Colors of the Rainbow Hint: R O Y G B I VROYGBIV

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Transcript of Colors of the Rainbow Hint: R O Y G B I VROYGBIV

Page 1: Colors of the Rainbow Hint: R O Y G B I VROYGBIV

Colors of the Rainbow

Hint: R O Y G B I V

Page 2: Colors of the Rainbow Hint: R O Y G B I VROYGBIV


1a : of the color red b : having red as a distinguishing color

2a (1) : flushed especially with anger or embarrassment (2) : ruddy, florid (3) : being or having skin of a coppery hue b : bloodshot <eyes red from crying> c : being in the color range between a moerate orange and russet or bay d : tinged with red : reddish

3: heated to redness : glowing

4a : inciting or endorsing radical social or political change especially by force b often capitalized : communist c often capitalized : of or relating to a communist country and especially to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

5: tending to support Republicans in a general election <red states>

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Page 3: Colors of the Rainbow Hint: R O Y G B I VROYGBIV


1a : a globose berry with a yellowish to reddish-orange rind and a sweet edible pulp b : any of various small evergreen citrus trees (genus Citrus) with glossy ovate leaves, hard yellow wood, fragrant white flowers, and fruits that are oranges

2: any of several trees or fruits resembling the orange

3: any of a group of colors that are between red and yellow in hue

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Page 4: Colors of the Rainbow Hint: R O Y G B I VROYGBIV


1a : of the color yellow b : become yellowish through age, disease, or discoloration : sallow c sometimes offensive : having a yellowish or light brown complexion or skin

2a : featuring sensational or scandalous items or ordinary news sensationally distorted <yellow journalism> b : mean, cowardly

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Page 5: Colors of the Rainbow Hint: R O Y G B I VROYGBIV

Green1: of the color green

2a : covered by green growth or foliage <green fields> b of winter : mild, clement c : consisting of green plants and usually edible herbage <a green salad>

3: pleasantly alluring

4: youthful, vigorous

5: not ripened or matured <green apples>

6: fresh, new

7a : marked by a pale, sickly, or nauseated appearance b : envious 1 —used especially in the phrase green with envy

8a : not fully processed or treated: as (1) : not aged <green liquor> (2) : not dressed or tanned <green hides> (3) : freshly sawed b : not in condition for a particular use

9a : deficient in training, knowledge, or experience <green recruits> b : deficient in sophistication and savoir faire : naive c : not fully qualified for or experienced in a particular function

10a often capitalized : relating to or being an environmentalist political movement b : concerned with or supporting environmentalism c : tending to preserve environmental quality (as by being recyclable, biodegradable, or nonpolluting)

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Page 6: Colors of the Rainbow Hint: R O Y G B I VROYGBIV

Blue1 : of the color blue

2a : bluish <the blue haze of tobacco smoke> b : discolored by or as if by bruising <blue with cold> c : bluish gray <a blue cat>

3a : low in spirits : melancholy b : marked by low spirits : depressing <a blue funk> <things looked blue>

4: wearing blue

5of a woman : learned, intellectual

6: puritanical

7a : profane, indecent <blue movie> b : off-color, risqué <blue jokes>

8 of, relating to, or used in blues <a blue song>

9: tending to support Democrats in a general election <blue states>

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Page 7: Colors of the Rainbow Hint: R O Y G B I VROYGBIV


1a : a blue vat dye obtained from plants (as indigo plants) b : the principal coloring matter C16H10N2O2 of natural indigo usually synthesized as a blue powder with a coppery luster

2: indigo plant

3: a deep reddish blue

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Page 8: Colors of the Rainbow Hint: R O Y G B I VROYGBIV


1a : any of a genus (Viola of the family Violaceae, the violet family) of chiefly herbs with alternate stipulate leaves and showy flowers in spring and often cleistogamous flowers in summer; especially : one with smaller usually solid-colored flowers as distinguished from the usually larger-flowered violas and pansies b : any of several plants of genera other than that of the violet — compare dogtooth violet

2: any of a group of colors of reddish-blue hue, low lightness, and medium saturation

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