Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100

o c; ClMteC D U!'Iroundea 0 Offense Staivs: Open Cleated by Mht 0 /II!! ;:q:#:[ /..,Il/.4 (f(rfff';; ... AlRf g,4()",i (1M'! ,bf:l Ret!@:; IfrM, ,;fn:;tp 4 VP i &'Rr , ff(,M '."p;r ,.2d &M- P''&- i 11.Ir'? i i az- ,dd'kllt!M; Cl.41kr ;r; ..... ,.'. , .. i .;r;r;>f'(. -"! .. t't"'" hr.;t:!,:':¢:' ... Zl:>f'f'f' ' 7!;4//Z) i J?77!;;- /7!J fi'?,c;... tf!f?t(/eP l L/2Q7:4?i'2 l7?f¥ Sr(fJ ,.:fA';X/ i ".2-tfP.r ,-jjt2Y'..lf a. CONTINUATION 0 i:V' JC..o01·001001 Utlll


Brought to you by the investigators athttp://www.columbinefamilyrequest.orgIn December 2000, the Jefferson County Sheriff’s department released the results of their investigation, the largest criminal investigation in the history of the State of Colorado. The 80 investigators involved followed up on over 4,000 leads. Along with their report, the Sheriff’s Department made available over 11,000 pages of evidence. Here, for the first time, we present all these pages as searchable .pdf files.

Transcript of Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100

Page 1: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100


~ceptionallv ClMteC DU!'Iroundea 0

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Page 3: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100

CONTINUATION 0Reporting Agency Reporting Officer C~ Report No

SUPPLEMENT v JCSO WEBB 99-76Z5-PP(O/,lftecling Case Report No vlcum NameOriginal Report Dale This Report

\ ttrol #3508 COLUMBINE 05-27-99- First Degree MurderClll$$lf«;ation X Offll!'\5e" s~s: Open X fx<:e:nionelly CI~ 0 Recomm.end elise: Reyiew 0

R4'l;i~~ti Autloo 0 Cltlm'd b~ A=Sl 0 Unfocnct.d 0 Closure: c

"~! I I Oe~riPfioo I $(tiltl No ~~\~ I Value I Vlll",.;"Ne i Q~amity 8rand RKC'.ert"l! Damas~,j



5200 S. Estes St.

Littleton, Colorado 80123

(303) 932-9713


On 05-27-99, I interviewed AmandaMendralla, Thepurpose of this lead was to determine Amanda's whereabouts during 5th

period, as recordsreflectedshe had this period free. Duringthe telephone interviewwith Amanda,she told me she was away

.rom the schoolduringthe timeof the incident. She leftthe school at approximately II:! 5 after leaving her History class, which

was in the library of Columbine High School that day. when the period ended, at approximately I UO, she left by going

downstairs throughthe lunch room, [asked her if she hadseenanything unusual in the cafeteriaas she walkedthrough andshe

said she hadnot. I askedher if she specifically had seena largeduffle bag layinganywhere in the cafeteria and she said thatshe

had not. I askedher Ifshe saw anyonedressedina suspicious manner in the cafeteria andshe saidshe had not. Shethenwalked

to her vehicle. which is parked in space439 in thejunior lot. This is a DodgeNeon. red in color 1asked her if whileshe was

walking to her vehicle,if she had seen anyonesuspicious in the lotand she saidshe had net. I specifically askedher if she had

seenanyonein trenchcoats, Shesaid no.however, as shewasleaving the lot, shesawDylanKlebold driving intothe lot,driving

hisblack BMW,dressedin a black t-shirt. He wasalone and driving veryfast. Shesaid she hadmade a comment to her mend

Brittany howfastDylanwas driving. Hewascorning from the south, headed northon Pierce, when he turned intothe lot I asked

her to Identlly Brittanyand she said this was Brittany Duran.a fellow studentthatshe had 4th hour togetherwith. She said that

they then leftthe schoolgroundsand werenot made aware of the incident until laterwhenthey attemptedto return to the school

I askedAmandaif she had seen anythingelse that would be of interest to law enforcement and she said she could not think of

anything at this time,

DISPOSITION: Lead closed.

JC 00

OfficerSignalllre // I enil Numbtr Sup~i$ilr Initialsand Dale AssignedTo Page 1/0

L.v:0;?J{()P......... C'/ ..!Z8:. r_ 74JP11!'!' .Pi-s -'?f of 1-W.:;::'~_L I ~,\t$TIG--\mR \1r1MSF.ll-\rCES I OTHER 419S KS()/16"!4. 1- 001003

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Page 5: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100


Zip C e

0Me of Birth J Serial No,

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Case No. _

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Paee__ of, _


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/I have read the foregoi1g £"'__t and the fiIt:1s --. am _ to the be:rt ofmy knowledge and belief, I

do I>ot mairrtain that jf~ l1liof the fiIt:1s ar """""" of the jilddellt. but oNr l1iiose facts about which I neve been1DIuiId.


JC·001· 001 0 6 0 0 •

Page 6: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100

Page __ 01 _ Pages Ca.. , _

Summary 01 Statement Icom.! ooCXSjtrS !A;ba):r"')o I'" ±hv!I}:).! on not \!:,1"'C;J 1,)

±lwr ('{]J1Ar5, OUT" :.r've "o/Yf\ th"'''' Q.,mivx:! CCUI{()!?IIV'.

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01)1" -b:::' vcqn (if eOn\)':.itn) r;u± ~ ,'f* '/ '{j;, & i r4 V::Ch 1""' =Tb,?

I have read the foregoing sUltement and ttle facts contained therein are 00'" to the best of my Knowledge and belief. Ido not maintam that it eootetns all of the facts or details of the incident, but only those facts ebout which I have beenasked.


Page 7: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100




Date: 4-22-~9

Deputy D.A.:

Docket NUmber:

Case Number: 99A062

Investigator: J.Burkhalter


Melissa Miller, dob 6-11-84

7991 W. Quarto Dr.

Littleton, CO. 80128

Ph. 303-933-1362

Ms. Miller was contacted at her home by this investigator for a

follow up interview concerning her first interview given on 4-20-99.

Ms. Miller was present with her mother and read her previous

statement. She stated this is what occurred and she still remembers

it quite well.

Ms. Miller stated the same statement as her original and was asked

to elaborate about some details in her statement. The following

questions were asked of Ms. Miller:

Q. You mentioned seeing the bombs. Can you describe them?

A. About 6", white or gray cylinder.

Q. Do you know why they smoked?

A. I assumed they were somehow lit.

Q. Can you describe who threw the bombs?

A. A white male, teenager, wearing a black coat. He looked like

5'8" with brown short hair. He used his right hand and threw bombs

at the school. His gun had a sling and it was two handled.

JC·001· 001007

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The second guy was taller about 2 or 4" more, Chin length sandy

blond hair with a trench coat. He was lanky and his gun was long

and his coat was closed.

Ms. Miller stated she saw three bombs thrown. She stated the bombs

were in something like a box or bag on the ground at their feet.

Ms. Miller stated she heard individual shots, possibly 20 to 25.

Ms. Miller

heard more






two suspects


went into the school and she

She stated she only saw two

MS. Miller went onto say when she was outside hiding from the two

suspects, she saw Ann Marie Rocha1ter get shot and go down on the

sidewalk. She stated she thinks she was shot in the stomach, She

also saw a boy shot in the leg.

Ms. Miller stated when all this was happening a student was driving

toward them in the parking lot in a pickup truck, Red and Gray with

one male driver. The suspect threw a borr~ toward the truck and he

took off.

Ms. Miller stated aft",r the suspects went into the school she and

her friends left and ran to a home in the neighborhood.

Ms. Miller stated she doesn't know what the initials lit stand for.

Ms. Miller stated she has heard of Brian Savage when asked and

thinks maybe he is a junior.

When asked if she has talked to the press, Ms, Miller stated she

talked to Channel 4 but only gave her reaotion and no details.

Ms. Miller stated she left a black backpack outside and it will have

her name inside the backpack.

2JC.001 . 001008

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J C·001· 001009

Page 10: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100

CUNTINUATION 0Reponing Agen¢) RejXlrtlng Officer Case Report No

SUPPI£M£NT X JCSO PETERSON 99·7625·WW(~ti:'!gCese ReportNo VictimNameOriginalReport DateTl'lis Report


0- -lUQ!'! X FIRST DEGREE MURDER Offfl1$tSlll~ ~ X Eo:~ll<.mall,! CltaM a Recommend Case: R"''''it'''l 0

Rul3$t\li(a\lt,t1 0 OI:llilMbyAM'$! a Unfounded a Closure 0

l~ I (}\Janlity !Bnmd xeme J Oei<;:rip!iCfl I SerialNoValliII' 1 V;;;I1lt" I V31u~$tol"n Ree;;."ettC DarrutS~d


Krist: Mohrbacher,dob108-3 \ ·826551 WestCalhoun PlaceLittleton.Colorado 80123(303)797-8] 17Student at Columbine High School

Kathryn Mohrbacher, dobJ02-11-51same as aboveWork: 5660 Greenwood Plaza Boulevard, Suite #510

Englewood, Colorado BO I 10(303)771-] I 17

Robert Mohrbacher, dobIOB-18-53same as above

'ork: 560\ York Street

Denver. Colorado 80216(303)795·2911 ext 15


On 06-11-99. at about 0830 hours, I responded to 6551 West Calhoun Place to contact and interview Kristi Mohrbacher who

isa studentat ColumbineHigh School. This interviewwas in referenceto the shootingthat occurred at the school on 04-20-99

I interviewed Kristi Mohrbacher in the presence of her mother, Kathryn Mchrbachet Kristi Mohrbachertold me on 04-20-99,

at about 1125to 1130 hours, she got out of her math class, which is on the second level of the school. and is Mr. Smith's class.

however,he was not present on 04-20-99, and they hada substitute teacher. Kristi showed me where this class is located on the

map/diagram I had of the layout of'Celumbme HighSchool. She said thisclass is in the southeastcorner of theschool. and said

she was with Katie Carpenson, Eric Buckner,Yu Mekuria, KellyNorden, and James Norden. Kristi said when they exited this

classroom, they walked up the hallway to the east doors to exit the school, These doors are facing east towards South Pierce

Street. and are south of me main doors of the administrative offices. Kristi estimated the time they exited the school doors to be

approximately 1130 hours. on 04-20-99. Kristi said up to this point she did not hear any shots or explosions, and did not recall

OfficerSignatll~ Unit Number Supervisor j rtitill.IS and Date AssignedTo Page l

,6,1) .J- -./~ 't'''''" t I c;,.,.... of !

')RIG''''"'''l I «vesrn,., fOR ',leTtM SE:tvlCES I OTHERJC.001· 00101 0


Page 11: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100

CONTINUATION 0ReponingAg(ncy ReportinsOfflcer Case Rep«l No

SUPPLEMENT X JCSO PETERSON 99.7625-WWConnecting case ReportNo vlcum NameOriginalReport Dale Thi$Report

- 06-Jt-99no .aUOrl X FIRST DEGREE MURDER Off~l'l,e Snuus: Open X Exi:<,ptk,ma!l y Cltam Cl Recommend Cast: Review Cl

Rl:'i:u,nifl<alitm Q Clested by Am:\~ a Unfollndlld Cl Ctosuee 0

l~:r I ChJtnli~y I· Sl"$'!d N.fl'll T\'.ks\:riptio;lfl I Smal Nc ~~ I ValU! ~ V,al<l¢Ret:o...ercd Dariilg~d

anything out of the ordinary. Krisa said they walked across South Pierce Street and into the soccer fields at Leawood Park, Kristi

said while in the soccer fields, some Columbine High School teachers told them to go back further, and Kristi said she overheard

a student say there had been a shooting at Columbine High School. Kristi said she then heard two loud explosions coming from,

what she believed, was the west side ofthe school, outside of the cafeteria, Kristi said she thought the explosions were some type

of a senior prank, Kristi said she then left Leawood Park and went with Kevin Forslund to Eric Buckner's apartment in West

Lake Greens, and called her mother, Kathryn Mohrbacher. Kathryn said this call came to her at about 1150 hours, on 04-20-99.

Kristi told me that while she was in Leawood Park or prior to that, she did not see any suspects outside of the school She also

said she did not see any suspects inside the school through the windows or door windows at the school. on the east side of the


, asked Kristi about Dylan Klebold, Eric Harris, and the Trench Coat Mafia group, Kristi said during her Freshman year at

Columbine High School, she had Nate Dykeman in her gym weight lifting class, She described him as "dorky," and said he

would wear sports team t-shirts to school. Kristi was unable to provide information about Klebold or Harris.

Krist! said in either late 1997 or early 1998, she was seated in the school's cafeteria, She said she was at a table, and said she

saw Joe Stair and Eric Dutro, who were near the stairway, in the cafeteria, Kristi said they were "grabbing each other," She said

a student and aJock by the name of Rocky Hoffscbneider (who graduated in 1998), "went off on them," calling Stair and Dutro

"fags," and harassing them. Kristi said Stair and Dutro began to get defensive. and Hoffschneider was near them by the stairs.

Kristi said there were several other students who had gathered around this disturbance. Kristi said a Columbine High School

teacher broke the disturbance up, and then either Dutro or Stair (she could not remember which one) walked up to the table 'hat

Krist! was sitting at with her friends, and began pointing to different students at the table saying, "Satan loves you," and would

go to the next student and say, "Satan loves you:' Krist! said this continued with several students. Kristi also said that Stair

would always be wearing a trench coat.

Kathryn said Hoffschneider graduated from Columbine High School in 1998, She said if there was a specific student or person

"at the Trench Coat Mafia would have wanted to retaliate against or target, it would have been Hoffschneider. She said

JC-001 0010

OfficerSigrtatt,m:: i Unit Number Supervisor Initials end Date Assigned To P,s< •A.D>- .h 1-., e.." of ,11,"\~sn0\WR

, I O1'Htll')RI(/\";[" f I, !en:.! SFR, ICES 18JC501161,1. 11

Page 12: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100

CONTINUATION 0RC1YJrting Agency R~pvl'ting Officer Case RepQl"I No

SUPPLEMENT X JCSO PETERSON 99·7625.WWCQnm~cli:ngCase Report No victim Name Original Report Date. This R.eporl.

- 06-11-99o, ~·.alien X FIRST DEGREE MURDER O~K Sl$IlW.: Optrt X ~f'9(iclllall)' CI~ 0 RecommendCase: RlWfew 0

RedliUiti~Jliall 0 Ck!I.rWbyA~ 0 Unfuunded 0 Closure 0

I~;r IQl.Illfltiry IBl'lIooNarne ff)n(ri!>OO(t ISerial No ¥~~ I Vallle I VIlI~Rt1;g~eRd Dllml~d.,..

HoffschneiderWas always picking on people andharassing them. Apparently. he had racially intirnidated a Jewish student at

the school, Kristi said Hoffschneiderplayed football at Columbine High School during the years he attended the school. She

said Hoffschneidergot some scholarshipoffers fromcollegesand universitiesto play football; however. she said Hoffschneider

stabbed somebody nine times, so the scholarship offers were canceled.

Kristi said Alex Marsh associated with the Trench Ccat Mafia. She said after the shooting on 04.20.99, when the Columbine

High School students were attending Chatfield High School, Marsh said in a class something to the effect that she wished she

could have been a part of the shooting because she would have laughed while the people were being shot. Kristi said some

teachers escorted Marsh out of the classroom; however. she did return the next day. Kristi said Marsh is also very defensive.

She said in one of the classes. the subject ofrjccks'' came up in their conversations, and Marsh got very defensive, and began

saying something to the effect ofhow much the jocks were jerks. etc ...

Kristisaid a girl by the name of Courtney Van Dell was a student at Columbine High School. It is unknown for certain if Van

Dell is a Trench Coat Mafia associate or not. Kristisaid Van Dell had pitch black hair, would wear heavy black make-up under

hereyes, and wore devil's horns on her head. Kristisaid whenVan Dell went to gym class, she was told she could not wear the

devil's horns, so she became very upset.

Kathryn said in about the summerof 1998, her neighbor, janet Dubois,who livesclose to her on the same block, was in her front

yard when she saw some young boys running fast into another neighbor's house. The house the boys ran into was the Wisher

family's house Kathrynsaid Duboisthen sawtwo other males who were chasing the other boys. Kathrynsaid DubOIS latersaw

the picturesofDylan Klebold and Eric Harris throughthe media,and recognized the photographs of these two as the same two

who were chasing me other boys to the Wisher residence. Kathrynsaid the boys chasing the other boys, told Dubois that they

were chasing thembecause they hadjust "robbed" iheBlackjack Pizza. Kathrynsaid Dubois was asked where the first juveailes

had ran, and Dubois told the chasers that the two males theywere chasing went into another house and pointed out the Wisher

residence to them. The chasers went to the Wisher residence. but nobody would come to the door. Kathryn said later an

explosive device made out of fireworks was detonated in Dubois' mailbox. Kathryn said Dubois believes it was the boys that

'n into the Wisher residence that detonated the device as retaliation for her telling their chasers where they had ran.


OfficerSigrnnllfe Unit Number Supervisor lnilials and Date Assigned To Pege ~

A-P.+. v't-. "'~I ~ of ~

11<\01'<\1.- I ~\ 'l''>11CA roe ','1C11Mses\'tcts I orHf~.001012

rASAn 4198. JCSOI167oi

Page 13: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100

CONTINUAnON 0Repon'mg Agtncy ReponingOfficer Cau RepmtNo

SUPPLEMENT X JCSO PETERSON !l9·7625·WWConn~ting CiI¢ Report No Victim NameOriginal Report DaleThis RtPQ!t

06-11·99- X FIRST DEGREE MURDER X 0 R#ccmmend Case:(I, .allGIl Of'f1ll'lUCSti.t\Is: Opom E~lio"IIHyC!~ Review 0

R~dauH'caljMl 0 C'~l;lyAl'l'e$t 0 Unfolll'ldl:d 0 Clesure 0

IlSir IQUlmlily I Brand NlUIle I D~rtptiOl'l ISmlllNo ~\~~ I V~~ue I Vnlu¢Meovered o..mnf$~

Krist! said where she parked her vehicle in the studentparking lot at the school, there was a vehicle that would park next to hers

that may have been driven by a Trench Coat Mafa associate. She described this vehicle as a light blue "boxy" older mode!

vehicle. She said it had a "Ramrnstein" sticker on it, whith is a German band. She said the driver of this vehicle was a male,

skinny in build, and would wear sunglasses most of the time. She said the driver may have been Tad Boles; however, she was

not certain. She said she would see several students who she thought to be Trench Coat Mafia students hanging around in the

same area of the parking lot. She said they madeher feel uneasy due to the fact they would stand in a gruup and stare at her as

she walked to her car.

I asked Kristl ifshe had seen "the thoughtof the day" on 04·20-99, over the Rehel News Network (RNN). She said she did see

it. and remembered it to be "You would rather not be here." Kristi said she did not know of anybody with a double pierced


Due to the fact during pnor interviewsat the Mohrbacherresidence, I had left several business cards, I verbally advised Kristi

tocontact me if she had any problems or felt she had any other information that she had learned that may he pertinent to this case.

She said she would contact me in this future if this occurred.

DISPOSITION: Case remains open, pending further investigation,


OfficerSignature Unit ~\lmber Superviser [1l;l,als and Date Assigned To e'g< !

JlO· .....-:ih n-l.} """'-~of !

,, 1"\,'liSTIGATOR 1 OTl:Il:,a I ASAfJ 4I98JCSD/t6i'4, ',IUGi"AL VlcnM sEll.VICES

Page 14: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100


JC..o01· 001014

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CASE #99-7625





Page 16: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100


WITNESS: BlJEN LIANN MONTE, Columbine High Schoolstudent, DOB6113/82,5'..02", I 13lbs,blond hair, blue eyes, 7039Ponland Ave.,Littleton, Colorado,80128, (303) 979-7337.

INTERVIEWERS: AgentJERRY W. MEANS and AgentRICKY S. MUNDINE,Colorado BureauofInvestigation, 690 Kipling Street,Denver,Colorado, 80215, (303) 239·,m L

DATEITIME OFINTERVIEW: April30, 1999,111 approximately 04:00p.m.

PLACEOFINTERVIEW; 7039Portland Ave., Littleton, Colorado, 80128.

ASSIGl';'MENTSYNOPSIS: An interview wasconducted with JenniferRose FALBO, DOB

7/23/82, of 4994 S. Parfet C., Littleton, Colorado on April29.1999. Duringthe interviewFALBO statedshebed contactedherfriend, Bijen MONTEafter the incidentat Columbine HighSchoolto see ifMONTE was ok, FALBOstatedMONTE wasnear thecafeteriawhen the shooting began and she saw___with a gun.

BijenMONTE wascontacted by phone on April30, 1999, bytheReporting Agent. MONTE was asked ifsheattends ColumbineHighSchooland she stated she does, andwaspresent whentheincident occurredon Apri!20, 1999. MONTE statedshewas nearthe cafeteriawhen the shooting started and shesaw oneof thegunmen. Shestated the gunman she sawwasnot one ofthe guysidentified on television. MONTEwas requested bythe ReportingAgentto contacther mother and an interview was scheduled forthe afternoon ofApril 30, 1999.

AgentMtlNDINE and the Reporting Agent interviewed BijenMONTE at approximately 04:00p.m, on April 30, 1999. Thewitness's mother, Linda A. MONTE, wk. (303) 705-3731, waspresent, and gave permission for the interview. BijenMONTEprovided the following information:

HISTORYI. She is a junior at Columbine HighSchool and met the

following TRENCH COATMAFIA members in 1997.-Cory FREEZAN-CharlesPHILLIPS

JC·001· 001016

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2. She slated she had never mel Dylan KLEYBOLD or EricHARRIS.

3. Sheknows Robin Andersonbecause she dated PatMCDUFFEE.

4. Her best friend, Jenn FALBO use to date FREEZA,"J andthenDUDRO.

5. MONTEdoes not considerherself a TCM; she was justfriends withsome of themembers. She stated mostofthemembers sheknew have graduated.

6. She stated theTCM members talked about paintballa lot,PlayedMagic, drank aicohol, and usually hung out at CoryFREEZk"J's house. She stated she did not bang out withthem after school hours.

7. She never sawany drug activity withgroup and theonlyweapons she ever saw them with were knives. Shehas notheard anyof the member's talk aboutguns.

8. The only explosives she ever heard about were whenPHILLIPS, STAIR, DUDRO, FREEZAN, and MORRIStraveled to Wyoming and bought a "Bunch"of fireworks.She stated she never saw them use the fireworks.

9. She statedagain that she had never metKLEYBOLD orHARRIS.

10. MONTE'S boyfriend is Luke CLOWEN, who has alreadygraduated

1L She slated her boyfriend dropped her off on the north sideof schoolat approximately07:25 a.m, The following is herscheduleof classes until the incidentoccurred:

-Straight10 Sociology from 07:30to 08:20-Went to locker-In Language Arts from 08:25 to 09:20

Jc..o01- 001017

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-Went00 locker-In Math from 09:25 00 10:15-Went00 locker-Wentto the library for History from 10:20to 11 :10-Wentto the cafeteria at 11;10

MONTE statedshe dropped her backpack at the bottomofthe cafeteriasteps,neat the half-walL She then went to theRebelComerand purchasedher lunch.

She was met by Chris FIRION andBrianFRY who wantedher to gooutside and play soccer. Shestated she did notwant to play but went outside through the south commonsdoor.

MONTE stated she sat down and FRYand FIRIONkepttryingto pull her up to go play.

Shethought she saw fireworks sparkling on the sidewalk,andthensaw a guy in a trench coat coming down the bill.

Three kidswent "down" to the ground, and the guy in thetrenchcoat was standing over two of the downedkids.

She stated she knew it was in the trenchcoal. standing over the two kids, becauseshe recognizedhim.

MONTE stated she hangs out on PolkStreet andPiercewith somekids who smoke cigarettes and___are there almost everyday. She stated she~andheard himtalkabout how his mom tries 00 control him,and how the school does not checktheI.D. ofsmokers.She stated she has seen_almost everydaysinceJanuary ofl999.

Shestaled the first time she met"_was when one ofher friends, Brandon unk-lncalle~ a "Freak".

MONTEstatedshe was certain it was" standingover the two kids. She stated on a scale of 1-10, I beinguncertainand 10being positive she was 8 y, -9 it was he.

Shestated_had a gun hanging fromhis neckonsometype~. The gun was all blackandapproximately 15-18 inches long. Shestated it lookedlike


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a machine gun, and there was no DuctTapeon it. Shestated that was the only gun she saw him with, and it was inhis right band.

22. The following is a physicaldescription ofme manshe sawwith a gun:

• He bad on a black trenchcoatthat extended tobetweenhis knees and his ankles.

-Hebad On a black baseball hat in the backwardposition.

-His face was longand hisneckwas long.

-Hebad a narrow chin.

-His teeth were crookedand he bad an obviousoverbite.

-He bad no glasses or facial hair.

-His complexionbad lots ofacne, there wereindentations like pieces werecut OUl, andhis facewaswhite in color with some redness.

-His coat wasbanging openand he bad a black"1"shirtwith a white colored printall it. Shestated theshirtwas not a tie-died.

-Theprint 011 the shirtappeared to be pealing andlooked older.

-He bad a red coloredclothe type itemattachedtothe left side ofhis waist.

-Hebad black tighter fitting jeans,not baggy. Shestatedthey were regular blackjeans. Therewere nostrapsor pockets extending down the legs.

-He bad black high-top tennis shoeswithno coloredmarkings. She stated theywerenot boots becausethe 10eS andoverall shape was a tennisshoe. Shestated the shoes were diny.


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23. MONTE stated she watched forapproximately 30 seconds. She statedwhen she first sawthe gunmanand the kids on the groundshe thought it was ajoke.

Agen! RickyS. MUNDINE read the admonition form for a photoline to Bijen Monte and her mother. M01'<'TE and her mother leftthe room and three separate sheets ofphotos were laidout on thedining room table. The sheets were marked A, B, and C. MONTEreturnedto the room and after approximately 15 secondspointed tophoto #6 on sheet B and stated that's him, that's the man withthegun, that's him. MONTE signed the photo she identified as thegunman,and then she signed the admonition form. Theadmonitionform and the entire photo lineup were collected by theReporting Alien! as evidence. MONTE provided a writtenstatement ofwhat she saw when the shootingstarted.

MONTEstated she thought BrentonHOOKERalso sa"'"with a gun. She stated she has not spoken to HOOKERsince theincident. MONTE'S mother, LindaMONTE stated she and herdaughterattemptedto contact Law Enforcement Officials on thenight ofthe shootingbecause they felt the infurmation wasimportant. LindaMONTE stated they were told someone wouldbe out to speak to herdaughter. She stated the New York Timescontactedthem on Saturday and Sunday so they calledLawEaforcementOfficialsagainand she wastold someonewould getback with them. Linda MONTE stated they provided theinformation about" to the New YorkTimes, andthenewspaperagreed not to disclose any information about theirdaughter.

On May 1, 1999,at approximately 10:00 a.m., A!ientMUNDJNE,Agent inCharlieMark WILSON, and the Reporting Agent metwith Bijen MONTE, Linda MONTE, andBijen's father, AnthonyMOl'.'TE, wk. (303) 705-3732 at their home.

BijenMonte marked her location, and where she saw the gunmanon a drawing provided by the Reporting Agent. MONTEmarkedher locationon the drawing withan X and the gunman's locationwithan 0; she then signed the map with her motherLindaMO}<'TE.Bijen MONTE stated she wanted the Agentspresent at theinterviewto knowthat she assumed the gunmen got their weaponsfrom_house because she knew throughher friends

JC-001· 001020

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theyhada lotofguns. She stated shehad beento the"bouseone timeand she did see weaponsmounted ontI:':illas adisplay.

The Reporting Agent, Agent MUNDINE, Agent in Charge'WILSON, BijenMONTE. LindaMONTE, and Anthony MONTEwent to the Columbine High School and checked in withtheJeffersonCountySheriff's Department.

BijenMONTE identified herpositionoutside the cafeteriawhenthe shooting occurred, the positionofthe gunman, and the positionofthe two victims thegunmanwas mnding over whensheobserved !lim. The locations were t!ll\I'ked for center-massdocumentation. Theposition ofMONTE and the gunman werephoto-documented.

MONTE rernsined in the positionwhileAgentMUNDINE stoodin the positionidentified as thegunman's. The Reporting Agentstood next to MONTE and facial features couldbedistinguishedon Agent MUNDINE.

MONTE was askedagain by AgentMtTI:-t'D!NE to describe thegunman she saw standing over thetwo kids. MONTE provided thefuUowing description:

-Shestated he had on a black baseball cap,backwards,

-Shecould not seehishairbecause oflhe bat. Shedid not remember anything specific about his ears.

-Hehadon a black trenchcoat. Shestatedthe coatWl!S folded back in the frontand it was not leather.Shestated it wasmade ofa clothmaterial, but itwas nOI denim. Shedid not notice anythingparticular about the shoulders, but stated therewasno color or patches on the coat.

-Shestated he had something red attached to his lefthip near theareawhere a bell would be. The itemappeared to her to be clothe,likea bandanna. Theitemwas all red.

-Shestated he had an all black gun in his right hand.Monte stated the gunwas on a straparound hisneck.

JC..o01- 001021

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MONTE stated~the man withgun standingoverthe two kids was _ She statedshecould recognize__and that is whom she saw. She stated shecouldsee hiscomplexion was roughwith acne, and she couldsee his messed upteeth and overbite fromwhere she was standing. MONTE wasasked if there wasany doubt in her mind who she saw. MONTEstatedthere wasno doubt, itw~

MONTE took agent MUNDINEand the Reporting Agent step bystepthroughherpath on the day ofthe shooting. She statedafterobserving the gunmanfor approximately 30 seconds she turnedand ran towardsthe sL'I( south commonsentrydoors. She staledshe entered the east door in the row of6. MONTE stated she wentinto the cafeteria and two teachers,Mr. SANDERS and MR.BROOKFIELD told everyone to get down. She statedshegotdownon the floor. MONTEstaledtwo gunmen dressed in blackcame in the west doornear whereshe hadseen" Shestatedshe couldDOt see them varywellbecause~as so manypeople and she was tryingto gel away. Shestated theywerethrowing things that were exploding. MONTE statedwhenthetwo gunmen in black came in the west cafeteria door everyonestartedrunning towardsthe cafeteriastairs. Sheran intothe lowerportionofthe auditorium.

MONTE statedthere were no gunmen in the auditorium whensheentered the lowerlevel She stated the only lightson in theauditorium werethe stage lights. She ran upthe southside stairsand hid behind the south side "L" shapedwall, near the top. Shestaledtwo gunmen in all black entered the auditorium through thesouthwest lowerentryway. She saw one man in all black near thatentryway, and the second man in all blackwas closer fUrther north.MONTE staledthe man in black she saw closest to the southwestlowerdoor, startedcomingup the south steps. Shestatedsheandseveral other students ran across to the northsideofthe auditoriumandexitedOut the upper northeastdoor. MONTE couldhearshooting, but did notknow if it was inside theauditorium.

MONTE statedwhen she got into the mainhallwayoutside thenortheast upperdoorof the auditorium sheran towards the east

mainentry doors. She stated she could hear bullets hitting thelockers and flying by her head. Whenshe arrived at the eastend ofthe hallway she statedthe office area on the leftside was vacantMONTE statedshecould see SOme studentsbehind the accessdoorsto the Socia! Studies area, and she remembered those doorswere closed. Shestatedshe got approximately 5 feet outside the


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inner east door ami the glass shattered behind her. Sheexited thebuilding ami ran to the north towardsthe park.

MONTE staled sheand several other kids metup in the park,1lIlder the coveredpavilion. She stated a teacher therehadgot hiscar out of the parki:oilot and he told the students to go straight totheirhomes. Shestaled one of'her friends, EvanERNSThad hiscar so shegot in his vehicle and tl:tey tried to leave the area.MONTE staled there were policecars on PIERCE so theyturnedaround and went around towards Wadsworth. Shestated shecalledhermomfrom a cell phone in tl:te car.


AgentColorado BureauofInvestigarlon


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Page 25: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100

CONTI"'UAnON 0Repol"(lng Ag~·y Reponing Oltker l.,·oo;;eR~\1~)

SUPPLEMENT X JCSO Inv. Jack McFadden 99-7625Coenecueg Ccse Report No Victim Nefr,1(! Original R¢p(l11 Date This Repol1

- Columbine Hil!b School, et al 10-22-99 ,, ,taricn X First Degree Murder Offtll~St.1lW: Opel) X £";.ceplionlllly Cfeared 0 Re.;on;mend Cnse: Reviel' XRecussiflCaJioo 0 Ckaflld:byAm~ 0 Ul'lfhoJnded 0 Closure 0

~m I I !Oumiplior I SeriMN(!,r.lue'. 0 OllllOlity Bm,,;;! Name I Vn14\1. I V~!i;I~.IOl,1!l1 Rocmuw OamO!f:'::1l

Interviewwith Bijen Monte.


On October 21, 1999 at approximately J750 hours, Bijen Monteresponded to the Jefferson County Sheriff's Officeatmy request to be reinterviewed concerning information she had suppliedto the sheriff's office concerningherobservations at ColumbineHigh School on 04-20-99. Montewasaccompanied by her mother and fathe; who werepresent during the following interview. Monte stated thatwhen previously interviewed. she had given inaccurateinformation concerning Sean Graves. Monte said she observed SeanGraves crawlingto the door by the teacher'sloungeand she wanted to clarify that point.

I advisedMoore the main reason she was being reinterviewed wasdue to the fact tha: she hadstared""wasstanding over two gunshot victimson the southwestcornerof theschool. Montestaredshe was 100%sure she saw~a person knownto her. standingover, whoshe now knows to be, Dan Rohrboughand Lance Kirklin on

tl uthwest comer of the school near the steps, I advisedMontethat according to other witness statements."•• was at home between8:00 a.m, and 12:00p.m. on 04-20-99.!ili0nteex lained due to the witnessesbeing afamily member and neighbor. those individuals could have lied for and she stillbelie~was the individual standingover the two injured males holding a gun. onte stated she neversaw~ethe gun he was holding and reiterated her descriptiono.from her previous interview.

Montestated after observing this individual. known to her as_ standingover the injured students. she raninrothe cafeteria. staying in the cafeteriafor a coupleminutes. Montestatedshe had first told investigators that bombswere going off inside the cafeteria. but shecould havebeen mistaken. Montestated II was possible the bombsweregoingoffoutsidethe cafeteria. Monte stated while in the cafeteria lookingout towards the senior parking lot (south).she observedtwo male individuals dressed in dark clothing looking in the window. Monte stated she only got a quickglance. approximately one to two seconds. at those individuals. but did not believe it was the same individual 'hat hadbeen standingover the injured studentsby the southwest corner.

'Monte stated after staying in the cafeteriafor approximately a coupleminutes. she ran out of the cafeteria towards theauditorium, at which time she enteredthe auditorium and saw two suspicious males dressed in dark clothing. Montestated the auditorium was dark and she was unable til see any faces or identify the individuals. but she felt theseindividuals were suspicious and ran the other way. Montestatedafter hiding in the auditorium for a very short periodof nrne. she exited the auditorium and ran to the main hallway in an easterlydirection.exrting the school via the eastdoors by the business office. Montestated while she was runningdown the east hallway. she was being tired uponfrom an unknown location. Montestated the easterly door windows were shot out as she ran out the door. 1

JC-oOf. 001025

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E:ONTINr; AnON 0Reporting Alene)' ReponingOfficer Case Report No

SUPPLEMENT X JCSO Inv, Jack McFadden 99·7625Connming Case Re\'XHt NQ Victim Namc-Oriiinal Report DaleThis Report

Columbine Hilrh School, et al 10·22·99 ,, -catien X First Degree Murder Qffel'l)¢StaM: O1len x Exc~Mn3lly Cl~ 0 ltet:omroe~ Case: Review XRtdnsifil:MKwl 0 C!W(d by Alml 0 UlllbunOed 0 Closure 0

(!Sir IQlllOOry I llrnoo Name IDes¢1il""''''' I Socriaj NoVa'ole t Vallie I valueSIdell Recc'ftl"t:d O.ama!!M

I askedMonte if the individuals in the auditorium hadweapons, to whichshe replied no.

I showedMontecafeteriavideophoto #44 and asked herif shecouldidentify anyone in the picture. Montereplied shecouldnot.

I thenshowed Monte videophoto#51, to whichMonte replied, the blackshirt, shoes, gun, andhat possibly lookedlikeoneswornby the gunmen seenon the southwest corner of theschool.

I thenshowed Montevideophoto#52 and 1153. to which Monte replied shecouldnot identify anybody In thosephotos.

Prior to theconclusion of this interview, I advised Monte that there wereseveral witnesses out on the southwest comerof theschool at the same time she was and had different recollections of whattookplace and whowas there. [askedMonte if shecould explainthe differences in the stories of theseveral otherwitnesses. Monte statedshe had noexplanation for the other witness observations and reiterated she knew F 2 .,prior to the incident andthat'swhoshe saw standingover the two injured students.

At approximately 1945 hours. the interview was terminated.


Monte's father stated Monte is currently having baddreams/nightmares aboutthe incident at Columbine HighSchool.Monte alsodoes not feel safe at Columbine High School.


Lead #5055 closed, caseopen.

VIEcer $ign;ltuf(' Unit Number S-upeJ"\> [SOl'Illllllilsand Dale AssignedTo IPage •A~J1 •,Jltl(',\,,~ I ''\,t:5'lc."rOR ,ICTtIAS£R'.rcIZ:S I OTKl':lI.

JC·001· 001026 ;D'16'74

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JC-001. 001027

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~ionaJI!I Cleltl'ed DUiifound$ld. 0

Ott~H Statl,llll: OP*fl ClClurii!d by "'rrnt 0

Connectingcas. AlIPQI"! No

CPo·..oIljeatien 0,,,,,.bon 0 J.JO I/IIC la~




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JC.(J01· 001028

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JC.o01· 001029

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JC.o01· 001030


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CR #


Date: ~\\ 'rlU;\9C8I, \f~ C\f \:soD , make this voluntarystatement to ..:- , a Deputy Sheriff for

the County of Arapahoe.

This statement is voluntary and is made by me without threat of punishment, andwithout unlawful coercion, influence or inducement~


?ERBONAL :l:Nl"OlilXA'l'ION,.ast IY?\;::Cn First =teTn Middle Con"!)/,, Sex 'i=- Race"

\ddress 1:(;1.~C~~l:(r~~!~'-'~'~!Z~,~C~\}~'~\c~,~r~,O~frl~='.p~~~~C~i~t;y~\~d~:r\~E~tC~,I\~~ Statem Zip~lccupation Fc'O!~C\ $\c\fnt of birth \)-:;llg·gSEm phone3C3-97Z'iC'tBemployer Wk phonerk Address City State -Z"'J,""p".---

VictimVElUCLE INFOlilXATJ:ON, SuspectYear Make Model Style Color __

License State Vin # Damage $ _

N'AlUlATIVE:, ~":;;:;~,'F============--------------"i\lWr\' ,~I 0-.\\ \\\c0.~ In \C\"\.C \::1\o...c\:.. tierc:h Cc£'\..T- I v.j\~'1\ 0-I btuc..L bc'-~\ c.C'f (p::,%lb\\.f 'Sell€. red cnltJ \.,(;~.(:,S-\f\Oi b~C\ct. ~) o..nO "b~~c..L lffii\S. \\~ N\.C.\ O'OC-t. \\.C\,ir tKQt! CL~\\( «, \,I\t\E: C~E 1\:;:' Skol\-~ders ,S\:.I\'\'\\...\' h~ h~~

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" fur=her state that I have read the foregoing statement, that I understand the;r"~ents and all the facts stated therein are true in substance and in fact.

X -.JR.),')'" cnJl,QlL'OCl,¥cn.:..I.l..~' _(Your signature) JC-001· 001032

liitnessed by:

Page _ of_

Arapahoe County sheriff's office5686 South Court PlaceLittleton, Colorado 80120

Page 33: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100


CR #

S TAT i MEN T (continued)

Pas'! _ of_Jc-001-001033

Page 34: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100

ceNTINUATION C1Reporting Agmtcy RepcTtmg OtTicer CaseReport No

SUPPLEMENT X JCSO BROOKS 99-7625·RCUflne<:ti"lfj Cl1.St'. R<'PO" No venm Name Original RepOrt Due ThisReport

COLUMBINE 05-10-99- X FIRST DEGREE MURDER Xc lltiO!1 OffenseSWIlS: Opel'!' E:c:ccplil'.lNlllyCT~ <:1 Recommend CU.!Ie: ~~ew <:1

f{e,:1~ii~aliOO <:1 C'bPed by A=l <:1 lJllWuMltd <:1 0"",,,, <:1

!~~ IQ"amll)' I Brand Nm!tl !~Ption ISeNl NoVatlle IRJ~~ I ~~;dSlOltm


Tessa Corinne Nelson / DOB 112683

6676 West Rowland Avenue

Littleton,Colorado 80128


Columbine High School r Sth grade


In 05-06-99, at about 8:00 a.rn., I interviewed CHS student Tessa Nelson as follow up on DN2015. The interviewwas

conducted at Tessa' s home, in the presence of her mother, DeniseNelson.

Tessa told me thaton 04-2( about II: 10a.m.. she badjust finished her fourth periodAmericanGovernment class. After

leavingclass, Tessa said that she walked to the scienceball whereshe met her friend, student Tiffany Lien (9th). Together,

Tessaand Tiffanythen walkeddownstairs (interiorstairs)to the cafeteriafor lunch. Uponentering the cafeteriaat about II: 15

a.m.. Tessa said thatshe and Tiffanystood in lineand received theirschoollunches. After theyreceivedtheir lunch trays, Tessa

said that she and Tiffany then walked to the south side of the cafeteriaand exited one of the doors. Tessa said that she could

not remember which door it was. Once outside, whichTessa estimatedwould have been about II :20 a.m., she and Tiffany

walked to the southwestcomer of the cafeteria's exteriorand sat down at a bench located next (east) to one ofthe "planters."

Tessa describedthe "planters" as raisedgrassy areas, somewith trees.surrounded by cement. Tessa indicatedon a map where

she and Tiffany sat down, Tessa said that when she and Tiffanysat down, anotherstudent named MelissaMiller 1,9th), who

Tessa remembers seeing inside the cafeteria, sat her backpack down next to themand then walked toward the student parking



Ot1icet Siyll<lJur; Unit , Number Scpervracr Irt(liajs and Daw ,:':"$$igllW 'ro Page 1

I~~ IAN 1"5't!I5' "r ;


~ ......, ,(198 JCSM6,4

JC.o01. 00

Page 35: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100

CONTINUATION 0MPOro.'8Atency , Reporting Offlccr Case ReportNo

SUPPLEMENT X JCSO !BROOKS 99-7625-RCorlO('f;Ung C';)$C' ReportNQ, Vil;tim Name Origin"l Repon DaleThisReport

~COLUMBINE 05-10-99 i

c :aiM X FIRST DEGREE MURDER orrClm'SWyS; Open X E~il:lnl\lly -eJeallld 0 Recommend Cage; a.evn o !R«tI,"~s;rU::3ct(l'" 0 Cltll*by Amsl 0 lftttb\ln4W IJ Closure a I

j~ IQu.mtity IBl"lIlIa Ntdl'll! IOeM:rif)tlon I Smal No. :¥t~~ !Rval~ I vslue {1X'll''' D::ll'Mg~ ,

Tessa said that after she took a couple of'bites of her pizza,she heard several"pops" coming from the area near tile top of the

exterior stairway,just north of her. Tessa 'aid tIlat she and Tiffany thought thesepops were firecrackers, tile resultof a senior

prank, Tessasaid mat she then lookednorthward, toward thestairs, butdidn't seeanything, Tessa said that almost immediately

thereafter, she saw "people rollingdown the hill," referring to the hill on which the stairway lies, Tessa said that she thought

that studentswere perhapsfilminga "Friday feature" for RNN, the campustelevision station, At that point,Tessasaid thatshe

saw a white male, who she described as tall, wearing a blacktrench coat, witl1 a black ball cap (possibly some red on it) that

was on backwards, blackjeans, black boots, withblackhair thatcame slightlyabove the shoulders and curledoutward, Tessa

said that this individual was comingdown the stairs (abouta fourth of the waydown), and appeared to be holdingwhat looked

like a small machine gun (Tessa said that after seeing the weaponsused by Eric Harris and Dylan Kleboldon television, she

is convincedthat the weapon she saw was the Teo 9). Tessa said that at this point. she still "didn't think it was real."

"essa said she then saw a female, who she identified as Anne Marie Hochhalter, silting on the curb to the southwestof the

largestplanter, Tessa then indicatedAnne Marie Hochhalter's location on the map, Tessa said that Hochhalter was facing east

a. she sateating lunchwith a coupleof friends, whom she identified as JaysonAutenrieth (9th] and Jayson's girlfriend. Tessa

said that Hochhaltersuddenly twisted to the (her) left, "fell over" the curb, and then sat up and screamed. When Hochhalter

sat up, Tessa said that she (Tessa) saw blood on Hochhalter'sshirt, Uponseeing the blood on Hochhalter's shirt, Tessasaid

that both she and Tiffany then realized what was happening, but remainedmotionless for a few seconds because"we were in

shock." Tessa said that Jayson's girlfriendthen got up and ranpast she and Tiffany, towardthe south side of the cafeteria, At

about this same time, Tessa said that she and Tiffanygot up (leaving their backpacksbehind) and ran to the south sideof the

cafeteria, where they then "ran screaming" into one of the south doors, Once inside the cafeteria. Tessa said that she and

Tiffany then ran eastward, into the girls' bathroom located near the southeast comer of the cafeteria, Upon entering the

bathroom.Tessa said lhat she, Tiffany,and two other female students,one of whom Tessa could only identify as Brianna, ran

into a stall, closed the stall door, and stood on the toilet so as to prevent their legs from being seen, Tessa said that she

remembers mostof the students inside the cafeteriawerestillsittingwhenshe and Tiffanyran inside,en routeto thebathroom,

Tessasaid that about twoOrthree minutes afterentering the bathroom. she heardseveral loud gunshots,whichshe thought were

~ftI~'C1"Signarore VIHI Number ! SlJpervisOf InitiAls and Date Assigned To P(lg~ •i 0' ~

,)ltIQ'......L IIN"'I!SfiQA TOR VI"IM 5£R\IC!fS Io-!lh"ll; I HU,-"',. jiQi: J('~l)!t674

JC.o01· 001035

Page 36: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100

CONTINUATION ClRc'porting AIft'J'CY Reporting Officer CaseReport No

SUPPLEMENT X JCSO BROOKS 99-1625-RConnecting Case Report No V(L-'1tm Naml;': OnginalRt;:IOl1 DateThlS Report

COLUMBINE 05-10-99l-

X FIRSTDEGREE MURDER XC anon OtfI!5l! Swus; Opm Ex«pMttlUy e!and 0 Re<:ommend Case: Revicw 0

R«I:t!sHlclUiiH'I Cl CICJI'ed by Anat " UnlOunded 0 Cl~$lJre Cl

I~~ IQYill'lIily Ia~d Name f Dt:scriplitUl ISerialNo, ~~ IRVal~ I oi'ailll:ecov mAgi::rl

coming from outside the bathroom door in the cafeteria area. Tessasaid that for the next twentyminutes or so, it became

quieter, but shecouldstill hearperiodic butmore distant gunfire. Atthatpoint, Tessa said thatsheheard about fourexplosions,

spaced approximately 10to 15seconds apart. Tessasaidthatthese explosions would causethe stall to shake,and that ceiling

dustwould f.IL Tessasaidthatsheand the others remained inside thebathroom stallfuraboutanother halfhour, during which

time the gunshots becameincreasingly fainter. Tessa said that during the last ten minutes or so that they were inside the

bathroom, she did not hearanygunshots or explosions. Tessasaid thatat that point (she estimated they had been inside the

bathroom for between forty.fiveminutes to onehour). theyall decided to leave.

Tessa said that the four of them then exited the bathroom. Tessasaid that they quickly passed by the cafeteria, where she

noticed it was filled with smoke and debris. Tessa said that the four of them then immediately ran southward, down the

Business hallway andout the southdoors. From there, Tess. saidthatsheand Tiffany ran acrossthe junior parkinglot to the

"seminary house" located on the northwest comerof South Pierce StreetandWest PolkAvenue.

Tessasaidthat an Arapahoe County sheriff's deputy took herstatement atlhe seminary hccse.

Tessatold methat upon initially entering the cafeteria, she did not notice any dufflebag(s) or anything elsesuspicious or OUt

of the ordinary. Tessa told me that although she was aware of the "Trench Coat Mafia," within the school, she did not

personally know Eric Harris or Dylan Klebold. Tessa said thatshe had seen Harrisin the school On one prioroccasion. but

nevermethim. Tessasaidthat shedid notknow any of theirpublicized associates. butsaid she "knewof'-.,rrom

when he attended school at Columbine. Tessatoldme thatshe thinksthe individual she saw with the gun might havebeen

_because she knew what Perry looks likeand saidthis individual looked very muchlike. I askedTessaif

she had beenclose enough to this individual to pickhim out of a photo lineup. She saidthat she probably could.

I thenpresented Tessawith a Photographic Lineup Admonition, which shesigned anddated. Tessathen reed the Photo Lineup

form, and told me she understood it. I thenpresented Tessawithan unmarked photo lineup.whichshowed~n

photo number 3 Tessa looked at the lineup for about five seconds, and picked photo "3." Tessa then marked "possible"

JC..oo 0

fO'ml;cr Signlllure- lJ011 NI.lHlOOr SupervisorInitialsand Date ASliisned :'0 r"" l

ot f

i ,nllm",Al,. i ("lI'<ESTI(iA'tOll; Vl('TlM SEltVl\£S IOTIlE!t

,~t JCSDrl61-1

I1- 01036

Page 37: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100

CONTINUAnON 0ReportingAgem:y Reponing Officer Case Report No

SUPPLEMENT X JeSO BROOKS 99-7625-RCom.ectlngelise~ No, Victim Name Original Report Datethis Re'pOrt

COLUMBINE 05·16-99l-

X FIRST DEGREE MURDER X{ .:aiOtt OITcMt Stall.lll: OJ:Icn bqq;tiotltl!y C!wed a Itccommcnd Case: Review nRecl<lSllili(;lltiQI'I o cram! byArJ'e:!t n lin(o,,~ o ClOSUre o

'It:r 'QIWHity I 61'llndN4IJM IOticript,,," I s.ritl1'O(l ~~~~ I VlIIlue I V,II1.1ot'RetQ'itrtd DitM~

identification and photo"3" on the Photolineup form, which she thee signedanddated. This form wasthensigned anddated

by myself and Tessa's mother, Denise Nelson. Tessathen initialed anddated the photo lineup under photo 3.

The interviewwasconcludedat about 8:45 a.m.

Tho names of those studentsprovided by Tessawererun through Rapid Start and DenverDetectiveMark Woodward; no lead

sheets were prepared because each had been previously interviewed, or scheduledto be interviewed.

See attached: Arapahoe County S. O. statement form (copy)

School map

Photo AdmonitionI Lineup forms, photo lineup


JC-001 00

I"Qlh':Cf Signature lJnl' Number Supervisor Initials and 08tt AllsignlldTo P~ge !

'I !



. 1037

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JC-001· 001038


Page 39: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100

CONflNUATION 0R.eponing Apcy ReponingOffi~ Case Repon No

SUPPLEMENT y JCSO PETERSON 99-762S-eCCCCCConnecting cee Report No. VfetimNameOriginal~rt . DateThis Rep(\rt

COLUMBINE 10-20-99 ,-c ,ila\Wn X FIRST DEGREE MURDER OffI'MC 5t1l.1lH: Optn X Excepli<melly C1Clltl'lil 0 Recommend CaS!;:: Review 0

R;l,:;ltiWfiCllliOlt 0 C~tlyA~t 0 u..-... o Closure "!~m I 1 IDescril'lion IScrilllNo. ~\~ I Value I V~lue• c QuantitY ! 8m1d Name r«<;:ove\'td DImil.5t'd




Littleton, CO 80128

(303) 979-1959

Student-Columbine High School


Sameas above.

Work: (303) 880·7400


On 10.20·99, at approximately 1540 hours,witness Tessa Nelsonand her mother, DeniseNelson responded to the Jefferson

County Sheriff's Office SouthSubstation. The purpose for themresponding to the South Substation was a pre-arranged reo

interview of Tessa Nelson in reference to theshooting at Columbine High School on 04-20·99.

Tessa Nelson said on 04·20-99, just prior to the shooting, she was sittingjust outside of the cafeteria/commons area of

Columbine High Schoolwith a friend of hersby the name of Tiffany Lien, eatingpizza. Tessa said that she looked toward.

the exteriorstairway on the southwest sideofColumbine HighSchoolandsaid she saw a male subjecton this stairway, and

described himas thefollowing: awhitemale, approximately6'4"tail, skinnybuild,wearinga blackbaseball caponbackwards.

a blacktrenchcoat that hungdownto approximately thissubjects midcalf'Iength, andTessa 'aid "[t was notshiny"and did

notbelievethat this trenchcoat wasmode outof leather. Tessasaid this malesubject wasalsowearingblack jeansand black

combat styleboots. Tessasaidas shewas watching thismalesubject, hepulledbacktherightsideofhistrenchcoatandswung

• firearm out of the coat that had beenhiddenunderneath of it. Tessasaidthe subject held this weapon in his righthandafter

lullingit out of hisjacket with his right hand. Tessasaid thatwhen shesawthis subjectshoot this fire..rm he shot it while


Officer Signature

1Unit NUl'ltbet S~$Or I:niliais and. Date Assigfl¢4 To Poge 1

4Dr.-: '>L~ !"",A.i of "()RIG;~~ 1,:"rv<1i.ST'GATOR, IOTHERr Y1C'!IMSEltllICES } "'l98 JCSOiHiJ,4

JC-001· 0

Page 40: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100

CONTINUATION c J«:ponil'liAgency R.cporrina Offieet Case Report No

SUPPLEMENT X JCSO PETERSON 99·7625-CCCCCCConnecting Case RepOO No VictimNameOriginalRe;tol't DateThis Report

- COLUMBINE 10·20-99 ,c ;alion X FIRST DEGREE MURDER OfftMll SWtl1; Open X EfC.~rionaJ.tyClqm; 0 Recmnmend Case: Rl:view 0

Re\;l~;fit.iliti(m a CltsJel;\ by Am;$l 0 Un""""" D C}Qsure 0

JIS:r IOuantifY IBmldName. I~pricn I SlIrilllNo ~~I: I ,R VJlr~ t Value~"cM:<l ~m:ag¢4

it was in his right band. I asked Tessa Nelson what be was shooting the weapon at, and she told me "be was shooting at

anybody," Tessa said at one point she saw a female victim lying on the ground outside of the cafeteria/commons area of

Columbine High School and said that this female victim was bleeding in the area tbatTessa described as the area ofone ofher

sides. Tessa Nelson pointed to the area above the belt, and on the right side ofher body. Tessa Nelson said she now believes

that this victim's name was Anne Marie Hochhalter.

Tessa Nelson continued and told me tbat the male gunman she saw on 04-20-99 on the exterior stairway of the school. was

alone, and said he did not appear to be witb anybody else. Tessa said the subject had "bad hygiene" and had facial scars and/or

bad acne. Tessa said after the shooting at Columbine High School On 04-20-99, she looked through the Columbine High

School yearbooks and said she located the picturea~and that is wbo she now believes was this gunman that she

saw on 04-20-99. Tessa said prior to the shooting, she had seen,,-m the hallways of Columbine High School,

'iowever, she did not know what his name was at that time. I asked Tessa Nelson how certain she was that this gunman was

in fact_and she told me "I'm pretty sure." She said she did not believe this person was Dylan Klebold due to the

fact the gunman had either black or dark hrown hair and she said she knows Dylan Klebold to have lighter colored hair. I

briefly explained to Tessa Nelson about the physical evidence at the crime scene not indicating any other shooters were

involved with Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, however, she did not say anything, but she did not change her beliefs either.

I showed Tessa Nelson the photographs printed from the Columbine High School cafeteria/commons area videotapes. The

photos that [ showed to her were al from Group A and were photographs #44, 5I, 52. and 53. After looking at these

photographs, Tessa Nelson said neither ofthe suspects in the photographs were the gunman that she had seen on 04·20·99,

I asked her if she knew who was in these photographs. and she said she recognized them as being Dylan Klebold and Eric


I asked Tessa Nelson ifshe could provide any further information about the statement made in a prior interview, about a suspect

other than Dylan Klebold or Eric Harris entering the ladles bathroom that she had hidden in with Tiffany Lien On 04-20-99,

at Columbine High School, and shot the mirrors. Tessa said Tiffany Lien told her that when they both ran ou; ofthe bathroom

n 04-20-99. Tiffany said she had seen that the mirrors had been shot out. Tessa Nelson said she had not personally witnessed

Office-Signature Unit Nun-JJer Supervisor tnitiatsand Date


J 0f !

AF3 4/98JCS!M6iJ

Page 41: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100

CONTINUATION 0R~rtiflg Agency R~inaOfficer Case Report No

SUPPLEMENT y JCSO PETERSON 99-762S-CCCCCCCooncctll1gCase ReportNn. Victim Name Original Repon DIne ThisReport

.. COLUMBINE 10·20.99 ,, ;l;.ilOO" X FIRST DEGREE MURDER 0ffmI5e S!3lDS:~ X t~epriufliity (,luml- D Recommend Case: Review aRecl..ssit1<;at!on a C~byAffttt 0 Un"",,,"" 0 Closure 0

!n~ IQuantity I8ra.'"lu Name ( Deseripricn 1Sm.iNQ S"~I: t Vl:liv~ I Va!u:Rceo\o'ttelC! DaI\l~i;d

this occur, nor did she see the mirrorsdamagedon 04-20.99, as they ran out of the restroom. Tessasaid since 04-20-99, she

badbeenwalkedthrough ColumbineHighSchoolwitheitherColumbineHighSchoolTackf'orce DetectivesandiorColumbine

High Schooladministrative personnel. Tessa said whenshe went through or into the bathroom,that she had hidden in on 04­

20-99, she saw that the mirrorswere not damaged. She 'aid 'he asked if the mirrors had been replaced and said she wastold

no. Tessa Nelson said she now believes the mirrorshad not been shot out a, Tiffany Lien had told her. For the sequence of

event' after this time period of Tessa hiding in the restroom, see the reports documenting other interviews that have been

conducted with Tossa Nelson.

I asked Tessa Nelson and her mother Denise Nelson haw their family has been doing since the shooting at Columbine High

School on 04-20-99. Denise Nelson said that they were doing very well until October 19, 1999, when another student (who

Denise Nelson said Columbine High School personnel had told them was Eric Veik) threatened to blow up ColumbineHig

School. They asked me what I could tellthem about that incident. I told them that a student of Columhine High School had

been arrested for threats. Prior to my interview of'TessaNelson and DeniseNelson on 10-20-99, I had askedJ,C.S.O, Sgt.

Randy West exactly what informationI could provide to the studentsand their familiesabout this incident becauseI bed been

contacted by another mother of a ColumbineHigh Schoolstudentabout this incident. Sgt. West toldme to advise the students

and/or their families that the Jefferson County Sheriff', Office was made aware of a student making threats on 04-20-99 and

a subsequent Investigation into those threats resulted in the arrest of a student. (It should be noted that of the two students

parents that contacted me and askedme about the incident,on IQ.19·99, hath parentsalready had the name of Eric Veikas the

suspect. Denise Nelson advisedmethat ColumbineHighSchooladministrativepersonnelhadprovidedthe name of Erie Veik.

I did not provide any students, parents, etc. with the name of Eric Veikas being the studentarrested or being involvedinthese

threats on 10-19-99.)

rgave Tessa Nelson and her motherDenise Nelson my business card and I also gave them a J.C.S.O. Colorado Safe School

Hotline business card. I advisedTessa Nelsonandher motherthat shouldthey hear anythingaboutother threats fromstudents

at the high school or in reference to any school to contact me or contact this Colorado Safe School Hotline.

illDITIONAL lNFOR.'\1ATlON: I asked Tessa Nelson if she knew Isaiah Shoels and she said she did not know him,

Of(iC';f Signature- Unit Namber Supervisor lnj(ials: and Date I"",.,,,<1 To Page !.XlD~ ".... .,..,_. I ........... of i

·jRIC~"'U. Irs" ~nGATOR vICTIMl>Ell\JC1tS "'OTHER JC-001· 001041 A.S"FJ 4193 JCSDJI67..

Page 42: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100

CONTINUATION 0Repomn, Apcy !l<pomngOflle" C~ReponNo

SUPPLEMENT X JCSO PETERSON 99-1625-CCCCCCCQl1necrinic. R;pon: No. Vi<tim Name Orillinall\epon Date This Report

CCOLUMBINE 11)..20·99 ,

.;AnOn X FIRST DEGREE MURDER Offlmses~ Opetl X """"_""-I o Case: lltN;,w Cl

R4eJasslfiC<»'iQ« 0 C!camlbyA~ n U""",",,,, Cl Cl~l:t' 0

!i$~ I OUllllliry ~ llraftd N¥ll':e IOewipriolt t Sen.INc, ¥.lllg r~~ I o~:~~

however, she knewwhohe was fromseeinghim at Columbine HighScheel. Tessa advisedme that at no timedid sheever

observe anybody raciallyintimidate or harass IsaiahShoelsduetohisrace. Tessasaidthat it appeared toherthatIsaiah Shoels

was verywell likedby the otherstudents at the highschool.

TessaNelson toldme that forapproximately theflfSl twoorthree weeks after the students returned to Columbine High School

in August of 1999,parentvolunteers hadchecked name tagslidentification cards whileadmitting the students intotheschool,

Shesaidat that timethe students wererequired toweartheirstudent lDlname tags, however, sincethen, shesaid thelD cards

arenot checked, norarethestudents requited to wear themwhere theyare visible. Tessa saidthat dueto thefactthe IDs are

notchecked onstudents enteringthe school, she issomewhat ahid, however, shesaidifthis procedure hadbeeninplaceprior

to 04·20·99, sheknows thatDylan KleboldandEric Harriswouldhavehadidentification cards andbeenadmitted totheschool

with them,

mSPQSmON; Case is open, pendingfurtheriavestigation.

JC-001· 001042

Unil Assigned: To

of ±

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JC-001· 001043

Page 44: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100

,COlliTL"'!UATlON [JReporting Agency Reponing Offi~ C~ RtpQn 'No

SUPPLEMENT v JCSO MCFADDEN 99-762S-RConnectifig Case Report No Victim Name OriAinai R.epcrt Date This R~pol't

05-06-99- First Degree MurderleatJon x OffetlseS~ O{llfD x EMI!ptiomllly Cleared Cl Recommend Case: Review oR~Ift$lifie.aliofl 0 Clwtd by Arrest 0 u.""""'" Cl CtoSUl'f:: Cl

fJ.t' I. QIIMUUY I BrandNam'! I Descriptilll'l I SerialNo, ~~~ IR~~ I Di~INTERVIEW WITH PATRICK NEVILLE, ooBI05-12-83

6344 South Chase Street

Littleton, Colorado

(303) 347-~704


On Thursday, May6, 1999, at about 0910 hours, I contacted Patrick Nevilleconcerning what he witnessedat Columbine High

Schoolon April 20, 1999, at approximately 1120 hours, Neville slated that he arrived at Columbine HighSchoolOn 4-~0-99

at7: 15 a.m.and went to his first periodhistory class. Nevillestatedthathis fourth periodclass, whichStarted at 10:25 a.m. h.

was in thecommonsarea of the cafeteriaseatedat table UU (seeattacheddiagram). Neville stated that he was seatedat table

UU with ChrisWisher,Robbie Wisher,Jake Apodaca, and Trent Carneyuntil 11:10 a.m. Neville stared that he left the school

with Don Arnold, exiting the scbool by the entrance locatedon the upper level by the business office on the east side of the

school. Neville stated that he and Arnold went to the parking lot on the north side of the school, got in Arnold's vehicleand

drovesouthon PierceStreet, turningweston PolkStreet, following Polkdowntoa greenbeltarea,at whichlimetheyexitedtheir

vehicle and walkedup to the ColumbineHigh School Soccer fields fromthe south side. Neville showedme on a map of the

Columbine HighSchoolarea where he and Arnoldwere. Neville staled at the soccer fields were Chris Wisher, Jake Apodaca.

Don Arnold. and himself. Neville stated that from wherehe was at the soccerfields he could see the west side ofthe school,

statinghewas approximately hundred yardsawayfrom thewestentrance/exit doors. Nevillestated thatwhilesmoking a cigarette

with otherstudents, he heardwhat he believedto he firecracker noises at 11:20to 11:25 a.m, Nevillestated that the firecracker

noisesappearto be COIning fromthe southwestcomerof the school and thathe lookedin that directionand noticed two gunmen

in the southwestarea of the school. Neville describedthe first gunmen as tall with a black trench coat, dressed all in black.

carryinga gun.describedlIS a longgun. Neville statedthat the secondgunmenwas a whitemale, witha whiteshirt. bluejeans.

who he observedthrowing something on the roof whichexploded. Neville statedbe knew it exploded becausehe couldhear

the noiseand see the smokecomingfrom the roof. Neville statedthathe alsoobserved the long gun being fired. makingmotions

of recoil from a weapon. Neville also stated that he saw kids falling and saw one person falling in the area approximately a

hundredfeet westof the westentranceand behindtheair condition/heating equipment Neville statedthat once he realized that

Number SUpef'\lislJf i,nillals and DateUnrt


Assigned 1'0

JC-001· 001044~SAf3 -+198 JCSOI!674

Page 45: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100

CONT~NUATION DRePQTting Ajcncy R.epmting Officer CaseReponNo

SUPPLEME."IT v JCSO MCFADDEN 99.76Z5-RConnettittg ~!\tpOI1 No. VictimNuncOriginal Repon 0. This Rc:port


j(1JllOO x First Degree Monier f,)pom X .Extqldonally'Cared c Recommend CMe:: RevM;w oR~IU$jfu:atii),* c Al1ftl c Utlfounded o C!()'5U~ Q

1m' IO_riry IBr.mdNMnIt I DtscrilHioll. Ism.JNo ~~ I v... I v"'"'Rll\:ovtr<!ti lJariiaged

peoplewerebeingshot that he and his friendsleft anddroveto a residenceon PolkStreet, stopping,explaining whatwas going

on and asked if they could use the phone to call their parents, to which they did.


Nevillestatedthathe had additional infotmation related topossible suspects relatedin this incident Neville statedthathe thought

itwas strangethat_always sat at tableWW(diagram attached) for severalmonthsprior to 4-2{)"99 andthat on4-20­

99 he was not at that location duril1g fourth period.

DISPOSITION: Case open, pendingfurther investigation. (Copiesofdiagramsattached),


OfficerSignature Unit Ntlrr.ber Supervisor Initialsand Dale Asslgncdlo !'lIi' ".4A of ,

•O~k:W!"'L , r!<\-'Esrn;>,TOR Y1CTIiASERVlCES I OTHER. I ASAFJ 4/!)!JCSD/1614

Page 46: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100

I I! I

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JC-601· 001046 :. '

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Page 47: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100



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Page 48: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100


liD I I

Page 49: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100


Jc..o01- 001049

Page 50: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100




Date, 4-22-99

Deputy D.A. ,

Docket Num.ber,

Case Number' 99A062

Investigator, J.Burkhalter

Cindi Nichols, dob 9-21-83

6297 S. Benton Way

Littleton, CO 80123

Ph. 303-797-7754

This investigator was led to Ms. Nichols by information provided by

Melissa Miller. Ms. Nichols waS interviewed at her horne with her

mother present. Ms. Niohols is a Freshman at Columbine H.S.

Cindi stated she was with her friends, Laura (Smalley) and Lisa

(Melissa Miller). The three of them were outside going to have

lunch and talking when she heard what she first thought were

fireoraokers and then she saw smoke. Cindi stated she looked around

and saw two guys start shooting. They shot a girl and then went

down the stairs and then back up the stairs shooting guns and

throwing bombs.

Cindi stated a guy (student) in a truok was driving into the student

parking lot and they yelled for him to go aWay. The suspects then

threw bombs at him. Cinei stated they hid behind a vehiole and then

ran to a horne after running through a field.

eimii stated the incident started about two minutes after she and

her friends arrived in the parking lot. She stated she gets out of

class about 11: 10 A.M. and saw the suspects shout 11: 2S A.M. to

11:30 A.M. She stated the t~o suspects went inside the school after

being outside and she heard more bombs. She stated the doore they

1 JC..()01·001050

Page 51: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100

went into are right next to the library. She stated she heard the

shots and explosions but didn't hear any conversation from the


Cindi was asked to describe the suspects. She stated the following:

Suspect # 1 A white male, 17 to 18 YCA, S'S", skinny, redish/blond

hair shoulder length, greasy. Wearing Large Black coat, black

pants. The weapon was long, two handle kind of gun. The suspect

was holding it with both hands. Cindi didn't see this suspect throw

anything. She has seen this suspect first semester at the school

during passing in the hall between classes.

Suspect #2 A white male, with dark black hair that was short. He

had on a gray shirt. Cinai stated lihe was throwing something.

Cind! couldn't remember anything else about this suspect.

Cindi was asked to describe the student driving the truck into the

parking area and she stated the driver was alone and had blona

hair. The driver was male. Cindi described the truck as a

gray/black with a red stripe. Possibly a Ford older model.

Cindi stated the initials _ doeen ' t mean anything to her.

Cindi stated

the incident.

she talked to the press

They wanted to know her

but not about any details of


The'interview was concluded at this time.





Page 52: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100



Page 53: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100


sO"'Mce.:,Sz:l2t~ ({hAtEAffiflation; :;t'(1 ;?:) .

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CONTROLNUMBEA": J..II :30Me_ of Contae:t'

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Page 54: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100

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JC-001- 001054

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JC.o01. 001055

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PIRNARR Arvada police/Court SyStemArvada Police Department


Page 104/29/1999

Ref # 99-12067 ReportedType ASSroA

Location 620l S PIERCE~

DET23 04/26/1999 04279~N/KK

CONTROL N'Uf4:aER, I 11 "'1

Date 04/20/1999 Time 12:39:32Status RTF

JCSD 99-7625

On April 22, 1999 at approximately 2030 hours, InvestigatorDuane Eaton of the Arvada Police Department and Investigator GaryClyman of the Colorado Attorney General's Office responded to 9835W. 54th Place, Arvada, Colorado, 80004, to interview Steve Ogle(DOB 12/26/49" a witness to the homicides at Columbine High Schoolin Jefferson County The investigators had informacion that Oglehad been out in the pa=k on a golf cart with Dick Strange, amaintenance man for the Clement Park adjoining the schoolproperty. The investigators had information that Ogle was beinggiven a tour and that he and Strange had observed at least one ofthe suspects involved in ~he homicide fi=ing a weapon on theoutside of the schoal, Investigator Eaton had made telephonecontact wLth Ogle and Ogle agreed to an interv~ew

Ogle advised the investigators that he had been on a golf carttour of ~he Clement Park facility and that near the end of thetcur he and Dick Strange were up on a football field and trackleoking around the park, He advised that they were at thatlocation because it was a little bit higher than other parts of thepark and gave them a good view. He advised that this was near thesouth end of the park and football field area, Ogle advised thathe was looking towards the school and believed himself to beapproximately 100 to 150 yards away from the school He advisedthat it was a very nice day and he had observed approximately fiveto seven students on the soccer field area below them He statesthat at one poine he began hearing a popping noise an thought itmight be £irewoYks, maybe a se~icr prank, due to the fact that itwas near the end or the school year He advised, however, that thepepping sound continued which :~d h~m to believe that it may not befireworks.

Oole adv~6ad that when he looked COwards the school, heobserved a white male near t~e corner or c~rved part of thebuilding. I~ was later determi~ed through scheol maps by theinjest:ga~ors that the person observed by Ogle was standing near astairway between ~he library and cafeteria of the school, Ogleadv~sed that it appeared thac tbe white male was wearing a whitedress shi=:, When asked to explain the shirt in more detail, Ogleadvised it appeared to be a sh~r~ used by fireman and/or policemen.He adVised ~ha~ the subject was moving his right arm around and itappeared tha~ he was holding his Tighe arm with his lett arm frombelow. ogle advised that he looked long enough to observe thatthere was an object in the subjectfs right hand. ae advised tha~

the ob~ect appeared to be lopg like some type of firearm and long~r

than a~pi$toi. He advised it appeared that it might be a sawed of:shotgun. Ogle advised he observed the sUbject from the subject's


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P!RNARR Arvada Police/Court systemArvada Police Department


Page 204/29/1999

Ref # 99-l2067Type ASSTOA

Location 6201 S PIERCE ST

Reported Date 04/20/1999 Tlme 12,39,32Status RTF

DET23 04/28/1999,042799/EATON/KK

right profile, He advised that it appeared that the subject wasleaning against the building along the curved portion and pointingtowards the parking lot or facing south

The investigators asked ogle if he recalled the time that hehad observed the subject, Ogle advised chac he believed that hehad oDserved the subject at approximately 1130 hours. He advisedthat he believed that he and Strange were back at the mainten~~ce

shed for the park at approximately 1140 hours.

Ogle advised that he in fact believed that the subject wasfiring a firearm towards the parking lot, He advised that at onepo~nt he observed numerous juveniles come running towards the areaof t~e park whe=e he and Strange were. He advised that thejuveniles wexe yelling. "Call the police, call the police. If Ogleadvised the investigators that be believed these were thejuvenile$/~tudents who ~ad eventually ended up at the maintenanceshop for the Clement Fark, Ogle advised the investigators that hehad an unobs~~ucted view of ~he portion of the school buildingwhere he had observed the subject firing the firearm. Ogle advisedthat ae had a "straighr: shot" of the area of' the school he waswatching. He advised that originally the juveniles t~t camerunnins toward them were not within h~s view, He advised that hebelieved that they had run through a lower area below the schooland then carne up a r~5e towards his location

Ogle was asked if he had observed any injuries on any of thejuveniles/students. Ogle advised t~at he did not observe anyinjuries buc that Qne of the juveniles had advised that one oftheir fr:ends had been shot in the leg.

Ogle was asked ~f he believed that he and Strange were beingshot at at any point. Ogle advised tbat he did not believe thesubjec~ with the firearm was shaat~ng towards the soccer fieldsbecause t~e juveniles on the soccer field just stood around, Hea:sc bel:eved that he did not believe the subject was shooting atthem Ogle advised that he believed the shooter was shoocing intothe parking lot area of the school,

Ogle advised that he and Strange became concerned about whatwas cc=~==i~g a~d hagar. t? fear fer their safety, He advised thacthey began driving back towards the maintenance shed for ClementPark Ogle advised t~at as he a~d Strange drove back to themaintenance shed, they were following the sidewalk tha: went along~he norc~ and norcheast edge of the school, He advised that as~hey passed tha: area of the school, they observed nurne~ou6

juveni:es!studen~s sit~in9 on the bleachers who did not appear tobe scared or upset by what was caking place. Ogle advised that hetold these ,uveniles about the shooting, at which point the backdoors of th~ school opened and approximately 30 to 40 juvenilescame r~ning out, He advised that th~y had co climb the fence toget away from the school and intv the p~rk, He advised chat he did

JC-001· 001057

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PIRNARR Arvada Police/Court SystemArvada Police Department


Page 304/29/1999

Ref # 99-12067Type ASSTOA

Location 5201 S PIERCE ST

Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12:39:32Status RTF

DET23 04/28/1999 042799/EATON/KK

not observe any students at that point who were injured.

Ogle advised that as they continued to follow the sidewalkback to the mainrenance shedf they observed no police vehicles inthe parking lot areas. He advised this only to let the officersknow that he had observed a police vehicle in the parking lotbetween the school and maintenance shed earlier this date, Headvised that it had been a green vehicle with fully marked policeinsignia on it though he could not recall which police agency.

Ogle advised chat as he and Strange were arriving at themaintenance shop, they obse~led a police officer on a motorcyclearrive in the area of the school, He advised that it appeared themotorcycle was com~ng from the west, ogle advlsed that when he andStrange got back to the maintenance shops, he advised he heard whathe believed to be gunfire for approximately 20 minutes. He advisedthat he also heard same loud explosions and believes he heard thefirst explos:on while he was on the football fields locking at theschool He advi$ed he had not heard the first explosion untilafter the gunfire had started, howeve~.

Ogle advised the investigators that he believes he and Strangewere on the football field area locking cowards the school forapprOXimately five minutes. He advised that he had heard poppingsounds before the first "boom" sound. Ogle also advised that whileen route back to the maintenance shed, he believes he heard th~ee

to four explosions coming from the area of the school, He advisedthat ~e believes he heard maybe a ~otal of five explosions total.Ogle advised that he also observed smoke in the general area of thesubje~t he had observed firing into the parking lot of the school.He adVised that the smoke was white, very light colored and notdark,

The investigators asked Ogle if he had any recollection of5ee~n9 any ether persons with the person he had observed shootingthe gun. More speciflcally, the invest~gator$ asked if he hadobserved anybody who appeared to be with che gunman and not runningaway frqm the gunman. Ogle advised that he did not remember any9~rsons in the area of the shooter who appeared to be associatedwith the shooter He advised Once again that he had a straightsr.o~ leok at the profi:e of t~e s~bject aga~~st the light coloredbuild~ng Ogle advlsed chat h~ focused on that subjec~ only andf~cu$ed on the subject's arm moving around while firing whatappeared to be a :irearm Ogle advised he dld not see anyone elsearound the subject It should be noted that Ogle was wearingglasses duri~9 this interview a~d was asked if he had to wearglasses Ogle advised t~at they were only reading glasses and thathe wore contaCts under nQr~al circumstances. Ogle advised he waswearing contac~9 when he obse~ved che subject near the school andthat he has good vision with his contacts.

Ogle advised that when he and Strange got back to the


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PIRNARR Arvada Police/Court SystemArvada Police Department


page 404/29/1999

Ref # 99-12067Type ASSTOA

Location 6201 S ~tERCE ST

Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12:33~32

Status RTF

DET23 04/28/1999 '042799/EATON!KK

ma~ntenance shop, he nociced ether employees of the park trying toget all the park employees out of the park and into the shop areafor fear of thei= safety He advised that at one point a teacherfrom the school arrived at the maintenance shed, He advised thathe believed this pe~50n to be a coach though he could not recallwhy. Ogle advised that this teacher was talking to the juveniles.

Ogle was asked if any of the students there made any telephonecalls while at the maintenance shed. Ogle advised that all of thejuveniles called their parents. ~e advised also that DickStrangefa supervisor also adv~ged that he had called the police toadvise them that the juveniles were there and safe at themaintenance shop and that some of ~hem had observed shooting andwished to speak with the police. Ogle was asked how long he stayedat ~he mai~tenance shop before leaving the area, Ogle advis~d thathe believes he left the shop at noon or juSt shortly after noon.He advised that while at the shop he watched some of the incidentunfold on the television news. He advised that his car had beenparked near the maintenance shed and that he left a litcle afternoon He advised that when he drove out of ~he area he drovestraight across the baseball fields and out onto Bowles AvenUe"Ogle advised that he was driving a 1984 gray Subaru station wagonowned by hi~self and his wife.

Ogle was asked if he observed anybody else driving out ,f thearea that drew his attention. ogle advised that he did not 3eeanybody else leaving the area but himse~f. He advised that at onepoint he did stop and talk to a police officer, He advised thatthe police officer asked him if he had observed anything and Oglehad teld chern that he observed some of the incident take place butthat there were juveniles at the maintenance shops who had seenmore. He advised that cha police officer then le~ him exit outonto Bowles Avenue. He advised that as he was leaving he observedsix to ten police vehicles driving into t~e area

The investiga:crs asked Ogle if he had spoken about thisincident with anyone else but the police. ogle advised that he had~ot spoken with anybody else about the incident except for hiswife.

The investigators asked 09:e to once again describe thesubjecc he had observed near the scheol shoot~ng the firearm, Ogleonce again explained what he believed was a uniform c}~e whi~e

shirt being worn by the subject. He also advised that the subjectwas wearing dark panes but it is unknown if they were long or shortpants, Be also advised that it appeared that the subject had darkhair. 091~ advised that the shirt s~uck in his mind and that hebelieved it had a h~gher collar t~an a regular t-shirc. He onceagain advised ehat ic looked like a uniform type shirt. He statesthat he believed he even mentioned that to Dick Strange. oglea&,ised t~at he ·was sure of whae he saw due to the fact thae he hadreally focused on the subject. He also reiterated that he had

JC.001• 001059

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Arvada Police/Court SystemArvada Police Oepartment


Page 504/29/2999

Ref # 99-12067Type ASSTOA

Location 6201 S PIERCE ST

Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12:39:32Status RTF

DET23 04(28/1999 042799(EATQN(KK

observed something long in the subject's arm going up and down, H~

advised that the object was dark in color. Ogle was asked if hehad observed any flashing coming from the object and Ogle advisedthat he had not observed anything exit the object but only heardthe popping noise.

ogle was asked if he ever lost sight of the shooter. Ogleadvised ~hat as soon as he and Strange started to leave the area,they lost 3ight. Ogle a~vised that he believed there was somethinglike bleachers or a wall near the ball field blocking the view ofthe school once they moved. He advised cnat even when his view wasobstructed of the school, however, he could hear the poppingnoises, Ogle was asked if he remembered anything specific aboutthe juveniles/students that he had had contact with or observed.ogle advised that the only thing he had heard the juveniles saywas, liThe Trench Coat Mafia did it, d and other juveniles spoke ofa :riend beiag shot. Ogle also advised that the person whom hebelieved to be a teacher said he had observed a ch~ld who hadgotten shot outside of the school Ogle advised that there was onefemale and four to five males from che school in the mainten~~ce

area. He advised that the ~eacher was there off and on and had noidea where the teacher went when he was not there. Ogle adVisedt~at the juveniles were asked how many kids were involved in Lheassault and Ogle said that the juveniles told them that there was50 who dad it and claimed the were -eet.enf scs . 'I He also advisedthat the juveni:es who had talked about their friend being shot mayhave named the friend as Mike, He advised that the studentsclaimed that Mike was shot in the leg and face. Ogle also advisedthat the person who he believed to be a teacher said that the$ubject was $ffiall and had blonde hair.

Ogle adv~sed the investigators that the juveniles were stillat the maintenance shop when he left the area He once againadvlsed that when he left the area, he drove away eastbound onBowles and stopped to make a call to his wife from Platte Canyonand Bowles. Ogle advised the investigators that he believed he andStrange began the tour of the park at app~oximately 1110 hou~s andwhi:e taurin~ the park, never observed anything else out of theordinary until he had observed the subject near the schoolshooting

Ogle advised che investigators that he had no otherinformation to add ~o his statement The interview with ogle wasended at approximately 2120 hours.


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JC-001· 001061

Page 62: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100

Pags__ Of _ PagssDenver Police Department


Case No, _

;8~f';~.4lddle IMta~_ J,- Making :)tatemen~

o Officer Witness Q Person advised

Residence Street Adores$:

On C'2l1Tkf7)1 cO~H2, 1~t6Zlp Code

(;'6';;'0 So OA ROI,;;l3Re$idence Phone Business .?hO~ d Soc!,,1 SecuritY No. Date of Birth I Serlal(/ 1')13a:S ) »ss- 709t) I·. 1 7U;,4Q7 I2ljj{. i-~·f''r /9:BuSIness ~t Address City CountY I State Zip Code

S-rze ""N7,

°fui7::-;;;zm.~:f N' reo f{ Serial No. jOlltl!l Tfme7'1<1'1)... .y...2t:l- 97- p;l. il'CJ M"1 ' Hours

CoZbk: :ki;to~cJtZ:/ ILOCalio."" where stat1llment taken:

Summary of Statement,

Wa2 Qd'//c!f ,ttbll.u 771 U,I!/tt'" ~I!J"'/Lr d //.'.30 rfl't Ut/~I}S4W

r C/ MAb< C'tt4', IlIACfC 1',ed;{/C! c1ra.r S I7/1

...s:a¥~('7 #..;( C't'<J:<;J / HJ'Jk" /,gfuC f't pucI ,(~ /llACK }/A-T!f~ 'd lid!., j(.J / r:J. t:\ bll2f e B 0 ,<./ r..t.. ~A!. a or:

•have read the foregoing statement and the facts contained therein are true to the best of my knowledge and beNef. J~10 not maintain that it contains aNof the facts or details of the incident. bur only those facts about which I have been2sked.

., /:l..O /??-- ~-- DAM

~33"' 3!51\Time StiUemem CcmpJet.ed

OF,;) 366 (Rev. 2/$5)JC-001· 001062 IIIUlIIIID •

Page 63: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100

rn·302 IRev. 10-6-951

• 1 •


Dateof=rlpt10r04!2 8(199 9

On April 27, 1999, Mark William Opfer, date of birthAugust 26, 1984, of 6620 South Jay Drive, Littleton, Colorado,telephone number {303J798-7090, was interviewed at 6572 WestCalhoun Place, Littleton, Colorado, in the presence of Howard E.Wisher, date of birth April 12, 1949. with the permission of hisfather, Glenn Opfer. After advisement of the identity of theinterviewing agent and the nature of the interview, he providedthe following information:

Opfer is a freshman at Columbine High School. He wentto lunoh in' the cafeteria at 11:15 a.m. on April 20, 1999, andafter eating went outside the cafeteria by himself. At around11:30 a.m., he began walking up towa~d the library on the outsidestaircase located on the northwest s~de of the cafeteria. He waswalking next to Daniel Rohrbough! and saw two white males at thetop of the stairs, one of whom was holding what he thought was awater/squirt gun. Opfer did not recognize either of theseindividuals.

Both were wearing all black, with black trenchcoats.One was about 6'4" tall and was wearing a backwards black hatwith a "B" emblem on it. He had no weapon visible. The otherperson was about 5'8" tall and had a large pistol in his hands.[Opfer identified it as the TEK 9 assault pistol he has sinceseen a picture of in newspaper reporting] .

The shorter person began firing the pistol down thestairs. Opfer turned to speak to Rohrbough, who then looked athim strangely and fell down screaming. Opfer realized Rohrboughhad been shot, so he ran down the stairs and into the southwestentrance to the cafeteria. Inside, he told a janitor and otherstudents to get out because someone was shooting at otherstudents. He then ran east through the hallway on the south sideof the auditorium and then south down the Foreign Language areahallway, warning other students and faculty about the shooter.

Opfer and several teachers and students hid in aclassroom for about three hours, and left the school about anhour after they heard the last gunshots and explosions.

uweengauon on 04/27/1999 at Littleton, Colorado

rue> 174A-DN-57419

~ SAf%atthew S. Harris

Date cactated 04(28(1999

JC.o01- 001063

11'<..:5 document contains neither- recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI It is the property of tne FBt and is loaned to your agency:u JJ.1C us c~mer.~s are :';.01 -c be 1:.$tr.b~led O\..l~SICe your agency

Page 64: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100

ro·302a (Rev. 10.6-951


2. On 04(27(1.9.99 . Page~=--

ccoaraeeen crsn-soaer Mark William Opfer

OPfer has heard about the Trenchcoat Mafia, but onlyknows two members of the group, Joe Stair [a columbine studentwho graduated last year] and Chris Morris. At the time, Opferbelieved the tal.......son in the black trenchcoat who was with

;~~l~h~~~e~l~:~Swears as~~~~J itench~~a~b~~ ~h~l:~~eb~~~~~t and


Page 65: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100




Special Agent in Charge Phoenix FieldDivisionTITLe OF INVeSTIGATION:

Columbine Hi h School shooting/BombingCase Number Report '#

785030 99 0009 43

10/15/99SA/Denver IIMatthew C. Traver

TYPEOF REPORT' (Check Applicable B<mM)



suserrrae SY(N'~ ~ $UEJMltTE;D BY {TItle fJf1d Office) SUSMlneD BY(Da'.)

~..,bJU ;./"'" ---e' ,

REVlewso BY (Name) REVIEWED BY (Tiffs and Office) REVIEWED BY (Date)

Robin King Me/Denver IIAPPROVEDBY (Namc) APPROVEO BY (Title and OffIC~) APPROVED BY (Date)

Christopher P Sadowski SAC/Denver II


Interview with Mark Opfer

SYNOPSIS:On 10/14/1993, SA Traversome community service.individual he saw with a

contacted Mark Opfer at Columbine High school, where he wasAt this time Opfer provided a positive identification of anfirearm at Columbine High School on 4/20/99,


NARRATIVE:1, On 10/14/99, SA Traver contacted Linda Opfer at her residence located at 6620 S Jay Or

Dr, Llttleton, Colorado, At this time Linda Opfer stated that her een Mark was atColumbine High School doing community service work, She also gave SA Traver permiss~on

to speak with Mark, without her belng present.2 On 10/14/99, SA Traver approached a Columbine High School faculty member who was

supervising a student that fit the description of Mark Opfer, that Linda Opfer hadgiven SA Traver. At this time SA Traver identified himself to faculty member Tim Harp,and requested to speak to Mark Opfer, Harp telephoned Mrs. Opfer and did receiveconfirmation that SA Traver had just spoken to her and that she had given permissionfor SA Traver to speak to her son. At this time Harp escorted SA Traver and Mark Opferinto a room in the maln office of the school.

3. At this time, SA Traver explained to Mark opfer the reason he was being contacted, Hethen read a portion of an interview that Opfer had given to a FBI agent on 4/27/99 Inthis portion Opfer had described the individual that he saw with a firearm outside ofthe school. After reading the description to Opfer, SA Traver showed opfer photo number52 from packet A. Almost instantly opfer became very upset and said "That's exactlywhat I saw!". He PO$it~vely identified a the imAge of Dylan Klebold in the picture asbeing the indivldual he previously described en 4/27/99, as being the person he saw

JC-001· 001065

Page 66: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100



'Page 2. of;1 pages


with a firearm on 4/20/99.4, Opfer said he did not really get a good look nor could he identify the other individual

that he saw Klebold with that day outside of the school5. After making the identification, Opfer requested that SA Traver accompany him to the

area of the school he was that day so that he could show SA Traver where he was, whenhe saw what he saw. Tim Harp accompanied SA Traver and Opfer.

6. Opfer stated that he was in the cafeteria when he went outside. He stated he was at thebase of the outside stairs talking to Dan Rohrbough ~hen he looked up to the top of thestairs and saw Klebold and another person. One of them began firing a weapon, he heardDan Rohrbough scream and saw him fall. At this point Opfer ran back into the school anddo~n towards the foreign language rooms,


JC-001· 001066

Page 67: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100



Page 68: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100

CONTINUATION ClR;:perting Agency Repcnil1g Officer Case Rcpcrt No

SUPPLEMENT 'V JCSO PETERSoN 99-7625-PPPConnecting Case Report No. Yil;tim Nune Original Report: Date: ThisRepon J

. COLUMBINE 06-18-99le;lllM X FIRST DEGREE MURDER Off'll:JlMS~ Open X 'ExCepTIWluly Clnfll!d 0 Ret:emmtnd Cue: Review 0

Rel:lwilklillOrl 0 C!cam± by A=t 0 llnfuuffiltd 0 Cjosere 0

'.m IQ . I i I s.mJ NoV"'-h.~ I R Valid! I VllhliilN" uanmy Bl'lUld Namlt : 06QfipdOrl 51ol$r ~~ Daniiilld



7147 WestFrost Avenue

Littleton, CO 80123


Student-Columbine HighSchool


Same as above.

Work; Arapahoe County Road&. Bridge



3151 WestGirard Ave.#615

Englewood, CO 80110



On06-l8-99, at about 1000 hours,I responded to 7147 West FrostAvenue to contact andinterview KeithAlan Parkison, who

is a studentat Columbine HighSchool. This interview was in reference to theshooting that occurred of 04-20-99

Keith Parkison told meon 04-20·99, he was in attendance at Columbine High School andsaidat about0700 hours, he entered

thecafeteria. KeithParkison toldmethathe selected a tableto sit at,which was in theCommons areabetween thestairway and

the"Rebel Comer." KeithParkison showed me onthediagram ofthe Columbine High School cafeteria where the table wasthat

he had selected to sit at on 04-20-99. The table he selected was located between the bottom of the stairway and the"Rebel

JC 001

Officer Si!rtantre Unit Numt>er SUpe1"JlsOl" initiaJs amiDat. A.s:sig:n~ To P,.. t

~_t-__ ._ ,5>..., r-.... l S;"., of ~

'JfiJGNAL I N\'FST!GAlOR ViCT1M Sf.RVlCES I OTHER :$011674. - 001068

Page 69: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100

CONTINUATION o R!:pOTtilig Agency Reportil1j: OI'f.'i:eT Cast Report No

SUPPLEMENT X JCSO PETERSON 99·7625·PPPCoonecting CaseRep<lrt No V1ctin'l Name Original Report DateThis Report

COLUMBINE 06·18·99l-

X FIRST DEGREE!iI;m Offw.eStatw;~ Open X eXetfjlitll\lllfy (':lttlm.l 0 Recommend Case: Review 0

ltedwiflCitilirt 0 ~hY.\1'\"I'!$1 0 Ul'lfuum:led 0 Closure 0

1fSli' IQuantity I 81'llnd Nllll'iti I Dtsc:riptiOll ISeria.lNo ~~\~ I ~'dut I V.I,.,r:W(!ft(l Dam~~

Comer"store. KeithParkison saidtherewereotherstudents nearthis table.buthecouldnotrememberwho theywere. I showed

Keith Parkison photographs of the duffle bag and a propane tank that were later recovered in the Columbine High School

cafeteria, Keith Parkison said he did not see eitheritempriorto the incident on 04·20·99, Keith Parkison also said he didnot

see any of the Trench Coat Mafia students in the cafeteria or the Commons area on 04-20·99, Keith Parkison said at

approximately 0725 hours on 04-20-99, he left thecafeteriaand walkedto his class, downthe hall and east of the cafeteria en

the lowerlevelof Columbine High School, Keith Parkison saidIris teacherfor thisclasswas Mr. Ortiz. Keith Parkison saiden

04-20-99, at about 1115 hours, he exited the school by walking out of the schooldoors south of the "Rebel Comer," and said

hewentandsat on a hill that is located southeast of thisdoor. Keith Parkison saidhe was withAaronBonniewell, andoneother

student. but he couldnot remember whothis thirdstudent was, Keith Parkison said he was sittingon the hill for approximately

threeminutes, when he heard"about two bombs"detonateand he said to him itsounded like the detonationscarne from the west

sideof the school in the area of the exteriorof the cafeteria. Keith Parkison said he then sawseveralstudents running from the

school to get away from it. Keith Parkison saida student tan past him and as he did, KeithParkison said he asked this student

what was going on. Keith Parkisonsaid the student told him a studenthad a gun insideof Columbine High Schooland said

someone hadbeen shot inside, KeithParkison saidhegotup andran IlCTOSS South PierceStreetand intoto Leawood Park, Keith

Parkison saidwhilehe wasrunning, he heardapproximately ten gunshots, but saidhe couldnot tell where theycamefrom. Keith

Parkison saidat no timeduring the incident on 04·20-99, didhe seewhowasshooting or detonating bombs. Keith Parkison said

whilehe was in Leawood Park, someone believed that the studentsin the park werebeingshot at, so they left Leawood Park.

Keith Parkison said while he was in Leawood Park,however, he didnot hear any shots.

KeithParkison said althoughhe was notan associate of the TrenchCoatMafiastudents, he usedto talk to someof them at the

school. Keith Parkison said that he did not get along with DylanKlebold and in fact, said they did not like each other,

KeithParkison said they hadnearlygotten intophysical fights between eachother inthe past. KeithParkison said this disliking

between themstarted ina teamsportsclass thathehadwithDylan Klebold at Columbine High School. KeithParkison saidthat

DylanKlebold pickedon him,and finallythis harassment nearlycaused the fight. Keith Parkison said he never saw anybody

pick on Dylan Klebold, however, he did see Dylan Klebold pick on other people.

Keith Parkison said he usedto talk to EricHarris, however, had not talkedto himsinceapproximately January of 1999 Keith


Officer SignalUre Unit Number SUl'etViror Initials- and Date I Assigned ie Pog. 1

A1J.b~ .....'b ...... ' ~ t of <'lll.IGICi,.,L 11M E>iTll]ATOR ~!CT1MSER"iCeS I OTHER 198,ICSDlI6i4

JC-001· 0

Page 70: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100

CONTINUATION 0Reporting Agency ReportingOfficer Case ReportNo

SUPPLEMENT y JCSO PETERSON 99-7625-PPPConnectingC.:J.Se Report No. Yichm Name Original Rcport Date This Report

COLUMBINE 06-18-99f0-

X FIRST DEGREE MURDER Xatkm O~Statw:: Open El«':eptiooally QU!'!d 0 Recommenlj Case: Revj,ew tJ

~~fio$dQn Cl Cletm Ill' Aml$l Cl Ul1fuulliied c Closure o

l~:;t IQlIantity I erMd Name j ~ptiOll IS=rialNo ~~~~ I ~luc: ! v.j~lIern1 : O$UlJj3t'd

Parkison 'aid he quit talking to Eric Harrisand tho otherTrenchCoat Mafia students in January of 1999, becauseEric Harris

and the other Trench Coat Mafia students began pickingon people and harassing them. Keith Parkison said that when this

started, he stayed away fromthem,

KeithParkisonsaid thatDylanKleboldand EricHarriswere alwaystogether. Hesaid he didnot rememberseeingeitherDylan

Klebold or Eric Harrisat Columbine HighSchoolon 04-20-99, KeithParkison saidthat Dylan Kleboldand Eric Hams always

worea trenchcoat and said EricHarrisworea Swastika on his trenchcoat. Healso said Dylan Kleboldmay possibly havehad

a Swastikaon his trenchCMI, but he was notsure, Hedidsay that Eric Harrishada Swastikaon his backpack Keith Parkison

said he never heard Dylan Klebold or EricHarristalk aboutguns, bombs,blowingup the school, or shooting people. He said

he never saw Dylan Klebold, EricHarrisor anyTrenchCoat Mafiastudentswith firearmsor bombs. KeithParkisonsaid that

~as DylanKlebold'sbest mend, andKeithParkison said thathecouldnotunderstand how""oUld have

notknown about the shootingthat was going to occur at Columbine High School prior to the incident on 04-20·99.

Keith Parkison said Joe Stair claim' that he organized the Trench Coat Mafia, and although Joe Stair lives in the same

neighborhood as Keith Parkison, theydon't get alongwllheach ather and don't talk to each other. Keith Parkisonsaid that in

thepast he was mends with Nicole Markham and BrianSargent, as well as same of the others described. Keith Parkison said

Robert Perrywas goodmends of DylanKlebcld andEric Harris and 'aid RobertPerry always WOre a trenchcoal, Keith Parkison

described Robert Perryas"quiet." KeithParkison estimated the Trench CoatMafiahasapproximately five actual active members

and at least ten associates, Keith Parkison said they would listen to German music, Keith Parkison said that he no further

information about the TrenchCoat Mafia.or the TrenchCoat Mafiastudents,

Uponmy asking, KeithParkison saidthat he has beendoingwellsince the incident occurredan 04-20-99, at Columbine High

School. 1gavehimoneof mybusiness cardsand askedhimto contact me in the future ifhe wishedto talkwitha J e.s.a. Victim

Advocate. I told him I would make thenecessary arrangements forhimat that time. I alsoaskedKeith Parkison to call meshould

he think ofany further information in the future thatmay be pertinent to this case.

DISPOSITION: Case remainsopen, pendingfurther investigation, JC-001. 001070

Officer Signature UnIt I:~ j Supervi'Qf In''',I, and 0." Assigned!o Page I IA/') ,'l.'h ",,~l I uf 1 I


Page 71: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100


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Page 72: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100


Jc-001- 001072

Page 73: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100

Colorado State PatrolInvestigative Services Section

CaseNumber CcnnectinaCase# Report Type99-31101411 J.C.S.D./99-762S Assist - Jefferson County Sheriff's Denartment

Date Time Location04-20·99 1120 Columbine Hil!.b School

SYNOPSIS: Assist to the Jefferson CountySheriffs Department with the investigation ofthe ColumbineHigh School homicide,

INVOLVEMENTS;Witness.,.:COLORADO STATE PATROL' 2207 N HWY 402 LOYELAc1\[Q CO 80537 (970)663-0219•Investigator Greg McComas

CIV1lIAA"l WITNESSES(W)Paukune, Amanda 04-12-84

Res' 8784 W ProgressPL


(Student- Columbine High School)Littleton, CO, 80123 H-(303)933-0868

Per information controlsheet#3288. I contacted (W)Paukune at her residence, regarding infcrmation shemighthaveof possible suspect accomplices,

(W)Paukune stated that she was at Columbine High School an04-20-99 According to (W)Paukune, prior tothe shootings she had been in the cafeteria, talking ",ith friends. At approximately 11 lOam, she exited outthe south doors,by the school store and walked through thejunior parking lot She then cut through anopening in the wooden fence, off school grounds, to meet withfriends and smoke a cigarette, She stated,during her timein the cafeteria and while walkin!$ through the parking lot she did not notice anything unusualor see the suspects or theirvehicles

At approx. II :Wam, she heard an explosion nearthe building and observed some students running. At thatpoint she felt it was a seniorprank, or a drug bust andcontinued smoking her cigarette, sittingon thesidewalk next to Pierce SI. Shortly thereaftera friend by the nameofAnthony, unknown last name, camerunning byand told her of the shooting, Sheand several other studentsran to a nearby housefor safety.

Date ofRe rtMay 17, 1999


JC-001- 001073

Page 74: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100

(W)Paukunestated, from her locationshe was unable to see the cafeteriaor libraryareas and did not see anyof individuals involved. She also stated she had not noticedanything unusualabout the day prior to theincident. She did not notice anyunusual behavior or see any strange individuals or items, such as duffel bags.

(W)Paukune stated, she was acquainted with both EricHarris and DylanKlebold. She met them last year,through a mutual friend, KeUy Schwab,who moved away to California a year ago She explained that KellySchwab used to hang around with the Trench Coat Mafiaand suggested theyjoin. (W)Paukunestated shedid not want to join, due to the beliefthat the members were all hi-sexual, including Harris and Klebold(W)Paukune stated, once her friendmovedshe had verylittleto do with the individuals in the TCM She didtalk with Harris on occasion, just casualconversation, and described him as beingvery nice. She stated,Klebolddid not seem to like her and was meanand sarcastic, therefore she tried to avoid him as muchaspossible.

(W)Paukunestated she had never overheardanyconversations about a plan for the shootingsor ofanyotherSuspects

(W)Paukune identified her approximate location at the time ofthe shootingson the map attached to thisreport.

Date ofReport Investilo1lltorlIBM# $upervisorIIBM# Paze

I Mav 17, 1999 0.5. McComas15560 2of2


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\ ,\1\ '



JC-001· 001075

"" ....


\II Ilisl IIi(l I


Page 76: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100


JC·001. 001076

Page 77: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100

CONnNUATION IRqxxtirlg A;pl1;'j Reporting OlliGel' CU¢ l(tpatt Nt>

,'UPPLEMENT X TCSO REKER 9\).1625Connl'lQl~~ Repon No v\~um - Vltt_ 'lU$.\'(eptll'I

5·10·99QaS.\lwcatioo homocide Offense Statuli: Open &~lyCl<md R~C~ !«vi'"J 'ificauoo Clearedby Ami! Unfoonded CIosme

~~m 1 IDescnoooo IS<ri~ No, v- IValue IViliueNQ, BrandN~ Slol", Recoeeed DaJlll.ged


Interview with Megan Pistolese

On 5·6·9g,lnv. Rekerdid conduct an interview with Megan at her residence with her mother present.

Pistolsse statesthat at approx. 11 :15 she left herbackpack by the bench in the common areaof thelunchroom and wentout the main cafeteria doorand across the senior lot to the westend of the lot andalong with Amanda Paukune,Garret Horsefall and lindsay Buffy, jumped a wooden tence sotheycouldsmoke a cigarette.

At this point they heard loudnoises at an unknown location and then looked between the fence slatsand saw klds running trom the school andtheythen ran to a house on Pierce st. along withothergroups ofkids.

Megan did not see anything suspicious nordid seeshe anyshooters.

Megan stales that she was in the cafeteria at approx. 0700 am butdid not see anything suspicious attha, .•me.

Megan had no further infonnation and the interview was concluded.

JC..o01· 001077

. OfficerSignature

-ic. o1.Jpervisof lrutias an ale

Page 78: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100


1. Did you ever see[hetWO largeduffel bags in thecafeteria 1


2 Didyou see anyone carrying or in tilepossession of theseduffel. hags, at a previous time "!


3, Didyou see Eric Harris or Dylan Klebcid either on Monday cfIuesday? What were they doing?What did they say? Werethey withanyone else? No

4, Didyouleave anything behindin d1l! cafeteria or anywhere else intheschool'j})...(IL ,l},.( 1:. ~ ,r}£rd:.1-.1/13~(-k - />-N:<}/J I'"ih:. -r -- (:~~I? ,Sl,'f"I

,~5 %0 wereYOu with in the cafeteria1 Where were you sitting?

6. Did you see or talk to lilly of the Trench Coat Mafia members 00 Monday? Tuesday? How about theprior week or weekend?

7 Hove you heard anything from anybody else about other suspects, bomb making, gun buying, etc. ?


8 What were you wearing? Did you have a back pack? What did it leok like.and! or have in it ?(/€,-(j;~;'7'r:"";1/ 1

1-; /3(.-f,,1If ;-:5f1I11T-'}ij(..l(le/J

9 How did you leave thecafeteria 01" the building? What were the events that made you leave ?

10 What time drd you enter the cafeteria ? Where did you come from (prior to the cafeteria) ?

11 Have them mark where they were sitting, their route out of the bUilding and who they were wtth (ifknown) ?

12_ Can you provide any furtherInformationon the membersof theTrench COOt Mafia?

13 Ask the parents if the kids have told them anythingelse? Different?


Page 79: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100

J C.o01· 001079

Page 80: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100


JC·001. 001080

Page 81: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100

CON tlNUATION 0ReportHJ,g Agency R~P')ttttlg Offi(:cr Case R4t0rt No

SUPPLEMENT X JCSO BROOKS 99·7625-5C"rm~til'lg Case Reporr No. Victim Name' Origiflai Report DaleThis Rej)Ol't

I-COLUMBINE 05·16-99

, illllQll X FIRST DEGREE MURDER Otf_,=, 51~t\lS: Open X Exctp(iol'lrllly tlftftd CJ Recommend Case: Review CJ

R«ja~sit1,,"iMl CJ C'ltr.ll'l'!(jh~ Al"!'e1'l o Ullful.ctdt:d " Clo$U~ a

j !~:r I Qrn.mtilY I Bran<.1 Name f Oev;nl'llt>ll I S(:'l'il'! No- ~l: I ~lije I V~hlev~ Dartlay¢d



5497 South Independence Street

Littleton, Colorado 80123


Columbine High School19th grade


On 05·06-99, at about 9:30 a.rn, I interviewed CHSstudent Joseph Pitoniak as follow up on DN1751. The interview was

conducted at Joseph's residence in the presence of his father, Joe Pitoniak, Sr.

Joseph toldme thaton 04·20·99, hespentfourth period (10:20 a.m, to 11:00 a.m.) inside thecafeteria at tableY with his friends,

MatthewZago (9th), Shakespeare Log (9th), and Adam Ahlstrom (9th). Joseph explained that his fourth period is a "free

period:' and that he usuallyspends it in the cafeteria, talking with friends. Joseph said that at about 11 :00 a.m, (ten minutes

before fourth periodends),he walked upthe interiorcafeteria stairway to hIS locker and retrieved tussack lunch, then returned

down these stairs to the cafeteria. Joseph said that he returned to the cafeteria at about II: 10a.m., and againsac at table Y,

where he then ate his lunch with these friends, Joseph said that during this entire time. he did not see or nonce any duffle

bagts),nor anything else that he considered unusual 1out of theordinary,

Joseph said that upon finishing his lunch, which he estimated was at about 11:15 a.m., he got up from table Y and walked

outside viaa south cafeteria doorwherehe thensatdown at a "bench't withfriends Nathan Epling (9th).John Bright (9th), Jason

Ramsouer (9th),and Nicholas Lumley (9th). Joseph described this benchas the"first"or southernmost bench on thesouth side

of the cafeteria. After approximately "two minutes:' Joseph said that he heard several "pops" which appeared to be coming


""'- UIlU Sijom'k'>{l{ initials and DaUl IMo,"" ToOtocer Signature Nember P3ge !

~6-- (AiV. ~ . ,,' 1

,)RI(;lS \L II"'ESTICATOR "1(TIMSERVI<F5 I»TilER, - ..... ".." ,r t Dil674


Page 82: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100

CONTINUATION 0Reportmg A~y Reporti.1g Oflker CaseReportNu

SUPPLEMENT X JCSO BROOKS 99-7625-5('onn«tiI'lS Case Report Ne. VictimNameOriginal Report Dale ThillRe:PQn

COLUMBINE 05-10-99C .1llJ1'l1l X FIRST DEGREE MURDER orr~~ Sl.\UuJ.: 0pnI X Ex~IoNilly ClCillrea o Recommend Case: Rev1CW 0

RCI;'b),..ti<;;;j~ CJ CI~bY"1mI1 Q Ul1WUlllkd Q Clo$uft 0

f~ IQ\lamily I Bmt1l'l Niime I ~npticrl "r~rilH No lr.fl1ue I R Vall,Jc I V"jli\l",eM Il(;O~'eMI oan;aged:

from the west side of the cafeteria's exterior. Joseph said that he assumed these pops were the result of a senior prankand,

curious, he got up from his bench and began to walk in a northwestdirection,aroundto the west side of the cafeteria, toward

thedirection of the sounds, Josephsaid that as heroundedthesoutheast comerof the cafeteria, he saw a male"down" on the

grass toward the top of the hill, to the westofthe stairway. Joseph said he thensaw"a girl in front of me get shot in the lower

abdomen," Josephsaid that thisgirl (Anne Hochhalter) hadbeensittingwitha coupleof friends near the curb,facing east,near

a grassyareaon the west side of thecafeteria, Josephsaid that whenshe wasshot,she "just kinda hoppedup,and grabbed her

side and started screaming 'I've been shot: and then kinda kneeled down and her friends coveredher." Joseph said that he

could see blood on her clothing. Joseph said that at that point he realized this wasno joke. Josephsaid he turnedaround and

ran back to the south sideof the cafeteria, where he thenentered thecafeteriathrough the "student entrance by rebel comer:'

Josephsaid that he remembers Jason Ramsouer enteringthe schoolwith him at that time.

'oseph said that upon entering this area, he sawjanitors who were telling everyoneto 'get down' and teacher Dave Sanders

"going up the stairs." Joseph said that students inside the cafeteria began to get down, and that he and Jason then hid behind

a sodamachineby the bathrooms near thesoutheastcornerofthecafeteria, Joseph said that he and Jasonremained behind the

soda machine for about "ten seconds,"during which time he hearda single"explosion" that he thought came from upstairs.

Joseph said that this explosion "shook the building." Josephsaid that he and Jason then ran eastward down the Business

hallway, then southward down the Foreign Language hallway, Joseph said that he and Jason then entered the "far east

classroom," which is markedas FL-3 on theschool map. Joseph said thatan adultfemale, who he thinks wasa teacher, directed

he and other students into said classroom, Joseph said that uponentering this classroom, he and Jason hid in the northwest

corner so as to not be seen from the door. Josephsaid that he didn't remain in the classroomfor very long. Joseph said that

someonementionedbarricading the classroom door, but that because thedooropenedoutward into the hallway, this madeno

senseto him. Joseph said that aftera couple of minutes, he, Jason, and anotherstudentnamed Spencer Wright(9th)exited the

classroom and ran out of the school's south door.

Upon exiting theschool,Josephsaid thathe and theothers ran southward across theJuniorparkinglot to the "seminary house"

located on the northwest comer of PierceStreet and Polk Avenue. Josephsaid that he remained at the seminary house for

Ol1kC"r Signature Unu Number Supervisor Initi:il~ and Dale J.SSIghcdTo IPu!.'t",•

jet J

,)Rlm"A~ !1;'\ESTlGAtet VICTI~SE~VICS5 IOTHEll )/1614

JC-001· 001082

Page 83: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100

CONTINUATION a R~)nl;lAgmcy ~ing Officer C~ ile-pcrt No

SUPPLEMENT X JCSO BROOKS 99-7625-8((mll~cljng Cll.S4 ReportNo. Vierin'! Nom!! Original: RepoI1 DateThisR.eport

COLUMBINE 05-10-99-X FIRST DEGREE MURDER Xc ~(lhOI'l Oftelw: S:alWi: Optn EJU;q:llionallyCJ~ Cl Recommend Case: l«:vl~ a

RedamliC<lti<m (J Ceareclby Amlil (J Unl(lllnlkd c Closure 0

JIS: IOllafllitj' I BrandNarM I ~Pti{)l\ ISerTl!'! No ~~~ IR:~~ I ~~l!~

approximately forty- five minutes, during which timeSpencerWright telephoned his mother, who responded to theseminary

homeandpicked up Spencer, student Adam Hinchey (9th) andhimselfand drove themto Spencer's home, Joseph saidthat

student Aaron Wright(11th,Spencer's brother) wasalready inside his mother's car whentheywerepicked upat theseminary


Joseph said that he never sawany shoorens) or anyone wearing a trench coat whilehe was insidethe cafeteria or outsideon

the west sideof the cafeteria. Joseph said that he does not personally know Eric Harris or Dylan Klebold, nor any of their

associates as presented by themedia. Joseph saidthathisbackpack is inside his locker, where he placed itafterhis third period

class. The interview concluded at about 10:07 a.rn.

The names of those students I teachers provided by Joseph were ron through Rapid Start and Denver Detective Mark

Woodward; leadsheets for students Shakespeare Log, Adam Ahlstrom, Nicholas Lumley and Adam Hinchey were prepared

andsubmitted by me. All otherstudents wereeitherpreviously interviewed, or scheduled to be interviewed.

Seeattached cafeteria I school maps.


fmct:!' Signature: Unit :-lumber ScperviscrInitjQb nodDal:e ASfignedTo P1lg; ~

I 01 •i)I!.IGJNAI. t r"'V~$TIQA rQR VIC'T£M SERVICES IOTH!i.R I ASAP34198 JCSDil6.74

Page 84: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100

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Page 86: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100


Page 87: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100

PLACE, C.- ;- m=

JC-001· 001087

Page 88: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100

CONTIlHJATION 0Reporting Agency RqM3rtiog Officer CaseReport No

SUPPLEMENT X JCSO Gary Muse 99·7625-<:IConnecting C\Ul¢ Report No Vk:tim NameOriginaJ Report ~ThisRtpCl:t

Bumall, Cassie, et al 4-24·1999....,~iih:liIfian X Homicide Oiterdl SI.$(¥$; Open X ExceplitlnaUy Clare1.I 0 Recommend Case: Rt:vi~ aRtcltiulikauOl'l a C~bYArmf a Unfounded a C1Q5ure a

11$: I QUIliciI:)' I 9t'l'm1i Name tDflCriptiOfl ISenll No. ¥: I ~alut I \farm::~Nld PlU\"litIttJ


PLACE, CRMG D., DOBI6-16-1947

6533 S. Vance Street, Littleton,CO 80123

Home: (303)979-2893

Employer: RI Schools/Columbine SeniorHigh School(FETeacher)

6201 S. Pierce Street, Littleton,CO 80123


OnApril 20, 1999,whileassistingwith interviewsOn thesceneofa multiple homicide atColumbine HighSchool,I interviewed

CraigD. Place, aPE Teacherwho had been evacuated fromtheschoolby SWATpersonnel, Placetold me that he heard shots

being fired in the school, and beganto assist in evacuatingstudents from the school. Place toldme that he saw a numberof

studentswho had bunched up in a comer and he movedthem out of one of the exterior doorsoftbe school. Place said thathe

didnot think that he saw anyonewith a gun. but said that he sawa numberof studentsrunning, and the person or personswith

the gun(sJ could have been in the groupof running students.

DispoSITION: Open.

JC-001. 001088

om",ys;i.ha",,~} Unit Number Supervisor Initials and Date Ass.igned To Page !.-d:; \<:' \ X,/ ~I; -" of !

O~Gr..A( I fNVE$TlG;\TOR Vtmf SlRVICES I""'.. I ASAF34ffl JCSO/1674

Page 89: Columbine Report Pgs 1001-1100

FO-3OZ (llev. 10-6-95)

- 1 -


Date: of transcription 06/10/99

Craig Place, date of birth June 16, 1947, 8451 SouthUpham Way, Littleton, Colorado 80120, telephone number (303) 979­2893, was interviewed at his residence. After being advised ofthe identity of the interviewing agent and the nature of theinterview, Plaoe furnished the following information,

Place is a Physical Education Instructor at ColumbineHigh School. Place has a weight-lifting class that he instructsduring second period. During third and fourth period he teachesa Team Sports class in the gymnasium. At 11:10 a.m. he isscheduled for 'A' lunch. On Mondays he has hall duty in thecafeteria during first period, which runs from 7,30 a.m. to 8:15a.m.

On April 20, 1999, Place went to his car in theteacher's lot to get a bagel at approximately 11:15 a.m. He thenwas going to walk outside of the building all the way around tothe cafeteria. He normally never goes to the cafeteria but hadto go pay his social fees in the faculty lounge. As he waswalking from his car toward the cafeteria, he heard what he firstthought were the sounds of firecrackers. This was atapproximately 11,20 to 11:25 a.m. and he was walking just outsideof the gymnasium. As he continued to walk in the direction ofthe sounds he began to realize that the sounds were gunshots_ Hestopped and waited by the custodial entrance to the school. Hecontinued to hear gunshots and moved back toward the entranceslightly. From his vantage point he was unable to see anygunmen. He could hear a student crying near the entryway to thewest entrance of the school and the back exit of the library. Helater found out the student was Mark Taylor.

Within a couple of minutes maximum, a police cararrived and parked on the side of the hill. Approximately tenminutes later students came out and ran behind the police car.Place believes these students came out the back door exit of thelibrary. Place wanted to try to help the students and must havemade some type of movement or gesture towards them. A policeofficer told them to "Get the fuck out of here.' With him atthat time at the custodial entrance door was Joe Marshall andKatherine Baumgardner.

JC-oll1· 001089


b, SA John H. E:lvig: rkm

Fil,' 174A-DN-57419 Jeffco #99-7625 Omd~lIr<d 06(09/1999'

Control Number #DN-3578

Thisdocument contains neither "~mmondaliQ1u nor conr;lusions of meFSt It is thl: prGpeny of m: FBIand IS loaned. to youragency;it and its contentsare not to be: dhlribU!e.1 O'.nside your agencJ

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Continuation of fD~302 of Craig Place 2

Place explained that he is Vietnam veteran and isfamiliar with the sounds of gunshots, He further explained thathe is slightly hard of hearing and did not remember hearing anyexplosions,

Place, Marshall and Baumgardner moved to the north sideof the gymnasium, They met up with Principal Frank DeAngelis,The four of them then went to the gymnasium and assisted fifteengirls in a class exit the school. The students and the teaoher,Chris McCaulley, were hiding in a storage room located off of thegymnasium. They headed north out of the school and headed forClement Park. They told the students to keep moving and not tostop. Place then went to an area known as "the pit" to get thosestudents to continue moving back within the park. He helpedstudents jump the fence into Clement Park and then continuedpUshing them back toward the corner of the park at Bowles and?ierce.

Place was familiar with Eric Harris from one of hisclasses and alsO when he served as Dean of Students. Harris wasin Place's first-semester Team Sports class. Harris was a fairathlete and did well in all the activities in the class. Placedid have a problem with him "picking" on freshmen, as a lot ofthe seniors did. For a two-year period, from approximately 1996to 1997, Place served as Dean of Students. During that time hedid have one opportunity to deal with Harris, Place could notrecall the specifics of a snowball incident involving Harris andBrooks Brown~ The incidence was reSOlved through 'conflictresolution", and Place does not recall the specifics of anyaction.

During his time as Dean of Students he did have a groupof students with whom he had several problems. This groupincluded Chris Morris, Eric Dutro, Julie Grenke, Brian Sargent,Joe Stair, Robert Perry, Jamie Schuster, and Cory Friesen. Theproblem with this group of students was not with other studentsbut was within their own group. On one occasion Morris pulled aknife on Dutro after a school theater event. This incident wentbefore a "manifestation hearin~', and no aotion was taken becauseMorris may have been classified as Special Education. Placeremembered one problem with Stair greeting his male friends inthe cafeteria with a kiss on the lips. This bothered other

JC-001· 001 090

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FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-9')


Continuation of :PO~302 of Craig Place 3

students. School officials had to ask Stair and the others tocease the action.

At the time Place was Dean of Students he did not seeEric Harris or Dylan Klebold as being part of this group. Hedoes not remember Brooks Erown being a member or this groupeither. lle didn't know of the name "Trenchcoat Mafia" until itcame out as a result of the incident at the high school. He doesremember Morris dressing in a black trenchcoat and wearing agreen beret. Place has seen Morris since the incident and sayshe has changed his appearance. Place kne~ who Klebold ·was" butdid not have Klebold in any class. He does not remember hearingof any problems with Klebold.

Attachment A is a diagram of Columbine High School. Onthe diagram Place indicated his path of movement outside of theschool. He further indicated the location of the storage roomwithin the gymnasium.

JC-001· 001091

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W( I ..











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JC..o01· 001093

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· l .


DInt!of trllns<::ription 4/26/99

Mindy Pollock, 6298 W. Elmhurst Avenue, Littleton,Colorado, 80~28, home telephone number (3031 972-8067, date ofbirth August 26, ~983, was contacted concerning the shooting thattook place at Columbine High School (Columbine) on April 20,1999. After being advised of the identity of the Agent and thepurpose of the interview, Pollock provided the followinginformation:

Pollock was a sophomore at Columbine and was ditchingher fifth period class at approximately ~1:00 a.m. on April 20,1999. Pollack was in the commons area of the school with herfriend, Evan Vitale, looking for a ride to Vitale's car. Pollackfound Trent Carnes to give them a ride to Vitale's car.

Pollock, Vitale and Carnes left the school through thesouth double doors leading to the senior parking lot. Pollockwas about to get into Carnes's vehicle when she heard a noisethat sounded like firecrackers. Pollack saw a man running up anddown the stairs on the south side of the sohool. Pollock alsosaw a man standing at the tOP of the stairs shooting people.Pollock stated that she believed she was watching a skit and didnot thir~ what she was witnessing was real.

Pcllock turned around as the vehicle left the parkinglot and She saw people running. Pollack advised that she becamesuspicious when they passed a police car and it turned its lightson. When a second police car passed with its lights on, Pollockrealized that the scene at Columbine may have been real.

Pollack described the individual that ran up and downthe south stairs two or three times as follows: man wearingblack pants, black shirt, black hat backwards, black trench coatand carrying a silver handgun. Pollock advised that she did riotsee the man on the stairs fire his hand~~.

PollOCk described the individual at the top of thestairs shooting people that were outside eating lunch, asfollows, man wearing black pants, white shirt, black suspenders,hat and carrying a huge black gun.

4/24/99 (telephonically I

Fuel 174A-ON-57419

OJ' SA Carol M. SniegowSkie~

0,,, .""'cd -".4u/-,2:.;6;:./;..9~9 _

JC-001· 001094Thisdocumem contains oc4t.ber ~Q.mrn<;t1dli(ions nor conclusions or ee F13!. It is meproperty of the FBI utd i!l:

it:i~ IU ct.Inl.ems. a~ not 10 be dhui.blJu:~d oUliidc year aitnlZj'

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ControlNumber jt)tJ:,

MELINDA (MlNDY)POLLOCK, ColumbineHigh Schoolstudent, DOB 8126183, 5' _Ofl, 1051bs, black hair, brown eyes, 6987W. ElmhurstAve.Littleton, Colorado, 80123, (303)972-8067.

Agent JERRY W. MEANS andAgent LARRYBROWN,Colorado Bureau of Investigation, 690 KiplingStreet,Denver,Colorado, 80215, (303) 239-421 L

May 4, 1999,at approximately 09:45 am,

6987 W. ElmhurstAve., Littleton, Colorado, 80123.

An interview wasconductedwith Mindy POLLOCK, DaB8/26/1:\3. of 6987 W. ElmhurstAve., Littleton, Coloradoon May 4,1999, POLLOCK'Sparents werepresent during the interviewandscenere-creationat the school.

POLLOCKstated she was outside the schoolwhen the shootingstarted. Pollock statedshe was walkingacross the parking lot withTrent CARNES, JohnCOOK,MichaelJOHASEN, and T.J.LEAVITT. POLLOCKstated she heard the shooting,turnedaround,andsaw to people with guns on the west bill area of theschool. She stated she and the friends she was with watched theshooters fur approximately 2 minutes. She stated they thought theshooting was a seniorprank. POLLOCK stated she saw onegunman near the bottomof the concretestairsnear the west accessdoor tu the cafeteria. In this report this gunmanwill be referred toas #1. She stated the second gunmanwas standing near the top ofthe concretesteps. In this report this gunman will be referred to as#2. POLLOCK stated she recognized the lower,#1 gunmanas_

__She staled on a scaleof 1-!.QJ.!,Lbeing uncertainand~~.sitive she was (8-9) it was.., She stated she knows_from last yearand does not rememberseeing him since.


The following is aphysical description of the man she saw with agun, (#1):

- He had on a black trenchcoat that extended tobetweenhis knees and hisankles made of a cloth

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typematerial The coat was openandhad nopatches.

-Hehadon a blackbaseball hat in thebackwardposition.

-His facewas longand his nosewaspointed.

-He looked like a giantrat.

-He hada lightcomplexion and a mustache.

-He had a blackshirt. Shenoticedno writing00 theshirt.

-Hehada silvercoloredhandgun in his left hand.Shestatedthe gun was sort of flat on top.

-She noticed nothing around his neck.

-He hadblackpants, (notjeans), and she noticednopocketsbecause thepants were covered with thecoat The leg of the pantswereover the top of theblackboots.

The following is a physical description of the man she saw with agun, (112):

-Looser fittingblackpantsand blackboots,

-Vt'bite dress-type shirt with frontbuttons.

-Red hat onbackwards.

•Holding a longblackgun.

On May4,1999, at approximately 10:00a.m.,Agent Brownandthe Reporting Agent tookMindy POLLOCK and herparents to theexteriorsouthwest comerof Columbine HighSchool. POLLOCKstated she was standing alongthe southsideof the parking lotwhenshe heard shooting and saw twogunmen. The Reporting

JC-001· 001096

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Agent paced the distance from POlLOCKS location to theareawhereshe sawthe #1 gunman. near thebottom of theconcretesteps, and it was approximately 100 yards. POllOCK stated sheandherpreviously listedfriends watched the lowershooter run upanddown the stairs a few times andtheyjust thought it wasagame. Shestated they got in theircarandleft. Shestated they didnotrealize theshooting was real until they werea couple of blocksfrom the school and saw several police carswith their lights onheaded for theschool, POlLOCKstated they turned around andresponded backto theschool but the police had theareablocked.Shestated she didnotseeanyother people running from theschool.

~AgentColorado Bureau of Investigation

JC..Q01- 001097

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WITNESS:Melinda (Mindy) Pollock, DOB/S-26-S36987 W. Elmhurst AvenueLittleton, Co. 80123303-972-8067

INVESTIGATION:On 10-8-99 Columbine High School Student Mindy Pollock was re-interviewedat theJefferson County Sheriff's Office South Sub-Station. Her mother, Linda Pollock, waspresent during the interview.

The purpose for the re-interview was to clarify Pollock's observations during the April20lb shootings at Columbine High School, specificallyto statements made by Pollockduring an interview on 5-4-99 with task force investigators. In that interview, Pollockstated that she was walking across the high school parking lot when the shooting started.Pollock reported seeing two gunmen. Pollock stated that she saw one gunmannear thebottomofthe concrete stairs by the west door to the cafeteria. The second gunman wasstanding near the top of the same concrete stairs. Pollock told investigators that sherecognized the gunman near the bottom of the stairsas'"

I asked Pollock to describe the gunman she thought tobe_Pollock stated that hewas "really tall and skinny" wearing a long, black trench , ack pants and a baseballcap on backwards. He had a black gun in his hand "like a little handgun." Pollock statedthat when the shooting started she was walking across the senior parking lot. She wasnear a light pole in the middle of the lot when she first heard gunshots.

I asked Pollock if she still believed that the gunmanshe saw near the bottom of theconctet.e~~. Pollock told me that she still believed that the gunman shesawwas~

Pollock told me that she had seen_everaltimes at Columbine High Schoolduring her freshman year (Pollee 1 , rrentlyajunior). Pollock has notsee~since her freshman year. Pollock stated that she has never seen DylanKlebo~with the exception of media photos after the shootings. Pollock stated that a couple ofdays after the shootings, after learning through the media that Dylan Klebold wasinvolved, she looked at his school photo in her school yearbook. Pollock noted that in thephoto Klebold had short hair; the gunman she saw had long hair. Based on Klebold'syearbookphoto, Pollock concluded that-,was the shooter she saw.

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1then showed Pollocka seriesof three photographs (#51, 52,53) taken from the videocamerain the cafeteria. After looking at the photographs, Pollock immediatelypointed toa photo afDylan Klebold, and identified him as the shootershe saw at the bottom of thestairs. Pollockalso immediately recognized the gun in Klebold's hand as being the sameone she saw the shooterwith. While looking at the photographs, I also explainedtoPollockthat the gunmanshe saw at the top of the stairswas, in fact, Eric Harris. Pollockdid not dispute that.

The interviewwas concludedwith Pollockunderstanding that the person she identifiedas~as, in fact. Dylan Klebold. Therewere no additionalconcerns in reference to

a third gunman.


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