College Prayer - O'Loughlin Darwin · College Prayer IT IS NOT AN EASY JOURNEY In this Year of...


Transcript of College Prayer - O'Loughlin Darwin · College Prayer IT IS NOT AN EASY JOURNEY In this Year of...

Page 1: College Prayer - O'Loughlin Darwin · College Prayer IT IS NOT AN EASY JOURNEY In this Year of Mercy, Pope Francis says: ... Normal Office Hours Resume 23 rd January Monday – Thursday
Page 2: College Prayer - O'Loughlin Darwin · College Prayer IT IS NOT AN EASY JOURNEY In this Year of Mercy, Pope Francis says: ... Normal Office Hours Resume 23 rd January Monday – Thursday

College Prayer


In this Year of Mercy, Pope Francis says: “… Jesus asks us to follow him and to travel with him along the path of love, the path that alone leads to eternal life… It is not an easy journey, yet the Lord promises us his grace, and he never abandons us”.


Lord, in our travelling… In times of peace and joy…

In our hardships and sorrows… In the face of life’s challenges…

In times of doubt and temptation… Help us to be your disciples.


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Dear Parents, Caregivers, Students and Friends of our College, Greetings once again. The end of the year is looming quite quickly and lots of things are happening: Year 11 started their final exams today and tomorrow our Year 12’s have their Graduation Mass at the Cathedral followed by their Graduation Dinner in town. Recent Events Last Tuesday week we celebrated O’Loughlin Day. It was a wonderful day, full of activity which included a Mass to pray for God’s blessings on our school, service activities around Darwin and a Talent Quest which was a very enjoyable event. During Mass in the morning I presented awards to four of our staff in recognition of their service to the College in various ways. The awards went to Garry Blackett (Catholic Identity), Helen Bull (Pastoral Care and Wellbeing), Priscilla Freak (Teaching and Learning) and John Katal (Culture, Community and Communication). We congratulate these staff members and thank them for the outstanding contribution they make to our school. On Friday 18th we held our Annual Creative Arts Night at the College. Once again it was a magnificent evening with over 400 people attending. I was very proud to see the range and quality of work displayed by our students, whether it was the high standard of their woodwork projects, their creativity on canvas, the drama display or the musical talent that was so evident. Congratulations to our Arts Faculty, especially Jo Green, Head of the Faculty, for all their efforts that made the event such a success.

The Universal Children’s Day Last Sunday was Universal Children’s Day. It commemorated that day 27 years ago when the United Nations approved the Convention on the Rights of the Child. This is the most ratified Convention in the world where almost every nations has adopted it into their own legal system, recognizing the

L to R: Garry Blackett, Helen Bull, Priscilla Freak and John Katal, with their Award Certificates which were presented by Bishop Hurley at our O’Loughlin Day Mass.

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importance of the need to protect our children - but more importantly, to acknowledge that children have rights like anyone else in our society. Presentation Night – Tuesday 13th December, 7.00pm, Entertainment Centre, Mitchell Street, Darwin: Our Presentation Night this year is on Tuesday 13th December. We were not able to secure a venue any earlier. It is the last day of school for our students. It is a night where we recognize the gifts and talents of our students. It will run for just under two hours and is compulsory attendance. Students wear their school uniform on this occasion. I look forward to see you all there. Coming Events

Friday 25th November: Year 11 Stage 1 Exams commence Saturday 26th November: Year 12 Graduation Mass and Dinner Monday 28th November: Year 10 Exams commence Monday 28th November: College Advisory Board meeting Friday 2nd December: Last day for Year 11 Friday 9th December: Last day for Year 10 Friday 9th December: Special activity day for Years 7-9 Friday 9th December: Orientation Day for new enrolments into Year 7 Tuesday 13th December: College Presentation Night (This is an official College event

and is compulsory attendance for all students in their school uniform)

Tuesday 13th December: Last day of classes for Years 7, 8 and 9 That’s all from me for this week. God bless.

Jim Jolley Principal

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College Office Hours over Christmas

The office will be closed from 15th December 2016 and reopen on Monday 9th January 2017

Office reopens – Monday 9th January 2017

Mon – Fri 9am – 3pm Closed 12-1pm

Normal Office Hours Resume 23rd January

Monday – Thursday 8am – 4pm Friday 8am – 3.30pm

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O'Loughlin Day Mass

O’Loughlin Day got off to a brilliant start with Bishop Eugene Hurley celebrating our annual College Mass. Our time began with a special drama performance by Year 11 Youth Ministry students to help us reflect on the Year of Mercy. It presented the loving relationship between ourselves and our Creator, our Saviour, friend - Jesus. The drama will be performed again at our upcoming Presentation Night.

Year 11 students prepared artworks to help decorate the Gym in the theme of mercy with the help of their teachers Garry Blackett and Kathryn Lara, along with Mr John Katal who painted our Mercy Banner and ensured a vibrant environment for our celebration of Mass. They also helped to lead us through the liturgy and our new student leaders were presented with their leadership badges. Mr Jolley paid tribute to four special staff members through the SIRF (School Improvement Renewal Framework) awards for their selfless and inspirational examples.

We’re particularly thankful for the great singing led by the College Choir and made possible through the hard work of the Tech Team and Ms Wootton.

Our O’Loughlin Day mass was a time where our College Spirit came alive as we remembered Bishop John Patrick O’Loughlin and celebrated this school which he began.

Matthew Bourke, APRE

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For NAPLAN 2017, we endeavour to start to commence our transition into NAPLAN online. This will be with our Year 7 students starting with NAPLAN online for 2017 and both Year 7 and 9 in 2018. Please see attached documents that provide you with a link to the public demonstration site and FAQs about NAPLAN online being implemented across Australia by 2019. Our College was part of the NAPLAN online trial in Term 3 this year, with a Year 7 and 9 class being able to practice sample NAPLAN online questions and provide feedback into the implementation of NAPLAN being electronic by 2019. For more information on NAPLAN being implemented online, please contact Catherine Hives (Head of Middle School), [email protected] or email: [email protected]

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I.T. Coding Fair CDU 11th November 2016 Mr Uddon and 13 students from the Year 9 Coding class attended the 2016 iCode fair held at Charles Darwin University. Students were working through the Hour of Code activity using a gamification website written by Rebecca England to learn coding. Students were engaged and completed the tasks with surprisingly ease. Like most teenager they tried to crack the program and overload it with sprites. All were proud of their accomplishment. We also viewed and voted on various projects from CDU students. Their work inspired our students to consider computer science as a career. We would like to thank Rebecca, Ali, Bithan and Charles Darwin University the event, next year will be bigger and better."

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Sporting Achievements

Last Saturday Kaitlyn Nai Smith participated in the Palmerston Invitational Swimming Competition for 2016. Kaitlyn came first place in the following races.

• Multi Class 50m Backstroke. • Multi Class 50m Butterfly. • Multi Class 50m Breaststroke. • Multi Class 50m Freestyle.

On the weekend of October 29th-30th Kaitlyn also competed in Katherine at the 2016 Katherine Birthday Carnival. In the last event that she competed in, the Open class 50m Freestyle, the competitor in the lane next to Kaitlyn was a younger girl who became upset about having to swim against the 'bigger' girls and started crying. She was encouraged to compete in the race rather than pull out. When the race started Kaitlyn dived in and instead of continuing with the rest of the swimmers in the race she stayed back and swam alongside the younger girl and encouraged her to continue and finish the race. Kaitlyn said after the race that she didn’t care about racing, she just wanted to help the younger swimmer. On the weekend, at the Palmerston competition, the Katherine Swimming Club presented Kaitlyn with a medal and a certificate of Outstanding Sportsmanship acknowledging the support and encouragement she showed towards their young swimmer. We are extremely proud of Kaitlyn as she often supports and encourages others, especially those younger than herself and those with special needs.

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Creative Arts Festival

The College’s Annual Creative Arts Festival has been another fantastic event!! This year’s theme was vintage/retro and saw many teachers, students and guests dressed to celebrate the night away. There were over 450 attending this year’s event with is a record achievement! The festival was alive with Music and Drama performances, Technology displays by the Wood, Coding and Food (cooking) departments and Visual Art and Design exhibitions. This year event also received a Flash Mob (planned dance routine) in celebration of the new Creative Arts subject at OCC for 2017 – Dance!! Such a wonderful atmosphere and what a fantastic night. A huge effort from all the staff, parents and students who helped set up and pack away the festival. And a big thank you to the Creative Arts and Technology team who have spent the last few months preparing for this event. People’s Choice Awards (these were announced at the assembly on Monday) Best artwork in Visual Art Year 9 – Joyce Beale Year 10 – Imogen Bowden Year 11 – Alice Beale Year 12 – Kirsty Parks Best Design (Media Arts) Year 9 – Ryan Woods Rowe Year 10 – Christine Aga Year 11 – Teri Moliere Year 12 – Liam Budalasia Best Product in Wood (Design and Technology) Year 9 – Denise Silva Year 10 – Nhi Nguyen Department Choice Awards (these were awarded on the night) Best Artwork: Visual Art Year 7 – Steve Binu and Elisha Petit Year 8 - Nicholas Capati and Gabrielle Bowie Year 9 – Laurel Edwards Year 10 - Ashleigh Schroeder Year 11 – Courtney Furlan Year 12 – Kirsty Park

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Best Design: Graphics – Media Arts Year 9 – Shannon Coutts Year 10 – Amy Gornall Year 11 – Mary Fryar Year 12 – Hayden Zanker Best Game Maker: Coding Year 9 – Geomhor Vergara Best Design: Wood Year 9 – Jason Cooper Year 10 – Nhi Nguyen Music Award Whole School - Hugh Lyons A Big Thank You to our Sponsors What a wonderful and supportive community we live in. This event wouldn’t be possible without your assistance, so Thank you!! Member for Karama – Naree Ah Kit The Hon Lauren Moss, Member for Casuarina BCC Cinemas, Bullseye Trading, Cold Rock Icecreamery, Brumby’s Bakery, Top End Music Centre, Harvey Norman, Crocodylus Park, Crust Pizza, Eckersley’s Art and Craft, Il Piatto, King Pin, KJS entertainment, Nextra, Officeworks, Paspaley, Office National, The Darwin Entertainment Centre, Zart Art supplies.

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Year 9 Sports Science Class In week 4 year 9 sport science held a soccer competition for the year 7's. During the competition the players all showed great enthusiasm. Many students across different year levels came to support to support the teams during the games at lunchtime.

The competition was a great success and we are pleased to announce that 7.2 are the winners.

Our first game was held on Monday with 7.1 and 7.2 kicking off the competition. 7.2 won the game 6-0 to secure them a spot in the grand-final. After great matches throughout the week we had some excellent games and we narrowed down to 7.3 and 7.5 who made the semi-finals. It was a great match and 7.3 took the win 1-0. Finally, the grand-finals had arrived and it was a thrilling match. 7.2 and 7.3 battled it out but in the end 7.2 took the title. There were many great players throughout the competition and everyone played really well. Congratulations to everyone.

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The Great School Cashback! Our preferred supplier for BYOD devices is Harvey Norman at Berrimah. Please read below from them if you are considering a new device for the 2017 school year. Kris Lambert IT Manager The laptops will be bundled for the parents and their student; including complementary internet security, phone support 8am-10pm, and the option of remote support. We also offer a Flexirent option which benefits our customers with full protection cover from accidental damage in the class room and theft. The prices are below. The choices below are 100% suitable for students and their needs. If customers have something cheaper in mind and want to purchase something else from our range, they can and will not be disadvantaged. They will still get the complimentary bonus and of course, the transaction will be saved under the school’s account for the rebate bonus.

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First choice - $798.00 HP Pavilion Z1E07PA 14” Laptop Intel Pentium, 8GB ram, 128GB SSD Includes 12month Internet Security and Tech2Home phone/remote support. ($200 worth of value as bonus)

Also with Flexirent Option which also includes the below.

• 12 months $21 weekly • 24 months $12.5 weekly • 36 months $9.70 weekly

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Second choice - $998.00 HP Pavilion x360 13-U050TU 13.3" Modern PC Laptop --Intel core i3, 8GB ram, 128GB SSD This includes 12 month Internet Security and Tech2Home phone/remote support. ($200 worth of value as bonus)

Also with Flexirent Option which also includes the below.

• 12 months $26 weekly • 24 months $15.5 weekly • 36 months $12 weekly

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Third choice - $399.00 HP Stream x360 11-ab014TU Intel® Celeron® N3060 Processor (1.6GHz-2.48GHz, 1MB L2 Cache) 11.6-inch diagonal HD WLED Anti-Glare Display (1366x768) Touchscreen On-board 4GB 1600MHz DDR3 SDRAM (1 DIMM) No picture as yet, this is very new. For those looking at a cheaper options, Harvey Norman has the HP Stream in 11 and 14” screen under $500, as well as other brands in this very reasonable price range. Ask in-store and the staff will assist you with your purchase. All you have to do is make sure students or parents bring the below voucher in store for both of you to get the benefits. Please see below for O’Loughlin Catholic College’s BYOD requirements.

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The device must meet all of the following requirements Antivirus/Security software

Current Antivirus software must be installed. Reliable antivirus/security software can be downloaded free from here if your device doesn’t have it. -> (

Battery Life Advertised battery life at least six hours Operating Systems Microsoft Windows 7, 8, 8.1 or newer with current updates

IOS 10 + Physical Systems Minimum Size 10” screen

Keyboard RAM (memory) At least 4GB Software Recommendations

Microsoft Office Suite is free to students.

Click on this icon in your program list. Or go to Enter your NT schools email address and password to download and install.

Wireless Compatibility Students must have wireless access to NT Schools internet to do their work

These specifications do not allow for iPods, mp3 players or smartphones Additional Considerations • Accidental loss or damage Insurance. O’Loughlin Catholic College is not responsible for your student’s device. • Protective carry case or bag • Should be permanently labelled with Student’s name

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School Ready*

Further references

Is your device school ready?

Parent Checklist

Your device needs to handle You need to ask for

In a typical day a student might type an English assignment, jot down

and record a speech. You’ll need a device that lets them work

1. 10” (minimum) screen, touchscreen and keyboard● A minimum of a 10” screen — larger for creative or technical work● A touchscreen for browsing and writing class notes● A keyboard for typing assignments

Creativity, innovation and compositionStudents need apps like "Kids Story Builder" to create a story. But

and communicate from anywhere. Plus they need practice with the

2. Runs both apps and programs● Windows 8.1 — apps and settings go with you across all devices●

or AutoCad

Students need to connect to the school wireless network.3. Dual Band WiFi Access● Make sure it has 2.4Ghz or 5Ghz dual band wireless to access

the school network

The school backpackKeep it light on their back.

4. Lightweight● Aim for under 1.5Kg

6-hour daysNo one wants to run out of battery half-way through the school day.

5. 6-hour battery life minimum● Make sure it lasts a 6-hour school day● Look for an Intel® 4th Generation Core™ processor to help stretch

battery life further

File swapping

Plus student seed to be able to connect their device to printers, sensors, probes, thermometers and more for science.

6. USB ports● Needed to connect digital peripherals, such as a microscope,

a printer, graphics tablet, a musical keyboard, thermometer, light meter, etc

Make sure the device can run demanding programs for music, design, science and technology classes.

7. High performance● For primary students, Intel Atom™, Celeron® and Pentium

processors are good● For secondary and beyond look for, Intel Core™ i3, Core™ i5

and Core™ i7 processors

Note-taking and brainstormingStudents are more comfortable making notes, sketching, writing maths equations, science formulae and foreign languages with a pen.

8. Pen●

note-taking, sketching, writing maths and science equations

Rough and tumbleYour child will probably drop the device and may spill things on it, so it needs to be tough and protected.

9. Durable for everyday school use● Insist on a protective case● Look for solid state drives

10. Storage● Go for at least 128GB of storage in laptops, ultrabooks and

two-in-ones● At least 32GB of storage in tablets is recommended

Safely browsing multiple sitesWhat family safety software is available/included on the device? Remember, when your child is not at school there may not be protective measures on the WiFi network.

11. Family safety software ● Windows Defender and SmartScreen● Windows Family Settings



† Microsoft and Intel developed these key criteria by researching a range of school recommendations, and surveying our Expert Educators and Education Master trainers – all of whom have rolled out device programs in schools or teach in schools.

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Midnight Basketball Darwin is a week away from completing its third tournament with what is set to be another thrilling Grand Final Night. Everyone is invited to come along and enjoy an evening of Dinner, DJS, dunk contests and knockout matches on Saturday 3 December from 7:30pm – 11:30pm at Darwin Basketball Stadium. The finals will be hotly contested, but everyone who has taken to the court over the past seven Saturday nights will count themselves as winners. Each Saturday night for the past seven weeks around 60 local young people aged 12 -1 7 years have turned out to shoot hoops and play for the title. The observed sportsmanship, passion and dedication shown by all of the players will make this grand final anyone’s to win. This program continues to be a great experience for everyone involved and it’s amazing to see the development of confidence and skills in our players over the lifespan of each tournament and to also see the returning players begin to mentor the younger and newer players. We are again so proud to provide young people with the opportunity to access a healthy, fun activity that encourages self-belief and confidence, especially on Saturday nights where there is higher exposure to risk- taking behaviour and boredom. Next Saturday, all teams will take part in a knockout grand final until just the last two teams are standing. The evening will kick off at 7.30pm with dinner for the players, and the games will commence from 8pm followed by a special awards ceremony. Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy the games and dinner at this free community event. For all enquiries please contact myself on the details below. RICHELLE HEDSTROM YOUTH ENGAGEMENT COORDINATOR COMMUNITY & CULTURAL SERVICES CIVIC CENTRE Harry Chan Avenue | GPO Box 84 Darwin NT 0801 P 08 8930 0635 | F 08 8930 0644 | M 0422 362 767

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As of December 16 2016 we will be running from 17 Dalwood Crescent, Malak.

We will be the first stand alone OSHC in the NT!!

Staff will be the same, pick up from Schools will be the same.

While the favourites will remain the Program will be bigger and better than ever!!!

For enquiries please call

George on 0400158227 or Naomi on 0432418049

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