Columbia Literacy Advocacy Project Application

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Transcript of Columbia Literacy Advocacy Project Application

  • 7/29/2019 Columbia Literacy Advocacy Project Application


    Did you know a third of all detained youth read below the fourth grade level? Would you like

    to teach and mentor teens in the Juvenile Justice System?

    The Columbia Literacy Advocacy Project (CLAP) is a new initiative that helps youth in deten-tion who are below grade level in reading and math. Research has proven that routine tutoring

    sessions, in addition to standard schooling, can have asignificantimpact on the academic perfor-

    mance of this overlooked, under-served group.

    We are looking for Columbia students to mentor and tutor detained youth at the Horizons Juve-

    nile Detention Center. Tutors will lead dynamic and engaging study sessions to help their stu-

    dents perform better on NY State Regents exams. We are looking for tutors in the sciences,math, English, history, and foreign languages. Tutoring sessions take place from 3-5pm, and will

    begin late January, and last until finals week in May. CLAP will then resume in the spring. We

    are also looking for students interested in taking on leadership positions with CLAP!

    If you are interested in joining, please email [email protected]

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    2756 Lerner HallNew York, NY 10027


    [email protected]




  • 7/29/2019 Columbia Literacy Advocacy Project Application


    Spring 2013 Program Information

    Volunteers will tutor detained youth at the Horizons Detention Facility, located about 30 minutesfrom Columbia by subway. Horizons is easily accessible by the 2 train uptown. The program will

    run throughout the spring semester, Monday-Thursday 3-5pm. There is no minimum or

    maximum requirement for the number of days/week that a volunteer must tutor. Depending ontutors availability, we will try our best to create volunteer groups or buddies. There will also be

    an alternate program, in which tutors will work on weekend mornings with a student at

    Columbia. All applicants should submit this same forma and tutors will be assigned to eitherprogram as scheudling permits.

    We are looking for tutors in all high school subjects, most notably English (reading and writing),math, history and science. Tutors are part of the after school program at Passages, the school at

    Horizon, and only work with students who elect to participate. The youth we will be tutoring are

    predominantly in the 13-15 age range, 20% female and 80% male, and 50% special education.They are detained for crimes ranging from theft to assault, and spend on average 1 month (and

    up to 3 years) at Horizons as they await their court dates. The tutoring sessions will be conducted

    in a secure environment, and there will always be a class counselor as well as security personellpresent.

    Take note that this is not the standard tutoring opportunity. The students are eager to learn, but

    the vast majority read below grade level, and low confidence levels often result in disruptiveclassroom behavior. Just sitting down and going over homework problems is not the point of the

    tutoring sessions; we encourage all tutors to come up with creative and dynamic ways ofpresenting material. We are really trying to stimulate the students interest in learning by doing

    activities that are fun, engaging and not what they are normally exposed to in the standard

    classroom environment.

    Volunteer Application

    Please email a complete application to [email protected]. We will contact selected

    applicants for a 10 minute in-person interview. If you have any additional questions about the

    program, do not hesitate to contact us!

    2756 Lerner HallNew York, NY 10027


    [email protected],+NY+10455-1360+(Horizon+Juvenile+Center)&hl=en&geocode=FS2ubgId02aX-ymdzCHAPvbCiTFsKtPTuIgZkQ%3BFf7HbgId5yuY-yFAgovJBR19TCnlldYIyPXCiTGhR6v-B2-nig&mra=ls&dirflg=r&ttype=dep&date=05%2F16%2F11&time=1:00pm&noexp=0&noal=0&sort=def&sll=40.798867,-73.94846&sspn=0.079399,0.181789&ie=UTF8&z=14&start=0,+NY+10455-1360+(Horizon+Juvenile+Center)&hl=en&geocode=FS2ubgId02aX-ymdzCHAPvbCiTFsKtPTuIgZkQ%3BFf7HbgId5yuY-yFAgovJBR19TCnlldYIyPXCiTGhR6v-B2-nig&mra=ls&dirflg=r&ttype=dep&date=05%2F16%2F11&time=1:00pm&noexp=0&noal=0&sort=def&sll=40.798867,-73.94846&sspn=0.079399,0.181789&ie=UTF8&z=14&start=0,+NY+10455-1360+(Horizon+Juvenile+Center)&hl=en&geocode=FS2ubgId02aX-ymdzCHAPvbCiTFsKtPTuIgZkQ%3BFf7HbgId5yuY-yFAgovJBR19TCnlldYIyPXCiTGhR6v-B2-nig&mra=ls&dirflg=r&ttype=dep&date=05%2F16%2F11&time=1:00pm&noexp=0&noal=0&sort=def&sll=40.798867,-73.94846&sspn=0.079399,0.181789&ie=UTF8&z=14&start=0
  • 7/29/2019 Columbia Literacy Advocacy Project Application


    I. Biographical Information


    School and Year (e.g. CC 2013):

    Email: Phone Number:

    Are you under 18?

    Have you ever been convicted of a crime?

    Have you ever taken the New York State Regents Exams? (not required)

    What subjects can you teach?

    Do you speak any other language besides English fluently?

    Which days are you available for 3-5pm tutoring? (check multiple days if possible)

    Are you interested in a leadership position?

    Do you have any prior teaching or tutoring experience?

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    2756 Lerner HallNew York, NY 10027


    [email protected]




  • 7/29/2019 Columbia Literacy Advocacy Project Application


    II. Essay Questions: please respond in 2-3 paragraphs.

    1. What draws you to tutor juveniles in detention?

    2. Describe your most powerful learning (or teaching) experience.

    (Why was it powerful? How did it influence you?)

    2756 Lerner HallNew York, NY 10027


    [email protected]