Commander Online Manual

manual conquer the new world


Commander: Conquest of the Americas - Manual

Transcript of Commander Online Manual

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conquer the new world

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1. Background 52. Overview 63. Installing Commander: Conquest of the Americas 74. Getting Started 85. Playing Commander: Conquest of the Americas 9 5.1. Playing the Campaign 9 5.2. Strategic Level 96. Colony Interface 16 6.1. Colony Actions 16 6.2. Natives 177. Buildings 188. Tactical Level 209. Ship Types 2610. Credits 29

Table of Content

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Health Issues

Epilepsy WarningPlease read this caution before you or your child play a video game:Certain people are susceptible to epileptic seizures or lose con-sciousness after exposure to flashing lights or light patterns in our daily environment. Such people may have a seizure while watching particular televised images or when they play some video games. This phenomenon may appear even if the subject has no history of previous difficulties. If you or a member of your family has ever had symptoms related to epilepsy (seizures or loss of awareness) when exposed to flashing lights, please consult your doctor prior to use. We advise that parents su-pervise the use of video games by their children. If you or your child experiences any of the following symptoms while playing a video game: dizziness, blurred vision, eye or muscle twitches, loss of awareness, disorientation, any involuntary movement or convulsion, IMMEDIATELY discontinue use and consult your doctor.

Standard Precautions When Playing Video Games:• Donotstandorsittooclosetothescreen.Positionyourself

as far away from the screen as the length of cable allows.• Playvideogamesonasmallscreen(preferably).• Avoidplayingifyouaretired.• Makesurethattheroominwhichyouareplayingiswelllit.• Restforaperiodof10to15minutesforeveryhouryou

play a video game.

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Several European nations raced for domination of the New World during the 16th-18th centuries.

Founding new colonies was essential to establish foothold and base of operations. Natural resources were hoarded to colo-niesandthenshippedbacktoEuropeforhugeprofits:Gold,silver, gems, cocoa, spices, cotton…

Natives, pirates and other nations were a constant threat. Nationsdidnothesitatetoattackeachother’scoloniesorsquad-rons. Pirates also plagued the shipping routes.

Nations could enter into alliances, teaming up against a common enemy.

Trading, management and war went hand in hand.

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OverviewCommander: Conquest of the Americas is a game about being the viceroy of selected nation in the New World and to stay in position by satisfying different advisors. To accomplish this, player must found new colonies, nurture them to grow larger by protecting them from natives and other European powers, construction new buildings and by transporting exports from Europe.

As colonies grow larger, their Sphere of Influence expands and more and more natural recourses flow into the colony. By building new buildings into the colony, these resources can fur-ther be turned into processed goods that can be turned into products.

ShippingresourcesandproductsbacktoEuropegivesplayermoney, which he can use to improve his colonies and to buy ex-ports from Europe.

Threatofviolenceisalwayspresent:Rivalnationswillnothesitatetoattackyourshipsorinvadeyourcolonies.Piratescanappearfromnowhereandcaptureyoursquadronloadedwithgold. Natives can become aggressive, as your influence spreads to their home ground.

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Installing Commander: Conquest of the Americas

Insert the DVD into your DVD-drive and follow the on screen instructions.

System Requirements

Minimum requirements:Operating system: Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7CPU: IntelCoreDuo2.00GHzorequivalentMemory: 2GBHard drive space: 4.0GBGraphics: NvidiaGeForce7800orequivalent(256MBram, 3.0pixelshadersupportrequired)Sounds: DirectX9.0ccapablechip

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Getting startedCommander: Conquest of the Americas offers 2 different cam-paigns and a battle mode where you can choose preset battles. These are accessed from the main menu after the games has loaded. The Main Menu has following items: Campaigns, Continue Campaign, Single Battle, Load Game, Options, Credits, Exit to Windows.

Campaigns There are two different campaigns to choose from, normal campaign and free play. You can choose between 3 difficulty settings.

Continue CampaignIfyouhaveplayedcampaignbefore,youcanquickstartyourlast save from here.

Single BattleA number of preset single battles can be started from here.

Load GameYoucanaccessyoursavedgameshere.Commander:Conquestof the Americas uses auto save feature, interval for this can be changed in options.

OptionsYou can change graphics and sound settings here. Keybinds and controls are also managed in the options.

Exit to WindowsQuitsandexitsbacktoWindows.

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Playing Commander: Conquest of the Americas

Playing the CampaignYou start the game as a viceroy of your chosen nation with small squadronontheedgeoftheNewWorld.Nocolonyspotshavebeenfoundyetsoyou’llhavetodoabitofscoutingtofindasuitable place for your first colony. The advisors will give you some time to build your colony but later on they will start to giveyoutaskswhichwillincreaseyourrespectwiththeadvisorsshould you complete them. Failing to satisfy the advisors will lead to losing your position as a viceroy, thus, game over.

Strategic Level

When the campaign game starts, you are in the Strategic Level.

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Screen TopShows current month and year.




Amount of colonists currently available at home port.

Amount of money you have on your account.

MinimapWorld map is located on the lower left corner. It shows the game area.You can change the view by left-clicking on theworldmap.

Lower NavigationLower navigation in the center showsyoursquadrons.Eachsquad-ron is represented by a portrait of its

commander.Ifthesquadronisapartofagroupitisindicatedbyachainbetweenthe commanders.


mander icon represent how many coastal vessels (on the left) and ocean going ships(ontheright)areinthesquadron.Starsindicatethecommanderlevel.

MailboxClicktoopenmailbox.Youwillgetmessagesaboutcompletedtasks,contacts from other nations, news about their actions and more.

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AdvisorsClicktoopenadvisorswindow.Inthiswindowyoucancheckyourcurrent standing with each advisor and gain some advices what you

should do to improve your standing with them. If you let the overall standing drop too low, you will begin to receive warning message and eventually lose the gameifyoudon’treacttothewarning.

MissionsClicktoopenmissionswindow.Inthiswindowyoucancheckdetailedinformation of current missions.



war can be done through this window. Negotiations are also launched from this window.

NegotiationsInthiswindowyoucanmakediplomaticofferstootherna-tions. Possible deals include: Alliance, pact, peace and declaring war or peace to third party nation. You can offer money, items orstrategicrelationchanges.Howtheothernationfeelsaboutthe deal can be observed from the power bar. Offering a bad deal might drop the relation status between you two. You can trade items with other nations, note that the items you wish to trade need to be in your home port warehouse.


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Navigating on the Strategic Level

Squadron interface

Squadroninterfaceisshownfortheselectedsquadron,abovethecommanderpool.Itshowscommanderofthesquadron,allshipsinthesquadron(maximumof5),squadronstatusasdynamic text and then command icons.



Shows the current status of the selectedsquadron.





waypoints.Squadrononpatrolroutewillsailbetweenpatrolwaypointsuntilgiven another command.


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Issuing move command to a squadronTogiveyouractivesquadronamovecommand,simplyright-clickonopensea.Thesquadronwillimmediatelystartsailingtowardsthatpoint.Squadronswillplottheircourseindependently.

It is worth noting that each ship type has different speed. Thespeedofthesquadronisthatoftheslowestshipinit.Ifyouwanttohaveafastsquadron,besureyoudonotincludeslowshipslikeFluteorGalleonintoit.

Squadron rangeAsquadronisconsideredacoastalsquadronaslongasthereisat least 1 coastal vessel in it.

It isvery important tonotice thateachcoastal squadronhasarange.Squadronrangewilldecreasewhenitissailinganditdecreasesslowlyevenifsquadronisjustfloatinginanchor.Squadronrangeisreplenishedautomaticallyeverytimesquad-ronvisitsafriendlycolony.Rangerepresentstheneedofcoastalsquadronstovisitcoloniesinordertogetsupplies.

Youcanseetherangeofactivesquadronasawhitecircle.You might need to zoom the view out with mouse-wheel in ordertoseetherangecircle.Shouldyoursquadronrunoutofrange, its speed will decrease dramatically.

Squadronswillthemselvestakecareofvisitingcoloniesof-ten enough, if they are on patrol or moving long distances. But iftherearenopossiblecoloniesforyoursquadronstovisit,thenyou are in trouble.

Ocean going vessels have no range, but they are so much sloweratsailingtherethatitisn’twisetousethemtodocolonyto colony trading.

View rangeThe filled circle around your squadron is a view range. Allsquadronshaveone.Youcanseerivalsquadronsonlywhentheyare inside this circle.

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Colony spots, resources and natives are also hidden at start, but once discovered they remain so for the rest of the game.

Colonies have a Sphere of Influence (SoI). Their view range is slightly bigger than their SoI.

Attacking other squadronsWhenyouwanttoattackanenemysquadronwithyouractivesquadron,justright-clickontheenemy.Notethattheenemysquadronmustbeonthevisualrangeofyouractivesquadron.Oncegivenanattackorder,yoursquadronwilltrytoclose-inwiththetargetsquadronandtheninitiatebattle.

If the enemy gets too far away or outside the view range of yoursquadron,thepursuitisover.

When two squadrons engage each other in the strategiclevel, pre-battle screen is launched.

In the battle preparations screen you can see on the left side all yoursquadronsinvolvedinthisbattle.Ontherightside,youcanseetheenemysquadrons.Atthisstage,youstillhavechoices.




Whenbattlestarts,youaretakentothetacticallevel.SeesectionTactical Level for more information.

Attacking coloniesWhenyouwanttoattackacolonywithyouractivesquadron,firstleft-clickontheattackcolony-commandbuttonandthenjustright-clickonthecolonyyouwishtoattack.Youcanattackany colony that is controlled by another nation.


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GroupsYoucancreategroupsconsistingofthreesquadronsmaximum.Once a group is created, you can give commands to one of the squadronsinthegroupandtheothersquadronswillfollowitslead,asin,doautomatictraderoutestogether,attackenemysquadronsandcolonies.Thiswayyoucanhaveamaximumof15 own ships in one tactical battle.

Tocreateagroup,firstselectasquadron,thenclickonthegroupbuttonfoundonthecommandinterfacethenleftclickonasquadronyouwishtoaddtothegroup,eitheronthestra-tegic map or from the commander list at the bottom of the screen.Notethatthesquadronyouwishtoaddtothegroupneeds to be in range.


Founding coloniesTofoundanewcolonyorderyouractivesquadronsailintoacolonyspot.Youneeda squadronwithenoughcolonistsonboard. There are a number of colony spots in the New World, but you must first find them in order to found colonies in them.

Thefirst2coloniesdon’thaveapopulationlimitbuteverycolonyafterthatrequiresthatyourtotalpopulationisoveracertain limit. The limit can be found in the diplomacy screen.

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Colony Interface

You can access the colony interface by selecting a colony from the strategic map. When you do so, a colony interface will appear on top of the commander pool.

Colony ActionsClicktoopencolonyinfo.Inthiswindowyoucanseedetailedinfor-mation about the colony (such as, defences, existing buildings). You can also set the tax percentage in this window.


Clicktoopenbuildingconstructionwindow.Inthiswindowyoucanconstruct, upgrade and demolish buildings.




canalsomoveshipsbetweensquadronsanddocks.Shipsarealsorepairedandsold in this window.


areunlockeduntilcertainyearisreached.Onqueuetabyoucanseewhichships are currently being built, and change the order of the ships to be built, or removethemfromqueuecompletely.

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Indicates the amount of colonists in this colony.

Indicates the morale of the colony.

Next to colonist and morale you can see the resources that flow intothecolony.Resourcesthatappeardisabledaretoofarfromthe colony, you need to bring in more colonists to have access to them.


A colony might have a native tribe nearby. This will produce a bonus resource to the colony if you have an Indian Affairs Office built in the colony. Down side of having a nearby native tribe is a possible hostile action against your colony by the tribe. To lower the chance of these raids, you can construct a mission-ary building to the colony.

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BuildingsAll buildings have upkeep costs. Production and processingbuildings generate tax income to the colony.

Most of the buildings can be upgraded to be more efficient.

Production BuildingsWeaver – produces cloth from cotton.Tannery – produces leather from hides.Whaler – produces blubber from whales.Gold smelter – produces gold from gold ore.Silver smelter – produces silver from silver ore.Iron smelter – produces iron from iron ore.Gem cutter – produces gems from gem stones.Sugarcane mill – produces sugar from sugar canes.Curing house – produces tobacco leaves from tobacco.

Processing BuildingsClothier – produces clothes from cloth.Leather crafter – produces leather wares from leather.Trypots – produces oil from blubber.Foundry – produces steel from iron.Distillery – produces rum from sugar.Cigar factory – produces cigars from tobacco leaves.

Colony BuildingsChurch – increases colony morale. Not cumulative with tavern.Tavern – increases colony morale. Not cumulative with church.Missionary – increases relations with the natives that are in the near the colony.Garrison – increases the amount of soldiers that can be stationed in the colony.Fort – increasescolonydefence.Alsoincreasesmoraleslightly.Higherlevelfortshave bastions that appear in tactical level.Theatre – increases colony morale.

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Smithy – requiredforsomehigherlevelbuildings.Doctor – requiredforlargercoloniestokeepmoraleatbay,alsoincreasesmoraleslightly.

Official BuildingsTownhall – requiredforsomehigherlevelbuildings.Anewcolonyalwayshasa level 1 town hall.Indian affairs office – allows gathering of bonus resource from native tribe.Warehouse – allows storing of items. A new colony always has a level 1 warehouse.Trading post – allcolonieshavealevel1tradingpostbydefault.Higherleveltrading posts have higher capacity.Courthouse – requiredforsomehigherlevelbuildings,alsoincreasesmoraleslightly.Docks – allcolonieshavedocksbydefault.Shipyard – allowsthecolonytobuildnewships.Biggershipsrequireahigherlevel shipyard.Palace – increases the morale of the colony in which it is built. Also increases the morale of nearby colonies. Upgrading palace increases the morale bonus and the range it affects. You can only have one palace. Building a new palace will demolish the existing palace.

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Tactical Level

All naval combat takes place at the tactical level.

You can press ESC at any time to pause the game and bring up the control panel. Note that you cannot save the game during battle.

There are two distinctive modes of play in the tactical level: RTS-mode and Direct Command mode.

RTS-modeInRTS-modeyoucontroltheshipsinyoursquadronsinreal-time, giving them commands.

On top of the screen you can see power balance bars which indicatesthepowerofthesquadrons,flagsunderthebarsiden-tifieswhichnationisinquestion.Middlebuttonopensupaquickreviewofthesituation.ThetwobuttonsunderitareusedforchangingmodesbetweenRTS-mode(ontheleft)andDC-mode (on the right).

Ontheleftsideofthescreenyoucanseeyoursquadroncommanders and a minimap.

Skillsof theactivecommanderare locatedontopof theminimap.Activeskillshaveacooldownbarbesidethemandcan only be used in DC-mode.

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Cone on the minimap shows the current camera view area. Greendotsarefriendlyshipsandreddotsarehostileships.Onthe outer ring is a little circle with a number in it, that shows the current wind direction and speed.

On the right side of the screen are ship info windows. To bringupshipinfowindow,justleftclickonanyship.

Ship info of own ships also has a button to open cargo screen,youcancheckwhattheselectedshiphasinthecargohold and you can also dump cargo if you need the extra speed in battle, note that the dumped cargo is lost.

On the bottom of the screen are selected command buttons. Ship status is located under the ship icon. Next to the ship icon are3quickinfoiconswhichgofromgreentoyellowandred.They represent the current condition of hull, sails and crew in that order. Under the condition icons is the current speed of the ship. The bars beside the ship icon indicate cannon loading times.

Command icons:Orders the selected ship(s) to stop.

Orders the selected ship(s) to hold fire / fire at will.

Orders selected ship to initiate boarding action. Button is disabled if your ship is too far from the enemy ship, or you have multiple ships selected.

Activates flee mode. When a ship in flee mode gets far enough from the enemy, it is removed from the battlefield.

Orders the selected ship(s) to surrender.

Select formation for selected ships.

Select tactics for selected ships.

Select ammunition for selected ships.

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Formations:Single line. Orders the selected ships to form a single line. Strongest shipwilltakethelead.

No formation. Selected ships will have no formation and will move as fast as they are able to their destination.

Selected ships will move at the speed of the slowest ship in the formation.






Ammo:Orders selected ship(s) to use solid balls.

Orders selected ship(s) to use chain shots.

Orders selected ship(s) to use grape shots.

Orders the selected ship(s) to select ammunition automatically.

Mouse controls:Left mouse button to select ship, either in 3D-world or from the bottom bar. YoucanselectmultipleownshipsbyholdingCTRLdownwhileleftclickingyour ships. You can also select one of the enemy ships to bring up ship info of that particular ship.

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Right mouse buttonisusedforissuingcommands.Clickingonwaterissuesamovecommandtoselectedshipsandclickingonenemyshipsordersyourselectedshipstoattackthatship.Mouse wheel is used for zooming in and out. Pressing and holding down the middle mouse button rotates the camera.Moving mouse to edge of the screen moves the camera in that direction.

Keyboard controls:ESC Open options screenP / space Pause gameF Hide/showshipnamesG Hide/showGUI


In Direct command-mode you take personal command of one ship.

ToenterDC-mode,selectoneshipandclickontheDC-modebutton on the top bar. You can also go to DC-mode with yourflagshipbyclickingthecommanderportraitontheleftside of the screen.


command. You can only rotate and zoom in/out while in DC-

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Youcanusecommanderskillswhilecommandingtheflag-ship.Activeskillscanbeusedbyclickingontheskillorpressingtheassignedshortcutkeys1to9.Eachactiveskillhasabarnexttheskillicon.Whenaskillisusedthebarwilldiminishtoindicatethedurationoftheskill.Whentheskilldurationreaches0thebarwillstartgraduallygrowbacktotheoriginalsize, indicating the cool down time.

Minimap doesn’t show camera view area in DC-mode.Icon in the middle of the minimap is the ship that is being com-manded. The 2 cones in the middle are firing arcs and they also indicate the ammunition types range at the same time. On the bottom of the minimap is a few new buttons. From the bottom left you can choose from 3 different firing arcs: narrow,

normal and wide. From the bottom right you can set sails to no sails, battle sails and full sails.

Command buttons:Clicktochangecameraposition.

Clicktoinitiateboardingaction.Buttonisdisabledifyourshipistoofar from the enemy ship.

Activates flee mode. When a ship in flee mode gets far enough from the enemy, it is removed from the battlefield.

Orders the selected ship(s) to surrender.

Select ammo type.

There is also 2 cannon buttons above the command but-tons. These are used to fire left side / right side cannons. You can also fire can-nonswithQandEkeys.


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Mouse controls:Left click on enemy ship to show that ships info window.Mouse wheel to zoom in / out. Press and hold middle mouse button to rotate camera.

Keyboard controls:ESC Open options screenP / space Pause gameF Hide/showshipnamesW Open sailsS HeavesailsA Turn leftD Turn rightQ Fire left side cannonsE Fire right side cannonsTAB Change camera1-9 UseactiveskillG Hide/showGUI

Battle ResultsAfter the battle there is battle results screen which shows the status of every ship involved in the battle. If you were playing in campaign mode and lost, your fled ships will remain in your command when you return to strategic level. If you won, your surrenderedshipswillbeback inyour fleetandsurrenderedenemyshipswillcreateanewsquadronforyoutocommand.

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Ship TypesDifferent ship types are better suited for different roles.

Barque Barquehasthelongestrangeofcoastalvessels,soitisidealfortradingbetweencoloniesthatarefarfromeachother.Havingmediumcannons,itcandefendquitewellagainstsinglepirateshipbutforlargerencounters,itrequiresescorts.

Caravel Caravel is one the first ocean going trade ships you have access to. It has limited cargospaceandlowdefensivecapabilities.Lowpriceandlongrangemakesitagood ship to scout colony spots.

Carrack Carrackisthefirstoceangoingwarshipyouhaveaccessto.Beingslightlyfasterthanthemostcommontradeshipduringtheearly16thcentury,itisquitewellsuited for hunting them.

SloopMerchant sloops are very fast, but due to their small size they cannot carry large amounts of cargo. With only 8 light cannons, the merchant sloops are barely able to defend themselves, so they should avoid confrontations with enemies.

Schooner Schooners are fast ships that are well suited for trading and scouting. They have enough light cannons to be a threat to merchant ships, especially in large numbers.Thismakesthemsuitableforpiracyandmanypiratesemploythemassmallfleets,quicklyattackinglonecargoshipswithoutescort.

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BrigBrigsareversatileshipsthatcanbeusedaswarshipsortransports.Theyarequitemanoeuvrable and agile ships in battle. As cargo ships brigs have a moderate cargo spaceandtheyarerelativelyfast.Theydorequirealargecrewtooperatethem.

Flute Flute,alsoknownasFluyt,isatransportshiporiginatingfromtheNetherlands.It is a very seaworthy vessel, easily capable of enduring the long voyages on high seas. Flutes have medium cannons, but they are no match for warships and should avoid combat.

Indiaman Indiamen were the largest class of ships for merchant vessels. The Indiaman is not solely designed for trading purposes, though, as these ships are well armed with heavy cannons in order to defend themselves. Indiamen are as close to warships as merchant ships can get.

Cutter Naval cutters are the smallest warships. With their light cannons they have no chance against larger warships and should avoid getting too close to more heav-ily armed transports too. Their great speed is often their best advantage. Cutters aregoodvesselsforscoutingandinpackstheycangoagainstshipslikexebecsthat pirates often use.

XebecXebecs are usually slightly smaller than frigates and less heavily armed, as well. Xebecs have a history of being corsair ships and they were often seen in the Mediterranean. Their high speed gives them advantage over their slower-mov-ing prey, and they also have good manoeuvrability.

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Galleon Galeonisawell-armedwarshipalsocapableoftakingaboardlargeamountsofcargo.GalleonsarebestknownfortheirroleintheSpanishtreasurefleetintheCaribbean.Galleonswereoriginallydevelopedduring16thcentury.

Frigate Frigates are large warships that can be used in many different roles. They can go againstanyenemy,saveforship-of-the-line.Theirhighspeedmakesthemgoodships for escorting faster merchant ships.

Ship-of-the-line, 3rd rate Ship-of-the-line was designed to be used in a line formation. This way they could sail past the enemy and fire a broadside after broadside in rapid succes-sion. They can outgun a frigate, but they are not as agile or fast ships.

Ship-of-the-line Ship-of-the-line1stratehasheavycannonsinthreedecks.Ship-of-the-linecanwreakhavocwithasinglebroadside,buttheyaremosteffectiveinalineforma-tion. No ship can withstand the continuous barrage from a line of these ships sailing by.

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CreditsNitro Games

Chairman of the BoardAntti Villanen

CEOJussi Tähtinen

COOBrendon Neuweth

Lead DesignerKim Soares

DesignersMarkkuPitkänenAaro Sahari

Lead ProgammerJanneNiittymäki

ProgrammersJuho JantunenDanielLiljeqvistTommi NiilolaOssi PylvänäinenJariRavanttiSamppaRönkäPanu TertsunenMarkoTurklin

Art DirectorLasse Lehmusvaara

Lead 3D ArtistNikoPesonen

3D ArtistTimoRokka

Content scriptingJesse JuvaJesse Mutru

2D graphicsJannePitkänenJelena JovovićSarythChareonpanichkulSittisakPusuwanWanichaya PhraejanyaWanchana Intrasombat PalakornNawathongPanithanParamatikulJason Walton

Agilecraft Ltd.

Agile CoachPetriHeiramo

Nitro FX Ltd.

Sound FXHenriOllinkariTomiNikulainen

Tempo Music

MusicVesa-Matti MattssonJuhoRoslakkaJussi Aronen

Voice overVesa-Matti MattssonGaryRewelJr.

Strawberry Bay Sound

Additional SFXWiljami SalminenMax PaananenJonasMäki


Project ManagementLuis ManalacIsabel Manalac

Studio Creative DirectorOrlando Salva

Team LeadsWilson Pedro Jr.HansChristianCaparoso


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Paradox Interactive credit list

Thankstoallourpartners’worldwide,inparticularlong-termpartnersandlast,butnotleast,aspecialthankstoallforummembers,operationpartnersandsupporters, who are integral for our success.

Valroman Francisco,RexOnaglesAlbert YuBryan Albert SumeraErrol CatimbangBienvenido SantosAmira June MallariXerxesSanGregorioMichael PerezFranco Perez

NelsonRagandapCharity CalderonMary Jane PajaronChristopher John QuintongKristoffer Cyrus Abardo

CharactersJustin Yu VillaJefferson Estrabinio

Kerwin AtienzaAnthony David CalderonEdgar Allan Yee II

Rigging and AnimationKlevinJakeLaforteza


EVP DevelopmentJohan Andersson

EVP SalesReenaMMiranda

EVP PublishingSusana Meza

CFOLena Blomberg

Product ManagerBoel Bermann

Executive ProducerMattias Lilja

PR & MarketingShams Jorjani

Sales AssistantAndrew Taranto

Community ManagerLinda Kiby

Finance & AccountingEmiliaHanssen

Cover ArtJeff Miller

PackshotsMartin Doersam

Packaging LayoutChristian Sabe

Manual LayoutChristian Sabe/Retrographics

Marketing AssetsMickPollaci

EditorDigital Wordsmithing/RyanNewman


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Package rating & content descriptor boxes: Large (41x20mm) Will accommodate 1-5 seven point content descriptors and 21 characters per line.

Package rating & content descriptor boxes: Medium (35x15.7mm) Will accommodate 1-3 seven point content descriptors and 18 characters per line.

Package rating & content descriptor boxes: Small (30x15.7mm) Will accommodate 1-3 seven point content descriptors and 15 characters per line.

Print advertising icons (11x16mm excluding attached descriptor box)

Package rating & content descriptor boxes: Extra Large (41x24mm) Will accommodate 1-6 seven point content descriptors and 21 characters per line.

NOTE: Copy and paste the appropriate content descriptors into the white space to the right of the rating symbols, from the CONTENT DESCRIPTOR LIST file available at


Mild BloodMild Violence

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OFFICE ADDRESSParadox Interactive AB. Åsögatan 108, 11th floor, 118 29 Stockholm, Sweden.

ABOUT PARADOX INTERACTIVE Since 1999, Paradox Interactive has been a leading global developer and publisher of PC-based strategy games. World-renowned for its strategy catalog, the company holds a particularly strong presence in the United States and Europe. Its steadily-growing portfolio includes originally developed titles such as the critically acclaimed Europa Universalis and the Hearts of Iron franchises, as well as publishing titles such as the Penumbra series, Elven Legacy, Lead&Gold, Mount&Blade Warband and Majesty 2 – The Fantasy Kingdom Sim. For more information, please visit and follow @pdxinteractive on Twitter.

Our offices are located in New York, USA and Stockholm, Sweden. We work with renowned distributors world wide and are present on all major digital download portals.

LIMITED SOFTWARE WARRANTY AND LICENSE AGREEMENTThis Software is licensed, not sold, to the User by Paradox Interactive AB and its authorized licence holder and may only be used under these following restrictions. Paradox Interactive AB reserves all rights not expressively released to the User.

Copying. The License Agreement allows the User to use the Software on one computer at a time, with the exception for such Network games that are described in the documentation enclosed with the Software. Copying of the Software is illegal.

Restrictions in User rights. The Software and the enclosed printed matter is protected by copyright laws. The User overbinds not to in any way recreate the Software’s source code so that it can be apprehended by the User or anyone else. The User may not change, adapt, translate, sub-let, lease, sell with profit, or distribute the Software, nor may he store it on a public network or create derivative products based on the Software or any of its parts. The User overbinds not to, in whole or part, spread the Software or its printed documentation to others, or to electronically transfer it from one computer to another over a network.

Rights. The User owns the original CD ROM discs on which the Software is stored, but Paradox Interactive reserves the rights of ownership to all copies of the actual Software. The Software is copyright protected.

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