Colossians Remixed Subverting the Empire: Session 4.

Colossians Remixed Colossians Remixed Subverting the Empire: Subverting the Empire: Session 4 Session 4

Transcript of Colossians Remixed Subverting the Empire: Session 4.

Colossians RemixedColossians RemixedSubverting the Empire: Subverting the Empire: Session 4Session 4

Opening Prayer: We also Opening Prayer: We also live double liveslive double lives

(Walter Brueggemann, (Walter Brueggemann, Awed to Heaven, Rooted in Awed to Heaven, Rooted in Earth,Earth, p. 30) p. 30)

Targum on Colossians 2:8-Targum on Colossians 2:8-3:43:4 Why the focus on idolatry?Why the focus on idolatry? ““What went wrong, then? Why are the powers What went wrong, then? Why are the powers

so threatening? What went wrong was that so threatening? What went wrong was that human beings gave up their responsibility for human beings gave up their responsibility for God’s world and handed their power over to God’s world and handed their power over to the powers. When humans refuse to use God’s the powers. When humans refuse to use God’s gift of sexuality responsibly, they are handing gift of sexuality responsibly, they are handing over their power to Aphrodite, and she will over their power to Aphrodite, and she will take control. When humans refuse to use take control. When humans refuse to use God’s gift of money responsibly, they are God’s gift of money responsibly, they are handing over their power to Mammon, and he handing over their power to Mammon, and he will take control. And so on. And when the will take control. And so on. And when the powers take over, human beings get crushed. powers take over, human beings get crushed. (Conversely, when you see human beings (Conversely, when you see human beings getting crushed, it’s usually because there are getting crushed, it’s usually because there are powers at work that humans are powerless to powers at work that humans are powerless to stop.)” (N. T. Wright as quoted on p. 142)stop.)” (N. T. Wright as quoted on p. 142)

Idolatry (pp. 142 – 143)Idolatry (pp. 142 – 143)In ColossiansIn Colossians

A philosophy that takes A philosophy that takes captives (Col. 2:8)captives (Col. 2:8)

““Empty deceit” (Col. Empty deceit” (Col. 2:8)2:8)

““Human tradition” Human tradition” (Col. 2:8), “human way (Col. 2:8), “human way of thinking” (Col. 2:18), of thinking” (Col. 2:18), “human commands & “human commands & teachings” (Col. 2:20)teachings” (Col. 2:20)

““Puffed up without Puffed up without cause” (Col. 2:18) & cause” (Col. 2:18) & deceives “with deceives “with plausible arguments” plausible arguments” (Col. 2:4)(Col. 2:4)

Biblical MetanarrativeBiblical Metanarrative No capacity to repent No capacity to repent

or know God (Hos. or know God (Hos. 5:4)5:4)

Those who worship Those who worship idols become idols become worthless themselves worthless themselves (Is. 44:9)(Is. 44:9)

Idols are made by Idols are made by human beings (Ps. human beings (Ps. 115:4)115:4)

Uncomprehending Uncomprehending minds (Is. 44:18)minds (Is. 44:18)

Idolatry Continued (pp. 142 – Idolatry Continued (pp. 142 – 143)143)


Regulations of Regulations of idolatry “are of no idolatry “are of no value in checking value in checking self-indulgence” (Col. self-indulgence” (Col. 2:23)2:23)

Insists on self-Insists on self-abasement (Col. 2:18) abasement (Col. 2:18) & “severe treatment & “severe treatment of the body” (Col. of the body” (Col. 2:23)2:23)

Christ “disarmed the Christ “disarmed the rulers & authorities & rulers & authorities & made a public made a public example of them, example of them, triumphing over them triumphing over them in it” (Col. 2:15)in it” (Col. 2:15)

Biblical MetanarrativeBiblical Metanarrative

Confer no benefits Confer no benefits (Jer. 2:11)(Jer. 2:11)

Exchange God’s glory Exchange God’s glory for shame & for shame & humiliation (Hos. humiliation (Hos. 13:2-3)13:2-3)

God doesn’t compete God doesn’t compete with idols (Is. 42:8)with idols (Is. 42:8)

Concluding Thoughts on 3Concluding Thoughts on 3rdrd TargumTargum Hebrew Bible emphasizes the Hebrew Bible emphasizes the

Creator has every right to be Creator has every right to be worshippedworshipped

Paul exalts Christ as the Paul exalts Christ as the Creator of the thrones, Creator of the thrones, dominions, rulers & powers of dominions, rulers & powers of this worldthis world

Idolatry is always a danger Idolatry is always a danger when the covenant and its when the covenant and its promises have been forgotten promises have been forgotten (Deut. 8:11-19)(Deut. 8:11-19)

Focus on Col. 3:1-17Focus on Col. 3:1-17 Postmodern approach to praxisPostmodern approach to praxis

Inability to weigh ethical choices Inability to weigh ethical choices Decision paralysis Decision paralysis Decisions by Decisions by proxyproxyDecisions by proxy = Authoritarians & Decisions by proxy = Authoritarians &


Nihilism or viewpoint that there is no Nihilism or viewpoint that there is no objective truth or basis for making objective truth or basis for making ethical decisionsethical decisionsEmbracing chaosEmbracing chaos““Disorientation is virtuous, because any Disorientation is virtuous, because any

vision of life that would provide a vision of life that would provide a legitimating orientation will invariably legitimating orientation will invariably oppress.” (David Lyon as quoted on p. oppress.” (David Lyon as quoted on p. 151)151)

Col. 3:1-17 & the Col. 3:1-17 & the Postmodern ViewPostmodern View Appears to be about a Appears to be about a

different worlddifferent world ““Loathes the human body”Loathes the human body” ““An absolutist worldview”An absolutist worldview” A totalitarian regimeA totalitarian regime Is this good news for Is this good news for


What is Paul Doing Here?What is Paul Doing Here? First part of Colossians used to reveal First part of Colossians used to reveal

this type of life-destroying philosophythis type of life-destroying philosophy Colossians have died to this type of Colossians have died to this type of

philosophy and have been made alive in philosophy and have been made alive in ChristChrist

Now have an embodied spirituality in Now have an embodied spirituality in ChristChrist ““from whom the whole body, nourished and from whom the whole body, nourished and

held together by its ligaments and sinews, held together by its ligaments and sinews, grows with a growth that is from God” (Col. grows with a growth that is from God” (Col. 2:19)2:19)

““the head of the body, the church” (Col. 1:18)the head of the body, the church” (Col. 1:18) Reminds us Reminds us Based in bodily resurrection of Christ (Col. Based in bodily resurrection of Christ (Col.




Why “Seek the things that Why “Seek the things that are above”?are above”? The things above are “where Christ is, The things above are “where Christ is,

seated at the right hand of God” (Col. 3:1)seated at the right hand of God” (Col. 3:1) This is about the risen, ascended ChristThis is about the risen, ascended Christ Rule of Christ is not apparent, certainly not Rule of Christ is not apparent, certainly not

to the rulers & authorities under Christ’s to the rulers & authorities under Christ’s dominion (Ps. 110:1, Col. 2:15)dominion (Ps. 110:1, Col. 2:15) ““All ready, but not yet” qualityAll ready, but not yet” quality

Story of ascension is the way the church Story of ascension is the way the church talks about Jesus as Lordtalks about Jesus as Lord

““Praxis has everything to do with Praxis has everything to do with sovereigntysovereignty.” (p. 154).” (p. 154)

““Seeking that which is above is a matter Seeking that which is above is a matter not of becoming heavenly minded but of not of becoming heavenly minded but of allowing the liberating rule of Christ to allowing the liberating rule of Christ to transform every dimension of your life.” transform every dimension of your life.” (p. 155)(p. 155)

What Sort of Ethic Is This? What Sort of Ethic Is This? (pp. 156 – 159)(pp. 156 – 159) Resurrection Ethic – recognizes only Christ as Resurrection Ethic – recognizes only Christ as

LordLord Ascension Ethic – can see the hidden reign of Ascension Ethic – can see the hidden reign of

ChristChrist Liberated Ethic – tends to a broken worldLiberated Ethic – tends to a broken world Eschatological Ethic – looks forward in hope Eschatological Ethic – looks forward in hope

to the visible reign of Christto the visible reign of Christ Relational Ethic – identifies one’s life with/in Relational Ethic – identifies one’s life with/in

Christ (Col. 2:9-15)Christ (Col. 2:9-15) Narrative Ethic – adopted by the story of Narrative Ethic – adopted by the story of

Christ who fulfilled the story of IsraelChrist who fulfilled the story of Israel ““Died” (Col. 3:3)Died” (Col. 3:3) ““Buried with him” (Col. 2:12)Buried with him” (Col. 2:12) ““Raised with Christ” (Col. 3:1)Raised with Christ” (Col. 3:1)

Secession Ethic – replace self-gratification & Secession Ethic – replace self-gratification & self-annihilation with caring concern for self-annihilation with caring concern for others & creationothers & creation

Sexuality and the Ethic of Sexuality and the Ethic of SecessionSecession ““Put to death…whatever in you is Put to death…whatever in you is

earthly” (Col. 3:5) begins list of earthly” (Col. 3:5) begins list of sexual sinssexual sins ““Secede from the unholy unions of Secede from the unholy unions of

power and money, genius and war, power and money, genius and war, outer space and inner vacuity, that outer space and inner vacuity, that distort your lives.” (p. 160)distort your lives.” (p. 160)

Why does list of sexual sins end Why does list of sexual sins end with greed (=idolatry)?with greed (=idolatry)? CovetousnessCovetousness Issues of power & controlIssues of power & control ““Consumption of the other person”Consumption of the other person”

Sexual sins Sexual sins Broken trustBroken trust Broken relationshipsBroken relationships Broken communityBroken community

Sexuality & Col. 3:1-17Sexuality & Col. 3:1-17Industial SexualityIndustial Sexuality

All aspects of life can All aspects of life can be commodifiedbe commodified

Promotes instant Promotes instant gratificationgratification

““No strings No strings attached”attached”

Covetousness & Covetousness & competitioncompetition

UtilitarianUtilitarian Corporate controlCorporate control

Consumption of Consumption of disposable peopledisposable people

Christian SexualityChristian Sexuality Trust & care for othersTrust & care for others

Promotes patience & Promotes patience & the practice of lovethe practice of love

CommitmentCommitment Trust, “intimate self-Trust, “intimate self-

giving”giving” AffectionAffection Personal risk & Personal risk &


Enduring enjoymentEnduring enjoyment

Subverting Industrial Subverting Industrial SexualitySexuality ““There is no word more offensive There is no word more offensive

to a culture driven by unlimited to a culture driven by unlimited economic growth than the word economic growth than the word enoughenough.” (p. 61).” (p. 61)

Paul’s list of sexual sins Paul’s list of sexual sins culminating in an economic sin culminating in an economic sin warns us that the sexual warns us that the sexual brokenness of our society is brokenness of our society is rooted in our economic structuresrooted in our economic structures

Our real problem isn’t sex, it’s Our real problem isn’t sex, it’s idolatryidolatry

The Problem of IdolatryThe Problem of Idolatry““In biblical perspective, human beings In biblical perspective, human beings

are constitutively, structurally image-bearers. are constitutively, structurally image-bearers. …human beings are created in such a way …human beings are created in such a way that they invariably root their lives in an that they invariably root their lives in an ultimacy that is authoritative, grounding and ultimacy that is authoritative, grounding and directive of all that they do….Created in the directive of all that they do….Created in the image of God, we can do nothing other than image of God, we can do nothing other than seek a God (or god) to serve and image in the seek a God (or god) to serve and image in the totality of our life, especially in our totality of our life, especially in our stewardship of the rest of creation. If we turn stewardship of the rest of creation. If we turn away from our covenanting Creator,…we will away from our covenanting Creator,…we will find something in the creation to serve as our find something in the creation to serve as our god, something to which we give ultimate god, something to which we give ultimate allegiance….Once humans relinquish their allegiance….Once humans relinquish their calling to image the Creator in covenantal calling to image the Creator in covenantal faithfulness and give their hearts to false faithfulness and give their hearts to false images, alien gods, it is inevitable that their images, alien gods, it is inevitable that their lives will be deformed in the image of the lives will be deformed in the image of the idol.” (p. 163)idol.” (p. 163)

Why Put to Death Whatever Why Put to Death Whatever is Earthly?is Earthly? It is idolatrousIt is idolatrous It will kill usIt will kill us It breaks the relationship we It breaks the relationship we

have with Jesus who has given have with Jesus who has given us life through his deathus life through his death

It distorts the image that God It distorts the image that God intends us to bearintends us to bear

Fruit of ViolenceFruit of Violence The same greed & idolatry The same greed & idolatry

that breed sexual sin that breed sexual sin violenceviolence

Notice how Paul follows his list Notice how Paul follows his list of sexual and economic sins of sexual and economic sins with a list of sins involving with a list of sins involving violent language (Col. 3:5-10)violent language (Col. 3:5-10)

Consider how the corporate Consider how the corporate language of our culture uses a language of our culture uses a language of violence and language of violence and dominationdomination

The Christian Alternative: The Christian Alternative: Col. 3:9-17Col. 3:9-17

Kingdom of GodKingdom of God ““Being renewed Being renewed

in knowledge in knowledge according to the according to the imageimage of its of its creator” (Col. creator” (Col. 3:10)3:10)

““Being renewed Being renewed in knowledge” in knowledge” (Col. 3:10)(Col. 3:10)

““Christ is all and Christ is all and in all” (Col. 3:11)in all” (Col. 3:11)

The EmpireThe Empire IdolatryIdolatry

Violence & Violence & estrangementestrangement

Divisiveness & Divisiveness & marginalizationmarginalization

An Alternative EthicAn Alternative Ethic Renewal of knowledge affects Renewal of knowledge affects

Our identityOur identity Our perception of GodOur perception of God Our perception of the stories of Jesus and Our perception of the stories of Jesus and

IsraelIsrael Transforms our imagination so that we live Transforms our imagination so that we live

differentlydifferently The praxis of the kingdomThe praxis of the kingdom

CompassionCompassion KindnessKindness MeeknessMeekness HumilityHumility WisdomWisdom ForgivenessForgiveness LoveLove ThankfulnessThankfulness WorshipWorship

The Alternative WordThe Alternative Word

““The community is called The community is called on to allow the word of Christ on to allow the word of Christ to dwell in them richly because to dwell in them richly because the impoverished word of the the impoverished word of the empire is pervasive. The empire is pervasive. The teaching ministry of this teaching ministry of this community, then is a matter of community, then is a matter of life and death. Dwell in this life and death. Dwell in this word of Christ, so that the word of Christ, so that the words of death don’t destroy words of death don’t destroy you!” (p. 176)you!” (p. 176)

The Alternative LordThe Alternative Lord““By singing songs of praise to By singing songs of praise to

God, we proclaim the source of God, we proclaim the source of ultimate sovereignty in the world. ultimate sovereignty in the world. By singing the poem of Colossians By singing the poem of Colossians 1:15-20, the early church 1:15-20, the early church subversively announced that subversively announced that Christ, not Caesar, is Lord. By Christ, not Caesar, is Lord. By singing that song today, we singing that song today, we proclaim that Christ—not the global proclaim that Christ—not the global market, not the president of the market, not the president of the United States, not Microsoft, not United States, not Microsoft, not military might—is Lord of our military might—is Lord of our lives.” (p. 177)lives.” (p. 177)

Toward An Ethic of Toward An Ethic of Community (p. 178)Community (p. 178) How to evaluate our actions in How to evaluate our actions in

light of Paul’s letter to Colossians:light of Paul’s letter to Colossians:““Is this cultural action, this communal Is this cultural action, this communal

decision, this political policy or decision, this political policy or ecological practice, this artistic ecological practice, this artistic product or technological development product or technological development life-giving or not?”life-giving or not?”

““Is it the kind of thing that bears Is it the kind of thing that bears good fruit in our lives?”good fruit in our lives?”

““Would it make sense to a woman Would it make sense to a woman about to bring vulnerable new life about to bring vulnerable new life into the world?”into the world?”

Embodied loveEmbodied love

Col. 3:9-17 & Political Col. 3:9-17 & Political ActionsActions If we participated in political If we participated in political

action “clothed” in the way that action “clothed” in the way that Paul commends to the Colossians, Paul commends to the Colossians, what might it look like?what might it look like?

HumilityHumility dictates that we dictates that we recognize that it is Christ who recognize that it is Christ who saves the worldsaves the world

MeeknessMeekness would shape a policy would shape a policy that views creation as a gift, not that views creation as a gift, not merely a resource to be exploitedmerely a resource to be exploited

PatiencePatience allows us to work over a allows us to work over a lifetime for all future generationslifetime for all future generations

Col. 3:9-17 & Political Col. 3:9-17 & Political ActionsActions ForgivenessForgiveness has the potential to has the potential to

transform international conflict, penal transform international conflict, penal reform, race relations & our reform, race relations & our interactions with poor nations who are interactions with poor nations who are deeply in debtdeeply in debt

““LoveLove takes on political shape in takes on political shape in justice. Justice as the political face of justice. Justice as the political face of love is never impartial but is always love is never impartial but is always biased. In the kind of biblical faith biased. In the kind of biblical faith that occasions Paul’s understanding of that occasions Paul’s understanding of love, justice is always suspicious of the love, justice is always suspicious of the powerful and biased toward the powerful and biased toward the powerless. Justice is first and foremost powerless. Justice is first and foremost directed toward the orphan, widow and directed toward the orphan, widow and stranger precisely because these stranger precisely because these people lack the economic and political people lack the economic and political power to defend themselves.” (p. 182)power to defend themselves.” (p. 182)

Col. 3:9-17 & Political Col. 3:9-17 & Political ActionsActions PeacemakingPeacemaking means that we will means that we will

advocate not merely for the advocate not merely for the absence of war, but for the absence of war, but for the welfare and best interests of allwelfare and best interests of all If we worship the Prince of Peace we If we worship the Prince of Peace we

cannot advocate warcannot advocate war Word of ChristWord of Christ will be the will be the

standard for wisdomstandard for wisdom GratitudeGratitude allows us to say, “We allows us to say, “We

have enough”have enough” Our ultimate allegiance is to Our ultimate allegiance is to


What Does Paul Really Say What Does Paul Really Say About Governing About Governing Authorities?Authorities? Romans 13:1-7 in light of Acts Romans 13:1-7 in light of Acts

16:16-4016:16-40 Notice how often certain words appear Notice how often certain words appear

in Romansin Romans TerrorTerror FearFear WrathWrath

Context within RomansContext within Romans Rom. 12:1-2 – Paul appeals “Do not be Rom. 12:1-2 – Paul appeals “Do not be

conformed to this world”conformed to this world” Rom. 12:9-21 – Romans live in the midst of Rom. 12:9-21 – Romans live in the midst of

persecutionpersecution Rom. 13:8 – Followed by call to “Owe no one Rom. 13:8 – Followed by call to “Owe no one

anything, except to love one another” anything, except to love one another”

What Does Paul Really Say What Does Paul Really Say About Governing About Governing Authorities?Authorities?

Look at situation in ActsLook at situation in Acts Paul & Silas are imprisoned because they had Paul & Silas are imprisoned because they had

cut into the profits of a slave ownercut into the profits of a slave owner They are accused of advocating illegal customsThey are accused of advocating illegal customs They are stripped of their clothes, beaten, They are stripped of their clothes, beaten,

flogged & then secured in stocksflogged & then secured in stocks During their worship an earthquake provides the During their worship an earthquake provides the

opportunity for them to witness to their jaileropportunity for them to witness to their jailer In the morning, the magistrates send police to In the morning, the magistrates send police to

release Paul & Silasrelease Paul & Silas But Paul calls them to task – “They have beaten But Paul calls them to task – “They have beaten

us in public, uncondemned, men who are Roman us in public, uncondemned, men who are Roman citizens, and have thrown us into prison; and citizens, and have thrown us into prison; and now are they going to discharge us in secret? now are they going to discharge us in secret? Certainly not! Let them come and take us out Certainly not! Let them come and take us out themselves.”themselves.”

The authorities come, apologize & ask them to The authorities come, apologize & ask them to leaveleave

What Does Paul Really Say What Does Paul Really Say About Governing About Governing Authorities?Authorities?

The authority of the rulers is The authority of the rulers is derived from God alonederived from God alone““The state has no authority to do The state has no authority to do

evil.” (p. 185)evil.” (p. 185)

Goal is to live our lives in Goal is to live our lives in accordance with the words of accordance with the words of ChristChrist

Christ alone is responsible for Christ alone is responsible for the transformation of this worldthe transformation of this world

Questions to ConsiderQuestions to Consider Should Christians invest in Should Christians invest in

companies that use child companies that use child labor? Slave labor? Poor labor? Slave labor? Poor working conditions?working conditions?

How should we produce, How should we produce, acquire & consume our food?acquire & consume our food?

How should we approach our How should we approach our transportation needs?transportation needs?

Closing Prayer: Revise our Closing Prayer: Revise our takingtaking(Walter Breuggemann, (Walter Breuggemann, Awed to Awed to

Heaven, Rooted in Earth,Heaven, Rooted in Earth, p. p. 154)154)

BibliographyBibliography Background Clipart. Microsoft Office Background Clipart. Microsoft Office

Online. Online. http:// (16 Jan. 2005) (16 Jan. 2005)

Brueggemann, Walter(2003). Brueggemann, Walter(2003). Awed Awed to Heaven, Rooted in Earthto Heaven, Rooted in Earth. . Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress.Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress.

Walsh, Brian J. & Keesmaat, Sylvia C. Walsh, Brian J. & Keesmaat, Sylvia C. (2004). (2004). Colossians Remixed: Colossians Remixed: Subverting the Empire. Subverting the Empire. Downers Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity PressGrove, IL: InterVarsity Press