Columbia Beimblican, Hudson, N. Y., Thursday, Deeember 4,1902 …

V VICINITY NEWS By ^fil Columbia Beimblican, Hudson, N. Y., Thursday, Deeember 4,1902 ican s Regular J and Special Correspondents. 3 The Republican THURSDAY, DEO. 4, 1902. Correspondence PHILMONT. JpFCarefully Condensed Summary of the Events of the Last Vi eek. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Mansfield, of Brooklyn, anr. Harry Gernon and friend, of Mount Verr.oa. who have tneir r. I»**d 1C* JO*, .been visiting »t Mansfield's faf.ur returned to Miss Mii< vlsitibg f;: 'Brooklyn, r r Wednesday The M":-aes Enru.i Voep?l. of Clever• 'aok. as? I L'lell'i Herbv of Hudson, .who are -»->siting at trie home of Frank ill • r-ii •ICQ t of la*fc w s*>s Eiosna the home of Mrs. Tiiomas Carroll, jEaejs Saturday. who has been iiuey City, and this village on Mdi in MeileuTjlIf 1 , attended the . cf P. ball, on Wednesday evening. Willis Williams, of Copake, visited lends in the village Thanksgiving. Miss t>race Neal, of Troy, wat [recently at her home in this village for a short r-if. AiDfic.: the oat t*i town guests who attended the K. of P. ball on Thanks- giving eve in liichmrdson's Hall, were Louk Warsher of Hudson, Mr. and lira f oho Steitz of Harlemville, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pulver and Mr. Den of Claverack, Miss Etta Damm of H e w York city, Wallace Dawsoa of Hudson and Charles Stickles of Albany. Mercer Lang, of Waterford, spent .Thanksgiving with his family. Miss Gertrude M. Richardson called present quarters, this week, having secured larger quarters in the Mooney building,opposite Conner's shoe store; the association has been in the present quarters for over six years. Every effort will be put forth to make the new home as attractive as possible. On Tuesday evening the regular meeting of the village board will be held. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kinney and children Harold and Ethel, who have been visiting friends at Pittafleid, Mass., have returned to their home fn this village. Miss Rosaland Nash, of Martindale, called on friend, Saturday. Arthur Winn, of Harlemville, visited his daughter, Mrs. George Walter- mire, on Sunday. Professor Deyo is entertaining his parents from Dutchess county. Miss Lizzie Decker, of Hollowvlle, was a guest of friends in the village Saturday and Sunday. Friend Michael,of Martindale,called on friends, Friday. Mrs. John Duntz, mother and daugh- ter, of Claverack, called on friends on Saturday. Charles Hanun, whose health has been seriously impaired for some time past, is now able to be out. Miss Alice Kenney. who has com- pleted her studies at the Albany Busi- nesa College, has returned to her home in this village. Alfred Curtiss passed through tbi* village on Friday with eight new horses and a pair of mules. Miss Hallenbeck. of Hudson, who is visiting at the home of Alfred Cur- tiss, in Harlemville, has been on the sick list. Asel Decker, who is employed in a picture agency, is at his home in this village. Mr. and Mrs. George Yerick, enter- tained friends from Stottville, Sunday. James Saunders called on friends iu Hillsdale, on Thursday. GERMANTOWN BUDGET. STOCKPORT. Timely Topics Tersely Told by a Wide An Interesting Bundle of Items With Awake Correspondent. John M. Brennan expeots to go to i Ireland for a visit in the course or a few weeks. Henry Kniskern has secured a lu- crative position in Schenectady with the Edison Electric Works. Dr. F. D. Clum, of Cheviot, sailed a few days ago lor China. The doctor will make a trip around the world and expects to be gone nearly two years. He is traveling in the interest of a large wholesale drug house of NVw York. Tne social dt.nce in Edelman Hall on Friday evening last was largely attended. Feme's orchestra of Tivoli furnished the music. Norman Palmatier, of Lake Char- lotte, was in town on Friday. H. A. Lawrene has purhased a handsome young horse of Horton Bros, of Catskill. Many Newsy Personals. Wiliiam Hapamsn and family have moved to thiB village from Hillsdale. The North Harlem District League convention will be held in the Metho- dist church, afrernoon and evening, Thursday, December 11 th. Preparations are being completed for . _, . the fair and supper to "be held on on Miss Ola Myers of Chatham on j Thursday and Friday evenings, Dec. Monday of last week. Miss Myers, 4th and 5tb in the M. E. chapel; on -who as been verv iil lor the past year, j Thursday evening a turkey supper i» aradually iropioviii'. j will be served, and ice cream both Miiw Lizzie Docker, of Hoilowviile, (evenings; there will be several booths visited friends in th* village on Fri- day. Miss Mable Southard, of Mellen- ville,- who had the. misfortune to sprain her ankle l-y being run over, was able to bo out on Thanksgiving eve and resume her position as pianist in Isenhart's orchestra. Mr*. G. W. Yedder is entertaining her sister, Mies Etta Damm, of Nov,' York city. While eating Thanksgiving dinner, Mrs. Edwin HexricK bad a chicken 'hone'lodge in her throat, which was very painful. Mrs. W. H. Tan Dyke entertained friends on Thanksgiving. Mrs. John Hunt, cf Chicago and Mrs. and Mrs. Charles Powell, of Ooxbackie, visited their sister, Mrs. O. W. Baker, over Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Moore spent Thanksgiving at Olayerack, at the home of Mrs.Moore's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Schramm. John Steitz, of Harlemville, was in the village, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. James E. Phillip, of Hudson, and Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Hani, of Claverack, were recent guests at the come of Bartlett O. Phillip, in Mellenville. Misses Emma and Cora Magley visited their parents at Copake, on Thanksgiving day. Miss Anna Ganley, of Hudson, was * .guest of her sister, Mrs. James Hayes, Friday. Mim Molly Morissy, is visiting friends at Catskill. Frank Jones, of Claverack, was in the village, on business, Saturday. Miss Belle Yosburg, is the guest' of friends in Pougbkeepaie. Reverend Theodore Posselt. pastor of the Lutheran church, at Harlem ville. addressed the men at the Y. M. QLA. at 4 o'clock on Sunday afternoon, the subject being "What Lack We !¥et?*' John Breuaan contemplates starting I bakery in the village. %'be Misses Rose and Jelia Newman, were recent guests of f riuuds in New j torfcOitv. The W." O. T. U. will m^er on Tues- day evening with Mrs Julia Wheeler. | Miss Helen Powell, who is attend- in* the Albany Normal Orl ^.-. is visiting her sister, Mrs Jean Powell Mr. Freest, of Albany, *vss in the pillage oo Friday. Miss Carrie Smith, who H attending i by* Albany Business Ifttlleg", i* at j ' II rs. | at which confectionary, fancy articles, etc., will be sold. Professor Isenbart's orchestra will be in attendance both evenings. An admission of 10 cents will be charged at the door, supper 25 cents, ica cream 10 cents. Four ladies of the Working Band are engaged in soliciting money toward the fair, the •any securing the largest amonnt is to receive the sewing machine, given by E. H. Wheeler and four little girls are soliciting money each to receive a doll, the one securing the largest amount to have her choice of the dolls. Ali soliciting for these prizes will close the night before the fair, so there will be no soliciting for any objects at the fair. The announce- ments, as to who are the winners, will be made on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. U. A. Lockwood who ! have been spending the past week at Old Point Comfort, Washington,D.C.. j and Baltimore, returned home on i Monday night. William Dennis, a former resident | of this village now of Connecticut, is visiting friends here. William E. Carney callled on friends j in Hillsdale, Monday and spent Son- j day with friends in Albany. Mrs. Sarah Lament and sister, Miss May Fowler, are visiting friends at j Waterbury, Conn- Doctor Conklin called on friends in j Hudson, Monday. j Lawyers J.Donald Bell and Frederick I L. Conklin, were in the village Mon- day on business. Coroner Woodward was in the vil- I lage on Monday subpoenaing witnesses t for the Sheldon case. Among the visitors from this vil- j lage in Hudson, on Monday, were Mrs. Frank B. Harder and Miss Belle ] Vosburg. Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds, of Chat- I ham, called on friends, Monday. all MELLENVILLE. m » of Interest that has Happened Recently. •-nd >u\> on be home of her pare;*tR air. ana far.'in Smith jor a few day*. iir. and* M M Arnold Sfcavor »aby. of Harlemville, visited fchfcver's father, Martin Smith, on Miss Edna Pulver, of Olaver.i tailed on Professor Abram Deyo, ianday. Mr. and Mrs John Breirjon, were jpnont guests of friends in New York. Mrs. Wm. Way is visiting her hus- >aad. who is employed in Albany. Mrs. O. T. Blahchet is in New York 3ity. visiting her sister, who is ill. r William H. Hotaiing and d aught e- !>ydia. were guests of the former's sis- er, Mrs. Augusta Allen over Thanks- riving. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Decker, of ^ h M i , were guests of Mrs. Decker's lister, Mrs. Frank White on Sunday. Daniel Mesiok, of Hudson, visited sis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stattz Eesick, over Sunday. The Philmont band has an engage- it to go on Saturday evening with la Hudson Lodge, M. W. A., to ohenectady. Wm.Schrieber, of Hudson, called on riends on Sunday. Fred Near and friend, of New York, ire visiting at his dome in this vil- Ittiss Jessie Van Deusen is visiting Brands at Pittsfield, Mass. Joseph Wolven was a recent guest of Heads in Dan bury. Conn. Mis Julia Crandell, who visited her •arfo.nta at Durham, Greene county, m Thanksgiving, has returned to this "iliage TH* telephone line connecting Phil- aont and Harlemville was completed IB Saturday. __; - ^ x ^ Mr. and Mrs. Wm Cooper, and baby kgnes. visited his mother,Mrs.Cooper, £ Troy, last week. Charles Gibson, is visiting friends D the village. George M. Harder and wife, of lartindale, attended tbe basket ball ;ame on Friday evening. "Misses Clara, Laura and Belle Bar- ter, who are attending school at En- iewood, N. J., were home last week or a short vacation. Thomas Casey had the misfortune o out his hand quite severely with m. axe on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Adelbert Wilson, cf teheaectady, visited the former's sis- er. Mrs. George Whitney, last week. Dr. and Mrs. Donning, who hare teem visiting friends in Brooklyn, have etmraed home. Mr. and Mrs. George Scutt and ismghter Ala, visited friends in Hud- oo. Uetaday. Miss Flora Schryner. who ha« been jisiting friends at Livingston, has re- brued home. Wm Y, M. O. A. will vacate its Miss Ida Wagoner is visiting friends at West Taghkanic. Almon Miller was taken very sick one day of last week, but is now some- what better. Miss Sophia Shutts is a guest of her brother-in-law, Myron Hess, of Clav- erack, this week. Miller Smith, of Pownal, Vt., is visiting bis sister,Mrs. George Shafer. Lester Miller and wife and daughter Ethel, were guests of their son Elmer, of Schenectady. Thanksgiving. The Misses Hattie Gorsline and Emma Osborne are home on a short vacation from Waierford. Bartlett O. Phillips and wife spent Thanksgiving at the home of Aaron Phillip, of Philmont. Frank A. Juckett, of Rensselaer, spent a few days of the past week with friends. The Sacrament of the Lord's sup- per will be observed in the Reformed church this Sunday. Preparatory ser- vice will be held Wednesday evening. Miss Esther Rossaian, of Cohoes, was a guest of Miss Grace M. Moore tne past week. Mr. Gasser, of Linlithgo, spent Sun- day with Henry Gehbauer. Miss Laura P. Fassett played the organ at church Sunday, Miss Mabel Southard having a sprained ankle. Aaron C. Garner, of New York City was in town over Sunday. Little Miss Margie Snal'er is visit- ing at- the home of her grandparent'', Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Shaier, of Harlemville. Miss Cristena Gehbauer, who teaches at the Stone Mills, is home this week on account of sickness. Thomas O'Gara and wife, of Phil- mont. spent Thanksgiving Day with William Pouoher. O. F. Boright and family, of Phil- mont, were guests at the home of Gifford J. Anderson on Sunday. AHCRAM. m On Friday evening of this week the prayer meeting in connection with the M. E. church will be held at W. H. Porter's house. Miss Sarah Porter, of Pouehkeepsie, spent Thanksgiving and over Sunday with her parents. Jesse Woodward and family spent Thanksgiving with friends at West Tashkanio. The Lutheran Sabbath school will give their Christmas exercises on Christmas eve and the M. E. Sabbath •chooi on Friday evening, Deo. 26th. Mrs. H. B. Hill, son Walter and daughter Jornelia have been spend- ing two weeks in Mew York; they are expected home this week. Remember the entertainment in Edelman's Hall on tbe evening of December 12th at 7:30 p. m to be given by the young people of the M. E. church; a small admi**to» wH* *>« charged. In connection with the en? tertainment there will be a sociable in the reading room, A delicious sapper will be served immediately after Ifce entertainment in H. B. Hill's room over the blacksmith shop and adjoin- ing the reading room. Mrs. Reuben Fingar, who has been quite ill at hei home east of this viliase, is convalescent. William Bell, W>ile standing on a barrel and reaching overhead fell and broke one of his ribs and sprained his left wrist several days ago. Dr. W. B. Plainer attended him. He. is now able to walk about his place; * Mrs. Lizzie Gale is spending a week or. two with Fred Van LeuVfh and family. On Thursday evening, Nov. 28th, Miss Lillian Miller, of Cheviot, [ was united in marriage to Curtis Rocke- feller, of Germantown, at the home of the bride. Rev. Mr. McCutcheon, of North Germantown, officiating. After the ceremony a reception was held and an ecxellent supper served to nearly 100 guests. Miss Gertrude Suell, of Jefferson county, who is at present attending the New Paltz Normal school, is spending several days in this village with Miss Eunice Enowles. Mrs. Clinton Rockefeller and daugh- ter Carrie, of Madalin, spent Thanks- giving day with Henry Sipperly and family. Mrs. Caroline Garbe and mother, of New York, are guests at the Moun- tain View HoteL Mr. and Mrs. Bogert, of Bingham- ton, N. Y.. have been spending a few days in this village with Dr. Eliza- beth Blair and daughter Margeue. The Thanksgiving ball held at the Mountain View Hotel' on last Thurs- day evening was quite largely atten- ded. Prof. Lee's orchestra of Hud- son frunished the music A number of Hndsonians were present. The lirst day of winter came in with tbe ground covered with snow. Ir was a very appropriate time to have Mis* Snow make her detut. Among the personal effects of the late Moses Hover, whose death occurred a week or so ago at his residence east of this village, is a handsome clock made by his own hands Several years ago Mr. Hover refused an offer of $500 for this elegant piece of furniture which stands about eight feet high and is constructed for the most p<*rr of black walnut, wood. The works j balance of are very intricate and are made of brass and other materials used in m&k- j ing clocks. It keeps perfect time and has not been repaired or fixed in any way since its completion. It has n second minute and hour hand to indi - cate the time and the months of the year, and the days of the month and week aro also indicated. Mr. Hover was a man of vast ingenuity and it must have taken considerable time and a large amount of patience and application to complete such an ele- gant and complex time piece. Al- though not a carpenter by trade, Mr. Hover built his own house. The slippery condition of the roads on Monday gave the blacksmiths in this vicinity more work than they could do. The shops were filled with horses all day long. Philip Best and wife entertained a company of friends at their home in this village on Thanksgiving Day. Randolph Bloum has purchased a new horseoi Horton Bros.,of Catskill. A unique entertainment will be givea in Edelman ball on Tuesday evening, December 9th, by A.Lincoln Kirk for the benefit of the Reformed church. Mr. Kirk comes highly recom- mended and his impersonations have j bean highly spoken of by the press ; throughout the country. It promises J to be a rare treat to the people of this ' village and vicinity. I Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Sharp, of Stuyve- l sant, are spending several days here j wJth Henry Fingar and family. j The Ladies' Missionary Society will meet on Thursday afternoon of this ! week at the Reformed church parsrn- j ase witn Mrs. E. I. MoOully. The Germantown ice house is under- j yoing some repairs. ! Holy Communion will be observed j in the Reformed church on Sunday ! morning next. Mrs. Aiida Rockefeller and mother, of New York, are spending two weeks or «so here with Buddington Almstead and family. The Thanksgiving services in the Reformed church on Sunday morning brought out a large congregation. The pastor, Rev. E. I. McCully, preached a very impressive sermon. The praise service held bjf-the Ladies' Missionary society in the Re- formed church on Sunday evening was largely attended. The collection amounted to over tl6. Dr. W. O. Smith lost a pocketbook one day last week containing from f 15 to $17. The coal dealers in this vicinity are entirely out of anthracite. Although coal is expected the dealers are un- able to say just when it will arrive, Robert Blaco will be boss farmer for ex-Sheriff P. W. Rockefeller next season. Walter J. Fingar spent a part of last week in New York. The Thimble Bee will meet with Miss Eva L. Rockefeller on Friday afternoon of this week. Miss Katie Funk, of Hudson, spent Monday in town with friends. Roy Lasher has secured the position as enigueer at the pump station at Liniithgo on the Central-Hudson rail- road. Mr<j. David Resseguie, of Brooklyn, spending a week with her mother Mrs. Almira Lasher at the old home- stead on the lower north road. John Hart has a pumpkin that was grown in bis garden that weighs 102 pounds. Henry Bumk is raising some band- some fowls at bis poultry yard south- east of this village. On Monday he sold to out of town parties a Flymoth Rock rooster that won first priste at four poultrry exhibits druing the past season. A. P. B, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walker, of Sohe- neotady, were entertained by the for- mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Walker on Sunday last. Everett Miller, of Germantown, has been visiting at the M. E. parsonace a few days of the past week. George Bobbins, the son of a former pastor, the Rev. L. A. Bobbins, now stationed at Housatonic, Mass. has been in town the past week visiting at the home of Dr. E E. Martin. - Miss Elizabeth W. Van de Carr, who is attending the school at Albany, spent her Thanksgiving vacation with her parents. Miss Mary Garvey and Mrs. Nettie Edwards were entertained by their parents last week- Georee Moore, of St. Stephn's Col- lege, visited friends in town Thanks- giving. • Miss Jessie Pultz,of Samaritan Hos- pital, Troy, and Mr. and Mrs. James H- Pultz. of Hudson, were guests of their parents ooe day last week. The mills of Jas.'A. .Hover shut- down Wednesday night for the holiday and the knitting mill remained closed for the rest of the week for neoaed repairs. About twenty-four ladies attended the Women's Guild last Friday and mo h work was accomplished. A pretty operetta is being rehearsed by the children of the parish which will soon be given for the benefit of the Guild.:'.-. Miss Jennie Chittenden, of Troy, spent Thanksgiving in town with her mother. At the annual election for one war- den and three vestrymen of St. John's church, Monday, C. R. Van de Carr Was re-elected warden, and John H. Wild and R. Burns Reynolds were re- elected vestrymen. In the place of Harry S. Van de Carr, Frank Stener- waid was elected. The vestry of the church now stands as follows: War- den, C. R. Van de Carr t-J 1904, and Jacob H. Pultz to 1903. Vestrymen: John H. Wild, B. R. Beynolds and Frank Stenerwald to 1905; Fred. W Buss, Alex. D. Lathrop and Edward Tinker to 1904; Frank E. Garvey, Joshua Reynolds and Edgar J. Ross- man to 1903; Joshua Reynolds, clerk of vesrry; John H- Wild, treasurer. John Evans, of Renssalaer, spent Thankegiviug with relatives in town. John Connolly, while feeding his horses on Friday last, fell from the hay mow to the floor of the barn be- low and fractured his collar-bone ami received a number of braises. He is improving. Dr. Silliman was called away to New York Friday last to officiate at the funeral of an old friend, Mr. Morgan. Charles R. Van de Carr returned from the south for Thanksgiving, Miss Helen Stiles, of Troy, was the guest of MiaB Beynolds over Thanks- giving. George Silliman, of Sfc Stephen's College spent Thanksgiving and the the week with his father. sg CLERMONT. . ' ' ' ^ H - ' " . . . . . . » What the People of an Energetic Town Are Doing. GREEKDALE. • • * People Who are Coming and Going- The News Nicely Served. James Wood, wife and two children spent Sunday in tbe Clorkson district with the former's brother. Mrs. Silas Stajl. who was at one time during her illness threatened with pneumonia, is now sitting up. She is under the care of Dr. Vigeant, of Elizaville. Mrs. Robert R. Moore returned to her home in the suburbs of German- town, after a few days spent with her daughter. Mrs. jfeoraee Seism. Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Moore made a business trip | to Hudson, Friday. E i w . M. Coon spent Saturday in Hudson. Miss Edith Fingar, of Blue Store, was an over Sunday guest of friends in town. Miss Jane L. Wilson is in Schenec- tady, HS a two week's guest or Mi?s Heleq Myndersj| Miss Jennie Hogau.o favorite among the little women, has recovered from a slight attack of nervous indigestion. Jonas F. Potts and wife spent Sun- day with the letter's parents. Jacob Rockefeller audwife in Germantown. Mrs. Fred Sturgess and children, of Madalin, spent a few days of last week with Mrs. K. Donelly. Harold Wilson. Jr., a former pupil of Judge Longll|r, of Hudson, now a student in the Albany Law school, was at home spring Thanksgiving week. Mrs. Julia Stickles, after a two week's visit wifm Sylvester Stall and family in Elizft'iilo, will return to her hofflte Saturday. Clayton Stickles left Friday for a fsw days visit wf*h friends in Albany and Ren8salaei| Upon his return Wednesday he w i l l be accompanied by his brother A h ley, whose duties as boatman will-jae discontinued for a time. Brcekhoist Livingston, of Blue Store, was a Thanksgiving gaest of Harold Wilson, Sr. The first rehearsal for the entertain- ment to be given, on Friday eveuing, ' Dec. 5th bv thelaocial committee of the Y. P. S. C. ji. for the Christmas tree fund, was hell on Friday evening. The comedy 'p,unt Susan Jones" promises to belfentertaining and a good attendance will help the cause. A small admissipn fee and refresh- ments free. B e i t Wm. Guliok is a guest of out of tawn friends. The Handkerdlief Bnzaar and New England supper ^fas heralded by con- tinuous rain storms throughout the day and evening and in cousequencc the attendance was small It was re- peated on Thanksgiving night and al- though the weather was still unfavor- able the amountIrealized from both evenings amounted to §5«. No pains were spared in me preparations for the entertainmeni of the jjuests by the genial host aud hostess. Mr. and Mrs. H.S. Williams, whose efforts were en- joyably received jry those who braved the elements. Wm.Cri8p6nns lor some years a resi- dent of Clermont, died a* his home near''the ValleyjfFarin on Sunday night, Nov. 23d, let his 46th year. His death resulted from consumption and during the last stages of his illness, he seemed .perfectly Resigned to what he knew must sooniend in death. Al- though living alimple unpretentious life, <his; employe—and fellow laborers will mourn hiinl as an honest, con- scientious and fatihfui man. His step- daughter and hnshaod, of Philmont, as also a stop soujIPhilip Fonda, were with them other at times during his illness sustaining her. as best they might in her sorrew. Mr. Orispenus is survived by a widow and five chil- dren, who are preferring to move to Philmont during the week. LINLITHGO. All About And Some Their of The Friends. People Mrs. Isaao Slater spent a few days hut week in Hudson with her niece, Mrs. William Miller. Burton Melius, wife and daughter, of New York, spent Thanksgiving with his sister, Mrs. Stephen O'Brien. George LeFever, who has been away for some time at Ancram Lead Mines, buying up apples, came home to spend Thanksgiving With his wife. Mrs. Charles Gasser spent last week with friends in Mellenville. Abram Smith spent Tbanxsgiving with his brother, Ezbon. Clarence Temple took a trip to New York on the barge Miller, recently. The Missionary meeting was held at Mrs. LeFever's. The W. O. T. U. will meet with Mrs Wiikorson on Friday afternoon at'three o'clock. Tae funeral of Nathan Raymond was held as the church, Sunday, at lu :30, and the remains were taken to Athens for burial. Mrs. Mclntyre.of Cold Spring, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. P. Sheffer. At tbe special school meeting held on Saturday night. John Plass, Florence Gasser and P. A. Sheffer were elected trustees. John Proper and wife of West Tagh- kanic, attended the funeral of his brother-in-law, Nathan Raymond, Sunday. KINDERHO0E. » " I. Readable Notes About People and Out of Town. In CLAVERACK. * » » A Live Budget of News The Past Week. Covering An entertainment under the auspices of tho Ladies' Missionary Society will be heid in the lecture room of the Reformed church, Dec. 11th. The principal feature of the entertainment will be "Mrs. Jarley's Wax Figures." Fancy articles suitable for Xmas will be on sale. Refreshments will be served. Admission ten cents. A cor- dial invitation is extended to all. Deputy Sheriff Orville Drumm was in town last Friday serving jurors for the December term of court. The Ladies' Missionary Society will meet at toe parsonage Thursday after- noon at 2 p.m. Peter Gardner and wife of Living- ston, spentf Sunday with friends on Pleasant avenue. John Buckley and family visited his father-in-law, B.J. Van Valkenburgb, Sunday. Jeremiah Hallenbeck and daughter, LIVINGSTON. Interesting Items About the People and tie Place. p is . y onr Mrs. Rachel Kittle is on the sick list. Von Flouton has bought a form in Hillsdale. He -expects to take posses- sion April 1, 1908. Miss Elizabeth Peters,of the Albany Normal College, spent her Thanksgiv- ing vacation at home. E. Van Valkenburgh and family were Thanksgiving guests of Isaao Van Valkenburgh. John Sbnfelt has erected a large cold storage building which he will fill next year. Grace Van Valkenburgh, of Ohot- b»m, spent (a#t week at Fairview cot- tage. . a. Miss Kate Waldorph and Mrs. Smith were recent guests cf Lucelia Rowe. Mis. William Q parents from R past week. The Thanksgiv attended consi weather and tho s great feature of Peter Mrs. m entertained her Hook one day the supper was well ing the rainy lling contest was a the evening. Miss of Academy Hill, were the guests of i am i wife, Sunday! Samuel Hallenbeck and wife. Sunday. ' Miss Laura Allen spent Thanksgiv- ing witn her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Allen, of Blue Hill. George Mines of the Albany Busi- ness Oolleee, spent Sunday with his mother. Mrs. Andrew Hallenbeck, of Blue Hill. Sarah Hayncr and Mis 1 * Fiiuuie Miller were the two bast spellers and they are to bfl congratulated upon- their good work. C, T. Dixon df Brooklyn, -..spent Thanksgiving with his aunt, Mary E. Dixon. Thorn Hamm. fbf Gieuco, was the guesc of his brother, Ernest Hamm WEST TAGHKANIC. Mrs. Charles Tiffany and daughter, Lela, spent Saturday night and Sun- day with Bryaly Miller and wife. They aiso attended church here in the morning. A large company of friends spent Thanksgiving evening with Charles Peer and wife. Fred Sheldon has been trading horses with Mr. Plass. of Linlithgo". An oyster supper will be held at the house of Myria Near on the evening of December lOth, 1902. All are cor- dially invited to attend. Miss Ida Wagner, of Philmontj who has been spending some time with her cousin, Miss Hazel Coon, has returned home.; William H. Hawver, Jr.. assisted Walter Sheldon, of Hoilowviile, Mon^ day with his butchering. Mrs. Perry A.Decker, who has been quite sick'with'tbe mumps, is better. Harry Near, who has been quite seri- ously ill, is convalescent. bPENCERTOWN. Daniel Clarke, aged 88 years, died on E. J. made a dav. J, L. panied Holsapple business tr Rowe anc by the fori Saturday last The funeral of Charles Niles took place on Friday p. m. the remains were taken to Sand Lake and buried by the side of his only child, a son. His widow survives him. A daughter was born to George Rem and wife on Saturday, Nov.29th. Miss Edna Becker and Miss Ida Cole, of Oraryville, were guests of B. E. Becker over Thanksgiving. Wm.Shraeder and family drove over to Housantonio, on Thursday, return- ing on Sunday. Our two Long Island school inarms, Misses Sitter and Sawyer, enjoyed the holiday at their homes near this vil- lage. : ,' .'••".' Benj.Sitter and wife gave an elabor- ate dinner to twenty-eight guests on the 27th. Jimmy Carrigan was in town on Saturday. Edward Kern has sold tbe steam thresher to the Burohords, of Ghent, and bought for his own use a gasoline engine. Mrs. Cora Lasher held an old fash- ioned Thanksgiving at her house in honor of her mother, Mrs. Catharine Goal; sixteen children and grand chil- dren of Mrs. Goal were present and all enjoyed tbe happy reunion. George M. Lane died on Sunday morning, Nov. 30tb. Eioe's City Hall Drug qtqre. Elegant Japanese Crockery, fpr Christmas, wfi and Fred Horton ip to A Ibany, Sat ur- -son Earl, accom- ler's father-in-law, George Foland, spent a few days the past week in Troy t and Waterford. Miss Kate Waldorpn is spending the winter with her brother, Walter Waldorph at HumBireyville. Miss Flora Schafcer, of Philmont, spent a few days the past week with Mary E. Dixon. Some fine porkerf were butchered in this place the pest woek, R Magley killinsr one which dressed 266 pounds and Henry Lyons'..two weighing 325 pounds together. Mrs.Poucher of Hnmphreyville, was doing dressmaking in this place a few days the past week. Mrs. Merton Hodskins is spending a week in Philmont laith her aunt, Mrs. Wesley Rowe. Wilson Moore and wife spent Satur- day and Sunday with the letter's brother, Sidney Kells and his wife. Wesley Rowe, wife and daughter Lillian, of Philmont. were guests of R. Magley and will, Sunday. Mrs. R. Rote spent a few days tho past week in Glenco with her daugh ter, Mrs. James Walker. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Re- formed church will meet with Mrs. G. H. Burril at the parsonage, Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Sacrament of the Lords' supper will be administered in the Reformed church next Sabbath morning; prepar- atory service will be held in the church, 2:30, followed by the meeting of the consistorv and election of officers for the ensuing year. Regular Christian Endeavor prayer meeting will be held on Thursday evening at 7:80. (( Topic: "Missions, The World for Cnrist." Toe annual Christmas sale and fair will be held December 10th in Memorial ohapel, afternoon and even- ing. A fine supper will be served, and fancy articles, cake, candy, ice cream, etc, will be on sale. . % The ladies of the Guild of Trinity parish, will meet with Mrs. Cornelius Shaw on Railroad avenue. Thursday afternoon. The children of the M. E. Sabbath school are preparing for an entertain- ment to be given in Graver's hall early in December for the benefit of their Christmas tree. Last Sunday tbe first Sunday in Ad- vent, wis tbe event of tbe first anni- versary of the opening of Trinity church for worship. The rector, the Rev. Hobart Cooke, praached a most beautiful sermon. B, S. Mesick is spending some time in St Louis, Mo. „ Quite a large number attended the shooting match at tbe Columbia House, HThanksgiving day. George Graver visited recently in Yonkers. Mrs. David Crego died at the resi- dence of her son, - Charles Crego. " Tuesday of last week, with typhoid fever. She has many friends in this vicinity who regret her death and the sympathy of these is extended to her son and daughter who survive her. Mrs. Amelia B. Lente, of Fort Ed- ward, was a guest of Mrs. R. N.Saun- dres, recently. ' H The Misses Zabriskie returned home last week after spending some time in New York city. Mrs. Augustus Smith moved into one of Mrs.Flack's houses on Railroad avenue. Robert Kells and family moved to Mrs. M. A. Goodwin's farm east of the village, Friday. Dr. Palmer Cole, of New ork City, spent Thanksgiving with his mother and sisters. Douglas W. Curtis, of New York City, visited Rev. G. H. Burr-ill and family at the Reformed parsonage, last week. John Welch, of German Valley, a former student of the H R.I , has been spending a week at the Columbia House. • Mies Edna Pulver is the guest of Miss Gertrude Richardson in Phil- mont. Wilson Doming spent Sunday with his parents on Church street. Miss Katharine Mesick, of Hudson, spent Sunday at the home of E. R. Myers. Robert DeLamater, wife and son, spent Thankgiving in Hudson. Miss Leggett, of Chatham, was a guest of Miss May tie D. Crane at "Fairview" during the past week. Sydney Storm, of Hudson, was the guests of his aunt, Mrs. Harriet Crane, Thursday. Mrs, Doming and Mrs. Mary Raught, of Hudson, spent a few days at^the home Of John Demin/. \ Mr. and Mrs. Edward Moore, of Philmont spent Thanksgiving with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sohroni, on Railroad avenne. Miss Viola Van Vieck spent Sunday with her mother on Church street. There ore two coses of scarlet fever reported south of this village. Miss Bertha Bashford, of Hoilow- viile, attended service in the Re- formed church, Sabhath morning. Myron Van Da Boe, wife and son spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Van De Boe's mother, Mrs. Katharine Bristol. Charles S«»iple. of Chatham, spent Dr. E. J. Collier, of Amsterdam, was the guest of his parents, Rev. and Mrs. E. A. Collier on Thanksgiving. Mrs. Moore, of Coxsackie, has been visiting Mrs. Stephen Hotaiing. Ernest Hoes, of Yonkers spent Thanksgiving with his parents. P. V. B. Hoes and wife on Albany avenue. Miss Josephine Palmateer enter- tained the Monday Afternoon Plnb this week at her home. Mrs. Frank Morgan and daugutei- have returned from a visit in White Plains. George D. Earll, of Great Barring- ton, has been spending his Thanksgiv- ing vacation with his mother. Agustus Wynkoop, of « e w York, was a guest of his aunts, the Misses Wynkocp, last week. Mrs. E. O. Farrar. of Granville, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Alonzo Farrar. William Van Alstyne. of Albanv. was a gaest of at the" home of Mrs. Y. F. Woodwork last week. Miss Mabel Birckmayer, who is at- tending school at Cohoes. has been Bpendms her Thanksgiving vacation with her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Bircknmyer. F. Bradley Reynolds, of the Troy Polytechnic-has been enjoying a short vacation. Charles Gordon and wife have been visiting their itoughter. Mrs. Thomas Hughes at Marlborough, N. Y. Prof. R. A Mable. of Coeymans, was a guest of Georg** H. Brown lust week. Miss Alice Morreil, who is attending the Sw-M-thmoro preparatory school ia Pennsy'v.iuia. was called homo last week owUg to the serious illness of ber mother. The Ladies' Missionary Sewing Society will meet with Mrs. P. V. B. Hoes on Thursday afternon of this week. Miss Irene Ibert and Miss Mabel Wreath of the Albany Normal College, spent Sunday with Miss Elizabeth Scully. Joseph Ritz, of Boston, oalled on friends in this village on Friday last. Marcus T. O'Reilly, of New York, has been spending several days with his mother at his home here. George Post, an old and respected colored resident of this place, died at bis borne on Friday iast of pneumonia. His funeral took pace on Monday from his late residence. Frank Ritz and Walter Rudd are re- covering from the injuries they re- ceived a week ago at Valatie. William Hover and family, *pent Thanksgiving with relatives in King- ston. Mr. and Mrs. Geo B. Wilkins took pare in the entertainment given at thG Valatie Opera House, Thanksgiving night. 10ETH GIS2A5TWW. HUMPHREYVILLE. A Good Many Things Which Happen In a Small Place. Don't forgot the entertainment and social which will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Milham ou Friday evening of this week, Dec.5ifa; if very stormy the next fair night. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Edward Myer has recently pur- chased a fine team of trotters. Mrs. Christopher Miller of Mellen- ville, spent Friday with her parents, Peter Ham and wife. Frank Witherwax, of Hoilowviile! was the guest of his brother, Joel. Sunday. E. A. Milham, wife and daughter spent Thanksgiving with Miller Michael and wife, of Hudson. Miss Bessie Woodward spent Thanks- giving with friends in Hudson. Mrs A. Raynor and little daughter Aldreth.of Catskill, were over Sunday gueBts of Mrs. Clarence Becker. Mrs. Walter Waldrof has gone to Stottville, where she expects to remain during the winter months. Mark Newman, wife aud son, Louis were guests of Peter Wildermuth ancl wife, of Hoilowviile, Sunday. Miss Cleora Miller and brother Henry, of Kinderhook, spent a portion of last week with their uncle, Henry G. Spengler. Miss Marvetta,Kipp, of Greendale, spent a few days of last week with Mrs. Oscar Link. Mrs. Frank Best and Mrs. Charlc-s I. Miller, of Hudson.spent Wednesday of last week with Mrs. Richard Miller. The Stone Mill school will be closed a few days on account of the illness of the teacher's sister, who resides in Mellenville. Martin spent Smith, at visited fiiends at Sunday, went to Hudson, GALLATINVILLE. Edward Smith jprnd family Thanksgiving wit West Taghkanic. S. Tripp and fa Ancram Lead Mini C. Tripp and wi Saturday. The school building in district No. 9 whicn is being repaired, is nearly com- pleted, and is a verjifine piece of work. A. Hevenor and Cyiis Plass did it. L. A. Lasher continues about the same. F. B. Weaver, M.B)., of Hyde Park, spent Thanksgiving with his parents in this place foreman, will va- J. Edelman, and week. His many rture. ly, of Ancram, Coons' home. TORE, [wife spent Satur- D. Farrell, sectio: cate the house of move to Ancram thf friends regret his di Lester Carle and spent Sunday at E. BLUE G. W, Smith an day in Hudson, Mrs. Theresa L; Ella visited tbe f Manor ton on Th week. Mrs. J. J. Stickles has been spend- ing the past week with her daughter Maggie in Elizavil Mrs Henry Coon in Hudson John Sitckles, Q Tinklepaagh and Thanksgiving with Sis parents, Mr. and MM. Henry SeiD'l. Mrs. William Stanley, of Grand Rapids, Mich., was a gnest of P. R. Fingar last week. Mrs. Worthington D. Lynk spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Mesick. Mrs. E. Elmer and daughter, Miss Bessie, of Hudson, were guests of George Van Vleok. Thanksgiving. Rev. G.H. Burrill, wife and daugh- ter, spent some time in Albany during the past week. Joel Parson is very ill at his home on Main street. Mrs. F. Snyder, "who has been quite ill, is very much better. Mrs. Chancellor Hawyer left Satur- day morning for a visit with her brother and family at Elmira. Clarence Schenck, of New York City, is spending some time with bis family on Main street. * Mrs. Stanley Boucher and daughter, Doris, spent Sunday at tbe home of Joel Parsons on Main street. Miss Florence Van Rensselaer spent Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. A. Van Rensselaer. NORTH CHATHAM. Miss Bertha Kunker is home for a week from her sohool in Troy. George Scott and wife, of Pough- keepsie. are spending a week at tbe home of O. Stever. Miss Merwin, of Kinderhook, is a guest at Fred Whitbeck's home. Thanksgiving arrivals: Mrs. S. J. Walker, Jesse aud Annie, of Albany, at Dudley Walker's place; Abel Van De Carr and family of acho- daok, as guestp of A. Traver: O. Buell and family, of Cohoes, at Frank Max- well's home; the Misses Sadie and Mabel Barringer, of Troy, at J. E. Ring's home- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stever and Bertha, spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Popana in Chatham. Lewis Rowe and wife partook of their turkey in Poughkeepsie and then visited in other places. The rumor started around town that'a kerosene stove at the Kingman House had exploded and was all ablaze,etc, but it ended smoke, as an oil stove seems to know just how to do that thing at times. The stove was being used to warm a room for a guest and after lighting it one of the family opened the room door and backed out in a hurry from the gas and smoke. A man of the house then crawled on his bands and knees to find tbe stovo, as the smoke was eo dense, a light could not be seen. Tbe room and evervtfaing in it was covered with soot and tbe smoke which even found its way into the next room, so all the damage was by smoke and soot, but no fire or explosion. Mrs. Sornberger, formerly of this place bad a fall and was quite seri- ously hurt at Providence, R.I., at tbe home of her son. Items of the Timet in a Prosperous Tillage on the Hudson. David Harris, superintended Hudson Valley Cooperage plant at Crown Point, spent a few days here W. H. Siglar and daughter Ester left here on Monday for a short visit in Chatham. C. R. Lasher has sent his fine new horse to Madalin where he will be used in connection with his grocery business. On account of the storm, the at- tendance at the Pumpkin Pie social last week was light, but tbe few who were there had a very enjoyable time. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Snyder and son Ray spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. O. Wood, of Chatham, N. Y Roy returned on Friday and Mr. and Mrs. Snyder ou Monday. E vandrr uline has traded his line large grey horse with George Horton, of Standout, for a bay pacer which Mr. Kline says is a skipper. John E. Hover, who is employed at Peekskill, came home iast week to attend the funeral of his brother, Moses Hover. Mr. Hover returned on Monday. Mrs. John Gassett and daughter are visiting iu Madalin and Saugerties. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fisk, of Mil- ton, N. Y., spent Thanksgiving with their daugiiter, Mrs. Evacder Kline. Mrs. John Lown, or Lynn, Mass., made Fevera! calls in thiB place ou Saturday. Sne ^-ifo attended the fnn- eral <-f her lister. Mrs. P. H. Potts, of Madalin, on Friday. Mr. aud Mrs. B." O. Snyder and Mr. and Mrs. Erastus Hover are mak- ing preparations to visit Florida, where they will spend the winter. Active preparations are being made for the Christmas service to be given by the Sunday school. Only one letter advertised this month and that is for Mrs. James Snyder. 0. R. Lasher has a car load of grate coal for the larger heaters. Snyder & Snefler, artesian well drillers, ara deepening the well of Elias Lather; it is nearly 100 feet down with but little water. John G. Gale, relief towerman.who has been at tower 76 for several weeks, is now St tower 82. SiU*9 M. Smith, who has been visit- ing his daughter in Brooklyn,returned on Tuesday morning. J here was quite a call for a black- smith on Monday and several horses fell oil the icy places. Butchering seems to be in order this week / Principal Uotchkill has moved isto C. Winsenbur^'s house on the lower south road. Mr. Winsenburgh has moved to New York for the winter. Chester Hoffman seems to be a fav- orite for jnry duty; he has just been drawn and be served on the Hallen- beck murder trial and at several other terms. The funeral of Mrs. S B.Overbaugh, who died suddenly on Thursday even- ing last, loou place Monday. A short service at the home of her daughter, Mrs. R. C. Craft at 9 a. m. and regu- lar service and interment at Kisku- tom.her former home, on tbe afternoon of the same day were held. Alech MacCutcheon, who is teach- ing at South Oiange. W. J., spent Thanksgiving at tbe home of his father, Rev. S. J. MacCutcheon. Dr. W. O. Smith who has a large cold storago plant at Germantown, is bugy shipping Keiffer pears from the dock. Johu Mverderck is on the sick list. B. C Snyder, who returned from New York on Tuesday morning, re- ports the market tor Keiffer pears very low. Dr. A. \Y, Brash was absent ia Hudson on Monday. Mrs. E. U. Snyder will lead the league meetiug next Sunday night: subject "The Missionary Uprising of the Young People." Acts. 2: 17, 18. 21. Lyle Riverburgh is spending seme time at Port Richmond, N. Y. HAN0RT0N. The Comines and Goingfe of The People of The Place. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Miller and Mr. and Mrs. R uben Miller, of Ohurcfatown, attended service here oa Suuday. Mrs. A. M. Boyd and daughter, of Philadelpia. are visitiug a few days at A. Weaver's home. Mr. aud Mrs. Arthur Lynk spent Sunday in Claverack. Preparations for ereeting the new sheds has been going on at the church. The "Handkerchief Bazaar" and sociable neld at Harry William's home last week, was a great success in spite of the stormy weather, over $55 be- ing oleared. John Ingles, of Lake Charlotte, passed through this place on Sunday. Oscar Post spent Sunday afternoon with friends out of town. Our mail carrier had the misfortune to break his leg while in the woods one day the past week. Mrs. Stephen Stall is spending a woek with her daughter. Mrs. John Weaver, of Suydam. Mrs.George Weaver,cf Hudson.spent a couple ot days recently with her father, Jacob Hutchmgs. Mrs. John Weaver and sons spent Saturday and Sunday with friends in this place. . GLENCO MILLS. The Week's History from Part of the County. k and daughter mer's mother at day of the past is visiting her son place, have been ready at the oh ore tbeir new sheds ii ones which were Miss Edith Fit with Miss Lela Si ' Miss Anna Fitza of the past week " irles Lynk, John Wagner of this jtting the ground for tbe erection of )Iaoe of the old ftroyed by fire, ir spent Sunday ties of Clermont, imons spenf part itbany? OHUBCHTOWH. Milton Von Tassel and sister, Miss Edna, of Mount Ross, Dutchess county, spent a few days of the past woek with Horton and Benjamin Sheldon. Oar pastor will be with us again Sunday. Services will be held as usual. Tbe young people are progressing in tbeir efforts to have the entertainment a snooess. We hope a crowded bous will greet them on Friday evening of next week, Deo. 12th at 8 o'clock. The party Wednesday evening of last week that was to be held at George Miller's bopse. Was postponed on ao count of the storm. Homer Melius is dpjua some thresh ing this weak with a ga\o*<h« w«»sh iog machine, for the farmers ia. yiclnity. formers in fei« SNYDERVILLE. The Comings and Goings of People of the Plaee. The Will Moore, while engaged in draw- ing a load of wood Wednesday of lost week, had the misfortune to break bis leg. Dr. Vigeant was at onoe sum- moned and treated the broken limb. Perry Decker, of West Taghkanic, was in this place buying turkeys tbe past week for the Christmas market, as was also Charles Leach of the some place. Taghkanic seems to be have plenty of turkey buyers. John Hulett, of Copake, is spending a few days with her parents. Mrs. Lewis Moore spent Monday of last week with hir daughter, Mrs. Robert Myers, of Ohuruhtown. Burton Ham and wife entertaiped Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wbitbsok over Sunday. „. .. PommistJjeaer of Highways Virgil Hem, is engaged with a gang of men pacing tHe across the highways at this place. Butchering is the principle work at preauit, W. Niver and wife returned home on Tuesday of last week from Hibernia, Dutchess county. Grant Sheldon, of Churcbtown, was the guest of his grandparents, W. L. Stickels and wife, Saturday and Sunday. Rev. Chesbro and wife and Milton Shaurman and wife, of Lake Charlotte, visited D. H. Weaver Thursday of last week. Merwin Hawver and wife, of West Stockbridge, Mass, are visiting George Hobby and wife. Lewis Potts, of Hudson, called on friends in this place Sunday evening, William Hoffman, who quite seriously injured himself one day last week, is reported improving. Lillian Shaurman entertained some friends at a Thanksgiving dinner Thurs- day of last week. Allen Coons and wife and Deliah Proper, of Humpreyville, visited Mrs. Proper Sunday. CRARYVILLE. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bryant and Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Weaver and two daughters, the Misses Mabel and Mar- guerite, of Churcbtown, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. W. Weaver, Sunday. Miss Charity Meyer and nephew, Master Clarence Carle, spent a few days last week with the letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carle, at Copake Lake. Miss Anna Decker spent a portion of lost week with her parents. Miss Ethel J. Lawrence was home from Dover over Thanksgiving and entertained company from Brooklyn. Mrs. W. Lampman entertained com- pany from out of town over Sunday. Miss Mary Andrews has again re- sumed her school duties in the village. Dr. E. Niver has commenced repairs on tne Edwards property, recently pur- chased by him. Mr, and Mrs. Henry Haun spent out week out of town. Frank Finkle has a position at the milk station. j Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

Transcript of Columbia Beimblican, Hudson, N. Y., Thursday, Deeember 4,1902 …

Page 1: Columbia Beimblican, Hudson, N. Y., Thursday, Deeember 4,1902 … 23/Hudson NY Columbia... · 2014-06-16 · V VICINITY NEWS By ^fil Columbia Beimblican,


VICINITY NEWS By f̂il Columbia Beimblican, Hudson, N. Y., Thursday, Deeember 4,1902

ican s Regular J and Special Correspondents. 3

The Republican THURSDAY, DEO. 4, 1902.

Correspondence PHILMONT.

JpFCarefully Condensed Summary of the Events of the Last Vi eek.

Mr. and Mrs. Claude Mansfield, of Brooklyn, anr. Harry Gernon and friend, of Mount Verr.oa. who have

tneir r. I»**d 1C* J O * ,

.been visiting »t Mansfield's faf.ur returned to

• Miss Mii< vlsitibg f;:

'Brooklyn, r r Wednesday

The M":-aes Enru.i Voep?l. of Clever• 'aok. as? I L'lell'i Herbv of Hudson, .who are -»->siting at trie home of Frank

i l l

• r - i i •ICQ t

of la*fc w s*>s Eiosna

the home of Mrs. Tiiomas Carroll,

jEaejs Saturday. who has been

iiuey City, and this village on

M d i in MeileuTjlIf1, attended the . cf P. ball, on Wednesday evening. Willis Williams, of Copake, visited

lends in the village Thanksgiving. Miss t>race Neal, of Troy, wat

[recently at her home in this village for a short r-if .

AiDfic.: the oat t*i town guests who attended the K. of P. ball on Thanks­giving eve in liichmrdson's Hall, were Louk Warsher of Hudson, Mr. and l i r a f oho Steitz of Harlemville, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pulver and Mr. Den of Claverack, Miss Etta Damm of H e w York city, Wallace Dawsoa of Hudson and Charles Stickles of Albany.

Mercer Lang, of Waterford, spent .Thanksgiving with his family.

Miss Gertrude M. Richardson called

present quarters, this week, having secured larger quarters in the Mooney building,opposite Conner's shoe store; the association has been in the present quarters for over six years. Every effort will be put forth to make the new home as attractive as possible.

On Tuesday evening the regular meeting of the village board will be held.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kinney and children Harold and Ethel, who have been visiting friends at Pittafleid, Mass., have returned to their home fn this village.

Miss Rosaland Nash, of Martindale, called on friend, Saturday.

Arthur Winn, of Harlemville, visited his daughter, Mrs. George Walter-mire, on Sunday.

Professor Deyo is entertaining his parents from Dutchess county.

Miss Lizzie Decker, of Hollowvlle, was a guest of friends in the village Saturday and Sunday.

Friend Michael,of Martindale,called on friends, Friday.

Mrs. John Duntz, mother and daugh­ter, of Claverack, called on friends on Saturday.

Charles Hanun, whose health has been seriously impaired for some time past, is now able to be out.

Miss Alice Kenney. who has com­pleted her studies at the Albany Busi-nesa College, has returned to her home in this village.

Alfred Curtiss passed through tbi* village on Friday with eight new horses and a pair of mules.

Miss Hallenbeck. of Hudson, who is visiting at the home of Alfred Cur­tiss, in Harlemville, has been on the sick list.

Asel Decker, who is employed in a picture agency, is at his home in this village.

Mr. and Mrs. George Yerick, enter­tained friends from Stottville, Sunday.

James Saunders called on friends iu Hillsdale, on Thursday.


Timely Topics Tersely Told by a Wide An Interesting Bundle of Items With Awake Correspondent.

John M. Brennan expeots to go to i Ireland for a visit in the course or a few weeks.

Henry Kniskern has secured a lu­crative position in Schenectady with the Edison Electric Works.

Dr. F. D. Clum, of Cheviot, sailed a few days ago lor China. The doctor will make a trip around the world and expects to be gone nearly two years. He is traveling in the interest of a large wholesale drug house of NVw York.

Tne social dt.nce in Edelman Hall on Friday evening last was largely attended. Feme's orchestra of Tivoli furnished the music.

Norman Palmatier, of Lake Char­lotte, was in town on Friday.

H. A. Lawrene has purhased a handsome young horse of Horton Bros, of Catskill.

Many Newsy Personals.

Wiliiam Hapamsn and family have moved to thiB village from Hillsdale.

The North Harlem District League convention will be held in the Metho­dist church, afrernoon and evening, Thursday, December 11 th.

Preparations are being completed for . _, . the fair and supper to "be held on

on Miss Ola Myers of Chatham on j Thursday and Friday evenings, Dec. Monday of last week. Miss Myers, 4th and 5tb in the M. E. chapel; on -who as been verv iil lor the past year, j Thursday evening a turkey supper i» aradually iropioviii'. j will be served, and ice cream both

Miiw Lizzie Docker, of Hoilowviile, (evenings; there will be several booths visited friends in th* village on Fri­day.

Miss Mable Southard, of Mellen­ville,- who had the. misfortune to sprain her ankle l-y being run over, was able to bo out on Thanksgiving eve and resume her position as pianist i n Isenhart's orchestra.

Mr*. G. W. Yedder is entertaining her sister, Mies Etta Damm, of Nov,' York city.

While eating Thanksgiving dinner, Mrs. Edwin HexricK bad a chicken 'hone'lodge in her throat, which was very painful.

Mrs. W. H. Tan Dyke entertained friends on Thanksgiving.

Mrs. John Hunt, cf Chicago and Mrs. and Mrs. Charles Powell, of Ooxbackie, visited their sister, Mrs. O. W. Baker, over Thanksgiving.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Moore spent Thanksgiving at Olayerack, at the home of Mrs.Moore's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Schramm.

John Steitz, of Harlemville, was in the village, Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. James E. Phillip, of Hudson, and Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Hani, of Claverack, were recent guests at the come of Bartlett O. Phillip, in Mellenville.

Misses Emma and Cora Magley visited their parents at Copake, on Thanksgiving day.

Miss Anna Ganley, of Hudson, was * .guest of her sister, Mrs. James Hayes, Friday.

Mim Molly Morissy, is visiting friends at Catskill.

Frank Jones, of Claverack, was in the village, on business, Saturday.

Miss Belle Yosburg, is the guest' of friends in Pougbkeepaie.

Reverend Theodore Posselt. pastor of the Lutheran church, at Harlem ville. addressed the men at the Y. M. QLA. at 4 o'clock on Sunday afternoon, the subject being "What Lack We !¥et?*'

John Breuaan contemplates starting I bakery in the village.

%'be Misses Rose and Jelia Newman, were recent guests of f riuuds in New j torfcOitv.

The W." O. T. U. wil l m^er on Tues­day evening with Mrs Julia Wheeler. |

Miss Helen Powell, who is attend-in* the Albany Normal Orl ^.-. is visiting her sister, Mrs Jean Powell

Mr. Freest, of Albany, *vss in the pillage oo Friday.

Miss Carrie Smith, who H attending i by* Albany Business Ifttlleg", i* at j

' II rs. |

at which confectionary, fancy articles, etc., will be sold. Professor Isenbart's orchestra will be in attendance both evenings. An admission of 10 cents will be charged at the door, supper 25 cents, ica cream 10 cents. Four ladies of the Working Band are engaged in soliciting money toward the fair, the •any securing the largest amonnt is to receive the sewing machine, given by E. H. Wheeler and four little girls are soliciting money each to receive a doll, the one securing the largest amount to have her choice of the dolls. Ali soliciting for these prizes will close the night before the fair, so there will be no soliciting for any objects at the fair. The announce­ments, as to who are the winners, will be made on Friday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. U. A. Lockwood who ! have been spending the past week at Old Point Comfort, Washington,D.C..

j and Baltimore, returned home on i Monday night.

William Dennis, a former resident | of this village now of Connecticut, is visiting friends here. William E. Carney callled on friends

j in Hillsdale, Monday and spent Son-j day with friends in Albany.

Mrs. Sarah Lament and sister, Miss May Fowler, are visiting friends at

j Waterbury, Conn-Doctor Conklin called on friends in

j Hudson, Monday. j Lawyers J.Donald Bell and Frederick I L. Conklin, were in the village Mon­

day on business. Coroner Woodward was in the vil-

I lage on Monday subpoenaing witnesses t for the Sheldon case.

Among the visitors from this vil-j lage in Hudson, on Monday, were Mrs. Frank B. Harder and Miss Belle

] Vosburg. Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds, of Chat-

I ham, called on friends, Monday.



of Interest that has Happened Recently.




be home of her pare;*tR air. ana far.'in Smith jor a few day*.

i i r . and* M M Arnold Sfcavor »aby. of Harlemville, visited fchfcver's father, Martin Smith, on

Miss Edna Pulver, of Olaver.i tailed on Professor Abram Deyo, ianday.

Mr. and Mrs John Breirjon, were jpnont guests of friends in New York.

Mrs. Wm. Way is visiting her hus->aad. who is employed in Albany.

Mrs. O. T. Blahchet is in New York 3ity. visiting her sister, who is ill. r

William H. Hotaiing and d aught e-!>ydia. were guests of the former's sis-er, Mrs. Augusta Allen over Thanks-riving. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Decker, of

^ h M i , were guests of Mrs. Decker's lister, Mrs. Frank White on Sunday.

Daniel Mesiok, of Hudson, visited sis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stattz Eesick, over Sunday. The Philmont band has an engage-

it to go on Saturday evening with la Hudson Lodge, M. W. A., to ohenectady. Wm.Schrieber, of Hudson, called on

riends on Sunday. Fred Near and friend, of New York,

ire visiting at his dome in this vil-

I t t i s s Jessie Van Deusen is visiting Brands at Pittsfield, Mass. J o s e p h Wolven was a recent guest of Heads in Dan bury. Conn. Mis Julia Crandell, who visited her

•arfo.nta at Durham, Greene county, m Thanksgiving, has returned to this "iliage

TH* telephone line connecting Phil-aont and Harlemville was completed IB Saturday. __; - ^ x ^

Mr. and Mrs. Wm Cooper, and baby kgnes. visited his mother,Mrs.Cooper, £ Troy, last week.

Charles Gibson, is visiting friends D the village.

George M. Harder and wife, of lartindale, attended tbe basket ball ;ame on Friday evening. "Misses Clara, Laura and Belle Bar­

ter, who are attending school at En-iewood, N. J., were home last week or a short vacation.

Thomas Casey had the misfortune o out his hand quite severely with m. axe on Saturday.

Mr, and Mrs. Adelbert Wilson, cf teheaectady, visited the former's sis-er. Mrs. George Whitney, last week.

Dr. and Mrs. Donning, who hare teem visiting friends in Brooklyn, have etmraed home.

Mr. and Mrs. George Scutt and ismghter Ala, visited friends in Hud-oo. Uetaday.

Miss Flora Schryner. who ha« been jisiting friends at Livingston, has re-brued home. Wm Y, M. O. A. will vacate its

Miss Ida Wagoner is visiting friends at West Taghkanic.

Almon Miller was taken very sick one day of last week, but is now some­what better.

Miss Sophia Shutts is a guest of her brother-in-law, Myron Hess, of Clav­erack, this week.

Miller Smith, of Pownal, Vt., is visiting bis sister,Mrs. George Shafer.

Lester Miller and wife and daughter Ethel, were guests of their son Elmer, of Schenectady. Thanksgiving.

The Misses Hattie Gorsline and Emma Osborne are home on a short vacation from Waierford.

Bartlett O. Phillips and wife spent Thanksgiving at the home of Aaron Phillip, of Philmont.

Frank A. Juckett, of Rensselaer, spent a few days of the past week with friends.

The Sacrament of the Lord's sup­per will be observed in the Reformed church this Sunday. Preparatory ser­vice will be held Wednesday evening.

Miss Esther Rossaian, of Cohoes, was a guest of Miss Grace M. Moore tne past week.

Mr. Gasser, of Linlithgo, spent Sun­day with Henry Gehbauer.

Miss Laura P. Fassett played the organ at church Sunday, Miss Mabel Southard having a sprained ankle.

Aaron C. Garner, of New York City was in town over Sunday.

Little Miss Margie Snal'er is visit­ing at- the home of her grandparent'', Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Shaier, of Harlemville.

Miss Cristena Gehbauer, who teaches at the Stone Mills, is home this week on account of sickness.

Thomas O'Gara and wife, of Phil­mont. spent Thanksgiving Day with William Pouoher.

O. F. Boright and family, of Phil­mont, were guests at the home of Gifford J. Anderson on Sunday.

AHCRAM. m On Friday evening of this week the

prayer meeting in connection with the M. E. church will be held at W. H. Porter's house.

Miss Sarah Porter, of Pouehkeepsie, spent Thanksgiving and over Sunday with her parents.

Jesse Woodward and family spent Thanksgiving with friends at West Tashkanio.

The Lutheran Sabbath school will give their Christmas exercises on Christmas eve and the M. E. Sabbath •chooi on Friday evening, Deo. 26th.

Mrs. H. B. Hill, son Walter and daughter Jornelia have been spend­ing two weeks in Mew York; they are expected home this week.

Remember the entertainment in Edelman's Hall on tbe evening of December 12th at 7:30 p. m to be given by the young people of the M. E. church; a small admi**to» wH* *>« charged. In connection with the en? tertainment there wil l be a sociable in the reading room, A delicious sapper wil l be served immediately after Ifce entertainment in H. B. Hill's room over the blacksmith shop and adjoin­ing the reading room.

Mrs. Reuben Fingar, who has been quite ill at hei home east of this viliase, is convalescent.

William Bell, W>ile standing on a barrel and reaching overhead fell and broke one of his ribs and sprained his left wrist several days ago. Dr. W. B. Plainer attended him. He. is now able to walk about his place; *

Mrs. Lizzie Gale is spending a week or. two with Fred Van LeuVfh and family.

On Thursday evening, Nov. 28th, Miss Lillian Miller, of Cheviot, [ was united in marriage to Curtis Rocke­feller, of Germantown, at the home of the bride. Rev. Mr. McCutcheon, of North Germantown, officiating. After the ceremony a reception was held and an ecxellent supper served to nearly 100 guests.

Miss Gertrude Suell, of Jefferson county, who is at present attending the New Paltz Normal school, is spending several days in this village with Miss Eunice Enowles.

Mrs. Clinton Rockefeller and daugh­ter Carrie, of Madalin, spent Thanks­giving day with Henry Sipperly and family.

Mrs. Caroline Garbe and mother, of New York, are guests at the Moun­tain View HoteL

Mr. and Mrs. Bogert, of Bingham-ton, N. Y.. have been spending a few days in this village with Dr. Eliza­beth Blair and daughter Margeue.

The Thanksgiving ball held at the Mountain View Hotel' on last Thurs­day evening was quite largely atten­ded. Prof. Lee's orchestra of Hud­son frunished the music A number of Hndsonians were present.

The lirst day of winter came in with tbe ground covered with snow. Ir was a very appropriate time to have Mis* Snow make her detut.

Among the personal effects of the late Moses Hover, whose death occurred a week or so ago at his residence east of this village, is a handsome clock made by his own hands Several years ago Mr. Hover refused an offer of $500 for this elegant piece of furniture which stands about eight feet high and is constructed for the most p<*rr of black walnut, wood. The works j balance of are very intricate and are made of brass and other materials used in m&k- j ing clocks. It keeps perfect time and has not been repaired or fixed in any way since its completion. It has n second minute and hour hand to indi -cate the time and the months of the year, and the days of the month and week aro also indicated. Mr. Hover was a man of vast ingenuity and it must have taken considerable time and a large amount of patience and application to complete such an ele­gant and complex time piece. Al­though not a carpenter by trade, Mr. Hover built his own house.

The slippery condition of the roads on Monday gave the blacksmiths in this vicinity more work than they could do. The shops were filled with horses all day long.

Philip Best and wife entertained a company of friends at their home in this village on Thanksgiving Day.

Randolph Bloum has purchased a new horseoi Horton Bros.,of Catskill.

A unique entertainment will be givea in Edelman ball on Tuesday evening, December 9th, by A.Lincoln Kirk for the benefit of the Reformed church. Mr. Kirk comes highly recom­mended and his impersonations have

j bean highly spoken of by the press ; throughout the country. It promises J to be a rare treat to the people of this ' village and vicinity. I Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Sharp, of Stuyve-l sant, are spending several days here j wJth Henry Fingar and family. j The Ladies' Missionary Society wil l meet on Thursday afternoon of this

! week at the Reformed church parsrn-j ase witn Mrs. E. I. MoOully.

The Germantown ice house is under-j yoing some repairs. ! Holy Communion will be observed j in the Reformed church on Sunday ! morning next.

Mrs. Aiida Rockefeller and mother, of New York, are spending two weeks or «so here with Buddington Almstead and family.

The Thanksgiving services in the Reformed church on Sunday morning brought out a large congregation. The pastor, Rev. E. I. McCully, preached a very impressive sermon.

The praise service held bjf-the Ladies' Missionary society in the Re­formed church on Sunday evening was largely attended. The collection amounted to over t l6.

Dr. W. O. Smith lost a pocketbook one day last week containing from f 15 to $17.

The coal dealers in this vicinity are entirely out of anthracite. Although coal is expected the dealers are un­able to say just when it will arrive,

Robert Blaco will be boss farmer for ex-Sheriff P. W. Rockefeller next season.

Walter J. Fingar spent a part of last week in New York.

The Thimble Bee will meet with Miss Eva L. Rockefeller on Friday afternoon of this week.

Miss Katie Funk, of Hudson, spent Monday in town with friends.

Roy Lasher has secured the position as enigueer at the pump station at Liniithgo on the Central-Hudson rail­road.

Mr<j. David Resseguie, of Brooklyn, spending a week with her mother

Mrs. Almira Lasher at the old home­stead on the lower north road.

John Hart has a pumpkin that was grown in bis garden that weighs 102 pounds.

Henry Bumk is raising some band-some fowls at bis poultry yard south­east of this village. On Monday he sold to out of town parties a Flymoth Rock rooster that won first priste at four poultrry exhibits druing the past season. A. P. B,

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walker, of Sohe-neotady, were entertained by the for­mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Walker on Sunday last.

Everett Miller, of Germantown, has been visiting at the M. E. parsonace a few days of the past week.

George Bobbins, the son of a former pastor, the Rev. L. A. Bobbins, now stationed at Housatonic, Mass . has been in town the past week visiting at the home of Dr. E E. Martin. - •

Miss Elizabeth W. Van de Carr, who is attending the school at Albany, spent her Thanksgiving vacation with her parents.

Miss Mary Garvey and Mrs. Nettie Edwards were entertained by their parents last week-

Georee Moore, of St. Stephn's Col­lege, visited friends in town Thanks­giving. •

Miss Jessie Pultz,of Samaritan Hos­pital, Troy, and Mr. and Mrs. James H- Pultz. of Hudson, were guests of their parents ooe day last week.

The mills of Jas.'A. • .Hover shut­down Wednesday night for the holiday and the knitting mill remained closed for the rest of the week for neoaed repairs.

About twenty-four ladies attended the Women's Guild last Friday and mo h work was accomplished. A pretty operetta is being rehearsed by the children of the parish which will soon be given for the benefit of the Guild.:'.-.

Miss Jennie Chittenden, of Troy, spent Thanksgiving in town with her mother.

At the annual election for one war­den and three vestrymen of St. John's church, Monday, C. R. Van de Carr Was re-elected warden, and John H. Wild and R. Burns Reynolds were re­elected vestrymen. In the place of Harry S. Van de Carr, Frank Stener-waid was elected. The vestry of the church now stands as follows: War­den, C. R. Van de Carr t-J 1904, and Jacob H. Pultz to 1903. Vestrymen: John H. Wild, B. R. Beynolds and Frank Stenerwald to 1905; Fred. W Buss, Alex. D. Lathrop and Edward Tinker to 1904; Frank E. Garvey, Joshua Reynolds and Edgar J. Ross-man to 1903; Joshua Reynolds, clerk of vesrry; John H- Wild, treasurer.

John Evans, of Renssalaer, spent Thankegiviug with relatives in town.

John Connolly, while feeding his horses on Friday last, fell from the hay mow to the floor of the barn be­low and fractured his collar-bone ami received a number of braises. He is improving.

Dr. Silliman was called away to New York Friday last to officiate at the funeral of an old friend, Mr. Morgan.

Charles R. Van de Carr returned from the south for Thanksgiving,

Miss Helen Stiles, of Troy, was the guest of MiaB Beynolds over Thanks­giving.

George Silliman, of Sfc Stephen's College spent Thanksgiving and the

the week with his father.


. ' • ' • ' ^ H - ' " . . . . . . • »

What the People of an Energetic Town Are Doing.


People Who are Coming and Going-The News Nicely Served.

James Wood, wife and two children spent Sunday in tbe Clorkson district with the former's brother.

Mrs. Silas Stajl. who was at one time during her illness threatened with pneumonia, is now sitting up. She is under the care of Dr. Vigeant, of Elizaville.

Mrs. Robert R. Moore returned to her home in the suburbs of German-town, after a few days spent with her daughter. Mrs. jfeoraee Seism.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Moore made a business trip | to Hudson, Friday.

E i w . M. Coon spent Saturday in Hudson.

Miss Edith Fingar, of Blue Store, was an over Sunday guest of friends in town.

Miss Jane L. Wilson is in Schenec­tady, HS a two week's guest or Mi?s Heleq Myndersj|

Miss Jennie Hogau.o favorite among the little women, has recovered from a slight attack of nervous indigestion.

Jonas F. Potts and wife spent Sun­day with the letter's parents. Jacob Rockefeller audwife in Germantown.

Mrs. Fred Sturgess and children, of Madalin, spent a few days of last week with Mrs. K. Donelly.

Harold Wilson. Jr., a former pupil of Judge Longll|r, of Hudson, now a student in the Albany Law school, was at home spring Thanksgiving week.

Mrs. Julia Stickles, after a two week's visit wifm Sylvester Stall and family in Elizft'iilo, will return to her hofflte Saturday.

Clayton Stickles left Friday for a fsw days visit wf*h friends in Albany and Ren8salaei| Upon his return Wednesday he w i l l be accompanied by his brother A h ley, whose duties as boatman will-jae discontinued for a time.

Brcekhoist Livingston, of Blue Store, was a Thanksgiving gaest of Harold Wilson, Sr. •

The first rehearsal for the entertain­ment to be given, on Friday eveuing,

' Dec. 5th bv thelaocial committee of the Y. P. S. C. j i . for the Christmas tree fund, was he l l on Friday evening. The comedy 'p,unt Susan Jones" promises to belfentertaining and a good attendance will help the cause. A small admissipn fee and refresh­ments free. B e i t Wm. Guliok is a guest of out of tawn friends.

The Handkerdlief Bnzaar and New England supper ^fas heralded by con­tinuous rain storms throughout the day and evening and in cousequencc the attendance was small It was re­peated on Thanksgiving night and al­though the weather was still unfavor­able the amountIrealized from both evenings amounted to §5«. No pains were spared in me preparations for the entertainmeni of the jjuests by the genial host aud hostess. Mr. and Mrs. H.S. Williams, whose efforts were en-joyably received jry those who braved the elements.

Wm.Cri8p6nns lor some years a resi­dent of Clermont, died a* his home near''the ValleyjfFarin on Sunday night, Nov. 23d, let his 46th year. His death resulted from consumption and during the last stages of his illness, he seemed .perfectly Resigned to what he knew must sooniend in death. Al­though living a l imple unpretentious life, <his; employe—and fellow laborers will mourn hiinl as an honest, con­scientious and fatihfui man. His step­daughter and hnshaod, of Philmont, as also a stop soujIPhilip Fonda, were with them other at times during his illness sustaining her. as best they might in her sorrew. Mr. Orispenus is survived by a widow and five chil­dren, who are preferring to move to Philmont during the week.


All About And

Some Their

of The Friends.


Mrs. Isaao Slater spent a few days hut week in Hudson with her niece,

Mrs. William Miller. Burton Melius, wife and daughter,

of New York, spent Thanksgiving with his sister, Mrs. Stephen O'Brien.

George LeFever, who has been away for some time at Ancram Lead Mines, buying up apples, came home to spend Thanksgiving With his wife.

Mrs. Charles Gasser spent last week with friends in Mellenville.

Abram Smith spent Tbanxsgiving with his brother, Ezbon.

Clarence Temple took a trip to New York on the barge Miller, recently.

The Missionary meeting was held at Mrs. LeFever's.

The W. O. T. U. will meet with Mrs Wiikorson on Friday afternoon at'three o'clock.

Tae funeral of Nathan Raymond was held as the church, Sunday, at lu :30, and the remains were taken to Athens for burial.

Mrs. Mclntyre.of Cold Spring, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. P. Sheffer.

At tbe special school meeting held on Saturday night. John Plass, Florence Gasser and P. A. Sheffer were elected trustees.

John Proper and wife of West Tagh­kanic, attended the funeral of his brother-in-law, Nathan Raymond, Sunday.

KINDERHO0E. — » " I .

Readable Notes About People and Out of Town.



A Live Budget of News The Past Week.


An entertainment under the auspices of tho Ladies' Missionary Society will be heid in the lecture room of the Reformed church, Dec. 11th. The principal feature of the entertainment will be "Mrs. Jarley's Wax Figures." Fancy articles suitable for Xmas will be on sale. Refreshments will be served. Admission ten cents. A cor­dial invitation is extended to all.

Deputy Sheriff Orville Drumm was in town last Friday serving jurors for the December term of court.

The Ladies' Missionary Society will meet at toe parsonage Thursday after­noon at 2 p.m.

Peter Gardner and wife of Living­ston, spentf Sunday with friends on Pleasant avenue.

John Buckley and family visited his father-in-law, B.J. Van Valkenburgb, Sunday.

Jeremiah Hallenbeck and daughter,


Interesting Items About the People and t ie Place.

p is

. • y onr

Mrs. Rachel Kittle is on the sick list.

Von Flouton has bought a form in Hillsdale. He -expects to take posses­sion April 1, 1908.

Miss Elizabeth Peters,of the Albany Normal College, spent her Thanksgiv­ing vacation at home.

E. Van Valkenburgh and family were Thanksgiving guests of Isaao Van Valkenburgh.

John Sbnfelt has erected a large cold storage building which he will fill next year.

Grace Van Valkenburgh, of Ohot-b»m, spent (a#t week at Fairview cot­tage. .


Miss Kate Waldorph and Mrs. Smith were recent guests cf Lucelia Rowe.

Mis. William Q parents from R past week.

The Thanksgiv attended consi weather and tho s great feature of

Peter Mrs.

m entertained her Hook one day the

supper was well ing the rainy lling contest was a

the evening. Miss

of Academy Hill, were the guests of i a m i wife, Sunday! Samuel Hallenbeck and wife. Sunday. '

Miss Laura Allen spent Thanksgiv­ing witn her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Allen, of Blue Hill.

George Mines of the Albany Busi­ness Oolleee, spent Sunday with his mother. Mrs. Andrew Hallenbeck, of Blue Hill.

Sarah Hayncr and Mis1* Fiiuuie Miller were the two bast spellers and they are to bfl congratulated upon- their good work.

C, T. Dixon df Brooklyn, -..spent Thanksgiving with his aunt, Mary E. Dixon.

Thorn Hamm. fbf Gieuco, was the guesc of his brother, Ernest Hamm

WEST TAGHKANIC. Mrs. Charles Tiffany and daughter,

Lela, spent Saturday night and Sun­day with Bryaly Miller and wife. They aiso attended church here in the morning.

A large company of friends spent Thanksgiving evening with Charles Peer and wife.

Fred Sheldon has been trading horses with Mr. Plass. of Linlithgo".

An oyster supper will be held at the house of Myria Near on the evening of December lOth, 1902. All are cor­dially invited to attend.

Miss Ida Wagner, of Philmontj who has been spending some time with her cousin, Miss Hazel Coon, has returned home.;

William H. Hawver, Jr.. assisted Walter Sheldon, of Hoilowviile, Mon^ day with his butchering.

Mrs. Perry A.Decker, who has been quite sick'with'tbe mumps, is better.

Harry Near, who has been quite seri­ously ill, is convalescent.

bPENCERTOWN. Daniel Clarke, aged 88 years, died on

E. J. made a dav.

J, L. panied

Holsapple business tr

Rowe anc by the fori

Saturday last The funeral of Charles Niles took

place on Friday p. m. the remains were taken to Sand Lake and buried by the side of his only child, a son. His widow survives him.

A daughter was born to George Rem and wife on Saturday, Nov.29th.

Miss Edna Becker and Miss Ida Cole, of Oraryville, were guests of B. E. Becker over Thanksgiving.

Wm.Shraeder and family drove over to Housantonio, on Thursday, return­ing on Sunday.

Our two Long Island school inarms, Misses Sitter and Sawyer, enjoyed the holiday at their homes near this vil­lage. : ,' .'••".'

Benj.Sitter and wife gave an elabor­ate dinner to twenty-eight guests on the 27th.

Jimmy Carrigan was in town on Saturday.

Edward Kern has sold tbe steam thresher to the Burohords, of Ghent, and bought for his own use a gasoline engine.

Mrs. Cora Lasher held an old fash­ioned Thanksgiving at her house in honor of her mother, Mrs. Catharine Goal; sixteen children and grand chil­dren of Mrs. Goal were present and all enjoyed tbe happy reunion.

George M. Lane died on Sunday morning, Nov. 30tb.

Eioe's City Hall Drug qtqre. Elegant Japanese Crockery, fpr

Christmas, wfi

and Fred Horton ip to A Ibany, Sat ur-

-son Earl, accom-ler's father-in-law,

George Foland, spent a few days the past week in Troyt and Waterford.

Miss Kate Waldorpn is spending the winter with her brother, Walter Waldorph at HumBireyville.

Miss Flora Schafcer, of Philmont, spent a few days the past week with Mary E. Dixon.

Some fine porkerf were butchered in this place the pest woek, R Magley killinsr one which dressed 266 pounds and Henry Lyons '.. two weighing 325 pounds together.

Mrs.Poucher of Hnmphreyville, was doing dressmaking in this place a few days the past week.

Mrs. Merton Hodskins is spending a week in Philmont laith her aunt, Mrs. Wesley Rowe.

Wilson Moore and wife spent Satur­day and Sunday with the letter's brother, Sidney Kells and his wife.

Wesley Rowe, wife and daughter Lillian, of Philmont. were guests of R. Magley and wi l l , Sunday.

Mrs. R. Rote spent a few days tho past week in Glenco with her daugh ter, Mrs. James Walker.

The Ladies' Aid Society of the Re­formed church will meet with Mrs. G. H. Burril at the parsonage, Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock.

The Sacrament of the Lords' supper will be administered in the Reformed church next Sabbath morning; prepar­atory service wil l be held in the church, 2:30, followed by the meeting of the consistorv and election of officers for the ensuing year.

Regular Christian Endeavor prayer meeting will be held on Thursday evening at 7:80.((Topic: "Missions, The World for Cnrist."

Toe annual Christmas sale and fair will be held December 10th in Memorial ohapel, afternoon and even­ing. A fine supper will be served, and fancy articles, cake, candy, ice cream, etc, will be on sale. . %

The ladies of the Guild of Trinity parish, will meet with Mrs. Cornelius Shaw on Railroad avenue. Thursday afternoon.

The children of the M. E. Sabbath school are preparing for an entertain­ment to be given in Graver's hall early in December for the benefit of their Christmas tree.

Last Sunday tbe first Sunday in Ad­vent, w i s tbe event of tbe first anni­versary of the opening of Trinity church for worship. The rector, the Rev. Hobart Cooke, praached a most beautiful sermon.

B, S. Mesick is spending some time in St Louis, Mo. „

Quite a large number attended the shooting match at tbe Columbia House, HThanksgiving day.

George Graver visited recently in Yonkers.

Mrs. David Crego died at the resi­dence of her son, - Charles Crego. " Tuesday of last week, with typhoid fever. She has many friends in this vicinity who regret her death and the sympathy of these is extended to her son and daughter who survive her.

Mrs. Amelia B. Lente, of Fort Ed­ward, was a guest of Mrs. R. N.Saun-dres, recently. ' H

The Misses Zabriskie returned home last week after spending some time in New York city.

Mrs. Augustus Smith moved into one of Mrs.Flack's houses on Railroad avenue.

Robert Kells and family moved to Mrs. M. A. Goodwin's farm east of the village, Friday.

Dr. Palmer Cole, of New ork City, spent Thanksgiving with his mother and sisters.

Douglas W. Curtis, of New York City, visited Rev. G. H. Burr-ill and family at the Reformed parsonage, last week.

John Welch, of German Valley, a former student of the H R.I , has been spending a week at the Columbia House. • Mies Edna Pulver is the guest of Miss Gertrude Richardson in Phil­mont.

Wilson Doming spent Sunday with his parents on Church street.

Miss Katharine Mesick, of Hudson, spent Sunday at the home of E. R. Myers.

Robert DeLamater, wife and son, spent Thankgiving in Hudson.

Miss Leggett, of Chatham, was a guest of Miss May tie D. Crane at "Fairview" during the past week.

Sydney Storm, of Hudson, was the guests of his aunt, Mrs. Harriet Crane, Thursday.

Mrs, Doming and Mrs. Mary Raught, of Hudson, spent a few days at^the home Of John Demin/. \

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Moore, of Philmont spent Thanksgiving with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sohroni, on Railroad avenne.

Miss Viola Van Vieck spent Sunday with her mother on Church street.

There ore two coses of scarlet fever reported south of this village.

Miss Bertha Bashford, of Hoilow­viile, attended service in the Re­formed church, Sabhath morning.

Myron Van Da Boe, wife and son spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Van De Boe's mother, Mrs. Katharine Bristol.

Charles S«»iple. of Chatham, spent

Dr. E. J. Collier, of Amsterdam, was the guest of his parents, Rev. and Mrs. E. A. Collier on Thanksgiving.

Mrs. Moore, of Coxsackie, has been visiting Mrs. Stephen Hotaiing.

Ernest Hoes, of Yonkers spent Thanksgiving with his parents. P. V. B. Hoes and wife on Albany avenue.

Miss Josephine Palmateer enter­tained the Monday Afternoon Plnb this week at her home.

Mrs. Frank Morgan and daugutei-have returned from a visit in White Plains.

George D. Earll, of Great Barring-ton, has been spending his Thanksgiv­ing vacation with his mother.

Agustus Wynkoop, of « e w York, was a guest of his aunts, the Misses Wynkocp, last week.

Mrs. E. O. Farrar. of Granville, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Alonzo Farrar.

William Van Alstyne. of Albanv. was a gaest of at the" home of Mrs. Y. F. Woodwork last week.

Miss Mabel Birckmayer, who is at­tending school at Cohoes. has been Bpendms her Thanksgiving vacation with her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Bircknmyer.

F. Bradley Reynolds, of the Troy Polytechnic-has been enjoying a short vacation.

Charles Gordon and wife have been visiting their itoughter. Mrs. Thomas Hughes at Marlborough, N. Y.

Prof. R. A Mable. of Coeymans, was a guest of Georg** H. Brown lust week.

Miss Alice Morreil, who is attending the Sw-M-thmoro preparatory school ia Pennsy'v.iuia. was called homo last week owUg to the serious illness of ber mother.

The Ladies' Missionary Sewing Society will meet with Mrs. P. V. B. Hoes on Thursday afternon of this week.

Miss Irene Ibert and Miss Mabel Wreath of the Albany Normal College, spent Sunday with Miss Elizabeth Scully.

Joseph Ritz, of Boston, oalled on friends in this village on Friday last.

Marcus T. O'Reilly, of New York, has been spending several days with his mother at his home here.

George Post, an old and respected colored resident of this place, died at bis borne on Friday iast of pneumonia. His funeral took pace on Monday from his late residence.

Frank Ritz and Walter Rudd are re­covering from the injuries they re­ceived a week ago at Valatie.

William Hover and family, *pent Thanksgiving with relatives in King­ston.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo B. Wilkins took pare in the entertainment given at thG Valatie Opera House, Thanksgiving night.



A Good Many Things Which Happen In a Small Place.

Don't forgot the entertainment and social which will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Milham ou Friday evening of this week, Dec.5ifa; if very stormy the next fair night. A cordial invitation is extended to all.

Edward Myer has recently pur­chased a fine team of trotters.

Mrs. Christopher Miller of Mellen­ville, spent Friday with her parents, Peter Ham and wife.

Frank Witherwax, of Hoilowviile! was the guest of his brother, Joel. Sunday.

E. A. Milham, wife and daughter spent Thanksgiving with Miller Michael and wife, of Hudson.

Miss Bessie Woodward spent Thanks­giving with friends in Hudson.

Mrs A. Raynor and little daughter Aldreth.of Catskill, were over Sunday gueBts of Mrs. Clarence Becker.

Mrs. Walter Waldrof has gone to Stottville, where she expects to remain during the winter months.

Mark Newman, wife aud son, Louis were guests of Peter Wildermuth ancl wife, of Hoilowviile, Sunday.

Miss Cleora Miller and brother Henry, of Kinderhook, spent a portion of last week with their uncle, Henry G. Spengler.

Miss Marvetta,Kipp, of Greendale, spent a few days of last week with Mrs. Oscar Link.

Mrs. Frank Best and Mrs. Charlc-s I. Miller, of Hudson.spent Wednesday of last week with Mrs. Richard Miller.

The Stone Mill school will be closed a few days on account of the illness of the teacher's sister, who resides in Mellenville.

Martin spent

Smith, at

visited fiiends at Sunday, went to Hudson,

GALLATINVILLE. Edward Smith jprnd family

Thanksgiving wit West Taghkanic.

S. Tripp and fa Ancram Lead Mini

C. Tripp and wi Saturday.

The school building in district No. 9 whicn is being repaired, is nearly com­pleted, and is a verjifine piece of work. A. Hevenor and Cyi is Plass did it.

L. A. Lasher continues about the same.

F. B. Weaver, M.B)., of Hyde Park, spent Thanksgiving with his parents in this place

foreman, will va-J. Edelman, and week. His many rture.

ly, of Ancram, Coons' home.

TORE, [wife spent Satur-

D. Farrell, sectio: cate the house of move to Ancram thf friends regret his di

Lester Carle and spent Sunday at E.

BLUE G. W, Smith an

day in Hudson, Mrs. Theresa L;

Ella visited tbe f Manor ton on Th week.

Mrs. J. J. Stickles has been spend­ing the past week wi th her daughter Maggie in Elizavil

Mrs Henry Coon in Hudson

John Sitckles, Q Tinklepaagh and

Thanksgiving with Sis parents, Mr. and M M . Henry SeiD'l.

Mrs. William Stanley, of Grand Rapids, Mich., was a gnest of P. R. Fingar last week.

Mrs. Worthington D. Lynk spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Mesick.

Mrs. E. Elmer and daughter, Miss Bessie, of Hudson, were guests of George Van Vleok. Thanksgiving.

Rev. G.H. Burrill, wife and daugh­ter, spent some time in Albany during the past week.

Joel Parson is very ill at his home on Main street.

Mrs. F. Snyder, "who has been quite ill, is very much better.

Mrs. Chancellor Hawyer left Satur­day morning for a visit with her brother and family at Elmira.

Clarence Schenck, of New York City, is spending some time with bis family on Main street. *

Mrs. Stanley Boucher and daughter, Doris, spent Sunday at tbe home of Joel Parsons on Main street.

Miss Florence Van Rensselaer spent Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. A. Van Rensselaer.

NORTH CHATHAM. Miss Bertha Kunker is home for a

week from her sohool in Troy. George Scott and wife, of Pough-

keepsie. are spending a week at tbe home of O. Stever.

Miss Merwin, of Kinderhook, is a guest at Fred Whitbeck's home.

Thanksgiving arrivals: Mrs. S. J. Walker, Jesse aud Annie, of Albany, at Dudley Walker's place; Abel Van De Carr and family of acho-daok, as guestp of A. Traver: O. Buell and family, of Cohoes, at Frank Max­well's home; the Misses Sadie and Mabel Barringer, of Troy, at J. E. Ring's home-

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stever and Bertha, spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Popana in Chatham.

Lewis Rowe and wife partook of their turkey in Poughkeepsie and then visited in other places.

The rumor started around town that'a kerosene stove at the Kingman House had exploded and was all ablaze,etc, but it ended smoke, as an oil stove seems to know just how to do that thing at times. The stove was being used to warm a room for a guest and after lighting it one of the family opened the room door and backed out in a hurry from the gas and smoke. A man of the house then crawled on his bands and knees to find tbe stovo, as the smoke was eo dense, a light could not be seen. Tbe room and evervtfaing in it was covered with soot and tbe smoke which even found its way into the next room, so all the damage was by smoke and soot, but no fire or explosion.

Mrs. Sornberger, formerly of this place bad a fall and was quite seri­ously hurt at Providence, R.I., at tbe home of her son.

Items of the Timet in a Prosperous

Til lage on the Hudson.

David Harris, superintended Hudson Valley Cooperage plant at Crown Point, spent a few days here

W. H. Siglar and daughter Ester left here on Monday for a short visit in Chatham.

C. R. Lasher has sent his fine new horse to Madalin where he wil l be used in connection with his grocery business.

On account of the storm, the at­tendance at the Pumpkin Pie social last week was light, but tbe few who were there had a very enjoyable time.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Snyder and son Ray spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. O. Wood, of Chatham, N. Y Roy returned on Friday and Mr. and Mrs. Snyder ou Monday.

E vandrr ul ine has traded his line large grey horse with George Horton, of Standout, for a bay pacer which Mr. Kline says is a skipper.

John E. Hover, who is employed at Peekskill, came home iast week to attend the funeral of his brother, Moses Hover. Mr. Hover returned on Monday.

Mrs. John Gassett and daughter are visiting iu Madalin and Saugerties.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fisk, of Mil­ton, N. Y., spent Thanksgiving with their daugiiter, Mrs. Evacder Kline.

Mrs. John Lown, or Lynn, Mass., made Fevera! calls in thiB place ou Saturday. Sne ^-ifo attended the fnn-eral <-f her lister. Mrs. P. H. Potts, of Madalin, on Friday.

Mr. aud Mrs. B." O. Snyder and Mr. and Mrs. Erastus Hover are mak­ing preparations to visit Florida, where they will spend the winter.

Active preparations are being made for the Christmas service to be given by the Sunday school.

Only one letter advertised this month and that is for Mrs. James Snyder.

0 . R. Lasher has a car load of grate coal for the larger heaters.

Snyder & Snefler, artesian well drillers, ara deepening the well of Elias Lather; it is nearly 100 feet down with but little water.

John G. Gale, relief towerman.who has been at tower 76 for several weeks, is now St tower 82.

SiU*9 M. Smith, who has been visit­ing his daughter in Brooklyn,returned on Tuesday morning.

J here was quite a call for a black­smith on Monday and several horses fell oil the icy places.

Butchering seems to be in order this week /

Principal Uotchkill has moved isto C. Winsenbur^'s house on the lower south road. Mr. Winsenburgh has moved to New York for the winter.

Chester Hoffman seems to be a fav­orite for jnry duty; he has just been drawn and be served on the Hallen­beck murder trial and at several other terms.

The funeral of Mrs. S B.Overbaugh, who died suddenly on Thursday even­ing last, loou place Monday. A short service at the home of her daughter, Mrs. R. C. Craft at 9 a. m. and regu­lar service and interment at Kisku-tom.her former home, on tbe afternoon of the same day were held.

Alech MacCutcheon, who is teach­ing at South Oiange. W. J., spent Thanksgiving at tbe home of his father, Rev. S. J. MacCutcheon.

Dr. W. O. Smith who has a large cold storago plant at Germantown, is bugy shipping Keiffer pears from the dock.

Johu Mverderck is on the sick list. B. C Snyder, who returned from

New York on Tuesday morning, re­ports the market tor Keiffer pears very low.

Dr. A. \Y, Brash was absent ia Hudson on Monday.

Mrs. E. U. Snyder wil l lead the league meetiug next Sunday night: subject "The Missionary Uprising of the Young People." Acts. 2: 17, 18. 21.

Lyle Riverburgh is spending seme time at Port Richmond, N. Y.

H A N 0 R T 0 N .

The Comines and Goingfe of The People of The Place.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Miller and Mr. and Mrs. R uben Miller, of Ohurcfatown, attended service here oa Suuday.

Mrs. A. M. Boyd and daughter, of Philadelpia. are visitiug a few days at A. Weaver's home.

Mr. aud Mrs. Arthur Lynk spent Sunday in Claverack.

Preparations for ereeting the new sheds has been going on at the church.

The "Handkerchief Bazaar" and sociable neld at Harry William's home last week, was a great success in spite of the stormy weather, over $55 be­ing oleared.

John Ingles, of Lake Charlotte, passed through this place on Sunday.

Oscar Post spent Sunday afternoon with friends out of town.

Our mail carrier had the misfortune to break his leg while in the woods one day the past week.

Mrs. Stephen Stall is spending a woek with her daughter. Mrs. John Weaver, of Suydam.

Mrs.George Weaver,cf Hudson.spent a couple ot days recently with her father, Jacob Hutchmgs.

Mrs. John Weaver and sons spent Saturday and Sunday with friends in this place. .


The Week's History from Part of the County.

k and daughter mer's mother at day of the past

is visiting her son

place, have been ready at the oh ore tbeir new sheds ii ones which were

Miss Edith Fit with Miss Lela Si ' Miss Anna Fitza of the past week "

irles Lynk, John Wagner of this

jtting the ground for tbe erection of )Iaoe of the old

ftroyed by fire, ir spent Sunday ties of Clermont, imons spenf part itbany?

OHUBCHTOWH. Milton Von Tassel and sister, Miss

Edna, of Mount Ross, Dutchess county, spent a few days of the past woek with Horton and Benjamin Sheldon.

Oar pastor wil l be with us again Sunday. Services will be held as usual.

Tbe young people are progressing in tbeir efforts to have the entertainment a snooess. We hope a crowded bous will greet them on Friday evening of next week, Deo. 12th at 8 o'clock.

The party Wednesday evening of last week that was to be held at George Miller's bopse. Was postponed on ao count of the storm.

Homer Melius is dpjua some thresh ing this weak with a ga\o*<h« w«»sh iog machine, for the farmers ia. yiclnity.

formers in fei«


The Comings and Goings of People of the Plaee.


Will Moore, while engaged in draw­ing a load of wood Wednesday of lost week, had the misfortune to break bis leg. Dr. Vigeant was at onoe sum­moned and treated the broken limb.

Perry Decker, of West Taghkanic, was in this place buying turkeys tbe past week for the Christmas market, as was also Charles Leach of the some place. Taghkanic seems to be have plenty of turkey buyers.

John Hulett, of Copake, is spending a few days with her parents.

Mrs. Lewis Moore spent Monday of last week with hir daughter, Mrs. Robert Myers, of Ohuruhtown.

Burton Ham and wife entertaiped Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wbitbsok over Sunday. „ . ..

PommistJjeaer of Highways Virgil Hem, is engaged with a gang of men pacing tHe across the highways at this place.

Butchering is the principle work at preauit,

W. Niver and wife returned home on Tuesday of last week from Hibernia, Dutchess county.

Grant Sheldon, of Churcbtown, was the guest of his grandparents, W. L. Stickels and wife, Saturday and Sunday.

Rev. Chesbro and wife and Milton Shaurman and wife, of Lake Charlotte, visited D. H. Weaver Thursday of last week.

Merwin Hawver and wife, of West Stockbridge, Mass, are visiting George Hobby and wife.

Lewis Potts, of Hudson, called on friends in this place Sunday evening,

William Hoffman, who quite seriously injured himself one day last week, is reported improving.

Lillian Shaurman entertained some friends at a Thanksgiving dinner Thurs­day of last week.

Allen Coons and wife and Deliah Proper, of Humpreyville, visited Mrs. Proper Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bryant and Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Weaver and two daughters, the Misses Mabel and Mar­guerite, of Churcbtown, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. W. Weaver, Sunday.

Miss Charity Meyer and nephew, Master Clarence Carle, spent a few days last week with the letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carle, at Copake Lake.

Miss Anna Decker spent a portion of lost week with her parents.

Miss Ethel J. Lawrence was home from Dover over Thanksgiving and entertained company from Brooklyn.

Mrs. W. Lampman entertained com­pany from out of town over Sunday.

Miss Mary Andrews has again re­sumed her school duties in the village.

Dr. E. Niver has commenced repairs on tne Edwards property, recently pur­chased by him.

Mr, and Mrs. Henry Haun spent out week out of town.

Frank Finkle has a position at the milk station.


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