COM/CITEL STEERING PCC.I PCC.II SECRETARIAT. Establishing the Permanent Consultative Committees. d....

InterAmerican Telecommunication Commission ASSEMBLY COM/CITEL STEERING PCC.I PCC.II SECRETARIAT CITEL STRUCTURE NOVEMBER 2013 Secretariat of CITEL Organization of American States http:// [email protected]

Transcript of COM/CITEL STEERING PCC.I PCC.II SECRETARIAT. Establishing the Permanent Consultative Committees. d....

Page 1: COM/CITEL STEERING PCC.I PCC.II SECRETARIAT. Establishing the Permanent Consultative Committees. d. Approving the request for membership in CITEL of American States that are not members

Inter‐American Telecommunication Commission 





NNOOVVEEMMBBEERR  22001133  Secretariat of CITEL 

Organization of American States 

[email protected]

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TABLE OF CONTENTS I. CITEL ASSEMBLY ......................................................................................................................................... 1 II. PERMANENT EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (COM/CITEL) ......................................................................... 2 1. Coordination Center for the Development of Human Resources ................................................................3 2. Working Group on the Strategic Plan of CITEL ......................................................................................... 4 3. Working Group to Prepare for the Meetings of the Council of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) ............................................................................................................... 5 4. Conference Preparatory Working Group to address Regional Preparations for World Conferences and Meetings ............................................................................................................... 5 III. STEERING COMMITTEE................................................................................................................................ 7 IV. PERMANENT CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE I: TELECOMMUNICATIONSINFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES (PCC.I) ................................................................................................... 8 1. Working Group on Policy and Regulation (WGPR) ................................................................................... 9 1.1 Rapporteurship on the Rights of users of public telecommunication services ................................... 10 1.2 Rapporteurship on Internet issues ........................................................................................................ 10 1.3 Rapporteurship on Roaming................................................................................................................. 11 1.4 Rapporteurship on “Regulatory non-compliance practices and fraud Control in

telecommunications/ICT”..................................................................................................................... 12 1.5 Rapporteurship on economic aspects of telecommunications/ICTs..................................................... 13 1.5.1 Question for the study of the situation of mobile termination rates (MTR) in the Americas........................................................................................................................... 14 1.6 Rapporteurship for the preparation of WTSA and WCIT .................................................................... 14 2. Working Group on Development (WGD) .................................................................................................. 14 2.1 Rapporteurship on the use of telecommunications in the prevention and mitigation of catastrophes and disasters ................................................................................................................ 16 2.2 Rapporteurship on matters of common interest to CITEL and other organizations............................. 16 2.3 Rapporteurship on ICTs for social inclusion........................................................................................ 17 3. Working Group on Deployment of Technologies and Services (WGDTS) .............................................. 17 3.1 Rapporteurship on Standards, Conformity and Interoperability .......................................................... 18 3.2 Rapporteurship on Network Infrastructure and Service Deployment .................................................. 19 3.3 Rapporteurship on Cybersecurity and Vulnerability Assessment ........................................................ 20 3.4 Rapporteurship on Telecommunications Numbering and Addressing................................................. 21 3.5 Rapporteurship on “ICTs, Environment and Climate change” ............................................................ 21 4. Ad Hoc Group on work methods. ................................................................................................................ 22 5 Ad Hoc Group on the ITU-T Review Committee........................................................................................ 22 V. PERMANENT CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE II: RADIOCOMMUNICATIONS INCLUDING BROADCASTING (PCC.II) ................................................................................................................................... 24 1. Working Group for the Preparation of CITEL for Regional and World Radiocommunication Conferences ................................................................................................................................................ 25 1.1 Sub working Group for the purpose of boosting the participation of the Administrations in the process of preparing IAPs .............................................................................. 29 2. Working Group on Terrestrial Fixed and Mobile Radiocommunication Services ................................... 29 2.1 Coordination of CITEL on the work of ITU-R on International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) ................................................................................................................ 29 2.2 Sub Working Group on Ultra Wide Band (UWB) ............................................................................ 30 2.3 Sub Working Group in Radar and Radionavigation .......................................................................... 30 2.4 Sub Working Group of CITEL to follow the activities of the ITU that deals with

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emergency telecommunications, particularly on the use of radio Communications Systems. ........... 30 2.5 Sub-Working Group of Spectrum Management................................................................................... 30 3. Working Group Relative to Satellite Systems to Provide Fixed and Mobile Services ............................. 30 4. Working Group on Broadcasting ............................................................................................................. 31 4.1 Rapporteurship on the Río de Janeiro 1981 Plan ................................................................................. 31 4.2 Rapporteurship on Digital Terrestrial Television (DTV) ................................................................... 32 4.3 Rapporteurship on digital audio broadcasting...................................................................................... 32 4.4 Rapporteurship on issues concerning the updating and revision of the 1981 and 1988 Rio de Janeiro Agreements.......................................................................................................... 32 VI. CITEL SECRETARIAT ................................................................................................................................ 33

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Assembly of CITEL





Rapporteurship on the Rights of Users

of Public Telecommunication


Rapporteurship on Internet issues

Rapporteurship on Roaming

Rapporteurship on regulatory non-

compliance practices and fraud control in


Rapporteurship on economic aspects of telecommunications/


Rapporteurship for the preparation of WTSA and WCIT

Rapporteurship on use of Telecom. in

Prevention and Mitigation of

Catastrophes & Disasters

Rapporteurship on Matters of Common

Interest to CITEL and other Organizations

Rapporteurship on ICTs for Social


Rapporteurship on Standards,

Conformity and Interoperability

Rapporteurship on Network

Infrastructure and Service Deployment

Rapporteurship on Cybersecurity and

Vulnerability Assessment

Rapporteurship on Telecommunications

Numbering and Addressing

Rapporteurship on ICTs, Environment

and Climate change

SWG for the purpose of boosting the

participation of the Admin. in process of

preparing IAPs

Coordination of CITEL on the work of


SWG on Ultra Wide Band (UWB)

SGW in Radar and Radionavigation

SWG of CITEL to follow the activities of the ITU that deals

with emergency telecom.

Rapporteur Group on

the Rio de Janeiro 1981 Plan

Rapporteur Group on

Digital Terrestrial Television


Rapporteur Group on

Digital Audio Broadcasting

WG on Policy and Regulation


WG on Development


WG on Deployment of

Technologies and Services (WGDTS)

WG for the Preparation of CITEL

for Regional and World Radiocom.


WG on Terrestrial Fixed and Mobile

Radiocom. Services

WG Relative to Satellite Systems to Provide Fixed

and Mobile Services

WG on Broadcasting

Question for the study of the

situation of MTR in the Americas

SWG of Spectrum Management

Rapporteurship on issues concerning the updating and

revision of the 1981 and 1988 Rio de

Janeiro Agreements

Steering Committee

Ad-Hoc Group on work methods

Chair: MexicoVicechair: Dominican RepublicMembers: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Peru, United States of America, Uruguay, Venezuela

- Coordination Center for the Development of HR.- WG on the Strategic Plan of CITEL- WG to Prepare for the Meetings of the Council of the ITU- Conference Preparatory WG to address Regional Preparations for World Conferences and Meetings

Chair: ColombiaVicechair: Uruguay

Chair: ArgentinaVicechair: Peru, El Salvador

Ad-Hoc Group on ITU-T Review Committee

Page 5: COM/CITEL STEERING PCC.I PCC.II SECRETARIAT. Establishing the Permanent Consultative Committees. d. Approving the request for membership in CITEL of American States that are not members

I. CITEL ASSEMBLY 1 The Assembly has the purpose to serve as an Inter-American Forum in which the highest telecommunications authorities of the CITEL Member States will share opinions and experiences and make appropriate decisions to direct their activities towards achieving its assigned objectives and mandates. Terms of reference: a. Establishing the policies for achieving the objectives and functions set out in Article 3 of this Statute. b. Electing the members of COM/CITEL. c. Establishing the Permanent Consultative Committees. d. Approving the request for membership in CITEL of American States that are not members of the

Organization, subject to ratification by the General Assembly of the Organization. e. Proposing amendments to this Statute for approval by the General Assembly of the Organization. f. Approving the CITEL Regulations and presenting them to the General Assembly of the Organization for

its information.

Authorities: One Chair and two Vice Chairs elected in the First Plenary Session of the CITEL´s Assembly

1/ CITEL Statute: Chapter Two

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COM/CITEL is the executive organ of CITEL. It is composed of representatives of thirteen Member States of CITEL elected at the Regular Meeting of the Assembly of CITEL. COM/CITEL currently comprises the Administrations of the countries listed below, elected by the Assembly of CITEL at its Fourth Regular Meeting, for the period 2010-2014: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Peru, United States of America, Uruguay, Venezuela, together with Mexico as the site of the Fifth Regular Assembly and Dominican Republic as the site of the Sixth Regular Assembly of CITEL.3

Functions: a. To carry out the decisions of the CITEL Assembly, taking into consideration the recommendations of the

General Assembly of the Organization and of the pertinent Councils with respect to telecommunications/ICT.

b. To carry out and enforce the objectives of Article 3 of this Statute. c. To set the date for the Regular Meeting of the CITEL Assembly, the date and place for the Special

Meetings of the CITEL Assembly and make amendments as necessary. d. To prepare the draft agendas for the Regular and Special Meetings of the CITEL Assembly and to submit

them to the governments of the Member States of CITEL for consideration, through the Executive Secretary, pursuant to Article 9 of this Statute.

e. To propose to the CITEL Assembly any amendments it may consider necessary to introduce to this Statute and the Regulations.

f. To establish a work program for the Secretariat and for the office of the Chairman of COM/CITEL for implementation of the decisions of the CITEL Assembly.

g. To adopt any urgent measures, which cannot be deferred until the next meeting of the CITEL Assembly and which shall remain in force until the CITEL Assembly can consider them.

h. Through its Chairman or some other designated member of COM/CITEL, to represent CITEL at world, regional, or national meetings or conferences on telecommunications/ICT or related activities.

i. With the cooperation of the Secretariat, to prepare studies, drafts of inter-American conventions and treaties, and any other documents relating to telecommunications/ICT in the hemisphere.

j. Through the Secretary General and the appropriate Council of the Organization, to present to the General Assembly an annual report on the activities of CITEL.

k. To establish such technical committees and working groups as it may consider necessary determining its work program.

l. Within the framework of CITEL's objectives, to plan and coordinate inter-American activities in the area of telecommunications/ICT.

m. To review and approve a work program based on the program-budget approved by the General Assembly and an annual proposed budget for CITEL in pursuance of the provisions of Article 112 ( c ) of the Charter of the Organization; ensuring the strictest possible economy but mindful of the obligation upon CITEL to achieve satisfactory results from the work programs undertaken.

2/ CITEL Statute: Chapter Three 3/ V CITEL’s Assembly

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Chair: Mr. Jose Ignacio Peralta Sánchez [email protected]


Alternate Chair of COM/CITEL Ms. Karel Ochoa Reyes [email protected]


Vice Chair: Mr. Pedro J. Mercado Gris [email protected]

(Dominican Republic)

Deputy Vice Chair: Mr. Sócrates E. Martínez de Moya [email protected]

(Dominican Republic)

1. Coordination Center for the Development of Human Resources 1 Terms of reference: a. To identify and promote specific training courses to meet the needs and priorities of the members

of the CITEL. b. To coordinate training programs for the CITEL Member States with Regional Training Centers. c. To coordinate the work with the Center of Excellence of the ITU for the Americas. d. To draw up and disseminate a document describing what the training centers have to offer. e. To request liaison officers to provide a list of the training demand in member countries. f. To encourage entities from member countries to devote additional efforts to the training and

development of human resources. g. To prepare and keep an updated list of courses available at regional, sub-regional, and

international telecommunication organizations. h. To prepare and keep an updated list of international events related to telecommunication

development and training of human resources. i. To request the Secretariat to publish in its website updated information on the activities of the

Administration in its role of coordinator, its progress and the mentioned lists, trying to create links with the electronic sites of organizations and events listed.

j. To identify and promote training programs offered by operating companies and equipment manufacturers.

k. To steadily contribute to the establishment of a more direct relationship with international organizations capable of providing training to personnel of the CITEL member countries, particularly in the field of management, regulation and control of telecommunications.

l. To administrate the surplus of the COM/CITEL Reserve Fund.

1/ COM/CITEL/RES.140 (XII-02)

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The regional training centers of CITEL are: 1. Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires - Argentina 2. Universidad de Brasilia - Brazil 3. Telecommunications Executive Management Institute of Canada - Canada 4. Centro Internacional de Capacitación en Telecomunicaciones - Chile 5. Centro Nacional de Electrónica y Telecomunicaciones de la Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas de la Universidad de Chile - Chile 6. Asociación Colombiana de Ingenieros - Colombia 7. Universidad Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario de Colombia - Colombia 8. Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería “Julio Garavito” de Colombia - Colombia 9. Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas - Colombia 10. United States Telecommunications Training Institute - United States 11. Comisión Federal de Telecomunicaciones de Mexico - Mexico 12. Centro de Innovación Tecnológica – Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad Nacional de Asunción

(CITEC-FIUNA) - Paraguay 13. Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Capacitación de Telecomunicaciones del Perú (INICTEL-UNI)

Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (UNI) - Perú 14. Telecommunications Corporation Suriname Telesur Training Research - Suriname 15. Administración Nacional de Telecomunicaciones, ANTEL - Uruguay 16. Universidad Católica del Uruguay - Uruguay 17. Centro de Formación Centroamericana – COMTELCA 18. Centro de Capacitación en Alta Tecnología CCAT – Argentina 19. Institute of Technology for the Americas (ITLA) – Dominican Republic

Coordinador: Ms. Carol Dolinkas [email protected]


Vice Coordinador: Mr. Fernando Lara [email protected]

(Costa Rica)

2. Working Group on the Strategic Plan of CITEL 5 Terms of Reference Update the Strategic Plan of CITEL annually including projects that develop its objective policies and strategies.

Chair: Mr. Héctor Carril [email protected]


Vice Chairs: Mr. Allan Ruíz Madrigal [email protected]

(Costa Rica)

Ms. Karel Ochoa Reyes [email protected]


Deputy Vice Chair: Mr. Héctor Valdés [email protected]


5/ CITEL/RES. 23 (II-98)

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3. Working Group to Prepare for the Meetings of the Council of the International Telecommunication Union

(ITU) 6

Terms of reference: a. Identify the matters dealt with by the ITU Council that are of real importance for CITEL’s objectives

and activities, including the decisions adopted by the Plenipotentiary Conference, and give priority to the most urgent matters.

b. Carry out preparatory work for the matters defined as important for CITEL and coordinate the strategy to be developed inside the Council, its Commission, and related Working Groups.

c. Coordinate topics of common interest with the Working Group to Prepare World Conferences and Meetings, including any draft inter-American proposal or other issues that can be developed for submittal to the ITU by the above-mentioned Working Group, before the presentation of any of these issues or inter-American proposals to ITU.

d. Coordinate with the Permanent Consultative Committees how to deal with Council issues and activities whose handling corresponds to them so that: They can have the results of the work carried out in the PCCs. The Working Group can report to the Chairpersons of the PCCs on the decisions adopted by

the Council that come under the jurisdiction of their respective Committees.

Chair: Mr. Facundo Fernández Begni [email protected]


Vice Chairs: Ms. Kathryn O’Brien [email protected]

(United States of America)

Ms. Karel Ochoa Reyes [email protected]


Deputy Vice Chair: Mr. Héctor Valdés [email protected]


4. Conference Preparatory Working Group to address Regional Preparations for World Conferences and

Meetings 7 Mandate: 1. To undertake the coordination of regional preparations of the ITU Plenipotentiary and World

Telecommunications Development Conferences, including the preparation of Inter-American Proposals (IAPs) and common positions.

2. To undertake coordination of regional preparations for other major international meetings within the competence of CITEL.

3. To undertake inter-regional consultations in preparations for these conferences and meetings.

6/ COM/CITEL/RES.73 (VII-98) 7/ CITEL/RES.65 (V-10)

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Co-Chairs: Mr. Santiago Reyes Borda

[email protected] (Plenipotentiary Conference)


Mr. Víctor Martínez [email protected] (World Telecommunications Development Conference)


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III. STEERING COMMITTEE The Steering Committee comprises the Chair and Vice Chair of COM/CITEL and the Chairs of the Permanent Consultative Committees (PCC). It is responsible for proposing to COM/CITEL a review of CITEL’s schedule of activities in order to ensure that CITEL attends to its members’ needs, for ensuring that CITEL funds continue to be used effectively and efficiently, and for proposing additions to the COM/CITEL agenda.

Chair: Mr. Jose Ignácio Peralta Sánchez Igná[email protected]


Vice Chair COM/CITEL: Mr. Pedro J. Mercado Gris [email protected]

(Dominican Republic)

Alternate Vice Chair of COM/CITEL Mr. Sócrates E. Martínez de Moya [email protected]

(Dominican Republic)

Chair PCC.I: Mr. Norberto Carlos Berner [email protected]


Alternate Chair of PCC.I: Mr. Héctor Carril [email protected]


Chair PCC.II Mr. Diego Molano Vega [email protected]


Alternate Chair of PCC.II Mr. Franklin Merchan Calderón [email protected]


Executive Secretary: Mr. Clovis Baptista [email protected]

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Objective: To serve as an advisory committee of CITEL in the area of telecommunications/ICTs, especially in matters related to telecommunication/ICT policy, regulatory aspects, standardization, universal service, economic and social development, environment and climate change, and the development of infrastructure and new technologies. To implement this objective, Permanent Consultative Committee I has the following mandates: Mandates: In accordance with the relevant regulations, procedures, and recommendations of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU): a. To promote discussion of new technologies with a view to understanding how countries in the region

are creating forward looking policy frameworks that stimulate infrastructure, innovation, and uptake of new services in an environment of legal security, and healthy competition, and evolving technological conditions and to develop recommendations.

b. To encourage and promote the development of telecommunication/ICT infrastructure and services in the region.

c. To promote coordination, planning, and harmonization among member states with regard to technical standards in general and service quality in coordination with relevant international standards.

d. To promote the coordination, planning, and consensus among member states with respect to tariff and economic matters, as well as draw up recommendations on economic aspects and tariff principles of telecommunication/ICT services.

e. To promote the coordination, planning, and consensus among member states with respect of technical standards and conformity assessment procedures.

f. To encourage the creation and implementation of inter-American agreements on various matters. g. To promote and encourage the development and universalization of information and communication

technologies (ICTs) and the new telecommunication/ICT services arising from them as tools to promote economic, social, and cultural development.

h. To encourage and promote the development of convergent telecommunication/ICT networks and services based on the new technologies, taking account of their ongoing evolution.

i. To understand environment and climate change-related issues and their linkage to ICTs, and to disseminate relevant information thereon to the Member States.

j. To coordinate regional preparations for specific ITU events, as appropriate, such as the World Telecommunication Standardization Assemblies and the World Conferences on International Telecommunications, including the preparation of inter-American proposals (IAPs) and common positions, and to conduct interregional consultations in preparation for these events.

k. To work in coordination with the different committees and working groups of CITEL in those areas which, by their nature, lend themselves to joint action.

l. To encourage active participation by the private sector as associate members.

8/ CITEL/RES. 64 (V-10)

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Chair: Mr. Norberto Carlos Berner [email protected]


Alternate Chair: Mr. Héctor Carril [email protected]


Vice Chairs: Mr. Gonzalo Ruiz Díaz [email protected]


Mr. Mauricio Herrera López [email protected]

(El Salvador)

1. Working Group on Policy and Regulation (WGPR) 9 Mandate: The Working Group on Policy and Regulatory Considerations (WGPRC) shall provide a forum where Member States and CITEL Associate Members can discuss and exchange information about regulatory aspects and telecommunications/ ICT policies emerging from the telecommunications/ICT in existence and changing environment of telecommunications/ICT. This Working Group shall prepare reports, proposals and guides to be considered by CITEL members and whenever necessary it shall coordinate the drafting of common proposals to be submitted before international fora. Terms of reference: 10 a. To promote the coordination, planning, and consensus among Member States with respect to tariff and

economic matters, as well as to draw up recommendations on economic aspects and tariff principles of telecommunications/ICT services.

b. To develop studies on the economic aspects and tariff principles of the telecommunications systems/ICTs and to examine the need for new or adapted charging and accounting mechanisms for the provision of such services in the Region.

c. To study the requirements for conformity assessment procedures for telecommunication equipment in the different CITEL countries, including analyses for the possible harmonization of such processes in this Region, allowing, among other purposes, for the implementation of the Inter-American Mutual Recognition Agreement for Conformity Assessment of Telecommunications Equipment.

d. To coordinate Regional arrangements for specific ITU events, as appropriate, such as the World Telecommunication Standardization Assemblies and the World Conferences on International Telecommunications, including the preparation of inter-American proposals (IAPs) and common positions, and to conduct interregional consultations in preparation for these events.

e. To raise awareness among the Member States of the status of regulations of new telecommunication networks and services in order to promote discussion of the topic and provide recommendations on how to implement an efficient, fair, functional, and forward-looking regulatory framework that serves the countries of the Region and can be adapted to the constantly evolving technological conditions and encourage the development of infrastructure, innovation, competition and legal certainty.

f. To perform studies on government policies, including those associated with the management of ccTLD, the comparative analysis on the experiences that identify the best practices in the countries of

9/ CCP.I/RES.163 (XVI/10) 10/ CCP.I-TIC/doc. 1988/10 rev.2

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the Region, as well as the ones relating to Internet public policy aspects. g. To study aspects related to the prevention, detection, policies and action as regards fraud and

regulatory non- compliance practices in the telecommunications/ICT service provisioning, by recommending the best practices that allow minimizing the impact for Member States, users and operators.

h. To draft best-practice guides regarding the relationship between service users and providers. i. To develop studies and mechanisms making it possible to implement international roaming for mobile

telecommunications in the Americas Region in order to facilitate and improve access to services.

Chair: Reynaldo Altamirano [email protected]


Vice Chairs: Ms. Michelle Wu [email protected]

(United States of America)

Mr. Carlos Jorge Netto [email protected]


Alternate Vice Chair: Mr. César Martínez [email protected]


1.1 Rapporteurship on the Rights of users of public telecommunication services 11 Mandate: To disseminate, among Member States, the best practices, policies and procedures related to the rights of users of public telecommunication services. Terms of reference:

a. To encourage the participation of Member States in this group. b. To design and forward to CITEL Member States the questionnaire about the policies in force on the

rights of users of public telecommunication services. c. To identify papers and polices of other countries and international organizations. d. To create a Technical Notebook including topics related to relevant regulations and procedures in

favor of users.

Rapporteur: Mr. Sócrates E. Martínez de Moya [email protected]

(Dominican Republic)

1.2 Rapporteurship on Internet issues Mandate: To focus on the study of governmental policies and experiences related to ccTLD, gTLD and IP address block management including a comparative analysis of these experiences to identify the “Best Practice” cases in the countries of the Region, and also aspects relevant to Internet development, working closely with the Internet technical community.

11/ CCP.I-TIC/doc. 1986/10 rev.7

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Terms of reference: a. To continue working with the Member States and Associate Members to collect information on

Internet Resources, including, but not limited to: ccTLD, gTLDs and IP address block management, including the activities of other competent entities.

b. To analyze the policies of the Region on IP address block management. c. To follow up the activities of ICANN and other relevant organizations. d. To follow up on the tasks performed by the Group of the United Nations Secretary General on Internet

Governance jointly with the Rapporteurship on Economic Aspects of telecommunications/ICT of the Working Group on Policy and Regulation.

e. To develop topics pertinent to Internet development and relevant to the associate members. f. To conduct on-site or distance-learning seminars, workshops and conferences to keep PCC.I members

informed on and trained in Internet and its technologies.

Rapporteur: Mr. Oscar Messano [email protected]


1.3 Rapporteurship on Roaming Terms of reference: a. To gather views of the membership of PCC.I on international mobile roaming in order to help facilitate

increased access to roaming services to a broader segment of the population. b. To identify relevant elements on which to focus in order to improve roaming services. These elements

may include, but not be limited to, A review of the impact of tax systems on mobile roaming rates, particularly double taxation. Standardized formats for information exchange. Prepaid roaming platform. NRTSDE (Near Real Time roaming Data Exchange) Calling Line Identification recognition. Global roaming Quality implementation. Development of an IP Multimedia Sub-System Regional platform. Liberalization of International Gateways. Bypass Fraud. Unnoticed cross-border roaming. Identification and analysis of local cross-border roaming zones. Development of public policies and regulations to foster new solutions and accelerate

improvement of telecommunication services. Review of state-of-the-art technologies which could assist expansion of international roaming

services. c. To consider developing best practices for providing roaming service information to consumers. d. To identify market developments that have occurred within administration, Regions and globally that

have contributed to a reduction in roaming rates for consumers. e. To consider the implications of regulatory measures, such as liberalization of international gateways,

on roaming tariffs. f. To consider the implications of pre-paid and post-paid roaming services on rates. g. To review studies and discuss measures and policies proposed by regulators, operators, government

bodies, and other entities (such as associations and expert groups).

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h. To request, gather, classify and evaluate information from inter-American organizations, which are part of the Inter-American System, as well as from other organizations that are currently working or are interested in the development of the Roaming International Service in the Americas, such as the Latin American Forum of Telecommunications Regulators (REGULATEL), the Telecommunications Regional Technical Commission of Central America (COMTELCA), and the industry.

i. To instruct the Rapporteur to act jointly with the PCC.I Chair and CITEL Executive Secretary to request international organizations to obtain the funding to support the work of the Rapporteurship.

j. To instruct the CITEL Secretariat to serve as the point of contact with international financial institutions in support of this initiative.

k. To participate actively in the various roaming procedures carried out at the Regional level. l. To coordinate with the Permanent Consultative Committee II: Radio communications, including

Broadcasting. m. To identify and evaluate experiences, including international agreements, of Member States of CITEL

which promote the development of cross-border international roaming services. n. That these Terms of reference recognize that work is currently underway within other organizations,

for example, ITU-T Study Group 3, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the European Regulators Group (ERG), the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation/Telecommunication (APECTEL), and MERCOSUR, the Andean Community of Nations (CAN) and the Central American Integration System (SICA). The results of these works should be considered by the rapporteur as they become available

o. To coordinate and establish links with organizations forming part of the inter-American development system, such as the IDB, and other Regional and sub Regional institutions and organizations, in order to develop and promote international roaming services in the Region

p. To undertake the development of surveys and organize workshops, as appropriate and agreed to by CITEL PCC.I Plenary.

Rapporteur: Mr. Gonzalo Ruiz Díaz

[email protected]


1.4 Rapporteurship on “Regulatory non-compliance practices and fraud Control in telecommunications/ICT” Mandate: a. To study and recommend strategies and best practices to detect and reduce fraud in the area of

telecommunications/ICTs. b. To identify the main regulatory non-compliance behaviors that currently affect the normal

development of telecommunications/ICT activities, for their subsequent analysis from a primarily technical and legal perspective, while discussing the best procedural practices, both for the regulator and the providers themselves, for the rapid and efficient interruption of the regulatory non-compliance behaviors and the applicable administrative sanction for the perpetrators.

Terms of reference: a. To study the various fraud modalities and unauthorized accesses to networks observed in the provision

of telecommunication services. b. To define strategies and best practices to increase network security in order to minimize the effects of

fraud and unauthorized accesses.

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c. To promote the Regional dialogue and exchange of information on telecommunication fraud and unauthorized accesses.

d. To promote the application of the recommendations issued by PCC.I in the area of fraud control and regulatory non-compliance practices in the Region.

e. To encourage user protection schemes which improve the user situation in the case of fraudulent actions.

f. To define the concept of regulatory non-compliance practices and their scope. g. To analyze the regulatory non-compliance practices that affect telecommunication activities through

the violation of regulations that govern telecommunication service provision. h. To investigate the causes of the occurrence and proliferation of regulatory non-compliance practices i. To establish guidelines for the control of regulatory non-compliance practices, at the regulator level,

with the purpose of protecting the quality and security of communications. j. To issue recommendations to PCC.I Members regarding the adoption of action policies, with the

purpose of setting common procedures to fight regulatory non-compliance practices.

Co-Rapporteurs: Mr. Silvio De Diego [email protected]


Mr. Giovani Mancilla [email protected]


1.5 Rapporteurship on economic aspects of telecommunications/ICTs Mandate: To develop studies on the economic aspects and principles governing rates and/or prices of telecommunications/ICT services and analyze the need for new or adapted charging and accounting mechanisms for the delivery of those services in the Region. Furthermore, conduct best practices that can be considered in the regulatory frameworks of the member countries. Terms of reference: a. To identify, study and assess cost models for the different telecommunications/ICT services;

prioritizing the experience in the Region as well as the needs of member countries, permanently assessing the impact of new technologies.

b. To identify, study and assess the economic aspects of the services based on new generation networks in the countries of the Region, considering the impact on the economic growth of the sector, and potential costs and savings.

c. To study the economic aspects regarding tariffs and prices, access charges, interconnection, etc, considering the impact of new generation networks.

d. To identify, study and assess the different factors of the telecommunication activity, its impact on economic growth and income distribution.

e. To study the economic aspects related to the Internet in the Americas (Internet International Connectivity and Traffic Flow Methodologies).

f. To study the competitiveness of the telecommunication markets, including the effect of anti-trust practices and regulatory measures for their prevention.

g. To consider the activities of the ITU-T Study Group 3 so that CITEL contributions can be submitted.

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Rapporteur: Mr. Facundo Fernández Begni [email protected]


1.5.1 Question for the study of the situation of mobile termination rates (MTR) in the Americas

Coordinators Ms. Flavia Alves [email protected]

(United States of America)

Mr. Manuel Muñoz Quiroz [email protected]


Mr. Jose Luis Muñoz [email protected]


1.6 Rapporteurship for the preparation of WTSA and WCIT Mandate: To coordinate Regional preparation for the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA) and the World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT), including the preparation of Inter-American Proposals (IAP) and common positions as well as doing inter-regional consultations for the preparation of those events. Terms of reference: a. To identify the issues that are relevant for the Region as regards the ITU Telecommunication

Standardization Sector (ITU-T) and to discuss possible solutions and draw up proposals to address those issues.

b. To coordinate Inter-American Proposals to be submitted to the WTSA by CITEL. c. To follow-up on the ITU tasks on the International Telecommunication Regulations in order to

coordinate Inter-American Proposals for the World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT).

Co- Rapporteurs: Mr. Guillermo Clemente

[email protected] (Argentina)

Mr. Víctor Manuel Martínez [email protected]


2. Working Group on Development (WGD) Mandate The Working Group on Development (WGD) will identify specific actions aimed at reducing the digital divide and encouraging the universalizing of telecommunications/ICT that enable the development of a network infrastructure, access to new services, and technology and knowledge transfer, to promote economic, social and cultural development.

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Terms of reference 12

a. To identify, formulate and carry out development projects that contribute to the improvement of telecommunications in the Region and capacity-building, as well as coordinate the search for resources from international organizations, non-governmental organizations, and private industry.

b. In coordination with the Coordination Center for the Development of Human Resources of the Permanent Executive Committee of CITEL (COM/CITEL), to identify needs for human capacity development, and to prepare the telecommunication training program of CITEL.

c. To promote the transfer of knowledge and the scientific and technological cooperation among CITEL Member States and associate members, through the access and appropriation of telecommunications/ICT services to reduce the digital divide, in the pursuit of social inclusion.

d. To formulate and implement projects promoting the development of indigenous peoples and communities, unattended groups and groups with specific needs in the area of telecommunications/ICT, facilitating its access, use and social appropriation.

e. To propose, develop and disseminate strategies that allow telecommunication infrastructure, including emergency communications, to be identified as a decisive factor in natural disaster prevention, mitigation, aid, relief, and reconstruction actions.

f. To follow up on the work done in the Telecommunication Development Sector of the International Telecommunication Union and, to the extent possible, to submit proposals in its Study Groups, as well as collaborate with the Conference Preparatory Working Group of COM/CITEL in the formulation of Inter-American Proposals for the World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC) of the ITU in order to promote the evolution of telecommunication networks in the countries of the Americas.

g. To implement and follow up on the cooperation agreements with other international organizations that address topics of interest to the Committee with the purpose of consolidating the relationship with those organizations and of expediting the information exchange and the possible joint works.

h. To promote the development of telecommunications/ICT applications that improve the quality of life of the inhabitants in the Region through the identification of needs that can be met with the use and appropriation of telecommunications/ICT, identifying their impact in the Region.

Chair: Mr. Erick Huerta Velazquez

[email protected] (Mexico)

Alternate Chair: Mr. Víctor Manuel Martínez [email protected]


Vice Chairs: Mr. Sócrates E. Martínez de Moya [email protected]

(Dominican Republic)

Mr. Gabriel Lombide [email protected]


Alternate Vice Chair: Mr. Fernando Hernandez [email protected]


12/ CCP.I-TIC/doc. 1987/10 rev 3

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2.1 Rapporteurship on the use of telecommunications in the prevention and mitigation of catastrophes and disasters

Mandate: To propose and develop recommendations and provide information to CITEL Member States that enable telecommunication infrastructure to be used as a decisive factor in disaster prevention, mitigation, relief, and reconstruction actions. Terms of reference: a. To develop Recommendations to ensure the least impact on the telecommunication sector in the event

of disasters. b. To coordinate between Member States for the restoration of telecommunications/ICT services. c. To advice for telecommunication network reconstruction. d. To support the efforts made by the ITU worldwide, as regards the Administrations’ design and

implementation of Recommendations prior, during and post occurrence of a natural disaster.

Rapporteur: Mr. Jonathan Siverling [email protected]

(United States of America)

Co-Rapporteur To be confirmed (Chile) 2.2 Rapporteurship on matters of common interest to CITEL and other organizations Mandate: To focus in the identification and the study of matters of common interest to CITEL and other organizations in pursuit of the implementation of Cooperation Agreements, as well as provide follow-up to those Agreements in existence, with the objective of advancing in the preparation of joint projects and activities beneficial to the development of the Region. Terms of reference: a. To identify organizations dealing with matters of common interest with that of CITEL, with the

objective of establishing Cooperation Agreements in development areas. b. To analyze those existing Cooperation Agreements with the objective of identifying specific topics of

interest for the Working Group. c. To propose the development of joint projects. d. To establish links with other organizations who have already advanced in similar cooperation

agreements, as necessary, with the goal to advance the tasks.

Rapporteur: Ms. María Victoria Sukenik [email protected]


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2.3 Rapporteurship on ICTs for social inclusion Mandate: To analyze and research the problems of the digital divide with the objective of outlining specific actions aiming for a reduction on the same, promoting the social inclusion and appropriation of telecommunications/ICT, taking into consideration the needs of the social groups, minorities or vulnerable. Terms of referente: a. To evaluate the needs of social groups with specific problems associated with the access, use and

appropriation of ICTs, promoting in this manner their social inclusion. b. To encourage intellectual and socio cultural development, through the use of new technologies and its

possible applications, taking into consideration the background and best practices with the objective of reaching concrete projects.

c. To identify and propose indicators with the objective of evaluating the impact of the actions to reduce the digital divide.

d. To encourage the participation of the civil society and similar organizations, taking into consideration the input that they might do for the work of by the Rapporteurship.

Rapporteur: Mr. Sócrates E. Martínez de Moya

[email protected] (Dominican Republic)

3. Working Group on Deployment of Technologies and Services (WGDTS) 13 Mandate: The Working Group on Deployment of Technologies and Services will focus on topics related to the introduction of telecommunications/ICT services on traditional networks as well as next generation and convergence networks, aimed at satisfying the needs of Member States and users in collaboration with associate members. The Group will also produce and recommend guidelines for the adoption and implementation of standards, conformity assessment and interoperability, as well as, deployment frameworks, methodologies and best-practices for cyber security, numbering, climate change, advanced services/applications and infrastructures that best serve the current and future needs of the users of networks throughout the Region. Terms of reference: a. To identify and evaluate technical issues relating to the service, architecture and protocol standards,

and their conformity assessment, required for interconnection and interoperability of existing and future communications networks (wireline and wireless) across the Region that will ultimately result in the emergence of a single, seamless network.

13/ CCP.I-TIC/doc. 1989/10 rev.1 cor.1

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b. To develop frameworks, architectures and scenarios to foster the enhanced understanding of new infrastructures, services and related technologies in the Region of the Americas - how they interrelate, and how they contribute to network, service and application convergence and evolution.

c. To study the security aspects related to telecommunication networks and ICTs, governmental and nongovernmental, its role in supporting other critical infrastructures, the role of the private sector in securing the communication network, and domestic and Regional approaches required in the Region of the Americas on this matter.

d. To identify and evaluate technical issues related to Numbering Plans for the network evolution and new services, and to meet the demand of numbering resources to support convergent networks.

e. To identify and assess the impact of ICTs on Climate Change, in particular the reduction of ICTs own emissions over the entire lifecycle (direct impact), the mitigation that follows through the adoption of ICTs in other relevant sectors (indirect impact), and facilitating the monitoring of relevant climate parameters.

f. To establish liaisons with other standards organizations and industry fora as necessary to advance the work.

Chair: Mr. Oscar Avellaneda

[email protected] (Canada)

Vice-Chairs Mr. Guillermo Montenegro [email protected]


To be confirmed (United States of America) 3.1 Rapporteurship on Standards, Conformity and Interoperability Mandate: To study Information and Communication Technology (ICT) standards development activities and the conformity of products and network deployments to ICT standards. Focus on the continued evolution toward converged networks with the intent to ensure interoperability of network equipment, networks, and services. To produce documentation (e.g., Standards Coordination Documents and Technical Notebooks) that facilitates information sharing and raises awareness of the standards development, conformity assessment and interoperability activities that best serve the current and future needs of the users of these networks throughout the Region. Terms of reference: a. To identify and evaluate technical issues related to Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

standards required for the interconnectivity and interoperability of existing and future networks (wireline and wireless) across the Region. To draw primarily on the work of existing standards-setting bodies, including the ITU-T, IETF, and other fora as appropriate.

b. To recommend endorsement and deployment of those specific ICT standards that are judged to have particular and significant impact for the Americas Region. These standards include, but are not limited to, the following topics: Next Generation Networks (architectures, services, protocols); Mobile telecommunications (wireless Internet, convergence of mobile and fixed networks;

LTE, mobility management, mobile multimedia network functions and services);

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Information and communication network security (cyber security, identity management, fraud prevention, etc.);

Multimedia service definitions and architectures (including IPTV); Home networking; Management of communications services, networks and equipment; Emergency telecommunications; Access and network transport (Wireless LANs, xDSL, cable modem, optical fiber, etc.); Performance, Quality of Service (QoS), Quality of Experience (QoE).

c. To study the mechanisms and methodologies that assist in the evaluation of product and network conformity to existing standards (test specifications, protocol implementation conformity statements, etc.).

d. To study the selections of standards/options that maximize interoperability and the testing programs that verify particular interworking and interoperability scenarios.

e. To identify, on a timely and ongoing basis, issues and impediments in assessing product conformity with standards and in ensuring interoperability.

f. To conduct studies on the application of technical regulations in aspects related to security and the protection of human life, the telecommunication infrastructure and the radioelectric spectrum, as well as those related to network interoperability and service quality.

g. To identify recommendations and technical standards issued by the ITU and other standardization organizations that may be incorporated as technical regulations by Member States.

h. To develop effective mechanisms to facilitate the regulatory cooperation among member sates, including the compatibility of technical regulations.

i. To develop Technical Notebooks that facilitate information sharing and raise awareness of the ICT standards development, conformity assessment and interoperability activities that best serve the current and future needs of the users of these networks throughout the Region.

j. To establish liaisons with other standards bodies and industry fora as necessary to progress the work.

Rapporteur: Mr. Wayne Zeuch [email protected]

(United States of America)

3.2 Rapporteurship on Network Infrastructure and Service Deployment Mandate: To focus on the development of frameworks, architectures and scenarios to foster the enhanced understanding of new networks and related technologies in the Region of the Americas, how they interrelate, and how they contribute to network and service convergence and evolution. It will make specific recommendations (e.g., Technical Notebooks) and related policy guidelines that best serve the current and future needs of the users of telecommunications networks throughout the Region.

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Terms of reference: a. To develop frameworks, architectures and scenarios to foster the enhanced understanding of new

networks and related technologies in the Region of the Americas - how they interrelate, and how they contribute to network and service convergence and evolution.

b. To investigate, report on, and raise awareness of new network technologies, such as Next Generation Networks and Broadband Access, and advanced services, particularly those supported by IP, such as Cloud Computing and Smart Grids; and their application among the Member States of the Region.

c. To develop Technical Notebooks and related policy guidelines that best serve the current and future needs of the users of telecommunications networks throughout the Region.

d. To identify, on a timely and ongoing basis, obstacles that could prevent full interoperability of networks throughout the Americas and to report on these to the Working Group.

e. To establish liaisons with other industry fora as necessary to progress the work.

Rapporteur: Ms. Aurora Nunez de Maldonado [email protected]


3.3 Rapporteurship on Cybersecurity and Vulnerability Assessment Mandate: To study the security aspects related to communication network development, its role in supporting other critical infrastructures, the role of the private sector in securing the communication network, and domestic and Regional approaches required in the Americas Region on this matter. Assessing the current work undertaken in the OAS, ITU, and other fora on issues pertaining to the security and critical infrastructure communication networks across the Region. This issue should cover, but not be limited to:

To develop domestic and Regional approaches to network security, deployment strategies, information exchange, and outreach to the public and the private sector.

To review the various frameworks and guidelines on networks and cyber security and their applicability within the Americas Region.

To foster dialogue regarding the work of the ITU (i.e., Study Group 17) and other relevant fora on networks and cyber security.

Terms of reference: a. To develop domestic and Regional approaches to network security, deployment strategies, information

exchange, and outreach to the public and the private sector: To collect Regional best practices for network communication and infrastructure protection,

taking into account ongoing activity in the ITU-D sector (question 22/1). To review the various frameworks and guidelines on network and cyber security and their

applicability within the Americas Region. b. To foster cooperation among Member States on aspects related to network security:

To help Administrations to encourage network and service providers to implement technical standards for secure networks.

c. To identify and evaluate implementation and policy issues relating to standards required for security of existing and future communications networks (wireline and wireless) across the Region. This task will

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draw primarily on the work of ITU-T (especially the security Study Questions of SG 17), other existing standards-setting bodies, including the IETF, and Regional Standard Development Organizations (SDOs) will also be considered, as appropriate.

d. To identify, on a timely and ongoing basis, obstacles to implementation of security measures in the networks of the Region.

e. To establish liaisons with other standards bodies and industry fora as necessary to advance work on the OAS mandates.

Rapporteur: Ms. Marian Gordon

[email protected] (United States of America)

3.4 Rapporteurship on Telecommunications Numbering and Addressing Mandate: To identify and to evaluate technical issues related to Numbering Plans for the network evolution and new services, and to meet the demand of numbering resources to support convergent networks, as well as creation of specific recommendations and Technical Notebooks.

Terms of reference: a. To identify and evaluate technical issues related to Numbering Plans for the network evolution and

new services. b. To identify Recommendations of the ITU and other bodies and fora as appropriate. c. To establish liaisons with other standard bodies and industry fora as necessary to advance the work. d. To develop studies on the impact of new services on convergent networks. e. To study topics related to services, numbering systems and addressing. f. To elaborate best practices guidelines of Numbering Plans. g. To study and evaluate technical issues related to portability.

Rapporteur: To be confirmed


3.5 Rapporteurship on “ICTs, Environment and Climate change” Mandate: To investigate global efforts to fight climate change, the increase in the use of renewable energy supplies and green policies and procedures for the management of technology waste. To encourage member countries to implement programs for the reduction of GHG (Greenhouse Gases) with the objective of developing reports, best practices and recommendations that serve as a reference for CITEL member countries.

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Terms of reference: a. To identify and assess the impact of ICTs on the environment and Climate Change, in particular the

reduction of ICTs own emissions over their entire lifecycle (direct impact), the mitigation that follows through the adoption of ICTs in other relevant sectors (indirect impact), and facilitate the monitoring of relevant climate parameters.

b. To conduct analysis and produce recommendations related to the electromagnetic compatibility for telecommunication equipment and their installations, safety of personnel that operate telecommunications equipment against possible harm by high voltage and avoid health risks from electromagnetic fields emitted by telecommunications equipment.

c. To identify information already developed by the different international organizations with the objective of performing a benchmark and tailor them to the Regional needs.

d. To propose recommendations for technology waste management. e. To propose mechanisms intended to protect the environment, for example, electronic information

transfers which reduce paper consumption, digital video and photography management to eliminate chemicals that have carcinogenic effects (reduce consumption of tapes and plastics), electrical appliances with remote controls, home energy saving, distance learning, telemedicine to reduce transfers and contaminant materials.

Rapporteur: Ms. Ana G. Valdiviezo

[email protected] (Ecuador)

4 Ad Hoc Group on work methods.

Rapporteur: Ms. Gimena DeLorenzi [email protected]


5 Ad Hoc Group on the ITU-T Review Committee Mandate: To discuss and develop CITEL proposals to the ITU-T Review Committee. Terms of Reference: The Ad hoc Group on the ITU-T Review Committee (AGRC) will: Be responsible for the discussion and development of CITEL proposals to the ITU-T Review Committee; Examine the adequacy of the current structure of ITU-T to facilitate the Sector’s continued evolution; Review the current coordination and collaboration mechanisms with other standards bodies and

propose improvements; Report to PCC.I; Normally meet face-to-face at each meeting of PCC.I; Work by correspondence between face-to-face meetings.

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Chair: Mr. Jim MacFie

[email protected] (Canada)

Vice-Chair: Ms. María Victoria Sukenik [email protected]


Vice-Chair: Mr. Tiago Sousa Prado [email protected]


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Objective To serve as an advisory committee to CITEL, promoting the planning, coordination, harmonization, and efficient use of the radio spectrum, as well as geostationary and non-geostationary satellite orbits for radiocommunication services including broadcasting. To implement this objective, Permanent Consultative Committee II has the following mandates: Mandates: In accordance with the relevant regulations, procedures, and recommendations of the ITU: a. To promote among the Member States harmonization of the use of the radiofrequency spectrum,

taking into account especially the need to prevent and avoid harmful interference, as well as protection against the electromagnetic environment.

b. To promote and foster the development of radiocommunication services, including broadcasting, in the region.

c. To promote the development and implementation of new technologies that enable the needs of Member States to be met in terms of efficient spectrum use.

d. To encourage and promote the development of convergent telecommunication/ICT networks and services based on the new technologies, taking into account their ongoing evolution.

e. To provide information to the Member States on the outputs and outcomes of the World Radiocommunication Conferences.

f. To coordinate regional preparations for ITU World and Regional Radiocommunication Conferences, including the preparation of inter-American proposals (IAPs) and common positions, and to conduct interregional consultations in preparation for those conferences.

g. To work in coordination with the different CITEL groups in those areas which, by their nature, lend themselves to joint action.

h. To promote the efficient use of the radiofrequency spectrum and of satellite orbit resources in the region, based on the priorities and requirements of the Member States.

i. To encourage active participation by the private sector as associate members.

Chair Mr. Diego Molano Vega [email protected]


Alternate Chair Mr. Franklin Merchan Calderón [email protected]


Vice Chair: Mr. Gabriel Lombide [email protected]


14/ CITEL/RES.64 (V-10)

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1. Working Group for the Preparation of CITEL for Regional and World Radiocommunication Conferences15

Terms of reference:

a. To develop common positions and draw up Inter-American proposals on issues related to

Radiocommunication and Broadcasting to be addressed by World and/or Regional Conferences convened under the aegis of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

b. To coordinate relations and the exchange of information with other Regions on issues under its responsibility.

c. To coordinate CITEL’s work during Regional and World Radiocommunication Conferences. d. To coordinate topics of mutual interest with other PCC.II Working Groups.

Chair Mr. Hector Bude [email protected]


Vice Chair Mr. Carmelo Rivera [email protected]

(United States of America)


Working Sub-Group/

Sub Grupo de Trabajo

Issues/ Temas

Agenda Items/ Puntos del orden

del día

Coordinator/ Coordinador

Vice – Coordinator/ Vice-Coordinador


1.1, 1.2, 1.3 Mr. Marco Antonio ESCALANTE-GUATEMALA ([email protected])

Mr. Jose COSTA – CANADA ([email protected])


1.4, 1.5, 1.15, 1.16, 1.17, 1.18

Mr. Jonathan WILLIAMS -UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ([email protected])

Mr. Javier GARCIA –DOMINICAN REPUBLIC ([email protected])

15/ PCC.II/RES.37 (VIII-06)

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1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13, 1.14, 1.9.2, 9.1.1

Mr. Tarcisio BAKAUS - BRAZIL ([email protected])

Mr. Glenn FELDHAKE - UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ([email protected])


1.6.1, 1.6.2, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9.1, 7, 9.1.2, 9.1.3, 9.1.5, 9.1.8, 9.2*,9.3 *Satellite issues

Mr. Jerry CONNER - UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ([email protected])

Ms. Chantal BEAUMIER - CANADA ([email protected]) Mr. Ramiro ROBLEDO MEXICO [email protected]


2, 4, 8, 9.1.4, 9.1.6, 9.1.7, 9.2*, 10 *Non-satellite issues

Mr. Carmelo RIVERA – UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ([email protected])

Ms. Martha SUAREZ – COLOMBIA ([email protected])


Agenda item/

Punto de la Agenda

Rapporteur/ Relator

Country/País E-mail/ Correo Electrónico

Alternate Rapporteur/

Relator Alterno

Country/ País

E-mail/ Correo electrónico

1.1 Diana TOMIMURA

BRAZIL [email protected]






[email protected]

[email protected]

1.2 Agostinho LINHARES

BRAZIL [email protected]

1.3 Luis LARA MEXICO [email protected]


COLOMBIA [email protected]

1.4 Alkin SAUCEDO

PANAMA [email protected]


PARAGUAY [email protected]

1.5 Jonathan WILLIAMS


[email protected]

1.6.1 Elisabeth NEASMITH

CANADA [email protected]

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Agenda item/

Punto de la Agenda

Rapporteur/ Relator

Country/País E-mail/ Correo Electrónico

Alternate Rapporteur/

Relator Alterno

Country/ País

E-mail/ Correo electrónico

1.6.2 José Edio GOMES

BRAZIL [email protected]

Elisabeth NEASMITH

CANADA [email protected]

1.7 Luis Fernando DE SOUZA

BRAZIL [email protected]

1.8 Candice DEVANE


[email protected]


1.9.2 Afonso ROCHA

BRAZIL [email protected]


[email protected]

1.11 Glenn FELDHAKE


[email protected]


CANADA [email protected]

1.12 Rafael André de LIMA

BRAZIL [email protected]

Vassilios MIMIS

CANADA [email protected]


[email protected]

1.14 Tarcisio BAKAUS

BRAZIL [email protected]


CANADA [email protected]

1.15 Camilo ZAMORA

COLOMBIA [email protected]


[email protected]


COLOMBIA [email protected]

1.17 Marcella OST CANADA [email protected]

Luiz Fernando de SOUZA

BRAZIL [email protected].




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Agenda item/

Punto de la Agenda

Rapporteur/ Relator

Country/País E-mail/ Correo Electrónico

Alternate Rapporteur/

Relator Alterno

Country/ País

E-mail/ Correo electrónico






[email protected]

[email protected]





[email protected]

[email protected]


9.1.1 Carmelo RIVERA


[email protected] Muya WACHIRA

CANADA [email protected]

9.1.2 Hugo TRIVINO COLOMBIA [email protected]


CANADA [email protected]

9.1.3 Hugo TRIVINO COLOMBIA [email protected]



9.1.6 Hugo TRIVINO COLOMBIA [email protected]

9.1.7 Hugo TRIVINO COLOMBIA [email protected]

9.1.8 Chantal BEAUMIER

CANADA [email protected]

9.2 (Satellite)


CANADA [email protected]


CANADA [email protected]



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1.1 Sub working Group for the purpose of boosting the participation of the Administrations in the process of preparing IAPs 16

Mandate: 1. In the framework of resolution COM/CITEL RES. 157 (XIII-03), “Increased Participation of CITEL

Administrations,” to conduct consultations to discover possible actions of the WG that might increase the participation of member states in the process of developing and adoption of inter-American common proposals.

2. To carry out the work through CITEL’s Collaborative Space. 3. To present the Group’s findings to the next meeting of the WG to Prepare for WRC-12.

Coordinator: Mr. Carmelo Rivera [email protected]

(United States)

2. Working Group on Terrestrial Fixed and Mobile Radiocommunication Services 17

Terms of reference: a. To identify the current status of radio frequency use, particularly in Region 2, as well as to develop

resolutions, recommendations and decisions for the harmonization of spectrum usage for terrestrial fixed and mobile radiocommunication services.

b. To follow the activities and studies being conducted at the ITU, particularly in the Radiocommunication and Telecommunication sectors, recognizing the complementary roles of the sectors, in order to develop positions on topics in Radiocommunication including standards that will be considered at the ITU Study Groups, as well as to analyze the results of WRC in order to evaluate the need to take actions regarding specific issues.

c. To prepare guidelines regarding the use and sharing of radio frequency, including channeling and frequency arrangements.

d. To collect and provide technical information regarding new technologies and services to the Administrations of Region 2.

Chair: Mr. Marcos de Souza Oliveira

[email protected] (Brazil)

Vice Chairs: Mr. Marco Antonio Escalante Herrera [email protected]


Mr. Rafael Sánchez [email protected]

(Dominican Republic)

2.1 Coordination of CITEL on the work of ITU-R on International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) 18

Coordinator: Mr. Jose Costa [email protected]


16/ PCC.II/doc.476 (III-04) 17/ PCC.II/RES.37 (VIII-06) 18/ PCC.II/DEC.8 (II-03)

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2.2 Sub Working Group on Ultra Wide Band (UWB) 19

Rapporteur: Mr. Marc Girouard

[email protected] (Canada)

2.3 Sub Working Group in Radar and Radionavigation 20

Rapporteur Mr. David J. Reed [email protected]

(United States of America)

2.4 Sub Working Group of CITEL to follow the activities of the ITU that deals with emergency

telecommunications, particularly on the use of radio Communications Systems. 21

Coordinator: Ms. Diana Tomimura [email protected]


2.5 Sub-Working Group of Spectrum Management Study of issues concerning the formulation of guidelines, recommendations, criteria and strategies for spectrum management in the Member States.

Coordinator: To be confirmed (Colombia) 3. Working Group Relative to Satellite Systems to Provide Fixed and Mobile Services 22 Terms of reference: a. To analyze the adoption of technologies that enable to meet the requirements of the Member States; b. To provide information to the Member States of results obtained in the area of satellites by the World

Radiocommunication Conferences; c. To analyze the implementation of satellite systems by the CITEL Member Countries, taking into

account, inter alia, the following points: i. use of the radio frequency spectrum;

ii. possible criteria for sharing frequency bands for the interoperability of satellite systems and other services;

iii. procedures for coordination in keeping with those of ITU-R; iv. implementation of the Global Mobile Personal Communications by Satellite (GMPCS)

Memorandum of Understanding and Arrangements; e. To propose information mechanisms for the CITEL Member Countries that, inter alia, cover:

i. technical standards;

19/ PCC.II/DEC.11 (III-04) 20/ PCC.II/DEC.20 (III-04) 21/ CCP.II/DEC.74 (XII-08) 22/ PCC.II/DEC.22 (IV-04)

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ii. regulatory framework; iii. interconnection criteria; iv. operation networks; v. migration processes;

vi. existing providers and technologies on the market; vii. unhindered circulation of GMPCS terminals across borders;

viii. services transmitted through satellite systems.

Chair: Mr. Claudio Palomares Sartor [email protected]


Vice Chairs: Mr. Alonso Picazo [email protected]


Mr. Alexander Tejada [email protected]

(El Salvador)

4. Working Group on Broadcasting 23 Terms of reference: a. To identify the status of radio frequency use, particularly in Region 2, and to develop resolutions and

recommendations for harmonization of the use of the broadcasting spectrum (radio and television); b. To follow the activities being carried out and studies being conducted within the ITU, especially in the

ITU-R and ITU-T Sectors, recognizing the complementary roles of said Sectors, in order to be able to develop views on broadcasting topics, including provisions for consideration in the ITU Study Groups and Working Parties;

c. To obtain and disseminate information regarding new transmission and access technologies in broadcasting services in Region 2;

d. To encourage the Region 2 Administrations to implement digital technologies related directly and indirectly to broadcasting services.

Chair: Mr. Larry Olson

[email protected] (United States of America)

Vice Chairs: Mr. Marconi Thomaz de Souza Maya [email protected]


Mr. Raul Gomez Saenz [email protected]


4.1 Rapporteurship on the Río de Janeiro 1981 Plan

Rapporteur Mr. Larry Olson [email protected]

(United States of America)

23/ PCC.II/RES.37 (VIII-06)

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4.2 Rapporteurship on Digital Terrestrial Television (DTV)

Rapporteur To be confirmed

4.3 Rapporteurship on digital audio broadcasting

Rapporteur: Mr. Arturo López [email protected]


4.4 Rapporteurship on issues concerning the updating and revision of the 1981 and 1988 Rio de Janeiro Agreements

Objective: to compile relevant information for the revision and updating of the 1981 and 1988 Rio de Janeiro Agreements to include the technical criteria for the gradual transition of AM radio broadcasting from analog to digital.

Rapporteur: Mr. Claudio Castro [email protected]


Co-Rapporteurs: Mr. Thiago Aguiar Soares [email protected]


Mr. Javier García [email protected]

(Dominican Republic)

Mr. Leonardo Marsili [email protected]


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VI. CITEL SECRETARIAT 24 The Secretariat is composed of the Executive Secretary, appointed by the Secretary General of the Organization, in consultation with the members of COM/CITEL, and the professional and administrative staff that the Secretary General appoints in accordance with the General Standards to Govern the Operations of the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States. The Executive Secretary has the following duties: a. To prepare the technical documents assigned to him by the organs of CITEL and the working

documents for CITEL meetings. b. To serve as Technical Secretary of the meetings of the CITEL Assembly and of COM/CITEL. c. To see that the minutes, decisions, papers, and draft resolutions of all the organs of CITEL are in

accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the Organization, the mandates of the General Assembly, the Statute of CITEL, and these Regulations.

d. To receive official correspondence relating to CITEL, to deal with it appropriately, and to handle communications regarding the work of the Secretariat, informing the Secretary General of the Organization thereof. Copies of such correspondence shall be sent to the Chairman of COM/CITEL.

e. To carry out the decisions and tasks that the different organs of CITEL may request. f. To cooperate with the Chairman of COM/CITEL in the preparation of the draft agenda for each CITEL

Assembly Meeting, as well as in the preparation of the agenda for each COM/CITEL meeting. g. To prepare documents, studies, and reports necessary for each CITEL Assembly and COM/CITEL

meetings, taking into account the guidelines established in this regard by COM/CITEL. h. Once COM/CITEL has decided upon the date and place for the regular and special meetings of the

Assembly, to so inform the Member States immediately in writing. i. To prepare notices of convocation for the meetings of all CITEL organs. j. To cooperate with COM/CITEL in the preparation of the annual report of CITEL to be presented

through the Secretary General to the Permanent Council of the Organization for its consideration. k. To keep CITEL Member States permanently informed of technical activities in the

telecommunications field, in accordance with the instructions received from the Chairman of COM/CITEL and taking into account the information received by COM/CITEL.

l. To provide information on the resolutions and decisions of the CITEL Assembly on telecommunications matters to world or regional governmental or non governmental agencies specializing in telecommunications, for which purpose a periodic newsletter may be utilized.

m. To provide a periodic information service, with widespread coverage on the progress of telecommunications and their development in the American States.

n. To maintain custody of the files containing the official documentation of all the meetings of the CITEL organs.

o. To represent the Chairman of COM/CITEL at public or private functions and at meetings of international organizations, when the Chairman so decides.

p. After consultation with the Chairmen of the Permanent Consultative Committees, to prepare and submit to COM/CITEL an annual preliminary draft budget taking into account the directions given by the previous CITEL Assembly Meeting.

q. To supervise the staff of the CITEL Secretariat, in order to ensure the most effective use of personnel. r. To prepare and make available to the Member States and associate members by electronic means the

resolutions, recommendations, decisions, and declarations of the organs of CITEL.

24/ CITEL Regulations: Chapter V

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s. To prepare annually, for submission to and approval by COM/CITEL, a schedule of meetings covering the coming two-year period. In preparing the schedule of meetings, the Secretariat should take into consideration the schedule of pertinent OAS, ITU and Regional Organizations meetings, and should also coordinate beforehand with the chairpersons of the various committees.

t. Regularly to prepare and distribute to the Chairman of COM/CITEL and the Chairpersons of PCCs a report on the expenditures paid with CITEL financial resources, including associate membership fees.


Executive Secretary Mr. Clovis Baptista [email protected]

+ 1 (202) 370-4713

Senior Telecommunications Specialist Ms. Graciela Piedras [email protected]

+ 1 (202) 370-5463

Administrative Officer Mr. Javier Guinand [email protected]

+ 1 (202) 370-4566

Information Technology Specialist Ms. Maria Celeste Fuenmayor [email protected]

+ 1 (202) 370-4953

Principal Secretary Ms. Patricia Long [email protected]

+ 1 (202) 370-4985