Cold War - Mesa Public Schools · The Cold War…. •the hostility that grew out of this rivalry...

Cold War 1945-1989

Transcript of Cold War - Mesa Public Schools · The Cold War…. •the hostility that grew out of this rivalry...

Page 1: Cold War - Mesa Public Schools · The Cold War…. •the hostility that grew out of this rivalry and mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union. •began immediately

Cold War


Page 2: Cold War - Mesa Public Schools · The Cold War…. •the hostility that grew out of this rivalry and mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union. •began immediately

• Divided into 4 zones of occupation; Berlin also divided


Page 3: Cold War - Mesa Public Schools · The Cold War…. •the hostility that grew out of this rivalry and mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union. •began immediately

• Occupied by U.S. troops

• Demilitarized

• Industries re-built with modern machinery


Page 4: Cold War - Mesa Public Schools · The Cold War…. •the hostility that grew out of this rivalry and mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union. •began immediately

• Divided into 2 zones of occupation (USSR and US)

• Boundary is 38th parallel(38 North latitude)


Page 5: Cold War - Mesa Public Schools · The Cold War…. •the hostility that grew out of this rivalry and mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union. •began immediately

What should be done about…?

• United Nations created by 50 nations that met in 1945 in San Francisco

Maintaining Peace?

Page 7: Cold War - Mesa Public Schools · The Cold War…. •the hostility that grew out of this rivalry and mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union. •began immediately

• The United Nations is a Peacekeepingorganization which pledged ―to save succeeding generations free from the scourge of war‖.

Page 8: Cold War - Mesa Public Schools · The Cold War…. •the hostility that grew out of this rivalry and mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union. •began immediately

What should be done about…?

• Marshall Plan gave money to rebuild European cities and industries ($13 billion)

• Marshall Plan also offered to the Soviet Union, Stalin refusesfor entire Soviet Bloc countries.

Rebuilding Europe?

Page 9: Cold War - Mesa Public Schools · The Cold War…. •the hostility that grew out of this rivalry and mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union. •began immediately
Page 10: Cold War - Mesa Public Schools · The Cold War…. •the hostility that grew out of this rivalry and mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union. •began immediately

What should be done about…?

• Israel created by United Nations as a homeland for the Jews

• Israel is created in Palestine

• Resulted in conflict with the Arabs who lived there.

• Became independent in 1948;

• Attacked by neighboring countries THE NEXT DAY!


Page 11: Cold War - Mesa Public Schools · The Cold War…. •the hostility that grew out of this rivalry and mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union. •began immediately
Page 12: Cold War - Mesa Public Schools · The Cold War…. •the hostility that grew out of this rivalry and mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union. •began immediately

Map creation of Israel

Page 13: Cold War - Mesa Public Schools · The Cold War…. •the hostility that grew out of this rivalry and mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union. •began immediately

Pair Share• What happened to Germany after the


• What happened to Korea after the war?

• What happened to Japan after the war?

• Why was the United Nations created?

• Why was Israel created?

• What was the Marshall Plan?

Page 14: Cold War - Mesa Public Schools · The Cold War…. •the hostility that grew out of this rivalry and mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union. •began immediately

But the really BIG question was…

What should be the relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union?

Page 15: Cold War - Mesa Public Schools · The Cold War…. •the hostility that grew out of this rivalry and mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union. •began immediately

The Problem…..

• We did not Trust the Russians

• Stalin didn’t trust anybody

• We became concerned about thespread of Communism

Page 16: Cold War - Mesa Public Schools · The Cold War…. •the hostility that grew out of this rivalry and mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union. •began immediately

Spread of Communism


Page 17: Cold War - Mesa Public Schools · The Cold War…. •the hostility that grew out of this rivalry and mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union. •began immediately


• Stalin stated that communismshould be spread to other nations

• Didn’t allow occupied parts of Germany and Korea to hold free elections (they became East Germany and North Korea.

Page 18: Cold War - Mesa Public Schools · The Cold War…. •the hostility that grew out of this rivalry and mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union. •began immediately


• Supported and controlled communist dictatorships in Eastern Europe

• Used Eastern European countries to create a ―buffer zone‖ against attackand Western ideas

• Travel and communication between communist countries and the rest of the world restricted.

Page 19: Cold War - Mesa Public Schools · The Cold War…. •the hostility that grew out of this rivalry and mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union. •began immediately

United States did not trust the Russians

Stalin did not trust anybody

Page 20: Cold War - Mesa Public Schools · The Cold War…. •the hostility that grew out of this rivalry and mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union. •began immediately


• Containment

• Truman Doctrine

• Marshall Plan


Page 21: Cold War - Mesa Public Schools · The Cold War…. •the hostility that grew out of this rivalry and mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union. •began immediately

United States Establishes a Policy of Containment.

• U.S. forms a policy of containment—measures to prevent the spread of communism

• The Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan and NATOare the three pillars of


Page 22: Cold War - Mesa Public Schools · The Cold War…. •the hostility that grew out of this rivalry and mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union. •began immediately

Countries of Eastern Europe became known as the…

• Iron Curtain countries• Soviet Bloc• Soviet satellite countries

The Iron Curtain became a heavily fortified border

through Europe.

Page 23: Cold War - Mesa Public Schools · The Cold War…. •the hostility that grew out of this rivalry and mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union. •began immediately

•The Iron Curtain took physical form in the shape of border defenses between the countries of the western and eastern blocs.

Page 24: Cold War - Mesa Public Schools · The Cold War…. •the hostility that grew out of this rivalry and mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union. •began immediately

What do they mean by “No Admittance by order of Joe?”

Who is Joe and who are they keeping


Page 25: Cold War - Mesa Public Schools · The Cold War…. •the hostility that grew out of this rivalry and mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union. •began immediately

Iron Curtain in Germany

• In some places a "deathstrip" was constructed on the East German side of the barrier, in which unauthorized access would be met with bullets.

• The actual borderline was marked by posts and signs and was overlooked by numerous watchtowers set behind the barrier.

Page 26: Cold War - Mesa Public Schools · The Cold War…. •the hostility that grew out of this rivalry and mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union. •began immediately

Pair Share• Why were Western nations afraid of

the spread of communism?• What is meant by the term ―Iron

Curtain?‖• What is the policy of containment?• What are the three ―pillars of

containment?‖• What was the purpose of the Marshall


Page 27: Cold War - Mesa Public Schools · The Cold War…. •the hostility that grew out of this rivalry and mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union. •began immediately

Berlin Blockade…• USSR’s attempted to stop France,

Britain, and the U.S. from combining their occupied zones in German into the country of West Germany.

• USSR cut off routes in and out of West Berlin.

• USSR halted all supplies going into Berlin via ground transportation.

Page 28: Cold War - Mesa Public Schools · The Cold War…. •the hostility that grew out of this rivalry and mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union. •began immediately

Presentation Berlin Airlift

Page 29: Cold War - Mesa Public Schools · The Cold War…. •the hostility that grew out of this rivalry and mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union. •began immediately


• U.S. and Britain fly all food and supplies into Berlin called the Berlin Airlift.

• Airlift continued for 321 days; 272,000 flights were flown into West Berlin.

• Lasted from June, 1948 to May 1949-Ended when Stalin realized the blockadewas a failure.

Page 30: Cold War - Mesa Public Schools · The Cold War…. •the hostility that grew out of this rivalry and mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union. •began immediately

Berlin Airlift

Page 31: Cold War - Mesa Public Schools · The Cold War…. •the hostility that grew out of this rivalry and mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union. •began immediately

The world is divided into…

The Democratic World:

Western Europe



United States

Page 32: Cold War - Mesa Public Schools · The Cold War…. •the hostility that grew out of this rivalry and mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union. •began immediately

Communist World:


Soviet Bloc


North Korea

later Cuba

Page 33: Cold War - Mesa Public Schools · The Cold War…. •the hostility that grew out of this rivalry and mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union. •began immediately

So…what should be the response of the United States?

• Truman Doctrine– The United States will provide

economic and military aid to stop the spread of communismto other nations. (Policy of Containment)

Page 34: Cold War - Mesa Public Schools · The Cold War…. •the hostility that grew out of this rivalry and mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union. •began immediately

The Truman Doctrine

Page 35: Cold War - Mesa Public Schools · The Cold War…. •the hostility that grew out of this rivalry and mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union. •began immediately

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

– military alliance to protect all members from attack; included United States, Canada, and Western European nations.

It was a reaction to the BerlinBlockade.

Page 36: Cold War - Mesa Public Schools · The Cold War…. •the hostility that grew out of this rivalry and mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union. •began immediately
Page 37: Cold War - Mesa Public Schools · The Cold War…. •the hostility that grew out of this rivalry and mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union. •began immediately

Warsaw Pact– military alliance of USSR and

European satellite nations formed in response to NATO • Allowed Soviet troops to be stationed in

each member country.

• The armies of the member countries were under control of the USSR.

• Countries involved included Albania, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, East Germany, Hungary, Romania, Poland, and the Soviet Union

Page 38: Cold War - Mesa Public Schools · The Cold War…. •the hostility that grew out of this rivalry and mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union. •began immediately
Page 39: Cold War - Mesa Public Schools · The Cold War…. •the hostility that grew out of this rivalry and mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union. •began immediately

NATO & Warsaw Pact Map

Page 40: Cold War - Mesa Public Schools · The Cold War…. •the hostility that grew out of this rivalry and mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union. •began immediately

Cold War Presentation

Page 41: Cold War - Mesa Public Schools · The Cold War…. •the hostility that grew out of this rivalry and mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union. •began immediately

Bottom Line….

• Democracy vs. Communism (political)• Communism vs. Capitalism (economic)• Superpower (US) vs. Superpower (USSR)

• Eastern Europe vs. Western Europe• North Korea vs. South Korea

• Republic of China (Taiwan) vs. Peoples Republic of China (Mainland China)

• Cuba vs. United States• North Vietnam vs. South Vietnam

Page 42: Cold War - Mesa Public Schools · The Cold War…. •the hostility that grew out of this rivalry and mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union. •began immediately

The Cold War….

• the hostility that grew out of this rivalry and mistrust between the UnitedStates and the Soviet Union.

• began immediately after World War II ended and continued until the fall of the Soviet Union in the early 1990’s

Page 43: Cold War - Mesa Public Schools · The Cold War…. •the hostility that grew out of this rivalry and mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union. •began immediately

Causes of Cold War….

• Mutual distrust between United States and USSR– communists hoped for world-wide


• Stalin’s refusal to allow self-government in Eastern Europe and North Korea

• Communists took over China– Mao Zedong 1940

Page 44: Cold War - Mesa Public Schools · The Cold War…. •the hostility that grew out of this rivalry and mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union. •began immediately

Effects of Cold War…

• Truman Doctrine• giving aid to nations to keep them from coming under communist control

• Policy of containment– restricting communism to where it

currently existed

Page 45: Cold War - Mesa Public Schools · The Cold War…. •the hostility that grew out of this rivalry and mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union. •began immediately

Effects of Cold War…

• Increased Marshall Plan aide• Good economy meant market for United

States products and less chance of communists taking control.

• Eastern European countries became soviet ―Satellites‖ as a buffer between USSR and Europe

Page 46: Cold War - Mesa Public Schools · The Cold War…. •the hostility that grew out of this rivalry and mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union. •began immediately


In January, 1946, Truman established the Central Intelligence Agency.

Page 47: Cold War - Mesa Public Schools · The Cold War…. •the hostility that grew out of this rivalry and mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union. •began immediately

• CIA spies gather information in foreign countries.

• During the Cold War the CIA began to carry out covert, or secret, operations to weaken or overthrow governments unfriendly to the United States.

Page 48: Cold War - Mesa Public Schools · The Cold War…. •the hostility that grew out of this rivalry and mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union. •began immediately

Pair Share• What was the Truman Doctrine? • Why was NATO created?• Who is part of NATO?• Why was the Warsaw Pact created? • Who is part of the Warsaw Pact? • What was Truman’s policy of dealing

with communism called? • What was the Berlin Airlift? • Why did we need the Berlin Airlift?• Why was the CIA created?

Page 49: Cold War - Mesa Public Schools · The Cold War…. •the hostility that grew out of this rivalry and mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union. •began immediately

• How did the Berlin Airlift support the U.S. policy of containment?

• How did the formation of NATO support the U.S. policy of containment?