 1JlIl1e 1l)9h .1I1l11 \IJ\ 19l/7.\ppIJLJWII1 lk:rJII, \\ III he.l\ Jil.ll>lc

from I ht: eut:r.lf'-. I{t:'e.lrch \\\Jrl).,\0\ 1,0[\ ( 1Il11l11l[[ee. Th..: L..:\ erhull11e

1 ru,r. 1- - 1'/ ">..:\\ I err<.:r L.lne.

l,onuol1 1'.<:-1 \ I"> I{.•Ifrer I eprel11herIl)'),-. \11 requt: r for .lpplJc.H1on derJII,

l11u,r be r":Lt:1\ t:d b\, 0\ embt:r.

JCWmpJllI<':o h\ .In \4 lit: ,e1f-.ldre' cd

el1\ elope. 'U 111 pt:d for I Illl l.:rJI11' fill'

eJLh ,er of dt:rJI"-(.olllplered JpplicJrion tilflll' piu

onc phorocllp\ Illll,r b..: In rhe lund, of

'I he eucrJf'- 11\ l:ridJ\. 11) '-.1l\t:l11ber

Jno \\ I111111( bt: ll,n"lkreu If JrrI\ 111~

Jfrer rhi, dJre. \pplll'H1011' I11Jlk b\ 1.1'

LJnnor be Jlct:pr..:d

1446 r,C\ <:rhlllll1c 1',Il1<:riwFellcl\\ 'ihip

The LC\t:rhlllnH: 'I n"rt:e,.rhrou.~h rhelr l{e,eJrch \\\Jrd,

\d\ i,or\ (.ommmt:e. otTer

Jnnuall\ appro"m.Hch ,: I·.memu'FeIlO\\ ,hip" 'Ihe,e .1\\ .lfd' Jrt: ro ,,,,,,r

pcr,on, \\ ho hold or hJ\ t: rt:ct:nrl\ held

full-rime rcachlng and/or rt:,eJrlh pr)'>[,

in uni\ er,irie, or orher 1I1,rirU£lOI1'l of

comparJbk ,r.HU' in rhe I 1' ..\pplicJnr, nllN h.l\e rt:nred

during rhe lJ,r rhrt:t: \ear'. ()f mll,r h.l\e

rerired b~ rhe rime of coml11t:ncing rheFello\\'Ihip. Jnd ,hould be aged 59 or

.Ibm e Jr rhe rime of rcrircmcnr. TheJ\\.m]., MC prim.lril\ dei,gnt:d 1'0 help In

.I, I Irh re t:Jrch e I 'n t: mer .In IJb,,\ e n 'mul 11\ 111~ C, .11 d .Ire open

wJpplIcJn \\ he ht:r 111 III1-r1l1le

pefllunt:nr elllplfl m:nr or l1or.

Re,e.lrdl fellm"hlp' Jrt: Op<:1l onl r,rhfl,e \\1 h pernunt:nr 11I1I-£lIllC pI" ,.

The J\urd .lft: flnl lpen ro

per on, re idcnr m rhe I "\\ hll hJ\ e

bccn cduurcd in rhe I "or 'OIllC orhcrpJrr of rhc (:olllllllll1\\eJlrh for Jr IcJ,r

r\\o \eJr, Jr econdJf'- 'chool k\d Jnd.

\\ here JpplILJbk. Jr fir r degrct: k\ cl or\\ ho un delllon,rr.lre rlur rhc\ .Ire

pernunenr Illt:mber of rhe ( ",dlOlJrh COIllI11Ul1lr\

Thc .1\\ Jrd, .Ire r<:I1.lble li,r

bcr\\ ct:n rlucc monrh, Jnd [\\ 0 \ CJr,

Jnd rhc Jmounr of e.ld, dept:nd' on rhc

n,lrurc of rht: \\ ork .1I1d rhcLirculll,rJncc of rhc u,e bur \\ 111 norc,cccd .I roul of £15.0-0 \\\ .II'd, \\ ill

nor norm.llh bt: 1ll.ldt: ro rho,t: ul1lkrrhe Jgt: of 30 on I J Ull": Il)l)() .lIld nlll'>r

I>c rJKt:n up I>er\\..:..:n I Jllnt: !l)l)() .Ind 1\1.1\ ]l)l)7.

\pplIcJ£lon lkrJII, .Ire .1\ .11 1.1 I> k on

\\ rincn rt:qu..:,r trom rh..: Jddn:" bdm\bcforc FridJ\; '0\ cmht:r. I'k.I''':

..:nc!o,..: .In \-1 ,ell-Jddr..:"..:d ":11\ elope.,rJmp..:J li,r 100 grJnh ti,r t:JC h ,cr of

dcrJi"- .\pplicarion dcr.lIl, (form F2 forborh [\ pc, of .I\\.lfd) .If(: .1\ ail.lbk from

rhc SeucrJr:. Rt:'e.m:h \ \\ .II'd,.\th i,o[\ Commirrce. rhe I.t:\ crhulm..:

T ru,r. IS-19 Ft:ner 1,'lnt:. I,ondon

EC-H I'-.R.

Compkred .lppllc.l£lon forlll' piu,onc phomcop\ mu,r bt: ,ubmirrt:d 1)\FridJ~ I () '.'r)\ cmbcr and \\ ill nor bc

con,idcred If Jrri\ IIlg ,lfrCl' rhl' dart:.

\pplicJ[Ion, mJ\ nor bt: Ilude b\ fJ'.

- :l n<:\\

The out:r\',"1 1'.1\ t:1 (;rJnr,

cht:me ha' bt:en rt:nJl11ed rheConference Cr.lnr, cht:l11c Jnd

.I ne\\ JpplicJtlon ti>rl" .lIlU gllldJnct:

nore, .Ire nO\\ .1\ 'li1.Jblt: frol11 \II"Jndra Cood.111. The 1{0\.I1 out:r\. h

C"r1ron 1!ou,c TerrJce. I ,ondon ~\\ I)S.\G. Td ()I 71-H.)l) 5.'161 c,r 27, 1'.1,

01 71 -l).'O 21 70The 'chernc pro\ ide, gr.lnt, for

\ i,ir, mcr,eJ' \\ hcrc partilipJrion .Ir 'I

conference i, rhe l1uin purpo,e and rhe

conferenec i, on In\ 'cienrific or

rcchnologit:JI di'cipline \\ irhin rhe. 'ocicr~ " rcmir. Cr'lI1r, .Ire 111Jde .1, .I

contriburion ro inrernJrion.I1 .Ill' fJrt:,Jnd ,ub,i,rcncc for up [0 ,c\cn d.l\ 'I.

.\pplicJnr, mu r bc of ar IcJ,r I'hD

,rJw,.ordinJnh rc"denr 111 rht: I "Jndnor emplo\cd b\ he I{c,e.lrc h

CounLil,. gm'ernmcnr bodle,. rhe

'.'Jrion.ll IlcJlr cn IlC. ,rJre-alded

re,eJrLh c,rJblI,hmenr,. indll,rrial or

commercl.11 bodie,.

The ne,r L!o'lI1g dare for reLeipr ofJppliurion, i, 1 Ocmber 199:.

'\ hc RO\JI ~oci<:(\

Conft:r<:'nc<: (;r~lnt:lppf()~ll"h

1).I~t: I '

Page 19: Comment 089 September 1995

ew appointments &•promotIons

.\ppoj nrmen r'>

The Colle~e hJ' Jnnounl:ed the

follo\\ ing ne\\ Jppoil1tmem" Thc\ .Ire

cfTenile from the I Ol:tober. unk,

other\\"i'e ,[Jtcd.

Chair'>Profc""or Ikrcl-. C:okmJn hJ' been

Jppointed [0 the C:hJir of Computer

'l:ienl:e Jnd \\ ill telke up the po,r no,t

.I.lnu.I[\, lie join, rhe College from

11e\\ le[[ P.Il:brd. \\ here hc 11 a,

Dep.lrtment \ IJnager in rhe ,ofr\\ MC

l'el:h nolog~ I~JboreHo[\ ,

Profe""or RmJlind Dril er ha' been

elppoimed to the (:J1.Iir of l:ienl:e

Edul:eHion, She joined the College on I

. 'eptember replaeing Profe""or Paul

BLtl:k \\ ho i, reriring. She 11 e'" Profe"or

Science Edul:Jtion .md DirenOt of the

Children', Learning in Seienl:e

Re,earl:h Croup at the {'nilcr,it~ of


I)rofc.,.,or Jlldith IlcHin ha, becn

appointed ro the Chair of Late Antique

Jnd B~ I.amine Studie,. She joined the

College in.l ul\ from Prince ton

I nil er,ir\ \\ here ,he 11 a, the Stelllle~ .I

Seeger llellenie Fund Profe.,.,or of

B~ I.amine 11 i,[(J~, '>he repl.lee,

Prole"or \Ienl CJmeron \\ ho I' nO\I

\\ J[(.lcn of Keeble Colle~e. (hford.

Dr \Iikc Kemen\ h.'" bccn ell>poimed to

the Chair of Immunolog\, lie join, the

College from Cu~ "and "ir Thom.l'·


Profc.,.,or John Phillip' ha, been

appointed to the Chair of Engli,h 1..111,

lie \\ ill join King', in\ from the

I niler,ir\ of\\'e,tern \u'tralia.

Reader'ihipDr Ton Cookn h.l' been Jppoimed .1'Re.lder in \ lathcmatic'. lie joined

King', at the beginning of cptcmbcr.


The College I, pleJ'ed to aonollnee the

follrm ing appointment" al"" effcnil e

from I October 199.1:

Profc'>'>or'>hip,>\Ir \Iiduel CI.lrke. E,ellltilc Direcror

of the Cemre for Defence Studic" ha,

bccn promored [0 Profc"or of Dcfcncc


Dr Perer Cl.lrkc, Senior Lenurcr in rhc

"iociolog\ of Religion. h.I' been

promoted ro I'rofe',nr of the Ili,[()[\' and

SOl:iologl of Religion.

Dr \liducIIIeJrh. Rc.lder in Frcnch

ha, bcen promoted to Profe.,.,or of

Frcnl:h LitcreHure,

\ Ir Ed\\ .Ird 110\\ ard h.1'> been promored

[() I'rofc""or of Pelediatric lleparobiliar\

SlIrger\. effeetile from June 19<).1.

Dr Paul I Im\(; , Reader in ~ larhematic"

ha, bcen promored to I'rofc',or of

,\pplied \Iarhemaric'.

Dr \ Imhe \ lachm cr. Reader in

\IJrllemJrical Logic. ha, been promotcd

ro Profe.,.,or of Phil(Nlpb~.

()r \ IJrk .':>Jndler. l-<eJder In ()Iglral

. 'ignal Proce.,.,ing, ha, been promored to

Profe.,.,or of 'ign.i1 PrOl:e.,.,ing

\Ir ,-\mholl\ . ".11 ile. Re.lder in

Philo.,oph\. h.l' been promored [()

I'rofe"or of Philov)ph~.

Rcaocr'ih i11'>()r DJI id Carpenter h.1'> been promoted

from Lecturer to ReJder in Ili,tl)[\,.

I)r Keirh IloggJrt ha., been promoted

from Senior I ,eLturer to Re.lder in

Ge()graph~ ,

Dr Keirh .lone, h.1'> been promored from

Leuurer in Chemi,r~ [() Redckr in

OrgJnic Chemi,r~.

Dr .Iudirh Lieu hJ' been promored from

Lccturer in Theolol?;\ ro ReJder in ~ell

Te,ramem ·tudie,.

Dr Philip \Ionre ha, bccn promoted

from Lecturer ro ReJder in

Ph<trmJcolog\ ,

Dr George \ Iyer,on h.l' been prnmorcd

from Lecrorer to ReJder in Engli'h .

Dr \'iunr Preed~ ha, been promored

from Leeturer to ReJder in C1inicJI

Bioehemi,t[\ .

Dr )'uri SJfJrol ha' been promored from

Re,eJrch Fellcl\\ to ReJder in

\ 1arhe m.Hic"

Dr Brian Su[[on 1,,1'> been prom()[ed

from Lecrurer to Reader in \ lolccllbr

Bioph\ ,ic,.

Dr Dell'id Treece hJ' been prom()[ed

from I,ecwrer to Reelder in BrelZilian


Dr FrJnci, \\'ar~()n ha, been promoted

from Lecrurer in Theology to Reader in

Biblical Thcolog~,

cnior LcCture 'hip'Or Br.lin ' ha, been promoted from

Lecrurer to, 'cnior Lecturer of

Come[\ atil e Denri,t~.

Or Caroline Pankhur,r ha, been

promoted from Clinical Lecturer ro

Senior Lecrurer in Oral \Iicrobiology,

Librar\\ I, \nne Bell h.l' been Jppoi nred .I'

Director of LihrJ~' Se[\'ice, replJcing

,\ Ir, I'arrici.l Rigb\ who hJ' retired, She

joim the Co/lege from rhe ['niler,it\ of

Lcice'ter 11 here ,he \\'.1, \ lanager of

Lihrar\ Se[\ ice"

Page 20: Comment 089 September 1995

H ad of ho 1 et Departm nt For JIe

f Iealrh Science ... Di\ i... ionlleau of DI\ "Ion: I'rofc"or Carherine

.\ Gei"lcr 1997

e\\ hJm I ) J

(-{ambl In Ir He 101 Blol,,_ ..:

HI',ph"IL (WHip, Dr (-{ I~er k Patlen

19 h (Dr "elrh Dudle arer 1 J f)1

Ceronrolo,g\: Profc."or \mhl:J ~llOker

"urririnn (;;' I),ererIL ,: Profc"or Tomander, I <jlj,

I'harm.lL\ Profc"or: Chfl' \!arrirmIlJ%

IDI\I Ion incorporare BIIKhemi,rry.

BIOlogical L1cnce,. r,O\ IfImmemal

llealrh. Iluman I-.n\ lronmenul

Science. Immunolol-:\. \IILroblOl0I-:\.

HioreLhnolo.!(~ )

(,'o IJIlJIl'IIl

Cop~ deadline'>

(.'1/1111/111/ i, rhe C:olk~e', regular

ne\\ "Iener, 1"lIed 11\ rhe I're" ,,­

I'u biJca[lon, Oftice each momh

Juring rerm rime.

\\'e \\ e!Lome arrlck and/or

phorograph (colour or black and

\I hire prim pIeJ'c) from all ecrion,

of rhe Colle~e. It' pO"'lblecomriburion ,houlJ bl: em in on a

.).S J"k in plaln/ IInform,lned re\r.

Plea e nore rhar rhe eliJror re,er\ e

rhe flghr [fl L1H or amend ,miLle a,

nece' an.

\\ eddtn~md bmlc maid dre e lIe

12 - I (Jf', d 'aned) On_Inal" ~

\\ III J~~ 'I' ) ono. Telephone () 1 1--1 02 7

-\\allable Januaf\ 0 June 1990

le\rendahle w \ugu,o:

Three-bedroom !la \\ I h pa[lo In

\\'. near Regenr' Park. Rem erL


I'lea,c L/IIHau Dr \1 LlnLh.

nurhenuuL'. on e\r 2 7f) or relephoneOI71-'i, h IO-E.

One-beJroomed flar in BrllLkle\ (<,E4)

ro ler for rhe Lomlng aLJdemll \ car.

I Ouobcr 19'J'i unril 1 Ouober I 99(),

[)ouble bedroom. "mng f()om.

kHLben. barhroom. e/h. garden e,lr[() Hf()LklC\ H(-{ ,ration,

I· or furrher derail, plea e Lonrau

1', Ilcm con e\r Z 7) (e-m,ul

phcl\\ [email protected]). or rhe

\ larhemaric' ,euerar\ on l:"r 2107.

Fiar [() !er

FLu [() kr (or e\.c1unge forone In e\\ lork)Di\. ion

Dr 1'I1IIIp \\ hntield

Life clcnu;I lead of DI\ I IOn


ltr\lng '"' \fiU\\ ifcnDi\i ionI lead of Di\ "ion .Ind ur'lOg wdle,:

Profe"nr Jender \\'i1,on-lbrncn 1/)9h

"-'ighring'lle Il1\riwre (Dirl:Lwr):

Profc"or Jill \laLlcod CI.lrk I<.)/),

Ph" ical Science'> eEngineeringChcmi,rr\: I'rofe"or Frank Ilibben


Compurer SCIence: I'rofe"or Julian

l'llmann 19%

\lJnagcmenc \Ir C 0,\\ ILk 19%

\larhemaric, Dr Da\ Id C I{obln,on


Phy,ic,: Profe"or Cordon I).1\ le, I <J<J7

ElcuronlL '-,nglOeeflnl-:: I'rofe''',r .\1.10(-{oger, 1/)9h

\lechanlLal Engineering: Dr \I

Yi,lOne,ki, 19<J7

HeJd of lhool

Biomedical cience'> [ 1\·.'>lon(lead of Di\ i,ion: Profe"or <'Imon(Iowell 1/)/)7

Educ3rionProfe"or \brgarer Brim n 199h

Head of Department

Edu~a ion Pr"fe 'Ir \ lar:!are Brim n.umll 199h

Ilumanl le, Profe or Barr Ife.19'17

"c. \I D and \ I~e PnnLlpal Ir lan(Jaln lord. IlJ<Jf)

La\\: Profe"or lan "enned\ 199h

I.ife L1en~e,: Profe ,or Hob II ider


Ph\ 'Ilal t:Iem:e C' Engineenn"=

Profe"or Bob 11111 IlJ<')7

LawProfe"or IJn "enned\ 19t)f1

H umanirie'>H~ /.amine ."- \lodem (;reek 'wdle,:

Profe"or (-{odd\ Bear/m 199.

Cla"IL,: Prnfe"or \I id1.lel Ilk 191Jh

1-. ngl "h: Prnfe"or I{H:hard Proud fom199h

Frendl: Profe"or (-{Ilhard (;nffirh,


(;eograph\: Profe"or John 'I home'

Dec J9<jS

German: Profc"cJ[ Jerem~ \dler 19/)7Ili,rrJry: Dr Da\ id \lcI,ean 1/)97

:\Iu,ic: Profe"or Laurence Dreyfu,

PhilO'>ophy: Profe"or D'1\ id Papineau


Porrugue,e: Dr PaniLk Chahal I/)%

Spani,h: Prnfe"or Da\ id Ilook 1/)97

Theolog\: Profe"or Colin (;unwn


\\'ar, rudle,: I'rofe"or La\\ rence

Freedman I/)%

Prc,> ... ~ Publicarion'> Office

E\[ ;Z02

Fa\ 0171- '72 0214

E-m'lil j,damp(n kd.'

nawmy cS' f fuman BiologyGroupProfe"or Keirh \\'eb,rer I/)/)r,

Pharmacolog~Group: I'rofe"or PererJenncr I/)/)

Phy,iol()g~ Croup: I'rofe"or Perer

\fe:"aughron \/)<J7

Ph~ ,imherap\ Group: Profe"or I)i

I ,ue 90

" ue C!I("ue lJ2

I; Ouober

10 member


Page 20