Cold war

Chapter 27



Transcript of Cold war

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Chapter 27: Sec 1 Development of the Cold War

• Section 1 Development of the Cold War The rivalry between the Soviet Union and the United States was the focus of the Cold War.

• The U.S. Marshall Plan tried to make communism less attractive by providing billions of dollars to help rebuild Western Europe.

• Germany became divided into two states, with a divided city of Berlin inside East Germany.

• In 1949 Communists took control in China, and the Soviet detonation of an atomic bomb launched a U.S.-Soviet arms race.

• Soviet and Western alliance systems spanned the globe. • The Cuban missile crisis presented the frightening prospect of nuclear war. • American policymakers perceived non-Communist South Vietnam as a domino

that must not be permitted to fall to communism. • Despite the eventual Communist victory, the “domino theory” proved to be


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The Cold War, often dated from 1947 to 1991, was a sustained state of political and military tension between powers in the Western Bloc, dominated by the United States with NATO among its allies, and powers in the Eastern Bloc, dominated by the Soviet Union along with the Warsaw Pact. This began after the success of their temporary wartime alliance against Nazi Germany, leaving the USSR and the US as two superpowers with profound economic and political differences. A neutral faction arose with the Non-Aligned Movement founded by Egypt, India, and Yugoslavia; this faction rejected association with either the US-led West or the Soviet-led East.The Cold War was so named because the two major powers—each possessing nuclear weapons and thereby threatened with mutual assured destruction—never met in direct military combat. Instead, in their struggle for global influence they engaged in ongoing psychological warfare and in regular indirect confrontations through proxy wars.

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Chapter 27: Sec 1 Development of the Cold War

Rivalry in Europe

Truman Doctrine

Marshall Plan Division in Germany

Eastern Europe was an area physically close to the Soviet Union, after the Nazi’s had lost power the Soviet army was in control and did not want to leave. The USSR had Stalin as it’s leader and wanted Eastern Europe to be communistGREECE: communists and anti-communists fought to control the country. Great Britain helped the anti-communists for awhile, but had to leave to support themselves.

Harry Truman, the president of the USA, said in 1947 that the US would give money to countries threatened by communism, just as in Greece. The US felt that communism would spread faster as more countries ‘fell’ to communism.

General George Marshall, the Secretary or State, wrote the Marshall Plan to rebuild Europe. The thinking was that if communists moved into and rebuilt European countries, more would become communist. The Soviet countries refused to participate and saw this as an attempt by the Americans to buy support. In response, they had the COMECON By 1947 it was clear that there was going to be a battle between the ‘super powers’ (military strength and political influence)

Germany had been divided into 4 zones. 3 zones of France, US and Great Britain were combined. The USSR opposed this and formed a ‘blockade’ against ANY supplies going into Berlin…The German city divided in ½ and located inside of the East German (soviet) boarders. The US and Great Britain had a 10 month long air lift of supplies flying into West Berlin to avoid war with the USSR over the blockade. In Sept. 1949 the blockade was lifted.

Confrontation of the Super Powers:

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See: NATO vs. Warsaw PactWhich countries of Europe did not choose to be a part of either NATO or the Warsaw pact?

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Chapter 27: Sec 1 Development of the Cold War

New Military Alliance Arms Race Wall in Berlin

NATO: North American Treaty Organization, April 1949, was formed. Belgium, Luxemburg, France, Netherlands, Great Britain, Italy, Denmark, Norway, Portugal & Iceland all signed with the US and Canada. Eventually, West Germany, Turkey & Greece.

Warsaw Pact: USSR, Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland & Romania formed this alliance.

Alliances (Which caused WWI) were dividing the world again.

Korean War: North (communist) vs. South (non-communist) brought US into fighting to stop spread of communism.

Countries building up their weapons supply and armies. Both sides believed that an arsenal of weapons would prevent war.

Both countries had ICBMs: Intercontinental ballistic missiles…bombs could go anywhere in the world from where they were launched.

1957: Sputnik I was launched by USSR showing that they had the ability to get to space. This caused new fears.

Nikita Khrushchev: the Soviet leader, wanted to stop the flow of people and goods from West Berlin to East Berlin. In 1961, a wall was built as a barrier across the city to stop this. Families were separated. Minefields, machine gun towers floodlights were all in place to stop people from going across.

The Spread of the Cold War

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Chapter 27: Sec 1 Development of the Cold War

Which country in the Western Hemisphere was/is communist?

Which countries in

ASIA are communist?

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Chapter 27: Sec 1 Development of the Cold WarThe Cuban Missile Crisis: World War III The Cuban Missile Crisis was a

time in history when WWIII almost began. The Soviets were mad because the US had missiles near their border (in Turkey) and decided to move nuclear weapons near the US border, in Cuba, which had recently become Communist. The leader of the USSR (Khrushchev) and the President of the US (John Kennedy) went back and forth in intense negotiations during October 1962. For 13 days the world stood at the brink of nuclear war, which would have been a disaster.

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Chapter 27: Sec 1 Development of the Cold War

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Chapter 27: Sec 2, The Soviet Union & Eastern Europe

• Section 2 The Soviet Union and Eastern Europe After World War II, Stalinist economic policies brought dramatic economic growth, but at a high cost.

• Most of the growth was in heavy industry. Consumer goods remained hard to find.

• Stalin's successor, Nikita Khrushchev, condemned Stalinist terror, increased the production of consumer goods, and loosened controls on writers, such as Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

• Khrushchev's rash decisions, such as the plan to place missiles in Cuba, convinced colleagues to remove him from office in 1964.

• After World War II, Soviet forces had occupied all of Eastern Europe and part of the Balkans.

• The occupied states now became Soviet satellites. Yugoslavia was the exception and developed into an independent Communist state.

• In Poland, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia, attempts for reform threatened Soviet domination. In each case, the Soviet Union crushed these reforms by using threats or military force.

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The Hammer:Stands for the industrial working class.

The sickle:Stands for the agricultural workers.

The five-pointed red star is a symbol of communism as well as broader socialism in general. It is sometimes understood to represent the five fingers of the worker's hand.

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The Rein of Stalin: The Good: Production increased to 40% of pre-war levels, new power plants, canals, and factories were built. The economy recovered and excelled, The Bad: Housing shortages (most lived in apartments under communism) He ‘reigned’ as a totalitarian dictator and ignored party leaders. He was suspicious of people around him, everything had to be approved by the government. Books & movies were censored by the government.

The Ugly (Stalin): Estimates have Stalin ‘killing’ 30-40 million people in many different ways

Khrushchev Era:1956 began the process of ‘de-Stalinization’ which is the elimination of some of Stalin’s ruthless policies. He loosened some government controls on literature, allowing Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s work to be published. He tried to increase agriculture, but failed. The industrial growth rate slowed under his command.He placed missiles in Cuba, causing the Cuban Missile Crisis. In 1964 (after Kennedy’s death) he was on vacation and Soviet leaders voted him out of power and forced him into retirement.

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Chapter 27: Sec 2, The Soviet Union & Eastern EuropeEastern Europe: Behind the IRON CURTAIN!!!!

Communist Patterns of Control Revolts AGAINST CommunismEast Germany, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland & Hungary the Communists held control after WWII. Czechoslovakia lost control to the Soviets in 1948. Albania became Communist, but were independent of the USSR. Yugoslavia, Jospi Broz (Tito) was the leader of a Yugoslav Communist government, but was not controlled by Stalin.

The Soviets took advantage of Eastern Europe and exploited their resources and made living conditions bad for them. (Playground bully) After Stalin’s death many tried to become independent of the USSR. Hungary: Nov 1st, 1956, Imre Nagy promised free elections, BUT 3 days later, Khrushchev the Soviet army attacked and Nagy was executed 2 years later.Poland: October 1956 Wladyslaw Gomulka reforms were adopted, but remained loyal to the Warsaw Pact.Czechoslovakia: Antonin Novotny was in power and known as ‘little Stalin’. Not until January 1968 when Alexander Dubcek was elected did reform come., but only lasted until August when the Soviet army attacked and crushed the reforms.

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Chapter 27: Sec 3 Western Europe & North America

Section 3 Western Europe and North America • The 1950s and 1960s were periods of dramatic economic growth in Western

Europe. • France and West Germany both experienced rapid economic recoveries. • In Great Britain, dire economic conditions forced Winston Churchill from power.

The new Labor government set out to create a modern welfare state and began to dismantle the British Empire.

• The formation of the European Economic Community created a powerful new trading bloc.

• Canada emerged as an industrial economy. • In the United States, the New Deal had brought a long-term increase in the power

of the federal government. • Prosperity and Cold War suspicions defined the United States in the 1950s. • Civil rights and the expansion of the New Deal were defining issues of the 1960s. • Students protested U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. Simultaneously, a variety

of issues sparked student revolts in Europe. • Women began to fight against inequalities between the sexes.

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Chapter 27: Sec 3 Western Europe & North America

France West Germany Great BritainCharles de Gaulle lead the French Fourth Republic. Strong parliament and a weak presidency. Sadly, government was ineffective. In 1958 he drafted a new constitution for the Fifth Republic giving the president power to appoint a Prime Minister. He was the first president of the 5th Republic. He invested heavily in nuclear weapons. France’s economy grew faster than the US.

Federal Republic of Germany = West Germany (France, US and Great Britain controlled) had amazing economic recovery as compared to after WWI. The Marshall Plan was working. Unemployment went from 8% to .04%The leaders of the country were still known as ‘chancellors’ In the late 60’s there was an economic downturn and a socialist party became powerful, but nothing like the NAZIs.

Two party system: Labour and Conservative: Churchill (Conservative) lost power after the war. The people wanted an increased welfare state, where the government supports people in need. National insurance and health systems were put into place. It cost so much money that Britain lost its world wide power because it had to spend money at home. Due to the financial problems, the Conservatives were brought back into power, but the changes had been made.

Western Europe: Recovery

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Women’s 1950’s Fashion

Women’s 1960’s Fashion

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Chapter 27: Sec 3 Western Europe & North America

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Chapter 27: Sec 3 Western Europe & North AmericaUS in the 50’s US in the 60’s Development

of CanadaEmergence of a new


FDR’s New Deal had given more power to the Federal Government. Several Democrat presidents were elected. The economy was good. ‘Real Wages’ increased every year by 3%. Many children were born and became known as the ‘Baby Boomer’ generation because of the large increase in the birth rate following the war. Fear of communism spread Joseph McCarthy accused people of being communist and brought them to trial causing a ‘red scare’.

Much has been written about the social changes during the 60’s. Kennedy was the youngest president elected. When he was assassinated, Lyndon Johnson took over. He wanted a welfare state as well. He did help pass civil rights legislation and the practice of ‘separate but equal’ ended. Leaders like Martin Luther King brought these issues to light. As the US entered Vietnam to stop the spread of communism, anti-war protests began. The ‘baby boomers’ were teenagers and in their 20’s and wanted a different world from their parents.

Just like Great Britain, they created a welfare state. They enacted a national social security system and health plan. The Liberal Party with Lester Pearson as it s leader made these changes.

The middle class grew and added new jobs. Consumer society began were people were purchasing more goods not for ‘need’, but for ‘want’. Smaller family size led to women wanting to work after experiencing it during WWII, but women were paid less than men and still considered <less than…men. The 60’s in Europe and US were known for student protests on university campuses.

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Chapter 27: Sec 3 Western Europe & North America

Here is the Baby Boomer generation

Here are many of YOU!