Colorful life Made by Ilona Diomidova form 6 A If our world is black and white…

Colorful life Made by Ilona Diomidova form 6 A If our world is black and white…

Transcript of Colorful life Made by Ilona Diomidova form 6 A If our world is black and white…

Colorful life

Made by Ilona Diomidova form 6 A

If our world is black and white…

• Colorful life, multicolour life, rainbow life…that all is our usual life. In my project I tried to change our world. I tried to answer the question: what would be our life, if the world is black and white? Could I do it or not, this is question for you.


If all our world is black and white, all nature is grey. Sun is white, and sky is black. People can’t see stars because of the sky’s colour. Lakes, sees, and oceans are black, too. Few people swim in it. Trees

are white. Snow is black. Big animals are black, and there children are white. Can you imagine this world?


• In the black and white world people are white, grey and black. When person is 1-12 years old she or he is white, when person is 13-50 one is grey, and when the age is 50-250 she or he is black. Person’s character changes because of her colour. For example, when a person is white she/he is very happy.

• Do you want to leave with such people?

A game

Do you want to live in boring, black and white world?

In what world do you want to live?In blac

k and


In coloreful

Do you want to live with different-skin people?Do you want to have white

eyes? noyes


DO you want to be different?

DO you want to swim in the black sea?

DO you want to draw black and white


