Collector Has Good Repor - · Auditing committee , John Ciko chairman, tfessrs....

It't'Doc'Potocnig In England CARTfeRET,% JANUARY U, if iV Collector Has Good Report On '44 T « w |\l r, n , of Borough I heavy penalties to " ' . * i ins pinceson tine eencB, aet- , HI the al i,n M. Nevlli. IM ,n ill several, weeks and is Mtit in Atexian Brothers ,, •.,!, Elisabeth, ,,.',, Wallace of 6M Charles ,-, ,•!. Perth Amboy, convicted of . rstimony at witness in a •i, on chargeflf assii«Uand ; ., v. was fined $10. : . ' i ,1' ease in wtycfc thi« Jfoman ,,i involved, StdU lrajre of \hrcer Street (\nd Ula.Tayloi :;, Me re or Street,;. ts)4&: of Car , Tho Taylor woman allegedly ,..,,,1 the face of tht Moote ,;, . n All are Negroes. The Tay- . .man was lined $10 and the ,,,,<> woman$2B. i, ini-s Johnson, 21 Bergen ,. i. a Negro, was.fined #25 as i uilorly perion, while Charles ,nil. 42 Thornai- street, was ,, ! $20 on an assault and bat- :, ,-harge. Is {Installed Mooday UlTEBjjF" Aid Squad __,., : uiiuifetMry Monday i tlpr, al kit work for UH medical corf i, la Eng- land. A* • youdi IM vrerkod In a i r u f CARTRRET—Payment of tax^s whleh had been in emars duH«$ 1944 in Carteret eMteded the. J3O.QO0 estimated as a likely reve- nue from thin when the budget for last year was nude up. t h e yearly report as compiled by the Tax Collector, AUiander Comba, shows $34,218.43 watpftld, covering the years,from 1987 to 1943. Another source of revenue which proved better than hoped for by the boro fathers wu tile sum of |34,837.7S wfcleh eame \p from fhe sale of borough-owned Potocnig, Once Of School Board, Mow Keeps Airmen Well, To Fly property." Only mttejl. from this lource In tile 1 d compilation of the 1944 budget, «o a net g*in from this «o«re» was realixed of $10,337.75. With h f4,218.48 which came from the higher payment of back taxes, this 9E lives a total net g*in of mrte wan I2S.5O0 during the y » t . . This was one cruitribotlon to- ward the cash «t t |88,000 referred to on N e t Ye Day in- the final s»e«cb of Mayor Joseph W. Mittwh, who re- ttred at that UftM, ' <• Coll»etS<w DotaJU ' Ftyurea compiled by <r. Comba show total tax eolitcttow during -{foe year so recently f|d*a, of 1788,828.20, compo»e« of b»ek tax«s paid during the yaw, anr- rent taxes and funds WMch came Thefe cam* from real epto.tKK*% wW wtt- In frpm galee of propetiy the borough had obtained liene but which were redeemed their owners before foreetowr*. wai completed. Total receipt!, from all sources and levies, were |909,-' 0S2.49, Mr. Comba rtported tKK*% £ »• ** « # ( • ain4a, ftnea l«vt«4 for panishmerit Mr, Comba, ditcuaalng the alf- nl(le»nce of his annual report,-alto P«htt«d out that « e r (MOO in yftarly m jwymsnts already had Itiik M » r«snlt of wlea of prop- erty taken over for tikes. This *aUm*te Is baaed on an average t*» rate of If 40. jSom« owners of property thu* iitmlTed already h ld l i tWi h p p y d aady have »ald talei on tWir purcha*ea, alttough mirth «tfes l«d held by new owners li ncltt ,ind the site of homes planned - for post-war A summary of the results of such sties from 1942 tn 1944, made by Mr.' yrifebj'R office, shows the total purch»»o price was $72,- 412.58 In tk« thrte years, with " on Peye Z) Goodell And Other Principals Named As Polio Drive Aides Kuana Is Elected in the Harttaa Yacht h C Amboy. Cltttnce kins was toastmaster, ettd of- elected recently weip in- \nlrew J. Hila wae inducted, , into the office of president, he hus filled for som* years, lled for som* years, chardtt president of] CARTEREt—Members of the Carteret Board of Health chose John Kuzma their president at the annual meeting, held Friday night at the. Borough Hall. Other officers named were: Vice president, Joieph Tandyrak; clerk, David Lasner, Michael Yar- eheak) waa reappointed to serve •ft health impector for another year at a salary of $2,500. Committee* appointed were: Auditing committee, John Ciko, chairman, tfessrs. Tandyrak and Laane'n plwmblhg examining com mlttee, E. A. Wilson, Messrs. Tandyrak, Clko and Yaroheski. The board passed a resolution renaming Mm. Katnerine Redling and Mis* Genevieve Penkul borough names for a period of were . and trustee, Alex Nudge, he close of the dinner, Aan offered for the Artt to the five in«nbers of Mill 'I lad HOW d fiH'Cl'S. s»rvlnf tii Nail Officers Here \KTERET—A. Vincent Bus- HHIIIKI vice-president of the ':,iii,,nul Chejnlo*! Workers' ii. metalled Stephen W. Trw- incident of local 72, Inter ml Chemical Workers' Un- t i ceremony her* Wednes- n r ;!u. The ceremony took HI St. Jaaies' H*U and was .•MI by entertainment and mi;, ' • " > iillkers injialled into of- '! ihia time Were: George ice president! Leon Cur- secretary) liiicti, recording secretary; t'iinek^ trustef) Joseph Lo 'i({t;tint-»t-armsi Michael •••-, Kay prince And Stephen xuards. ' l 'fen made, of ti»» ,m#rrlige » Priscilla K<W$M, 0»ugh- " Mrs, Mary Kov|#s of Wil- Struet, WoodbrW «, W An- Kagutct son of. Us. Grace i of Union SbfM*»iCMteret. ^r«mohy was p«li<trakd Jn Udy of lit, C|>niel Cfch ">d b y to by Eighth Air Fotct Medic Puts Up Pttttriptions For Bombardier* Of' Hans AN ' EIGHTH AIR FORCE BOMBER STATION, Kngland- Shbwn preparing a prescription, is Corporal Patrick Potocnig, 35, of Carterct, NewJersey, an Eighth Air Force medic atta'ched to the 4fi2nd Bomb, Group's medical de- partment. This section is responsible for the health of the men who Ay and service S-t7 Flyjnsj fortresses thai almeat dally attack Naii mili- tary and Industiial i l a w deep within the heart of Germany. New combat crews afe given in- struction in emergency first aid before being allowed to fly over Germany, each bomber ia fitted with four first aid kits and one battle casualty kit, which must be periodically inspected, and each man is subject to call at any time h y of the day or night in case of an State ChairmanAnd Local Attorney Speak Hire To- day; Ball Is Planned CARTERET Supervising Priticipal Georg* £..£oodell ami the principals of the five public schools in the borough will head the enmpaign among school chil- dren to aid infantile paralysis vic- tims. Especial Interest attends this phase of the campaign in 1946 since George NesterwlU, who was a member of the sophomore class at Carteret High School, now is receiving treatment for poliomye- litis at Jersey City Medical Center. Rev. Dr. Kenneth MacDonald, chairman of the drive in Carteret, also announced this week that Miss Helen Wilson of the High school faculty will head the De- butantes Committee; She began organising these young girls this wwk. Another move in the campaign takes place'today when John B Middleton of Camden, state chair- man, and Samuel Kaplan, local attorney ,a<fdresa the student body Hl'fhc hl||i school to further the -W;^ww« ftetuu*. have been dreds of men have efforts among 1 students to raise funds, Mr. Middleton succeeded the late Joseph P. PiteGerald of Carteret as ohainmin of the New To Student Oub Rthel Buy of Cartcrut ...„_. ...-,-., - , « collection of dolls to metribers of the Hobby Club of the School when she spoke at the meeting Wednesday after- noon. Miss Snyder's dolls reprc- nattTOe of many countries. AfflM Meeting of- the Typing Club, directed by Mrs. Phoebe Mc- Donnell, also held this week, the following officers wer<- IUUIUMI; President, Eleanor Prokop; vice president,-Rentnw^Ctvpkf; "•<:- rotary, Theresa Ondrejcak; trca»- urer, Florence Breehka. The following ; home rooms at the high school' 'cooperated 100 per cent in thjtsale of bonds and stamps: Mi»s <3jsiri; Monahan, Mrs. Ethel Mewejf' Miss Snyucr, Mrs. McDonnell^Blss Ma run Kelly, Mrs. Aaron Uuwnt'r and Mrs. Lillian Kobrin. In therdrive for the Middlesex 1 Courtfy'Tuberculosia and Health LeagfB, Miss Mary Roach's cless hM the highest donation, (8.10. Naomi Williams and Anna Marie rklttwlcz swrved on, the committee for the drive. Cheerleaders for the basketball Bcuson have boon chosen. They are Ruth SUtf&ach, Helen 3huUllo and AUdJ|»y CaUi, Membtni of the school dance b»ml and their leader, Philip Waron, reoeivod aoljlbr notice last Friday whan a, letter from Mr. Waron was read from Station WAAT. Mr. Wajon described hie methods «| training his players. iz>'d anil released and Items rang- ing from-rat traps to pills have been isHued to kcup the bale physi- cally fit. Cpl. Potocnig's duties are in vital part in the functioning.of this department, The son of Mr. and Mrs. Jcrtm Potwnig of 36 Union Street, C a r t S t h : - ales'm« cock Insurance Muss., before entering 1942. His wife, Emma, also lives at the Union Street address. Tax Office To Be Open Monday Nightt 7-9 P. M. ..elector Alexander Comba anounced this . week that lib office ia the Bor- ougljijllall will extend its hours ui service, starting Monday, In addition to the regular day- time hours in effect the office will be open Monday nights from 7-9 o'clock. This is being done, Mr. Comba stated, for the convenience of taxpayers who may be employed during the day and unable to call at'the office except at night, ELECTION TIME NEAR CARTBRET—Wednesday, Jan- uary 24, i« the last (jay on which candidates for the coming School District Election may file their petition*, Th« terms expiring are those of Commissioners Michael Resko, Hubert R. Drown and Frank Siekierka. The last day for voters to regis tot- for the election is February 10. The election Ukas place Tues- day, Februury 13, f.rom 2 to It o'clock. "'A mtftton picture, "The Healer," featuring Mickey Rooney, will be shown the stndents on Monday for th» benefit of the fund. Plena fo; tbi) annual Birthday Baft fpi 1 ..!!** President, honoring W Pr*nklin D. RooHeveJt, were Outlined in greater detail during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Semonza will lead the grand march, andmuglc will be by the High School Swing Band with Bandmaster Philip Waron don- ducting. The ball is held each year at- Nathan Hste-fleh««l,-«Mi--MiBS nese GimderRon of the high School facualty arrangtts the deco- atioun. Raise Surplus At Carteret Trust Co. .CARTERET The sum of $&0,- 000 was added to the surplus ac- count of the Carteret Bank and Trust Company by vote «f the directors at the annual meeting, held at the bank building in Cook Avenue Tuesday afternoon. The addition of thin sura creates a. total surplus for the institution of $150,000 and establishes the ratio of $1 to $10 approved by the Federal.Reserve Bank between a bank's surplus account and its deposit liabilities. At this institution the capital accounts are: Capital stock, $100,- 0f)0; surplus, with this latest ad- dition, ^150,000; undivided.prontB, On Nazi Soil September 13 CAfftERjST,— the second properly documented claim to the $100 War Bond offered by Frank Scradato tq the first Car- teret soldier to set foot on Ger- man soil has reuhed the PRESS office. It came from Staff Ser- geant -(«m« ; P, B»u»a<» wha Uves In Lotust Street and was an" employe ot the American Agricultural Chemical Company before anterlnr the tray. A note from fyenry C. Borger, Jr., Captain' of the Field Artil- lery Battalion In which S/Sgt. Brunsen serves, stated he crossed the border into Germany about 14.15 (army time) Sep- tember 13,1944, while op recon- naissance with^ him, This newest claim to the award gives an earlier data of arrival of Ger- revious claim, WM which 4: Michael 4' G n y Both clZW h»ve been fli«4 by this newspspor t* »eju N»* of getting the correct ty»t ar- rival" of a Carteret ma» in Qejr- many. Funds for ihe bond mew- while are safe at the First Mo- tional P Oppoie SWttBt CUb FC man reasurer For Long Service CARTERET- The long sorvic of Mis. Stanley Tomczuk as treas urer of the Polish Ladies falcon Club was honored at the recen ChrlsLin&s party, which featured Polish customs and foods. Mrs. Tomcssuk, charter member of club, has been elected to her of- fice for the 26th consecutive term. This party took place at Falcon Hall, and Mat. Joseph Marciniak, the retiring president offered prayers for the men in service. Hostesses were Mrs. Adam Sym- boraki, Mrs. Tomczuk and Mrs. Walter Tomcauk. Others present were iirs. Bertha Gilbert, Mis, Julius Uszen- ski, Mrs. John Chomicki, Hra. T. A. Saymborskl, Mrs. Michael Yar- cheaki, Mrs. Stella S&fqhinski, Mrs. Charles Stopinski, MVs. Anthony KrasowRki, Mrs. Cecelia Sul, Mrs, Anthony Gorecki, Mrs. U T. Bertha, M,m. Joseph Wleronie), Mra. Henry Green and Mr3, Anna Barancssuk. 000 in it* capital aeceuntai The directors also voted a divi- dend of $3 per share of stock, to be paid February 1, Thomas G. Kcnyon, a director and also secretary-treasurer of the bank, was named to serve as trust officer in addition to" his other duties. All other officers and di- rectors were re-elected. These are; William Lonsdale, president; Emil Stremlau and Harold I. Haskins, vice presidents; Sylvester Gunkel, assistant treas- urer; directors: Andrew Chrietcn- sen, Elmer E. Brown, Alexander LeBow, MUMIS, Stremlau, George Chamra Husttinfi and and Expect 2nd Postp&wnent In Harrington and lUv. 1 ollowed (j'shwne. tey was brides- » Ko- J '''»»k AH >IUI1H of l 111111 Among The Carteret Chatties ST. DEMETRIUS UKRAINIAN »Uk Pwtor R.». J*« Prayera «| intercession for the servicemen and wrvicewomen of the parish and for alt o«r armed forces will offered tonight at 7|80 VcMf. These service* are to -be h # every JTid eving hftit th e evening. y the y«»r. i th rousfftpijt the y r. Sunday being th* Heritor di t th Mian ctlendur y g cording to the Mian i -will be neW toraortow wrvicei will be nW night Bt'8 o'clock, with sermon* in kk *** Ukrainian. Divine lit ^«nday will b A 1016 10:16 o'vlock in Michael Oudych,. t i Iva- y,. e Jakim, Miohuel Hry- k cuna and John . During the year the parish guin«d in membership imong the newcomer* in Ll»e bttf among the resident* of bt»y, and Railway, Some moved to other tow: t»i«ed their mem church, hopiiig here after the «T a e Two hundred JM)M rowding i e j t in the*raa4 Ii thi te " »«#. «l January 22 Set A$ Date For Club'i Card Party A Evening De- partment of the Carteret Woman's Club will have a card party Janu- ary )J2 at the home -of Mrs. Elsie Sw«la f on. "Hsjtowft; Avanije b Pl Guests will bft Vekome. Plane w«re« «t the club meeting Monday nlgtiit at the home of Miss Anne P ^ b r ^ J * . Lincoln Aye,- l d 4 khe m«mb«» also agreed 4 i CARTEREJT—tteialring on ch&j-ges against ChJef•% Police Henry' J. Harringmi' wed by former Mayor Joiepli W. Mit- tuch and supported by (the 1914 Borough Council, sdledp^ed for tonight, will be postponed, it is expected. This will be Ihe sec- ond postponement of the hear- ing from a date au se,t. It has been learned that Wil- liam George, counsel tor Mr. Harrington, or a representative of his office, will likely appear and request further postpone- ment, and it is expected to fee granted. Mr. George has stated he needs to introduce in defend- ing Chief Harrington against the Charges of negUct of duty some evidence which is bid by Ibhe Prosecutor's ofRcB. This «vi- dence, it.ia understood, will not be released by the' Prosecutor until after the trial for murder •of Daniel Molnar, Jr., whose Wil- ing of two policemen and two civilians here December 8 wais the cause'of the charges against Mr. Harrington. OFFICERS NAME© ' CARTERET™0mc(jis who have be«n elected by the Ukrainian American Citizen Club are as fol- l Pidt Ad Gid CARTKRIJT ,r*~ ^*« —F-.—..--- Sehtrol this ;week, members of the MetfopollUli Juhior Opera Guild who attended a recent perforrrt- »nce of Aida coriducted a jram, Ruth " James OAR^ERET —Edw«r4 Dudka, youngest son of Mr. and Mra. Ed- ward Dudka of 37 Chrome Ave- nue, lost his life in action In the Southwest Pacific. The data haa not been given his parent*, who were notified of his death Only last •week. He had been in service two years and before that had been employed by the I. T. Williams and Sons Lumber Company. Hti •two brothers are in the Navy also, Stephen ^ndka at NorfelR, Va.j and Theodore in SanFrancisco. $2Eitr»DiyW On 1st Nat! Stack CARTERET—An extra dividend of $2 per share was voted at the annual meeting of the First Na- tional Bank in Carteret, held at the bank Wednesday afternoon. This will be in addition to the usual dividend of, $8 foreach share of stock, which also was declared. Directors of the bank voted fur- ther to increase ttu surplus to $65,000 by addition of $10,000 to the sum now held in triia way. A rise in resources of $038,000 within 1&44 was reported, making the total assets |2,315,186. rose about 40'/<• during 'et*r just ended, it was re by the wahier, 4*>b^-|f Education passed a I tft of *8t0,?14.6& on We d erranfed-ior I the school etaifen f Of this'stun |3V9,Tt4 ia rmiud by taxation, A total! higher than the budget previous year. Ill tKe"\ budget fll.WO b listed <& ed revenues.. ' A public hearing is «ch. tor January 24, at the School. A request was nude t« the \ for compensation by J« tello, janitor of Columki for alleged Injuries to-| sustained at ? w i W', seeks two months' pay. Haury, president of termed/he demand ' and the bo*rd made j i * » t the (hn»nd. L.Ihe. mendation of BU Pil (J^r^ 3, Goodell to i port cards six stead of four, f A supplementerj o ing (MO additional Line % transportation was approved, The the McHSn of pr; M, t , county superinUndent of hl y schools, Permission gwrited Permission WM .gwrit G«nevieva 11 K«»W»i, tussle to have sev- January School pR also was pointed out to the bank's di d khld h directors mer Weiss G. T. Kra- ...v., ,„,. r ^ r , r . thanked the faculty lor It* contribution toward the subscrlptton to the guild for school. At thin sum* schuwl' *»8fi.2O worth of War Bonds and Stamps wore sold oivtWsday. A motion^ ...„„-,„»-, picture is beinVihoWn there todayf ^™*™ [ ~ for the benBjft of the Infantile Paralysis Ftttid, President, A d | i i . Oindfti •yifib*' pr^sldeut, Harry W«}«nskyi Siwwial secretary, Harry H»y secretary, M^ch»el tt^asuref,, J, .Lukasj Thomas Ginda und M. ladies RepMcan Club Renames fti. BartokHead CARTERBC-?Srs. Jofhn Bar- tok was re-ela«|d president of the Ladies RepttblMfl Club at the first meeting of tli"|\ew year, Friday night iff, No. 1 Fire Hall. Others chosen$4*office were: Vice president, Mri, jHHiam Solewin; treasurer, M%>M*e Humphries, and secretary, Wit* Lillian Graeme. Tha trustees »tt Mrs. Joseph W. Mittuch, Mrs. IWter Vonah, Mrs. Joseph GawroBfikl Mrs. William Uhouae and Mtf. John A. Turk, Speakers hetj?d ,»t this meeting were fonner mtp* Jos«ph W Mit- tuch, Frank Hifetyi John A. Turk, Frank SleklefWi Uster Siftbo, CoiijWl and Joseph C. f h jflmo. Two naw mtmberfi of tho club were welWItjed, and a social hour after the.itffeeting was pro- vided by MM. J^WBl Bollaci, Mrs. Louie VernaC^fe )»Iss Mary Ver- nuchib Hi stockholders that Wai Bonds were sold he year, for a total sum of 186,«75. former Mayor Joseph W, Mit- was re-elected president; id l tt p I^idor Maunnor vice president anil Mr. Mulvihill cashier. Directors are: Abraham D. Glass, John P, Goderatad, John Kindiioraky, Mr. Mausner, Mr, Mittuch, Ambrose Mundy and Isidor M. Weiss. Sgt Watylyk How Holds Combat Infantry Badge Car- teret soldier has received the Combat Infantry Badge. He is, Sei^cant Stanley W. "Wasylyk, 27, son of Samuel Wasylyk of 20 Hudson Street, and a former employe of the United States Metals Refining Company. This award was made for superior performance of duty in combat on tho front line* in France and Germany. Sergeant Wasylyk graduated from Perth Amboy High School and has been in the army three years. HALL HURT TWICE . CARTERET—Fate dogged Ar- thur W. Hall, operator of « truck ing concern, this Week. On Tues- day he injured his right hand, cruBhiirg it badly while unloading a truck at his place of business, 164 Pershing Avenue. The next day, Wednesday, the index linger of hta left hand was Revered, also when he was unload'' ing u truck. Dr. J. J. Reason'at- tended him and arrived immedi- ately after the accident, hut was unable to save Mr. Hall's finger, as it already had been cut off. instruction ben 6t Ik day. utidet, i Actlmr Chief Officer Peter MorUeai Uhlon City for Lieut. Kashal in u _ conduct of a Safety Patrol,^ will be in this whool for one ' afwr Which tho Union City wilt come to Csrtom to tup more Cub Lieut. Original the late) nley t Sbanley affa Itred from-this also «t schooffli Chief" charge. C was tra; and it has Ijfeen carried on, in I since, by Scfcool Atten4«iici»l cer Kurt Qtobmann in his other duties. The s ^ h hew officers ap ed PeceraJW M f l l l s|art weeks cottTM of study »t tf lice Academy In Newark, Th will begin their duties as men of tho force Tuesday nigot will attend kite classes during! time off dtttfr. The neiir take a, Stanley ski, John hanek, Jt«, Muaca, Al Jotiah Counsel lice officers, wh course,.; Books At Library th« new.books brary is '.'The Ued by Whit S) '•The Seas tion of great Si itual life of taborUnt among "'ft* borough 11- of God," ed- t. ' " Wa collec- «t the spir- dlstinguished of out time. aucb t, kind fiction wL>m Five Noel Prt»e wfo»e» we represented in'"lie 8e»» of Cud," t lll U several s«lllng i s«v. severa g ^ j , eral clasjiic writers, anl'wvaral "unknown" ii l bare a he waau arrested month wfth BRIDE TOMOMOW of

Transcript of Collector Has Good Repor - · Auditing committee , John Ciko chairman, tfessrs....

Page 1: Collector Has Good Repor - · Auditing committee , John Ciko chairman, tfessrs. Tandyrak and Laane'n plwmblhg examining com mlttee, E. A. Wilson, Messrs. Tandyrak,

It't'Doc'Potocnig In EnglandCARTfeRET,% JANUARY U ,

if iV

Collector Has Good Report On '44 T « w

| \ l

r,n, of BoroughI heavy penalties to

" ' • . * • • •

i ins pinceson tine eencB, aet-, HI the ali,n M. Nevlli.

IM ,n ill several, weeks and isMtit in Atexian Brothers

,, •.,!, Elisabeth,,,.',, Wallace of 6M Charles,-, ,•!. Perth Amboy, convicted of. rstimony a t witness in a

•i, on chargeflf assii«U and;., v. was fined $10. :. 'i ,1' ease in wtycfc thi« Jfoman

• ,,i involved, StdU lrajre of\hrcer Street (\nd Ula.Tayloi:;, Me re or Street,;. ts)4&: of Car, Tho Taylor woman allegedly

,..,,,1 the face of tht Moote,;, . n All are Negroes. The Tay-. .man was lined $10 and the,,,,<> woman $2B.i, ini-s Johnson, 21 Bergen,. i. a Negro, was.fined #25 asi uilorly perion, while Charles,nil. 42 Thornai- street, was,, ! $20 on an assault and bat-:, ,-harge.

Is{Installed Mooday

UlTEBjjF"• Aid Squad __,.,: uiiuifetMry Monday i

tlpr, al kit workfor UH medicalcorf i, la Eng-land. A* • youdiIM vrerkod In a

i r u f

CARTRRET—Payment of tax^swhleh had been in emars duH«$1944 in Carteret eMteded the.J3O.QO0 estimated as a likely reve-nue from thin when thebudget for last year was nude up.the yearly report as compiled bythe Tax Collector, AUianderComba, shows $34,218.43 watpftld,covering the years,from 1987 to1943.

Another source of revenuewhich proved better than hopedfor by the boro fathers w u tilesum of |34,837.7S wfcleh eame \pfrom fhe sale of borough-owned

Potocnig, Once Of School Board,Mow Keeps Airmen Well, To Fly

property." Onlymttejl. from this lource In tile1dcompilation of the 1944 budget, «oa net g*in from this «o«re» wasrealixed of $10,337.75. With hf4,218.48 which came from thehigher payment of back taxes, this


lives a total net g*in of mrtewan I2S.5O0 during the y » t . .

This was one cruitribotlon to-ward the cash «t t|88,000 referred to on N e t YeDay in- the final s»e«cb ofMayor Joseph W. Mittwh, who re-ttred at that UftM, ' <• •

Coll»etS<w DotaJU ' •Ftyurea compiled by <r. Comba

show total tax eolitcttow during-{foe year so recently f|d*a, of1788,828.20, compo»e« of b»ektax«s paid during the yaw, anr-rent taxes and funds WMch came

Thefe cam* from real epto.tKK*%

wW wtt- In frpm galee of propetiythe borough had obtained liene butwhich were redeemed theirowners before foreetowr*. waicompleted. Total receipt!, from allsources and levies, were |909,-'0S2.49, Mr. Comba rtported

tKK*%£ »• ** « # ( • ain4a,ftnea l«vt«4 for panishmerit

Mr, Comba, ditcuaalng the alf-nl(le»nce of his annual report,-altoP«htt«d out that « e r (MOO inyftarly m jwymsnts already hadItiik M » r«snlt of wlea of prop-erty taken over for tikes. This*aUm*te Is baaed on an averaget*» rate of If 40. jSom« owners ofproperty thu* iitmlTed alreadyh ld l i tWi hp p y d a a d yhave »ald talei on tWir purcha*ea,alttough mirth « t f e s l « d held bynew owners li n c l t t ,ind the siteof homes planned - for post-war

A summary of the results ofsuch sties from 1942 tn 1944,made by Mr.' yrifebj'R office, showsthe total purch»»o price was $72,-412.58 In tk« thrte years, with

" on Peye Z)

Goodell And Other PrincipalsNamed As Polio Drive Aides

Kuana Is Elected

in the Harttaa Yachth CAmboy. Cltttnce

kins was toastmaster, ettd of-elected recently weip in-

\nlrew J. Hila wae inducted,• , into the office of president,

he hus filled for som* years,lled for som* years,chardtt president of]

CARTEREt—Members of theCarteret Board of Health choseJohn Kuzma their president atthe annual meeting, held Fridaynight at the. Borough Hall.

Other officers named were:Vice president, Joieph Tandyrak;clerk, David Lasner, Michael Yar-eheak) waa reappointed to serve•ft health impector for anotheryear at a salary of $2,500.

Committee* appointed were:Auditing committee, John Ciko,chairman, tfessrs. Tandyrak andLaane'n plwmblhg examining commlttee, E. A. Wilson, Messrs.Tandyrak, Clko and Yaroheski.

The board passed a resolutionrenaming Mm. Katnerine Redlingand Mis* Genevieve Penkulborough names for a period of


. and trustee, Alex Nudge,he close of the dinner,

A an offered for the Artt

to the five in«nbers ofMill

'I lad HOW

d fiH'Cl'S.

s»rvlnf tii

Nail Officers Here

\KTERET—A. Vincent Bus-HHIIIKI vice-president of the':,iii,,nul Chejnlo*! Workers'ii. metalled Stephen W. Trw-

incident of local 72, Interml Chemical Workers' Un-t i ceremony her* Wednes-nr;!u. The ceremony tookHI St. Jaaies' H*U and was

.•MI by entertainment andmi; , ' •

" > iillkers injialled into of-'! ihia time Were: George

ice president! Leon Cur-secretary)

liiicti, recording secretary;t'iinek^ trustef) Joseph Lo

'i({t;tint-»t-armsi Michael•••-, Kay prince And Stephenxuards. '

l'fen made, of ti»» ,m#rrlige» Priscilla K<W$M, 0»ugh-" Mrs, Mary Kov|#s of Wil-Struet, WoodbrW «, W An-Kagutct son of. Us. Gracei of Union SbfM*»iCMteret.

^r«mohy was p«li<trakd JnUdy of l it , C|>niel C f c h">d b y toby

Eighth Air Fotct MedicPuts Up Pttttriptions ForBombardier* Of' Hans

AN ' EIGHTH AIR FORCEBOMBER STATION, Kngland-Shbwn preparing a prescription,is Corporal Patrick Potocnig, 35,of Carterct, New Jersey, an EighthAir Force medic atta'ched to the4fi2nd Bomb, Group's medical de-partment.

This section is responsible forthe health of the men who Ay andservice S-t7 Flyjnsj fortressesthai almeat dally attack Naii mili-tary and Industiial i la wdeep within the heart o f Germany.New combat crews afe given in-struction in emergency first aidbefore being allowed to fly overGermany, each bomber ia fittedwith four first aid kits and onebattle casualty kit, which must beperiodically inspected, and eachman is subject to call at any time


of the day or night in case of an

State Chairman And LocalAttorney Speak Hire To-day; Ball Is Planned

C A R T E R E T — SupervisingPriticipal Georg* £..£oodell amithe principals of the five publicschools in the borough will headthe enmpaign among school chil-dren to aid infantile paralysis vic-tims. Especial Interest attends thisphase of the campaign in 1946since George NesterwlU, who wasa member of the sophomore classat Carteret High School, now isreceiving treatment for poliomye-litis at Jersey City Medical Center.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth MacDonald,chairman of the drive in Carteret,also announced this week thatMiss Helen Wilson of the Highschool faculty will head the De-butantes Committee; She beganorganising these young girls thiswwk.

Another move in the campaigntakes place'today when John BMiddleton of Camden, state chair-man, and Samuel Kaplan, localattorney ,a<fdresa the student bodyHl'fhc hl||i school to further the

-W;^ww« ftetuu*. have beendreds of men have

efforts among1 students to raisefunds, Mr. Middleton succeededthe late Joseph P. PiteGerald ofCarteret as ohainmin of the New

To Student OubRthel Buy

of Cartcrut...„_. ...-,-., - , « collectionof dolls to metribers of the HobbyClub of the School when she spokeat the meeting Wednesday after-noon. Miss Snyder's dolls reprc-

nattTOe of many countries.AfflM Meeting of- the Typing

Club, directed by Mrs. Phoebe Mc-Donnell, also held this week, thefollowing officers wer<- IUUIUMI;President, Eleanor Prokop; vicepresident,-Rentnw^Ctvpkf; "•<:-rotary, Theresa Ondrejcak; trca»-urer, Florence Breehka.

The following ;home rooms atthe high school' 'cooperated 100per cent in thjtsale of bonds andstamps: Mi»s <3jsiri; Monahan, Mrs.Ethel Mewejf' Miss Snyucr, Mrs.McDonnell^Blss Ma run Kelly, Mrs.Aaron Uuwnt'r and Mrs. LillianKobrin.

In therdrive for the Middlesex1

Courtfy'Tuberculosia and HealthLeagfB, Miss Mary Roach's clesshM the highest donation, (8.10.Naomi Williams and Anna Marierklttwlcz swrved on, the committeefor the drive.

Cheerleaders for the basketballBcuson have boon chosen. They areRuth SUtf&ach, Helen 3huUlloand AUdJ|»y CaUi,

Membtni of the school danceb»ml and their leader, PhilipWaron, reoeivod aoljlbr notice lastFriday whan a, letter from Mr.Waron was read from StationWAAT. Mr. Wajon described hiemethods « | training his players.

iz>'d anil released and Items rang-ing from-rat traps to pills havebeen isHued to kcup the bale physi-cally fit. Cpl. Potocnig's duties arein vital part in the functioning.ofthis department, The son of Mr.and Mrs. Jcrtm Potwnig of 36Union Street, C a r t S t h:- ales'm«cock InsuranceMuss., before entering1942. His wife, Emma, also livesat the Union Street address.

Tax Office To Be OpenMonday Nightt 7-9 P. M.

..electorAlexander Comba anounced this

. week that lib office ia the Bor-ougljijllall will extend its hoursui service, starting Monday, Inaddition to the regular day-time hours in effect the officewill be open Monday nightsfrom 7-9 o'clock. This is beingdone, Mr. Comba stated, for theconvenience of taxpayers whomay be employed during theday and unable to call at'theoffice except at night,


uary 24, i« the last (jay on whichcandidates for the coming SchoolDistrict Election may file theirpetition*, Th« terms expiring arethose of Commissioners MichaelResko, Hubert R. Drown and FrankSiekierka.

The last day for voters to registot- for the election is February10. The election Ukas place Tues-day, Februury 13, f.rom 2 to Ito'clock.

"'A mtftton picture, "The Healer,"featuring Mickey Rooney, will beshown the stndents on Mondayfor th» benefit of the fund.

Plena fo; tbi) annual BirthdayBaft fpi1..!!** President, honoring

W Pr*nklin D. RooHeveJt,were Outlined in greater detail

during the week. Mr. and Mrs.Daniel Semonza will lead thegrand march, and muglc will be bythe High School Swing Band withBandmaster Philip Waron don-ducting. The ball is held each yearat- Nathan Hste-fleh««l,-«Mi--MiBS

nese GimderRon of the highSchool facualty arrangtts the deco-atioun.

Raise Surplus AtCarteret Trust Co.

.CARTERET The sum of $&0,-000 was added to the surplus ac-count of the Carteret Bank andTrust Company by vote «f thedirectors at the annual meeting,held at the bank building in CookAvenue Tuesday afternoon. Theaddition of thin sura creates surplus for the institutionof $150,000 and establishes theratio of $1 to $10 approved bythe Federal.Reserve Bank betweena bank's surplus account and itsdeposit liabilities.

At this institution the capitalaccounts are: Capital stock, $100,-0f)0; surplus, with this latest ad-dition, ^150,000; undivided.prontB,

On Nazi SoilSeptember 13

CAfftERjST,— the secondproperly documented claim tothe $100 War Bond offered byFrank Scradato tq the first Car-teret soldier to set foot on Ger-man soil has reuhed the PRESSoffice. It came from Staff Ser-geant - («m« ; P, B»u»a<» whaUves In Lotust Street and wasan" employe ot the AmericanAgricultural Chemical Companybefore anterlnr the tray.

A note from fyenry C. Borger,Jr., Captain' of the Field Artil-lery Battalion In which S/Sgt.Brunsen serves, stated hecrossed the border into Germanyabout 14.15 (army time) Sep-tember 13,1944, while op recon-naissance with^ him, This newestclaim to the award gives anearlier data of arrival of Ger-

revious claim,W M which

4: Michael4' G n y

Both clZW h»ve been fli«4 bythis newspspor t* »e ju N»* ofgetting the correct ty»t ar-rival" of a Carteret ma» in Qejr-many. Funds for ihe bond mew-while are safe at the First Mo-tional P

Oppoie SWttBt C U bFC


reasurerFor Long Service

CARTERET- The long sorvicof Mis. Stanley Tomczuk as treasurer of the Polish Ladies falconClub was honored at the recenChrlsLin&s party, which featuredPolish customs and foods. Mrs.Tomcssuk, charter member ofclub, has been elected to her of-fice for the 26th consecutive term.

This party took place at FalconHall, and Mat. Joseph Marciniak,the retiring president offeredprayers for the men in service.Hostesses were Mrs. Adam Sym-boraki, Mrs. Tomczuk and Mrs.Walter Tomcauk.

Others p r e s e n t were iirs.Bertha Gilbert, Mis, Julius Uszen-ski, Mrs. John Chomicki, Hra. T.A. Saymborskl, Mrs. Michael Yar-cheaki, Mrs. Stella S&fqhinski, Mrs.Charles Stopinski, MVs. AnthonyKrasowRki, Mrs. Cecelia Sul, Mrs,Anthony Gorecki, Mrs. U T.Bertha, M,m. Joseph Wleronie),Mra. Henry Green and Mr3, AnnaBarancssuk.

000 in it* capital aeceuntaiThe directors also voted a divi-

dend of $3 per share of stock, tobe paid February 1,

Thomas G. Kcnyon, a directorand also secretary-treasurer of thebank, was named to serve as trustofficer in addition to" his otherduties. All other officers and di-rectors were re-elected.

These are; William Lonsdale,president; Emil Stremlau andHarold I. Haskins, vice presidents;Sylvester Gunkel, assistant treas-urer; directors: Andrew Chrietcn-sen, Elmer E. Brown, AlexanderLeBow,MUMIS,Stremlau,

George ChamraHusttinfi


Expect 2nd Postp&wnentIn Harrington




tey wasbrides-» Ko-

J'''»»k AH>IUI1H o f



Among The Carteret ChattiesST. DEMETRIUS UKRAINIAN

» U k PwtorR.». J*«Prayera « | intercession for the

servicemen and wrvicewomen ofthe parish and for alt o«r armedforces will b« offered tonight at7|80 VcMf. These service* areto -be h # every JTid e v i n gh f t i t th


the y«»r.i th

rousfftpijt the y r .Sunday being th* H e r i t o r *»di t th Mian ctlendur

y gcording to the Mian

i -will be neW toraortowwrvicei will be nWnight Bt'8 o'clock, with sermon* in

kk *** Ukrainian. Divine lit^«nday will b

A 101610:16 o'vlock in

Michael Oudych,.t i

Iva-y , . eJakim, Miohuel Hry-

kcuna and John .During the year the parish

guin«d in membership imong thenewcomer* in Ll»e bttfamong the resident* ofbt»y,and Railway, Somemoved to other tow:t»i«ed their memchurch, hopiiighere after the«T a e

Two hundredJM)M

rowding i e j tin the*raa4 Ii

thi te "»«#. «l

January 22 Set A$ DateFor Club'i Card Party

A Evening De-partment of the Carteret Woman'sClub will have a card party Janu-ary )J2 at the home -of Mrs. ElsieSw«laf on. "Hsjtowft; Avanije

b PlGuests will bft Vekome. Planew«re« «t the club meetingMonday nlgtiit at the home of MissAnne P ^ b r ^ J * . Lincoln Aye,-

l d4 khe m«mb«» also agreed4 i

CARTEREJT—tteialring onch&j-ges against ChJef•% PoliceHenry' J. Harringmi' wed byformer Mayor Joiepli W. Mit-tuch and supported by (the 1914Borough Council, sdledp^ed fortonight, will be postponed, it isexpected. This will be Ihe sec-ond postponement of the hear-ing from a date au se,t.

It has been learned that Wil-liam George, counsel tor Mr.Harrington, or a representativeof his office, will likely appearand request further postpone-ment, and it is expected to feegranted. Mr. George has statedhe needs to introduce in defend-ing Chief Harrington againstthe Charges of negUct of dutysome evidence which is bid byIbhe Prosecutor's ofRcB. This «vi-dence, it.ia understood, will notbe released by the' Prosecutoruntil after the trial for murder•of Daniel Molnar, Jr., whose Wil-ing of two policemen and twocivilians here December 8 waisthe cause'of the charges againstMr. Harrington.

OFFICERS NAME© 'CARTERET™0mc(jis who have

be«n elected by the UkrainianAmerican Citizen Club are as fol-l P i d t Ad Gid

CARTKRIJT ,r*~ *« —F-.—..---Sehtrol this ;week, members of theMetfopollUli Juhior Opera Guildwho attended a recent perforrrt-»nce of Aida coriducted ajram, Ruth "


OAR^ERET —Edw«r4 Dudka,youngest son of Mr. and Mra. Ed-ward Dudka of 37 Chrome Ave-nue, lost his life in action In theSouthwest Pacific. The data haanot been given his parent*, whowere notified of his death Only last•week. He had been in service twoyears and before that had beenemployed by the I. T. Williamsand Sons Lumber Company. Hti•two brothers are in the Navy also,Stephen ^ndka at NorfelR, Va.jand Theodore in San Francisco.

$2Eitr»DiyWOn 1st Nat! Stack

CARTERET—An extra dividendof $2 per share was voted at theannual meeting of the First Na-tional Bank in Carteret, held atthe bank Wednesday afternoon.This will be in addition to theusual dividend of, $8 for each shareof stock, which also was declared.

Directors of the bank voted fur-ther to increase ttu surplus to$65,000 by addition of $10,000 tothe sum now held in triia way. Arise in resources of $038,000within 1&44 was reported, makingthe total assets |2,315,186.

rose about 40'/<• during'et*r just ended, it was re

by the wahier, 4*>b^-|f

Education passed a Itft of *8t0,?14.6& on We

d erranfed-ior Ithe school etaifen f •Of this'stun |3V9,Tt4 iarmiud by taxation, A total!higher than the budgetprevious year. Ill tKe"\budget fll.WO b listed <&ed revenues.. '

A public hearing is «ch.tor January 24, at theSchool.

A request was nude t« the \for compensation by J«tello, janitor of Columkifor alleged Injuries t o - |sustained at ? w i W',seeks two months' pay.Haury, president oftermed/he demand 'and the bo*rd made j i * » tthe (hn»nd.

L.Ihe.mendation of BUPil ( J ^ r ^ 3, Goodell to iport cards sixstead of four, f

A supplementerj oing (MO additional t»Line % transportationwas approved, Thethe McHSn of pr; M, t ,county superinUndent of

h ly

schools,Permission gwritedPermission WM .gwrit

G«nevieva11K«»W»i, tussleto havesev-



pRalso was pointed out to the bank'sdi d khld hdirectors


WeissG. T. Kra-

...v., , „ , . r ^ r , r . thanked thefaculty lor It* contribution towardthe subscrlptton to the guild forschool.

At thin sum* schuwl' *»8fi.2Oworth of War Bonds and Stampswore sold oivtWsday. A mot ion^ . . . „ „ - , „ » - ,picture is beinVihoWn there todayf ^™*™[ ~for the benBjft of the InfantileParalysis Ftttid,

President, A d | i i . Oindfti•yifib*' pr^sldeut, Harry W«}«nskyiSiwwial secretary, Harry H»y

secretary, M ch»eltt^asuref,, J, .LukasjThomas Ginda und M.

ladies RepMcan ClubRenames fti. BartokHead

CARTERBC-?Srs. Jofhn Bar-tok was re-ela«|d president of theLadies RepttblMfl Club at the firstmeeting of tli"|\ew year, he.kiFriday night iff, No. 1 Fire Hall.Others chosen$4*office were: Vicepresident, Mri, jHHiam Solewin;treasurer, M%>M*e Humphries,and secretary, Wit* Lillian Graeme.Tha trustees »tt Mrs. Joseph W.Mittuch, Mrs. IWter Vonah, Mrs.Joseph GawroBfikl Mrs. WilliamUhouae and Mtf. John A. Turk,

Speakers hetj?d ,»t this meetingwere fonner mtp* Jos«ph W Mit-tuch, Frank Hifetyi John A. Turk,Frank SleklefWi Uster Siftbo,

CoiijWl and Joseph C.f hjflmo. Two naw mtmberfi of tho

club were welWItjed, and a socialhour after the.itffeeting was pro-vided by MM. J WBl Bollaci, Mrs.Louie VernaC^fe )»Iss Mary Ver-nuchib


stockholders thatWai Bonds were sold

he year, for a total sum of186,«75.former Mayor Joseph W, Mit-

was re-elected president;id l

tt pI idor Maunnor vice president anilMr. Mulvihill cashier. Directorsare: Abraham D. Glass, John P,Goderatad, John Kindiioraky, Mr.Mausner, Mr, Mittuch, AmbroseMundy and Isidor M. Weiss.

Sgt Watylyk How HoldsCombat Infantry Badge

Car-teret soldier has received theCombat Infantry Badge. He is,Sei^cant Stanley W. "Wasylyk,27, son of Samuel Wasylyk of 20Hudson Street, and a formeremploye of the United StatesMetals Refining Company.

This award was made forsuperior performance of duty incombat on tho front line* inFrance and Germany. SergeantWasylyk graduated from PerthAmboy High School and hasbeen in the army three years.


thur W. Hall, operator of « trucking concern, this Week. On Tues-day he injured his right hand,cruBhiirg it badly while unloadinga truck at his place of business,164 Pershing Avenue.

The next day, Wednesday, theindex linger of hta left hand wasRevered, also when he was unload''ing u truck. Dr. J. J. Reason 'at-tended him and arrived immedi-ately after the accident, hut wasunable to save Mr. Hall's finger,as it already had been cut off.

instructionben 6t I kday. utidet, iActlmr Chief

Officer Peter MorUeaiUhlon City forLieut. Kashal in u _conduct of a Safety Patrol,^will be in this whool for one 'afwr Which tho Union Citywilt come to Csrtom to tup



the late)nley

t Sbanley affaItred from-this

also « tschooffliChief"charge. Cwas tra;and it has Ijfeen carried on, in Isince, by Scfcool Atten4«iici»lcer Kurt Qtobmann inhis other duties.

The s ^ h hew officers aped PeceraJW M f l l l s|artweeks cottTM of study »t tflice Academy In Newark, Thwill begin their duties as menof tho force Tuesday nigotwill attend kite classes during!time off dtttfr.

The neiirtake a,Stanleyski, Johnhanek, Jt«,Muaca, Al


lice officers, whcourse,.;

Books At Library

th« new .booksbrary is '.'TheUed by Whit S)

'•The Seastion of great Siitual life of

taborUnt among"'ft* borough 11-

of God," ed-t. '" W a collec-

«t the spir-dlstinguishedof out time.aucb t, kind


• wL>m

Five Noel Prt»e wfo»e» werepresented in'"lie 8e»» of Cud,"

t lll Useveral s«lllngi

s«v.severa g ^ j ,eral clasjiic writers, anl'wvaral"unknown" ii


bare a

he waauarrested




Page 2: Collector Has Good Repor - · Auditing committee , John Ciko chairman, tfessrs. Tandyrak and Laane'n plwmblhg examining com mlttee, E. A. Wilson, Messrs. Tandyrak,


For Serf UntorARTERKT-L.-tern

Riritnn Conned, Roy fllot)U ofAinericn, will hiive i u January;mMinjr MwulflV 'light nt (he Bbr-joujrh Hall, »itli -'"I'll S. Olbrirhtill eharge. PI.VM "ill be made forfrlure Court' "f ll»nnr, nnd FrankKiamey. chairman of the council'straining piotimin. will dinruiw aCoume in prosper! l« train men in-terested in Sciuil ifrtrk.

Arr»nfrm<Mit« nl»o will b* mltd#for a meeting ul Hi. Peter's Parish

; Haunt, Perth Ainbny, Monday, jMeht, Jauunfi 22. Thin will he tne |Council's mlnunl irwinn. Scoutixerutlve William II, Wntcnn willbo prewnt Mimihty in mm\ local,'Jlrtder*, anil William MMnm, din-

\\ trict eoWnlisioner. will pretentM s view.* toward enlarging Scolit

l^fork in Carteret.Reports iil«'i will he made on

m. -..ti newwl lrnn|) hemp orjptniiedI Wire, i t St. Di-meiriun Ukrainlnn

i,Chtirth, hy it |ia»tor, Rfv. Tnhn

!JLtl&'WILL'FILED'' CAftTKRET • - The reslduiryestate left by Clarence II.»f Clirtpirl. whn died2ft, will go tit his wife, Wilhelrtttnni t , .12 I't'l iKHilevanl, Curteret,under the term* of his will pro-liarpri thlii week hy StirrnguteKmnk A. Connolly.

T V decedent directed that hi«wife lie named guardian of theiradopted daughter, Juan, who willr»etiv« money nn riepnilt in thensrrmr Rank and Tnmt Com-

flip #ill *»* dht«d Aujcunt 'l,rr»44. anti w(t» vrltnenncd hy(Iw)r(fp 0. deary Jr., of Perth Amhoy, nrtd Nitttiitnlel jaeohy of t'ar-teret.

Library Notesd front Vtnv 1)

fvaiely prlHted' hy Hie. aiiihdW ornre lung dtfl of print, ami Mmehave never been in bonk fo m be-fore iwywhtfre. Moit of the storieswove rhriten dither by the uithorsthemselves or, where the author*.nre dcml, by other distinguishedwriters. Short commentaries bymany living author* preceile theircontributions

Of a different nature entirely is"Hoqelhipf Oi-eek," hy Bliw Lo-mil*. Twn <ild favflfitdn, RstlftbowHlnley find Grumpy fifbht, are hoton the trail of a range mynterythul is parked with dh'njr r andadventure. What look* like t localkilling turnn out to he linked to n

network of l)ig - time


Mr, and Mrs.

ei'lnie.Pretty (llrnntt Goi'don idrtitnins


avenue iinnourtre the rof thrfir (lnuifHtcr, Mlrinrn, to Ar-chte Uhkinrt, WTI nf Mr. n«d Mrs.Joneph Lihkfnd of Eli«»hoth. Miw

crnck enwhoy detectives tot a inveitigate the doubleflf hnr Jtliher flnt, th< chj:

new ciok. A Hiring ofunielnted cluea baffle' tKe" peyed, frthl-fTiootin(? pair. The day

tARD Of THANKSW« wi'h to i'J!>i•(«» our (loci)

e»t pHtit\ldi In all our n'U-£ fflend.i uml nei|{ltbor« for

many «<U nf kiiulncss,hou(|ucl5 Imfliwf.),

s fliirn] cifTrrin«s nndc«rn during ih« recent

b*r«tvenient in the lnss of ourl t e beloved hushand, father,

|tHT)fflte 'geph Balka, Si.

We; especially wish to HunktTie Rtv. Murk" HHJO*, O.S.M.,Wr hi» Nind words »f conwlnWon; for their many kiiutnewe»A e W. 0. W. Oxmp No1. Ml,W. 6 . VV. White CarnationGrove; Ht. (icorKe Society andthe General American 1'ank andStorage Corp.; the beiirers, thnCart*r*t Police Dept. and thefuneral director E. Biiub, forMtinfactoi-y servicos rendered.

Mm. Jo.ieuh Haiku m(d FamilyMr', ami Mi i. Alex fialkn and


?.'!U!0Vitl. i 9ii l lf '" i

l l u i l t ( 1" f>

( '» r tf r ( ' t;the.v' arrive a ChineHC takes pot-slmt* at them from anYbu»li. Thetown marnhfll (toes out of bin wayto be ornery and butt up theirinvestigations. Strnng* kite sig-nal* lire spotted flying above the

Sfhonl und is employed ntthe Foster Whe,eler Corporation.

CLUB tltttltnt FIELDrARTBHKT-Th> followlnr of-

fii'era have been chosenfitlie.n

by the ('hlnese qunrter of Nevada City.Th b h l d

President, Walter S»k; vice presi 'IHi'nt, Ktirinski; treasurer,Arthur Tucholnki; flnitnrinl stecre(afy. Bi'iimi'd Martenciuk; record-inr nccrctary, Frarlk S kmar':"Hii], Walter 1'omcziik.

Then-one by one the clues dropinto plare. and the two mng« de-tectives find thfmselvei fljfbtinic it


CAlltBRET—B o r o u g It R«-

covdei' .Iflhn H. Ntevill of

Avenue, whn ban been ill st his

hfliw, now is n pntlcnt in Alexidn

Brothers Hdspitai, Bliialicth. He

and Mr«'. N>vill will eelehratc their

Kulden wedding anniversary Feb

runrv 25.

(Iciierfll warns ofih Injfft of arms production.

out with a sinister gang: ofirle.r». Death domds rtiiRhty close,but to help them Grumpy Has hisamazing hunches and Rainbow thenniaiiinjf — and beautiful — SengMet-lnng. When the last nurprising evidence is uncovered and thelast nuns silenced, a murderer hasbeen brought to Justice and a vi-cious rlnj of hardened eflmnTsisexposed,

(This Rtory appeared in "RealWestern" inft|?a&ine.)

S^eep Over AcademyIn Women's Pin Loop

CARTERET Tin- Rnyi.l Cnr-

Hon.; senrrd :\ clean nwecp over the

Academy pinners last week in the

Ciirlrret Woinen's Howling Lcii-

In other Kdmcs, ftfiihii1'

Church Notes(Cnnfmttfd from Pafyc I) .

thin investment to

ftue.Bnnuty Rhonpe tonlf two from(Iruhin's Pnarmacy and licnn'swon hy forfeit frnr.i Erale'.-i ShellRtfltion.

ROYAI,A.M.H. DolcgiewilzT. KhmirhoftA. Medveti:


140M l


177ir.2i i - iin

I t 4



B. Cnrrjfant

B,E. Ambolt .,If, f'nujfhlin



i r»:f•(- 51

7 lit fi!)4





'I here are three relieioili! group*nrtive in thi> parinh, the Sinterhoodif I he Blensed Virgin, St. Ann'sAuxiliary, ami St. Mary's Sodality,nlm nine1 lay orpanlMtiom'. To-

the end of 1H44 a ScoutinRCommittee has been formed 'withthe oHjert of flflrnntainif a BoyScout troop.

The parish with its organic*rih contributed to the National

^Var Fund, Aiiu'iican Red Cronn,t*s6 and ontaniMd the UkrainianRelief Committee for the purposeof helpinu the people of Ukraine.Through contributions made bydifferent organizations and indi-vidual members of the church, TheHome News, a newsletter for thekerviccmen nnd strVicewonien ofthe pAmh, began itn publicationin June. Fbur iF«nes have beenpublished so far. The publicationis to continue during the currentyear.

Remodeling and painting of thechurch planned for the past yearhad to be. abandoned bccaiw ofthe war and shortage of material

GOO C.72

GHUHIN'SI. fiebhnrl.M. Spites*M. YurshaH. Sabo -(I. Wachter





l t f li n n124


A. KoniendaL Stefanni .M. Linelli ..B. Udzielak .



BAR AND GRILLItalian and American Food

I TheBettatPopnlbrPritesj. *

Friday - - Clam Chowder>Sat. - Sun«»-Southern Fried Chicken


WOODBKIDCE, N. J.Tel. WO..«.2092

MINIMUM WAfcEThe National War Lubor Board

has proposed a new high level oflifty-flve cents an hour for thecorrection of sub-standard wfijrer.ites. Labor members of the boardHipfci'st that any wnjfe below 72I'cntH an hour be considered, sub-standard.

WAREHOUSE CHAIN'Facing the jfreatest urierchan-

disinif job on .record," the KKOplans^to elect ;i chain of ware-house.", throughout the nation tostove, millions of dollars' worth(if surplus gobds, equipment andproperty and also to servo a?"show-room!:" where prospectiveluiyen may examine the Roods.

S. CyresklH, FabianJ. FodorR. BubenheinwrB. Clark -


135104U l156



... 12R133120172




123U l!5013S


and manpower.Services on the Eve of the feast

of Epiphany will be held Thur-vday, January 18. at 10 o'clock irthe morning, nml at i) o'clock in'the evening, and oh the day ofthe Feast, Friday, January 19, at

o'clock in the morning.

Report On'44 Taxes(Continued jrom Pnqe 1)

1944 leading nt $38,1<JO. Totaltaxes due on till' property we're^79,225.72 for the three years. Onthexe sales $00,489.50 already has

]4 fjtn>trn; pirid, ieaviii* a bshvnre stillowed of |11,923. Owners art; per-'mitted to psy for their new landsin inutailments, vrtich him been alarge factor in being able to sellthew previously unprofitable properties and restore them to the taxbookrt us revenue bearing InntU.

Study Of Palesli*

CAHTERKT--Infnrmntim) pCr-tninin|f to the rehuildinij of Pules-tine wnn provided thrmigh VHrinusinc'liuins ill the monthly meetingft HndanMh. helii lift ThurfidRynissht. Miss Anne 3ehwnrU, YouthAliyah Chnirnian, arid Mrs. Sam-uel Roll) were in charge of theprogmm Mrs. Harry Heller reada poem and Mrs. Samtrtl ""^'•J~an editorial, each on theunder study.

The highlight of the progttrtiwag si play, "Fifty HtniM," dover-ing the history of a group of chil-dren from the Ukraine '"'escaped its horrors to find

Mary's In

and |itRce in the new PalMtihe.Players 'Were Miss HfrlrienaPlayrsWeiss, Mrs. Sandor Lehr*r, Mts.Stanley SrulowiU, ytts. MtpVGreenbein, Miss Chsirlhttenev, Wlss Naomi Solder, Mrs. Rob-ert R.Brdwrt, Mri. Rotii andvMissLois Levine. Misa Levine rend -anarticle giving the story of theesiape. of a 14-yaar-old girl fromthe Russian-Polish frontier, alsoto safety in Palestine.

Mis. Philip Drmirr announcedthe sale of $1,300 worth of WarBonds through the organization.She is chairman for this cam-paign nnd asked that the serialnumbers of purchased bonds besent to her before January 20.


Sobel, research director of theChemical Com-


CARTERET — Hermie Hor1h'«f

hiph-ridinir Carteret High School

team added another victim to

its imprenive l«t by coming from'

behind to defeat 8t, Mary's of

Perth Amlfoy 1 B « Prltlay rttghk at

Perth Amhoy, 34-21. After trail-

ing by 9-1 Ht the end of the first

tHt! Irteitl1 staV|<MlctotefJf

in Mm »M im\\f\Jp the girtii #lffl A

rally in rfle third qilitWiif.Irl A prHiminnry tilt tft« .

attrl White Jayveus iltWU^il1

Stsry'a RiJServKa. 33-26.CAfrflflRiilT (34)

CJ. ;Perry, f 4Illlott, t 6tifflko, c 0Kuufflu, c 1WithDlm, c 0Shortinky, g 4'Phillips, ft ;, g 5

pany, spoke Monday at tht> lunch-eon meeting of ttie Railway Ro-tary Club, held at Greven's Hotelthere. Dr. Sobers topic \»an "TheChernlcaj Wealth of the Dead S(!a."


|frirl»,,e ...,.ponovftn, fc*PnlHilHi, g .Loxak, a ...Mince, g ...

( | )

m^t.-ir,IS 4

T'S (81)G. t.

., f ; • <» 0SfchioWr, f :.... 0 0QlBsseW, f 8 0'Ryan, f 0 0Trainer, e 2 1Pitten, K 1 1Larsen, g 0 0Stoflkal, f 4 1

Pancoe, g 1 2

8 B 21Score by period*:

Tarteret 1 B 14 10—34St. Maty'fl »• 3 2 7—21

Officials: Myixs, 3cHuii(iffi. '"


788 834

SUGARBecause civilians consumed 500,-

1)0(1 Urns of Sugar ubove the totalwhich should have been drawnfrom stocks in 1U14, the OPA'it ncfeanury to cut householdxumers of sutjar to five poilmls aperson every three months insteadof every two and a half months.

TOO MUCH ICESEATTLE, Wash.—Skidding on

icy pavement, an ice truck, carry-]inn 4,E00 pounds of Ice, crashedinto Rex Pierre's residentiafdriveway nnd piled the ice right



upon ritomturit of Tifirf w«r calls go over th«wire* evety fay ami

falls 3,000 Feet, LandsI In Tree, Cheats Death

WITH AMERICAN TROOPS ONMOPOTAI ISLAND, MOLUCCAS.-Pvt. Joe Aiello plummeted 3,000 feelwhen his parachute failed to open,and yet escaped without a singlebrDlrtn bone. .

His first words when he regainedconsciousness were:

"The air corpB! I shoulchave stayed in the medics," '

Treetops broke the fall of theyouth from the Bronx. Medics the-oriHed'that the fact he waj uncotttSlBUs wHBi he hit the {reefand Was relaxed when he landedprobably saved his life.

He \vas ordered to bail out frorra Liberator that developed enginetrouble while on a mission to thiPhilippines. Aiello ?;ud he lost con-sciousness just before he hit thetrees.

When he came to, Aiello said, "]was scared to open my eyes foifear I might see angels."

It's 2 Gallons for Longtime, Is Report of OWI

WASHINGTON. — No changes irKnnollne rntioninj! ivm be txpetti'i;Tjefote the end of the~«(Kk«s'aaape.the OWI said in a 7,000-word reportuh the crude oil nnd gasuliue supply.

How much additional gasoline willthen b* available for riviiiwto willdepend on how much the army andnavy will need after Germany sur-renders. Estimates now are bein{prepared by military authoritiesOWI said.

The report says that when morecivilian gasoline does become available, the rations for trucks an<busses will be increased first. Nexlin line will be "B" card boldenwho UBe their cars in the cpur$$ oibusiness.


borah Lodge, Re4>ekahs, will visitViolet Lodge, in Perth Amboy,next Wednesday night. The visitwill follov,' ". --•"•! )iu«iness meet-

ere in Odd Fellows' JHall.

A group of Representatives,members of a sub - committee ofthe House Military Affairs Com-mittee, recently returned from afour-weeks' tour abroad, duringwhich they inspected variousAmerican b&ttlefronta in Europe.

Because interest,in, hunting anJi

members of the committee onConservation of Wild Life urgegreater attention to the use ofGovernment-owned land for pub-lic hunting grounds.


Every Thursday EveningAT 8:Q0lMK.

St. Andrew's Church HallAVENEL ST., AVEKEL, N. J.

NOTICE!Tax iliipllrni'r hook* for Woftilkridjt* TrtfAtfcljt will t>«(>t*m rot* innbrrilnn n< I lie Uwii'd it toiiUtoioki' rt«f* InI III- tfnalrljknt ttiillillnc (in l-'rl<lnj. :)«*lUfr 12 (Tbm 7 l<>a t: M.

Mttnr*.BOAKtt OF V«HKS«OI1<<.

litlfcc toThithto. \ . J.v. ttt.iT,

(L,Alltt-:EBNKST y





V33-U&* St.Mrhret, N. J.

Cirtorst A-SSOS

Rarely will your money buy so

much for so little! We offep the

best in quality and style at amaz-

ingly low fJrjces. Come in earljr

lot bftst

ACE UNITED SERVICEywir touwWd wfely

and ' w t t

i w d i . Mo* raftsquoted pi con»li<M«d r«-dvttd rqtti. Loeds iarnrtd.Without QbV'*<V moi' Htlol furniture and we will quWcC«J*>rnia ipetlollit.


343 WEST 6fl*th ST., NtW YORK 23, N Y

Circle 7-31^1



We suggest that you don't niiwthis great>}e! JlaTre » w^e i Vveatmept m »he o | ctoi flmof prime,, peltrie? tb»tyou (ff itNiKlif fit>fort arttf it|ft fifr

to com

1WMst •



Page 3: Collector Has Good Repor - · Auditing committee , John Ciko chairman, tfessrs. Tandyrak and Laane'n plwmblhg examining com mlttee, E. A. Wilson, Messrs. Tandyrak,

pi George MofcW, who #at fill home, 99

CARTBMW—The Sangert mdI

gMM I ) * * * Junior* caw*, thjongfc

okwnmt m Junior Bukttball Lt a f t *Wnk at the Nathan Hal*

Jontori, 80.15,1

„, ,.»rn-8 .fourth straight

Pahthera by- a, Blue **A W h i U i ^ y *

their first game.8-5 t«MJt>i» t i e

ow wimaw VISIT

in a t, with ^» folkwto*U beeron,! Jnllw fy-

i n jiiaien .world I bit rih M •t the total ant H« wai an emj>k>y«

lrkan Agrleultwil,and ha4 He

ri,.,-ft tookmiter,,.,,1 thrmijjirout the entire

Into the final period

beeron,!4* ianfen wMl* Ohejnittl

jit CaHciretX 17 point* for tin9eore by fl*r1*tlu Oatiri, Mra.

j ywas a member of The Woodmen of

Itoth A n f t * -i .„' t the World and St. Geotficapers tfnw a MiteW b M

tWrt|-el<|ht yean. In tddi-i

Sehwarti, Mis. Catholic SticUty. The pa!l«ear«rsand Mra. U. F.

pwere the foUowinj raemlMTii of thebut n brilliant de-


a$ they won thelt,,,|.y clash from th« P»rth'

26-28. -.•-. •AMBOV (21)

0. &c ..... % 2

AII4*BW U u r , AndrewPa»l and Alex. Mclnar. '

Ife. BaJka i* sun'ived by his1 1 itoriMki, t

the former Miss M*ryiTakacs; two sons, Lawrence with

h A d J ASalart**—Ul*. Clk., Mt.. on*

n., an* Brtd

CARTERET — Mis* Gertrudemi turnouta, Emitter,-Mrs. AntM Ludaughter of Hr. and Mri,

0 y Ziuman of Rooaevelt Are*nne, and Hwrry Ginchansky, whof Mr. and-Hn. Hawy Qinchanaky4 Brooklyn, were married Sunday

kio* «f, Carttret; two hrnthftm,( •M awl John; a sinter, Wri, AnnaF*^ i^BmrtWrr and « gradand «ve grand-


fh% <<*d old, cmmtry faihlon ofi | d hb t i | i » | . the (oaadatUm of thtir at a ceremony and reception in the

with letvei, M4 or earth Paramount fteitanrant in NewIt on the farmi. It U a

Fntedtfaprevent tretthjf-ijf lilaf* on

W a <wWrin| Of )ft

lav«r, too, artd wcaVlia*e5 per cent, and. b

19 per cent, where sills at* leakjr

The bride wore a shell pinka flowered hat, dubonnet

eatories and an orehid eon&ge.DRAGON JUN10M0.


mtfnf thai jt»Ht***« area-of is a jraduate of Carteret HighSchool and is employed in PerthAmboy. The bridegroom is em-ployed at the Newark Airport, The

I, Tfcompton, f A«urt* Mirtrlct ' •« . SItotatf of

couple will live at the bride's(If CARTBBBT, IN 1H« StATB OFAT TH3 cwaEor parents' home in Roosevelt Av«-

8alimited* ot

i shippingscientific method* ot loading tnd


nue for the duration.* * vStivtfts' flour varterftwit %.AjjlTlrjPK>a.. u m / u i i «•— -

Dill, I'. R RBVlflBD STAT'

8l*le« (1nvernm«nt


pNnnr, fiirnllurf anil flx

15 the Tax Office

Mmiay evmng$ km t to 9 P. M. h

to ffc« realtor faun*: Monday-Friday, $ A Jfe

5 P /It.; SWtmtoj;, !M. M. to 12 MO*.

fhii it for ikt convenience o f»;

business to rramart tfifft tlw Tax Collector.

Al«x«nd«r ComlM, Collector of TaxesBorouf h af CarUnt

filMbm • bWMKM *Wt»1ta»t taUMWIi, m won't nMd

flomta to **t •» tttrae-VM • i«k «l ONtdcii

is s«M «*>fto|a « arnoptoi «( (null «JaM4 potterS i t e aad y « w» be MM*** wJttitat «iwt. b M r iMua b<Odal WMfctaftoi urtaitotot)tf ^taiutf, tb* handsome•saa eartwr ttW» 1* often *«t wtthM otto defttttto ttum • row otptwter tadurtb down ttw eeoUr.

the wedding were Mr. and Mr*.„„„,„ Benjamin Zusman, Mr. and Mrs.

ami iii*"unt? I tM,\U,U Frank Brown, William Lebowiti," " ' Msx Gruhin and Miw Floryce


U there I* a hole In the body ot4,»6o,oo Jy^gj „ « ggff a patch on the wrong

%JhaMffi .£ t t«2i& »«e. Ibkette patch large enoughbilanic .and (ash u«imIn pr<M-««i* of ioll«i.'tton

Bihfe pr«ml««f ownsrt457,?84-*4

litre* $ , « 2 1Other Aim-In, Intercut

I t i l l


Dumand dppimltt of Indl-uii In, p u r t nenhlpi , ? ., cftrpuratlnnii >.- 49O,S05.«l

Tim*, depotltx of Individ-ual*, pArtnenhlp* attd ii i)rin.r»tion» 1,0(1^15.14

to overlap the raw edges at leasttwo or three inches. Then hookiriew yarn* or strips ot cloth to Ml in

8,822.86 ifj^ ^ a | l 0 T b a r e s p o t j ) . Makq

2.38 a few fll the rows extend out intothe body ot the rug, raveling outsome good loops It necessary. Thishelpi to^trengthen the edges aroundthe hola and to bleid the new ma-terial with the old. Finish by put-

a lining on the entire back.


OAWr OF THANKSwkh to, extend our heart-

felt thanks and appreciation forthe acts -of kindness, messagesof sympathy, spiritual bouqu«ta(maa»M), beautiful floral trib;tttea retejyed' fromv our- rel^tjves, fritnds and neighborsd«lng our recent bereavementin Ih^-losft of: our dearly beloved

r mother ftnd. gratidn\otherMrs. Anna Molnar.

We- especially wish io thankthe Ruv. C. S. Roskovics for hiskind words of consolation; theofficial* and employes of theVtrgina-Oarolina Chemical Co.;my), of Rpbeit9Qa's Floor ofFoeter Wheeler Corp.; Local440, G.I.O.; Bikers of Ameri-tan Cyftnimicl Co.; Burry Bin-cuit Co.; Junior Class andschoolmate* of Carteret HighSchool; the pall bearers, thosewho donated'ears; the CarteretPolice Dept, and the funeraldirector, E. Bisub, for satisfac-tory services rendered.

(Signed)George* Moin*r Si., and


rlHii!^Tcai)nDrA. .^. . , ,J , .M.,*.: . . . . - , . . , , - . - .* . . .«- ,« . . .and Itiiforanc1* Boon .;. ...IkA.,..;...^..."...,*

pplOther Kxp

FBKA'PlONUnltori and


Clrounds, \Valk«, etc

Junlfor'B Ei|iill>mfntKqu'lpment

UAMTAI, nllTliAY.tin (I Kqutprotnt'RAHVSalarlen, Hooks

S»larles .MupDllPK and Mslntentim'e

Bouncics OP nwftawjp

ppKn«|Light, Water, Pow*rTlfil .<rK>-onmNATB ACT,sainrleti—H«all|t and Attendant*!O t h e r K M d :

AuxiMAin AMrtK»tliip» andTrRH«purt«tlonKIXKI> HAtllnsumnoo


DISTOICT) TAX ..„......„ .-...;: , - "«• , \TOTAL

JsnuSfV 11, 1946r.p.i-i2-4«

Btrff an inexpeotiv* war tooalu plM* mat* to company orbommMlf. CutdulHtoWJoiklolbwttb pMdnc ibear* Into nuts 12 byII tadm, ettUr nouMr 11 by Mtadm, Hnl|bt «4f*d or feaUoped,paiat <•• p>A*4 edge wttb a bor.dtr e< ott pttat and monogram ft

tiovrntnetit (Including 'IMfitHl xaVlnffA) 409,439.81

Drpoxlt* «( Htatcf and inalHliylitail*.... 117,8»7.«4

pth*r il*ponita (e*rtlfl4d 'ami raxiiler'* ch«cfea, >H,> l . :K...:.::....V -

TOTAI.. DE- .J'OHlTfl »2jl85,8S2,23 .

TOTAL L1AB1U- — 1TIK», , ......;..4 - I M M i S S M i

CAPITAL ACOO«J1«T# 'CBflHal utoclc: '

Cimmon «to«k, totalpur »100,OflO.OO I 100,000.00

*i,t-|rhi» «B,0OOrOO1'itdividdl proflte »,774.O1IU-»prvci> (iiml retirementa<imini fur preferredDtot'k) S,530.S2








A. GreenhouseOVBH THUITT f KAI» or Ki-i: »KimcB ix FBHTM XHVOX


Pl*d«ed a » e t i (and >«•nirltle« loaned) (bookvalue):la) United #Ut«f Gov-emment o b i t gatlons,direct and guaranteed,pltdgtd to iccnre d«-

lt and other lla-t 493,000.00

Tollll .„ t JJ1,OOO,OIIr«4 llapllltlei:

(a > fepoclt* lecured" I)1? pledgedt |iur»ufttit to

fl I 400,184.

<d) Total ...• I 40«.184.5li•TATB OP NEW JKIWBr, COUNTi

<V MiKDLKSeXI, John P. Mulvihill, caihUr of the

ibovt-named bank, iq solemnly•wear that the above statement Inlr«« to the btit of my knowledgeand btlM,

JOHN P. HULVIHILL. Ca»lil«rSworn to and mibacrloed before

mr thin *tli day of January, :$lb.<i Yl'HONKA,

Notary Public.


O W R T O T l t e/ . W. Hltluch,I, Maiitner,Ambro*t Mtmdy,

Chrysler - Plymouth



for Attith


Wholesale PARTS >

1 < CrME iTT



Style, Value, Comfort-Wear - Quality and Fit


REDUCED TO 1 0 . 9 5Otters-Regular, $19.95;

SIM, PRICE 1 4 y Q 5Ail Wool ZELON, Water RepeOeot,Zipper Front Regular Price, $9.95.


A1J Wool, Pile Lined, PileCoUar.Zip-zpw Fronts Waterproof. Beg. $18.50.

SfttE PfllO€ t 4 » 9 5 r 'FAMOUS McGREGOft'S

M OuiUed UniM. Hw«bd DttAch-






V*v, '

^ . • / .

?;" ! • *

. ' . - 4 - . ••



f .




Page 4: Collector Has Good Repor - · Auditing committee , John Ciko chairman, tfessrs. Tandyrak and Laane'n plwmblhg examining com mlttee, E. A. Wilson, Messrs. Tandyrak,

MOBBRT ARTHUR , had MU would bo (tripped from, . note Mid that he wntilii her. She dropped Ihe pencil, l*sv-at II for hi* ihiiiK' By! ing the note for Th«l»» barely

i Ann* hid pnrkeit nil of hi*| begun, rBn nut the door and downultil belonging* into ihe three i th» file stairs before the elevatorfcftt tag* ami the wniilnine could reach her floor.

«ikMh she ilramred empty. It didn't ntnp, after nil. Rut theft foyer <>f the npurtmen'. j frar of being taught there byI'tteR, Tom was never'Tow',« nrrlvtl nUyctl with her un-

H* n»i<rh: emu1 hulf nn til she u-u outside and hurryingf, or half ;tn hm;r hit'1,. ncrofs to Washington Squnrr.

hnve everything'Only when she reached the smallpink did she 'low her pare.

She found a bench in the coolsunshine and ««t down. Then,

i nm - watching the i> 1 n -i< 1 pijjtnns, the[thing, even when sh« put the screeching children on nk#tea, thefl( cuff links and Luil« whi.-h mothers pushing cnrri-ipes, and theifee^her wedding uifi to him, Aid men playing rheekers, she triedtill silver-mounted militsrv to keep her thoughts turned <rom

like had given him <m their what was happening. Bnt it wasn't• only- —.'miivei'ni y into

i lut bay.

Hnt "he <-<>uJ?

h« cfinic.„ 'Kit linger mi-r th*r »"—- heisclf U) fr«

„ Jf'anyone rbt ni New' inuses milita.y brushes! She

W herself thinking.. I neve:-jr. other inwn who did. A

mental picture mme to her^before ihe mirror, making.jslned I'lTiiit with th"

. „ to force hie sandy hair tor in place. Thin AS quickly a*Hid come she banished, it,pjfXicil operations should b;|j»nd clean. Even if it w««

•f I'UltliiK nut ofmustn't linger

the throe bags wer«^ . the trunk, in their

..J' aturdinesa, strangely re-jjtnf h«r of Tom, did she have

_ i to.,ftel the emptiness withinIf, As if, in emptying th« closet

of his things, she had

oni?? Why d in itShe'd known it wouldn't b* easy.

A sport* writer, Tom often had tnb» away fnr at-vi'Tft! days, some-

even for vcck.t. And tin-when h» wur Kpnr wni just n

i h h

,hlti| youheart you


titni h » w Kp js«rii'j( of otnpty. day,* und nijrhto hMihifh «hi> mjistd him so much tb'1

U uf hi« nbsence WOB nlmo«t «physical ache.

But. she'd known how it wouldbe, ami knoft'inif, hfld accepted bhtjob of making their marriHg*1 work.

from inside hei'indtBwked it too.

^To Mftpft the curious numbnessgfipptii her, she turned

.,' and went, for hrr hut nndlA getting them from

,t buide the front door shethe large pod which hung

Why? The illusion persistedaskinp luelf; What went

Why didn't it work out?

all thought fad. He had not left.Hla trunk M 4 bmn w«rt "tillthere, and he wa* standing b««id«them.

•Arm*," To» said, as woodenly,she clos«d the door behind hw,holding to the knob1 for'Anne!"

II* took A. <>t«o towardvoice w u rough withShe tried to turn, tried1 to opeithe door to flee, hut his hum)

iaght her."Aiuit, we've bscn fool?. Or at

least I have. I need yui. I knnvit, I never Mopped knowing '<•It wns just that -you didn't seen:to need me."

"Didn't need you,surprise she ceased her bU»A: el-forts to release heMdlf, t* ""nt, him in lUtonishweni. .do. I'vo alw-iys needed you. Thi

j o g gShe hud never friitter or wepiwhen Tom had to ho away. Sht'd

when you were away—"And thin, without, warning th

.1 caroe. It was the first timthad ever let him see hen cry

Men hated weepy women, buwhen the tears were over, sonwthin? cold and dead inside her h4''been washed away.

.She dried her eye* on Tom,',handkerchief and held her lips ujfor his kiss. And.somehow, what he ,made their man iB£e a thinjf lighand K*y—"'"' '' ^a(' * e t m *oc

light, toogsy. With her cwunl jtnoabyes and her bright welcomes sh

kiss him goodbye lightly and we!-.h«4 MtUkn lior emotions too weM.eomod him hack in the s»m« spirit. •- 1"'" —~* i-" v""1 h""" hp'Sh» hadn't clang to him wliffi h?l«ft or fuss«d over him when hureturned. Men hated that.

p gThelma, the maid,

h«lp it both 0:.e t p Kaiid lwivitiK. Thelnifiworker, but fornetful,Plcasi; defront

said Thiirprlrvy's noli-,tfther that I hi* was Satur-

^ , would do no nnu-for the weekend unless

Tlmlma tuisrht be ROn,') AJHlt retuiii«d( and—

,jj: hesitated. Then, do every-j'^Oft always, she told ht1:1->. If you let go now, it'll just

1^ worse, and longer.| | t f slipped into her mat, forcoi!

i put on her hat with care.took up iVic pencil that

. . . - pad by a red string\ to think wliat she would

lvn, lettuce,coffee, sihe

iC. I iioii'1 know. T don'*11 t*l.

fiu.^v.., wen- curiously stiffWrote carefully, in nea': Needed. She underscoredd, drew a line ifter it, then

tott: begun tu wi'ito down thej sh« wmiLi'd Thelma to buy\ ihe heard the elevator begin

: rise.p^ ansailed her. It WHS

but it mijdH be Tom. Hetifll)d, hey there. To see hi.,11

Jt$ not knowing even nowf i t wan that hhd Konu wronK,J } hB tnoxi thuu sht i-oulil face.

rfully maintained neltrwould pi-iibiibly n" in a

p t t«*T8, nn:l with ititrf her pridf, all that s

She had never let him BU«*» the-horrible lonelineKS that stayedwith her when he was aw-ay on nn

lest it make him feelfor leuving; her alone so

much. And she'd kept hui job,writing store copy, not hecnusH sir?liked or neuded .i. but because ithelped fill the days of wuitinp;when he was away.

But she hadn't let the job comebetween her and Hit1 home, she wu>:trying to make for him. With the

of. Thelnia, and lnueli. foi«-thouRht, she hail kept it runningjo tiinouthly the mechanics ofhousekeeping, had never obtrudedupon the time they did hnvo to-fether. And yet—

Siic RtiH could not imulypc it.Why Tom had gradually becomedi'satinfii'tl anil rntlcAx. J iJdto ma)<in)? • excuses for suway civen when he wa« not on miassignment.

Then, hud crime the blonde girl,M»i'jon soinethii)/;, fre«h out iifcolUue and trying to be.' a re-portt'r. And Tom, spending morennd more of his tjme Witbfoor.untilAnne, with her own need f&r hitjim strong h*il, in her disapftpinUuii-at and inabilily tit. jj;ue«» whatwas wrong between them, p,ro-vokcil that scene which could notbe made up.

So now he was taking awuy hw!iniffl . . .Anne looked al her wrist watch,,

In the turmoil of her thought5,more than an hour had pawid.She rose and thankfully startedback toward the apartment. Tot.iweuid certainly have como anil,l£»ne by now. Anyway, it was over.She could start rebuilding her li£'.isomehuw. At least, she itu. think-ing as she put her. key into thedoor, she hud kepi h»r omotiw-iin. control. <*<•.•

Thfn she opened the door. And

hate rmption, hud been herRut a (food mnr-1

rittge hnp depth*. Afeel needed; but so must a mantoo. In avoiding one extreme shrhud ROIK1 to another.

Tom tried, in awkward sen-lenci's, to explain. Trjed to tel"her about tho bloml* Marionwhose need fop his help and advice had almost made him. think;that he—But he didn't have toexplain. She understood all hesaid, and moro, Only when he fuiUhed was she bewilriorfd.

"If yon hadn't let me know.though," Tom miid then, hi1

square, uicrly'uitly features twisted in it grin that WMS t.iftht. withthe knowledge1 <|f lfciv-tlose theirescape had been, "if ybu hadu'tput it where I couldn't miss, it-—"

But she was ihln to .stillquofition on hor lips before, itspoken. For she uiw the. directionof his look, ;md followed it to seetin1 message for Thelma which shehad begun, directing her to, buy>tomstoes, ajid other Jtems but hadnot stayed* to, finish, And wh$t tht1

ubruptly broltcn-oS, massage saidr>ow, instead waa: "Needed-Tom."

PUPDENVBK," Colo, — When the

Ttaty Flemminfits moved h*re.from Conifer, Colo,, ;i» milesfiway, last October, they left be»hind them ^hiskern, H straythey had, fed for a month.December 20, Whiskers,mid weaty, .ihu.wtd, up atPlemmintci!' home. How he leanedw.he,r<.' they had moved, no onecan figure out.


fully clipping all usable red andblue stamps, the sugar stiunpi and,the shoe stmnpg from the raiion;|books of the Frank Denton family,the pfti"son who found, or' stole,

books, thoughtfully mailedback to the distressed family.

* S *

IMSS ROOKB Get down to Grass Roots if. you would find appreciation

o^the American idea of Freedom. The American farmer.must have Freedom of Initiative! Risking his capitalaad time, %hting weather and insects mid uuprediclaJJomarkets he must lie ir^ to do business according to ltis

' belt judgment. This is the basis of America's Frt'e Bnt«r> -, pri e System which should be. preserved so that the

E ' ! American farmer can help feed a hungry world.


A18-4J "

W$rion4tQt Stomp

Page 5: Collector Has Good Repor - · Auditing committee , John Ciko chairman, tfessrs. Tandyrak and Laane'n plwmblhg examining com mlttee, E. A. Wilson, Messrs. Tandyrak,


Tn RrtnmJO

r,V,UPpnW- - The

,„,< of nr. Ii..b*« m1 v „„-,.,„ officer to *M

!"'!,^, wounded flgntetl;• ; J r b n t t l e against the

v r , , , , Meutenant Wai-h;.„,,„« worked wjft the

,,(,rlhcnstern Leyttto. ,,f vengeance for tne

•,„, miHband and twolione»-rerl reslstane-e

ioiitimifi: Y.~SI* .jEGfu i SWFfSUUlli CBUTCQ By

ptoymttes1 Jlbet fit her w«!ftt.*W*H thtt <Ntfth of ai*yN»WM-

iifitettw ginRose Marit M»eC«lllnl died

ilfsr a reding diet, despite aWtlcfaf)^ ardli. Her weight

b«ri reduces in one ylar'

Gets Honor Mwallit first B«ttle

(Mil flh OnfrMan




tf in


,'.',',, ni?o this yOttW„,„ woman was

f,,,:i,ip with her,,,, nnshnnd, Or,„ it Manila'!.


1:1 M

"II v

[ I t y i ••

[ A IT:,

[ f in; :


hair •

( ! , v . .



Iflrsl :."Ivif..

ROME. ~> A one-man rampageagainst srrftigiy entrenched enemytrttps In "his ffilt front line action.m for *vt. Jame» H. Mills, FortMthdet ria., the" congressional med*si of Honor,

Pttcidlhg S platoon down a drawto roaoh a-Nasl strongpoint, Private

„,.„ ,.. Mills advanced* 300 yards. A mn-piiillppfnes radical j chine gun only five yards away fired

at him. ltfrmilM me gunner withanr nhpt The assistant gunner sur-rendered.

Private Mills advanced again and-sow a German pulling the firing pinon a hand grenade. lie made theGerman drop the.grenade and sur-render, and killed another Nazi whotried to throw the, grenade.

The American then came under 'the direct fire of an enemy ma-chine gun, two machine pistols andthree rlftes at a range ot 15 feet.He simply charged, firing his Gar-and rltie from his hip. His chargeso astonished the enemy all of themsurrendered,

Near the end oi the draw a ma-chine gunner 20 yards distantOpened lire. Private Mills, withoutcover and with bullets Hitting withininches'of Him, killed tntt gunner witha single shot Two ftrtrhy Infantry-men nearby ftred at him and nefl.Re killed one of them with a single,shot. '

When the rest of the platoon cameup ilu-y found that assaulting trkmain enemy position probablywould Involve hiavy casualties' aridPrivate Mills volunteered to cover;the advance. I

He stood, up In full view of that

Germans, shouted Insults at them.;i.nd fired his rifla. .Bullets buzzed:all nround. Whan his weapon was;empty, he Jumped into a draw, re-

becausa his family i loaded and climbed out. He re-|<ui« (a mountain resort peated this four limes.

His platoon slipped undetected ,down a ditch and assaulted the Ge'r-|,man position. Twehty-twd Germanswere captured without a single casu-;ally among the Americans.

,„,,„ gtruslt and both,,',, | n (he VICIOUS J « p a -„,,( Mitntla. Soon after,,nim. the Walstroms,

L|,,s?i boarded a, .|1i,'1.ihr» native

,!,ip;inese arrived nere,. ^mnvodlntothemoun-i](; ,,r|<;mi7.e Leyte's first1

,ni,,., my brother. Dr..„;,•; killed when leading

.iip diitpost," tSi( wdtt-.,ij,i. -He worked very. j,i.inm saw his family,,,, IMP guerrillas. My,,. ..vho was f-rily 811 wss,,'| ..•mmded By the Japs,

.. hnt wlille on a trip to,'.,,,„, ;„ the north," shei ••in wound wasn't serf-'., ,,,„!; two days to oarr?nHii.rr dow^j the moiin-

, ,,„.,,i-n. Then the doctor,,,,:,. .-iml my brether died.

• !„• doctor didn't operatel;,, ,,.,,.. afraid be v w l d be

i ,v i i i f J a p s . . •

insrv Husband.>.,|.i,.nid died from fever.,, ,.mfii the guerrlUaa, be: 11\ in uoing barefooted. HeI,,,,:,, ti) cat Filipino food-

niiriii Luzon) and always:i.Mil f n o d . "

live years old,nr

slender,Isabella came to

raise she want* to beOn- Philippine army.

in blue slacks and •t blouse and with blackm; down her ahoidae**,it :K!iisntlon among theuldiers when she ap-

Fithhoob, ftazor BUdeiHelptd Sarft Yaftk FHerADVAHCED SOUTHWEST PA

CIFIC AIR BAfE.-Plshhook* and

HI ,f ,he had klll<jd any h o m e w , r d l r t k o { mighty Officeri«i.l.clla smiled for the | Hanison T . Beardsley of 210 W.

•"'•'•time d u r l n ( ! * e l n t e r - , Harrison atreet, Wheaton, IB., andsix follow crewmen of a U. S. Filthair force bomber crew after aforced landing among Hew Guineanatives back of Jap lines.

When the Mitchell medium, both engines dead after a straf-ing mission, crash-landed In a

aortal the Wceni

»* chairman of the FederalniitnlcatUms cornmlfsiMK

tn the brail). They atfe uuwn,. uj , . . . .„- , . - . . - . — ... —. T .MKtiy clvlllah »c(HBe«s a* Welfas irillttary. rrtnMW ItoM: bftefU^aWMttriy p lv l lhh KCcWeiHs a* Welfas lrilteary. rtsnHbff f r h & | i rThe nrw nnhrmnUc p i n t * tflD largely de aw»y with the condltlWi oftenfatal in war u well- as peace .


n:t!! rtplled: "No, they:'t ttiitt me wilh a gun."

|Drivr Dui Hit Bit, butIt Proved Little Coitly

'•>••%•••• '

Sergeant Marvin C. Hans Jr. of Owenfeboro, Ky., demonstrates newsnow cape being used by JJ. 8, Infantrymen bitylng Nail winter o f f e i iBIVC In Belgium. The «wH|l«c« cape, which ties In front, provides'"quick, e w y dBmonfiage f « »elrfters Hunting oB slrtw-rovcrod jronnd.White rags around rifle give additional protection

Sends Penicillin to Ftaly*ttfm$ abfffe Is the nve#H ln-ajgnla to be worn on the shoulders'dtOettersh Marshall, Arnold, Blsen-hnwer a,nd MacArthur, denotingtheir ntttk of "General of the thhy."below, the flve-star flag of Fleet Ad-miral FVhest J.

•\\ -It was "be kind to(i," and Eugene Me-• .'.ling along with hisr truck loaded with 18nppliri, when he apled

• in the «treet. McBrlde , -.' (nod the truck to avoid 1 Fortunately,•,;is overturned, blocking jured.

marsh, Capt. Leroy T. Puthotf ofSan Antonio, Texas, and Mlddletcn,Ohio, marshalled his crewmen to

a way dut ot their predlca*

none ha,d been in-

tb«y were lft'uiicWng tte ft-ZS raids dn

i i i i j i l

]Jrs ,

I j i i!

Ti.i. •

I l+h'd !,

It'll 1;;,

dsmage.escaped injury and sat

ulcwalk looking on whilein! cars and an emergencyci'd to the scene*uik driver gated at theni, pickles and other foodink-d high in the street,'d over to the dog, pickedid pitted him on the head.

> i1 what you've done," he

II wagged his tall, whim-1 inrglvcneai and then bur-

he in McBride's jacket.i right," poUcfl told thelust help us get this stuff

^ K ' O l . "

•Mot her Diet, Ignoranti Imt Son fell in Battle

linMiiN.-Mrs. John Cheever, M,'it .iinuiit learning her son, John," ''••••ii killed a month ago on

IUni!i;in ioil.1!l''iiy ill tor many weeks, sev-1 -l<!': ugo Mrs. Chaevar ra-•V|.' i "letter" suppoaed to Have

•ClI"U- irnni John.11111 ((Lighter, Dorothy, read the

ifiu'r („ i , w 8 t her bedllda. «| s ' l l ' i . in part: • ,•

n i worry about me,.«<0rn, ha-iniftne. But i f 11 b* nlea to

Hue again."• letter was c

A search party found a nativevillage, but the natives, who admit-ted disliking the Japs, were Indif-ferent to the Americana' problemof how te get home,

The fishhooks and raior bladeschanged the natives' attitude. Theairmen swapped the hooks andblades tn return for guides.

Their trip took them from vil-lage to village, through and aroundJap concentrations, and a canoeride ending at an Australian outpostand saftity five days after the crash.

Newt of Soldier's DeaUiIs Fatal to Hit Mother

PHtLADELPHIA.-QuI«t and un.smiling, the six married' S6ns ofMrs. Anna May jClampfei1, 65, ar-rived at their mother's home.

One brought tbe family physicianand friend. Another carried a wardepartment taluram laying theirbrother, Pvt. Robert Clampfet, hadbeen kitted In Frtutce<

"Sit down, Mam," said tslter

Clampftr.Mrs. Clampfer i«a«td herself

aluwly, and Walter went on:"We Have bad news."An inquisitive fear Oosttd her

face."Bobby-" said Waltert %#*ara

In his mother's eyes toiWhaBied.•'Bobby has been ktlle*.'1 ,The phyateftuy steppw to sirs.

Clumpier*! Aft »nd bent m i t t ."Mom ti, dead," he ««Ml

'New and Old'

Movie Star Flie

An' exen wig**loaded with ,a. a metti w£ W» oo««. W

iaewinele in Canui.

J Wl|»fthe/is««itaim» «( the warm i extracted hy «sat?

bounded *» tne Tarta*

twomen, afwht forShe married WiUlsrnT s tol<J her



Page 6: Collector Has Good Repor - · Auditing committee , John Ciko chairman, tfessrs. Tandyrak and Laane'n plwmblhg examining com mlttee, E. A. Wilson, Messrs. Tandyrak,


3 Teams In FosterWheeler Pin League

CARTRItKT S\VPI>|) victories

rcnirili'il l,y Boiler H, Dis-

;-vT ' 'J'' v'^'ii'?,^;,^'

Weekly Schednk Liftedir Rec Basketball Loop

tiller A ftn«i Ciuing in the- Fmrter-

VTiwIer pin loop u*i. WPBII. Boiler

B took ttii-IT (nun the Miicltlnt

Shop, Casing won three from Of-

l):t B and the Distiller A kegler*

took th« Huilcr II tram far u three-

faint ridi-

fitfhuiiMatty leaSkrapoukii M l•il. Lucas

BOILER "B"203l!ll167

... 172





Mask-wink .... 167 202iSjueik 1148t«ttko 100K«ttyl* ISO 109

tnklBh 146 117Urbwiki 187 • lBt





Pii«r. DonovanKarciniakKedurickYellen ...




706 789


Lucas ...WadlakLombardlBlind







234 166161 201140 189226 18S






900 889



Prosuh 166Holton

Cheslak ...Tarnovsky






Under The State House DomeByJ.JoupkGn^kt

fitlilorial Page) Interest for sijfns of what trends

public year after year In con-tributing ilimc.1 and dollars to fljfhtagainst the 'disease, n great pro-

im of epidemic aid was put inmotion immediately.

The 1945 Fund-raising appealof the National Foundation for In-fantile PWHlysis in celebration ofPresident Roosevelt'* birthday be-gins in New Jcrsrv and the nationnext Sunday. Half the funds col-lected remain in the county andthe remaining half in turned overtp the National Foundation to con-tinue the scientific survey into thncause of the disease. The NationalFoundation also will be preparedto send doctors, nurses, physicaltlherspy technicians, B* well asretpiratom, supplies and financialaid to any stricken arcn.

As in tho past, New Jersey resi-dents are expected to donate splen-didly to the campaign. Everyoneis expected to participate at leastIn the Match of Dimes by drop-ping a dime in containers placudalmost everywhere. A little dimedropped into a container becomesa powerful weapon of destructionagainst infantile paralysis.

CRANBERRIES:—Down in thebogs in the land when; few pcr-tons travel, the expert* arc con-ductingbreedingmay some (lay double the presentoutput of the delicious holiday

experiments inof cranberries


treat.estimate* of cranberry

production, in New Jersey wore

864 791 917

iundzierski TossersContinue To Set Pace

tes Cage LeagueCAKTERET — The. KinJiierski

1,'toasers are still leading theBuys' Club basketball

league. They continued on theirtS;Unbeaten record by scoring H vic-

tory lastg

over Kutcy'n combineat the Nuthun link

In the final gumc the Klebansthe Pukush five in a low scor-

affalr, 112-it.


ttt fia^)O0 barrels in 11)44,which compares with 02,000 bar-rels produced in 1114,'! and a tenyear average of 1)0,400 barrels.

Now as part of the program forthe breeding of better fruit varie-ties, the cranberry is beingwatehod closely with scientificeyes, Early reports on nearly 100new cranberry seedlings •indicatethey are worthy of further testsat Whitesbog in Ocean County.The selecting, breeding and test-ing conducted then- by Ur, H. R.Chandler of the U. S. Dept. ofAgriculture -are the first experi-ments ever conducted with cran-berries.

At the present lime all varietiesgrown are the result of naturalchance crossings, but in trio fu-ture, the delicacy of today may be-come a part of every dinnerworthy of the name.

JERSEY JIGSAW:— Immediatesetting up. of a United NationsCouncil to deal with current politi-cal problems in Europe is advo-cated by United States Senator II.Alexander Smith, of Princeton.,.Cancellation of outBUinding shoestamps is not being considered bythe Office of Price Administration. , . Stute highway road and bridgeconstruction totaling approxi-mately $2,000,000 WHS carriedover into 1!I45 / . , Drafting ofdeferred farm workers in the 18to 20 njfu group as ordered byWar Mobilization Director Byrneswill nfl'oct !{,li(l!) portions in NewJersey and seriously affect theStule's farm production . , . Appointinent of an economy-pledgedJoint Legislative AppropriationsCommittee this year is the hopeof the New Jersey Taxpayers As-

The Attention ofthe public is again called to thenocoBflity of safeguarding military




fiKUTCY (4)






1 '13

F. P.0 0


will be revealed in new le»i»latinnat Trenton and Washington . . .A ship 88 Hulbert in memory ofthe lat« Professor A. M. 4-H Club leader in New

launchedAny boost

in the 1945 production of farmmachinery Is expected to bp too

Jersey, h»f beenBrunswick, Georgia

late for mo»t of nextin New Jersey

Dformerp y

Senator David H, Agans, of ThreeBridges, veteran head of the StateGrange, has begun his thirteenthtwo-year term u Master . . .State department of Agricultureinspector! are conducting a sur-vey to determine whether para-sites liberated to destroy the Euro-pean corn borer in 'New Jerseyhave established themselves.

CAPITOL CAPERS*-Federalsubsidies appear to have lulledprice protest* among New Jerseydairy farmers Substituteteachers in New Jersey's publicschool system are not entitled totenure protection because theyare not real teachers, the StateCourt of Errors and.Appeals hasruled . . , Apple packing and egggrading contest* will featureFarmers Week to be held in Tren-ton January 22, 23, 14 and 25.

Recs Beat Bar ToHold Slim Lead In

CARTERET — The Recs heldtheir slim lead in the Carteret CityBowling League by bumping theCarleret Bur In two games Mon-day night HI the hill alleys. Inother games Turkey's LorraineStation scored a sweep over Benj.Mooro'a and the G.A.T, pinnerstook two from Nemeth's.

CARTERET RECDa«ko 189 158.Mudrak 176 168'Masculin .'. IBSKopin ,178MeLeod 180HarHvan 166






218 147 140Ma-yorek 118Hascak 194Tarnowsk'y 165Menda , 184Lucas 167



Scene from "Hollywood Cant««n" now playing »t lh« MajeatlcTheatre, feature* moit of the top itars in moviedom against thejoyoui backdrop of the Hollywood Canteen.

Red Devils DefeatTerrys In JuniorLeague By 29-17

CARTERET —The Red Devilsdefeated the Terrys, 29-17, in theJunior Recreation League thisweek.

The box score:


• G .

Lukach, f :............. iKesko, f 2Ilunii, -c SPreputnick, c 0O'Donnell, g 4Tfstensky,Troiko, g 0Oldokoski, g 0


887 879 752

14 2 29TERRYS

G. F. P.Bosnian, f 1 1 3Catri, f 3 1 7Zabel, c 1 1 3Britton, g 0 0 0Schwarti, g 2 0 4

7 3 - 1 7Referees: Semeneaa, Kearney.


The B-29s, which are now heap-ing destruction on Japan, will besuperseded by a giant B-36, de-scribed KB "the , largest • airplanethat 'has been attempted in thiscountry in size."

G. A. T. X.166Ponzi

Medveta 168BlindHoyor


Bodnar 184



information A statewide con-ference qii discrimination, spon-sored, by the Now Jersey Inde-pendont Citizens League us partof a campaign to create a FairEmployment Practices Commissionfor New Jersey will be held inTrenton on January 14 . . . con-tinuing its northward course, theJapanese beetle proved most harm-ful in Hunterdon County in 1944with less damage reported inSouth Jersey areas CountyAgent James B. Kawcett reportsone farmer in Warren County hasbeen successful in purchasing anArmy truck . .". Thu NationalFarmers' Union hmi endorsed fed-eral action to brinjf farm woikeiaunder social security, national labor laws and a fiO-eent per hourminimum wage . . ' . '^tat« furmleaders ait wuLcliliig with great

0 0 2 2f— 44 2. 2 6—18


, 00

. 0, 1




l i 'JUEBAN'S (12)¥ G, p.



FORDSH. j , P 4 4-lltl

THURS., FRI. «nd SAT.Jin. 11, 12, 13

"Barbary Coast Gent"— With —•

Wallace EinnieBEERY and BARNES

"Ai^iJ1 Wives"Uorothca HarjieKENT and ALBRIGHT


SUN. «ud MON,Jan. 14, IS

"The Seventh Crow"with Spencer TRACY

— Mm —

"Bowery Champ." \Leo Corey and Hunti Hell


TUES. and WED.Jin. 16, 17

"Summer Storm"Sunder., UiwU Dfra«(|


802 863 893NEMETH'S

Hamulak' 195Nemeth 175Holowatch 128R. Galvanek 173Sloan 138



807 843 853

TURKEY'SD'Zurilla 191Elliott 154Selbert 178

Chamm ...„ 185



Dobrowski 196 181Blind 125Greiror 164Skurat 228





Reed, veterinarian and coal dealer,probably has established some kindof record, Dr. Uefid has bought n$25 war bond every day sine*Pearl Harbor.

All Star Game PlusMovies Thursday AtNathan Hale School

OARTERET—An all-star gamebetween Recreation All Stars andthe Perth Amboy Boys Club plussome movies on basketball will beoffered to local oports fans nextThursday eveninjr at the NathanHale School fym. Dan Scmcnza,Recreation Director, is in chargeof the program.

The All-Star t«»m will be select-ed by Dan Seinenza, arid will bemanaged by "Bull" Muchi andGene Wadiak.

The movie ia u special basketball short dealing with various set-up shot* and defense plays. Thefilm wii! '•••t! shown nt 6:30 and theall-star flame will (jo on at 7:30o'clock. The public is welcome.

JOBS FOR VETERANSAn executive order has been

issued by the President, upon rec-ommendation of the Civil Serv-ice Commission, designed to freezepermanent appointments at pres-ent levels in order to hold openthe maximum number of jobs, forcompetition until veterans havean equal opportunity to competefor them.

("ARTKHET - Dan Semenia,Krcprntion Direetin, announced

weekly schedule for all threecape h'agui'K in the Rrrreation pro-


January IB, MondayUkes vs. Pirates, 7:40.Bears vs. FYagons, fi: 0.Flying Aces vs. Bombers, 0:00.

January 14, Tu**<U)rCadets vs. Rangers, 8:30.Dragons Jr. vs. Terry's, 7:30.Red Devils vs. Uke Jr., 0:40.Const Guards vs. Orioles, 6:00,

Girl*' Lttfu*January IT, W«Jne»daj

Racketeers vs. Kocheks, 7:15.Rockets vs. Comets, 8:15.

Ukes Suffer 60-26Defeat In Home Game,

Suffers 3-Game LossCARTERET^While the Aead-

emy Alley* w«re winning threegames from the Bowl-O-Promepinners, the Academy Bar ran intosome tough opposition and lostthree to thn alassy Porda Recscombine last Sunday in the CountyMajor League.

ACADEMY ALLEYS.1. Brzioaki .J. Fedor .F. Donnelly .

,'J. VernilloR. Galvanek .H. Chomicki

CARTERET —Tne Ukcs also


Last Friday night the classy

Polish Falcons quintet of 'Elizabeth

came to town to play the Ukes.

Well, they did just that to the ex-

tent of a 60-ga^ with the Ukes, of

course, on the short end.In the first quaitftr the locals

managed to held the Falcons incheck. But after thtt it was a com-plete massacre with the Ukes onthe receiving' end,

Tonight th« Ukes take on theHungarian Boys Club in theirregulw, weekly attraction at theNathan Hole School. .


Tarnowski, f 1 0 2Masluch, t 1







904 882


Bradshaw 172 201Dueewehl 142 168Dellapa 186 148Walding 137 193



786 866 849

ACADPty BARE. CharnAyE. Csykowski

178 148130 207

J. Sharkey 160 161M. Sloan 183 164B. Harrivan 196 188

Elko, fHadynisk, c 3Petmeh, g 5Skocepec, f 0Derevetsky, g 0Palehonki, g 0


G. F.Rooney, 0 0


KurdyClahan ...12QutkowskiOgazadek 2



9.. 1.. 1







2 60

HENRY P. MULLERPlumbing and Heating

ContractorJobbing and Alterations

a SpecialtyEitimatei Cheerfully Given

Hoffman Blvd.. Cnlnnia, N. J.Phone Rahway 7-3013M





CARTERET NEWSR. Sloan 148 1B0M. Kielman ...J. RichardsonW, Borchard .C. Marciniak .

. . ,179

... 162

... 182

... 171






PRI. to SUN.

7 DOORS TO DEATH"Chick Clundl.r

"CALL of th« SOUTH SEAS"Jautt Martin


Sat. • Sun. • Matt.4 Cartoon Com*dj«t

ANNOUNCEMENT!the office of

Dr. A, PARGOT- t97 Main St., Woodbridge, N. J.


MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAYfor the Practice of General De^stry

Christensen Bldg. Tel: 8-0062


ia as sm<Krthneweit

i t 4 InfoV several leagon*. Sol

ser, who madt "Sta»e ;fi»,or

teen" mvin tnto * t Majtury ^ 1Q4S, ^ 4 » e « l t h ?with EdWard'LudwIjt « N c i i


836 868FORDS REC

Rimer 223 ,179Bormester 180Madger IBBFischer1....: 211Puccl 178






r ^ i v Banny, .i,mniy

D o w y «Ad:4ii Band, Joseph s7,jireti, Joan M«Cracken of "ohorna" ftme, *nd Carnwh ( i W lilaro and hig-Oreheitra, piuR ,n . , , jv"many more, - "Eollywubdteeen" is the amoaing Lovn sda two-»trtpe O. I. and a Hollystar, kt te music, against th.OBR batfkdrop of theCanteen.

GtT3 $1,000 IN ERRORai.lOUlS,—After buying two

pairs-of hose, Mrs. BoydI Rogersreceived a paper bag from theclerk. Returning home, she openedwhat she concluded w«e the bagcontaining the'hose but, insteadof hose, ehe found $1,000, forwhich, the atore*had been franti-cally looking.


SHAWNEE, Okla,—When smokebegan billowing from the entrance'of a theatre, firemen spedto the scene, only to find one potof badly scorched popcorn.

WEATHER HELPED ENEMYFor eight days after they began

their counter-attack on Decem-ber 16th, the Nazis wo(p shieldedby clouds from air interference.

Won (I

ind DHmasA warmly moving story <»r

youth today, a tender tril.uhfaith in ii,,,

brought intheirture, has beenscreen with alj'thereally fine screenplay Mid a <cast can achieve, in Warnerheartwarming romance, "ThlVery Thought of You," whirlopened at the Crescent and Itheatres. Dennis Morgan, KI'Mi.nliParker and Dane Claik m |starred,

"The Very Thought ot Y<>the kind of .picture you'llaway •with you when youthe theatre, for it is made of thlstuff- that is "Yourtown," i:.S.Ajtoday.

SCHOOL FOR VETSA survey of American soW

revcajs th«t 500,000 plan to n tmito school or aollcge after the wuthat 300,000 additional air 1siderlng feSuming their, edm-aiioon a full-time i.aais and Manother 1,200,000 plan part-timattendance.

FOR TNE TOPS in Music and EntertainmentJOE'S Circular Bar and Lounge

266 Madison Ave. P«rth AjnboyPresents Nightly





Robert Lowory




in Technicolor



"TOGETHER AGAIN"Plus th* TkrlllUf Story of a War O«|






GlTMJLff CRESCENTPHONE 4-338S Perth Ambay 4-0Z55





