Comenius meeting in cles

Comenius Meeting in Cles (Italy) March 2012 Cultural diversity in our school. IES Diego Rodríguez de Estrada. San Juan del Puerto (Spain)



Transcript of Comenius meeting in cles

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Comenius Meetingin Cles (Italy) March 2012

Cultural diversity in our school.

IES Diego Rodríguez de Estrada.San Juan del Puerto (Spain)

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A lecture on immigration.Immigration in our school.

Our immigrant students’ experiences.

Main contents:

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A lecture on immigration

Caritas: a NGO / three immigrants from Guinea and Senegal.

The situation of immigration in Spain: Mainly women from latino-

America. By plane.

Immigrants’ experiences: Problems in their

countries. Problems in Spain.

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Immigration in our school

Number of immigrant students.Different nationalities and cultures.

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Number of immigrant students in our school

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Immigrant students’ nationalities

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Immigrant students’ experiences

Interviews: Gonzalo, Patricia, Ponjau, Nadia, Manal, Andrea and Carla.

Summaries of their experiences.


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Gonzalo is from Portugal. He arrived in San Juan del Puerto with 12 years old. In his city he went to High School, played football with his friends and he also went to the park.At the beginning the Spanish language was very difficult for him. As soon as he arrived he was welcome and he made a lot of friends. In his country, people have different behaviors and a different education. In Portugal, lessons are in the mornings and evenings. The time-table is from 8:30h to 15:00h and from 14:00 to the end of the lessons.His adaptation to this High School was good and fast, the first day he came he had an exam and he passed it. His family and he feel comfortable in San Juan del Puerto.

Patricia came to Spain when she was 14 years ago. She's from to Portugal.At first, she felt bad here, but after a while she adapted herself very well, now she has got a boyfriend and a lost of friends. She knows Spanish, because she came to Spain with her family .She learned Spanish for 3 years .Her dad had problems to find a job.

Summaries of the interviews

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Ponjau,He’s from China and he’s 13 years old. He arrived in Barcelona with 9 years old, and soon he moved to San Juan del Puerto, because his father got a job. In China the student’s level is higher. When he studies there, there were physical punishments on the part of the teachers. The timetable was from 7.00h to lunch time, then they came back to school at 17:00h until the lessons finished. It’s difficult for Ponjau to understand the Spanish language but he speaks it fluently. He isn’t doing very well at High School. His favourite subject is Maths. He gets bored in class because the lessons are not new for him. At the beginning he was badly treated, but now he has a lot of friends. He says he misses his country, especially his grandmother. Part of his family lives in San Juan del Puerto. He likes Spanish food, although he is still eating Chinese food. Chinese people celebrate the New Year in February, this is the Year of the Dragon. They prepare big meals to celebrate all the events.

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Nadia is from Ukraine. She arrived in San Juan del Puerto with 11 years old. When she knew that she had to come to Spain she tried to watch TV everyday and read a lot for learn the Spanish language. Her family adapted well. At the beginning she liked our country, but then she changed her mind because she missed her home and her friends. Now she’s happy with her life and she has a lot of friends.

Manal is from Morocco.She arrived to Spain with 5 years old. She didn’t give importance to immigrating to our country. She thought she was doing to go a place near her home. They didn’t speak Spanish. That was a problem.Her country is divided into rich families and poor families. Her culture is different, the shops, the houses, etc... Marriages are different. In Morocco there are many ceremonies before the wedding, they change the wedding dress 7 times!!The school is very different, in Morocco there are 16 subjects, there are more hours of study, and schools are very strict.-Her integration was generally good.

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Andrea is from Honduras. She arrived to Spain with 4 years old.She didn’t give importance to immigrate to our country, but her family was sad.They spoke Spanish very well. Her country and Spain aren’t very different but the security, the police and the doctors are different. In Honduras there isn’t any security, the police are corrupted and the doctors are private.Schools in Spain are better equipped.Her integration was good. Her family is happy and she is happy too.

Carla is from to Dominican Republic (Santo Domingo)School in her country starts at 7 finished 2. People are more polite and affectionate. In the afternoon, they have the afternoon snack at 16:00 o'clock. She goes out with her friends and street dance classes. At the weekends, she goes shopping with her friends and her cousin. At night, she watches TV until 02:00 o'clock! She didn't want to come to Spain and she felt very bad. People don't accept her well. She feels alone. She is still setting adapted to life in San Juan del Puerto.

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Thanks to our

partners for their help and
