Comm 130 Portfolio

 PORTFOLIO A Little Bit Of Everything by Brittany Tanner Experience with me


My portfolio filled with work I have compiled over this semester.

Transcript of Comm 130 Portfolio

PORTFOLIO A Little Bit Of Everything by Brittany Tanner
Brittany Tanner 141 S 1st W Rexburg Id, 83440 210.365.9301 Email: [email protected]
Focus Montage.............................................24-25
Dream Montage...........................................26-27
F L I E R Description:
This is a ier for Vouant Communication promoting their Graduate Leadership Conference.
It gives the time and place, and a short description of event.
Adobe Indesign
Objective: To learn how to use Adobe Indesign to create a great layout of a ier. Drafting
before creating was a huge learning curve, and helped me think of different ways to format
things. It was great to learn some basics.
I used Indesign to create this ier. I used the text box tool, as well as the shaping tool. I
made sure that I had some sketches and messed around with placement and cropping of the
Do you want to have the competitive edge in business?
Come learn how at Vouant
Communication’s annual Graduate
helping tomorrow’s leaders gain essential
leadership skills in the workplace. During
this dynamic three-day seminar,
of Vouant Communications to discuss
breakthrough leadership techniques,
that will market to any employer.
Conference is available to graduating seniors.
Space is limited.
Lincoln Convention Center leaders
I M A G I N G Description:
This is just a photograph I took then added some text to it. When I think of photography I think of moments, and capturing those moments. What better way to capture moments
then with a polaroid. So I designed this to look like a polaroid.
To learn how to use Adobe Photoshop to create great visual media. I was able to learn how
to take awesome photos, and create great content with it. I was also able to work on copy
and try to nd something that went along with this photo.
I used Photoshop to edit this photo and create this piece of media. I took the photo
in Southeastern Idaho along a river bank. I wanted the dandilion in focus. There is one about to fall off, and I love that. I then tried to write text that went along super well and
complimented the photo itself.
MONTAGE Description:
This is a montage of four photos that I blended together using the masking tool in
Photoshop. I absolutly loved this project.
To learn how to use Adobe Photoshop to create great visual media. I was able to learn how
to mask multiple photos together. I really wanted to create a piece of art that was intriguing
and inspiring.
I used Photoshop to edit this photo and create this piece of media. I layered and masked
them one by one so that it could all come together as one piece. I made sure that
everything looked as one solid photo, which was a lot of work. It was difcult and took a
long time to make sure that it blended well. I used the contrast principal with the light and
E V E N T F L I E R Description:
This is an ad that I made for an event in September where people can experience nature
and plant a tree. The Nature Conservancy is working with this event for individuals to open
up and appreciate nature as well as giving something back. So come plant a tree with us!
To learn how to use Microsoft Word. Microsoft Word is a program everyone uses, so if I am able to use it effectivly, that would be great. I also learned how to properly scan things.
For this ad I used word. I scanned in the picture of the tree and made sure the pixels
were the right size so that I could stretch it to cover the whole page. I used text box and shapes. I tried to use as much contrast with the wording so that it would not sink into the
background. I have the E in NATURE extend as an arrow toward the new information. This
helps the eye look where it needs to be.
PLANT A TREE Give back and partner with The Nature Conservancy September 19th  Valley Forge Park Visit:
B R O C H U R E Description:
This is a brochure for Balboa Island in Newport California. This is to welcome everyone out
to see the beauty and relax on this secluded island.
This is a brochure for Balboa Island, and taught me how to use multiple of the Adobe
programs all together to create a brochure.
First I made a logo in illustrator. Then I decided which type of brochure I wanted to make. I then started sketching and trying other things out and had some fun. After many edits and
prints I got it the way I want it to look. I used Illustrator for my logo. Indesign for my layout,
and Photoshop to edit all my photos.
W E B PAG E Description:
This is a website to showcase the logo I made for Chocolate and Churroz. It is a two page
series where you click on the logo and it brings you into the information. I wanted to mix it
up a little.
This is the website for Chocolate and Churroz.
Process: At rst I made one html and one CSS. But then I realized that I thought it would
add another cool element to add another page. So I just coded both and went as I needed
too. There were some helpful websites that helped me gure out how to center things and
any other codes I needed.
Changes made to the CSS: I changed the background colors, changed the header, the
margins. I also changed the fonts and padding. I also made a second CSS from scratch, so all
of that was new.
L O G O S Description:
This is a logo I designed for the Company Chocolate and Churroz. This company specializes
in making pastries, especially churro, and hot chocolate. So enjoy your hot chocolate and
I used Illustrator when designing these logos. It was difcult to learn how to use all of the
tools. But once I got the hang of it, everything fell together. I used the pen tool to create the
C A R D Description:
This is the business card I designed for the Company Chocolate and Churroz. This company
specializes in making pastries, especially churro, and hot chocolate. So enjoy your hot chocolate and churro.
This process required me to design a logo for the company. And took a take on a hot
chocolate mug at a birds eye view on a plate. I tried to use as much negative and white
space as possible. For the front of the business card I tried to make it simple, clean and
inviting. The back side has all of the information. Keeping a laid back but not childish feel to
the card.
This is the letterhead I designed for the Company Chocolate and Churroz. This company
specializes in making pastries, especially churro, and hot chocolate. So enjoy your hot
chocolate and churro.
This process required me to design a letterhead for the company. For the letterhead I kept it super simple. With the logo and name of the company. The information is located at the
bottom. Because this is a smaller business and is just a cute café, the informal feelings as well
warmth and cozy is what Chocolate and Churroz wants.
Description: This is a logo that I made for the brochure. It is for the company Seagull
Travelers that is a company that promotes vacation spots.
Process: I used Illustrator to create this logo. It was a simple circle with a seagull to represent their company.
Message: The message is to show off thier company.
Audience: Anyone who loves to vacation.
Top thing learned: Illustrator is getting easier and easier to use. I absolutly love creating
Description: This is another montage of myself. I loved this photo, and I wanted to do
something small but creative with it. So here it is.
Process: I used Photoshop to edit the photo and to mask in the temple. I then added text.
Message: The message for thismontage is to focus on what is important. And what is
important is the temple, and fmaily.
Audience: Anyone who is looking for an inspiritational message.
Top thing learned: Photoshop is fun to mask in.
Title Font Name/Category: Gill Sans–Sans Serif 
Description: This is another montage that I made in Photoshop.
Process: This also was made in Photoshop. It was two photos masked and blended together.
I absolutly loved this one.
Message: The message is that you have to work for your dreams. Anyone can do anything. I
absolutly love this message and think it is so powerfull.
Audience: Anyone who wants an inspirational message.
Title Font Name/Category: Gill Sans–Sans Serif