Collaborative, ICTs supported solutions for science...

PARRISE (grant agreement 612438) is funded by the European Commission. Collaborative, ICTs supported solutions for science education based on the SSIBL Framework Andrea KIRÁLY & Andrea KÁRPÁTI, ELTE University, Faculty of Science, Budapest, Hungary

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PARRISE (grant agreement 612438) is funded by the European Commission.

Collaborative, ICTs supported solutions for

science education

based on the SSIBL Framework

Andrea KIRÁLY & Andrea KÁRPÁTI,ELTE University, Faculty of Science,

Budapest, Hungary

PARRISE (grant agreement 612438) is funded by the European Commission.

1. The SSIBL Framework and the PARRISE Project

2. Collaborative, ICTs supported learning solutions for science education

a) Two online communities for educators transforming the 21st century teaching and learning;

1. Intel Engage

2. Microsoft Partners in Learning

b) Realtime Board – a visual collaboration tool for more diverse and authentic collaboration

c) VoiceThread - a multimedia commenting tool for short videos and podcasts

3. References: ICTs in Physics


Presentation topics

PARRISE (grant agreement 612438) is funded by the European Commission. 3

1. The SSIBL Framework and the


PARRISE project objectives

• Combining science with society at school to engageyoung people in science, experiencing its societal impact

• Increase scientific literacy of students

• Develop learning tools, materials and professional development courses for science teachers integrating two pedagogical approaches: inquiry-based science education (IBSE) and learning based on socio-scientific issues.

PARRISE project community

Transnational and trans-professional community of • science teachers, • teacher trainers, • communicators, and • curriculum and citizenship education experts

18 institutions from 11 countries. (UniversiteitUtrecht (Coordinator)

Socio-Scientific Inquiry-Based Learning (SSIBL)

a) Inquiry-based ScienceEducation (IBSE)

b) Socio-scientific Issues (SSI)

c) Citizenship Education (CE)

d) Responsible Research andInnovation (RRI)

SSIBL features 1.

1. Understand how scientific principles can be transformed and operationalized in social and ethical contexts;

2. Understand the uncertainty of scientific endeavour and its applications in various contexts;

3. Be aware that experts disagree both on scientific and ethical grounds;

4. Be able to distinguish between scientific, social and ethical propositions;

SSIBL features 2.

5. Enter into dialogue, argumentation and reasoned discussion for and against points of view to confer RRI;

6. Recognize the social and political context in which decisions arising from SSI are made;

7. Be aware of the complexity of SSIs and that few solutions are straightforward;

8. Recognise that there are diverse ways of negotiating SSIs which depend on the

a. evidence available

b. personal, political and social consequences of any decision

c. the extent to which the issue divides diverse sectors in society.

PARRISE (grant agreement 612438) is funded by the European Commission. 9

2. Collaborative, ICTs supported learning

solutions for science education

compatible with the SSIBL Framework

• Intel Teachers Engage: STEM group, webinars, toolkits, global challenges

Hungarian courses by SULINETWORK project, EDUCATIO Kht.

• STEM Toys For Girls To Ignite STEM: expose our girls to toys that are typically stereotyped as "boy toys" to create and construct to form new projects

Roominate 2.0: New Smart Toys to Inspire Girls in STEM

STEM toys that are unisex


PARRISE (grant agreement 612438) is funded by the European Commission.

Video: Roominate 2.0 to Inspire Girls in STEM


Microsoft Partners in Learning

Free professional development courses, eg.

Digital Learning Playground

Digital Citizenship and Creative Curriculum


Video: iPad in the Kindergarten Classroom

Microsoft Innovatív

Pedagógus Program

Tanárblog - PIL

Akadémia tananyagok

„Életrevaló” kötet

PARRISE (grant agreement 612438) is funded by the European Commission.

21st Century Learning Design - Microsoft Educator Network: examples oflearning activities used in their classroom

that exhibit strong 21st century skills in practice.


Learning activity rubrics. Videos.


Visually organise

project ideas and



realtime or offline

Design and track


A multimedia commenting tool for short videos and podcasts.



Digouf, S., Ngamo, S. (2013): ICT integration

in Physics

Garofalakis, J., Lagiou, E., and Plessas, A.

(2013): Use of Web 2.0 Tools for Teaching

Physics in Secondary Education .

Interaractive Physics – Pathway Project

Jarosievitz, B. (2012): ICT in Physics

Teaching for Secondary Schools and


Rusanganwa, J. (2012): Enhancing Physics

Learning through Instruction, Technical

Vocabulary and ICT




TEMPUS Public Foundation: Digital Ideas for the

classroom. (Digitális Módszertár, HU).

eTeacher Blog (HU, e-Tanár Blog): Fizika

Nádori, G. (2014): ICT tools in teaching Physics (HU)

Klacsákné Tóth Ágota (no date): Mozgó töltések (HU)

Videótanár – Fizika (HU).

Andrea KIRÁLY [email protected]

Andrea KÁRPÁ[email protected]

ELTE University, Faculty of Science, Centre for Science Communication, Budapest, Hungary