Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500

CONTINUATION 0 Aftl'\CY Rtportrna Otliclll1" C3SI: R¢pOrt Nt! SVPPLEMENT X JCSO ZIMMERMAN 99-762S-Y C01WICtilll Case Rt:port V1ctim Qrilimll f{qJo1t cl 05-111-99 - X FIRST DEGREE MURDER 0ffllNt SttUlIl: O:pri:ft X C1nftid <:l RtcOl'tttmmd Cau::; C 0 C lJ_ C Cl ..... 0 I <>-," I ...... N_ I".., ..... I SoiIrialN-. I Vf.l..- I R.fl:lj.. im'Id INVESTIGATION: On05.10-99, I copiedpaperwork from evidence item #210. This was taken from the Harris residence on 04-20·99, from an upsmirs computer room. (S"" anached.) D1sPOsmON: Open, pending furtherinvestigation. JC. 001-010401 Vnn Number S__ll«lnidobandDato AuipeUTo ( n1.-., - .. 0' 1 I <lltIGl},lAl, J I i':'OVisnGATtilt. VTCTIM 5.Elt':l'CU lonm. I ASAFl 40'98 X:SOiI67-'

Transcript of Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500

Page 1: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500

CONTINUATION 0 ~". Aftl'\CYRtportrna Otliclll1" C3SI: R¢pOrt Nt!

SVPPLEMENT X JCSO ZIMMERMAN 99-762S-YC01WICtilll Case Rt:port ~o. V1ctim~c Qrilimll f{qJo1t _This~

cl05-111-99- X FIRST DEGREE MURDER 0ffllNt SttUlIl: O:pri:ft X E.~;y C1nftid <:l RtcOl'tttmmd Cau::; Re.,~ C

~flArim 0 ~bYAI'lW( C lJ_ C Cl..... 0

'~ I<>-," I ......N_ I"..,..... I SoiIrialN-. ~= I Vf.l..- I V1.latR.fl:lj.. im'Id o.m~


On05.10-99,I copiedpaperwork from evidence item #210. Thiswas taken from theHarris residenceat~t,

on 04-20·99, from an upsmirs computer room. (S"" anached.)

D1sPOsmON: Open, pending furtherinvestigation.

JC. 001-010401

O~Si~re Vnn Number S__ll«lnidobandDato AuipeUTo~'ll" ~

( n1.-., - ~"5l.. 0' 1 I~

<lltIGl},lAl, J I i':'OVisnGATtilt. VTCTIM 5.Elt':l'CU lonm. I ASAFl 40'98 X:SOiI67-'

Page 2: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500


On 05-10-99, I copied the pages from a green Stene Notebook, evidence item #201. This item was taken from the Harris

residence at _street, on 04-20-99, froma mainlevel familyroom desk. (See anached.)

CONTINUATION 0Reponing Agent)' Reporting OtTteer Case ReportNo

SUPPLEMeNT x JCSO ZIMMERMAN 99-7625"-ZConn~"ting Case ReportNo. Victim Name Original Report D~~ Tllis:Rep<lrt

05.10-99- X FIRST DEGREE MURDER, ~a!icn OfftTUe St.ll.l$~ ~ X f:«~tiomll'lly -elt'l1retl o Retommend Case; Review oReew$ifleatlm CJ Clel!ffiib.. Arm! CJ Ullfulll'lded CJ Closure CJ

1~ IQaaooty IBomd N&rrtll I ()e;wriptUJn ISmal No ~~ V.~n OVer«! DamaSild

: I)., .'

DISPOSITION: Open, pending further investigation.


!Jll:~~lUnit Number Supervisor initials andDate Asiigncd To Page 1

. 11 .~ £-~I-,

of 1

ORIGINAL , iNVenlGATOR VlCllMs£RV\c£S lorn" I ASAF34198JCSDJI674


Page 3: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500

· COri'rINUATION 0l!<porting"- Reporting Oftker Cue R.eportNo

SUPPLEMENT y JCSQ ZIMMERMAN 99.762S,AACormeet:ing CaR ReportNo, Victim NatM OrisinaiR.~ Date This Report

OS,I(J.'J')-Clau..t'II:I(iOl'l X FIRST DEGREE MURDER 0fl'e0M! SlI«U.I: Open X E~OI'llQly CI9nld n Reeommend Case: Review cR«;!aJfifi;stiO!l n ~", .... c Unfounded a Closure cr

'1iIi' 1_ I....... Nom. l~ Ikill No ¥.:\: I~~I~


On 05-10-99. I copied • green piece "£lined paper withhandwriting. evidence item #202. (See attached.)

DIsrosmoN; Open, pending further investigation.

JC- 001.010403

~~SipatUre UoltN_

SupIm'lSOf i~itfaJs and' Dare Assigned To"'Ie 1

f'(l\...., 1n. x-3\ --~" " ,- of 1


Page 4: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500

• ReponinaAIl'lI"Y R~OfficerC9NTINUATION 0


SUPPLEMENT y JCSO ZIMMERMAN 99-7625-CCC '<;ling Case Report NQ V~... _ OrigimllRqlort omTho.< Rqlort

05-16-99ctwitlCltion X FIRST DEGREE MURDER Offrue Status: (lpe:n X Excqlri.ofWty Cletftl:S o Recommend Case: Revi'CW 0

lucani~d c Cl~ b,:Amsr 0 ""''''''''''' o Closure 0

'Ir. I_ I""'"N... I""'""'"'" I""" No.~ahic l~mdID~~""


On 05.l(j.99, I copiedpaper itemsfromevidence item#212. These werecollectedfromtheHarris residence at

Street, from. computer desk in an upper level room. (See attaehed.) From this I set several leads for follow-up through the

Rapid StaI1 program,

DISPOSITION; Open, pendingfurther investigenon,


CC50 UtUt NilllIlloT Supet'vi$l.'lt Initials and: Den: Assiv.<d T. !'age 1('I' 'Y~ A

~ -e- 'S( -..."of !I

O«lGlNAI, ./ I ~VESnOAroR ViC1'!MS£AVlCES I"""" I "SAl3 4198- JCSD/t614

Page 5: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500

CONTINUATION 0RqJOI'tina Agti'le)' Reporting Offie« Case Repoti No


COfIll£>;ting C.ucReport No, Victim Name ()rig.UmI Report Date ThisRc}Xll'f

05-11-99- X FIRSTDEGREE MURDER Xell•. ...... 0i'Ilwit StJU: Open ~)'CI~ a Reclnnmend Case: Review aR~iutirlCttiQn a Cltaml OJ A.rrs 0 Do_ a Closure 0

!~ IQllUlify j 6ranc1 Name l~jOO I S«ial N4 §:1: Iv·~lv,,,RIXQ¥eK1l Damasrd


On 04-22-99,1 copiedseveralpaper>fromevidenceitem#290. This itemwas removedfromthe Harris residence at__.tree!., on 04-2Q-99, froma desk in EricHarris' bedroom. I sent several leadsthtough the RapidStartProgramfrom these


DISPOSITION: Open, pending further investigation.

ac- 001-010405

OtTiw Siptlblt't Unit - SupcM$()f fniliab md. Date Asslpt,dTo P'I" !

CfY.L. ' ~ t.·~1 ~ of 1

OlUClNAL I n.....ll$t'lOATt'l1l '\I1CT1M SESlVK::ES I OTHER I ASAF34198 JCSDn674


Page 6: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500


GONTtl-rUATION 0Reportil1l AIJ'nCY Repot'tingOfficer C_~portNo

SlJPPLEMENT y JCSO ZL'WMER.o\fAt'i 99-7625-EEConn«liogCue Rt;l<ltt No. Victim Name Original~ O~This Report

- 05-11-99Cl&SlIlif-oon X FIRST DEGREE MURDER Ol'fenac SWID; 0pM X ~1)lCI-.reQ o RlX:omrn.;!:rtd Cut: Revi~ uRM::twili¢ilriM o Clal'fti by Amnt 0 U"""""'"' o c_. c

I~ I-..., I""""N_ I_m Is..mNo ~:r.::. I V1ilue I V&L<JtR«c~ ~


OnOS-l()..99, I copied evidence item#335. This item wastakenby InveS!igalQr Rick Reker from the Harris residence at_

_ Street. on 04-24-99. The item was removedfroma CD case in Eric Harris' bedroom.

DlsPOsmON: Open, pending further investigation.

Je. 001.010406

:;:_5<_ Unc Number Supcr¥isor [nitials mdDate As,ipdTo Page 1

iCcn .. '""~ . '-·3\ oWP .f 1

0010_ ) I rMVEmO"'-TOlt 'VICTIM SSltVICE$ I 0'"'" I ASAt34i91JCSM6i4\.../

Page 7: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500


Rtponltlg: Agency Rq;ortittg Officer Ciblt Rt~ >to

SUPPLEMENT X JCSO ZIMMERMAN 99-7625-FFConnecu OS Case Rtpert NQ vicum Name- Original Report

~i~~~Dal~ This Report

05-11-99- X FIRST DEGREE MURDER om.nse St:i'I.M: Open X 0 Recommend Case:c. ,,l!lorl EXl:l!1rtiool'llly ClcOlftld Review oR=.:::Llnifft;lllirm o Cj~f.I!,~ 0 tln&mnded " Ctosure "

l~g' IQl.ianf'!y I Brand Ntmt i Ocmi~lon ISlrci,t; No ¥~;. I Value I VOlI"",f«<:llvered Ollm~


On 04-20·99, duringa search ofEric Harris' residenceat

to Eric Harris' bed. and designated as evidence item #298,

Street,numerous items were collected fromadjacent

At the Sheriff's Office, I separated out several of these itemsand placed them into evidence items #299, #300, #30I. and #302.

I copied evidence item #302,. Day Timer type calendar. (See attached.)

DISPOSITION, Open, pending further investigation.

JC- 001-010407

~:Signatu~ Unit Number Suptf'fi$Of loltmls andDate Assigned To Page !

N:1 , ,", ~~ O\~ of 1



Page 8: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500

CONTINUATION 0RepcrtingAgt!lCy ~&Oft1Cet Case Report No

SUPPLEMENT y JCSO ZIMMERMAN 99-1625-GGCOMettina Case Rtport No. VICtim Name: OriginalReport Due: This 'R.e;:Iott

05-11-9'- X FIRST DEGREE MURDER Xc~ ..... Offel\wSWus; Opm fJu:eptioMily Clend: o Rccommerta Case: ........ 0

Redulifiraon Q C1cImt by Al'NI n UnfOlJlldod c CIool« Q

'lii:'!"_,,, 1""""._ Io.-nplilXl I SerialNo ~\: I~I~~


On 04-22-99. I copied evidence item #261, which includes two receipts, lx>tIl dated 04-20-99. These were collected en 04-20.99,

from the Harris residence at Street, from the trash can of the lower level family room. After copying these

receipts, [ set. lead to be followed through the Rapid StartSystem.

DISPOSITION: Open. pending further investigation.

JC· 001·010408

o . Unit Number Supervisor Initials and Date AuilP'lcdTo Pag< 1{1.JL 0.' A - I~~l b.~ ,f 1

QltKlmt\L ) I """"""TO'"'1C'T1~SUVJCES 101llElt I A.'S.An4mJCSDII61<


Page 9: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500

CONTINUATION 1:1RepoIting AlI""'l' R"JlQl1int Officer Case Repcn No<

SUPPLEMENT y JCSO MOORE,C. 99-7625-SSSSConltectingCase Ri:[Xlrt No VictimNameOrigiPal Report DaM ThisRCCM

COLUMBINE as, 6-29-99l- X FIRST DEGREE MURDER X cC1D!ifieari<'l1l 0I'fe:m: SUlM: Open E~Clclred Recomm~C_: Review o

Jttclasliflwiott o Cieuedby~f c Unfo!UKicd o Closure c

'ii:' I Qw<M~ I""'" N••se 1""",.- 1-,., l~~ Ilt:u~I~


On 6·29·99,at about 1545 hours. I removed item#233from theevidence vanit, Item#233is a microcassetteplayercontaining

a micro cassette tape, Item #233 was takenfrom theHams residence during the executionof the searchwarranton 4·20·99.

This itemwas locatedon the kitchen table. I copiedthe microcassette tape after having removedit from the tape player using

glovedbands. I then returned Item#233 to the evidence vault A copy of the tapewas provided to Investigator KateBanae,

Themicro cassette player and tapewas labeled "Nixon," Thevoice on thebeginning of the tape appears to be thatofEricHarris.

The voice is familiar to me from viewing video tapes in whichEric Harris and DylanKlebold spend a greatamount of time

talking, On the micro cassettetape the male voiceindicates reasonwhythese things are happening and statesit will happenin

"less thannine hoursnow," He goeson to say."Peoplewill die becauseof me," and "It will be a day thatwill be remembered

forever." This portion of the tape only lasts • few moments. After that there appears to be a discussion between numerous

idividuaie, includinga male voicewhich appearsto have an orientalaccent,





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YOUKNOW WHATI HATE!,,?-SLOW PEOPLE! , You know thooc people whowall< Jilo: a llfegwm:l on baywalch runs! Slow3$ nmIa""S'MOVE IT OR LOOSEIT PUNKS!YOU KNOWWHATI HATEI!l?-When then: is a groupof tm:ldy JllllIk Jilo: tittlesman assessmndlng in the middleof. hallway Or walkway, all4they arejust STANDINGthere talktng andblockingmyway!!J Bloo<ly molly people think they arellllda1ll:li&lUYall4 can just slop and talk awaywbcrcver or whem:verthey please, learn some manJlllrS yw stw:k up peopIel!YOUKNOW WHATI HATE!!!?-When peop!edontwatcll when: TIrEY AREGOING! Then they plow into me all4 say'oops, sorty.' or "watdIit!" NNNYAAAAJ!! Like it rouIdot p<>55ibly be tbOr fault that we collided. Ok, ilelM:n lllI:bi<l your boIygracinllS'lleSS bemJl the cause of SQIIUllhing baaaaad.....RlUlRRll.! !!!YOUKNOW WHATI LOVE!!!?-When some dell SlIlCl<up pieceofs!@i#wIlltetlllShpol!lMgeIS ina=~_thIlir tmlIld..,..<:at!YOUKNOW WHAT I LOVE!!I?-When some stupidreIllrdedkid blowshis damn hand olfbocause he oooldmfigure olll that. lit fuse _ tha1the llrecracl<l:r is going to goolf soonl HAHAHAl!YOU KNOW WHAT I HATE!.!?.....a::xxxx;)(JAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!III!!! I GOD I F-INOHATETHATWORTHLESS TRIALI!! WOO intbOr right feeeeeam!UGINmind would care aboutthet trial??!?ilSnot any <lill'elenl fn"ll anyother llIUI<!er trial!Tell til..., worthless reccrters to get a lifel And whal the helldo we have to gain by w.w:hing thai stupid trialanyay,,? Its not """"' its a trial! not news! lr.lil! Trialdoes llllt ~ news!YOUKNOWWHATELSE I HATEI!!?-Jon binay h_ the flip yOll spell her spoiJe<I name llamseel!!! We<lout eat"1 QoQd flippingriddeDsl I!WhllIthe llame do youe:<peel ifyou flickingput your Idel in all thesebeauty JlIlllCllIs whenshes .. years old! IMakesher1001< Jilo: a SLUUUUUUUUUlJUT!!!!!!YOUKNOWWHAT I HAlE!!!?-5TtJPlD PEOPLEm Why IlIlJSt SOllllInYpeopIe beso stUpidll?YOU KNOWWHATI LOVE!!!"-Making lim of stupid peopledoing stupid tlW:tgsl Lib Olle ti:lJIe when i was watclling this fresln:nan try toget ona computerthat needed a password....he typed in thepassword......3lI.d waited.Theretatddidm or any~ Hejust waited.Then he start<:d ClJSIling at thecomputer saying it was screwed up. Then the fresln:nan wentall4 gota """'her and the llippin~ could nolfigute outwby it wasnt goinganywhere!!!Jl!SUSI! Personaly ithink !!leyshouldee smackerlacross the facea couple mtlIion times er so.....give or taO I.YOUK.'10W WHATI LOVE!!!"--Na!uIaI SELECTIONII!!!!.I! G<ld damn its. the hentlW:tg tha1 e:ver happene<llo the Earth.~ rid ofall thestupid all4 weal< 0QllIDisms......llu! usall naturall! YESI [wish the govenunen1-.rouldjust take oIfevery wanUng1Jlbel. So then all the d"mbessoswouldeither ",,-erely Ilml themselVes or DIE! And nwre dllothessesbelLYOUKNOWWHATI HATE!ll?-RUDE PEOPLETHAT CUT!!!.I Whythe flip cant yw wait lib e:very otherhuman Oil. eanhdoes. Ifyw cut.youare the {oUoWlllg: Stuckup, sol{ =t.eI'e< lazy, impatient. rude, and.....damn I tlIll <lUI of~anyway Every fl4l\lin tine I get imo i endllPbavingto wail a tl:uninghour wben then: WAS only meand 1otherpol!lM in the tine! Then the assholeJets all his\heT so called friendscut in llehindem!YOUKNOWWHATI REALLY HATEI!!?-LlAltS!l! OR GAWWWWWD I HATE LlAltS, And living in this neighbnrhood then: is tbousands of them!IIWhy the I1ip must peuple lie so damn much! Espedally aboutstupid tlW:tgsl Lill:e "Yeah, i just bought ;; caseo ofM-80's in Okla!loma for about $5 And they are legal there and Yeah my parents buyIIlO$lof myguns,every once Ina while ill usemy".000 dnlIarpayclIecl< all4 buya shotgun or 2. And mybmld new hummerjustbrok.e down on the highwaywilen. i was going2SOtupIL Stupidcars,• Jilo: tbat.DOW. whal tl:uning part ifanywould.' normalhuman lleing believe? And tbatsjust onepol!lM!l Anothet BIG e:<arllPle is BtQOl<s B!llWll(303•

• ' ). Now. according10 him, be hasa 215 IQ,5 other hutnes(2 in alaska. and 3 in Florida), 9Smphl'aslbaU(heis only 16), runs a mile in about; minutes, bas an uncl. tbats the fanner bendofall the armed f'on:es andhasaccess to.....Tbeee Button ... his other uncle is a multi-millio..... thatli_ in doownIown det:mit. and hisIlCighbnts are the chick that sang "r.e.s.p.e.c.t," and the lead singer of Aerosmith. And that samelIl'Ide owns 30%

JC- 001-010411

Page 12: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500

of the steck of tball:ylenol compa.ay, Am!bisjj,l1IIIdpam:ll gm:s..GIVES...llim aboul 1000dollars fur eaclllllOlllh,ami bisothe! Grandpa. can blowup <Vet}' bouse in Ame'ka bealuse all the houses have C4 in the.filundal1oDs.Again. .""'''ding io Bmok Bnlwn. OK, wben l""llle lie likl: tllat, its net iIJlpn:sslIII:, _ believes it, i,_just plain stupid. and its a flip waste ofmy lime.YOUKNOW WHAT I HATE! I!?-R tale<! _ on CABLE! My DOG can do a beIlerdiannedilingjob then those tmlsl!! Far the sakeof alltelevision theycan at least try to n>.a.U It soundlikl: IlCtmli wonls thepmon WOllId sayllr]I"U have ..... seenAliens t:rt Predaulr ]I"U'II k:!l<lw wbal I'm talking aboul.YOU K.'lOW WHAT I HATE!!!?-WilxIows Keys!!!!YOU KNOW WHAT I LOVE!!!?-WAREZ!I! Wllypaywben its free?YOU KNOW WHAT I HATE! t!?-Pouplo wOO thiBk: they can f""""'" the weali>or!!! TIt<:n lltoy think tbat """'YOU"eIso wi.lI thinI< tbal they are cooljust b=uso ]I"U said tbal we wen! gonna havea4 fuot blizzatd sw:tingtodaylLiIIz just theother day, thispIlIlk Ik:!l<lw was SlI)-lng.."Yeah l1>morrow we are gonnagel lib:, 2 t= ofsucw injust a !ow00u:rs,Theywen! saying itsgonnabethe bi!ll!=St snowin ten years. Yoah. ItIl beaboul-9il outside 100.' Am!that day .... gel an inchof mowand its 26 out.YOU KNOW WHAT I HATE!!!?-Clll.l1lUU1lU~ music!!!YOUKNOW WHAT I LOVEI!!?-Zippo Lightets!!!!IYOUK.'lOWWHAT I HATE!!!?-F\:opIe woo say thatwrestling is n=IIl! llOW, imtlIikilIl1 aboulthe JJWCIlII:s liki:hulkhllgan 0' llIId.ettaker. If]I''UthinIr. tbal these JJWCIlII:s amtt faIaod and that these guysate REALLYputlCbingand btoaking anns, thenpi....,mail me. I wouldloveUl k:!l<lw wbetO youliveso i = BOMB ]I"Ut tllcldngbouse and ACTUALLY BREAKYOUR AR.MS!@YOU KNOW WHAT I HATEIl!'-YOUNG SMOKERS! they thinl<they are so goddanm<:ool with theirbig badciggarewes amitheir'sooo cool'attitude. I cant wail until they are about 2Sami have to bteatbe through their flip DOCks ami talk with acolllpUltrboolo:d up to their fonnai-vocal cords,YOUK.'lOW WHATI HATE!!!'-PAYING FOR MY CAR INSURANCE!!!YOU KNOWWHATI LOVE!!!?-FREEDOM OF SPEEEECHl!!YOU K.'10WWHATI HATE!!!?-Freedom of the press. I that part ofthe Bill ofl'Ughls.YOUK.'lOW WHATI HATEI!I?-People woo are apiDst thedeath penalty!!! I thiDIt the couns should flaming fry ovetY convicted felon out thetO!YOU K."lOW WHATI LOVE!!!?-SCHOOL!YOUK.'10W WHAT I HATE!!!?-SCHOOLWORK!YOU K,''lOW WHAT I REALLY HATE!!!?-COMMERCIALS!!! OR GAWWDI HATE COMMERCIALS!!! 1'I1e only ones i :MIGHT1ikIl "'" previews and.some car colllJllOttials. Butjesuschrist, all those Lotion.PERFUME, Matl:up, JCPENNYS. Joslins, food. cod'oo,at _ment commerdalsl PI....,1 Destroythemalii ....., record anotber! Theysuck! Theyare oDlyfutmythelim lime! Tbinkupolbet 5llII'f! Theysuck! 1'I1eyare SllIpid! We gor sick of themWRY FAST! WRY! WRYFAST!YOU KNOW WHAT! HATE!!!!?-TRENDS!!! I HATE ttends! Like tommy bilJigeror mMSjmo t:rt SKAor those IltlIe c.bapiticklip glll5S lip eteam

CRAP that "''''Y flealdn girl in middle and. high scbooI carries atI>WldI They"'" jUSl"'...... DAMN .....rrr .....RR... ANNOYING!!!! YAAAHlI! RRRRRl!!!YOU K."lOW WHAT I HATE!!!?

JC- 001·010412

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-Poopl_ woo dom believe in pet'S(lnallty~. For the loveof god. and for the sake of god. CLEANUP! Frickinpeoplewith 2 inch fingenIaiIs and a wholefrlcltin flower pot full ofdirt under them and raggybaitor shiltsstained to hell. Or people that just plain SWll<. and theydomdoanythingabout it. Now, 1mnot Illllking fun ofanyone If they cant help it, or afford it Of anythinglike that, tbats not their fiIUIl, but ifyour somekid drivin a fOrdexplorer l1Ild have yellow teeta, then tbats just plain UIlhUl1lll1LYOUKNOWWHAT IHATEI!!?-People who use the same wordover andoverqainl Lib., "actuallY'. or "shazame", or "nifty". Read a fuckjnhook or two. i:ncrl!:ase your~-Ilt1YJ'l f"ck'ng idiots.YOU K.'<OW WHAT I HATE!! I?-People who try to impress me by TRYINGrobrag aboutthe nillltaries_1 Now,III someafJ'OU thl5 migblseem, WIer<!. but its hllPP""ed Like this. "dodo, theyjust """'" om with this _ chemical that can destnlydeIlver0DIyusing a cubic inch ofit. ThemililJlly is1uleping it an lock::a up~ if it P to close to """"" it explode,and the forcewouldcreate ac= eart!l. -." Ycab.right,bulIshit, or like this. "Dude, the air fo,"" hast:raelced. sa.tlla clallsefor like, 10Yl"U" now, be is real man. itsan a coverup." or "Tbcair furcejust raadca planethat canbendlight man. its completely invisible. " now, this is just """" of the shit rve beard. it _ me SICK.And they arem ...... in the frlcltin mililJlly nor do theyknowanyone that is even if it WAS ttue and like they_ knowalloutitl GAWDI! I HATE those PEOPLE!YOU KNOWWHATELSEI HATE!!!?-People woo nllNK they are IIIllltial arts ""l""tsl They ale an cockyand tbinkin that they are an big ancl bad.saying bullshit like. "yeahJ!you5llaPyourfingers right bere the soundwases will melt the brain and youlldiefrom yourownbrain poring outyour ears." or 'ifJ'OU flick someone rigl1t bere their arterieswill burstand they willdrownin theirown blood." frealcin bate it wben they koepsayin "Y01lf own', like it wouldbe someone _lses!?!?then when these Sllttbeads get in real fighrs the get their fricldn a<&ell """'pod an over the place by somelittle girl.YOU KNOWWHAT I HATE!!!?--sTAR WARS FANS!!! GET A FaaaaaaRlGIN lJFE YOUEORlNGGEEEEEKSIYOUKNOWWHATI HATEI!!?-RACISM! I1Anyonewhobate biacl<s, asians, mexi<:ans, or people from atll' othercoll1llrY or racejust becausethey arent from here or area <:lilIem1t coicr.;woopie freakin doG man. And that goesfurblack people 100. I'veseen people on Ric:ki l.ake or OpraOfw~ sayi!Ii l!li.ap like"while boy, wbi.tie, you 5l\Y dol ClIZ J'OU be while,)'Oll.. J'OU while people all du same. she bewhite. $(I she baaad. I bethedid dol stuJr ClIZ bea while boy" allll thatstuJrjust pisses me off to 110 end. It is possible for BLACKS to beRACIST 100 yoKNOW.....peoplewoo think thatshould be dmg out into the meet. have theirarms npped. oll'. beburn1 shutat the~ tbeu have everypet'S(ln oftlIe race thatYOUbate come 0111 and beat the crupout of you. Youpeopleare the sown of society and mtwortha daIrm pieceof worm crap. Yau an are tr.tsh. And dem let me eatehyou Illllking fun of someceejust because theyarea dilferem color because i will come in llIld break yourf"ck'ng legs witha plastic SJlOOIl. i dont care how Iongil talalsl alIll tbats both legsmind youYOU K.'<OW WHAT I HATE! I I?- UiOSE FREAKIN ADVERTISING OR CHARITY CALLS! People 5l\}'ing "Hi, im not selling anythingbm"­good. now shut the flip up anclgo gel" realjobl-weUl youare SO rudel'-dam!l strnillllld if you dom get offmyline ill comedown to your buildingand shove that phone list up yourarse andtake the pirone and sheve it up yourboss's """'! 'clid<' heeelleeee, that wouldbecool.YOUKNOW WHATI HATE!!!?-WIlen peoplelllispron<l1lDCO words! llIld they doltt ..en knowil to. likeacrosT. Ot eXspteso. pacific(spec:ific), or2 pAd<. loam to speaI< cotte<:tly you moro...YOUK.'10WWHATI HATE!!'?When people dl:t<.. really slow in the fast lane!!! GOD!!' ThllSO people doNOL.NOT..NOTnNOT knowhow todrivel! Anyone who knowsattYthing about driving !mows that ifyouare passingsomeoneor going really reallyreally filst, yousoouid Slay m the slow lane!! Anyone caughtdoing that shouldbesent to "''elY driving classavailablefor a flluJung yearlYOUKNOWWHAT I HATE!'I'!THE ·WB." netWOrl<!!!t OHJESUS MARY MOTHEIt OFGODALMIGHTY I HATETHAT CHANNEL wrraALL MY HEART AND SOIiL. Theil' stupid "dubba dubba lIeydubba hoe dubba B dubba boo dubba full dubbadubba wubba lubba HEY dubbaboo dubba"CRAP'I M they(lUtIlOSOiy doinll thatjust topiss meoff! I!???JESUUUUSl!!

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YOUKNOW WHAT I HATI?;!!!?BaskelllallIYOUKNOW WHAT 1HATE! !I?PUFFY DADDY ORPUFFY COMBS ORPUFFY SMALLS OR WHA'l'IMlR1'HllHElL HISNAMEIS!! I balethat guy!!" I Whydcesnlanyone"l>lst a cap" in his ass?"? He caar evenlllPwonh a damnJ All his songsare likl:l"1lUlllII yeah huh U" UuUnyeya.h mgmmmmbmm~jjjjoya UcoUUUIl.m !DJ!11!rimdlkgmmmmmmmtgmmmmyaaahbh.... Uti ..... mdstut! IHATE THAT GUYlBYOUKNOW WHAT I HATE!!!?PEOPLEWHO AlU!. MEA.'l TO ANIMALS!!!!! The ollly promise I maIal ill this wholeJl;l8le is this: if I= seeanyoneon god's grCC'Il earth harma doll or bemeanor unkind III al1Y mammal I will SEVERaY hurt you, I"""'" to god. I ......., on myco~, on my car, on my fucking LIFE1will hurt you,YOUKNOWWHATlLOVEI!!?Dri:vi1Ig FAST!lYOUKNOW "''HAT1HATElll?SKAJYOUKNOWWHAT I LOVEll!?Good. tilsI, bar<l. mong, pouilding TECHNOJ! Such.. KMl"DM, P.RODIOY, ORBITAL, RAMMSTElN, andsuch.YOU KNOW WHAT 1BATE!!!?RAPPERS AND1'HlllROHSO SMOOTH COOLSUAVE RAPPER ATTITUUE!I'!!YOUKNOW WHAT I BATE!!!?RAP VlDEOS!!1 1!>'C'Y geeeawd damn om: of them is tho same! 5 _ all with colorcoor<tiDauldo11lli1S andtittle nylonJackers andspIIDdex pant5 dancing aroundwlille some dorky _lllllIIlI5 and groan aroundanddli'Yes a fam:ycarandwaves his a.tmB around acliIlg likl:l a ftl:akiJt OORK!YOUKNOW WHAT I BATE!!"HOMOSEXUALS!! II is just plain WRONG.People whotell mewhat I tlIinl< or what 1door what I sboulll say! Sometimes liltok,lilo:l if ilSa psychiatrist orsomething, but ifits just some othor "dude" al so:;hooI tdIing!DC I sboullln'l tlIinl< SOIIIl>thillg or some 1CI<thortelling me I caDt godownsomehallway, !hen I say FUCK YOU I dowhatever tholiggide!lanle I WlIllI!!YOUKNOWWHAT I BATE!!!?G rated MOVIES!! Like thoLion King orHERCULES or Wart!on ofVu!ue.1 don~ care who thoyare made for IOON'T LIKE T!fEM!YOUKNOW WHAT I LOVE!!I?FREEDOM!YOUKNOW WHAT I BATE!!'?U,S,A 's Lafemme Nikita. Stupldes: damn show I have everseen. Little swat u:am navy seals WllDIIa bedotks.YOUKNOW WHAT 1LOVEI!I?PUNCHING '!HINGS!


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My belief is that if I say something, it goes. I a~ the law, if you don't like it, you die. If I don't like you or I don't like what

you want me to do, you die. If I do something incorrect, oh fucking wa~~, you die. Dead people cant do many thlngs, like argue, whinet bitch, complain, narc} rat out, criticize, or even fucking talk. So thats the only way to solve arguments with all you fuckheadsout there, I just kill! God I cant wait till I can kill you peopl

e. Lll just go to some downtown area in some big ass city and blowup and shoot everything I can. Feel no ra~orse, no sense of shame

. Ich sage FICKT DUl I will rig up explosives allover a town a~d

detonate each one of them at will after I mow down a whole fuckingarea full of you snotty ass rich mother fucking high strung godli

ke attitude having worthless pieces of shit whores. i don't care if I live or die in the shcc:out, all I want to d is kill and injua. as m~l"q~ of you pricks as I can l especially a few people ~ LL-:;e

... \- ;

Love it or leave it mother fuckers. ~~l you racist (and if you think im a hypocrite, come here so I can kill you) mother fucking aSSholes in _~~grica who burn cu= flags and disgrace my lanc# G~T our!

And to you assholes in iraq and iran and all those other little pieee of shit desert lands who hate us, shut up and die! We will kick you~' aSS if you try to fuck with us or e t.Leas t I will! I may not like or government or the people running it or thlnqs like that,but the physical land and location! DO fucking love! So love it

or leave it!


I live in denver, and god d~~it I would love to kill almost all 0f its residents. Fucking people with their rich snobby attitude thinkin they are all high and mighty and can just come up and tell me what to do and then people ! see in the streets lying their fucking asses off about themselves. &~d then there is all you fitnessfuckheads saying shit like "year. do 50 s i t up s and 25 pushups eachmorning and run a mile every day and go to the gym and work out and just push yourself to be better and you can achieve anything andset high goals and have great expectations and be happy and be ki

nd and treat everyone equal and give to w~arity and help the poorand stop Violence and drive safely and don't pollute and don't lit

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ter and take shorter showers and don't waste water and eat right food and don't smoke or drink and don't sell guns and don't be a bad person" phew. I say "fuel< you. shucup and die " FInd then puL1 the trigger of a D8#3 that is in your fucking mouth. All you fueking people with your set standards and shit, like you have to go to college and be smart and shit,and you have to have a job and pay taxes, blah blah fucking blah,shutup and DIE! I really don't give a good god damn about what youthink is "right" and what is "wJ::onq" and what is acceptable and w

hat isnt nice, I just don't fucking CARE! SHUTUP AND DIE!!!!!i!

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'Ii"fis thllt if I say something, it goes I om the law, if you donlilke it you die. If I dont lik. you 0( I dont lik. what you_rrt me to do. you di". If I do something lnccrrect. oh flJoking well. yOlJ die. Dead peoplecant do many things, lik. argue,whin•. botch, compiain, narc, "'t out, criticize, or"""" fucking talle.. So thats the only way te sol", argum.nts 'Mthall you! oUlth.r., I just !<ill! God I ""nt'Mlit till I can 1011 you people. III just go to .ome downtaNn area in somebig 0$$ cityand blewup andshoot _rytIling I can. Feel no _e, nO sa"," of shame, leh sage FlCKTOUI I ""U rig up explosi\es allover atawn and detonateeach OM Clflhllm at ",,11 obr I mmt dow!i a whole ftJ.c!<ing area flJlI olyou snolly ass rich motherticking high strunggodlike attilude~ ""rt!'lf.... poe.. 01 shit .mores. I dont care if I 1M or die In the .hootoUl, all, Miltto do Is I<lll .nd injure as many of you pricks as I can...""cl.11y • ,.,., peopl•. Wke -


Low it or leave It mother tiJekers. All you racist (andif you think 1m a Ilypocrite, come her. 00 I can kill you) mother fuckingas.holes in Amerioa who bum our 'ags and dl'grace my land. GeT OUTl And to you asshoies in iraq and iranand all thoseether little piece ofshit desert lands who hate us, shut up anddiel We will kick your ass if you try to IiJck with US or atleastlwill! I may not like or governmem or the people tunning it or thlngs like that, bUl the pilysicalland .nd locationI 00 fucking10....' So low it or I...... itl


I II"" In de""". and god damnlt I wOl.l1d loveto kill almost ail ofits lesidents. Fucking people with their rich snobby attitUdetninkin they are ail high and mighty and can just come up and tell me what JQ do and then people I sae in thestleets lyingtheir lUcking asses off about themselws. And then thereis ail you ftness fuckheatis saying shit iike 'yeah do50 oitups and25 pushups ""cl1 mOrT';ng and run a mile overy day and go to the gym and war!< out and just push yourseiflo be better andyou can achi....... anything and set high goatsand have great expectations and be happy and be !<ind andtreat ewryon. equalaf'" 'ive to charily and help th. poor and step ";ol.neo anddriw .afely anddont pollut. and dont littor andtake .herlerS "l and dO<\~ waste watef and eat right Ibod and dcnlsmoke or drink anddent sell guns and don' be a badper.on""" .. phew. I.ay "fuek you.....hutup.....nd die... : And thon pull tho trigger of a OB#3that is Inyour fucking mouth.All you fucking people with your set standards and.hit like you ha.... to go to college and be smart and shil, andyou h..... toh..... a job and pay taxes. blah blah fucking blah. shutupandOIEII really don~ glw a good god damn .bout whatyou think is"right" and what is "w,ong" and what Is aec.ptable and .matlsn! nice. I j<Jst don~ fuckingCAREl SHl.JT1JP ANO OIll!:!O!!!!


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rnttvraj~ Y ESJ rvrii$h the goyern~1 wQuld jlAt taiQI etf rJery warning laOl!{ So then.i tM l3LliT'basses 'II oUd erther se'i'er'e1y hVtt !t'lernlUtNU Of ceA/'If'IliOOm. no rrere dl,l~Ue$ 1ifl1

--ASSHOI..£S \j-l,A.T e:t.l"i1'!! ~k\"I tn. Il.1:)k cart you'lf all 1\l<e tvtry QtI'l~ human on flaf'lh doa I yQU c\.'t, '101.,1 ere the follow ng.. Stt.Jek: up, "eft'oenteffK't selfish, I:i%'!, irr'patient. nne, and. darm rran out arryway Stet'! fuclii/"lg lIMe, get~Q i end l,lp having to wa( i tl..Cl<tlg MoW' whtffi thereWAS only meand 1 cmer pe($on in tne line!Then th. queer $VC!Ong B$,f:hQJe Iet$aU hie'her so caled (rems cut in beMld em f !hetl1apptrll!l1 l1'Ol"$

ljl'ne j w* hav. to IItan'refetmg to theAnm:hn oOC!ktook(bcn't sectbn}.

......UARS!':! OHOAWJ!l'N.NWOl foIATEL~FtS. And INi'lg: W1 this tucq n~bOrhqOd:herllt is tt'lotJSands of Ihem~\M'ly the tuck rt1JSt people" !Ie so ~tl"ll'

~h! Es?~eay aQQu't $\Upid thinga.~ Like "Yeat\;, i iwJt bought 5 C3$H o:;f M-SO'$ in ClUhoma for abotJt55. And tMy aeelegal there a~ ev~rything,

Yeah'"f PSf!tflC$ buy tn;lSt of rtt; gum, every orce in a while iff U$S my 4,COO doltar psyehl<:kancl bYya $hotgtZl 0( 2. And lTl)' brand new ~l}ystbroke down on the highway when j wugo1'lg~h Stupid. cars" [ike \hat naN wMtfucktlg part 11 any wouiQ it nOrmal human being~isve1 And rhars fUSI one per$Qn~ Ancti"le:( BIG UIOVle is __ • ,... ; f>bw • accQrdi'rQ to. him., he haS at -in aask:a, &rid :3 in Florida),~M fa~ ball(heis only , 6}, runs a mJe in 4llbotJt :5 nint.1es, hal an unclethat. the fQ(~r hue of .a the arl'Mdforcesand hp ace"! to "'TheM EMt¢l'l" • he Qth$' UO¢!It i$ a l'!'\llti-rriIli::lnar.lhat liYt6 kr, dr:tN ntow- n detroit, and hiSMi;;:hbors. 'Irlt the ehieX !hat sarg., .,s pte L~ afld the: lad siMer Qf AerosrMh. And that $arntt uneJ* emns :30% of 1M stock of that ly!eool e~a('l"l, AM his grafld;larentsgive. GN£ (oj"" about 1000 doilat$ (0( neh I'f'I:'Jnth, and his other Gran:::tpa can- blow u;: every house. in Al'!'I!rica beCaUSe: aU !:r'Ie hOllS-&$- have C-4inthil foul"ldatk:lM Ag<iirl, aceOfdng to when paople 1ie !ikett"lat,as not i~rt!i$aive, nOOMbelieves it .t $O'IJl'lds lost pialn1wpid, and it5

a fu::::kiri w aste Qimy tir'r'lll


_R ratfld rmvJe\\ on CAB't..E! Mj COG can do 011 betterdam editirlg job than those d\lnY"$~ For \he '$'Ikeof alll$lell\$~ tM'f can atleastt!'f to rt'1lWait sound iikeactual w erda the ~er$Cfl wcUd s__)'! IF y<>U hay. ever seen Aliens or Preaa'tot yolJ4ltrIow 'II rat :m t3~ng abOut.


yau K1<IWW!'A T I KA,Te?

_~Pe~l.who thin¥; tnliY can [oree"$! the wl!'ilm.r~1"l"i-.n tt'lIty thi'lktr-t WMyOnt!i eIH wJllthlnk that they arlt cootjust be<:alA. YQlJ $aid wewere gQrtna have a 4 foot blttZalro starting today!LiQ iUs' the ctn.r diY, this plJflK i mow was saying. ·Yeah tOtrlJtrQIN 'If. ar. gon~ sellike, 2' feltof $n¢w in jwt • f~ hours, Theywere liayttg itSgOfil".a be tht!~gesl snow in ten years,Yun. U be about -00 oute.lde t¢<l:," And th=It d3y wa getin ineh of &now $InO 11.. 2'6 rnrt, \r"~ \ike getting a basebal bat. cnMl'IQng it O'f'ftf his head, and than iTASaUl himw ith th4 bfNn end!!!!




-~Pecctewho say that wrHtIirg is r.S!l~ ~w. i:'n tatlcl"lg abOyttl"tli mlrch" likehulkhosan or undertalr8r It yO\.! ttlink t:l"8ttnese IT1ttctw. art:l"It (a~aoo "lese guya arlitREA.lLY purel'tirlS lind bteaiQng :!!:rrt'lS, ther! pleaserrei mil. i wdlJkilove to mow iN!"lete yOU live so loan SOl'Je yCUJr ft.t:idrlg


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y OV KNOW \IV'!oolA,T ~ f4ATEJ:.'7

\G SM:')K~~!hey think; th$y are M goo daflTl ¢¢l;)j with thei"bq ~Q erggar.tte9 and their ~$OOO coor ar.Jtude rcant WM llfIt'U they are abouthave (0 breathe throosh t/"leit' fucking neclt.s ;\t\d talk IN ith "CO"l)ut-e!'hooKe<i up 10 their x-vcear corGS




:R:c:ALS,'e OHGA\/W!IO ! i"'A~COM'YERCIALSitt Tneonly ones i MiGHT like ar. previewa aM 'SOtT'e cat COrTYl"llfCiaia Jesuscrt:st. aftnQSe"!.Otic". FSRFUt¥£.Mlkevp, J~S, JOilins. food. ooffee. or ad'VemslfTW!1nt OOiT'l'l"ercu! ?laH! CitstrOjl tnemal! never record ancthefjThey$v:.:j(~Theyare¢-f!t1 funny the first tirT'IltJ. Thin/( upQther stuff! They $/JCI<!~ ar. ~id!V'Jeget siclc:; of them VeRY FAST; VeRY!v~ FAST:

YOU K1'¥:!W WHAT If'Are~

--~le whO dQrrt l:lel~Vl! in per$on31 hygiEr!NL Fo,the 10.,. of god. and: ft)( l'f1e ~u'tk.e of god. Q..EANUP Fl"l;kir'ig Pl!lOl)te w ith 2.ir1:h fin9ernail$ ar-:t aw hole fl..lC~ PQt fl,lll c.fdnuMer tbem and-faggy isS haW' ;:It .him stained to IlettOr P40plt thaI lust pain'$link. and they dent do anythi~ abol./t it,l\tlw, 1m not r1IIq h,ltl of ."yo-nlt I ~y C3l'1t hep t, Of ifford ,t 'Or tnylhing like lhlll. tl"ra:l$ not ~eir faul£, b\Jtif your $QIT1a 10::1 <lrrvin a fQro e;tptorer antihave ylillow leeth, li'len tfUtts jwt plain unl".l.ltTEIn.

YOU KNOWWf'ATi HAi c.!!!

--PeoolewhO use ee !am!! WQfdover and over Pla1'!! Lb, "aetually*, or "'f\.JC~ '100~. o(" Read a fuekin: bookor two, ine<ea.~ yout vo...:::al>u­~ry '18fJ,.lcking OOt5

'( OU~W \I'JH4;T i l'"A1E!.'?

-~Ato~Mtwho lI'y (0 i~(ftill$ rre br TRYING tob(I9 aboYttl"J~ rrtlar. weapons!~w,to IQtl"8 Qfyou this rright $l!i!lfTI. wietd, but b I'ta~ LikatM, ~dude, !hey jU$t cameCyt 'II ~t'llnis f'le'N el"lenw:;:al mat cal"l c~tr'Oy der.v.r only U$it'lg a cuble inch of It. Therriftar~ is keeprtg ~ a4 toeked upce<;aUM if it gifts to clo$« to water it exp!o:de, an:.; the (o!ce wOl.Iid create oJ crQerl! eilrth. mit.lUl:n U Yeah. right bullshit, or h !his:, "O.ld... 1m ail (<<ellhas :rackedsanta clausefor !ike, 10 years fl<1W, he l$ real man 1ts il a cover lJP"or"'T'rJe air force just madea piane lhat can beroligm man. its.e'Ol'flllehtly invi'lible:"OClW, !h5: it jU$t$Oft <:If the snt jlJe heard. it Il1Ika trJt SiCK And theyartnt ~en in the fucNngmbry nord do they kn¢w

anyone that i,,!

_~r.F" who TI-!NK U't.y ~r. rrsartiai arts iltXpertS!1hey Ifll ailQQCky a~ thnan that they ere allhig and bad. $ayingbl.fJlshtb. "yeah If you:snapyoW! -$ t"ht 'ntrt tn. $Ound W avee willnllha 'orain iloQ:yeuddllt frQmyour r;wn brain pOOrig out yOllt fir$," ~ ''If 'IOU fiek.s,omtOn. r'gt'lt heretheir ~ "'$ w~t OuNil and~ w II cll'QWn ntt1ei:rC1Wn bfoQd." fl.:l:m hateit when !hey keepssyirl"yourgwn" likI'cwovl1 be$omeone«sea:?!'?then when tl'lesft :!IMI' get in real fighl$ the get !her fuckrl us. WoolM'd al l)\fet tt'o* "'.1;8 by 10me~ gm.

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-.AACISM!~AnYQne whe belNes that blacks, assns, tn!xieat"l$. or ptop:le from IIny elMr country or ,,«e ~e$idt'l!$ whlte--Imt(ican.. p.eople who thinkIhat s/'touJi be drug Ot..1: no tne street bave ttl!!r aJl'T'I$ rippedert. be burnt suht at the stlJlT.,s, thef'lhave e~f¥'f person of ltle race' U'I;a~ '( aunateCarrtl' 0U1 andbeat ttle.$11I: out of yev. and if YOAJ are (ermle. then you shcuict be rapedby a male from the race you hate andbe forced to raise thechi'k:l!YolJ P~1e are thescum of society and 8Htnlworth a dal1Tl neee of wwm shit. Youa~ are trash. And dont ~t IN e\1tch 'IOurrakirg (l,Jn of'Sc:r:eon. just becauaethey are a dlferent color becawft j w if comen V1dbreakyourtuekingle9l1 'If Jtha pllstil: spoon. i dont cart now iong it !:aiGt$1and ltiata beth !eg$ md yCUJ.

vou Kmw WHAT I""'TEl!'

-~n-iOSS::FUa<JM3AOIERT1SIl'G ORCH<\R!TY CALlS! People s-aYing "!'t.m not: sdng anything but'" good. flOW Shc1 the tuck up andgo gtlt a ruljcb~·weM! ycu are so ruder dann stru bitch an:l If you dont gel off l'11'J ine ~l c:orredown to your buikiing al"Kt '$ho'll! lhat phonelist up yOl.l( us andtake !he phone and srove i up yOU( bosses au! ~clil::l( Meeeheeu. i k:I-.e!:hal


......When people mprQI'lOUl'tC8 WQrcts~ and they dot"!even 10cncw ~ m, b ofTen,or acrosT, or ex.spteSo, paeific (Sl'eelflo). or :2 pAGk. Barn to speat<correctly you m;uOr'll!L

'ThaIs all fer new fob, hopeyou enjoye<l~ If i think up ao)' m:>re !hirlgs, iJpU emcn het'Q:Arv.t .sorryif i offended you, but. if i aid, that l"l"leans that yOU

if. one of the peoplelhat ; t'I1!ntioned that i hate, so i guess imnet sOtry, yeu asshola.

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Ok people, ~~ gc~na let yo~ i~ O~ t~e b~g secret of cur cla~~ we a~~t ~c gcd da~~ stupid ass q~ake c:a~; Me a~e ~c=e of a ga~g. N8 p:ar. cut ar.d execute missicr.s. Anyone pisses us off, we do a little

deed to thei~ house. ~ggs, teepee, supe~glue, busyboxes, la~ge amou~ts of fireworks, you r.a~e it and we will probly or already havedo~e it. We have ~a~y ~~i=~es i~ O~= sc~col, the~efor we 2ake ~a~

y n~ss:ons~ Its sort 0= a ~igtt ti~e t~adit~c~ ec~ ~S~

DC~T~:oad CC~R:CCR.~~.? _ts a ve=y c~cse =ep:ica 0: t~e ~i5Sic~ sites. 3~t we have ~eve~ see~ t~a i~5ida c: the ~c~se ... so we :~st q~

essed. ~ts alsc c~t c:~ w~e~e t~e area is~t ~~pa~ta~t (ya k~CWf idid:.t want to put in all of the neighborhood)).

:te ~~ss~o~ tas bee~ dc~e. _~~d t~e =ebe:s.~wc~ce again ... e~e=gad victc=io~s. Vee :a:ki~g b:e¥ de s~eeeit cutta lossa stocf!;

AB :o~ the next ~issio~, ~e ~a~e~t de~~ded w~at to do C~ w~e~e tode it~ I had sc~e t~oug~ts abo~t tidi~g in sc~e :a~qa bushes C~ t~

ess a~d shcct_ng st~:f. C~ ~aybe SCille ~o=e a=~al attacks. S~t we need to go up to flyo~i~g a~d ioad ~p O~ that st~ff. W~ are rur.r.~rrq

~cw. ?lu5 we just qot O~= pay~~ecks*.*.t~ey a=e~t b~g. ~~but t~ey ~

a~ cover qu~te a bit of s~~t. He st~:: ~eed to get the ~u5es too.Se fa=, t~e ~ext ~iS5~C~ wi:: p~cb~y be in J~:Y sc~et~~e~ 3~t we AIN: SUaE~


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f its residents. Fuckingpeople with their rich snobby actituae thinkin they are all high and migcty and can justcome up and tell me what to do and then people I See in the streets lying their fuckingasses off about ~he~~elves. And chen the~e is all you fitness tuckheads saying shit like"yeah do 50 situps and 25 pushUps each morning and run a mile every day and go to the gymand work OU~ and just push ycu~5elf to be better and you can achie"Ie anything and set highgoals and have great expectations and be happy and be kind and treat everyone equal and giveto charity and help the poor and stop violence and drive safely and don't pollute and don'tlitter and take shorter showers and don't waste water and €lac right food and don't smoke ordrink and don't sell guns and ccnt be a bad pe r scn" .._... phew. I say

"fuck you._. snutup.... anddie.... ., And then pull ;:he trigqe:, of a 08#3 that is in your fucki:;.gmouLh~ All you fucking

people wich you= set standards and shit l like you have to go' to college and be 5mar~ a~d

shit, and you have to have a job and pay taxes, blah blah fuckingblah, snutup and DIE! 1really don tt;: give a qood. qod daznn about what you chink is "ri qht;"and. what is "ucotv;' andwhat is acceptable and what isnt nice, I just don't fucking C~~E!

SnvTUP }U~D DIE! !l!!!!

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6: Aw~ww yeya~ T~is 0iss~c~ was so :u~ki~ E~~ ~a~. OK, Eicst cf a~

~, ~y dad #dS t~e o~:y pa=~~t ~o~e, 50 it was =~~~ eas:e= q2tt~~g

o~t ... b~t $t~:: ~a=d si~~e a:~ these ~ccks i~ ~y backfa~d ~ake 5C~~~~ ~~~se. ?:~5 t~e ~eigtbc~5 =a~:t:~q dog ba~k~~g 'ts ~a~: ~

e:~ c:~; ::~st :: ~B~t t~::~q~ t~7~ C~~~i~O~~: "~c;~q :~=c:~~ ~c~~ ve-f ta_.:. ·~_as3 __ 8_d,;;:) ••••. '"""" a,:) ta. __ d.S t_.8 O~.8z> _u t .. e L..... s t .Jc_..;..d l

b~t c~cse~ Felt k~~da ceo:. :~e~ we set up t~e 5t=~p c: :~52 fi=ec=a~~e=s~ rJsing 2 c~;;a=ettes as sta=t~~g ~~ses, we ~ad p~e~ty c~

ti~e to spa~e. ~e a:sc ~ad a ~:ce l~tt:e c=a~ke=i~g :ou~tai~ ~ccke

d ~p to t~e :uses teo. A=te~ a :ew ~i~~te5 of sett:~g it ~Pt we lit it a~d we~t cve= a~d hid i~ o~top 0: this big ce~e~t pipe ;ci~q

~~de= a st=eet. ~e *e~e C~ t~e side c: a hill sc *e ~~d i~ t~e g~a

55. T~e~e was also a f~i: =cc~ that ~~g~t, a~d ~ot a :ca~i~g c:oudi~ tte sky. Se it ~as :ike ~CC~ o~ t~$ e~Jatc= w~e~ we we~e c~t l

~ t~e ope~. 3~tt b:ack c:ct~~~; a~d ta~l grass 5~=e ~e:ps~ A:te~ abc~t 5 ~~~~te5 (f~=eve~) ~t be;a;..3e:c~a~a~d we watc~ed as sc~e :_gtts :~ t~e :a=gats ~o~se we~t O~ .... . t~e~ 0:~. Maybe t~e b~5t~=d ~ea=d 50~et~~~g. 3~t ~~~~ t~e st=:p s t az t ed, :-.e t"..:::::e,j :.':'5 bedzccr; :'':';:-.ts c:::. Tr.e s t r i.p :";~d :':::.::abo.:t 3J s eccr.ds ..... ~7';e t:-.:.:.}:." .it was ve~y ::'.:sk':':.'; :"0:.,";. a:::-,cst a:: G: :'..t ~>;e~t o:~" :'c~d a:.,j br : t , e::'''e=yt~-.':':;.:; ;"ic::-~:ed exact_i" :-.0';1.·....e '..;a:::.te,j :.t t c , ..~:te:: a1:;.~..:t :.:-: :t.-=:':-."J.t2$ '~e sta::-ted ,j.:;;.::". t:~e b:'ke t=a~: to t~e ~ext ta=;et. :~e ~:~st t3~qets :~g~ts ~e~e O~ aga:~ ~~

t~e bed=0c~, b~t we t~~~k ~e 7ct a~ai ;~detected" N~~:e we we~e wa~k:~g to the ~ext ta~get, we 3~Ct sc=e stuff. Heh, VcD~~ b~o~ght

h~s sawed eff Ba~~n and a :ew S3's tee. So we ~oaded it, p~~~ed ~t

, a~d fired off a few shots at some ho~ses and t~ee5 a~d st~ff. WepzcbLy did::.t do ar;y da.r;;age tc a::y ;~,::; .isas , b:,.:t '.,;e a::e:-.t s rze . ~as ~ct ic~d at a::, w~:~~ was ve=y geed. At t~e ~ext ta~get,

we set ~p t~e sat~~~ ~~35~~e batte~y a~d t~e =ockets. :jese bct~ ~

as :~ses abc~t 2-3 :eet :c~g. : ~~t t~e= as VoD~~ a~d ~~a3z ~e=e 0ve~ ~id~~~ ~~ t~e S~~dCn5. L~ck~:y

t~e=a we~~ sc=e t~e~s a~d 5t..::~ at t~e 2nd ta=get so we cc~:d ~~de

p~etty ;ccd. ~~y~aYI ~ :~t a~d we~t cve~ to t~e ct~e~s. We watc~e

d ~s the :~ses b~~~ed a~d b~~~ed... the~ the ~ockets went off. It was pretty r.~ce, not so ~~C~ =e~t as a prar.k, but ~c=e as a ~i~e 11ttle fireworks shew. They made some noise, b~t r.ot~i~g to shit yarpa~ts abo~t. 8~t the battery did~t werk. So i we~t back, checked

it c rt , a::d the :".lse b_r:.ed dcwr, to aoou t 2 $0 i j '~stsaid .lp yc~rs baby a~d :it it. ~ight as i ~ade it to the others itwe~t c::. :t was p=etty q~:~kr a~d :c~d tcc~ S~~~e t~e ~~5s~~es a

re w~~st:e~s, t~ey p=cb~y ~cke ~p a :e~ ~es~de~ts. Y3~. :~e~ Ne started headi~g .lp to t~:s co~str~ctio:: site. Its r' t c:: the sidec:: a k i nda b~.:sy rc ad. c.; t be :c:=e t:,s, ne dcdr;ed a :e',,, cazs r

messed, a~o~~d at t~e s~te. p~d we a:sc sw~ped SC~e sig~s ==cc t~:

JC- 001-010423?age 2

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http)lmembe'" '01. comirebdoomerlwisaom2.l1tm

This page explaiM iM variolA thing'Sin the w¢r\1 {.'lEi( annoy the SHIT0l.Iti ne God j j\J$lI,.OVe:fr4edom of spec". Keep in rrind that !rtes-e ar~ l!J.Stmy point of VI&'H sand J'T\1y Of may nol reflect Qt\ inYQru!' ese I de $wear a 01 in tn.l$ page. so fl..Jl;:k off if your a P\JS-S 'f w no cant hat'ldle a l~le gOddam oad langu:age heutleee And now to ~t italied:

-~1/III'Yen imIN ailQng 8n:u:rJ:I irra r'r1!i1 and tMltl"e: i$ tn!s SLOWAS SHIT j,W:Mii(,U'l 'II iliirlng i'Jfront of li'8! t:'iQ;darr,lit ~ tryin to~ Sorre'H hefe~ So rreve 11; or.,... I srrCHes'vouK!'KJW WI"ATI KA1",,1

-.I/lkre.rr{here is- a group of auhoti starw:lJln9 in tM rnddle- of il reiway OfW alilwFl.,!, afl:2 tM!Y are jvlt STANDING thl!r~ talking and bJocklng rrrtfucking way~!Get the fuck 0tJta the way Of' ~ t:rmg a frigon uwed-off thOtgtln to yaur an::!b!ow' '1~r snotty na headoff!

vau KN::JW 'M'AT IHATE!"

-1Ivhefl y«.;pledont watch where THEY ARe~NG GOIJIG!Then tht!y plow intoO"'e and say "oop$.. iilOrry ..or "'watch ~; NNNYAAAA~ Nlxt tirrethat nappensI will Mp out 2 of 'jour darm ribs and sl'lave emInto 'jout fucJc.n eye: ba&~~


vouKN::JW'M'A TI LOVe..'"

-iQITV $tuQid 3SS !rOd blow s Mt9 fucking }goo off eececee heI C01.ltdMt f9ur~ o\Jt that a lit fuse l'l"UOS that the firecrac~r is goingic go off $QQn!Ko'.;-""""~ Du~SS~


--OOOOOOOOJAAAAAAAAAAAA'( ~~!!!! GOO i~ HATEi"l-iAr tA(;iR'Tl-lLESS Tri!lAL~W"lO in their right feeeeearrrRlGlN rTW'\d would care ab<:Mll"lar Irjal?7~ ls nOlanydifferent fromany other IiI.Jrj:!er trrallTe~ thosefuemg reportersto get a lite!And w hat the fuck do we: have 10 gainbywatchlng trier SIUflid tml anya'f~""1t$not new$~ its a lliall not new ii/trail! tri:ilLX::;Xn~sl


-Jan hinay l"cw ever tn. fuel( you "pel httr s.poillitQ au~ FCaJ'r\\H-1! \f',M dent ear!'! Good fucktngridd6ns!'Mm tM flJCk de you exp~i if youfl.l::~g puJ: your kid: in aU thKe bf'lury pagMlts when 1ihl\ls 4 ynr$ Qk%~S\.UUUl..WU'Jl,JJlJl"l!!!!I b41 her darm dad did ~, Fuelcln perrr,;


YOUKN::JW 'M'AT! Lav€...,

-~Making fun of stupid peopWt doing stup'd things!Likeone liI'reVI heni was w atchir1g this ireshll"riM'l try to get on a ca~!.Aer that eeeceeapeaswQfd ,ur.. Iyped in lhe pnswcrd .and walled The rstard didnt pr". ern_I or any thing ~ just w alea. Then he- started C\l$Slng at thee~r liayng it w as screw ad up Then the (rKhman went and g(H i t"qn.r and the"9 teacher CQl,,/1a not fig:ure at./tw hy it Walr.: 90lrg

anywhere~!JESUS!lFiefSOfllIy i IMIt they snolJid be shot

YOU f(~lM"ArlLOVe'?

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\ .hls.

Well all you people out th.", can just kiss my ass aoo die. From hr.tW on, i doni g1'le afuek wl1at almost any of you mothaftJekas ""'" to .ay, unI"". j rospe<:t you which is highly unlikely. outAx those alyou wl10 happen to know me aooknow that irespect you, may peaea be with you'and dont be in my line of 're, f<:>r the rest of you, you. all betterb:1dns hide in YOfJrhoUses because im eomin fi:lrl!V!l<YONE! soon, and i VV1u.. be armed tl> the fuel<in teeth and i IMu.. .hocl: 10 kiff and i 1Mu..iu::!<ing Kiu..EVEl<Y"Il-IlNG1 No i amnotcra:z:y, cra:z:y is just aword, to me~ has nom-n;ng, lMIIyOMis di1l'eteflt, outmostof you ftJekhead. out the,.. in .ocei!y, goingto your """ryday ftJeking jobs and doingyour """ryday routineshitty things, i .ayftJok yO<! and die. if you gat a prlli:iem witlt my thoughts. oometell me and ill kiKyou, becauose...... Q<ld darmIt, D!!AOIOEOFLE DONiARGUEI


R.member, these pages are Ioiewed best with Netscapeor MicrQSoft Interne! Explorlll', Not with AOL'. _ar, ~ sucks.

JC- 001.010425


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hltp.llmembelll. itOl coml",lldoomerlindex.html

REBE~ NEWS' Yo. this pagewill be getting some i:liga.. chang... soon. III be adding some newpag""lo tt such as'Newgroup names" and "Top 1C lists" Gonna have some cool shit cheek it out. or ill blow you up. cause jo mamma. .Js solat.

HomewOO<. sucks.

Mother ruokerblew.aIG. Paule""" a complete succes,; and it bl... dee ftJck cuta a little creek bed, Flipping thingwas heart­pcuoding gul.wrencl1ing brain-twiching grouno"""";ng insanely cool! Hi. br<lthers !lIMn! fcunct ala'll"t yet though.

Atlanta, PholUs, Peltro, andPlIZZiea19 complete. lbr lhoeeof yeu!hal dent kMW who they are, they _, they are the filllt 4tnllIl:ipe bcmb& cl'llllled enlinriy 1fom scratch by the rebels (RI!B and VoDkA). Atlanta~ Phoi"" areeach 1 114" by 6"pipes, Peltroi. 1"by 6', and Paule is 314' by So. Eaeh ifpacked with powd....that we got 1fom bunWns, mertershells, andc",ekenng balls. Each also has " +14' morter sMell type fiJse. New our only problemis to find the place that wiU be "groundzero."Me and VoOkA also haII8 tmlcie Z more noiSIlY crickets.

Goddam",t rrn .,ck of people .aying "wick" whentalking alxlut ireworks! Do,,' /aIkin'say anothuh faikin' WICK Or fs gone torip yer /aIkin' HAlOolf and YOy-nnate down yo' fali<in' neeklllTS FUSE'

Speoial thanks to excaluber, Killez, <Picture>, VoDkA, Jester, "nd lmogince lb, helping me rnake~l. page""ppen.

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Dook3 .jpg at com Page1 of!

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REB's words of wisdom, ifyou dent likeit, '"







ifyou dont lib it, know what to do.

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anything i dont like---SDCKS• Favorite WBSChat Rooms: ichbineinauslaader• Home Page: hnp://membersaol.comlreooormne

Vbits: 6IiIfJiI

This page hoslad by _ Getyour own FReE Home Page

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REB's words of wisdom, ifyou don! like it, ..









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Bxtracted from The Anarchist's Cook Book IV v4.5&5.Original File Name: OI8.DOC

~ Smoke Bombs


by the Jolly Roger


Here is the recipe for one helluva smoke bomb!

4 parts(; parts

Heat this mixture over a LOW flame until it melts, stirring well.Pour it into a future container and, before it SOlidifies, imbed afew mAtches into the mixture to use as fuses. One pound of thisstuff will fill up a whole block with thick, white smoke I



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- I .


Dare or transcription 06/03/99

On 6/3/99 a source, not in a position to testify,provided the following information:

The sOurce provided information pertaining to theinvestigation into the Columbine High School shootings whichoccurred in Littleton, Colorado. On 4/21/99, the day followingthe shooting the source found an "underground" web site} which was utilized by the "Trench Coat Mafia" whosemembers allegedly included ERIC HARRIS, one of the suspectedshooters involved in the killings. A document was found postedon this web site which provided instructions to manufacture pipebombs and home made napalm. Only portions of this document couldbe read by the source due to the fact that the document wascreate.d using the software program "Microsoft Word" version 8 andthe program being used to view the document was an earlierversion. The source was able to view properties associated withthe file which indioated the file was created by softwareregistered to WAYNE N. HARRIS, ............, Littleton, CO, whichis believed to be ERIC HARRIS'~

in making••••••

Charaoteristics desoribed by the writerpipe bombs included the following,..

of the document


JC- 001-010431

the writers follow ng statements regarding shrapnel couldposgibly be a reference to the planned attack made on ColumbineHigh,

not sure that metho works.batch, and since they won't

be used until NBK it'll be kind of hard to report the

Investigation nn 06/03/99 ar _O:=::;k=l:::a:.:h:::o~m::::a:...:C::l.:::·sz. _:\:"-0

Fil.' 4-DN-5741.( 1.37D-OC-60978 SUB A. 1"16

by SA Jeffrey S. Blasn~tz

This documers conaies neither recommendancns norccectusions of the FBI. (Iis the property of the FBi and is loaned to youragency ~

\1 andte contents are001 to be disxriboted OUtSide your agency

Page 32: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500

4-DN-57419, 137D-OC-60978 SUB A

2. Page ~==~-SOURCEContinuation of FD-302 of

- -results. You might try asking the survivors if they got a goodlook at the bomb before it went off and then the remains!"

NBK may be an acronym or reference to the attack on4/20/99. The writer of the document made several references to a"war" Or the "pre-war era" which may also he references to theattack at Columbine High. These statements included:

"Although, some of my tests can not be consideredcompletely accurate since I was short on time andresources because of the war." AND

'Storing gasoline is one of the biggest pain-in-the-asstasks I have gone through in the pre-war era."

The source indicated the original web site where thisdocument was posted was taken down but there have been at leastJ.5 "mirror sites" which provided access to the document. A"mirror site" is established when the contents of one site isreproduced on a web site with a different URL or internetaddress. The source believes the sites are taken down by systemadministrators who sponsor the web sites when they are advised ofthe content and nature of the "mirror sites." The abovedescribed document. believed to have been authored by ERICHARRIS. is no longer available in it's original form at these!!mirrcr sites." However J a "text" version which can be read usingother word processing software. besides Microsoft word version 8,but containing the same text, is available. The source statedthe document currently posted on the "mirror sites" is the samedocument saved in a text format rather than a Microsoft Word 8format.


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. '\ 99-7625 .."


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CURRENT INFORMATIONURI! • 9?ZS919SS14 D~1l 09/11/1981

LiCen$8 .. 971890026 Sex H

SSH • ooe-ae-aeea Heignt 6' 93' ,

NaMe ll'/ LAN DEHNET XLEBOLD Height 189

Address "air DM

LIHLETON, CO Sll12? Ey•• BLl!

Type D.L.

I~sue Date 1B/16/97

Ls sue Ofr j ee Sil

Date Printed 94/l0/99

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URN 11License #



TypeIssue Date

Issue office












(;)1 03 r r



Date l?rinted __ 04/20/99JC- 001-010436

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>4/ 20/99 ~3, 1'): 42 PR I1'H REQUESTED sv TERM [NAL .rccDR.CODMVOOOO.C00300001.TXT ATTN: CAR KRG





~ CO a0127

DATE: 04/20/1999TIME, 1.3:09:34





Page 38: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500

CONTINlJATION IR.eporting Apncy Rt'pOning ot't1cer Case ReportNu

SUPPLEM:ENI X JeW LUCIA1\IO 99-76ZS-CConJlC(:tIDc Case R~ N<:1 Vk;tilhNiiw:tWl"Ortgitl.l1 Q,ltJXll1 Date This Rtl'Otl

COLUMBlNE HIGH SCHOOL 11·17-99,l~i&mie~ X HOMICIDE OfrellttSUtw: Open X tilC19lionally C!eared ~l1tclml CUI"; RevH:w

'-i5cation CleatedbyA~t U..,..... Cklllun::

t :...m I Qllaflli tY I 8nnd Name I o.w.:;ptio:ln I Sc!~JNo I ValUO' I Value I Vj.~~; vc. Stolen Rec~Rd Dama



Connors,Mike, DOB/L-L2-59

1590 WynkoopStreet #514

Denver,Co. 80202



On 9-7-99 CBI Agent Robert Brown received a phone call from an acquaintance by the name of Mike Connors. Connors

is a free-lance reporter and a part-time producer of public information shows. Connors told Agent Brown that he had an

Internet conversationand a telephone conversationwith DylanKlebold prior to 4-20·99

Agent Brown prepared a memo reference his phone conversation with Mike Connors, which. was forwarded to the

,lumbine Task Force. A copy of that memo is attached to this report.

On 11·16·99 I spoke to Mike Connors OIl the telephone reference his reportedconversationswith Dylan Klebold, Connors

could not recall an exact date. but stated that his conversations with Dylan Klebold took place on a Saturday approximately

one to four weeks prior to 4-2{)..99, Connors stated that he was in a chat room on his computer. This was a Denver chat

room through America On Line. Connors stated that he was viewing personal profiles when he read one that was

disturbing. The profile wasofDylan Klebold. The profile read in part that he was a student at Columbine High School, he

hated jocks and that he was either anti-religion or anti-Christian, Connors couldn't remember which. The personal quote

read that he wanted to kill students at his high school.

Page 1 onif] IlMJCSOtHi74


Connors stated that he covered the Oklahoma City bombingsas a reporter and seeing Klebold's profile concerned him.

Connors sent Klebold a personal message and then had a conversation with him on the Internet. Connors told Klebold that

he had covered the Oklahoma City Bombings as a reporter. He then asked Klebold why be wanted to kill the students at

his high school. Klebold responded by saying that *of the students deserved to die. Connors asked him why. Klebold

stated that the students bad picked on him and that they were meanandjudgmental. Connors stated that he then attempted

to explain the impact the Oklahoma City bombings had on the victims, their families and how it ruined so many lives.

ated that Klebold asked him a couple of general questions t the OklahomaCity bombings. Connors stated

Page 39: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500

CONTINUATION j Reporting Agency Reporting Officer Case Re;xlrt No

SlJ1'PLE.\1EJ"IT X JCSO LUCIANO 99-71i25-C!COl'lnKtlt\3 CoW Report Nl> vitufD N.,..OripiW Rapcn o,,:eThisReport

, COLUMBn'/E HIGH SCHOOL 11-17-99ClW'il'ielltioll x HOMICIDE 0ffiI_ Stat1d; OPt'" X ~cl!!;ltWnallr ('1.,.\1 RK'Qmmend. C.IM: RlWk!W

• ifle:atiDn CitaM by Am:n u,""""" c",~


-IfI. 1 QWUltiry I Brand Name I l)esel'iptiQfl I-'N<> I Value I V,,", I V""No. SMen !t~ Dtma....c

that Klebold asked about the press coverage and how the bombing affected people. Connors stated that Klebold also spoke

about Eric Harris. Klebold referred to Eric Harris by name and told Connors that he and Harris were lovers. Connors

stated that Klebold also sent him photographs ofhimand Eric Harristhrough the computer. Connors told me that he thinks

the photos were yearbook photos. Connors Slated that he still may have the photograph of Dylan Klebold. Connors Slated

that he gave Dylan Klebold his home phone number and Klebold telephoned him on the same afternoon that they had the

Internet conversation. When Klebold telephone him, Connors stated that the name Klebold did appear on his caller 10.

Connors staled that during their phone conversation Klebold spoke a lot about his relationship with Eric Harris, Klebold

described himself as hi-sexual.

Klebold also asked Connors if he was a Christian. Connors stated "yes." Connors stated that Klebold then "went off on

me." Connors stated that Klebold got angry and told Connors thal he (Connors) was stupid for being a Christian. Klebold

told Connors that the Christians in lois high school had been mean to him. Kleboid went on to tell Connors that he admired

Hitler. Connors stated that K1ebold wanted to meet him in person, however, Connors decided against it.

mnors stated that Klebold sent him a couple of messages over the computer Wanting to meet but Connors didn't respond.

Connors stated that the Internet and phone conversations combine lasted 20 to 30 minutes.


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September 13. 1999





Robert Bro".;;zQ\~Agent .

SUBJECT Columbine shooting ApollO, 1999

On September 07, 1999, I got a call from an old acquaintance by the name of MikeConnors 303 615-5267 Connors is a freelance reporter and part-time producer of publicinformation shows. Connors was calling for a favor, however I was unable to help him,During our phone conversation he volunteered that he had been "chatting" with DylanKlebold on the Internet priorto the April 20, 1999 shooting at Columbine. Thereason forthe chat session, according to Connors wasthatConnors hadjust finished a PBS story Onthe Oklahoma CitY bombing case and he was on the net talking to others when KleboldllIIl!lred thechat room with a curious interest inConnors' story.

Connors and Klebold became friendly and exchanged phone numbers. Some time laterKlebold called Connors and they talked more about the Oklaboma City bombing.Connors believed that Klebold wasgay and was "hitting on Connors".

Connors tells me that be bas never told anyone .particularly law enforcement of hisencounter with Klebold. Connors isavailable fur an interview should you wish to talk tohim.

If you have someone interview Connors have them see me first as I can providebackground on Connors.



JC- 001-010440

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Page 1MiCh"el Guerra - I heard of this five years a90- , -~-'------"---------------~


"Omar Hada" <Hada-<lmar@worldnelattnet><MGUERRA@CO_JEFFERSON_CO US>2122199 11 :42:07PMI heard 01 this five yearsago


Myname is Martin Middleton (not Omar, I am using hill email account)and Iwas a vollunteerski instructor at theWinter Park handicap program foreight years. CurrenUy I am workingas ayouth counselor at the Ramsey Countt curfew center here in Minnesola_ TheDeputies at wot1< Uhought i should contact you regarding what I knew of Uheattempted bomblng_

Five years ago I spent the day skiing with a kid from the Jefferson Coschooldistrict It may have been Dylan, or morelikely a mend of Ericand him, The lace in my memory doesn'tseem to match the face on the TV_This 13 to 14 year old kid spent the day descnblngthe trenchcoat mafiaand also explained in deta' how the trenchcoatmafia was goingto Dlow-upColumbinehigh school and that all the jocks were In for a suprise Themore that I challenged him about his means 10 carry out such a feat Ihemore details he would yield to me, This kJd wasn't even in highschoolyet. So how could I believe that what he was telling me could possiblyhappen_ Hls claim that the school would be blown up on the Hillers 110Dlrthday seemed redicutous, Everythingtl1at he told me has been on thenews the last few days, He even leild me that the attackwould be duringdaylight and Ihat he could get help to bring In Ihe propanetanksbeforehand. Wherever I was on Hltier's 110 birthday I WOlJId here about ColumbineHigh School.

The Winter Park Handicap ski program Is now calledthe NationalSportsCenter for the dlsaDled, and they keep records of a/l II1e kids l!1at haveskiled with them as well as the vouunteers that provIded the lesson.

I thought It important that you know thai this planto blow-up theschoolwas hatched atjeast 5 years ago, am:! judging by his thorough explanationof Ihe plot it seems to me lhat he might have had help tram someone older,I thoughllhat this information may help your investigatlon. He describedhow tM bombs could be made and was adamantthat the trencncoat mafiawasn't just a bunch of lonely depressed kids,but was muchlarger_

I'm not much of a writer so If you wanted to call me I'd be happyto tellyou everything else mat I can remember tram that day, howeverit seemsthat the only info tl1a! I heve for you Is that of the extensivelime lineand that they had at least another accomplicewho's namemay be in aflIeing cabinet at the NSCD_

James (Martin) Middleton60404051 North apt 201Oakdale, MN5512B JC- 001-010441(651) nO-1B98

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Page 1 ot1 Paaes

Special Ag~nt in Charge Phoenix FieldDivisionTITI.E OF INV£STlGAnoN:

Columbine Hi h School Shooti IBombin

785030 99 0009



TYPEor REPORT (Chect Applicable 80)($$):



SfJBMllTED BY {Neme) SUBMITTliO BY (ntJo IPJd QffiC$) SUBMITT'ED BY (0.,.)

Matthew C. Traver SA/O",nver II 05/10/99REVIEWED BY (Name) REVIEWED BY (TtU••nd OIIIce) Rl!VIEwEO BY (Da",)

Carrie A. DiPirro Me/Denver I IAPPROVED BY (Name) APl'ROVED BYmile and 0_1 APPRQVED BY (D"'.)

Christoph<>r P, Sadowski SAC/Denver II

PllSCIlIPUW or ACT:Iy;n,Telephone interview with Jarnes(Martin)Middleton.

smopSl:s,On 5/10/1999, SA Traver contacted James Middleton at (651)770-1898, base on an E-Mailmessage he'd sent to the Jefferson County S.O .. The g·mail message entailed a meetingbetween Middleton, and either Harris or Klebold or a friend of Thiers about 4-5 years agoat Winter Park Ski Resort. At which time the youth described shooting and bombingCohunbine High School on Hitler's 110tl1 birthday,


1. On 5/10/9$/ SA traver received at return phone call from James Middleton at theColumbine task force.

2. Middleton stated that he had been a volunteer ski instruetor at W~nter park, workingwith the Winter Park Kandieap program, which is now the National Sports for thedisabled. He was working in 1994 when he encountered who he believed to be OylanKlebold. Klebold's mother worked with hand~eapped kids and Dylan had come along duringone of these outings,

3. Middleto~ stated that Klebold talked ahout shooting and bombing Columbine High School,due to the fact he did not care for the elitist mentality of the ~jocks~1 during eventslike Homecoming and Prom,

4. That it was his understanding that Dylan had attempted to commit suicide.That everything that has been discussed on television in reference to propane bombs,putting pipe bombs on propane tanks} the hembs possibly being place earlier in theweek, and help from an adule, Dylan spoke aboue that day.

6. Middleton stated that he became argumentative with Klebold, telling him there was agood chance he may be killed if he pursues this endeavor. Klebold was indifferent about

JC· 001·010442

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pag" 2 of.2 Pages

___________________I_R£_p_O_R_T_N_UM_BE_R_: _

his own death, taking a ~so what N attitude.7. Middleton alleged1y to told Kleboldfs mother and, or teacher about their conversation.a. Middleton stated that he was urged by the members of the Sheriff1s department were he

does counseling work, to relay this information to investigators.9. He stated that Dylan made reference to talking to another ski instructor at

Breckenridge,10. Middleton stated ehab he would take a polygraph test.


JC- 001-010443

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- 1 -



MfCHAEL PROCTOR (PROTECT IDENTITY BY REQUEST), LegalCounsel, Attorney's Office, UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA (UAl, addressat Administrative Building, Room 103, uA, Tucson, Arizona,telephone 520-621-3175, was contacted and advised of the identityof the interviewing agent and the purpose of the interview.PROCTOR provided the following information:

PROCTOR requested that his identity be protectedbecause he felt he was technically viclating the universitysrules concerning the providing of information on students tooutside agencies.

There were a total of six (6) COLUMBINE HIGH SCHOOL(CHS) students who had applied to UA this year, one of whom wasDYLAN KLEBOLD. PROCTOR had personally reviewed all six of theCHS applications. PROCTOR declined to identify the other fivestudents over the telephone, citing privacy reasons.

Each UA applicant had to write an essay as part of theapplication process. KLEBOLD's essay discussed his beinginvolved in drama and of a "big production" which he planned forthe Spring, 1999_ PROCTOR thought in light of the CHS attack inApril, 1999, this was an odd statement for KLEBOLD to make.

PROCTOR recalled besides KLEBOLD's application, anotherCHS student had indicated similar interests and was also involvedin the drama department at CHS. This applicant also indicatedthat a "big production" would take place during the Spring, 1999.PROCTOR did not know whether the two knew each other, but thoughtit was unusual they used similar phrases in their respectiveapplications. PROCTOR could not recall the name of this student,but knew he was definitely not ER!C HARR!S.

PROCTOR requested if law enforcement investigating theCHS shootings wished to obtain copies cf these six applications,that a subpoena be sent directly to him at his above-listed workaddress. The SUbpoena should be directed specifically asfollows:

JC- 001-010444


Filil' 174A-DN-57419


l telephonically)


This documettt Clll'lWns: neither teCornmendaPorti nOT conclusion!of the F'BL It ~11 the propeny of the FBI and is loaned 10your agency;

itmi itse<:rnl;ntl are !Nt to be disalbu~ oueice your agency.

Page 45: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500



Custodian of RecordsDepartment of AdmissionsNugent BuildingUniversity of Arizona~~cson, Arizona 85721

• Page _-=--_

PROCTOR requested the subpoena be generic in nature andsimply request that any and all UA records pertaining to CHBstUdent applications be provided to law enforcement. PROCTORalso recommended placing an additional order which stipulatedthat the applicants whose files were provided would not benotified of this fact.

Students were required by university regulations to benotified if their records were provided to outside agencies.

JC- 001·010445

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School lnfcrmation

JC- 001-010446

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Page 48: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500

APR-22-1999 GS'30II I ~

H J LOGAN CUSTQl1:R SER.,., " ......."

Senior Fmetgn~hangeSrucenr Ana AyOilapause) during a hikingtrtp toglam'.e artnasur­rounding scenery while

sportlnfi!' it sassy lookwith her h.mdket·

chief Handker­chleves andb an d a nn eswere net onlyworn TO showschool splrit"but alSQ to add

a creative touchto one's dress,

IJ};vr(l by jCitllJ'\'1aUfd:

JC- 001-010448

C~aii)' stroilints Ii) hi:> ~ldjE "'.'!'UNEricHanis<;p0rfs rhe ,l~,~ ;". OJt!

btaek !001;-, c:'\';"ldilj~ htsp e-rsc c at . . ro~d: withsunglasses ~ ... (l.nd ,1 S\l1.J;.:'>wa t (; h " ',,,I,.: ",wel'~ -a ne~ ,- ,'·n :1 ~

sruderrrs \vhobusy nV~5

and haLlto keeptrackof ap­point.

""""andrmpot­t a a idates inr h e i ts c he d­u i e s~h.t. byJennyW4llf,;k

... oWIl./I s.etlls tile boysaid fl pfOllygOOrl job ill finding what rhe girls likeIII jnsllinn. Dorilegtrlsknow"'hili me guysIike111e",', IIIlwt thegliYs think...

"11,. gays 'POI II,. posterand begin to /auglJ. Craig, 50.sperry man Isthe demon I lesslea: Yeah, ha ha, Thesportyguy has II,. henri from World1110"0/111 SkaTeboard.. fhe hend is a part gil1/, Sergio: LooksCO/'l­[nsea. Which one Is rne casual? SIU1Ih, This one. She points to the largestane on the postet. Sergio' Wow! That's way too flashy. I don'! know any­one-- Craig,V-net'k? Wlle-bealer-Sergio,Sarraolimlly.Okay,let's getsomeligh' leather pants in there, Penny: They'", cordurovsl Sergio, Points toti,esmallest guy on the poster: What are these then? ' 'rllig: Sarcastically,The guysare wearing tight leatherpants in all three snots, Girls: lItUgllttr.Theboystkfinitely do notagree with whlll [ileg/rls luweal/l$l11Ietea. Sergio:I really don't know honestly, a lot of guyswho would wear a V-neck and awife, beater as a dress up outfit. That's klnda new to me. : don't think youcould r"oIly walk Into in office doing that, M";". II", evening·'/ thegirl> constructed. Sarah: Yeah, why noa Defends herIeUow group memober. No anSI/JeT; &lrgio quickly changes to anomer guy... back to the de"il·neaaea skate> boy Sergio:And the sporty thing here. Idon't really know if that'sSPOtty. I r mean- Gtalg:jeansfursports. .' I don't know.Sergio: Yeah. Ya . gotta pick alittle bit more sportyguysoe-cause he could ;<;;';' -<' get rightout ofthat and go to "~'" school. Craig,To be quite honest, meand Sergio are not happy with the final results.Girls: Olthh!.4 senseof sl'ock Ilnd laughter hitthe girls. Sergio: Yeah. good try girisl Everyonelaughs.Ihegirlsobvioltsly didnot doagood jobac-cording to Sergio and Craig.

So who was right, the boys' style orthe girls' style? Who knows? Allwe know nowis that guysana girls obviously look at style in adifferent way. Not only do boys and girls disagree with style,butso do members of the ,~ '. sex. Tobe brief in explainingthe style of "our genetalion,"one wouldhave to sayit's arnlx­rure of... well. everytlJing. It is too difficult to explain. We

are amlxture ofallgenerations.tight­rolled, flasr-v-colored, and eventlghterrhan- . -ifort, So, the ques­tion of what 5[, !'.' is can "ever be an­swered."Ourstyle" is',': ' . nythings.

-tar. '11letreShinnphotos s)y ~,'1;' il;Jy Reynolds

Page 49: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500

P.02435 753 7836

It'l nwtl~r where yvHare or what you ch""s~ rc doin your life, the (In! thing weaUknow is that va-ur yokewillalwaysbeheardQhQv~

the a'owd, Stay QS yau artalways.

I.ow,Mom, Nathanael. Brya,Matth«w and Uncle Sam

Wade Alan FrankYOtf havt giwn us SQ mweh

tove. laughter and joY. Pfease.keep )leur gntQt of

humor and alwQYs hang cn toyOurfaHh. WI knew tntHwharaverIiItrecriGtl yOU

choose for your (Htut., yOuwtff adlll!lve sw;cess, B_/ttve'tt 1I(}IIn"fJ we love )IOu veryI~ ,.enand iUll :50 very proud

o(you,Love, 140m. Dad,'lid Lll1ds4)1

Love Mem und Dad

lettr-: This .l.J)' l'hH ~tYi"a;i­w" klWW if WiJUM-.l! limes(be dlmb JCi,)hd too $U!4Pbur

D€LIWJil: of whoyen are.'HJUdid Ii!"

! So V!;!l'y proud !If jliJl#!

JC. 001.010449

~igh K~ol ;jeal"$ ¢nl:: CjI.lClC hu illwa~..~tuck:!ln<! bl:len ntali%d:<t' yO\! n'C">'erbow

",,~;st :au've. sot until it'.$ gar;e:"

5t:r'!:ikh-fo..~-.une.l"\U, II

JO$htJ8 Hardi""nMal-'-L"w HardyJcA cr- Harm~n -Yo" M..dto1<;;,;\"'1'\ to loveYOl"",elf, before i;!OJJ. e.m lave


DECA \I '"

I\t'cbei L""ilI<tel", 11

C-nc r1arrisGabrielle Ha(ri.~Y(,>\.l~'t~te"';

"~o-n,, ""lth ;j""W'toe>t lX'l ~;;-,t· AMcr;y~

NH51l,I4Kby Club, n, f2

Vlhl/$ Who, 10, j I,ll

StrctGhforE.lI<::e:!cnl;;c.::,IOFO!Sjt,¥t;l: ro.:i.t$ on YOI.Ith,,,A:a.-1.:mi.: Lette:!"mllfl. ,t, It

)c:nem:t Harris ·~tthc:pr! dol'l~l'I'!:

-NOlo,lt t<l 1~';h<e. "heif." e 1'l0";r'l! ~t: au ~


DE.cA, l!

Du~tin Harrison ~Tn'Cxh l,i.SOWM,

i:l""d t~ e\l'llr~ drlil#flt thcl1ll I. an QWl'\.er.

Dr.:a 1:J be. high btlf to tf,,,~ ",·he da~

t,\ "pft,..~;;'folj~ l'ndfl:;/

F3<.l'thtll1. ~. 1"JeftcCl Rodeo, ii, 11 Harri&O('\

J"nn,f"r Ha,,,nZachar:J H"ckJ"r"1 halethi,.5o;;:hoo~·

Forcr\JJi;;;.a, II, lZ

CO!lt:crt Chou":. a

MU$i(.~,9, to, II, 11,

f.UFI..,,:i, 10, II, II

Sprmgf"1-"9', 10,11; IL

nc~pii1~, '2

Who's 'WhQ, I;,)

Hanna H"~,,IR.eb~cca HeinsK.rist! Held ~50mntimes Iit'lInk thinp

lIINJ I tiwtk. ""nt!. 501W'''-timell j dte6l'!l thil"!,!"

.aN.! tthInk wh~ !"tot· Unkl'\~

~sb:tbh!t,;1, Vll,~i~, la, II, 11

e:,..C.ptai!1, 11

SoFtball, V""i~,9, 10, II, 12

H¢l'lOT3~ Mei'lban. AIL

COflFerence, n

5eCQtK1Te~ PJ1.CQnteM;M.::, 12

L,,·C3f'fail'l, '2.

Tr!JIck., V"rll'llty,~, 10, '1, i1

rJHS. II, 14

AC30.ell'lic All5t"te, II

F'Miti"e f¢G.I.I$.:w1 YQ1,lu" 9. 10

Kari Hendricks ~I ~..e ~t to~ekg 'md~ ~.9, 'Joatch thel'Clid a",dl'Ittel'/lol'i:..e tb hf.e fu.llt pilU beJor-<:: ""

~,.. !'(r:M

rccL.A. "

Chrfsropher ]OfICS

R,member to always fol/cwyr"" heart and crtQtive spiritH. harever paths ,'OU droosq,Be. trul:! rc ycunelfaha !mow

that we l(lve yOll,

Love,Mom, Dad. Qnd Travis

I1yan McGrath

Tomy precioU$ sen who hasbrought meso muchJay,Follow your heart em thts

ad'venrur, calledtife, ThereaN \VQnde:r'ftd expulrmce:

awaiting )'ou.

I love yOu.Mom

Amber Burgess

You have always strived f(1I

your dreams fa make th~m

rea1il:y. t'¥e are ail proud {Ifthe wcman )'OU IIQva hi!cam<

l.ove, Dad, Mom, Chad.Daniel/e, Buck and Srephanh

Page 50: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500

We Jave you,Dad, Mom and AmbEl'

P.1il3.,., ...... , ... ;V" ........ ,""

ICTl1!1 as you bflltl-e inY¢lunJi Alw.:~/,. ttrivc (0 ;

do your Of! H .J!il[ «ve ute to jitS' fuJlest. We are so proud i

ofyou and wish you lot$ of II

luck as you mcV8 on TO newand IJtt:iting I!Jtl'Ulli!nCIU in

your WOnQ61'ftlJ Iif~· ILets of Leve,

MOM, Dad, Mtch,'fiie and .St-eph,n


pr{If":''! IlVJrjdJ'"lIO h~n'e ueenJ'f1tl ,)( YOllr lIN's jJHrl'Uj·.CanlillW! beMfJ ,'';U withyour Jdnd-.hearrfid splrif.

May atl }'l.lLJi' dreams com=:true~ knowing ~'re t"4re

(dr you always,


JC- 001·010450

ACII.d>el"'fG', 11

Thoma. KridleM.gsie Kuhlman"Lvca6 Kwerneland 'On< do.,nothtng$QOd wtth"ut f'tr')5>Q,..:r.c~~'.,s

O<.dlet'ltt>g p~a;C~ atOl"-e· Nt.ld'<f'5c u!ange r

f'coth.,lL ro

NHS, "

Hold <;1\ t¢ what~I,l eeve C)~um~tan<:e;;

wi~ ckn~ ~"J lc:tg0l.l go on again"

"dow 0,'"Cono:ert (;ilnd, :

)",,1)'"4, tM.lfchjfl~ Da"d, \i

Outd(lcrL3bC"'ll',~elor \1,11

GWe" Kola''':1K.ath rifte KotTlpinski "JF £IOU lese

mol"l~~,~ :e~ ('loth...,s it:JC>V :O~ :"IOI'ICt,

i:.I0Uv~ ~)l'lt;\ let It :100 10,,"(; WlJra!-::

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J(.~ C~b, I.Cal'<~crtChoii'". 11

rvh.~;.:;:",f, 11

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Meg." KotterLi63 Kreutz RDcr;:p;t'l40de <:fat;~ <:<f w

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Cc>-Capbi~, I!, l,l

AlJ.Co~l'i::na.9,!I, 12

AII.5t .... tz

Nt1S. "Who" W'o, II, '1

Atl,let-r:::If. t~c M(Jnth, 1A

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bu,~' M.,J~ MeC,e";~

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Sl:retch rQr E.J«<-ikl'lec-, 9, 10

FTSA,1. '0. II, '1

[)u,k.,K,ochK;lan Koenig,leld "Wl>."~oug:.tilh.u:lclon,ts've: U? 5","t WirJ,t


Foatb3iL;J, 11;,11, It

Kgle Knapk.e "1)'''9 ,,', .~ ''!9't,Nafl?~ ....iD I!l"kdo !tag bette:- K

Football, :" 14


Dethan9 Koch 'L'~t::if>!;ke "b~o~

match~, ;omCt¢lt';$i L\;e ",hole tbins:

..:.a~.:k.-I'I <l"Klllid ll0\,l .:an de i:lC w"tl::h it

5a~tbalt, 12

Krist.'! King.burspyl..n KleboldDonald Klein "lo,e~~I;ttle



Love.Oad, Mom Qnd 1Yf,r

Dad, Mom. and Brum

1hrvor Stark

Your stre.ngth and courage inYOllr btllefs and your positiveattitude fQW"td life. willhelpyou reach the {J-oQfs you set.Our spirits wfll always walk

tooett:er{remember the[()Vlprims).


Co cDYr(h'ttntlyin yourdreams and may the Jj;e )Iliff

imagirllt he yoWl'$. Rememberto Vc happy at whtu you do

and sue-cess wHl follow.We Jove YOUl

Oear l.aytte.-he world willseeyou as the

}'OHng WVffiQr 'IOU JU.YIlhectmte . Wf/' \o,IW t'tlw~y:r

~l!memuryou as lhe lovingdau(}httl" you hoye alwaYs


__ n ...

Page 51: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500


JC- 001-010451

Page 52: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500

Schedule for Klebold, Dylan Bennet· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Class History .· Term Per Days Class Subject Entered Dropped TA .• 4 ••••••••••• , ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

3-2 1-1 MTWRF3-2 2-1 M'I'WRF3-2 3-1 MT'ilRF3-2 3-1 M'I'WRF3-2 4-1 MT'iIRF3-2 5-1 M'I'WRF

080501-0001 Bowling110840-0001 Ap Calcu151800-0001 Philosophy104450-0003 Adv Video051074-0001 Conlit/crt151700-0004 Psychol

12/21/9812/21/9812/21/98 1/ 5/991/ 5/99

12/21/981/ 5/99

• * ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , ••••••••••••••••••••••

Add Drop Edit Print View Select Remove IESC to quit)· .


JC- 001-010452

Page 53: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500

Class: 110840-0001 Ap CalcuTea~her: HigginsMe .: Term ;)-4 MTWRF Per 2


Room: MA-4

Date: 5/ 6/99Page: 1

Current Students: 18

Student ID Name Grade--------_ .. _---------------------------------------------------------------000575664000790445000731608000758661000512205000429504000564232000752827000560202000517695000554626000717506000830558000754847000621321000753896000604683000513605

Anderson, Robyn KBarrett, Denise MicheleClary, Christopher MichaelEvans, Jessica JeanneFriedman, Matthew JamesGensowski , MiriamHettinger, Autumn MarieKlebold, Dylan Be~~et

Marquardt, Jeffrey DeanMoore, Clinton GMoulton, Derek EvanOlsen, EdwardPark, Jea~~ AnnRagole, Joseph MichaelSavage, John ColinSchwartzott, Tammy ElizabethSmith, Ben ArthurVandermeer, William Asa


JC. 001-010453

Page 54: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500

Class: 151800-0001 PhilosophyTeacher, KritzerV :s: Term 3-4 MTWRF Per 3


Ream: 55-7

Date: 5/ 6/99Page: 1

Current Students: 25

Student ID Name Grade---------------------~--~-------------------------------------------------~000508781000718668000742531000724496000580368000747237000778375000540641000524276000777592000756334000564232000714130000567171000516681000752164000664043000516907000760097000586726000621-'210~·'103823

0, ,,80349000513380000569637

Barnes, Kvle TedBatchelder, John RebertEehner, Christopher CollinBragazzi, Crystal MarieBrown, Brooks WilliamBurk, Tiffany JBurns, Leslie RyanCarroll, Yeshi SGrimes, Vennessa ChristineHarris, Eric DavidReins, RebeccaHettinger, Autumn MarieHudson, Matthew PatrickJung, Chr~stopher MKridle, Thomas KLarson, Kevin RobertMalone, David VincentMartinez, Marissa StephanieMcgrath, Ryan ERissmiller, Zachary SebastianSavage, John ColinSchwab, Christopher JamesSmalley, JessicaThomas, Andrew BentzTurner, Holly Marie


JC- 001-010454

Page 55: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500

Class: 104450-0003 Adv VideoTeacher: TaloccoMe I: Term 3 - 4 MTWRF Per 3


Room: TECH

Date: 5/ 6/99Page: 1

Current Students: 15

Student III



Anderson, Brian VictorAndreano, Erik FrankBell, Daniel ChristianBowers t DeniseGallegos, Jo-leeHarmon, Jennifer BreezeJackson, Eric LeeKlebold, Dylan BennetLaughlin, Chad WoodrowMilam, Charles Luke!?henis, Vincent EugeneReffel IV, Jo~~ wayneSelander, John JShumer, Ryan DanielWeksler, Mollie ~~



JC- 001-010455

Page 56: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500

CLASS ROSTER Date: 5/ 6/99Page: 1

Class; 051074-0001 Canlit/crtTe' ""er: KellyMe~ ~: Term 3-4 MTWRF Fer 4 Room: LA-a Current Students: 29

Student IO Name Grade__ ~_~~ w _


00, 2827000749139000774872000700624000761934000755804000782350000512361

Alpers, Lucille SophiaBaker, Nicholas JohnBarnes, Gregory JohnBates, Eric RussellBehner, Christopher CollinBierman, Michael JeffreyBrace, Douglas LeeBragazzi, Crystal MarieBrown, Erooks WilliamCarroll, Yoshi SDuran, Domonic 0Dykeman, Nathan AldenFox, Michele ChristineGordon, Jesse BruceGrange, Spencer JHarmon, Jennifer BreezeHarris, Eric DavidHeins, RebeccaHofstra, Kevin JamesJanes, Corrinn BlaineJung, Christopher MKlebold, Dylan BennetLallement, Joshua LOglesbee, Ter~a MarieOlejniczak. Alicia MariePearce, Brad JPeterson, Amanda MarieRiecks, Matthew RichardRomano, Dominick Arthur



Page 57: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500



Page 58: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500

CLASS ROSTER Date: 5/ 6/99Page: 1

Class: 080501-QOOl BowlingT~' ~her: MacauleyMe 5: Term 3-4 MTWRP Per 1 Room: PE Current Students: 71

Student ID Name Grade---------------------------------------------------------------------------00056979700051:28420007425310007883370007791670007963240005172890005401000005:2:2790000512952000514712000030409000829026000538915000832598000721421000591189000578567000517609000780886000777592O( 12865Oov576296000512793000794578000776506000523276000821051000590693000593382000523633000515336000551266000752827000782769000546565000709939000783482000798892000512758000836102000580202000513713000742509000031188000789219OC 7377900.,17606000742354000512987000568356

Arbogast, Sara NicoleBeard, Andrew MBehner, Christopher CollinBisgard, James Craig8runaugh, Bradley ABurg, Stephen JonathanCain, Mick~e AnnCarlin, Kimberly MarieCaruso, Jeremy SChristner, Eric ScottConcilio, James KennethCrawley, Lucas AntonDinkel, Michael JosephDoyle, Patrice LaraDrobnick, James MichaelDykeman, Nathan AldenGallegos, Jo-leeGreene, Jonathan DavidHardison, Joshua CoryHardy, Matthew NicholasHarris, Eric DavidHarrison, Dustin LukeHause~ Laura LeeHeld, Kristi LeeHofstra, Kevin JamesHolsey, Daniel RobertHouse, John DavidHouy, Seth MichaelHunter, Andrew RaymondIverson/ Laura LKehm, Justin LandonKennedy, Cale MartinKirk, Jason TKlebold, Dylan BennetKoch, Bucky JohnKolacny, Gwen KatherineLamontagne, Amanda LLaplante, Jefu,ifer SuzanneLaughlin, Chad WoodrowLeblanc, Landin LeviMallon, Joseph PaulMarquardt, Jeffrey DeanMarshall, Scott MikaelMckinney, Jo~~ DavidMoore, Christopher DMorris, Christopher RichardOliver, Matthew JosephOlsen, EdwardPaavilainen, Michael DavidPool, Ryan LewisPorter, Noelle Maureen


JC- 001-010458

Page 59: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500

CLASS ROSTER Date: 5/ 6/99Page: 2

Class: 080501-0001 BowlingTe?~her: MacauleyMe "Term 3-4 MTWRF Per 1 Room: PE Current Students: 71

Student ID Name Grade------------------------------------------------------- - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - -


Rauz i , JasonReilly, Christopher MRioch, John MRosecrans, Jessica ClairSabey, Carrie ASauter, JaleneSchlieve, Nicole 0Salchert , Ryan JohnShinnick, Cynthia LynnSkeels, John PatrickSorenson, Ar~e JeaneSwanson, Joshua PaulThompson, Jeffrey ShaneThurmon, Dustin KentTrujillo, Stephen BValentine, Jason MichaelWarde, Craig William,Wol,ff, Nicholas SWoodman, Clint EdwardZupancic, Nicholas James


JC- 001-010459

Page 60: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500

FBI 174A·DN·57419rcso 99-7625Investigator: GlennMoore- Golden Police Department I (303) 384-8080



On April 29, 1999I investigated Control # 2087 which provided lead to interviewColumbine High School Teacher. Kristine MaCauley in aneffort to ascertain whetherEricHarris was at the earlymorning bowling class on042099.

This related lead was completed, as well as identifying !he71 students registered fortheclass. Alsoobtainedwasa score sheet forthat day. A review of this scoresheetdiscovered a totalof 13students hadtheir averages entered in place of newscores,indicating their absence on April20. 1999.

The bowling teamswere comprised of fourpersons which were self-picked by !hestudents. Eric HARRIS and Dylan KLEBOLD were on thesame team, alongwithChristopher MORRIS and Nate DYKEMAN.

Thescoresheet,as well as the teacher, indicated HARRIS, KLEBOLD and MORRISwere absenr on April 20, 1999. Nathan DYKE.\1AN was theonly person on the teamtohave bowled that day.

The complete list of students registered asStudents in Kristine MaCauley's bowlingclass, from included with this report

•• NO new leads generated.

JC. 001-010460

Page 61: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500

FBI174A-DN-S7419jCSO 99-7625Investigator: Glenn Moore - Golden Police Departmem I (303) 384-8080


25) .. HOFSTRA. Kevin James 49) PAAVlLAINEN. Michael

9) CHRISTNER, Eric Scott 33) KIRK. Jason T.

10)CONCnlO. James K. 34) .. KLEBOLD, Dylan B.

11)CRAWLEY, Lucas Anton 35) KOCH. Buclcy John

12)DINKEL, Michael Joseph 36) KOLACNY. Gwen K.

13)" DOYLE, Patrice Lara 37) LAMONTAGNE. Amanda

14)" DROBNICK, James M. 38) LAPLAI,jTE. Jennifer S.

15) .. nyKEMAN. Nathan A. 39)" LAUGHLIN. Chad W.

1) ARBOGAST, Sara Nicole

2) BEARD,Andrew

3) BEHNER, Christophel C.

4) BISGARD, James Craig

5) BRUNAUGH, BradleyA.

6) BURG. Stephen Jonathan

7) CARUN. KimberlyMarie

8) CARUSO.Jeremy S.

26) HOLSEY. Daniel Robert

27) HOUSE, JohnDavid

28) .. HOtlY, Seth Michael

29) HUNTER, Andrew R.

30).. IVERSON, Laura L.

31) KEHM. Justin Landon

32)KENNEDY, Cale Martin

50) POOL, Ryan Lewis

51) PORTER, Noelle Maureen

52) RAUZL Jason

53) REnLY. Christophel M.

54) RIOCH,JohnM.

55) ROSENCRANS. JessicaC.

56) SABEY,CarrieA.

57) SAUTER. Jalene

58) SCHUE'fE. Nicole D.

59) SELCHERT, RyanJohn

60) SHINNICK, CynthiaLynn

61) SKEELS, John Patrick

62) SORENSON. Anne Jeane

63) SWANSON, Joshua Paul

16)GALLEGOS, Jo-Lee 40) LEBLANC, Landin Levi (4) THOMPSON, Jeffrey S.

17)" GORTON. Dustin Allen 41) MALLON. Joseph Paul (5) THUR1\iION, DustinKent

18).. GREENE, Jonathan D. 42) MARQUARDT. Jeffrey D. 66) TRUJRLO, StephenB.

19)HARDISON, JoshuaCory 43) MARSHALL, Scott M. (7) VALENTINE. Jason M.

20)" HARDY, MatthewN. 44) MCKINNEY. JohnDavid 68) WARDE, CraigWilliam

21)" HARRIS, Eric Dayid 45)MOORE. Christopher D. (9) WOODMA,\'-1, Clint

22) HARRISON, DustinLuke I 46) • MORRIS, Christopher 70) WOLFF, Nicholas S.

23)HAUSE, LauraLee 147) OUYER, Matthew Joseph 171) ZUPANCIC, Nicholas J.

24) HELD,Kristi Lee i 48) OLSEN, Edward I*Scoresheetindicates absent 00 04-20-99; BOI.D!UND print indicates Hams. Klebold team,

Investigator ,~JC- 001-010461

Page 62: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500



Page 63: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500


Judith Kelly, 8160 West Baker Avenue, Lakewood,Colorado 80227, telephone number: (303)989-2201, was advised ofthe identity of the interviewing agent and sergeant and thenature of the interview.

Information was received that Columbine High Schoolcounselor, Brad Butts and teacher. Judith Kelly were reportedlyconcerned about a creative writing paper Dylan Klebold wrotewhich detailed a planned shooting involving the Trenchcoat Mafia.

Kelly was advised that the above information wasreceived and she voluntarily provided the following information:

Kelly stated that she is an English teacher atColumbine High School and Dylan Klebold was her student for acreative writing class. She advised that Klebold wrote a storyfor class as part of an assignment given to the students. Kellyreported that it was well written but very disturbing, Shestated that she made a copy for the schoOl counselor, Brad Buttsand believes she returned it to Klebold after she graded it. Sheis not sure if she kept a copy which would be at the school.Kelly thought Klebold may have typed it on the school computerlocated in the Tech Lab. The teacher for the Tech Lab is Richtong and the Lab Assistant is Peggy Dodd.

Kelly stated that the paper did not mention theTrenchcoat Mafia but remembers that it was about a man arrivingin a town with guns who kills the popular type kids. The end ofthe story portrays this man or iroplys that this man is a God likefigure. Kelly stated it was very well written, "literary andghastly". She believes it was written in late February or earlyMarch of 1999. Kelly diSCussed the paper with Klabold statingits cruel and disturbing, She advised that Klebold replied thatits just a story. She advised him she found it offensive. Kellyalso stated she spoke to Klebold's parents at length about himhanding in a disturbing story. Kelly stated that they did notSeem worried and made a comment about trying to understand kidstoday. Kelly advised that her classroom is LA-a (Language andArts} •

05/04/99 Lakewood. Colorado

174A-DN-57419SA Elaine X. Lipka, Far e-'"'Sgt. Thomas Conroy, CSP



Page 64: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500

174A-DN-SJd49th Kelly 05/04/99

Following the interview, Kelly paged SA Lipka to addthat she was not sure if Klebold actually wrote the paper or ifhe plagiarized it,

Subsequently, on 05/04/99, SA Lipka and Sgt. Conroyproceeded to Columbine High School crime scene and located LA-8classroom. In the classroom. SA Lipka located the paperdescribed above in addition to papers written by Eric Harris.Nate Dykeman and Brooks Brown. Upon return to the Command Post.SA Lipka provided these papers, in an evidence bag. to LeadInvestigator. Kate Battan, on 05/04/99.

Reference Control Number DN 1066.


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Page 66: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500

JC· 001·010466

Page 67: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500

.-:-~.~ ~:40 ,")'\~~ ~J-..::. .$'=:UC:: -r . ""IIt,/\ rfJ.~r- " \..-1 ., .-'. rr ,,"1\.i.;x.. ::=::~,:,.. (;U.\..O ~~o... '~;e-d. , .s ,S q.,-;-n~,~_O~

ed..J..~, .~ -«(..'h~~~ d- ; . \

1'Qo:J (The town t I:00 AM.was still Oustling :oM &<!ivity as tblmandresse:linblack walkeddown lbe L,. ) 4.....::;.. '-"lIlpty _ The moon was barelyvisible. bldmgunder a sll IdofcloudsJaddirlg. chill '0 'he Io allll<lsphere. Whatwas mootrecognized abOlltlhemanwas SOIlll. of hl$fOllts1e'ps. Behind tne CII1.Q~ J-

C'onversatio~oiscs of the town. not a sound w from him, exceptthe dark. monotonous ()dOl; ~ IJ ~footsteps, combinedwlth thojinglingof hi. belt chainsstrildng lIllt only lbe two visible-'!cin their -~holsters. but the l"'lle bowieknife••lung in anticipation of use. The wide.lJrimmed bet cast • pitch.b1al:k

., $haE!WeIhi. all'eady dimly lit face. He wore blackgloves, witha type of mellll spiked-band across the{;>II--' ....-,muckles, A black overcoat covered most ofhis body, smalllln", of melal & half-inch spike, layering

~. iL.- "I'!'or pomons of the shoulders, amlll, and b""k. His boce werenewly p.,ished, and didn't I""" Ilk&; !hoy(~-l!!d be"" usedmuch. He carrieda blackduff.1 bag in his righthaad. He apparently bed parlced a car

nMy, 1< lOOlCOd rea<ly for a smallwar with whoover cam.......... his way. I have never seen any.n.llll<e\. 4.1. Jl!is,med-max approacll in lhe city, especially since thepiggies hadbee. cailedto this pan of town for a

.' 0f~_ of crime>lately. Yet, in the midstof the nigbtlife inthe centerof;be average-sized town. thi, man'N' walked, fueledby SOme untoldPlll'll0se. what Christians would call evitil'The gunsslUIlg on his belt &:

beily appeatedto be autOmatic handguns, which were draped above row, of magazines &. cup'. H.smok.d a thin cigar, and • sweet clovesquesc~eminated li'Om hi' aura. Hestood aboutsix feet and fourin~ was strOngly built His file. ~til'ely in shadow, yet even though I was unable to see his""""'",iens,1could fe.1 his anger. euttin~e air likea!UOl', Heseemedte knowwherehe waswalking. and h. noticed my preseace, but paid nc anenrio"l!\ls he keptwalking roward a popular bar. TheWawing Hole. H. stopped about 30 feet from thodoor.andwaited. "For whom?" I wondered• .,1 sawthem step out. He must have knowntheir habil> well, as they appeared less than aminuteafter he stllJ'!'Odwalkirlg. A groupofcellege-prepe. about nine of them. st.pped in theirtracks. A coupleofthem weremildlydruoi<, therest sober. They stopped.and stared, ThestrlledighlS illuminating the oar&. the sidewalkshowed me a clear view of theirstare. full of paralysis&. fear, Theymew whohe was. & why he was t7) _there. The,,,ood-Iargest spoke up "'W'bat're you dam m....... why are you here... "" Tbeman in black~said nothing, Out even at mydistance.I could feel hi' angergrowing. "Youstlll3YJUlted a fight huh? 1moantnot with weapon" 1just meant a fist figbt.... cmonptIlthegunsaway,-i1lckin pussv', . e~, •largestprep, hisvoice quavering as he theseworles .fsnempredco. s could be h '--'"/muttering in thebaclaoWld; "Nicetrenchcoat dude, tha& pretty ... :·.... "Dudewe were jus .;: I 'i:", arounCfllnrother <\Oy chill out man... " ... "I didn't do aaylhiJtg. it wao an them!!" ... "cmon man .you wouldn't ehcor us. were in the middle of a publicplace.r." Yet, thecolRm<ntl remembermemOS!was~ .uttered from th. ,mallest of th. group,obviouslya co.l<y,-pe>ver hun8F~:£,:!~=ead manl Shoo< -'~ CJ<!!! f wantyou to shootme!' Heheh yeu wont!~U'SS¥ "_~ ak~st.-t5utgrewin ~

inlenSiry and power as I beard theman laUgh. Thi' laugn would havemadeSatancringe in Hell. Foralmost half. minute this laugh,spawnedfromthe most powerful placeconceiveable, filled the alr. and thruthe entire town. the entire world. The town activitycameto a stop. and ail attention was now drawn to thtsman. Onecfthe preps began to slowlymove back. BeforeI could sec a reaction fromthe peeps. the manhed dropped his duffel bag,and pull.d .ut 0ne of lhe pistolswithhis left hanel. 11lree snotswere Md,11lree$h0lll hit the largestprep in the head. The shiningof thestreetligh" caused• visible",/lection off ofthe dropletS of blood as they fl.w away from the.lruJl. The blood spianers showered th. preps bud<lie" asthey were to paraly:mlto run. Th. next four prep' were no, IlXOC1lted $0 syslelllatically, bu, with more ragefrom the man's hand cannon than a controlledduryfor a soldier. The manunloeded one of the pistolsaeroao the fronts ofth... four innoc...., thell' inSWltly lif.le.. bodies dr"l'!'ing with remarkable speed.Th. 'hots fromthat gunwere just .. much as theywere h....d. H. pulledout hi' other pistol, andwithout changinga glance,witllout m.ving his death..llIre fromthefourolIIetvictims to go. aim.d thowe.apOJ'l out to the side. and shot about 8 rounds. These bullets mowed down what, after he was dead. Imade out '0 be an undercnvereop with hi' gun slung. Heth•• empti.d tbe clip into two more ofthe prep•.Then, insteadof reloading& finishing the task, 'e set down tbegllll', and pulledout the knife. The bladeloomed huge. even in his largegrip. 1now no.iced!l1ll1 0.. o/two w.. th. smaU.stof the band,wh. hed now wet his pants, and was hyp.rventilating in fear. The othe: one tried to lunge lit tbe man,hnpiJtg !l1lI1 his foothall tllCkling skill' would save IUs lif.. Thentall sidest"l'll"el. and made two lungiJtg,lash.. at him. l$Ow a small trickl••fblood outof hi' b.lly and splashing: onto the concrete. His

~Wld waoaimoSlas bad. as the shadow formedby the bv's lighting 'howed blooddriP.lling off his• lastone, the smallest one, tried to run. The manquickly reloaded. andshot him~ lbe lower

leg. e inSllllltly fell. and c,i.d in pain. The man then pulled out of theduffelbag whatlooked to b. sometype ofeie<:trollic device. I saw him tweak the, and pres, a button. I heard. fuin!, yet powerfUl

Go p, 1.f\ cf ;4Q"'ibZS G.::!P'1 0; l)"Oc, FO'.h-.1O, I ...... a,__

.l:"l!l-:lt.<So,,!> ..,.... '.Il"~' fl.') ""

JC. 001-010461

Page 68: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500

JC- 001-010468

""l'losion,l wcu1d lIave to IlU"'" about 6 mil.. away, Then another oae occurred <leser, After r=llImgthll night maIIy tim... llinally Wldmtood that tb...~ diversions, to auro<:t thll cops, The lut prep wasbawliDg Atttying to aawl away. The mall walked upbehind him. I remember thll SClUIId of!lle impactwell. Th. mancame down with!lis lofthaIld, rightOft thllprep's head, Th. memi piecedid itsworlt, as I_ !lis hIlId &C' buried abo~lncll'" ilttx> thll guys sIwJl The mati pulled his annollt, aIldstood.l.IIlll1ovi11g, forabout> min . e lOWI1 - utterly still. oxoept fortho faint wailof police sirens. Th. 7mall picked up thobag AD<! his. .ps, AD<! pt1lCOeded to walkbook thll....y he call1.. I was still, as be """'.myway apia H. stopped, AD<! gavetilea look I will never l'or&<t If! could lioce all """orion of~ itwcu1d bave lOoked likethotIllltl. 1not Ol1Iy sawin his lioce, llItt abo eminatiDg fromhim power, .....,compJaeence, closllrC, AD<! gccI1lIlcss. Themall $IIliJed, AD<! in that instant,tllra no _vor of my own, IUIldmtood his aetiolIs.

Page 69: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500


JC- 001-010469

Page 70: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500

CLASS ROSTER Date: 5/ 5/99Page: 1

Class: 151700-0004 PsycholTa, ".er: Johnson TjMeL J: Term 3-4 MTWRF Per 5 Room: 55-4 Current Students: 14

Student ID



Saker, Rachel KatherineCooley, Sabrina DyanDykeman, Nathan Alden~pling, Kristen Elizabeth~ricsQn, Jaime LynnFoss, Nicholas JustinGoodwin, Rachael ChristinaGrant, Jennifer KristenHarris. Eric DavidHarrison, Dustin LukeKastle. Timothy EKlebold, Dylan SennetMcgrath. Ryan BSmalley, Jessica



JC. 001-010470

Page 71: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500

", iQ. CaQlIj. H_.,,~ by theAwlIfd Wlnnit'lg Cheyenne~.•..."~

· .moMAS E.1OHNSON10056 W. ROWIANDPL,Ll'ITLBTON,CO80127·3437

(303) 972·335904121199


captaiaHarrisIoffiorsoo Ccunly Sherill"s J:lepaI\:llleMGoidlln,CO

DoarCaptain Harris,

AsaniDlrodulltion. I Ieacb P'ychoIo~ lit C<:>lumlritle HigbSdlooL BoIh Eric Harris andOylm Klebold wC!'O em<>llod in !lljI 5 hourpsychology'class1lJis_,

I aIlell<led a meeting 1lJis morning wiler. the staffw.. a8ked to provide a listofs\lIdcDtsCOIlIU:CtCd, in ilOIM fashion, to Harris andKlebold. This,is wbat I have:

:CompulerMdeo.l'ro<luctloR: (earrenI~ at cas 1IIIIelIS noted)

GaryT.1aclca - Vide<> inslrt>::totzacbHeclderNaIO~

Tim Kastl.Joel MeConniokR~Sdcl1<rt

IelrHuiseIollnLaddMollie Wdts\erHoUyTumcrI_DavtJlEric AndreaooYom; CatrollAlIdy RohinsoaBrooks BrownRi<hanl Long- CbaiImaD, Technology l)epaJ1menIPqgy Dodd • Aide, ToohUhChris Tabaldo - currem drop-Qut anda~








, .·,•• •


' ...'


I ;:lJC. 001_010411

Page 72: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500

, .• •

• •• •• •

• ••







!lIad< """* JlI'OlIp:

Rollen l'e<ry, • transfer fr<>m Oold<:n High School and CUI:'lIllIl1y lIOl alllellding eHS, isarOlllld CHSa gr. clellI of!be <lay. Hei. in!be....... mode, as Hanisand Klebold. TheW«dlhall get :&om the kids islhal hisfalberis a ""11<llklr andhas an arsenal.

~ itoill'I"'y~

A c1llSlllilll willfollow un40r a""""",", fax. Note the nAmes, Hmis. Klebold, Dykeman andKastle. Also trom Ibis list, pL.... .-K:rlsIl EpIInc.Sheis very smart lllld knowssomething aboutwhatwont down.I fbwd herupset,yll:llttday illC~ Puk, lllld ;heilltimIUdlhal W lc.n<w lhal it might begpiug down. i

IkooIls a-: As Il'l1pO!1ed to • Lakewood Poli""l'l'l"OO .. the _ Brooks Bro_fl••_ down.My~ was Riclt Bath, tcacller at CHS.Brooks said thathehadseen Eric ooming inlo Columbine eatrying• scrllllge duffel~ _ w.. toldto leave the~ to avoid beinginjured, .. "" reWed. I porsonally believe lhal hoknowsmudt more.

lfyou_any of the above;asa coutIlosy. I amrequ<slinglhal youleavemy_ outof your-.The SlUdctIIs will stop ttuslit>gme<U>i I willbeIIlIlIble toprovide youwithadditional infonnalioo.

Ifyouhave additional questions; thee, please C<lllWlme 01(303)982-4447.


JC- 001·010472

Page 73: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500



Period .5Psychology

ASSIGWMENT HUliI8CR: 2 3 " 5 '" 1 & i 10 11 12 13 1. 15 li 11 1& 'UI 20

~ CAT'EOOR"f: ec T9 JJ} AP e:: MIN TS ft.p IS AP ee 1P IP 'fa IP AP

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U. iollOt ilWt ,u:, NWltUQVJt; I lie"

~." tullloJit1lXl14,'n~t ,5:u~.1:llIit slUts:r.,.ntttt4pati.«. thro !»/l}:11,lO.t>,



• •

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• •• ••


:j Je- 001·010413

Page 74: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500


"""121. 1m2nd_1m

Period 5Psychology

BYnmkUijiM 1

...,.I. 900-1M.~""'A

t' ),)82'" ib."*A ,a-r

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l~... -t 1'00.. 77,i~;. -- "I:~ lIi.'h.e,

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Je· 001-010474

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JC- 001-010475

Page 76: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500



Page 77: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500

.- Ml><J"I'Iltll.., lNC•.... .--,

D7I- •. I1ehoId


ObjectlW> A part tim. fOllllp\ltv-rcIl" tedudcal pctlIRkm.

lkIucatlOGI ClJrnmd, _Bed u CoIUl11b1_ HIP Schaal (CHa). Grade11. Udclpated padwttiOD WA'11999.


1995-prell!l1t:• Wb a teehDkilD at til. scbocd. IIIIItlMllnmc Detwarb a~~_R~~==~~~a

• x.eamed b..1UIJ.D&~.t 1M scbaol.• Haw fulflDed moa ftIlI'liRmcaa iJr A+ CCl'tIftcaUOD.• ....ilt m'1 p:IS01Ia1c~ ti helped bW1cl tboft g{ £t1eDda 11

fam1ly.• Dtaposed. fixed bardWlltl!! IlllOCtwuepso~ 011 &tend',ti

family'. C~.pllteQ..!Ja'q~ aood~tktDa..1.CIamed \ea!pn1oa vb\uIJ bu$c:.• lamed 'belton...Qbuk.• Haft dODevanoQa aouadIamPblCS dtme for 9iII1Cl1I1 paJPO....• Have larDed be,.tDQiJII UN1X.

Cmaputer.re1atlld aool dB,IU,• Com'llwl'll "·Z: Aco.pater repUr a COULrUcUDa.

daM.· Stmc:tared Qbu1c: BuIc lumtllJ of the Qbu1c lanpqe..•l~ndmt Studies: An lntlmlel'lll'1'ML class dUll: works wlth

the OU _.... lMY 1:IIdnatdm work... doDe _ bae.)


Page 78: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500

Sofnnte lmowIedp:• WIn :I.ll • Whl9S

-*Qbuk -* VIau1 lute

• WI DOl J> OND:• ..-. Wold Ptac....DI.........

(•• cmly bow lOme of tb.tuapqe IX Oil

ImpIoJlM1lf: lladtjade l"tIu6657W. Ottowa pLtlttIetoa. eo sous(30'1-47800600

A1bemou3615 W. Bowla Ave.Lltdeloa. co8(1123(!O3'l·7*l690

ll.f!feRllleel' Mr. ltlch to... NctNWK~ of CBS.(303'l-982.....39!


Page 79: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500


JC. 001.010479

Page 80: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500




Div~$ion DireceorPhoenix Field DivisionTlTU! OF INve:SllGAllON,

CAS! NUMlleil:

7850'30-99-0009 IREPORT NUMBeR:



, 04-29·99

SUBMITTED BY ('tme ana Offleej



R!!VIEWeD BY (Nam<il


C~r:$~OFher Sacowski

rPI$Q;~T'ION 01' AC'!'rnrr:


On April 17, 19~~, at apP~oximacely ~:JQ ?M, S/~'$ GaL! a. Wurm and Mae: Traver, A~,

ine~~riewed Rebert Kirgis at his residence ¥hich is Z901 West C~ntennial orive, Apt. E206,~i:;letcn, C~lorado, 801:J. Mr. Kirsis ~~rrently has no home eele9hone. Mr. Airgi3 is a~hit~ male, DOBl aS~24-jQ, SSN: 52Z~55·7221. He currencly is employed as a ~anager i~

e~a~~i~; at ~cmi~cs 9iz~at 3920 50u~~ Sroadway. L~ct:~t~n, Colorado. ~alephone n~rnDe~ 303~



1. Mr. Ki:g~$ staced that he had been the owner of Blackjack Piz:a, 5~S7 Wes~ Ot~awa

~ Plac~, Littleton, Colorado! from Dec~er 1, 1'~5 until March a, 1~99. He stated chat hesold the alackjacK Pizza for aboue $15,000. to Chris Lau. He also stated that during h~s

ownership of tbis Blackjack Pizza, he had emplQyect £ric Harris, Dylan Klebold and cn:1sMor~i$. He state~ ~hat he had been introduced to Sric Harris and Dylan Klebold by C~ris

Morris, who had been employed at the Slaekjaek PiZ%A for a period Qf about 2 1/2 years.He fur:h~r stated that Erie Ha4ris ha4 been at 9laekjack pizza for about 2 years and nylanKlebold was employed, off and on, for a total of aboue 1 year. He stated that Harris,K1ebold, and Morris nad aooioeed in the making of pi••as for him. Se a100 oeated that

'¥ were basically good employeeo,

J, Mr, KirSi. seated enae be wanted Agents Wurm and ~raver to know that he nad beenintervie~ed by a male interviewer wi~h Ins~de Edition ott April 22. 1999 and further that


Page 81: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500


REPORT OF INVeSTIGATION - Continuallon Sh....t

Columbi~e Kigh School

Page 2 of3 iJaqes


7850)0-95-0009 IRliiPORT NUMBER:


his inc~rliew had been televised on Friday, April, 23, 1999. Mr. Kir; s seaeed cr~c hehad gi"fen the ince:r.rie·", ec Normandy 'Park, s rece he "4a, no longer ii:lSSOC ;teed 'tlie':: 31ac;<jackPi:za and did not wane the ineerview to show tbe 3laekjack Pizza locat on. Mr Kirgisseaeed chat ~e nad previous informa~ion abou: Sric Harris and uylan Klebold and thisinformation ~as given during the inte~Jie~ wi~h Inside Edition. Mr. Klrg~$ provided :~e

following t~l~phone numbe~ as a centaee ~umher for Inside Edition, 1-S00-S90-a142. ~e

s~ated =hae he could nQe ~emember the name of tbA person who had done the inte~riew ~ith


3. Mr. Ki:;is stated that ~he infor.nat~on ~hac he possessed rela~~d co ~hen z~ic ~a==:s

had 1:rroughi: a. "small pipe bomb" into the aladejack Pi:::za around July ~-:n, about;; :'"!iO yeaxaago. ae dese~~~ed ehe pipe bomb as being sh:ny and ~robably made !~cm ~ipe tha~ is u$e~

fo~ pl~mDi~g. Mr. Kirgis $~at;d that ~r:= 3arris car=~ed :he pipe bc~ int~ ~:ack:ac~

Piz:a ~~rough :~e back deor ae stated ~~at he ~as ~oc scared of ~ric ~ar~~3, zeGauseaa==is #&$ nC4 :~reaeeni~g. He scaced :~ae ~rie gar=~3 jUsc seemed l~ke any vc~e~ =~e~aqe

boy ~r ~irgis scat_d ehae h~ in$t~~c~ed Z~~c Har=:s ;0 tak~ ~h~ pipe ~omb ou: of ~~e

31ackjack ?i::a, ~h~c~ 3ar=is did, Mr, ~r=is ~ces nee %now ~nae ha~gene~ ~o ~~e ;i;e~omb. ae $tA~3~ ~~ae he n~ver heard ~=~c Sarris or ~ylan Alebo~d ~al~ about bcmos asai~

~Qr did :hey ~rin9 any inc~ ~e ~i%za shop again. Mr. ~r9is $=at~d ~~a~ ~e did :igr.:; ~::ewe:';<.s, cf 'lar':Ou.s ::<;, behind the pizza $ho~ '.... i:21 !ri.c Ha:r=is and :"y:an 2C.abcld..

Mr, Kirgis $:3c~d c~ae Eric Sar~~s. Oylan ~ebold and Chris Mor=ls usually came incothe 3lacxjaek ?i:Z3 :or cheir l~ch breaks ~rom schoal abc~t ll;CS am 1::10 am. Ke s~atad

~hac e~ey ~o~:d usually have pizza or a salad. He also s~ated that c~ris ~r=ia hadrecen~:y goc=en a girlfriend and 30 he ~asn't hansi~g around the shc~ as mueh. ae a130!H::ae=:d. o::hat:. ;:~ese eneee boys were kind of l':'ke a "cl:'ck" buc added ':~ac ac -:::me ?o.i,tl.:, alet ~f ~:ds wet~ i~vol~ed wi~h Sric gar=~s ar.a Ovlan K:eoold. M4, Xi~g~5 s~ae~d

~hac C~ar~e$ ?hil:~?s. Nathan Oykeman, and Zack Keckler all worked a~ B!ackjack ?~z=a a~one cime or acoche~ and ~hey all hung oue ~i~h Er~c Harris ar.d Dylan KleQcld. Mr. K~=Sis

add..d. "most; of nry e~loyees came Erom chae group<l,

;;, Mr. i<,;..rSis stated c::uac Chris Mor::is seemed a "mean kid". He furo:.he: aeaeee 'i:;"a":Chris Morris seemed more emotional and he ~ould ee~l you .~ac':.~y what was on his mind.Mr. Kirai3 s~aceq chat he believed that Chris Morris' father ~as a doctor or sU=3ecn an~

his fsthe: seemed to be hard on Chris Mor~:s. Mr. Ki:Sls Also stat~ that Chris Mor=~s~as one of the sma~ese kids he had met. He stated thac he beli~,ed :ha: Chr~s Morris wasnoe the type of person that was a leader, bu: he could have been. ~e stated chac he alsobelieved ~hae C~is Mo~ri$ was separating hims.l~ from the group known as the T=~nc~ Coat

..-. Ma.fia. Mr. KirS'is he never saw anyone as being the leader of t.his group. MrKirg-is s::a.eed :::u.c a:t::oue eve.rl t.'::'me- he sa'AI ::"J.$ gro'Up, t~ey we:e 'Jiear::"ns ene i r "':.r"'tlc..;"~e$"

(trench coats)

6. Mr. Kirgis seated that what he has seen On television, since the sheoting atCo:umbine K~gh school, is entirely ~i=ferent from ~nat he saw of eric aa~~i5 and Cyl~~

Klebold at work. He stated that his six year old daughter was around che,e bo~ and theytreated n~r ve~1 well and she liked them, Mr. Kirqis stated thae he even saw Eric H~rris

~arin9 a 5por~s type jacke~. maybe like a Colorado University jacket,

JC· 001·010481

I. Mr. Kirgis stated thae at various timesabov~ the Blackjack Pizza at which time theythat he mostly just drank beer 00 the roof,

AfltV :n~ \O'2.;BI) ~41ft~~.1(7.un

he and these boy, messedshot off bottle roekets.He also stated that erio

around che roo fMr, ~irgis seatad

Harris and Cylan

Page 82: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500


REPORT OF INVESTIGATION - Continuallon Shut-Page 3 of3 Pa as:

Wi 'lUMBlER'

785030-99-0009 IIW'ORT NUMBeR,


a, Mr. Ki:gis sta~.a that Billy Dow was a former employee ~ho now ~orks at the 31a~kjack

Piz:a locae~d on Simms Boulevard close ~o t~e ineersee:ion of Si~~ and gowles. He st~~8d

thac ail~y Dow would have information of 4 reported dr/ ice bomb that was set off behindehe Slackjack Pi~:a :hae Mr. ~r9is previously owned. He stated ehae the Jefferson ~ount!

Sheriff's Department. 'lias ealled when e.his Or[ ice bomb 'lIJas set: of:!:.

9, Mr. Kirgis seated that he~jocks~ were pick1nq on them.Trench Coat: ~aiia ~s waicingwith ~hcm. M~. Kirgis statedwere ther~ for the f~ghc,

did hear ~ric garr~5 anci Dylan Xlebold mL~e~cn aCQue no~

He also :elac!c thac one time, behind the 9iz=a shc~, thefor a :i9h~ ~ith some oe~er persons, Qut he ~as ~oc su~e

that he reme'mbered chat Dylan Klebold and Nathan Oyk=man

10, Mr Ki:gis :~n scacee :~ae on :~e ~ay ~t c~e $ccc4inq at Columbi~e 3i;h 5e~ccl, ~e

was caking ;:"i.$ :laugh.ter ::'0 acaec L .ilC ?cwcie=:,~cr:t. !'::'~ml!:::::3.rl Se;:icel. vnen he heaxd 3.l;cu.: c'::e$hoot~n9' ~his would have been ~ecwe~n ::::5 pm lJ:1S pm. Xr ~~rg~a stac~ :~at

because o£ a "gut:" f'!elin:g md. ;:he ::revicus kno' ::if ::.he pi;e :;:Cm.D, ae called. 3::. :::=cm~he of::ce at Pow~er~o~ ~lamentar!, ae ataea¢ :~e ~eW5 :e9cr~3 me~=ioned ~=~nc~

coats anci ~ipe bombs, 30 he ~A~ted to aler~ au:~cr~eies about Er~c ~arr~$, Dy~an X:eboldi ~~=is ~or~is. ~. Kirgis $~aced :hac he gave :he di$~acche~ his ~ame as :he t~~or~~g

acn ,

1:. Mr, Xirgis wa~ also asked aC~t his knowledge of che legali:y :elacin9 :0 pip~ ~cmbs

and n. seated that he 'Aa5 no~ aware of now i~le9al they were. He s~ac~~ ehat he knew ve~f

li~~~a about firearms and ~e jus~ did ~~c e~ink 1eoue how illegal ~~e pipe bcmbs mis~c beRe $cst~d :hae he just did ~ot see an a;gr~ssive side of Zri~ ~ar~:s Mr. Ki=gis 3t3~ed

ehac he jose nce like ex;los~7esr only :i:eworks,

JC. 001·010482

Page 83: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500

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JC· 001·010483

Page 84: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500

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JC· 001-010489


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DENVERPOLICE DEPARTMENTComplexInvestigationsSectionlMajor Peddler Unit

Type of Report: Investigative InterviewDate: May 3. 1999Reported By: Sergeant Ernest Martinez. Supervisor. Major Peddler UnitSubject: Robert Hossein lCIRGlS (05·24-70); ak.a, "Bob LNU"

Synopsis:On the above date. Denver Police Department Detective Jeff Ruetz and this reportingsupervisor interviewed Robert lCIRGlS. He was asked several questions relating to hisknowledge of the Columbine High School incident of 04-20·99, and his personal andworking iiiilacionshiwith subjects of this investigation. namely Eric Harris. DylanKlebold. et al.

Details:1) On the date of May 3. 1999 at 1320 hours. Denver Police Department Detective Jeff

Ruetz and this reponing supervisor met and interviewed one Robert Hossein KlRGlS(05.24-70). 'This interview look place at Denver Police Headquarters. Vice/DrugControl Bureau interview room. 'This interview took place subsequent to II telephoniccontact made by lCIRGIS to this reporting supervisor approximately 1100 hours thisdate. KlRGlS reported thaI he had received my business card left at his residence lastFriday. and that he had called me on Saturday from his new employment at Dominoespizza on south Broadway (303.781.6647). KlRGlS then called this date. and relatedthat he had no problem talking with investigators. and that he wanted to set one thingstraight from the start; tbat news reports about II pipebomb being detonated at theBlackjack pizza place on Wesr Ottawa Place was erroneous. That the detonationsinvolved a "city ice bomb", and not a pipe bomb. KlROIS then stated that he wouldmeet this reporting supervisor after he dropped off his daughter at school,approximately I :00 PM.

2) KlRGIS responded to Denver Police Headquarters at 1315 hours. Detective Ruetzand this reporting supervisor verified his identity. when KlRGlS proffered his ColoradoOperator; License. KlRGIS stated that he was the owner/manager of the Blackjackpizza store located at 6657 West Ottawa Place. Lirtleron, CO. lCIRGIS was the ownerfrom 12-01-95 through 03·08-99, when he sold the store to the current .Lao. When asked whom he had hired first

he stated that it was Chris Moms. IS related thaI Morris was hiredapproJUmately six months after another friend of the group. named Charles Phillips.KlRGIS also mentioned that "Kibbz" as ZIlchHeckler. 'This stemmed from newspaperreports he had read. mentioning the acronym "Kibbz" on one of Harris' web pages.When asked what characteristics Heckler possessed. KlRGlS related that he "drove likecrap." Other employees KlRGIS had hired as he related knew each other well wereHarris. Klebolc, Phillips. Nathan Dykeman and Brian Sargent

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3) WheIl asked wha llis knowledp Will 11I1l111d to uplosiva and llle llfIlUP, morsswed Hams, Moms and lOebold loved dlewoIts. Thac mey liked to go toCbeyetUlC. WYO. To purchase many ~work5 \IIlll1I illep.1 in C01onldo. mors11I1ated dli$ past July 4" weeIcIIld. lOebold, Morris and Hmis (lUt 01\ a grearfirewodt display at l!le Stole. moo also lOOk llis daug!ller Bn- moo tootlserve l!le s!low. moo swed mar IOdbokl and Hmis _ ''lied a! rhll hip", andflequlmIly scbool I1IIlcll: hourbod! of dlem came lC rhll Blackjadt pizza stollltoCIt! a rx. 58lad and SI!lOke <:ipetlllS by llle lIlII' doot. W1IeIl asked abolK a pipebolnllbeing brousht intocbe s_mors llIC4Ilecl mar Hamsem. mID rhllBlackjadt stOle

tlltougb rhll reardootWlj'ing llis usual b1IdI; brief tYJle bag. Hmis I!leIl went to lllerear stotap employee ehangillg allla and bl\lllgill out wbaI appeand to mors as apipebolllb. Aeeording llle mors, Harris staIlld, "Chd: out dli$ pipebolllb." Hmis!lll:ft said he wllUlld to blow it up after wodt in a w_lem. near llle flek!. Thepipebomb WllS deseribedas metalliccolored. llIlII41 pipe.wimend caps. and about a footin Iengdl. This ineidellt took plao:c wilen Harris, KIeboId. Morris and mCiTS weillwodcin.g about two years ago. mOTS was able to mIlllmller mar it may bave been illApril of 1997.

4) WheIl asked if it everoc:ClIlIed to him mar tile pipebomb was dangerous llIId iUogal.moTS stated. ''yea. thar'swily I S/!llt!limQUI of meStaR! wim it, I was wonied mar tiewas gator to set it off in l'lly slonl," moTS laIllr said he was originally going to

Sl!IId Harri9shome. bulhe needed bim at wodtmar oigbt, so Harris came back afler tiepu:t tile pipebomb away i.llllis ear. mors staIlId mar Harrisbad lold !lim cbat it _ all

explOSIve device. and he iaIew mar it Will a pipebolnll. billed Ott wbat he Ulougill apipebomb was. WheIl asked if hebad any expmenea wim any tYJle of pyrolllChI1ie Of

explosive devices. mOTS stated. "only ti.tewodts. dley use to set off ti.teworks all meliml:," '''1'bey" l'll"'lDi". H.mis, t<lebold and Morris, mors also l1IJaled tbar Halris,Klcbo1d and Moms were. at lime$. going on lop of 1he roof to Ught off fireworks,mOTS staled dialbe also. at lim\!s, wen! up rbete wir!l tbem. Aceordltlgto moTS,H.mis, Morris and t<lebo14 also set off many dry ice bombs atop tne roof of lllebQSinesa. Nicki Usrcll, a folmor stonl manager, also told mOTS sbe iaIew of theseoce1m'ellCel witll dry lee bombs. moTS also l1IOalIed mar llle fotllIet: 0_ of rhllOnawa PIlu:e BI¥1;jack pizza Slml, RiIld.y Peuson. set of a possible dry ice bomb in1he s_ badIroom. This SlI!Ij«f. Parson is tbe CW'l'ItI! Blackjack o\llllll!l'lmaru ofllle S500SoGIb Si.mms store, wbel1I BlIIy Dao currenlly works, mOTS ptefaced cbe$eswemetllll wir!l. be wodl:l:d wim1hem (Hmjs,lOdboldIllIdMorris), butdidn't do muebwim diem. W1IeD asked whyhe didn't call die poliee wilenbeobRfYed cbe pipebomb,mOlS staIlId tbar be "didn't _ any trouble." He p.tI.lSed md then staled dial lie"reillyWUIl'! SUllI wby, bll! hindsightbeing 20120. I would now,"

S) mOTS Ialows tbar MOfris bad • JirIIrlend mar Uves in l!le 7000 Block of SouthPlCl:liI Coun.4Ild tbar closer to l!le time of dieCollll'llbille HigbSe1lool iI\Cidellt, MorrisMlltned to dlswtce billlMIf away tiom Hams IllId Klebold. Also, mar Harris andIOeboId weft! "very lilbL" mOTS also telated mat Klcbo1d WOR! a tn!llCbcoat almostnon-stop, IllId tbe o!Ilets only at liJtla, mOTS also swed Ilta! he basIl'l _ lach


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Heckler in aboIIt 0llC ald ooe-llalf yeaR, Out dIat be belicve4 be s1lll "hung OUt Widlrhenl."

6) KIROlS lel:aIled a ChriIIIIIU party in December of 1997 at lIle residence of BllIlIyMam1(SP1. ud Jeff Mllllll{Sp). localIId at m9 SCudl Webs. SU'eet, nlllllbc. A KCIIWJ1liams. whoowns "4 U !Osee" primizlc. 303.979.5522 shot dIW Wid! HIuns. The_ dIis _I ..... profl'erecl. was because KIROlS _ asP:! if he __saclaIiz.ed widl any of I!Ie sllbjccts. molS 1-.1 Haais, Morris IIIll Kldlold 1lIIkabout I!Ie SllIIlll "tlootll". bw _ lI'UJlII. mOlS abo llIlIw!d tbIl Manis seemed aIiltle _ to him. butifhe had. aproblem Wid! )'Ill!, it 'Was ow._. UlIIiD Hams.who seemed to bold a g:tIldae rot )"lu. H.mlr. Morris IIIll IClebold abo bid toldmOlS tbIl dley got beQllllld ill school because tlIey VIlI:!nlllllllb.

1) mOlS admilllld to dIis l'IIpOl'IiIl& su.pervisor tbIl he is illl alcobolic. alldat times bedranIc at worl£. lIIdleftHams ill c!laqli: wbile be lefllbl: stCll'llfor any lIi!UOll. m GlSmentioned tbIl be /mew Nate Oykema.n. mllOt dIat well. and abo idenlified Mowand Dykeman from an amy of photoS aIloWll to bilIt.

8) "female subject by dlc nalIte of Kimbedy Cadin. a.lLa. "'KllIttny". wbo lives onHillsdale Courtwas actively daIilIglUlOtber malepatty. wbenshe WIS supposedly daIilIgHams a aIlort tilIte. mOlS <IelIied illal: Carlin daIe<l Hams. alIudlet intl:r\llew puldIelIttopdlet (see DAQ inllll'1iew. 04-29-99). mGlS nll.ated that: CarIill was in I!Iesameearly lItClrtliIlll bowlinl class Widl die subjects of this inVllSlipliOl1. carun quitBladt.jaclt pi:m beciIIIiC sbe didn't p" a10ll1L With fellow em.pIoyce MicbelleH.art2eU(sp).

9) mOTS recalled that: ilPPIO~ one year alO. Harris. Moms and Klebold _SCI to ligbta group of people lleat dlc iDtmeetiOll of West Coaltnine and So!llb PierceSllWlS. bchind the shops. As Hams, Klel>old alld Morris woikcd dIent from lbcBlacltjaclt pizzaszore dnllllill.llleir IlelIclIcoats. die ollterJlItUP fled.

lO)Othcr nll.ated i_ Billy Dllo bad. nll.ated !O mOlS that: Pbil DunlI "gol them.aebiM sua" foS' Harrislllld K1eboId. Wben "'kid about odlel parties, mOlS /mew aJames Thollsbe III a ·slODllr". IIIll just bad. a working 1Iialionship willt him. zaehHeckler quit dill BIal:.ij1l:k pizza _ after appco:titDalely two mondls. KIRGlSoverilal'lldillsubjec:ts tIlkaboulthe InlCmCt. but didn't llICll1l anyt!linJ speeific. HamswasaIIoImllWlI to KIROlS III"Reb", mOlS re-i!llrllCd dIatbe "felt vezy comforttblAl1a.Yin1 Harris alld Moms in cberp of lite Stonl", wbile he was away. Manis seemed."nlaUy rapotISiblAl" wbile in c:IlarF of liteStllnl. The lasl tilIte KIROlS saw an dlI'IIesubjccls, Haais, Mor.riJ IIIll K1ebokl WII lit "The Z!me" bar patldnJ lot. about a iftIweellll aro. mOTS also$wed !bat "Klbb:"it 2:al:h Heckler.

'Ibiunded liteinlll:Mew. tilIte WII 143$ hom,


Page 93: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500


lilt8rvie_ Robin HosteiD mOts (OSoZ4-1Ol SSN 523·'S.72Z1 CO. OL t94­118-1607 lrIIIiIa IlIIllI. YT'. 14' lb$, BNWlIIHzl 2901 WesrCenMnni,' Oriw /IE.206 3\G.936-8544 (lllOIllIIrl. 303.781.6647 (wom)


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DENVEll POUCIDliPAJrI'MiNTCOIIlpla lAftIliplloaa SediolllMajor Peddler Ullit

Type01 Report: IIIvatiplivllTnIlltViewo.r.: May 4. 1999Reporllld By: Scgeallt.E'nlell ManilIez. Sqpen'iIor. Majol'I'eddIer VlIilSubjeo:t: RobctHossein mars (~·24-10); a.k.a. "Bob lNU"

Syuopl!r.On lha aIleve dale, Denver Police Depmmom.t 1lellleIiwJeff R1IIllZ and tIli& reportingS1IpOl'IIisor re·illllll'Viewed Roben molS. He _ asked several more~ aboutdieSlIbje::ls of rill Collllll.bine HIgh Scbool investiptiCIL

DeWIs:1) OnllledaIiIl of May4. 1999 at 1320 holm. Denver Police 0ep1ltlrJal.l Detcetive Ieff

RuetZ and tIli& reporting supel'\'isor re·inlllr"l'icwed Roben molS. 1llis inl:crview tookplace at tile Luther's llar·8-Q IISIlIUA1II. 10CllIed at 11353 West Colfu Avenue. 1llisre-lnn:mew wllSs~r 10 a teltpilollic COllt'lCt made to KIRors by tIli& reportin,S1IpOl'IIisor in rill AM. mars again. $llIled tIlIt be bad "no problem" speakins withinvestigalO," aIleut rill investigation,

2) molS was asked aIleuI rill subject Pllil Duran,1llld telaled tIlIt acccrdll1g to BillyOao. wiIo lOld molS. law enfo_1 seateI!llIl Ille leSidlmce of DIIralI and took afew ItellIS. but left marijWUlll tlIere. or didn't flnd iL DmII's girlfrtend CllriSlilla I.NTJ.told 080 tIli& illiomwi<m and tIIat "tbe cops W<mI waldlillg rill hOllH", and site was"SClUICl... On !be day of the Culumbille Higll SCIlool sboolillp. molS ''tan inlO"Billy Dao at rill Hl_(Wad.Iworlb" Coalmille). aboall:20 or 1:30 PM, They!lada shortconvetSal:ion aboutwiw _ ocwrillg ill !be high school. Theybothapd toSO tomolS' apa:lIlltllL Wbihl dlete, !bey smoked a jQinl of marijuana. aDd watchedtile _ reports &boll! l!III itlcidal. But, prior to SOillg III tile apallDnt. marsremelllbeted he stopped by "4 YOIif~ pr!nUng and $pOke with "Carol" aboutsomethilll tIlathedid!l't lICai1 mars $llIled !bit be tally believed tIIat Eric HmisIllld Dylall K:illbcld WIn l!IIIlPJlllllClI, bec:lIlIse asbe s-. "I put alll!lll~IOgeIher. Illd it lIIlIde _ !bit it !IappelIed.." mars wi Billy Dao il:ep( WlIlChillglllle'riJion lIIIlil be bad ll) leave to pick lip !lis daugblllr .u Powderllom ElementarySclIlloIIt about 2:~ PM. 1llis scIIool is 10CIllId It Wcsr CoaI.mine &. Saudi SilnIII5S-. Billy Dto lefl wilal mars left. Acconlillg to mOlS, Pllil 0\IIlIIl papdBilly Dao wilen DIO .... (lIllMlll1t blJapan:mellt tIli& day, aDd DIO tbeIl rellll:1llld tilecall III DmII. DIIralI was Oft blJceD.ular !llIepholIe at l!IIIlime, aDd It ... abouta two­IIliIllllll convawlCIL mOts lllCalled !bit l!III lime of !he call was~lybeIw_ 1:15 mel1:30 PM. Dto llI!al8d III mGts!blt 0\IIlIIl toldhim ifbe bad hwdwlw was PC all lit Colulllbille. Also, Duran asked Dto if be la:Iew whm !lis(Dunn's) bratIlet was, lie was worried ilb<ltIt him. K1R0IS collld !lOt n:call 0\IIlIIl'1


Page 96: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500

brotblIr's _ but dil:t t'lICIll dlIt be llIld WIlIll.ed !of IliIII II Blackjack pUu forj1lSt ..

few da)IJ '. Ioiq limlllfO"

3) WbeII molS - uUd aboIu IlllilIIIt1y !!Ii' 1leIa:iIlI Iboat or$1alIld dlIt it --.Ida't surpIiM IliIII it _ filIuId tobe _ i.avol~

~axpiOli_ or Ibe Columbine -..., rlir_a liieIld. Ibe odlllI' twO

(HaIriI .t. D!lwJkI). jlllt ...·i...... • m.oJS~t'lICIll cvw lIeaIiIIIlII)'odlllI' _ of ....... widl dllIlR\bjeclI of lIIi& iJlwIliplioll.

nu mded IbeiDerriew, limll_ 142.0!IGm.


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JC- 001-010497

Page 98: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500

C et. L Pi:I:::l:a. lnc.dbft Blad<ja<:lc Pizza

6657 W"'" Ottawa Place, Uni'E·;LillIo:wn, CO80121


SIa_eeClu_..... Ln.000Mr•..beIIalfGf~'"

The tbilowlllll_enl is an_plIO_ die'lU"Sti- ....-.Iy a:skad ofl,l$ by 111. n.....Illlldia in~ to theColumbine Hl&h School tI'Ilpdy.

BIa<:IQaok Pizzais a i'aIIchise pizzadeIi...,._ all"I')'llIlt~ wi1h no tiei1ilies tilt~ dlniII8-

I em _firm !IlII: boIh EricHlInis..d Dylan 1Oebold-..."",p1oya:I oftile BIaI:li:jaI:k Plza~ at6liS7 W. 0tIawa Plal:e. LiaI«on, CO. lloclt~" .flhismil MardI. l. 1999.~ six""'IdaI befOre die llIm1lle 3IIdtraP::"""'" at Columbillellisl1 School tool<~ HlInisIIlliKlclloid -...t'eIlIined as~ wlIeft die dlaage in~ tool< pi-. Thoy-.""",lojoed as""'*s. AllIOIlIlbcircb:illll_~ <rdcr-tlkiJlll__or~ Thoy didnot doll_plzzasat anyllme.Thoy-*<d m- t.o liw wpm a """"*' li'cm~ 4 at 5PM1Ol1ii~ Sor 9 PM."!'hoydidnot ab>a}'! WIllie tile same sIiitls. The lastni;ltttlloy _ ..... Friday, April16. 1999. lUiris_ Klebcld porftln>Icd ,.1 in all die dulillS roquinIl by <heir posili<m. Thoy__sul>j=lto any<lls<:ipIinlIry aaiao. NlliIIlIr KlellokI_lUiris p ....anyirJdIcollllII !IlII: 1IIoy _ capellIe of1IIchcnific..ct'U!rnim! al.Columbine HighSdulol.

At:Ihistime. o!IlII: !hen theC1liIllDClIlS incIud<d in !his _tilt, _ poHey is not to discussmy pnIISIIIIlor


W. - .......1lliuiI willi~. in.....,. """l' possibIc artd win <:olItiIIue to do.... I !laveno«JIIl­_ ondie qIIClIlillIIS being askedby tile inwsligat1lr:$.

Ourhcam3lld ]ftY"l"l _ willitile viCl:ims of thisterrible evart, lbeitfamily lllembors, _ their Iliends. aswellas wi1h die Sl>IldcrlI:I. liIculty lIIIdSlat!'of ColumbineHighSchool. OurJll'll'I"S aiIo goemlO rile cam­lIIl11Uly. ibis oommmity his endured.~lylrlIgic -.1. 3IId it is ...,.~ to _ such ...0CIlp0UtiDg oflrindD... lIIId SllJlpoft asrile community tries to had itselE in die Midstof such dis Qn..~3IId telrilYillll .....ts, it is IlI<1CIller:fW. !IlII: .....<:aI1 ha......... IlI.ldl in theiJ'!l<nl goodness ofpoqllercsf­hod. Our llllInks go out to all the voIlOllllllr.l wbo have t:rIlIl!e th..., dilli<:ult Woes just a littlebit eosi....

W. wauld slso liD to _tho policeofIieon3IId in1lllltigatinwIlo .... -xing diligmtly onlhis<lISe.

Thoro is1lO~ """l'to cx;p1'ISlI_ gratilude to laweniOnlomenllllr risl<ilIg lbeit lives to ......... the!aIlltyofthoColum\1lne High Scbool Sl>IldcrlI:I.ll1cully and!UIf, as weD as1llat of tilecommlllUly.

JC· 001-010498

Page 99: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500


May 7, 1999 STATEOFCOLORADO 99-7625

TYPEOFREl'OQ'l' REPORT BY AREAProgress !I1v. OaryClymsn 1effinooCoumy



I. OnAptil26,1999 [ittlmiewtd ClJds Lm (DOB: 911lJ6Sl,258O S.York St, Apt.#206, :Dierm:r, COSOZIO, (3t'l3) 777-9338. OnMarch8, 1999 bebegan.._/QPODl!lrofthe BIadr;ja:kPlm, 6657W.Otl»waP1..l..ilIlelcll, CO(303) !m-06OO.

2. Mr. Lai:t saidtllathebo. the ftl!lldllse fttnnF<:rmer 0WDIf. BobKlrgis. Lm iniIWly retained SOIl>l ofthe....., employed ""<:opt a fewwhebadpoor<!riving lIlCOl'Ils, whemhedid!lOt WlIIlt wotldng asdoIiverydri-s. Ammgl!lose _ WID Eric_ andDylan KJel:iold, whe_ emp1oyod .."lIIs:idIn', maldngpiz:l!.a$ rarher _doIivery. _ WillI paid$7.65 1boor. and K1eboId$ 6.501 boor.

3. Lm described _ as hisbe$!emplQ~ noIn:lIlble, andsaidtllathe!ladoll'e:o:d_. promlllioo 00friday Aptil16to sIliftmaoager. _ """"'ld pleased and"""'PlId. Lai:t described K1eboId as"hyper",loud.~ • good_. puoctual, 00 probloms.

4. Lai:t saidtllatonfriday April16.botll _ andK1ebold~casbad\Janc:esapinstlheireamed

1louJ:s. _<I.asha4vance of$2llll,andKleboId~$l20.(On May 28. 19991~froInLai:t Ibo arip,alcash~'Nbil:b """'" sip!. byHarris andKleboiIl, and""l'i= oftheir1ll=payroll_ froInMarch S· April IS.1999. 'Iheseitlmls__in", seso as ovido:m:e tb<ougllDetEalonAptil29.1999.lremnos.l0074.1007S).

S. The OGly problem whichLm could,..,..n Ieptling _ aodKlebold was wbeo hebadfoandthembehind the Stole Illgedler. fisbdng a IlOWlIpIl[lel' 00 /ire.

6. Lm saidtllat hebad...., both_ aod Klebold wear hlad< "duslo'" lm!CllcoalS, t1IClllliIlg tllattheymayhe"" badsome type of pall:be$ on them. bulhe_ recall roore specillc:aIly. He alsorecalled t1lat they_ 0IlC.l visiII!d atworl< bya girl bemco'" onnews~ regarding CHS, described asWF,S'4".1ong,lllllligItt bloncle blUr (Robyn Alll:I=on?J, whewu "",llIIIpllIlied hy anotbar _ (nodoscripd<>n~

1. TwoolheftiieDd8 of_aod K1ebold, whe!ladalsow<ltI«datthe!ltOl'e, _ClJdS Moms and NaillDykeman. Hedescribed Moms as "moody". _ angry, wore. similarblack_.blad<panlll, blackT-. aodblack boots. Lm~Morris flom hisJob doe III hisaIIlJialioo with _ andK1ebold.

8. Rlrmorowner, Bob Kirgis, bad\l)!d Lai:t on April 21, 1999!be_ with. pipe bomb.


Page 100: Columbine Report Pgs 10401-10500

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