Collection 2021 -

Collection 2021

Transcript of Collection 2021 -

Page 1: Collection 2021 -

Collection 2021

Page 2: Collection 2021 -


The Moonstone brings mental balance and allows you to better manage mood swings, it has a protective function when traveling. It collects the light of the moon and on an inner level allows us to bring "light" into the dark spaces of our spirit. Promotes optimism, helps to face change. It is connected to the second Chakra Svadhisthana ("Sacral") and to the sixth Chakra Ajna ("Forehead or Third Eye"). COD. 21-021


Amethyst has beneficial effects for the intestine, reduces migraines and headaches and generally acts positively on psycho-physical well-being.It gives peaceful and restful sleep and offers serenity, harmony and inner peace.It is connected to the sixth Chakra Ajna ("Front or Third Eye") and the seventh Chakra Sahasrara ("Crown"). COD. 21-022


Turquoise gives intuition skills, enhances meditative skills and foresight.It helps to recall forgotten events and facts, helping us to understand the causes that generated them.It is connected to the fourth Chakra Anahata ("Heart") and the fifth Chakra Vishuddha ("Throat").COD. 21-023


Zoisite helps fight a disease and gives you the energy to fight it. It gives physical strength, ability to concentrate, freedom of thought, transforms destructive attitudes into constructive ones. Harmonizes the second Chakra Svadhisthana ("Sacral") and the fourth Chakra Anahata ("Heart").COD. 21-024

Blue Tiger's Eye

Tiger's Eye has several beneficial effects on the body, it favors the action of the stomach, circulation and, obviously, sight. It instills courage and balance, increases willpower, and helps in managing change. It is connected to the first Chakra Muladhara ("Root") and the second Chakra Svadhisthana ("Sacral"). COD. 21-025


Hematite has fortifying properties, develops the rational component and practicality. It gives off a natural and earthly energy, promotes self-esteem and allows you to transform negativity into love, helps to resolve issues in a peaceful way.It is connected to the first Chakra Muladhara ("Root").COD. 21-026


Carnelian gives extraordinary physical energy and allows you to restore the balance between the spirit and the body. It allows you to manage anxiety, jealousy and in general all negative impulses in a balanced way, transforming them into positive and proactive values. It is connected to the first Chakra Muladhara ("Root") and to the second Chakra Svadhisthana ("Sacral"). COD. 21-027

Volcanic Lava

Volcanic Lava increases physical and mental strength.It allows you to reveal your dark sides to yourself to transform them into positive components.It has a protective and protective function, helps improve blood circulation, regenerates wounds.It is connected to the first Chakra Muladhara ("Root").COD. 21-028


Malachite has the ability to relieve menstrual pain, helps the liver get rid of toxins and more generally strengthens the immune system.It helps to free us from inner blocks and allows us to express ourselves according to our truest attitudes. Allows you to align the third Chakra Manipura ("Solar Plexus") and the fourth Chakra Anahata ("Heart"). COD 21-029


Howlite blocks the flow of oxygen and calms anxiety and panic. It increases self-esteem and allows an increase in one's creativity in managing complicated situations.It helps listening and taking responsibility, harmonizes our relationship with the environment and with other people.It is connected to the seventh Chakra Sahasrara ("Crown").COD 21-029

Lapis Lazuli

This stone leads to a regularization of the heartbeat, improves circulation and lowers blood pressure. Improve reasoning, calm and stimulate curiosity. It gives awareness and balance, it is a "spiritual" stone used by priests and shamans.It is connected to the fifth Chakra Vishuddha ("Throat") and to the sixth Chakra Ajna ("Forehead or Third Eye"). COD 21-031

Rock Crystal

The Rock Crystal regulates the body temperature. It has always been considered a "magic" stone, it favors the balance between Yin and Yang, and allows you to harmonize the energies, allows you to bring out your true nature, giving energy and strength. Increase the levels of perception in meditation practices. It is connected to the seventh Chakra Sahasrara ("Crown"). COD 21-032

Bracelet of the 7 Chakras Received the bracelet of the 7 chakras, to balance the chakras you must follow this procedure:1. Lie in a comfortable position, on your back, possibly without any clothing or garments that could interfere with the energy of the chakras.2. Take the bracelet on the side of the 3 Tibetan silver stones ...3. And begin to pass it on the chakras of your body, for each chakra, stop for at least 1 minute, but if the time were longer it would be an additional impulse for the stone.4. The areas in which to operate the bracelet before wearing it are those shown in the figure.5. Once the path is done, the rebalancing of the chakras is activated ... This procedure should be done every month to ensure the desired effectiveness. COD. 21 -035