Command Alkon Business Integrati n Services

6 Command Alkon Business Integrati n Services 1 Corporate Overview 2 Ready-Mixed Concrete 3 Bulk Materials & Automation 4 Concrete Plant Automation 5 Quality Control 6 Business Integration Services 7 Dispatch Optimization 8 Integra Products 9 Concrete Products Automation BOOKLETS

Transcript of Command Alkon Business Integrati n Services

Page 1: Command Alkon Business Integrati n Services


Command Alkon

Command Alkon IncorporatedHeadquarters

1800 International Park Dr., Suite 400Birmingham, AL 35243 USA

+1 (205) 879-3282Fax: +1 (205) 870-1405

B u s i n e s s I n t e g r a t i n S e r v i c e s

1 Corporate Overview2 Ready-Mixed Concrete3 Bulk Materials & Automation4 Concrete Plant Automation5 Quality Control6 Business Integration Services7 Dispatch Optimization8 Integra Products9 Concrete Products Automation


Page 2: Command Alkon Business Integrati n Services






mBBuussiinneessss IInntteeggrraattiioonn SSeerrvviicceess

EEnntteerrpprriissee CCoonntteenntt MMaannaaggeemmeennttCCOOMMMMAANNDDppeerrffoorrmmaanncceeCCOOMMMMAANNDDccoommmmeerrcceeSScchheedduulleeCCoomm

ooffffeerrss pprroodduuccttss aanndd sseerrvviicceess tthhaatt aaddddvvaalluuee ttoo yyoouurr ooppeerraattiioonnss.. TThhee BBuussiinneessssIInntteeggrraattiioonn SSeerrvviicceess ((BBIISS)) UUnniitt ffooccuusseessoonn tthhee uunniiqquuee nneeeeddss aanndd ooppppoorrttuunniittiieessooff yyoouurr bbuussiinneessss wwiitthh tthhee iinntteenntt ooff pprroovviiddiinngg yyoouurr eemmppllooyyeeeess aanndd yyoouurr ccuussttoommeerrss wwiitthh tthhee iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn tthheeyynneeeedd,, wwhheenn tthheeyy nneeeedd iitt..

Command Alkon Business Integration Servicesis pleased to offer a set of solutions unique tothe construction materials industry. Theseapplications allow you to get the maximum valueout of your Command Alkon products by extending information to your customers, youremployees, and your decision-makers.

The Business Integration Services Unit relies onsmart products and a staff of experts that knowsour industry, our customers, and understands ourapplications. This winning combination allows usto provide you business enhancing solutions withstreamlined deployments and “quick start” processesto quickly push information where it needs to be everyminute of your business day.

pprroovviiddeess aallll tthhee ffuunnccttiioonnaalliittyy ooffSScchheedduulleeCCoomm aass aa hhoosstteedd sseerrvviiccee,, eelliimmiinnaattiinngg pphhoonnee ssyysstteemm aanndd iinnffrraassttrruuccttuurree ccoossttss aanndd mmaaiinntteennaannccee..

Customers using this Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)model, pay a monthly fee for use of theScheduleCom software, hosted telephone numberand host servers. There is no phone or infrastructureintegration to implement.

“This is a very competitive market.Staying flexible enough to serve thechanging needs and last minuteadjustments of our customers is a day-to-day challenge for the concreteindustry. ScheduleCom has allowed usthe ability to manage changes andoptimize our drivers’ schedules andplant hours while still being there forour customers at the 11th hour whenthey need us the most.”

JJaassoonn CCaammppbbeellllTTXXII RReeaaddyy MMiixx

SScchheedduulleeCCoomm OOnnDDeemmaanndd

Page 3: Command Alkon Business Integrati n Services


WWhhaatt iiss EEnntteerrpprriissee CCoonntteenntt MMaannaaggeemmeenntt ((EECCMM))??Our ECM solution is used to electronically capture delivery tickets,invoices, and statements and can be easily tailored to bring additional value to all aspects of your business for use with materials receipts and invoices from third parties, credit or employment applications, etc. With ECM documentation can bequickly and automatically accessed from Command Alkon systemsand other business applications and easily routed through yourbusiness processes for review and approval.

WWhhaatt iiss CCOOMMMMAANNDDccoommmmeerrccee??

WWhhaatt iiss SScchheedduulleeCCoomm??

Our e-commerce solution, COMMANDcommerce, extends thevalue of your COMMANDseries or Apex application by providingyour employees and your customers access to data via the Web.Projects, orders, and delivery information can be accessed online.When combined with the ECM Tickets and Invoices solution, youcan retrieve images of delivery tickets and invoices via the Web.

ScheduleCom is our Voice-Based Scheduling solution that addresses the common problems associated with communicatingdaily start times and locations to your internal and external staff.ScheduleCom provides a method for publishing variable work schedules, allowing employees to call in to the system to retrievetheir schedule, plus listen to other general or personalized messages.

WWhhaatt iiss CCOOMMMMAANNDDppeerrffoorrmmaannccee??Business intelligence is the technology and practice of applyinginformation to make decisions. Information shows its real valuewhen many people can use and share it. This is the goal of business intelligence. COMMANDperformance is a BusinessIntelligence application that provides you a single, integrated platform to help improve decision making and manage performance. The application is specifically designed for the construction materials industry and includes the full range ofbusiness intelligence capabilities including: reporting, dashboardsand scorecarding, analysis, business activity monitoring, andplanning.



� Automates the driver call in process by communicatingdrive start times and locations via the telephone

� Communicates daily safety messages or other importantinformation to individual employees, employees at one location, or the entire company

� Recordation of employee access to messages� Easily accessed and administered by dispatch offices,

remote employees or home offices� Optional integration with Time and Attendance Systems

BBeenneeffiittss ooff SScchheedduulleeCCoomm

pprroovviiddeess aa ssoolluuttiioonn ttoo aa ccoommmmoonn bbuussiinneessss pprroobblleemm -- ccoommmmuunniiccaattiinngg ddaaiillyy ssttaarrtt ttiimmeess aannddllooccaattiioonnss ttoo yyoouurr iinntteerrnnaall aanndd eexxtteerrnnaall ssttaaffff..

ScheduleCom provides a method for publishing variable workschedules, allowing employees to call in to the system toretrieve their schedule, plus listen to other general or personalized messages. Messages can be set up to requirea yes/no response from the employee calling in, such as,“Can you work a night shift this week?” or “Are you goingto come to the company picnic?”

ScheduleCom also records when theemployee called in to retrieve their schedule and messages, giving you arecord of when employees receivedrecent safety messages, weather scenarios, traffic statuses or any otherimportant messages. Employees havethe option of leaving a return message.

Targeted at automating the driver call inprocess within the construction materialsindustry, ScheduleCom can also be usedfor maintenance workers, quality controlstaff and even third-party hauling companies.

By integrating with time and attendancesystems the application provides actualclock-hours to the scheduler helpingthem avoid overtime situations whenselecting employees for the next work day.The interface also sends the intended starttime to the Time and Attendance Systemwhich can then prevent employees fromclocking in before their scheduled time.

ScheduleCom is a simple to use, stand-alone, browser-based application makingit easy to extend administration of messages to dispatch offices, remoteemployees or home offices.

Command Alkon is pleased to be a worldwide reseller ofScheduleCom, a product from CCeennAAppppss TTeecchhnnoollooggiieess.

“ScheduleCom has been a great addition to our dailyoperation. It is easy to communicate start times to drivers, along with other important messages. We canbe sure that everyone gets their schedule, especiallywhen we have to make changes at the last minute.The reports are easy-to-use and everyone’s schedule isavailable at the same time each day.”

Andy Zimmerman

Cemstone Products

Page 4: Command Alkon Business Integrati n Services


EEnntteerrpprriissee CCoonntteenntt MMaannaaggeemmeennttccoommbbiinneess ddooccuummeenntt mmaannaaggeemmeenntt,, bbuussiinneesssspprroocceessss iimmpprroovveemmeenntt,, aanndd rreeccoorrddss rreetteennttiioonniinnttoo aa ttiigghhttllyy iinntteeggrraatteedd ssoolluuttiioonn wwiitthh yyoouurreexxiissttiinngg bbuussiinneessss aapppplliiccaattiioonnss..CCOOMMMMAANNDDsseerriieess oorr AAppeexx,, bbaattcchh ccoonnttrroollss,,fflleeeett mmaaiinntteennaannccee ssooffttwwaarree,, bbaacckk ooffffiiccee ssyysstteemmss,, aanndd mmaannyy ootthheerr aapppplliiccaattiioonnss aarreeeeaassiillyy iinntteeggrraatteedd aanndd eennhhaanncceedd wwiitthh oouurrEEnntteerrpprriissee CCoonntteenntt MMaannaaggeemmeenntt ((EECCMM))ssoolluuttiioonnss..

Our TTiicckkeettss,, IInnvvooiicceess,, aanndd SSttaatteemmeennttss SSoolluuttiioonn andAAccccoouunnttss PPaayyaabbllee SSoolluuttiioonn provide a means to capture, store, manage, and distribute delivery andinvoicing documentation and automate and standardize business processes that rely on this information. The ECM philosophy can be extendedacross your organization to include AccountsReceivable, Human Resources, Issue Management,Legal, and Governance, Risk and Compliance.

Let Command Alkon provide you with your entireECM solution, including software, scanners, and otherperipherals to complete your ECM setup.








• Are you surrounded by more paper than you can manage?• Are important documents missing or hard to find? • Could you save time and money if documents were routed to the

proper department or individual by automated workflows?

IIff yyoouu aannsswweerreedd YYEESS ttoo aannyy ooff tthheessee qquueessttiioonnss,, oouurr EEnntteerrpprriisseeCCoonntteenntt MMaannaaggeemmeenntt ((EECCMM)) ssoolluuttiioonn iiss jjuusstt wwhhaatt yyoouu nneeeedd..

EEnntteerrpprriissee CCoonntteenntt MMaannaaggeemmeenntt

“Our office is littered with paper.”

� Secured Web access for customers you chooseto have real-time order and delivery information available without calling the dispatch office

� Customers can view signed delivery tickets when questions arise

� Account balance information is available 24 hours a day

� Daily reports of ordered and delivered totals available to view each day

� Future orders can be checked on-line for time and total accuracy

� Most reports can be e-mailed to customers automatically each day

� Can be configured to meet your existing corporate colors and match existing Web sites

� Can be hosted on a server at your location or off site

GGeenneerraall FFeeaattuurreess && BBeenneeffiittss

“OnBase has helped A & A tremendously.We have decreased our invoicing time from 2weeks to 2 days on average. We opted toscan tickets at our remote plants whichreduced paper handling and shipping. Fileorganization is much better as well with theability to look up past tickets, invoices, andstatements with a few clicks of a button. Wehave plans for a much bigger installation andare confident in the ability of the software andthe Command Alkon – OnBase team to deliverthe solution.”

JJaarreett RRaammiirreezzAA && AA RReeaaddyy MMiixxeedd CCoonnccrreettee IInncc..

Page 5: Command Alkon Business Integrati n Services


Business Process Automation� Electronic forms (E-Forms)� Workflow to automate complex business

processes � Business Rules Engine allows authorized users

to adjust workflow criteria� PFU Timestamp Integration to authenticate

document content and support compliance and accountability initiatives

� Digital Signatures solutionContent Management� Document Knowledge Transfer� CAD Services� Electronic Document Management Services� Collaboration to share documents, ideas, and

conversations through centralized workspaces� Image Document Composition� Web Server provides users with Web-based

access to OnBase contentE-Mail Integration� Store e-mails and attachments� Retrieve documents via e-mail client� E-mail Archive

GGeenneerraall FFeeaattuurreess












� Eliminate lost files and documents

� Secure storage of Corporate Data

� Important component of disaster recovery

� Improved customer satisfaction with quicker response

� Implement consistent document retention policies

� Workflow to streamline business processes

BBeenneeffiittss ooff EECCMM

aalllloowwss yyoouurr ccuussttoommeerrss aacccceessss ttoo tthhee iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn tthheeyy nneeeedd …………....wwhheenn tthheeyy nneeeedd iitt!!

Command Alkon has combined internally developedWeb services with modern Web development tools toprovide an E-commerce solution. Thissolution, COMMANDcommerce, extendsthe value of the COMMANDseries andApex applications by providing access toCOMMANDseries and Apex data via theWeb.

This data can be accessed internally byyour staff as well as externally by your customers. COMMANDcommerce allowsyour customers’ users to view their project,order, and delivery information in a secureWeb environment and to control the userrights and privileges for their own staff.

Integrated with the ECM Tickets & Invoicessolution, users can also retrieve images ofdelivery tickets, invoices, and statements viathe Web. This technology provides yourclients with better management and greaterunderstanding of their daily business cycles.

Real-time delivery information is availableto your customers that want to monitororder progress from their office or on ahand-held device at the job site. Dailydelivery reports and a listing of ordersplaced for the next day can be e-mailed toyour customer every evening.

Customers can examine their currentaccount balances and make sure paymentshave been applied properly without havingto call your AR Department.

The Web tool also allows you to post information on adaily basis that could be of benefit to your customersand staff.

Future plans include expanding theCOMMANDcommerce solution to allow end-users to

EE--CCoommmmeerrccee wwiitthhCCOOMMMMAANNDDccoommmmeerrccee

Imaging & Capture� Document Imaging� Front Office Scanning� Virtual Print Driver� Bar Code GeneratorImport Processing� Document Import Processor� Cold/ERM� XML Tagged Import Processor� Directory Import ProcessorRecords Management� Records management � Document Retention� Physical Records Management Reporting� Report Services� Exception ReportsStatements� Statement Composition� Image Statements� Document Distribution

Application Enabler � For point-and-click application integration with

COMMANDseries or any other application

apply on-line for credit, submit requests for quotationsand material deliveries as well as make payments on-line.

Page 6: Command Alkon Business Integrati n Services










EEnntteerrpprriissee CCoonntteenntt MMaannaaggeemmeennttPPoowweerreedd bbyy OOnnBBaassee BBeenneeffiittss

• Focused information provided to help manage the business

• Provides staff with better management tools• Provides measurement tools needed to manage

and monitor business initiatives• Drives increased utilization of COMMANDseries,

extracting additional value from current investments

FFoorr OOwwnneerrss && EExxeeccuuttiivveess

• Capable of market analysis via backlog reporting and job/project forecasting

• Allows customer analysis via profile and sales ranking and current and prior year comparisons

• Offers Sales Staff analysis via sales staff rankingsand average sales price

FFoorr SSaalleess MMaannaaggeerrss

• Tools for exception management• Resources to manage truck and driver utilization• Tools for managing quality and material usage

FFoorr OOppeerraattiioonnss MMaannaaggeerrss

• Deliver all BI capabilities from a single product• Simplified maintenance with zero-footprint,

browser-based deployment and administration• Increase BI adoption since one product meets the

needs of the entire user base, from casual users to power users

• Leverage all corporate data, with a significant head start on COMMANDseries data and expandable to data from all corporate applications

FFoorr IITT MMaannaaggeerrss

CCOOMMMMAANNDDppeerrffoorrmmaannccee ddeelliivveerrss aa fflleexxiibbllee,, ccuussttoommiizzaabbllee

iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn ffrraammeewwoorrkk tthhaatt ssppaannss tthhee oorrggaanniizzaattiioonn.. OOnnee ssoouurrccee

ooff rreeppoorrttiinngg pprroovviiddeess yyoouurr ccoommppaannyy wwiitthh oonnee ssoouurrccee ooff tthhee ttrruutthh,,

aanndd eelliimmiinnaatteess tthhee eeffffoorrtt rreeqquuiirreedd ttoo aasssseemmbbllee iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn ffrroomm

vvaarriioouuss ddaattaa ssoouurrcceess.. CCOOMMMMAANNDDppeerrffoorrmmaannccee ddeelliivveerrss vvaalluuee bbyy

IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn PPuusshh -- iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn iiss ddeelliivveerreedd ttoo tthhee uusseerr vviiaa

rreeppoorrttss ddiissttrriibbuutteedd tthhrroouugghh ee--mmaaiill aanndd ddaasshhbbooaarrddss aacccceesssseedd

tthhrroouugghh tthhee uusseerr’’ss WWeebb bbrroowwsseerr.. UUsseerrss hhaavvee aacccceessss ttoo

iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn aannyywwhheerree,, aannyyttiimmee!

AAtt tthhee hheeaarrtt ooff oouurr EECCMM ssoolluuttiioonn iiss OOnnBBaasseepprroovviiddeedd bbyy oouurr lloonngg--ssttaannddiinngg ppaarrttnneerr HHyyllaannddSSooffttwwaarree,, IInncc..

Designed to drive high-volume, high-value transactionalprocesses, OnBase is an enterprise-class EnterpriseContent Management (ECM) solution that helps organizations meet corporate goals and impose enterprise-wide controls and disaster recovery. Morethan 7,400 organizations worldwide have chosenOnBase because its price/performance ratio is easy tocost justify, its configurability and rapid deploymentresults in lower professional service costs than manycompeting solutions and its ease of use minimizes training and business disruption.

Managing content-driven business processes withOnBase reduces costs, increases revenue, improvescustomer service, and builds a platform to support governance, risk, and compliance initiatives.

“The broad functionality of OnBase allows us to control our essential business processes. OnBase hasincreased our efficiencies by allowing users easy access to documents from multiple business applications. We are able to easily manage the security and distribution of documents while minimizingresources. Most important, OnBase provides us the ability to immediately respond to our customers, thereby increasing customer satisfaction.”

LLaaNNeettttee AAnnddrreewwssCCllyyddee CCoommppaanniieess

OnBase provides “ The technologies, tools, andmethods used to capture, manage, store, preserve, and deliver content across an enterprise.”

AAIIIIMM IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall,, 22000033

Page 7: Command Alkon Business Integrati n Services













OOnnBBaassee OOnnlliinnee®®

� Scanned images captured with high- or low-volume scanning hardware, including multi-function devices.

� Web pages converted to TIFF images for collection of items such as credit or other online reports.

� Data streams, including XML and industry-specific data such such as EDI 835/837, HL7 or DSTU X9.37-2003.

� Documents from common desktop applications suchas Microsoft Word or Excel.

� Archived data from enterprise applications, includingMicrosoft SharePoint and SAP ArchiveLink.

� Enterprise reports imported via COLD/ERM without running a separate application or sever.

� The location of physical assets such as original deeds or contracts.

� E-mail, whether imported on an ad hoc basis, captured automatically based on addressee, subjectline, or other properties, or maintained in a comprehensive archive of all incoming and outgoingmessages.

BBuuiilltt oonn aa ssiinnggllee ppllaattffoorrmm,, OOnnBBaassee pprroovviiddeess oorrggaanniizzaattiioonnss wwiitthh tthhee aabbiilliittyy ttoo ccoonnssiisstteennttllyy ccaappttuurreeaanndd mmaannaaggee aallll ooff tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg kkiinnddss ooff ccoonntteenntt wwiitthhoouutt mmaannaaggiinngg mmuullttiippllee aapppplliiccaattiioonnss..

pprroovviiddeess tthhee ssaammee ggrreeaatt OOnnBBaassee ssoolluuttiioonnssccoommbbiinneedd wwiitthh CCoommmmaanndd AAllkkoonn eexxppeerrttiissee,,bbuutt iinn aa hhoosstteedd eennvviirroonnmmeenntt wwhheerree tthheerree aarreennoo iinnffrraassttrruuccttuurree ccoossttss..

One of the only advanced hosted ECM solutionsoffered and supported directly by the software developer, OnBase OnLine is ideal for organizationswith IT restrictions, budgetary requirements, or anoutsourcing business model. OnBase OnLineallows organizations to quickly enjoy the functionalityand benefits of OnBase in a completely outsourcedSAS 70-certified data center.

Two options are available for engaging OnBaseOnline : � Customers can use the Software-as-a-Service

(SaaS) model, paying a monthly fee for use of the OnBase modules you choose and the hosting services.

� A hosting-only option allows you to own the software licenses, while still taking advantage of the benefits of outsourcing the use and maintenance of the network and servers.




CCOOMMMMAANNDDppeerrffoorrmmaannccee HHiigghhlliigghhttss

TTrreenndd AAnnaallyyssiiss allows you to review and compare performance indicators over time.

UnderstandHHoouurrllyy PPrroodduuccttiioonnat each plant.

Quantity Per Hour

Average Load Size

Page 8: Command Alkon Business Integrati n Services










EEnntteerrpprriissee CCoonntteenntt MMaannaaggeemmeennttTTiicckkeettss,, IInnvvooiicceess,, && SSttaatteemmeennttss SSoolluuttiioonnmmiinniimmiizzeess tthhee aammoouunntt ooff ppaappeerr tthhaatt ccoommppaanniieess ggeenneerraattee aanndd ssttoorree wwiitthh eeaacchhddeelliivveerryy..

Producers generate multiple copiesof the same document each time atruck leaves the plant or quarry. Withour ECM solution you can capturean electronic copy of the ticket at thesame time that it is being sent to theprinter. This electronic copy is automatically routed to a workflowprocess where it waits to bematched against a signed andscanned ticket that the driver bringsback at the end of the day. Thisprocess quickly identifies missingtickets and alerts the plant supervisor or billing clerk.

This information is accessible onlineto authorized employees from billingclerks to company management.Customer requests are easily handled by immediately accessinginformation online and sendingrequested documents via e-mail orfax, all while talking on the phone.

The Document Distribution module allows invoicesand statements to be e-mailed or faxed automatically to customers based upon their preference. If a customer chooses not to participatein this delivery method, the document will be printedfor mailing as usual.

� Minimizes the paper generated with each delivery� Quickly identifies missing tickets� Automates the process of matching original tickets with

signed delivery tickets� Information immediately accessible online by any authorized

personnel� Assists with servicing customer requests and

troubleshooting issues� Automates distribution of customer invoices and statements


“Since the initialization of OnBase within our firm, our company has improved its customer support with the immediate access to invoices and delivery tickets, and withthe capability of daily e-mailing of invoices. In addition, ourcollections have improved, we have been able to recapturelost transactions, and we have better management of ourdocument workflow. OnBase has definitely made a positiveimpact on our bottom line!”

RRoobbeerrtt GGrraannttTTrraannssiitt MMiixx CCoonnccrreettee aanndd MMaatteerriiaallss

Consider the “hard” costs that your organization spends manually piecing togetherdata from various sources to create your key reports. Then consider the “soft”value derived from having the right information delivered to the right people at theright time – consistently, day in and day out. Placing a value on information can bedifficult, but customers using the new COMMANDperformance product are seeingthese returns now.

GGeett ssttaarrtteedd qquuiicckkllyy with more than 50 standard reports and dashboards designed specifically for Ready-Mixed andBulk Materials producers, like this Current Day Operations Dashboard.

Information can be scheduled for aauuttoommaattiiccddeelliivveerryy to the inbox ofspecific recipients.

CCOOMMMMAANNDDppeerrffoorrmmaannccee HHiigghhlliigghhttss


CCOOMMMMAANNDDppeerrffoorrmmaannccee RReettuurrnn oonn IInnvveessttmmeenntt

Page 9: Command Alkon Business Integrati n Services













� Eliminates time and errors associated with manually matching material receipts against supplier invoices

� Automatically routes documentation to the appropriate account clerks

� Allows AP personnel to spend time on other time-saving tasks


mmiinniimmiizzeess tthhee mmaannuuaall ttaasskkss aassssoocciiaatteeddwwiitthh mmaattcchhiinngg mmaatteerriiaall rreecceeiippttss wwiitthh iinnvvooiicceess,, sshhoorrtteenniinngg tthhee aammoouunntt ooff ttiimmeerreeqquuiirreedd ttoo pprroocceessss iinnvvooiicceess..

Typically, receipts are delivered toAP Clerks on a daily basis and thensorted by supplier. AP clerks mustthen take the material receipts fortheir accounts and manually matchthem against a supplier invoice.This manual process of "checkingoff" multiple material receiptsagainst one supplier invoice ismonotonous and prone to usererror.

Using the Command Alkon APsolution, companies simply drop allof their invoices and materialreceipts into the scanner and thenlet the advanced capture softwareautomatically extract the important data.

The scanned images and associated data are passed to theOnBase Workflow, where preconfigured Rules and Actions

automatically match material receipts to invoices,prompt users for GL codes and route specific documents to the AP clerk that handles thoseaccounts. The small number of documents that can'tbe automatically classified are routed to an exception queue for manual processing.

EEnntteerrpprriissee CCoonntteenntt MMaannaaggeemmeennttAAccccoouunnttss PPaayyaabbllee SSoolluuttiioonn

CCOOMMMMAANNDDppeerrffoorrmmaanncceeGGeenneerraall FFeeaattuurreess� Provides charts and other graphics that present

key performance indicators in an intuitive and easily understood view

� Automatic scheduling and distribution of information via e-mail

� Create reports in HTML, PDF, Excel, CSV, and XML formats

� Single access point to all corporate data via the Cognos Connection Web portal

� Access data on mobile devices using IBM Cognos Go-Mobile

� Observe and compare data from multiple angles or dimensions (time, product, customers, location,etc.) to achieve a deeper understanding of the business performance

� Perform ad-hoc queries to analyze performance on-the-fly

� Develop custom reports and dashboards for your specific needs

� Integrates data from multiple operational systems and relational data sources (COMMANDseries, Time & Attendance, Financial Applications)

� Use Microsoft Excel tools to further analyze your COMMANDperformance data using IBM Cognos Analysis for Excel

Go-Mobile with IBM Cognos and

COMMANDperformance and access

all of your data on the go!

AAnnaallyyzzee top customer sales or other indicators with tabular sheets and graphs.

“We have benefitted from the implementation of OnBase toimprove our billing process with an ROI of less than twoyears. This does not include all of the intangible benefitssuch as improved customer response time, ease of file retention and access, and an improvement in employee education and morale.”

DDoonnnnaa EE.. IInnooccccoo FFeerrrraarraa BBrrooss.. BBuuiillddiinngg MMaatteerriiaallss CCoorrppoorraattiioonn

Page 10: Command Alkon Business Integrati n Services










BBuussiinneessss IInntteelllliiggeennccee wwiitthhCCOOMMMMAANNDDppeerrffoorrmmaannccee PPoowweerreedd bbyy IIBBMM CCooggnnoossCCOOMMMMAANNDDppeerrffoorrmmaannccee iiss aa BBuussiinneessssIInntteelllliiggeennccee aapppplliiccaattiioonn ddeevveellooppeedd ssppeecciiffiiccaallllyyffoorr tthhee ccoonnssttrruuccttiioonn mmaatteerriiaallss iinndduussttrryy..

Typically, companies rely on numerous measurement systems and a variety of differing processes to answer questions while making decisions.COMMANDperformance provides you a single, integrated platform to help improve decision-making andmanage performance. The application includes the full-range of business intelligence capabilities:

• RReeppoorrttiinngg && AAnnaallyyssiiss•• DDaasshhbbooaarrddss && SSccoorreeccaarrddiinngg•• BBuussiinneessss AAccttiivviittyy MMoonniittoorriinngg•• PPllaannnniinngg && FFoorreeccaassttiinngg

For information to be this usable, it must be trusted,timely, relevant, easy-to-use, and in context. These areall necessary aspects of business intelligence technology. COMMANDperformance addresses these factors in different ways.

Transactional data systems, such as COMMANDseries, offer standard reporting designed to meet the needs of all users. If you need more information than is provided through these standard reports, you need a product that is designed specifically for reporting - one that is easily customizable and has room to grow. You need COMMANDperformance,designed specifically for the construction materials industry.

WWhhyy aa DDeeddiiccaatteedd RReeppoorrttiinngg SSyysstteemm??

RReeppoorrttiinngg delivers regular, timely information, with the ability to author reports or queries to get specific details.OLAP AAnnaallyyssiiss, with its multiple dimensions, allows youto compare and contrast information against time andother factors to uncover trends. Executive DDaasshhbbooaarrddssput information in context, and in an easy-to-understandformat. SSccoorreeccaarrddiinngg presents your key performancemetrics in dashboards and alerts you to whether you’vecrossed pre-determined thresholds. BBuussiinneessss AAccttiivviittyyMMoonniittoorriinngg provides employees with automated alerts ofevents and activities based on rules and thresholds youestablish. PPllaannnniinngg && FFoorreeccaassttiinngg allows you to turnoverall business strategies into discrete plans, budgets,and forecasts.

DDoo yyoouu ssppeenndd ttoooo mmuucchh ttiimmee llooookkiinngg ffoorr iinnffoorrmmaattiioonnrraatthheerr tthhaann mmaakkiinngg iinnffoorrmmeedd ddeecciissiioonnss?? LLeettCCOOMMMMAANNDDppeerrffoorrmmaannccee iinnccrreeaassee yyoouurr ccoorrppoorraattee ppeerrffoorrmmaannccee bbyy pprroovviiddiinngg tthhee iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn yyoouu nneeeedd ttoommaakkee tthhee rriigghhtt ddeecciissiioonnss eevveerryy ddaayy..

COMMANDperformance is PPoowweerreedd bbyy IIBBMM CCooggnnoossSSooffttwwaarree SSoolluuttiioonnss. Cognos, an IBM company, is the worldleader in Business Intelligence (BI) and Performance Management solutions. Cognos provides world-classenterprise BI, planning and consolidation software andservices to help companies plan, understand, and managefinancial and operational performance. Cognos servesmore than 23,000 customers in more than 135 countries.

The reporting-led Performance Management Roadmap,shown below, illustrates how today’s best reporting applications can help companies achieve better performance management. The Roadmap is based on ourlong experience developing and providing best practicesfor customers worldwide.

Relying on a winning combination of:

� The feature-rich Cognos Business Intelligence Suite

� The strength and effectiveness of IBM Cognos to develop and support their products and services

� Command Alkon’s detailed knowledge of COMMANDseries and the Construction Materials Industry

HHooww ddoo wwee ddeelliivveerr wwoorrlldd--ccllaassss bbuussiinneessss iinntteelllliiggeennccee??

Four Steps to Better Performance Management

AAddddrreessss iinniittiiaall rreeppoorrttiinngg nneeeeddssDeliver all report types, for any user, drawing on all of your data.

DDrriivvee iinnssiigghhtt tthhrroouugghh BBuussiinneessss IInntteelllliiggeenncceeAdd new users and BI capabilities like scorecards and analysis.

EExxtteenndd BBuussiinneessss IInntteelllliiggeennccee aaccrroossss tthhee eenntteerrpprriisseeSimplify IT’s work and create a common information standard.

AAddvvaannccee PPeerrffoorrmmaannccee MMaannaaggeemmeennttConnect plans and reports for better performance.

Page 11: Command Alkon Business Integrati n Services










BBuussiinneessss IInntteelllliiggeennccee wwiitthhCCOOMMMMAANNDDppeerrffoorrmmaannccee PPoowweerreedd bbyy IIBBMM CCooggnnoossCCOOMMMMAANNDDppeerrffoorrmmaannccee iiss aa BBuussiinneessssIInntteelllliiggeennccee aapppplliiccaattiioonn ddeevveellooppeedd ssppeecciiffiiccaallllyyffoorr tthhee ccoonnssttrruuccttiioonn mmaatteerriiaallss iinndduussttrryy..

Typically, companies rely on numerous measurement systems and a variety of differing processes to answer questions while making decisions.COMMANDperformance provides you a single, integrated platform to help improve decision-making andmanage performance. The application includes the full-range of business intelligence capabilities:

• RReeppoorrttiinngg && AAnnaallyyssiiss•• DDaasshhbbooaarrddss && SSccoorreeccaarrddiinngg•• BBuussiinneessss AAccttiivviittyy MMoonniittoorriinngg•• PPllaannnniinngg && FFoorreeccaassttiinngg

For information to be this usable, it must be trusted,timely, relevant, easy-to-use, and in context. These areall necessary aspects of business intelligence technology. COMMANDperformance addresses these factors in different ways.

Transactional data systems, such as COMMANDseries, offer standard reporting designed to meet the needs of all users. If you need more information than is provided through these standard reports, you need a product that is designed specifically for reporting - one that is easily customizable and has room to grow. You need COMMANDperformance,designed specifically for the construction materials industry.

WWhhyy aa DDeeddiiccaatteedd RReeppoorrttiinngg SSyysstteemm??

RReeppoorrttiinngg delivers regular, timely information, with the ability to author reports or queries to get specific details.OLAP AAnnaallyyssiiss, with its multiple dimensions, allows youto compare and contrast information against time andother factors to uncover trends. Executive DDaasshhbbooaarrddssput information in context, and in an easy-to-understandformat. SSccoorreeccaarrddiinngg presents your key performancemetrics in dashboards and alerts you to whether you’vecrossed pre-determined thresholds. BBuussiinneessss AAccttiivviittyyMMoonniittoorriinngg provides employees with automated alerts ofevents and activities based on rules and thresholds youestablish. PPllaannnniinngg && FFoorreeccaassttiinngg allows you to turnoverall business strategies into discrete plans, budgets,and forecasts.

DDoo yyoouu ssppeenndd ttoooo mmuucchh ttiimmee llooookkiinngg ffoorr iinnffoorrmmaattiioonnrraatthheerr tthhaann mmaakkiinngg iinnffoorrmmeedd ddeecciissiioonnss?? LLeettCCOOMMMMAANNDDppeerrffoorrmmaannccee iinnccrreeaassee yyoouurr ccoorrppoorraattee ppeerrffoorrmmaannccee bbyy pprroovviiddiinngg tthhee iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn yyoouu nneeeedd ttoommaakkee tthhee rriigghhtt ddeecciissiioonnss eevveerryy ddaayy..

COMMANDperformance is PPoowweerreedd bbyy IIBBMM CCooggnnoossSSooffttwwaarree SSoolluuttiioonnss. Cognos, an IBM company, is the worldleader in Business Intelligence (BI) and Performance Management solutions. Cognos provides world-classenterprise BI, planning and consolidation software andservices to help companies plan, understand, and managefinancial and operational performance. Cognos servesmore than 23,000 customers in more than 135 countries.

The reporting-led Performance Management Roadmap,shown below, illustrates how today’s best reporting applications can help companies achieve better performance management. The Roadmap is based on ourlong experience developing and providing best practicesfor customers worldwide.

Relying on a winning combination of:

� The feature-rich Cognos Business Intelligence Suite

� The strength and effectiveness of IBM Cognos to develop and support their products and services

� Command Alkon’s detailed knowledge of COMMANDseries and the Construction Materials Industry

HHooww ddoo wwee ddeelliivveerr wwoorrlldd--ccllaassss bbuussiinneessss iinntteelllliiggeennccee??

Four Steps to Better Performance Management

AAddddrreessss iinniittiiaall rreeppoorrttiinngg nneeeeddssDeliver all report types, for any user, drawing on all of your data.

DDrriivvee iinnssiigghhtt tthhrroouugghh BBuussiinneessss IInntteelllliiggeenncceeAdd new users and BI capabilities like scorecards and analysis.

EExxtteenndd BBuussiinneessss IInntteelllliiggeennccee aaccrroossss tthhee eenntteerrpprriisseeSimplify IT’s work and create a common information standard.

AAddvvaannccee PPeerrffoorrmmaannccee MMaannaaggeemmeennttConnect plans and reports for better performance.

Page 12: Command Alkon Business Integrati n Services













� Eliminates time and errors associated with manually matching material receipts against supplier invoices

� Automatically routes documentation to the appropriate account clerks

� Allows AP personnel to spend time on other time-saving tasks


mmiinniimmiizzeess tthhee mmaannuuaall ttaasskkss aassssoocciiaatteeddwwiitthh mmaattcchhiinngg mmaatteerriiaall rreecceeiippttss wwiitthh iinnvvooiicceess,, sshhoorrtteenniinngg tthhee aammoouunntt ooff ttiimmeerreeqquuiirreedd ttoo pprroocceessss iinnvvooiicceess..

Typically, receipts are delivered toAP Clerks on a daily basis and thensorted by supplier. AP clerks mustthen take the material receipts fortheir accounts and manually matchthem against a supplier invoice.This manual process of "checkingoff" multiple material receiptsagainst one supplier invoice ismonotonous and prone to usererror.

Using the Command Alkon APsolution, companies simply drop allof their invoices and materialreceipts into the scanner and thenlet the advanced capture softwareautomatically extract the important data.

The scanned images and associated data are passed to theOnBase Workflow, where preconfigured Rules and Actions

automatically match material receipts to invoices,prompt users for GL codes and route specific documents to the AP clerk that handles thoseaccounts. The small number of documents that can'tbe automatically classified are routed to an exception queue for manual processing.

EEnntteerrpprriissee CCoonntteenntt MMaannaaggeemmeennttAAccccoouunnttss PPaayyaabbllee SSoolluuttiioonn

CCOOMMMMAANNDDppeerrffoorrmmaanncceeGGeenneerraall FFeeaattuurreess� Provides charts and other graphics that present

key performance indicators in an intuitive and easily understood view

� Automatic scheduling and distribution of information via e-mail

� Create reports in HTML, PDF, Excel, CSV, and XML formats

� Single access point to all corporate data via the Cognos Connection Web portal

� Access data on mobile devices using IBM Cognos Go-Mobile

� Observe and compare data from multiple angles or dimensions (time, product, customers, location,etc.) to achieve a deeper understanding of the business performance

� Perform ad-hoc queries to analyze performance on-the-fly

� Develop custom reports and dashboards for your specific needs

� Integrates data from multiple operational systems and relational data sources (COMMANDseries, Time & Attendance, Financial Applications)

� Use Microsoft Excel tools to further analyze your COMMANDperformance data using IBM Cognos Analysis for Excel

Go-Mobile with IBM Cognos and

COMMANDperformance and access

all of your data on the go!

AAnnaallyyzzee top customer sales or other indicators with tabular sheets and graphs.

“We have benefitted from the implementation of OnBase toimprove our billing process with an ROI of less than twoyears. This does not include all of the intangible benefitssuch as improved customer response time, ease of file retention and access, and an improvement in employee education and morale.”

DDoonnnnaa EE.. IInnooccccoo FFeerrrraarraa BBrrooss.. BBuuiillddiinngg MMaatteerriiaallss CCoorrppoorraattiioonn

Page 13: Command Alkon Business Integrati n Services










EEnntteerrpprriissee CCoonntteenntt MMaannaaggeemmeennttTTiicckkeettss,, IInnvvooiicceess,, && SSttaatteemmeennttss SSoolluuttiioonnmmiinniimmiizzeess tthhee aammoouunntt ooff ppaappeerr tthhaatt ccoommppaanniieess ggeenneerraattee aanndd ssttoorree wwiitthh eeaacchhddeelliivveerryy..

Producers generate multiple copiesof the same document each time atruck leaves the plant or quarry. Withour ECM solution you can capturean electronic copy of the ticket at thesame time that it is being sent to theprinter. This electronic copy is automatically routed to a workflowprocess where it waits to bematched against a signed andscanned ticket that the driver bringsback at the end of the day. Thisprocess quickly identifies missingtickets and alerts the plant supervisor or billing clerk.

This information is accessible onlineto authorized employees from billingclerks to company management.Customer requests are easily handled by immediately accessinginformation online and sendingrequested documents via e-mail orfax, all while talking on the phone.

The Document Distribution module allows invoicesand statements to be e-mailed or faxed automatically to customers based upon their preference. If a customer chooses not to participatein this delivery method, the document will be printedfor mailing as usual.

� Minimizes the paper generated with each delivery� Quickly identifies missing tickets� Automates the process of matching original tickets with

signed delivery tickets� Information immediately accessible online by any authorized

personnel� Assists with servicing customer requests and

troubleshooting issues� Automates distribution of customer invoices and statements


“Since the initialization of OnBase within our firm, our company has improved its customer support with the immediate access to invoices and delivery tickets, and withthe capability of daily e-mailing of invoices. In addition, ourcollections have improved, we have been able to recapturelost transactions, and we have better management of ourdocument workflow. OnBase has definitely made a positiveimpact on our bottom line!”

RRoobbeerrtt GGrraannttTTrraannssiitt MMiixx CCoonnccrreettee aanndd MMaatteerriiaallss

Consider the “hard” costs that your organization spends manually piecing togetherdata from various sources to create your key reports. Then consider the “soft”value derived from having the right information delivered to the right people at theright time – consistently, day in and day out. Placing a value on information can bedifficult, but customers using the new COMMANDperformance product are seeingthese returns now.

GGeett ssttaarrtteedd qquuiicckkllyy with more than 50 standard reports and dashboards designed specifically for Ready-Mixed andBulk Materials producers, like this Current Day Operations Dashboard.

Information can be scheduled for aauuttoommaattiiccddeelliivveerryy to the inbox ofspecific recipients.

CCOOMMMMAANNDDppeerrffoorrmmaannccee HHiigghhlliigghhttss


CCOOMMMMAANNDDppeerrffoorrmmaannccee RReettuurrnn oonn IInnvveessttmmeenntt

Page 14: Command Alkon Business Integrati n Services













OOnnBBaassee OOnnlliinnee®®

� Scanned images captured with high- or low-volume scanning hardware, including multi-function devices.

� Web pages converted to TIFF images for collection of items such as credit or other online reports.

� Data streams, including XML and industry-specific data such such as EDI 835/837, HL7 or DSTU X9.37-2003.

� Documents from common desktop applications suchas Microsoft Word or Excel.

� Archived data from enterprise applications, includingMicrosoft SharePoint and SAP ArchiveLink.

� Enterprise reports imported via COLD/ERM without running a separate application or sever.

� The location of physical assets such as original deeds or contracts.

� E-mail, whether imported on an ad hoc basis, captured automatically based on addressee, subjectline, or other properties, or maintained in a comprehensive archive of all incoming and outgoingmessages.

BBuuiilltt oonn aa ssiinnggllee ppllaattffoorrmm,, OOnnBBaassee pprroovviiddeess oorrggaanniizzaattiioonnss wwiitthh tthhee aabbiilliittyy ttoo ccoonnssiisstteennttllyy ccaappttuurreeaanndd mmaannaaggee aallll ooff tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg kkiinnddss ooff ccoonntteenntt wwiitthhoouutt mmaannaaggiinngg mmuullttiippllee aapppplliiccaattiioonnss..

pprroovviiddeess tthhee ssaammee ggrreeaatt OOnnBBaassee ssoolluuttiioonnssccoommbbiinneedd wwiitthh CCoommmmaanndd AAllkkoonn eexxppeerrttiissee,,bbuutt iinn aa hhoosstteedd eennvviirroonnmmeenntt wwhheerree tthheerree aarreennoo iinnffrraassttrruuccttuurree ccoossttss..

One of the only advanced hosted ECM solutionsoffered and supported directly by the software developer, OnBase OnLine is ideal for organizationswith IT restrictions, budgetary requirements, or anoutsourcing business model. OnBase OnLineallows organizations to quickly enjoy the functionalityand benefits of OnBase in a completely outsourcedSAS 70-certified data center.

Two options are available for engaging OnBaseOnline : � Customers can use the Software-as-a-Service

(SaaS) model, paying a monthly fee for use of the OnBase modules you choose and the hosting services.

� A hosting-only option allows you to own the software licenses, while still taking advantage of the benefits of outsourcing the use and maintenance of the network and servers.




CCOOMMMMAANNDDppeerrffoorrmmaannccee HHiigghhlliigghhttss

TTrreenndd AAnnaallyyssiiss allows you to review and compare performance indicators over time.

UnderstandHHoouurrllyy PPrroodduuccttiioonnat each plant.

Quantity Per Hour

Average Load Size

Page 15: Command Alkon Business Integrati n Services










EEnntteerrpprriissee CCoonntteenntt MMaannaaggeemmeennttPPoowweerreedd bbyy OOnnBBaassee BBeenneeffiittss

• Focused information provided to help manage the business

• Provides staff with better management tools• Provides measurement tools needed to manage

and monitor business initiatives• Drives increased utilization of COMMANDseries,

extracting additional value from current investments

FFoorr OOwwnneerrss && EExxeeccuuttiivveess

• Capable of market analysis via backlog reporting and job/project forecasting

• Allows customer analysis via profile and sales ranking and current and prior year comparisons

• Offers Sales Staff analysis via sales staff rankingsand average sales price

FFoorr SSaalleess MMaannaaggeerrss

• Tools for exception management• Resources to manage truck and driver utilization• Tools for managing quality and material usage

FFoorr OOppeerraattiioonnss MMaannaaggeerrss

• Deliver all BI capabilities from a single product• Simplified maintenance with zero-footprint,

browser-based deployment and administration• Increase BI adoption since one product meets the

needs of the entire user base, from casual users to power users

• Leverage all corporate data, with a significant head start on COMMANDseries data and expandable to data from all corporate applications

FFoorr IITT MMaannaaggeerrss

CCOOMMMMAANNDDppeerrffoorrmmaannccee ddeelliivveerrss aa fflleexxiibbllee,, ccuussttoommiizzaabbllee

iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn ffrraammeewwoorrkk tthhaatt ssppaannss tthhee oorrggaanniizzaattiioonn.. OOnnee ssoouurrccee

ooff rreeppoorrttiinngg pprroovviiddeess yyoouurr ccoommppaannyy wwiitthh oonnee ssoouurrccee ooff tthhee ttrruutthh,,

aanndd eelliimmiinnaatteess tthhee eeffffoorrtt rreeqquuiirreedd ttoo aasssseemmbbllee iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn ffrroomm

vvaarriioouuss ddaattaa ssoouurrcceess.. CCOOMMMMAANNDDppeerrffoorrmmaannccee ddeelliivveerrss vvaalluuee bbyy

IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn PPuusshh -- iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn iiss ddeelliivveerreedd ttoo tthhee uusseerr vviiaa

rreeppoorrttss ddiissttrriibbuutteedd tthhrroouugghh ee--mmaaiill aanndd ddaasshhbbooaarrddss aacccceesssseedd

tthhrroouugghh tthhee uusseerr’’ss WWeebb bbrroowwsseerr.. UUsseerrss hhaavvee aacccceessss ttoo

iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn aannyywwhheerree,, aannyyttiimmee!

AAtt tthhee hheeaarrtt ooff oouurr EECCMM ssoolluuttiioonn iiss OOnnBBaasseepprroovviiddeedd bbyy oouurr lloonngg--ssttaannddiinngg ppaarrttnneerr HHyyllaannddSSooffttwwaarree,, IInncc..

Designed to drive high-volume, high-value transactionalprocesses, OnBase is an enterprise-class EnterpriseContent Management (ECM) solution that helps organizations meet corporate goals and impose enterprise-wide controls and disaster recovery. Morethan 7,400 organizations worldwide have chosenOnBase because its price/performance ratio is easy tocost justify, its configurability and rapid deploymentresults in lower professional service costs than manycompeting solutions and its ease of use minimizes training and business disruption.

Managing content-driven business processes withOnBase reduces costs, increases revenue, improvescustomer service, and builds a platform to support governance, risk, and compliance initiatives.

“The broad functionality of OnBase allows us to control our essential business processes. OnBase hasincreased our efficiencies by allowing users easy access to documents from multiple business applications. We are able to easily manage the security and distribution of documents while minimizingresources. Most important, OnBase provides us the ability to immediately respond to our customers, thereby increasing customer satisfaction.”

LLaaNNeettttee AAnnddrreewwssCCllyyddee CCoommppaanniieess

OnBase provides “ The technologies, tools, andmethods used to capture, manage, store, preserve, and deliver content across an enterprise.”

AAIIIIMM IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall,, 22000033

Page 16: Command Alkon Business Integrati n Services


Business Process Automation� Electronic forms (E-Forms)� Workflow to automate complex business

processes � Business Rules Engine allows authorized users

to adjust workflow criteria� PFU Timestamp Integration to authenticate

document content and support compliance and accountability initiatives

� Digital Signatures solutionContent Management� Document Knowledge Transfer� CAD Services� Electronic Document Management Services� Collaboration to share documents, ideas, and

conversations through centralized workspaces� Image Document Composition� Web Server provides users with Web-based

access to OnBase contentE-Mail Integration� Store e-mails and attachments� Retrieve documents via e-mail client� E-mail Archive

GGeenneerraall FFeeaattuurreess












� Eliminate lost files and documents

� Secure storage of Corporate Data

� Important component of disaster recovery

� Improved customer satisfaction with quicker response

� Implement consistent document retention policies

� Workflow to streamline business processes

BBeenneeffiittss ooff EECCMM

aalllloowwss yyoouurr ccuussttoommeerrss aacccceessss ttoo tthhee iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn tthheeyy nneeeedd …………....wwhheenn tthheeyy nneeeedd iitt!!

Command Alkon has combined internally developedWeb services with modern Web development tools toprovide an E-commerce solution. Thissolution, COMMANDcommerce, extendsthe value of the COMMANDseries andApex applications by providing access toCOMMANDseries and Apex data via theWeb.

This data can be accessed internally byyour staff as well as externally by your customers. COMMANDcommerce allowsyour customers’ users to view their project,order, and delivery information in a secureWeb environment and to control the userrights and privileges for their own staff.

Integrated with the ECM Tickets & Invoicessolution, users can also retrieve images ofdelivery tickets, invoices, and statements viathe Web. This technology provides yourclients with better management and greaterunderstanding of their daily business cycles.

Real-time delivery information is availableto your customers that want to monitororder progress from their office or on ahand-held device at the job site. Dailydelivery reports and a listing of ordersplaced for the next day can be e-mailed toyour customer every evening.

Customers can examine their currentaccount balances and make sure paymentshave been applied properly without havingto call your AR Department.

The Web tool also allows you to post information on adaily basis that could be of benefit to your customersand staff.

Future plans include expanding theCOMMANDcommerce solution to allow end-users to

EE--CCoommmmeerrccee wwiitthhCCOOMMMMAANNDDccoommmmeerrccee

Imaging & Capture� Document Imaging� Front Office Scanning� Virtual Print Driver� Bar Code GeneratorImport Processing� Document Import Processor� Cold/ERM� XML Tagged Import Processor� Directory Import ProcessorRecords Management� Records management � Document Retention� Physical Records Management Reporting� Report Services� Exception ReportsStatements� Statement Composition� Image Statements� Document Distribution

Application Enabler � For point-and-click application integration with

COMMANDseries or any other application

apply on-line for credit, submit requests for quotationsand material deliveries as well as make payments on-line.

Page 17: Command Alkon Business Integrati n Services


EEnntteerrpprriissee CCoonntteenntt MMaannaaggeemmeennttccoommbbiinneess ddooccuummeenntt mmaannaaggeemmeenntt,, bbuussiinneesssspprroocceessss iimmpprroovveemmeenntt,, aanndd rreeccoorrddss rreetteennttiioonniinnttoo aa ttiigghhttllyy iinntteeggrraatteedd ssoolluuttiioonn wwiitthh yyoouurreexxiissttiinngg bbuussiinneessss aapppplliiccaattiioonnss..CCOOMMMMAANNDDsseerriieess oorr AAppeexx,, bbaattcchh ccoonnttrroollss,,fflleeeett mmaaiinntteennaannccee ssooffttwwaarree,, bbaacckk ooffffiiccee ssyysstteemmss,, aanndd mmaannyy ootthheerr aapppplliiccaattiioonnss aarreeeeaassiillyy iinntteeggrraatteedd aanndd eennhhaanncceedd wwiitthh oouurrEEnntteerrpprriissee CCoonntteenntt MMaannaaggeemmeenntt ((EECCMM))ssoolluuttiioonnss..

Our TTiicckkeettss,, IInnvvooiicceess,, aanndd SSttaatteemmeennttss SSoolluuttiioonn andAAccccoouunnttss PPaayyaabbllee SSoolluuttiioonn provide a means to capture, store, manage, and distribute delivery andinvoicing documentation and automate and standardize business processes that rely on this information. The ECM philosophy can be extendedacross your organization to include AccountsReceivable, Human Resources, Issue Management,Legal, and Governance, Risk and Compliance.

Let Command Alkon provide you with your entireECM solution, including software, scanners, and otherperipherals to complete your ECM setup.







e• Are you surrounded by more paper than you can manage?• Are important documents missing or hard to find? • Could you save time and money if documents were routed to the

proper department or individual by automated workflows?

IIff yyoouu aannsswweerreedd YYEESS ttoo aannyy ooff tthheessee qquueessttiioonnss,, oouurr EEnntteerrpprriisseeCCoonntteenntt MMaannaaggeemmeenntt ((EECCMM)) ssoolluuttiioonn iiss jjuusstt wwhhaatt yyoouu nneeeedd..

EEnntteerrpprriissee CCoonntteenntt MMaannaaggeemmeenntt

“Our office is littered with paper.”

� Secured Web access for customers you chooseto have real-time order and delivery information available without calling the dispatch office

� Customers can view signed delivery tickets when questions arise

� Account balance information is available 24 hours a day

� Daily reports of ordered and delivered totals available to view each day

� Future orders can be checked on-line for time and total accuracy

� Most reports can be e-mailed to customers automatically each day

� Can be configured to meet your existing corporate colors and match existing Web sites

� Can be hosted on a server at your location or off site

GGeenneerraall FFeeaattuurreess && BBeenneeffiittss

“OnBase has helped A & A tremendously.We have decreased our invoicing time from 2weeks to 2 days on average. We opted toscan tickets at our remote plants whichreduced paper handling and shipping. Fileorganization is much better as well with theability to look up past tickets, invoices, andstatements with a few clicks of a button. Wehave plans for a much bigger installation andare confident in the ability of the software andthe Command Alkon – OnBase team to deliverthe solution.”

JJaarreett RRaammiirreezzAA && AA RReeaaddyy MMiixxeedd CCoonnccrreettee IInncc..

Page 18: Command Alkon Business Integrati n Services


WWhhaatt iiss EEnntteerrpprriissee CCoonntteenntt MMaannaaggeemmeenntt ((EECCMM))??Our ECM solution is used to electronically capture delivery tickets,invoices, and statements and can be easily tailored to bring additional value to all aspects of your business for use with materials receipts and invoices from third parties, credit or employment applications, etc. With ECM documentation can bequickly and automatically accessed from Command Alkon systemsand other business applications and easily routed through yourbusiness processes for review and approval.

WWhhaatt iiss CCOOMMMMAANNDDccoommmmeerrccee??

WWhhaatt iiss SScchheedduulleeCCoomm??

Our e-commerce solution, COMMANDcommerce, extends thevalue of your COMMANDseries or Apex application by providingyour employees and your customers access to data via the Web.Projects, orders, and delivery information can be accessed online.When combined with the ECM Tickets and Invoices solution, youcan retrieve images of delivery tickets and invoices via the Web.

ScheduleCom is our Voice-Based Scheduling solution that addresses the common problems associated with communicatingdaily start times and locations to your internal and external staff.ScheduleCom provides a method for publishing variable work schedules, allowing employees to call in to the system to retrievetheir schedule, plus listen to other general or personalized messages.

WWhhaatt iiss CCOOMMMMAANNDDppeerrffoorrmmaannccee??Business intelligence is the technology and practice of applyinginformation to make decisions. Information shows its real valuewhen many people can use and share it. This is the goal of business intelligence. COMMANDperformance is a BusinessIntelligence application that provides you a single, integrated platform to help improve decision making and manage performance. The application is specifically designed for the construction materials industry and includes the full range ofbusiness intelligence capabilities including: reporting, dashboardsand scorecarding, analysis, business activity monitoring, andplanning.



� Automates the driver call in process by communicatingdrive start times and locations via the telephone

� Communicates daily safety messages or other importantinformation to individual employees, employees at one location, or the entire company

� Recordation of employee access to messages� Easily accessed and administered by dispatch offices,

remote employees or home offices� Optional integration with Time and Attendance Systems

BBeenneeffiittss ooff SScchheedduulleeCCoomm

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ScheduleCom provides a method for publishing variable workschedules, allowing employees to call in to the system toretrieve their schedule, plus listen to other general or personalized messages. Messages can be set up to requirea yes/no response from the employee calling in, such as,“Can you work a night shift this week?” or “Are you goingto come to the company picnic?”

ScheduleCom also records when theemployee called in to retrieve their schedule and messages, giving you arecord of when employees receivedrecent safety messages, weather scenarios, traffic statuses or any otherimportant messages. Employees havethe option of leaving a return message.

Targeted at automating the driver call inprocess within the construction materialsindustry, ScheduleCom can also be usedfor maintenance workers, quality controlstaff and even third-party hauling companies.

By integrating with time and attendancesystems the application provides actualclock-hours to the scheduler helpingthem avoid overtime situations whenselecting employees for the next work day.The interface also sends the intended starttime to the Time and Attendance Systemwhich can then prevent employees fromclocking in before their scheduled time.

ScheduleCom is a simple to use, stand-alone, browser-based application makingit easy to extend administration of messages to dispatch offices, remoteemployees or home offices.

Command Alkon is pleased to be a worldwide reseller ofScheduleCom, a product from CCeennAAppppss TTeecchhnnoollooggiieess.

“ScheduleCom has been a great addition to our dailyoperation. It is easy to communicate start times to drivers, along with other important messages. We canbe sure that everyone gets their schedule, especiallywhen we have to make changes at the last minute.The reports are easy-to-use and everyone’s schedule isavailable at the same time each day.”

Andy Zimmerman

Cemstone Products

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mBBuussiinneessss IInntteeggrraattiioonn SSeerrvviicceess

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Command Alkon Business Integration Servicesis pleased to offer a set of solutions unique tothe construction materials industry. Theseapplications allow you to get the maximum valueout of your Command Alkon products by extending information to your customers, youremployees, and your decision-makers.

The Business Integration Services Unit relies onsmart products and a staff of experts that knowsour industry, our customers, and understands ourapplications. This winning combination allows usto provide you business enhancing solutions withstreamlined deployments and “quick start” processesto quickly push information where it needs to be everyminute of your business day.

pprroovviiddeess aallll tthhee ffuunnccttiioonnaalliittyy ooffSScchheedduulleeCCoomm aass aa hhoosstteedd sseerrvviiccee,, eelliimmiinnaattiinngg pphhoonnee ssyysstteemm aanndd iinnffrraassttrruuccttuurree ccoossttss aanndd mmaaiinntteennaannccee..

Customers using this Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)model, pay a monthly fee for use of theScheduleCom software, hosted telephone numberand host servers. There is no phone or infrastructureintegration to implement.

“This is a very competitive market.Staying flexible enough to serve thechanging needs and last minuteadjustments of our customers is a day-to-day challenge for the concreteindustry. ScheduleCom has allowed usthe ability to manage changes andoptimize our drivers’ schedules andplant hours while still being there forour customers at the 11th hour whenthey need us the most.”

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Command Alkon

CCoommmmaanndd AAllkkoonn IInnccoorrppoorraatteeddHHeeaaddqquuaarrtteerrss

1800 International Park Dr., Suite 400Birmingham, AL 35243 USA

+1 (205) 879-3282Fax: +1 (205) 870-1405


B u s i n e s s I n t e g r a t i n S e r v i c e s