Colonial Period

Colonial Period Standards 1-3


Colonial Period. Standards 1-3. Jamestown, Virginia was founded in 1607 First permanent English settlement in North America A corporate colony, founded by the Virginia Company Investors hoped to make a profit from the colony. Virginia. Powhatan Indians. Hostile to new settlers - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Colonial Period

Page 1: Colonial Period

Colonial Period Standards 1-3

Page 2: Colonial Period

VirginiaVirginia Jamestown, Virginia was Jamestown, Virginia was

founded in 1607founded in 1607 First permanent English First permanent English

settlement in North Americasettlement in North America A corporate colony, founded A corporate colony, founded

by the Virginia Company by the Virginia Company Investors hoped to make a Investors hoped to make a

profit from the colonyprofit from the colony

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Powhatan Indians Hostile to new settlers Attacked Jamestown John Smith was able to negotiate

with them for food

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Success of the Virginia Colony

Tobacco became the most profitable cash crop

Headright System allowed families to move in and own land

House of Burgesses allowed self-government

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Virginia’s House of Burgesses

Virginia’s colonial legislature Nathaniel Bacon led a rebellion

because the legislature failed to provide settlers protection from hostile Indians in the backcountry

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First Africans in Virginia

In 1619 a Dutch slave ship arrived in the colony

The Africans on board (who were destined to be traded as slaves in the West Indies), were traded for supplies in Virginia

The Virginia colony treated the Africans as indentured servants, not slaves

All of them eventually gained their freedom before slavery was introduced in Virginia

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Sample Question

One reason the colony of Virginia succeeded was the

a. profitable tobacco cropb. leadership of John Smithc. management of the Virginia

Companyd. relationship with the Powhatan


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Answer: A: the profitable tobacco crop

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New England Originally settled by English

Separatists, who had broken away from the Anglican Church

They were persecuted These settlers were called “Pilgrims” They sailed on the Mayflower from

England to America

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Massachusetts Bay Colony

Settled by English Puritans (who were Anglican, but wanted to reform the Church of its “catholic” practices)

They were persecuted in Great Britain

They established their “City Upon A Hill”, what they considered a model utopia, in Boston

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Puritans vs. Native Americans

King Philip’s War Chief of the Wampanoags (Metacom/”King

Philip”) led an attack on the Puritans in response to their laws that restricted the Indians

It was a very brutal and destructive war Food shortages, disease, and heavy casualties

kept the Indians from fighting Metacom was killed and the Indian resistance

in New England ended

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Tension in New England

Roger Williams challenged forced religion on the citizens of Massachusetts

He was exiled and eventually founded the colony of Rhode Island Separation of church and state

established here

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Halfway Covenant Allowed second and third generation

Puritans partial membership in the church until they experienced a true religious conversion

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Salem, Massachusetts

Location of Salem Witch Trials

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Massachusetts Bay Loses Its Charter

Puritans refused to obey English law In 1684, King Charles II revoked the

colony’s corporate charter Massachusetts became a royal

colony, under strict control of the king

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Sample Question

Which factor directly affected the settlement of New England in the 1600s?

A. Religious persecution in Great BritainB. The opportunity to cultivate tobaccoC. Growing conflict with the southern

farmersD. The chance to participate in the slave


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Answer: A: religious persecution in Great


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Middle ColoniesNew Netherland to

New York Originally claimed and settled by

Netherland Diverse Population (settlers were allowed from

all over Europe) James, Duke of York and brother of King

Charles II, sent a fleet of ships to take the colony away from the Dutch It was accomplished without firing a single shot It became the English colony of New York

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Middle Colonies: Pennsylvania

William Penn: founded Quakers were first settlers Penn’s “Holy Experiment”: allowed

freedom of religion

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Sample Question

The original settlers of the Mid-Atlantic colonies were

a. Pilgrimsb. Quakersc. Puritansd. Dutch

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Correct Answer: D: Dutch

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Mercantilism Export raw materials from colonies to

England Sell manufactured goods back to the

colonies Become completely self sufficient as

a country Acquire wealth

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African Colonial Population

As employment opportunities increased in England, fewer indentured servants came to America

Transatlantic trade included stops along the African coast to trade rum (from New England) and guns and manufactured goods (from England) in exchange for slaves

Slaves were taken to the West Indies and various parts of North America in the Middle Passage of the transatlantic trade

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African Culture In areas where slave population was

heaviest, they were able to preserve much of their African heritage Music Folktales Religious rituals

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Colonial Society and Culture

Benjamin Franklin Born into a poor family Educated himself Became a successful inventor, printer,

published, writer, statesman, and diplomat

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Great Awakening Series of religious revivals that

challenged traditional religious authority

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Sample Question: Rum Slaves Manufactured goods

The items listed above were part of thea. Products produced in the New England coloniesb. Products traded to England from the American

coloniesc. Items traded along the transatlantic traded. Items England provided to its American colonies

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Correct Answer: C: items traded along the

transatlantic trade

Page 30: Colonial Period

Results of French & Indian War and Causes

of the American Revolution In the Treaty of Paris of 1763,Britain won

control of North America; France lost most of its North American possessions

In its attempt to govern a larger colonial empire, Parliament passed a series of laws to control the colonists Proclamation of 1763 forbade settlement west

of Appalachian Mountains to protect them from hostile Indians

Stamp Act placed direct taxes on printed materials to pay for war debt

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Colonial Reactions No taxation without representation – colonists believed only

their colonial legislatures could tax them In response to the Stamp Act, the Sons of Liberty terrorized

stamp agents In response to the Boston Massacre, each colony formed a

committee of correspondence to communicate with other colonies

In response to the Tea Act, the colonists dumped British tea in the Boston Harbor

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Intolerable Acts In response to the Boston Tea Party,

Parliament passed a series of laws to punish the colony of Massachusetts

The Daughters of Liberty led boycotts of English goods, especially tea

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Sample Question: Which event was NOT a direct

result of the French and Indian War?

a. Proclamation of 1763b. Stamp Actc. Treaty of Paris of 1763d. Tea Act

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Correct Answer: D. Tea Act

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Sample Question The Sons of Liberty The Daughters of Liberty The committees of correspondence

Which issue caused British colonists to form the organizations in the list above?

A. The British Parliament had passed series of taxes on its North American colonies.

B. Native Americans had attacked British colonial outpost within the Northwest Territory.

C. British naval vessels had seized colonial ships and forced colonial sailors into service in the British navy.

D. Armed slave rebellions had begun throughout the British colonies to end the continued practice of slavery.

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Answer A

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American American Revolutionary Revolutionary

PeriodPeriodStandard 3c & 4Standard 3c & 4

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Common Sense Written by Thomas Paine Message: A call for independence Sold 500,000 copies

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Declaration of IndependenceDeclaration of Independence Author: Thomas JeffersonAuthor: Thomas Jefferson Based on John Locke’s Based on John Locke’s

Enlightenment philosophyEnlightenment philosophy ““All men are created equal”All men are created equal” All have natural, unalienable All have natural, unalienable

rightsrights LifeLife LibertyLiberty Pursuit of happiness (Locke Pursuit of happiness (Locke

said “property”)said “property”) Government gets its powers Government gets its powers

from the consent of the peoplefrom the consent of the people People have a right to alter or People have a right to alter or

abolish their government after abolish their government after a long period of abusesa long period of abuses

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Grievances against King Grievances against King George III noted in the George III noted in the

Declaration of IndependenceDeclaration of Independence

““He has obstructed He has obstructed the administration of the administration of justice”justice”

““He has kept among He has kept among us, in times of peace, us, in times of peace, standing armies”standing armies”

““He has plundered He has plundered our seas”our seas”

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Sample Question

John Locke’s theory that all people have basic natural rights directly influenced

A. The Proclamation of 1763B. The Declaration of IndependenceC. The outbreak of the French and

Indian WarD. The expansion of transatlantic


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Answer: B

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Sample Question Which idea from the Social Contract Theory is

expressed within the U.S. Declaration of Independence?

A. Congress must consist of two legislative houses.B. Political term limits are necessary for all elected

officials.C. Government authority comes from the consent

of the governed.D. Individual citizens must be protected by a

federal bill of rights.

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Answer C

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American American RevolutionRevolution

The war for The war for independence independence fought between fought between Britain and 13 of its Britain and 13 of its colonies in North colonies in North AmericaAmerica


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George George WashingtonWashington

Leader of the Leader of the Continental Army Continental Army during the during the RevolutionRevolution

Took an all Took an all volunteer, volunteer, undisciplined, undisciplined, inexperienced army inexperienced army and turned it into a and turned it into a professional armyprofessional army

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Lexington and Concord Lexington and Concord (1775)(1775)

Battles that started Battles that started the American the American Revolution.Revolution.

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Battle of Trenton Christmas, 1776 Washington’s army, who had volunteered for one year of

service, was about to go home There had been no victories for the army and no reason to

reenlist General Washington planned a surprise attack on Hessian

soldiers across the Delaware River from the Continental Army

Washington and his army crossed the Delaware in the middle of the night (see next slide)

In the early morning, they attacked the Hessians and won In a few days, they defeated a British force at Princeton, NJ Many men in Washington’s army, reenlisted and new recruits


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Battle of Saratoga Battle of Saratoga (October, 1777)(October, 1777)

Colonist victory over Colonist victory over British.British.

Turning point in Turning point in Revolutionary War.Revolutionary War.

Convinced the French to Convinced the French to become ally of the United become ally of the United StatesStates

Benjamin Franklin played a Benjamin Franklin played a key role, as the U.S. key role, as the U.S. diplomat to France, in diplomat to France, in convincing them to form convincing them to form this alliancethis alliance

Marquis de LaFayette Marquis de LaFayette volunteers to fightvolunteers to fight

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Valley Forge, PA Winter of 1777-78 Washington and the Continental Army are

camped at Valley Forge They have little food They have poor shelter Many have no shoes or blankets to keep

them warm Yet Washington rallies his troops, inspires

them, and uses the time to prepare them for battle

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Battle of Yorktown Battle of Yorktown (1781)(1781)

Yorktown is located on the Yorktown is located on the peninsula formed by the peninsula formed by the James and York Rivers that James and York Rivers that flow into the Chesapeake Bayflow into the Chesapeake Bay

Washington and his army Washington and his army entrench themselves on the entrench themselves on the land side of Yorktownland side of Yorktown

The French fleet blocks the The French fleet blocks the entrance to the Chesapeake entrance to the Chesapeake BayBay

Cornwallis and the British Cornwallis and the British surrendersurrender

The American Revolution is The American Revolution is over!over!

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Treaty of Paris (1783)Treaty of Paris (1783) Officially ended the Officially ended the

Revolutionary War.Revolutionary War. British recognized British recognized

colonists’ colonists’ independence.independence.

British gave colonists British gave colonists all the lands east of all the lands east of the Mississippi Riverthe Mississippi River

Florida was returned Florida was returned to Spainto Spain

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Sample Question: What battle led the French to form

a military alliance with the United States against the British?

a. Concordb. Trentonc. Saratogad. Yorktown

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Correct Answer: C: Saratoga

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Establishing a New Government

Standard 5

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Constitutional Constitutional ConventionConvention

1787 James Madison introduced a

new plan of government to address the weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation

The Constitutional Convention, held in Philadelphia, PA resulted in the creation of a FEDERAL government (separate executive, judicial and legislative branches)

The convention replaced the Articles of Confederation with the U.S. Constitution

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Great Compromise of the Constitutional

Convention Virginia Plan

Bicameral Congress Representation of

both houses based on population of the individual states

New Jersey Plan Unicameral

Congress Representation of

states would be equal


•Bicameral legislature

•Representation in the House of Representatives would be based on population of each state

•Representation of the Senate would be equal with 2 senators from each state

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The Slavery Debate in the Constitutional

Convention Debates over slavery resulted in

An agreement to outlaw the importation of slaves from Africa within 20 years (by 1808)

Southern states being able to count 3 out of 5 slaves in its census for the purpose of representation in Congress

However, this formula would also be considered for the appropriation of taxes per state

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Limited GovernmentLimited Government The federal

government’s powers are limited to those specified in the U.S. Constitution

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Separation of Separation of PowersPowers

Each branch of government has a specific purpose and powers are different from the other branches A legislative branch

(Congress) An executive branch (the

President) A judicial branch (Supreme


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Montesquieu, Enlightenment Thinker Championed the idea of separation of powers

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Checks and Checks and BalancesBalances

Each branch of the government checks the powers of the other two branches

Prevents any branch of government from becoming too powerful

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FederalisFederalismm Distribution of the

powers of government between a central (federal) government and the regional (states) governments.

State laws cannot interfere with federal law

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Federalists vs. Anti-federalists

Federalists Supported ratification of

U.S. Constitution Supported strong central

(national) government Believed it kept factions

from becoming too powerful

Believed the President’s powers would be check by the other branches

Every state had its own Bill of Rights; that was sufficient

Anti-Federalists Opposed ratification of the

U.S. Constitution Felt power of government

should remain with the individual states

Believed factions could not be controlled from taking power

Believed the President could become like a dictator with his power as commander-in-chief

Especially concerned about the absence of a Bill of Rights to protect the rights of citizens

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Federalist PapersFederalist Papers Newspaper articles

published in New York Explained reasons

why the states should ratify the new US constitution

The anonymous authors (Publius): Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay

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Bill of RightsBill of Rights

Freedom of speech, press, religion, petition and peaceful assembly

Right to bear arms Protection for unlawful searches

and seizures Rights of the accused

Attorney To remain silent To have charges explained To question witnesses Public trial by jury No excessive fines or cruel or

unusual punishment Protection of property Additional rights (9th) States’ rights (10th)

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Sample Question

The Bill of Rights was adopted by Congress in 1791 to preserve which political principle?

A. The separation of powersB. The restriction of political termsC. The prohibition of racial discriminationD. The limitation of the federal


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Answer: D The Bill of Rights limited the federal

government’s ability to interfere with individuals’ and states’ rights.

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Early Presidents George Washington

Proclaimed U.S. neutrality in the war between England and France

As commander in chief, sent troops to stop the rebellion over the whiskey tax

First political parties formed during this presidency

Federalists (Hamilton) Democratic-

Republicans (Jefferson)

John Adams Federalist Sent representatives to

France to negotiate problems

French officials tried to bribe them

Referred to as the XYZ Affair

Led to a Quasi War with France

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Sample Question

President John Adams became involved with which U.S. foreign-policy issue in the late 1790s?

A. Purchasing the Louisiana TerritoryB. Avoiding full-scale war with FranceC. Strengthening the Monroe DoctrineD. Arranging for the annexation of


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C: avoiding full-scale war with France

The XYZ Affair resulted in armed conflict (a Quasi War) with France, but not full-scale war.

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United States United States HistoryHistory

1800 to 18651800 to 1865Standards 6-9Standards 6-9

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Thomas Jefferson’s Presidency

Sent representative to France to purchase the port of New Orleans

Napoleon offered to sell the entire Louisiana Territory to the U.S. Doubled the size of U.S. territory

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War of 1812 President Madison declares war on

Great Britain Reasons: Impressment of U.S. sailors

in British navy War helped form a

strong national identity

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Monroe Doctrine Established U.S. dominance in the

western hemisphere European countries could not claim

any more colonies here The U.S. would stay out of European


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Sample Question What was the importance of the Monroe

Doctrine in 1823?A. It reinforced tensions between pro-slavery and

anti-slavery factions in the United States.B. It authorized the creation of a permanent

professional military to defend the United States.

C. It established the U.S. policy of preventing other nations from interfering in Latin America.

D. It proclaimed the U.S. intention of expanding it political borders westward to the Pacific Ocean.

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Sample Question

Use this quote to answer the question:“British cruisers have been in the continued practice of violating

the American flag on the great highway of nations, and of seizing and carrying off person sailing under it…”

-President James Madison, in a message to Congress

What resulted from the actions described by President Madison in the quotation?

A. The beginning of the War of 1812B. The outbreak of the Revolutionary WarC. The signing of the Treaty of Paris of 1783D. The adoption of the Articles of Confederation

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Answer A

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Industrial Revolution

Eli Whitney, Inventor Interchangeable parts: aided growth of

industry in the North

Cotton gin: aided growth of cotton as the main cash crop of the South

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Manifest Destiny A God-given right to expand U.S.

territory 1845: Texas annexation 1846: Oregon Country (divided with

Britain) 1848: Mexican Cession (resulted from

Mexican War)

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Development of the Nation’s Infrastructure

Roads, bridges, lighthouses Erie Canal

Connected the mid-West to the Atlantic Ocean

Connected Great Lakes to Hudson River Resulted in the economic growth of New

York City, which became a major trade and commercial center

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Reform Movements Temperance: campaign to reduce, or

“temper” the use of alcohol Abolition: campaign to abolish

slavery Education: effort to support the

funding of public education

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Seneca Falls, NY Women’s Rights convention Elizabeth Cady Stanton, leading

advocate Main issue: Women’s Suffrage

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Jacksonian Democracy

Expanding voting rights Non-property owners could vote by 1828 Now all adult white males could vote Most supported Andrew Jackson, the

symbol of the “common man” Popular votes counted for the first time

in 1828 Increased suffrage led to increased


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Sample Question

Which term BEST describes the period during which white male suffrage greatly expanded in the United States?

A. Manifest DestinyB. The EnlightenmentC. The Great AwakeningD. Jacksonian Democracy

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Answer: D

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North-South Divisions Related to Westward


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Key abolitionistsKey abolitionists

William Lloyd William Lloyd GarrisonGarrison

Frederick DouglassFrederick Douglass Grimke sistersGrimke sisters

Successful slave Successful slave rebellion led by Nat rebellion led by Nat TurnerTurner

Abolitionist Abolitionist MovementMovement

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Missouri Compromise

1819Missouri requested admission into the Union as a

slave stateThere were an even number of slave and free

statesMuch congressional debate 1820

Compromise Maine would be admitted as a free state Missouri would be admitted as a slave state North of 36, 30 North latitude: slavery prohibited

South of 36,30 North latitude: slavery allowed

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Nullification Nullification CrisisCrisis Attempt by South Carolina to nullify

of federal tariff in 1832. South Carolina protested/refused to

pay Vice-President John C. Calhoun led the

protest Threatened to secede if force was

used President Jackson ->Force Act Henry Clay offered a compromise tariff

Tariff would gradually be lowered over a ten year period

Increased the issue of sectionalism: Increased the issue of sectionalism: putting the interests of a region over putting the interests of a region over those of the entire nationthose of the entire nation

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Mexican War 1846

U.S. declares war on Mexico over boundary disputeU.S. wins victories in El Paso, TX; Monterrey, CA; and, Monterrey, Mexico

Congressman David Wilmot proposes that slavery be prohibited in any territory acquired in the war

Much congressional debate over the Wilmot Proviso; it is defeated

1847 U.S. wins victories in Buena Vista and Mexico City

1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo establishes boundary at Rio

Grande; gives entire southwestern territory to U.S. (Mexican Cession)

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Sample Question

The western expansion of the United States in the early 1800s provoked a congressional debate over the slavery issue. Congress resolved this debate by

A. Making the Louisiana PurchaseB. Passing a constitutional amendmentC. Adopting the Missouri CompromiseD. Accepting the doctrine of nullification

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Answer C

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Sample Question Which principle of U.S. government

did the Nullification Crisis of 1832 directly challenge?

A. FederalismB. Judicial reviewC. Popular sovereigntyD. Checks and balances

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A. Federalism

When South Carolina declared their nullification of the federal tariff, they were challenged federal law. No state laws, policy, or court decision can conflict with federal law. Therefore, South Carolina was challenging the principle of federalism.

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Causes, Main Events, and Consequences of

the American Civil War

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Compromise of 18501848

Gold discovered in California1849

Thousands of people travel to California in the Gold RushCalifornia’s population escalates enough to apply for statehood (free state)

1850 Much congressional debate (even number of free states and

slave states) Compromise:

California will be a free state Utah and New Mexico will decide slavery by popular sovereignty Slave trade is abolished in Washington, D.C. A stronger Fugitive Slave Law is passed to satisfy a pro-slavery


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Kansas-Nebraska Act

Repealed the Missouri Compromise by reopening territory that had been closed to slavery

Left the slavery issue to be decided by the people who settled in those territories (popular sovereignty)

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“Bleeding Kansas” A race to Kansas between those who

supported slavery and those who didn’t began

Anti-slavery and pro-slavery forces fought against each other

Two territorial legislatures will be chosen

Popular sovereignty will fail

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Dred Scott Case Dred Scott Case Dred Scott was a slave that Dred Scott was a slave that

had been taken into free had been taken into free territoryterritory

After his owner died, Scott After his owner died, Scott wanted his freedomwanted his freedom

The Supreme Court decision:The Supreme Court decision: ruled that African Americans ruled that African Americans

were not citizens of the U.Swere not citizens of the U.S.. African Americans were not African Americans were not

free just because they were free just because they were taken into free territories by taken into free territories by their ownerstheir owners

Laws like the Missouri Laws like the Missouri Compromise were Compromise were unconstitutionalunconstitutional

Congress could not deny Congress could not deny slave owners from taking slave owners from taking slaves into the western slaves into the western territories because they were territories because they were property under the 5property under the 5thth AmendmentAmendment

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John Brown A staunch abolitionist Had committed five murders of pro-slavery

people in Pottawatomie, Kansas in 1856 In 1859, he raided a federal arsenal in

Harper’s Ferry, VA, in an attempt to arm a slave resurrection

He was captured, charged with treason, and executed by hanging for his crimes

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Civil War Leaders North/Union

President: Abraham Lincoln

Generals: Ulysses S. Grant –

defeated Lee and ended the war

William T. Sherman – capture the railroad city of Atlanta, GA and led a destructive march through Georgia

South/Confederacy President: Jefferson Davis Generals:

Robert E. Lee – commander the Army of Northern Virginia; successfully won defensive battles against the Union, but lost both attempts at offensive battles

“Stonewall” Jackson – Lee’s right-hand man; helped him win many victories against the Union

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Civil War Battles Fort Sumter (April, 1861) – where the Civil War began Antietam (August, 1862) – Lee’s first attempt to fight an

offensive battle and first one outside the Confederacy; he lost

Gettysburg (July 1-3, 1863) – Lee’s second attempt to fight an offensive battle; the turning point of the war; Lee would never recover from this loss

Vicksburg – “the nail that held the two halves of the Confederacy together” (Davis); located on the Mississippi River, it fail to Union control on July 4, 1863; the Union had control of the Mississippi

Atlanta (September, 1864) – the main rail center of the southeast captured by General Sherman and where he began his March to the Sea

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Emancipation Proclamation

After the Battle of Antietam, President Lincoln announced he would issue his proclamation on January 1, 1863 if the Confederacy did not surrender

January 1, 1863, Lincoln announced the he was freeing the slaves who were still in the states that continue to fight the Union

The Union army had a new purpose for fighting the war: they would free all slaves as they moved through the states at war with them

Slaves in states still in the Union were not freed by the Emancipation Proclamation, but will be freed by the 13th Amendment

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Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address

Promised healing for the nation

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Economic Disparity between the North and the


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Sample QuestionWhich factor provided a military advantage

during the U.S. Civil War?A. Over 80% of the nation’s factories

existed in the NorthB. Southern merchant ships outnumbered

those controlled by the NorthC. Seventy percent of U.S. railroad tracks

existed in the southern territory.D. The North made an alliance with France

to receive troops and other aid to fight the South.

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Answer AEuropean nations essentially remained

neutral throughout the course of the U.S. Civil War. The North possessed more merchant ships than the South, as well as the majority of railroad tracks. The North was far more industrialized than the South. Northern factories gave the Union a powerful military advantage.