COFFINS, Clothing, Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods,

W J- - THE ADVERTISER -- '' ' .'ri THURSDAY, MARCH 18. 290 F i Largs, red apples at Gates'. Colbapprlgar at Cb&. Sodly '&. . v Stores and fence wlra-eonila- for T&avenson & Cress. Bent brands of fiour and clears at .Johnson dc Palmer's. Singer Sewing Machines for aale heap for cash, at City Bakery. - SbotGuns end ammunition, by Bteveksok & Cboss. Armstrong & Bros' "Our Belt" ccrTee at Johnson iPalmer'a. ' Lemons, oranges, apples and New Orleans molasses, at Hill's. Groceries. Iron and Wagon Tim- ber, by Bteveksok & CR8. Bird cages, wall paper and wlu-4o- w shades at Nlckell's drug store. A cbolee Xtae at fltr grocerUs at .Stoles'. I. S. Nace will sunn start a res- taurant and bakery In the Seaman building. Pitted cherries. New Ynrfe siloed -- apples. Salt Lake peaches and Call fornla plums, at Hill's. lee and wind during the past week have retarded navigation on the Missouri river here. r A reliable and certain eare far diarrhoea, vitotery. colic, cholera. morbus, etc. Is Or. JJ&rehaH's A-ab- laa Oil. Try It. SoWUyA. W.. JCkcU. Tbe wife of George Hodkln, re- siding near Nemah City, was burled in Nemaha Cemetery on the 15th lust. 'She was aged about 70 years. -- The Pinafore troupe are well phased with their kind reception by the Falls City people. Everything was pleasant excepting the weather. BBEttMAN HOUSE MInBtreet. BrownvlHe. Nebraska Only first-clas- s 21. 00 per day house in the city. OBverythiue new ami comfortable, tf This dlsagreeably-jjol- d and wlnd3 March culminated lut Friday even inn and Saturday in a snow storm, the most extensive of the winter, the enow falling to the depth of about two inches. We neglected last week to call attention to the douhls column adver- tisement of Mr. David Campbell, dealer in agricultural implements and msohinery. He hRfl his capacious es- tablishment full from top to bottom. We received for publication last week, after our paper had been print- ed, the procrnmnie for the musical concert at the Normal School. Peru. . ob the 17th inet. Matter Intended for our oolumus, should be placed in . -- our hands by Tuesday, if its publica- tion is desired In the issue of that "Week. Whisky killed another man in Nebraska a few days aito. It was In Otoe county not far from here. n Verhueaen an old man of 60 years was the victim. He went to Nebraska City, and In the genial warmth and devilishly dazing Influ- ences of a "gilded palace of bell" he became drunken, started for home, and on the road frose to eath in his wagon. This Is a Blmllar oase to the 'killing of Pat. Burke by the saloon of BrownvlHe. A good and prosper- ous citizen, and would have been so yet. alive and well oaring for his fam- ily had It not been for the damnable death dealing influences of Brown- vlHe saloons. The ehallenge give by Tom Kearns, to tbe Nemaha Sporting Club to shoot with their champion M. Den, for the "Co. bartee1' has bren rejected; and. to express a candid opinion we think It fs becau Mr. Den Is afraid to meet him. Tom Is the best shot In this County. a b- - en prove by a fair show, Sheridan Fott. 'We took pains to enquire about the correctness of the above of Mr. Wm. T. Den, sire of the champion, and he said he knew nothing ahnat it. Of eearcs had Mr. Reams in due form challenged the champion, notice woold have t be taken of it and the challenge entertaiaed, and Mr. Den would have known something about "it. The rules governing the dleb Te- - ecire that -- after -- any winner of the "badge has held the 'same for two weeks, he way be challenged for a contact by any owns be r of the club. and the present champion Is compell- - -- esVto shoot or caase to be champion, "by default. Falls'Clty Journal.' Pinafore," as rendered by the BrownvlHe troupe, with Miss Cora Gates as Musical Di- rector, was admirably rendered on Thursday evening at "Cam's Opera House. Miss Gates and Iter company ' met wlttran eutrruslastio reception by our people, who filled the large room to overflowing, and who acknowl- edged their appreciation by frequent bursts of applause. We are sorry that tluaeanfl space forbid nnrtsaking -- personal mention of each player, bat will say that all did well, showing that Miss Gates has a proper concep- tion of this opera, and has spared no pains to impart that "knowledge to the Test of her "sisters, ber cousins and ber aunts." So well pleased were the audlenoe that the company was re- quested to repeat "Pinafore" to-nig- ht (Friday) with tbe assurance that an- other crowded bouse would greet them. Those who were not there last sight should net fail to be present jhlt irpniojf. 1 I BUSINESS BREVITIES. Family -- wfcUe Asto t Zale'a. California Caned Hill's, -- r Nickell keeps all tbelatest books. raedtaines, of very kind at Ntokell'a. - Orange and lemons St Job nsoD Palmer's. tbecarflof th new firm of Body & Bath. Read Willing Sres.' pig Nemaha advertisement. Please pay ap your subscription for this paper. Chattel Mortgage at T AD-TS-Tf SR office. Nemaha eoanty Book Store is now at Nlekell's. Coffins, furniture and wagons at Stevenson & Cross'. Boston crackers best In the market, at Chas. Body's. Finest stationery and toilet ar ticles at Nickell!s drug store. New stock of candles and canned goods at Johnson 4b Palmer's. Farmers get your tin work done at Nemaha City, by Willing Bros. Money to loan on Ileal Estate se- curity. Apply to Wm. H. Hoover. Rope, brooms, tubs, buckets and Sour by Stevenson & Cross. Call at A W. N'ckelPs drug store for a bottle of Thomas' eclectrlc oil. Teas, Queens ware, Crosscut Saws, Rope and Baskets by Stevenson & Crops. Dr. Collins, DautNt. Brow'nvll le, Office hours, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Not at borne on Fridays. 38 tf 2,500 acres of land in Bedford Precinct for sale on reasonable terms. Apply to William H. Hoover. I have for sale, cheap, some oholce lots, in Nemaha Cily, for those who want to build. Wm. H. Hoover. FOR SALE. Cheap for caBh Two horses and harness and one spring wngan. Apply to N. E. Furlough, BrownvlHe. Call and see the largest stock, the latest and best make of cooking stoves, just received at BrownvlHe and NernahaCity, by Willing Bros. FOR SALE. The s. w. fr. qr. of the n. w. fr. qr. of Sec. 6. T. 8, R. 1540 acres. Very cneap lor casu. Apply to Robt. W.Furnas BrownvlHe, Neb. Marriedon Sunday, 14th Inst. at the residenconf AmosT. D. Hughes. Bedford pteclnct, by Elder TibbitB, Mr. John Cowell and Miss Katie Smith. Accompanying this notice was a wedding cake of such ample propor- tions, externa charms and internal excellence, as would cause the most pleasurable emotions to thrill the stomach of a whole platoon of hungry printers; for this kind remem-branc- R by the lovely bride and her loving John, we tender our thanks and congratulations, and wish for them a life long honey-moo- n. The following ie a list of judges and olerks to serve at the ensuing city election ; and the voting places of the different ward : First Ward at lumber yard of W. A. Judkins. M. M. Conner, J. Fudge, F. August, judges; A.Con- ner, L. L. Hulburd, clerks. Second Ward at Court House. J. Love, M. L Emery, Robt. Carr, jud- ges ; J. Coebran, 1). J. Arnold, clerks. Third Ward at Whlttemore's store. J. Wbittemore, J. Lippitt, W. H. Lorancs, judges ; E. Lippitt, P. Lowry olerks. In a recent saloon mute at Wlob-t- a, Rausas, one Nolan, was killed. Robert Jarrad, a lawyer at Roch- ester, N. Y. recently while drunk shot and killed a man named Bice, and then hanged himself. R. M. Johnson, of Worcester, Mass., suicided in a taloon on tbe 9lu inat. A man was frozen to death In Otoe county last week, after becom- ing otupifled with whitky. In Nuckolls county, Nebraska last week a man named MoPherson wa shot and instantly killed by a railroad oontraoinr named Andrew). Aonroner's jury found that hoth men were drunk and tbe killing accident- al. Wilbur Opposition: We are re- liably informed that the 11. & M. rail- road Co. will build their line from Flr bury to Blue Springs, instead of Beatrice, as was first contemplated. The surveyors are now on the propos- ed route. An extension east will go through the county of Pawnee and Pawnee city, and intersect the A. & N. at Fall City, which road they now control. The extension from Fall City to Nemaha City would make their line complete, and would more than likely transfer considerable of the freight to St. Joseph, Mo., where It would intersect with the C B. & Q.. which road is no ruuning into the latter place over the narrow gauge road they lately purchased and chang- ed to a standard gauge. Some of the business eaen of Beatrice may now see where they carried the war too far against the B. & M. Co. in the late bond fight, by causing thetn to obance their original intention of going through their city. Nolle Is hereby given that I will examine all persons who may desire to offer themselves as candidates for teachers of the primary or common schools of this oounty, at the Court House, in BrownvlHe on tbe first Saturday in each month. Priup CbothbA. 21-- tf Co. Superintendent. YOUNG MEN, We have clothing that will just suit you. Call and ex amine at Louis Low- - . a mans. The New American Self-threadi- ng Sewing Machine the best In the market. For sale at the "Regulator" by THOB. BKTKABD& furniture and wagons at ' " 8"lereno54irCrT,.1,S!" -- - STOVES, it Alt DW ARE, FURNITURE, QUEENSWARE, COFFINS, TIN-SHO- P, AND FURNITOBE I EPAIRED. Produce Wanted ST STEVENSON & CROSS. Location Changed. I have removed my stock of Agri- cultural Implements to Carson's old bank, where I will go it alone with the largest stock of the best goods in my line ever seen in BrownvlHe. J offer many thanks to my many friends for their liberal patronage in the past and by fair dealing I hope for a continuance of their trade. ItaEEBT Tears. Removed. Mrs. J. B. McCabe has removed her dress-makin- ir establishment to the rooms over Wllllng's store, and will be pleased to have all friends and cus- tomers call on her in her new quar- ters. For a pood setorharnesstully warranted, go to Souder'g. BOYS CLOTHING. We have received quj entire SPrillff . , . stocK oi ooys cioin-ing- . Call and see how cheap we sell them. L. Lowman. John L.. Carson and Joseph Huddart have purcbashed the Gleu Rock Mills, in Xeuriha county, and with David HIc-Lausrh- lin as head miller, offer none but first class flour, in ex- change for good wheat. Wheat wanted at market price Tor cash. 87w4 OTJK SPRING goods have commenc- ed arriving. Call and see them before you purchase. Louis Lowman. Christian Church, Main Street. Services every Sunday at 11 o'clock a. m., and 7 o'clock, p. m. Sunday School at 10 o'clock, a. m. Prayer meeting and Sunday 8chooI lesson review Wednesdaya, at 7 p. m. Elder Charles Rowe. Elorida oranges new and fresh at Dolen's. Land in Peru Bottom for Sale. The Southwest fractional quarter of the Northwest fractional quarter of section six, town six, rang fifteen, forty sores, for sole very cheap for cash. Apply to Robt. W. Furnas, BrownvlHe, Nebraska. '"" For collars, whips, curry combs, brushes and everything in the harness line, Souder keeps tbe best at reasonable prices. Breaking Plows JnL0 P- - 3ll Cultivators iCK S D. E. DOUGLAS & CO. Willing Broa. hare a large stock. of hardware, stoves, plain and barb fence wire, plows, harrows, cultiva- tors, corn planters and sulky plows. Give them a call. Walnuts TT anted. Walnuts that have lain out on the cround all wlntr, with the hulls on. Cash paid by Robt. W. Furnas, of BrownvlHe. Nebraska. CHEAP 8 A SI la the ylace to get your cheap boots, shoes and slippers, ashe has received his spring and summer stock, and will sell cheap for cash. Goods arriving daily for the spring trade at the cheap store of J. L. McGee. hushels of com will pay for The Ad- vertiser one year. tf. Tmeses and shoulder braces of every kind and description at Niok-ell- 's drugstore. For your saddle go to Bauer's. , Spring: ceodsJattTccetTed at Delta's. 0U cad see. Fresh and covs oysters at John- son 4s Palmer's. Tar yottx' haneg go id The Great International and OF McGEE & MOORE Will open about the 25th an entire stock of new of. all kinds and will jbe offered to our many cus- tomers at our usual Bemember the place, McGee & Moore's Great International Store. LOCAL PEKSUNALS. Mrs. T. O. Hacker returned from ber visit to Bed Oloud, Monday this week. H. H. Dolen will start east next Monday to purchase a new. stock of goods. Ladies wait for Dolen's stock. Mrs. Ben. Rogers, of Council Bluffs, waB In tbe city last week look ing after ber property, and seeing old friends. Joe Helkes arrived in BrownvlHe on Saturday lant from St. Joseph. He will take obarge of tbe KaufJman Nurseries this summer. Mrs. J. Ellen Foster, a lawyer, and noted for her brilliant efforts in behalf of temperauce principles, will lecture in this city next week. Dr. Jona Crane has rented the room formerly occupied by J. L. Roy, and will opeu an office, with perhaps a small stock of drugs, in a short time. J. B. Finch will lecture in the Opera House. BrownvlHe, on the ev enings of Monday, Tuesday and Wed nesday next week. Of course body will want to hear him. Miss Poppleton delivered her lecture on St. Paul In this city on Monday evening to an appreciative and good tdsed audience. We much regretted that we were deprived the privilege of hearing the gifted lady ; but those who heard her express themselves highly pleased with her lecture. R. 8. Hannaford came around last week and renewed his annual Mibsorlptlon for The Advertisku. this beinj? the 24th time he has done so. He has taken it from the first is- sue. We thank our old friend aud patron, and commend him for keep ing his family alwayB supplied with such reading matter such facility for mental and moral growth. Mr. H. is healthy and prosperous, and his family are intelligent. Mr. H. Is a fit example for uew beginners. May he live to renew 2--5 times more. J. L. McGee, the Prince Mer- chant of this part of (he State, has not returned home yet, but the new goods he is purchasing have begun to arrive. Jim McGee's motto, you know. If you know him at all, is "Excelsior," which means higher, more lofty, the excelling of others. Hte ambition aud enterprise deter- mines him to have the biggest stock, best, and most varied ; and J. L. would come short of even moderate happiness, If any competing house was In any manner ahead of him. When the full spring stock which he is now buying is opened, added to his already immense stock, and dis- played to the delighted view of the public, they will see the largest stock of gooda ever opened in BrownvlHe, and wonder what be will do with those Immense piles of clothing, cal- icoes, hats, caps, boots, shoes, and all thoBe nice goods which del'ght the IadieB. Mr. Conyers, head olerk, says: "Tell the paople to wait for our new stock. It will be here, com- plete, ere long, and will be thegrand-es- t display ever made in the goods line In BrownvlHe." Next week a big advertlr-emen- t of this magnificent emporium will appear iu these col- umns. HATS AND CAPS. A large spring stock on the way, will receive in a few days. Wait for them at Lowman's. Seed. Catalogue. Joseph Harris, of Moreton --Farm, Rochester, N. Y-- . sends us his Cata- logue of Choiee. Garden and Flower Seeds for 1880. It is sent free of charge to all applicants. Drop him a postal card with your address, and tell him you saw this notice iu the NEBRASKA Advertiser. UNDERTAKING. Joseph L. Roy has removed his un- dertaking business from this city out to his farm, three miles west of Brnwnville. on the Tecumseh road. Call there if you want anything in his line. Sumel's kids at Do- len's in all the new shades. Catalpa Tree Seed. t have a few pounds Catalpa seed for sale. The pure hardy variety, procured from Dr. Warder, President American Forestry Association. Robt. W. Fdbnas, BrownvlHe, Neb. CI8TERNS Made and warranted sound; and joba of FLASTEiiirv'G solicited. All work done promptly, and satisfaction as to prices and work. guaranteed. Apply to JPOH?f XIYIHTGSTOW, Sm8 BrowDVilU, N Tbe Antl Bond Asioclatiea. Tbe Association met for business at 1 p. m., In the court room, Saturday ISth lust., president McGrew presid- ing. Although tbe weather was dis- agreeable the attendance from the country and city was unusually large. Minutes of previous meeting were read, corrected aud approved. Judge Stull called up his motion for the elec- tion of three gentlemen from each precinct as a board of managers. Thereupon ex-Sena- Tipton present- ed the following resolutions as a sub- stitute for Stull's motion: Jitsuived. That a board of Man- agers euall be elected jointly by the lux-paye- ra ut Brown vilie muu LuuUuu preclude, who have signed, the origi- nal papers, to which all questions shall be relerred, relative to employing at-t- ys aud deteudiug against an suit that may be brought ugaiusl them for the payment of R. R. bouds. Jietolved. That this meeting limit the board to the amount of oue year's interest on said bonus, beyoud vrniuh they shall nut go iq 1'ne employment jofatiysaud meeting ail other expeu-se- s, and Instruct them to keep as far I below said amount as possible; and that all such sub-orlpti- nn papers, as are now in the hands of oomtnittee. when, completed. I e placed'in the pos- session of imid board of mtnagers. Stull accepted the substitute. Mr Oiborn favored letting all the tax payers take a part and vote in these meetings, whether members of the association or not. The president ruled Stull's motion and Tipton's substitute all out of or- der, and that all things are and will be nut of order until Hubsorlptiun pa per are reported. But supporters of Tipton's resolutions Insisting that they were In order, the chairman yielded and put the motion for the adoption of the resolutions, and they were adopted. C W. Wheeler made a motion that a board of managers of 8 be elected. 3 from each precinct. Mr. Kesteron thought 6 too many favored three. Mr. Stull thought G just right. The motion prevailed providing forQ. The meeting then took a recess for live minutes, during which lime tbe mem-nersT- Jf London aud the members of Brownville got together In different parts of the house and agreed upon the three names to be presented by each for said committee. When the meeting was again called to order. Names for executive committee wete reported as follows: Loudon Alex McKlnny, F. E. Allen, and J. H. Peery. Brownville-- J. 8. Btull, C. M. Kauffman, and C. W. Wheeler. On motion of Mr. Osborn the above named gentlemen were declared the board of managers. Stull moved to adjourn until this day and hour four weeks hence; which will be April 10th 1 p. m. H. O. Miniok offered the following ; JResolved. That the committees who liavn charge of the original sub- scription papers be earnestly request- ed to fully canvass the precincts and obtain every signature possible, and report to this organization at the next and subsequent meetings. Adopted. Judge Stull's motion to adjourn prevailed. NOTICE. Ticket No. 50 drew the dress. Ticket No. 84 drew the blankets. Ticket No. 48 drew the shawl, at McGee &- - Moore's. ARGOSY SUSPEKDERS. I bare tbe agency for tbe cel- ebrated Argosy suspenders, warranted not to TEAR OFF Buttons. Will Arrive shortly. LOUIS LOWMAIV. New Millinery Goods. MiscLucy Polock has removed her millinery etore Into the H"aHy build- ing, corner of Main and Firet streets. She has just received a fine stock of spring hats, and other nice things, which she de-ir- es the ladies to call and examine before purchasiug else- where. LOST. Between Nemaha City and BrownvlHe. on the bottom road a case of surgical instruments. A lib- eral reward to the finder by leaving them at this office. Mortgages. Mortgage Deeds, Challle Mortgages, "Warranty Deeds, Quit Claim Deeds, Always In Stock, at the ADVERTJ8ER offlce. CTILSOX BROS. I liate the agency for WH- - aon tiro's.' Shirt, which I will make to order. Will arrive is a few-days- . Call and see styles, LOUIS KjOWMAH. J. B. Finch lectures. In Nemaha CHy. .Monday, Tuesday and Wed nee $? nln of thh J?V Kiss Poppleton in BrwaTille. Miss Poppleton, daughter of Hon. A. J. Poppleton, of Omaha, lectured at Marsh Opera House iu this place Monday evening last. The evening was inclement, and tbe lecturer had bot been as well advertised as might have been. The audience, however, was more than average in numbers, under all circumstances, and an ap- preciative one, as was attested by the breathless and close attention given from the opening moment to tbe close. Tbe subject of the lecture was The Life and Character of St. Paul. Without any disposition to follow the line of this masterly effort, let it suf- fice to say that BrownvlHe has sel- dom, if ever in ber history, been fa- vored with suoh an Intellectual treat. Her conception of tbe subject, and character of the wonderful man of whom she spoke, was simply sub- limely grand. Her self-possessio- n. brilliancy of thought, distinctness of speech, intonation, gestures, voice, and expression of mouth and eyes, were unexceptionable, and worthy the most experienced veteran lectur- ers and speakers of tbe day. Miss Poppleton Is a native Nebraskian, a graduate of Vaznar, and deserving tbe pride of ber native city and State, a bright future is surely hers. May tbe moat sauguine anticipations of herself and friends beeves more than realised. F. BrownvlHe Copying House, Over Witling's Store, Brown- vlHe, A'eb.t A. J, Rose, 1'ropr. At this establishment is made tbe most beautiful aud life-lik- e portraits. Old pictures copied and enlarged at prices ranging from $1 to $50. AH kinds of India ink, water colors and oil portraits made at one-ha- lf tbe price charged by any other house in the United Slates and satisfas'ttnn war- ranted. Thanking the citizens of Ne maha county for the liheral patron- age given me, In the three years I have been here, and assuring my cus- tomers that I will line my utmost en- deavors to please In the futun. I re- spectfully ask a continuance nf your patronage. A.J. ROSE. CARPETS, CARPETS, CARPETS, Dolen. Dolen. Dolen. CHEAP hAM Will sell you groceries cheap- er than anybody. Call and ex- amine bis stock, nnd get prices before purchasing elsewhere. Field and Garden, SEEDS D.E.Douglas&Co. BY SPRING DRESS GOODS Are coming. Call and see the new Mornie cloths and Bunt- ings at Loirman's. SUEBIDAN 1TEXS. " "Boom." Is this mid winter? But very little sickness at pres- ent. Some of the band boys who were at the wedding of Mr. Adamson and Miss Naysmith, pronounce it the grandest affair that haB ever taken place in Nemaha county. Several hundred people partook of tbe wed- ding dinner, aud yet there was suffi- cient for hundreds more. Faithful made a speech thanking the boys for music. We cannot attempt to give his Bpeeoh verbatim. We were present at the exhibi- tion given by the Gleu Rock echuul last Tuesday evening and pronounce the exercises a grand success. Mr. Hastie is spoken of by the patrons of the school as a No. 1 teacher. It is amusiug to hear tbe doleful wail of the saloon advocate sb be tells us Browuville is ruined and her trade all gone because people will not trade where they uauuol get whisky, aud the next breath tells ut that there is leu timeK as much whisky sold there now aa there was when saloons were licensed. We hear the same uouaeuse iu Sheridan notwithstanding over two thirds of the legal voters of tbe place have petitioned against license being given to any one to sell liquor. No small excitement prevailed in Sheridan on Saturday last over the arrest or W. Tibbits, J. Baker aud R. Baker on complaint of Rev. Tibbits. These boys were accused of breaking into the store ot W. T. Reed, some time iu February last. There was no proof against tbe boys and they were discharged though had the justice made use of Brother Henry's logic (to-wi- t, if theee bojB did not do the deed who did) he might have held them to bail. Rev. Tibbits conducted theprodeculinu though his pica con- sisted ouly in a scathing rebuke to thuKe who without proof would fasten fuspicinn on those boys, all of which had parents who had hearts. Mr. Murrison has rented the Sher- idan House, and is now furnishing food to tbe hungry at reasonable rates. For your whips go to Bauer's. Dolea wtli receive s. fiab llae ef car pets tn.1 trectc. Stoves and fence wire coming for Stevenson & Cross, New stock of candies arriving at Johnson & Palmer's this week. Sor your curry combs and brushes goto Bauer's. Large line of spring clo thing just received by J. Li McGee. O. . Lett Will pay the highest market price for Butler and Egg. All Persdris knowing themselves to be indebted to Mrs. M. G. Cook will please call and settle with Mls3 Luoy Polock by the l&lb day of March, 16S0, anrj eave cost. Spring and We will have this and most complete Clothing, Dry Goods, ever to L0XD0S 1TKXS "Speak not evil one of another, brethren. He that speaketh evil of his brother, and judgeth his brother, speaketb evil nf the law and judgeth the law, but if thou Judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law, bot a judge. There is one law-giv- er who is able to save and to destroy; who art thou that judgeth another?" "Go too now, ye that say to-d- ay or we will go into snob a eity, and continue there a year, and buy and sell and get gain. Wherefore ye know not what shall be on the mor- row. For what is your life? It Iseven a vapor, that for a little time and then vanishetb away. For that ye ought to say, 'If tbe Lord wills,1 we shall live, and do this or that. But now ye rejoice in your boasting. All such rejoicing is evil, therefore, to him that knnweth to do good and doeth it not, to hits it is slu." "Those railroad bonds." Is now tbe question. Men, when they promise to build a railroad, should do it, or not have pay for It; certainly not. "But innocent parties holding these bonds should have pay for them." Well who should pay them? It is about time that game of having to pay fraudulent honds and notes, because innocent parlies hold them, was stopped. It is a trick of swindlers to sell them, and those buying should be cautious, but if caught in the trap should be the los- ers. Certainly; that is plain common sense, and common honesty. No meeting last Satur- day night, on account of the severity of tbe weather. Last Saturday and Sunday were very cold days, with quite a fall of snow. Aobild was born unto Walden and Mary Ann Clark, on tbe Sth. It is a boy, and weighs 10 pounds. Geo. McGrew bad a slight attack of diptheria, hut is well again. Little OUie McGrew is sick. Most of the fall wheat is not look- ing well died out. SUMMER SILKS Have arrived. Call and ex- - amine them at rElT For Men, Boys and Children. Call at J. L. will his stock by the last of this week. Wall Paper and window shades at the drug and book store of W. H. 87ml School Exercises. The exercises of the Primary will be held in the High School Room, at two o'clock, Friday af ernoon. March 19th. The will be held on Thursday and Friday of the following week. We cordially invite parents and all who are friends of education to spend as much time in the school rooms, on those days, as poihlp. Emma Clark, Anna Emma Mckgan', Teachers. House and Lot for sale cheap will eifhihge" for land or other property. Enquire of H. C Lett, agent. Bain Wagons, with California Brake. Stevenson & Cboss. Highest market price paid for old iron and rags, by Willing Bros. Barb wire th-he- -t and cheapest by Stevenson & Cross. List ef Letters in the Postoffice at Nebraska, for the week ending March 13. 1880, which If not called for will be sent to tbe dead let- ter offlce: Clary, Mrs. 8. H. Hewing, Al. E. Jones, MU8. M. Crbueli, Byron A. Druce, Albert F. Jackson, H. W. Forbes, Wm. MaMiews, Scott. roSTAL CABM. Pettit, Sa'iiuel Wilson, Mbn-Etli- e Ketchum, Spencer. Persons calling for any of the above letters will please say T. C. Hacker. P. M. II. C. Lett Has hew sugar-cure- d hams and fresh drugs and groceries. Willing Bros. pay the highest prioa.for old iron a&d rigs Nebraska. m-- . Qnmmor Furnishing Goods, Hats, Gaps, and Ladies' Fine Shoes brought this market Call and See Me Before You Purchase, LOUIS LOMiLISr. appeareth Oh.lBthutit? temperance Lowman'a. CLOTIIIXG, Lowman's. McGee receive spring McCreery. De- partments exami- nations McDonald, Remaining BrownvlHe, advertised. Brown-vlll- s, week the larg:est,test stock of vf - 1SPIKWALL ITEMS; We have been piagaea1 with measles' for sometime, bat they are now abating. J. A. Weod has two eblldrsa sick with paeumonia. We are to lose B. F. Hassnesi. In a short time be will go to Lead ville. Mr. Steele has moved Into town, and proposes to run a herd tbis ea- rner. Elder Harris failed ta appear, 4 there was no church yesterday. Business is lively In Aspinwall, as may be aeea from the number of teams hitched at alt times. The pebple have just found oul that they can and do buy Standard Prints of W. Tidrew, at 6 cent per yard, and other goods at like pricee. George Woods will carry on blaoksmithing as soon as B. F. H leave?. Farmers having that kind of work to do can bring it along. Ed. Weisenrider is now learning to faros in connection with hog rais- ing. In "Nemaha Items" l&t week we see that Mr. Rhoads, recently of Aspinwall, Is buildibg a shap. Now, tbe fact is, Mr. Rhodes is still a clti-xo- n of Aspinwall, and intends to re' main so. MILLIftERT; Grand Display, Mrs. White has fust received a full line of spring millinery and notions. Also, the best line of corsets ever re- ceived in BrownvlHe. She ibvltss tbe ladies, one and all, to call and ex- amine her stock; She has procured the services of a FIRST-CLAS- S DRESS-MAKE- R, and is prepared to do dress-makin- g iu the latest style, and guarantees sat- isfaction. At the Presbyterian Cfcurea The subject for next Sabbath morn' Ing will be "Wiue is a mocker-str- ong drink is raging and whoso- ever Is deceived thereby is not wise.' Lovers of wine cbme. Lovers- - of strong drink come. Lovers of Intern-perau- ce come. Also lovers of Tem- perance come. All who desire to rise above the evils of Intemperance come, and let us reason together. Eleotion NoticeV NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN will be hsld m tne sev- eral wards of the city of BrownvlHe oa Tuesday. April Atb. 1S80. for tbt eleelloa of the following officers r One Mayor, One Police Judge. One Clerk. Ona Treasurer. . One Councilman tn Ut Ward. One Councilman, tn 2d Ward. One Councilman in 3d Ward. Uy order of the Council. S8wi j. a DOCKER. Clark. CQ3IMERCIAL. THE BROWK VILLE JlArtKETh. BanwjviL.i.K. March 18. 1'tO. Following are the quotations yesterday noon, the lime of going ! jrts. LIVZ STOCK. COKXZCTZS SY B. H. BAILST. STOCZ EXALSX aud SHiPrrs. Hog S3 2KJ8 Steers, fair to choice- -. 3 004 W Cows, fat 3 00J 60 QRAIF MARKET' COBBSCTXn SY D. E. DOUGLAS. OJU.IK KEAIXa. Whsat, eholce fall . W M spring . .... $ n Ryo-i...- ... ...... ....... ....,. id Barley. .................... .M..M.. 209 68 Cora la the ear...-...-.-- .. & 30 shelled 6TRZET ItARKBT-PR- OD UCXi COHRECTED WEEKLY. Corn Heal, 9 IW. b:o Butter. e Lard. 7 W Potatoes . 40$ M Apple. . 1 C01 36 Onions ... W Chickens, old. per dozen 2 002 36 " spring. -- .I 60i 75 Chickens, dressed, ft &.- -. -- . 5 8 Tnr&eys. dressed. ?&. 7d Wood, cord...-...- .- 3S55 00 Hay, ton.. .- -. 4 003 G0 KETAU. MARKET. Flour. R. T. Davis 4 50 " Savannah Mil! fall wheat M " Glen Rock fall wheat- - 400 " Gleallock spring wheat 33ft M Sheridan spring wheat- - .. 336 " Nemaha Vallsy spring. - 335 " Graham ...- 3 0 Bran and Shorts mixed, per 10O. 75 Cera, p'flr bushel- -. ...... 30 Sugar, coffee A, 8K 2u for ; 100 Extra. C. 9 n : : 1 00 " C. lOasa :.... : " tight bmwa. lifts 206 " Cat Loaf. 7X 100 M Powdered, 7 Sis.-- J. 100 Coffee, Rio. 5 S-- ... .. IN O.G. Java. 3H lbs. 1 CO M Moca. S lbs ; X Tea 3?3tW Cranberries, per qL. K Dried Corn, per &- - Dried Apples. 8 a for-Dri- ed 160 Peaches. S& for. l oe Pared Peaches. V a- - -- Pitted 99 Cherries, th., 35 Byrnp. per gal 49AIM Lard. ... ...,;,... ,. M Coal Oil. pergailon-- ., 3K White Fish, per kit-Ma- ckerel, S0376 per kit... 73 Bait, per barrel.. 1S5 Coal Ft. Boon radf per toni SCO 1 - b;a4k ytr ion 700

Transcript of COFFINS, Clothing, Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods,

Page 1: COFFINS, Clothing, Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods,


J- -


-- '' ' .'riTHURSDAY, MARCH 18. 290

Fi Largs, red apples at Gates'.

Colbapprlgar at Cb&. Sodly '&.

. vStores and fence wlra-eonila- for

T&avenson & Cress.

Bent brands of fiour and clears at.Johnson dc Palmer's.

Singer Sewing Machines for aaleheap for cash, at City Bakery.

- SbotGuns end ammunition, byBteveksok & Cboss.

Armstrong & Bros' "Our Belt"ccrTee at Johnson iPalmer'a.

' Lemons, oranges, apples andNew Orleans molasses, at Hill's.

Groceries. Iron and Wagon Tim-

ber, by Bteveksok & CR8.

Bird cages, wall paper and wlu-4o- w

shades at Nlckell's drug store.

A cbolee Xtae at fltr grocerUs at.Stoles'.

I. S. Nace will sunn start a res-

taurant and bakery In the Seamanbuilding.

Pitted cherries. New Ynrfe siloed--apples. Salt Lake peaches and Callfornla plums, at Hill's.

lee and wind during the pastweek have retarded navigation on

the Missouri river here.

r A reliable and certain eare far diarrhoea,vitotery. colic, cholera.morbus, etc. Is Or.

JJ&rehaH's A-ab- laa Oil. Try It. SoWUyA.W.. JCkcU.

Tbe wife of George Hodkln, re-

siding near Nemah City, was burledin Nemaha Cemetery on the 15thlust. 'She was aged about 70 years.

-- The Pinafore troupe are wellphased with their kind reception bythe Falls City people. Everythingwas pleasant excepting the weather.

BBEttMAN HOUSE MInBtreet.BrownvlHe. Nebraska Only first-clas- s

21. 00 per day house in the city.OBverythiue new ami comfortable, tf

This dlsagreeably-jjol- d and wlnd3March culminated lut Friday even innand Saturday in a snow storm, themost extensive of the winter, theenow falling to the depth of abouttwo inches.

We neglected last week to callattention to the douhls column adver-tisement of Mr. David Campbell,dealer in agricultural implements andmsohinery. He hRfl his capacious es-

tablishment full from top to bottom.

We received for publication lastweek, after our paper had been print-ed, the procrnmnie for the musicalconcert at the Normal School. Peru.

. ob the 17th inet. Matter Intendedfor our oolumus, should be placed in

. --our hands by Tuesday, if its publica-

tion is desired In the issue of that"Week.

Whisky killed another man inNebraska a few days aito. It was In

Otoe county not far from here. n

Verhueaen an old man of 60

years was the victim. He went toNebraska City, and In the genialwarmth and devilishly dazing Influ-

ences of a "gilded palace of bell" hebecame drunken, started for home,and on the road frose to eath in hiswagon. This Is a Blmllar oase to the'killing of Pat. Burke by the saloonof BrownvlHe. A good and prosper-ous citizen, and would have been so

yet. alive and well oaring for his fam-

ily had It not been for the damnabledeath dealing influences of Brown-vlHe saloons.

The ehallenge give by TomKearns, to tbe Nemaha SportingClub to shoot with their championM. Den, for the "Co. bartee1' has brenrejected; and. to express a candidopinion we think It fs becau Mr.Den Is afraid to meet him. Tom Isthe best shot In this County. a b- -

en prove by a fair show, SheridanFott.

'We took pains to enquire about thecorrectness of the above of Mr. Wm.T. Den, sire of the champion, and hesaid he knew nothing ahnat it. Ofeearcs had Mr. Reams in due formchallenged the champion, noticewoold have t be taken of it and thechallenge entertaiaed, and Mr. Denwould have known something about"it. The rules governing the dleb Te- -

ecire that --after --any winner of the"badge has held the 'same for twoweeks, he way be challenged for acontact by any owns be r of the club.and the present champion Is compell- -

-- esVto shoot or caase to be champion,"by default.

Falls'Clty Journal.' Pinafore,"as rendered by the BrownvlHe troupe,with Miss Cora Gates as Musical Di-

rector, was admirably rendered onThursday evening at "Cam's OperaHouse. Miss Gates and Iter company

' met wlttran eutrruslastio reception byour people, who filled the large roomto overflowing, and who acknowl-edged their appreciation by frequentbursts of applause. We are sorrythat tluaeanfl space forbid nnrtsaking

--personal mention of each player, batwill say that all did well, showingthat Miss Gates has a proper concep-tion of this opera, and has spared nopains to impart that "knowledge to theTest of her "sisters, ber cousins andber aunts." So well pleased were theaudlenoe that the company was re-

quested to repeat "Pinafore" to-nig- ht

(Friday) with tbe assurance that an-

other crowded bouse would greetthem. Those who were not there lastsight should net fail to be presentjhlt irpniojf.

1 I


Family --wfcUe Asto t Zale'a.California Caned Hill's,

--r Nickell keeps all tbelatest books.raedtaines, of very kind

at Ntokell'a.- Orange and lemons St Job nsoD

Palmer's.tbecarflof th new firm of

Body & Bath.Read Willing Sres.' pig Nemaha

advertisement.Please pay ap your subscription

for this paper.Chattel Mortgage at T AD-TS-Tf

SR office.Nemaha eoanty Book Store is

now at Nlekell's.Coffins, furniture and wagons at

Stevenson & Cross'.Boston crackers best In the

market, at Chas. Body's.Finest stationery and toilet ar

ticles at Nickell!s drug store.New stock of candles and canned

goods at Johnson 4b Palmer's.Farmers get your tin work done

at Nemaha City, by Willing Bros.Money to loan on Ileal Estate se-

curity. Apply to Wm. H. Hoover.Rope, brooms, tubs, buckets and

Sour by Stevenson & Cross.Call at A W. N'ckelPs drug

store for a bottle of Thomas' eclectrlcoil.

Teas, Queens ware, Crosscut Saws,Rope and Baskets by Stevenson &

Crops.Dr. Collins, DautNt. Brow'nvll le,

Office hours, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Not atborne on Fridays. 38 tf

2,500 acres of land in BedfordPrecinct for sale on reasonable terms.Apply to William H. Hoover.

I have for sale, cheap, some oholcelots, in Nemaha Cily, for those whowant to build. Wm. H. Hoover.

FOR SALE. Cheap for caBh Twohorses and harness and one springwngan. Apply to N. E. Furlough,BrownvlHe.

Call and see the largest stock,the latest and best make of cookingstoves, just received at BrownvlHeand NernahaCity, by Willing Bros.FOR SALE. The s. w. fr. qr. of then. w. fr. qr. of Sec. 6. T. 8, R. 1540acres. Very cneap lor casu. Applyto Robt. W.Furnas BrownvlHe, Neb.

Marriedon Sunday, 14th the residenconf AmosT. D. Hughes.Bedford pteclnct, by Elder TibbitB,Mr. John Cowell and Miss KatieSmith.

Accompanying this notice was awedding cake of such ample propor-tions, externa charms and internalexcellence, as would cause the mostpleasurable emotions to thrill thestomach of a whole platoon of hungryprinters; for this kind remem-branc- R

by the lovely bride and herloving John, we tender our thanksand congratulations, and wish forthem a life long honey-moo- n.

The following ie a list of judgesand olerks to serve at the ensuing cityelection ; and the voting places of thedifferent ward :

First Ward at lumber yard of W.A. Judkins. M. M. Conner, J.Fudge, F. August, judges; A.Con-ner, L. L. Hulburd, clerks.

Second Ward at Court House. J.Love, M. L Emery, Robt. Carr, jud-ges ; J. Coebran, 1). J. Arnold,clerks.

Third Ward at Whlttemore'sstore. J. Wbittemore, J. Lippitt, W.H. Lorancs, judges ; E. Lippitt, P.Lowry olerks.

In a recent saloon mute at Wlob-t- a,

Rausas, one Nolan, was killed.Robert Jarrad, a lawyer at Roch-

ester, N. Y. recently while drunk shotand killed a man named Bice, andthen hanged himself.

R. M. Johnson, of Worcester,Mass., suicided in a taloon on tbe 9luinat.

A man was frozen to death InOtoe county last week, after becom-ing otupifled with whitky.

In Nuckolls county, Nebraskalast week a man named MoPhersonwa shot and instantly killed by arailroad oontraoinr named Andrew).Aonroner's jury found that hoth menwere drunk and tbe killing accident-al.

Wilbur Opposition: We are re-

liably informed that the 11. & M. rail-

road Co. will build their line fromFlr bury to Blue Springs, instead ofBeatrice, as was first contemplated.The surveyors are now on the propos-ed route. An extension east will gothrough the county of Pawnee andPawnee city, and intersect the A. &N. at Fall City, which road they nowcontrol. The extension from FallCity to Nemaha City would maketheir line complete, and would morethan likely transfer considerable ofthe freight to St. Joseph, Mo., whereIt would intersect with the C B. & Q..which road is no ruuning into thelatter place over the narrow gaugeroad they lately purchased and chang-ed to a standard gauge. Some of thebusiness eaen of Beatrice may nowsee where they carried the war toofar against the B. & M. Co. in the latebond fight, by causing thetn to obancetheir original intention of goingthrough their city.

NolleIs hereby given that I will examine

all persons who may desire to offerthemselves as candidates for teachersof the primary or common schools ofthis oounty, at the Court House, inBrownvlHe on tbe first Saturday ineach month. Priup CbothbA.

21-- tf Co. Superintendent.

YOUNG MEN,We have clothing

that will just suityou. Call and examine at Louis Low--

. amans.The New American

Self-threadi- ng Sewing Machinethe best In the market. For sale atthe "Regulator" by


furniture and wagons at' "8"lereno54irCrT,.1,S!" -- -


itAlt DWARE,






Produce Wanted



Location Changed.I have removed my stock of Agri-

cultural Implements to Carson's oldbank, where I will go it alone withthe largest stock of the best goods inmy line ever seen in BrownvlHe.J offer many thanks to my many

friends for their liberal patronage inthe past and by fair dealing I hope fora continuance of their trade.

ItaEEBT Tears.

Removed.Mrs. J. B. McCabe has removed her

dress-makin- ir establishment to therooms over Wllllng's store, and willbe pleased to have all friends and cus-

tomers call on her in her new quar-ters.

For a pood setorharnesstullywarranted, go to Souder'g.

BOYS CLOTHING.We have received

quj entire SPrillff. , .

stocK oi ooys cioin-ing- .

Call and seehow cheap we sellthem. L. Lowman.

John L.. Carson and JosephHuddart have purcbashed theGleu Rock Mills, in Xeurihacounty, and with David HIc-Lausrh- lin

as head miller, offernone but first class flour, in ex-change for good wheat. Wheatwanted at market price Torcash. 87w4

OTJK SPRINGgoods have commenc-ed arriving. Call andsee them before youpurchase.

Louis Lowman.

Christian Church, Main Street.Services every Sunday at 11 o'clock

a. m., and 7 o'clock, p. m. SundaySchool at 10 o'clock, a. m. Prayermeeting and Sunday 8chooI lessonreview Wednesdaya, at 7 p. m.

Elder Charles Rowe.

Elorida orangesnew and fresh atDolen's.

Land in Peru Bottom for Sale.The Southwest fractional quarter of

the Northwest fractional quarter ofsection six, town six, rang fifteen,forty sores, for sole very cheap forcash. Apply to Robt. W. Furnas,BrownvlHe, Nebraska. '""

For collars, whips, currycombs, brushes and everythingin the harness line, Souderkeeps tbe best at reasonableprices.

Breaking Plows JnL0P--3ll Cultivators iCK S


Willing Broa. hare a large stock.of hardware, stoves, plain and barbfence wire, plows, harrows, cultiva-tors, corn planters and sulky plows.Give them a call.

Walnuts TT anted.Walnuts that have lain out on the

cround all wlntr, with the hulls on.Cash paid by Robt. W. Furnas, ofBrownvlHe. Nebraska.

CHEAP 8 A SIla the ylace to get your cheap

boots, shoes and slippers, ashehas received his spring andsummer stock, and will sellcheap for cash.

Goods arriving daily forthe spring trade at thecheap store of J. L. McGee.

hushels of com will pay for The Ad-vertiser one year. tf.

Tmeses and shoulder braces ofevery kind and description at Niok-ell- 's


For your saddle go toBauer's. ,

Spring: ceodsJattTccetTed at Delta's.0U cad see.

Fresh and covs oysters at John-son 4s Palmer's.

Tar yottx' haneg go id

The Great Internationaland


McGEE & MOOREWill open about the 25th an entire stock ofnew

of. all kinds and will jbe offered to our many cus-

tomers at our usual

Bemember the place,

McGee & Moore's Great International Store.


Mrs. T. O. Hacker returned fromber visit to Bed Oloud, Monday thisweek.

H. H. Dolen will start east nextMonday to purchase a new. stock ofgoods. Ladies wait for Dolen's stock.

Mrs. Ben. Rogers, of CouncilBluffs, waB In tbe city last week looking after ber property, and seeing old

friends.Joe Helkes arrived in BrownvlHe

on Saturday lant from St. Joseph. Hewill take obarge of tbe KaufJmanNurseries this summer.

Mrs. J. Ellen Foster, a lawyer,and noted for her brilliant efforts in

behalf of temperauce principles, will

lecture in this city next week.Dr. Jona Crane has rented the

room formerly occupied by J. L. Roy,and will opeu an office, with perhapsa small stock of drugs, in a shorttime.

J. B. Finch will lecture in theOpera House. BrownvlHe, on the ev

enings of Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next week. Of coursebody will want to hear him.

Miss Poppleton delivered herlecture on St. Paul In this city onMonday evening to an appreciativeand good tdsed audience. We muchregretted that we were deprived theprivilege of hearing the gifted lady ;

but those who heard her expressthemselves highly pleased with herlecture.

R. 8. Hannaford came aroundlast week and renewed his annualMibsorlptlon for The Advertisku.this beinj? the 24th time he has doneso. He has taken it from the first is-

sue. We thank our old friend audpatron, and commend him for keeping his family alwayB supplied withsuch reading matter such facility formental and moral growth. Mr. healthy and prosperous, and hisfamily are intelligent. Mr. H. Is a

fit example for uew beginners. Mayhe live to renew 2--5 times more.

J. L. McGee, the Prince Mer-

chant of this part of (he State, hasnot returned home yet, but the newgoods he is purchasing have begun toarrive. Jim McGee's motto, you

know. If you know him at all, is

"Excelsior," which means higher,more lofty, the excelling of others.Hte ambition aud enterprise deter-

mines him to have the biggest stock,best, and most varied ; and J. L.would come short of even moderatehappiness, If any competing housewas In any manner ahead of him.When the full spring stock which heis now buying is opened, added tohis already immense stock, and dis-

played to the delighted view of thepublic, they will see the largest stockof gooda ever opened in BrownvlHe,and wonder what be will do withthose Immense piles of clothing, cal-

icoes, hats, caps, boots, shoes, and allthoBe nice goods which del'ght theIadieB. Mr. Conyers, head olerk,says: "Tell the paople to wait forour new stock. It will be here, com-

plete, ere long, and will be thegrand-es- tdisplay ever made in the goods

line In BrownvlHe." Next week abig advertlr-emen- t of this magnificentemporium will appear iu these col-


HATS AND CAPS.A large spring

stock on the way, willreceive in a few days.Wait for them atLowman's.

Seed. Catalogue.

Joseph Harris, of Moreton --Farm,Rochester, N. Y-- . sends us his Cata-logue of Choiee. Garden and FlowerSeeds for 1880. It is sent free of chargeto all applicants. Drop him a postalcard with your address, and tell himyou saw this notice iu the NEBRASKA


UNDERTAKING.Joseph L. Roy has removed his un-

dertaking business from this city outto his farm, three miles west ofBrnwnville. on the Tecumseh road.Call there if you want anything inhis line.

Sumel's kids at Do-

len's in all the newshades.

Catalpa Tree Seed.t have a few pounds Catalpa seed

for sale. The pure hardy variety,procured from Dr. Warder, PresidentAmerican Forestry Association.

Robt. W. Fdbnas,BrownvlHe, Neb.

CI8TERNSMade and warranted sound; and

joba ofFLASTEiiirv'G

solicited. All work done promptly,and satisfaction as to prices and work.guaranteed. Apply to


Tbe Antl Bond Asioclatiea.

Tbe Association met for business at1 p. m., In the court room, SaturdayISth lust., president McGrew presid-ing. Although tbe weather was dis-

agreeable the attendance from thecountry and city was unusuallylarge.

Minutes of previous meeting wereread, corrected aud approved. JudgeStull called up his motion for the elec-

tion of three gentlemen from eachprecinct as a board of managers.Thereupon ex-Sena- Tipton present-ed the following resolutions as a sub-

stitute for Stull's motion:Jitsuived. That a board of Man-

agers euall be elected jointly by thelux-paye- ra ut Brown vilie muu LuuUuupreclude, who have signed, the origi-nal papers, to which all questions shallbe relerred, relative to employing at-t- ys

aud deteudiug against an suitthat may be brought ugaiusl them forthe payment of R. R. bouds.

Jietolved. That this meeting limitthe board to the amount of oue year'sinterest on said bonus, beyoud vrniuhthey shall nut go iq 1'ne employment

jofatiysaud meeting ail other expeu-se- s,

and Instruct them to keep as farI below said amount as possible; andthat all such sub-orlpti- nn papers, asare now in the hands of oomtnittee.when, completed. I e placed'in the pos-session of imid board of mtnagers.

Stull accepted the substitute.Mr Oiborn favored letting all the

tax payers take a part and vote inthese meetings, whether members ofthe association or not.

The president ruled Stull's motionand Tipton's substitute all out of or-

der, and that all things are and willbe nut of order until Hubsorlptiun paper are reported. But supporters ofTipton's resolutions Insisting thatthey were In order, the chairmanyielded and put the motion for theadoption of the resolutions, and theywere adopted.

C W. Wheeler made a motion thata board of managers of 8 be elected. 3

from each precinct. Mr. Kesteronthought 6 too many favored three.Mr. Stull thought G just right. Themotion prevailed providing forQ. Themeeting then took a recess for liveminutes, during which lime tbe mem-nersT- Jf

London aud the members ofBrownville got together In differentparts of the house and agreed uponthe three names to be presented byeach for said committee. When themeeting was again called to order.Names for executive committee wetereported as follows:

Loudon Alex McKlnny, F. E.Allen, and J. H. Peery.

Brownville-- J. 8. Btull, C. M.Kauffman, and C. W. Wheeler.

On motion of Mr. Osborn the abovenamed gentlemen were declared theboard of managers.

Stull moved to adjourn until thisday and hour four weeks hence;which will be April 10th 1 p. m.

H. O. Miniok offered the following ;

JResolved. That the committeeswho liavn charge of the original sub-scription papers be earnestly request-ed to fully canvass the precincts andobtain every signature possible, andreport to this organization at the nextand subsequent meetings. Adopted.

Judge Stull's motion to adjournprevailed.

NOTICE.Ticket No. 50 drew

the dress. Ticket No.84 drew the blankets.Ticket No. 48 drewthe shawl, at McGee&-- Moore's.

ARGOSY SUSPEKDERS.I bare tbe agency for tbe cel-

ebrated Argosy suspenders,warranted not to TEAR OFFButtons. Will Arrive shortly.


New Millinery Goods.MiscLucy Polock has removed her

millinery etore Into the H"aHy build-ing, corner of Main and Firet streets.She has just received a fine stock ofspring hats, and other nice things,which she de-ir- es the ladies to calland examine before purchasiug else-


LOST.Between Nemaha City and

BrownvlHe. on the bottom road acase of surgical instruments. A lib-

eral reward to the finder by leavingthem at this office.

Mortgages.Mortgage Deeds,

Challle Mortgages,"Warranty Deeds,

Quit Claim Deeds,Always In Stock, at the

ADVERTJ8ER offlce.

CTILSOX BROS.I liate the agency for WH- -

aon tiro's.' Shirt, which I willmake to order. Will arrive isa few-days- . Call and see styles,


J. B. Finch lectures. In NemahaCHy. .Monday, Tuesday and Wed nee

$? nln of thh J?V

Kiss Poppleton in BrwaTille.

Miss Poppleton, daughter of Hon.A. J. Poppleton, of Omaha, lecturedat Marsh Opera House iu this placeMonday evening last. The eveningwas inclement, and tbe lecturer hadbot been as well advertised as mighthave been. The audience, however,was more than average in numbers,under all circumstances, and an ap-

preciative one, as was attested by thebreathless and close attention givenfrom the opening moment to tbeclose. Tbe subject of the lecture wasThe Life and Character of St. Paul.Without any disposition to follow theline of this masterly effort, let it suf-

fice to say that BrownvlHe has sel-

dom, if ever in ber history, been fa-

vored with suoh an Intellectual treat.Her conception of tbe subject, andcharacter of the wonderful man ofwhom she spoke, was simply sub-limely grand. Her self-possessio-n.

brilliancy of thought, distinctness ofspeech, intonation, gestures, voice,and expression of mouth and eyes,were unexceptionable, and worthythe most experienced veteran lectur-ers and speakers of tbe day. MissPoppleton Is a native Nebraskian, agraduate of Vaznar, and deservingtbe pride of ber native city and State,a bright future is surely hers. Maytbe moat sauguine anticipations ofherself and friends beeves more thanrealised. F.

BrownvlHe Copying House,Over Witling's Store, Brown-vlHe, A'eb.t A. J, Rose, 1'ropr.

At this establishment is made tbemost beautiful aud life-lik- e portraits.Old pictures copied and enlarged atprices ranging from $1 to $50. AHkinds of India ink, water colors andoil portraits made at one-ha- lf tbe pricecharged by any other house in theUnited Slates and satisfas'ttnn war-ranted. Thanking the citizens of Nemaha county for the liheral patron-age given me, In the three years Ihave been here, and assuring my cus-tomers that I will line my utmost en-

deavors to please In the futun. I re-

spectfully ask a continuance nf yourpatronage. A.J. ROSE.


Dolen. Dolen. Dolen.

CHEAP hAMWill sell you groceries cheap-er than anybody. Call and ex-

amine bis stock, nnd get pricesbefore purchasing elsewhere.

Field and Garden,



SPRING DRESS GOODSAre coming. Call and see thenew Mornie cloths and Bunt-ings at Loirman's.


""Boom."Is this mid winter?But very little sickness at pres-

ent.Some of the band boys who were

at the wedding of Mr. Adamson andMiss Naysmith, pronounce it thegrandest affair that haB ever takenplace in Nemaha county. Severalhundred people partook of tbe wed-

ding dinner, aud yet there was suffi-

cient for hundreds more. Faithfulmade a speech thanking the boys formusic. We cannot attempt to givehis Bpeeoh verbatim.

We were present at the exhibi-tion given by the Gleu Rock echuullast Tuesday evening and pronouncethe exercises a grand success. Mr.Hastie is spoken of by the patrons ofthe school as a No. 1 teacher.

It is amusiug to hear tbe dolefulwail of the saloon advocate sb be tellsus Browuville is ruined and her tradeall gone because people will not tradewhere they uauuol get whisky, audthe next breath tells ut that there isleu timeK as much whisky sold therenow aa there was when saloons werelicensed. We hear the same uouaeuseiu Sheridan notwithstanding overtwo thirds of the legal voters of tbeplace have petitioned against licensebeing given to any one to sell liquor.

No small excitement prevailedin Sheridan on Saturday last over thearrest or W. Tibbits, J. Baker aud R.Baker on complaint of Rev. Tibbits.These boys were accused of breakinginto the store ot W. T. Reed, sometime iu February last. There was noproof against tbe boys and they weredischarged though had the justicemade use of Brother Henry's logic(to-wi- t, if theee bojB did not do thedeed who did) he might have heldthem to bail. Rev. Tibbits conductedtheprodeculinu though his pica con-

sisted ouly in a scathing rebuke tothuKe who without proof would fastenfuspicinn on those boys, all of whichhad parents who had hearts.

Mr. Murrison has rented the Sher-

idan House, and is now furnishingfood to tbe hungry at reasonablerates.

For your whips go toBauer's.

Dolea wtli receive s. fiab llae ef carpets tn.1 trectc.

Stoves and fence wire coming forStevenson & Cross,

New stock of candies arriving atJohnson & Palmer's this week.

Sor your curry combs andbrushes goto Bauer's.

Large line of spring clothing just received by J. LiMcGee.

O. . LettWill pay the highest market price

for Butler and Egg.

All Persdrisknowing themselves to be indebtedto Mrs. M. G. Cook will please calland settle with Mls3 Luoy Polock bythe l&lb day of March, 16S0, anrj eavecost.

Spring and

We will have thisand most complete

Clothing,Dry Goods,

ever to


"Speak not evil one of another,brethren. He that speaketh evil ofhis brother, and judgeth his brother,speaketb evil nf the law and judgeththe law, but if thou Judge the law,thou art not a doer of the law, bot ajudge. There is one law-giv- er who isable to save and to destroy; who artthou that judgeth another?"

"Go too now, ye that say to-d- ay orwe will go into snob a eity,

and continue there a year, and buyand sell and get gain. Wherefore yeknow not what shall be on the mor-row. For what is your life? It Isevena vapor, that for a littletime and then vanishetb away. Forthat ye ought to say, 'If tbe Lordwills,1 we shall live, and do this orthat. But now ye rejoice in yourboasting. All such rejoicing is evil,therefore, to him that knnweth to dogood and doeth it not, to hits it isslu."

"Those railroad bonds." Is now tbequestion. Men, when they promiseto build a railroad, should do it, ornot have pay for It; certainly not."But innocent parties holding thesebonds should have pay for them."

Well who should paythem? It is about time that game ofhaving to pay fraudulent honds andnotes, because innocent parlies holdthem, was stopped. It is a trick ofswindlers to sell them, and thosebuying should be cautious, but ifcaught in the trap should be the los-

ers. Certainly; that is plain commonsense, and common honesty.

No meeting last Satur-day night, on account of the severityof tbe weather.

Last Saturday and Sunday werevery cold days, with quite a fall ofsnow.

Aobild was born unto Walden andMary Ann Clark, on tbe Sth. It is aboy, and weighs 10 pounds.

Geo. McGrew bad a slight attack ofdiptheria, hut is well again.

Little OUie McGrew is sick.Most of the fall wheat is not look-

ing well died out.

SUMMER SILKSHave arrived. Call and ex- -amine them at

rElTFor Men, Boys and Children.Call at

J. L. willhis stock by the lastof this week.

Wall Paperand window shades at the drug andbook store of W. H. 87ml

School Exercises.

The exercises of the Primarywill be held in the High

School Room, at two o'clock, Fridayaf ernoon. March 19th. The

will be held on Thursday andFriday of the following week. Wecordially invite parents and all whoare friends of education to spend asmuch time in the school rooms, onthose days, as poihlp.

Emma Clark,AnnaEmma Mckgan',


House and Lotfor sale cheap will eifhihge" forland or other property. Enquire of

H. C Lett, agent.

Bain Wagons, with CaliforniaBrake. Stevenson & Cboss.

Highest market price paid forold iron and rags, by Willing Bros.

Barb wire th-he- -t and cheapestby Stevenson & Cross.

List ef Letters

in the Postoffice atNebraska, for the week

ending March 13. 1880, which If notcalled for will be sent to tbe dead let-

ter offlce:Clary, Mrs. 8. H. Hewing, Al. E.Jones, MU8. M. Crbueli, Byron A.Druce, Albert F. Jackson, H. W.Forbes, Wm. MaMiews, Scott.

roSTAL CABM.Pettit, Sa'iiuel Wilson, Mbn-Etli-e

Ketchum, Spencer.Persons calling for any of the above

letters will please sayT. C. Hacker. P. M.

II. C. LettHas hew sugar-cure- d hams and

fresh drugs and groceries.

Willing Bros. pay the highestprioa.for old iron a&d rigs


m-- .


Furnishing Goods,Hats, Gaps, and Ladies' Fine Shoes

brought this market

Call and See Me Before You Purchase,








McGee receivespring








Brown-vlll- s,

week the larg:est,teststock of



We have been piagaea1 withmeasles' for sometime, bat they arenow abating.

J. A. Weod has two eblldrsasick with paeumonia.

We are to lose B. F. Hassnesi.In a short time be will go to Leadville.

Mr. Steele has moved Into town,and proposes to run a herd tbis ea-

rner.Elder Harris failed ta appear, 4

there was no church yesterday.Business is lively In Aspinwall,

as may be aeea from the number ofteams hitched at alt times.

The pebple have just found oulthat they can and do buy StandardPrints of W. Tidrew, at 6 cent peryard, and other goods at like pricee.

George Woods will carry onblaoksmithing as soon as B. F. Hleave?. Farmers having that kind ofwork to do can bring it along.

Ed. Weisenrider is now learningto faros in connection with hog rais-ing.

In "Nemaha Items" l&t weekwe see that Mr. Rhoads, recently ofAspinwall, Is buildibg a shap. Now,tbe fact is, Mr. Rhodes is still a clti-xo- n

of Aspinwall, and intends to re'main so.


Grand Display,Mrs. White has fust received a full

line of spring millinery and notions.Also, the best line of corsets ever re-

ceived in BrownvlHe. She ibvltsstbe ladies, one and all, to call and ex-

amine her stock;She has procured the services of a


and is prepared to do dress-makin- g

iu the latest style, and guarantees sat-isfaction.

At the Presbyterian Cfcurea

The subject for next Sabbath morn'Ing will be "Wiue is a mocker-str- ong

drink is raging and whoso-ever Is deceived thereby is not wise.'Lovers of wine cbme. Lovers-- ofstrong drink come. Lovers of Intern-perau- ce

come. Also lovers of Tem-perance come. All who desire to riseabove the evils of Intemperance come,and let us reason together.


will be hsld m tne sev-eral wards of the city of BrownvlHe oaTuesday. April Atb. 1S80. for tbt eleelloa ofthe following officers r

One Mayor,One Police Judge.One Clerk.Ona Treasurer. .One Councilman tn Ut Ward.One Councilman, tn 2d Ward.One Councilman in 3d Ward.Uy order of the Council.S8wi j. a DOCKER. Clark.


BanwjviL.i.K. March 18. 1'tO.Following are the quotations yesterday

noon, the lime of going ! jrts.LIVZ STOCK.


Steers, fair to choice- -. 3 004 WCows, fat 3 00J 60


KEAIXa.Whsat, eholce fall . W

M spring . .... $ nRyo-i...- ... ...... ....... ....,. idBarley. .................... .M..M.. 209 68Cora la the ear...-...-.-- .. & 30



Corn Heal, 9 IW. b:oButter.

eLard. 7 W

Potatoes . 40$ M

Apple. . 1 C01 36Onions ... WChickens, old. per dozen 2 002 36

" spring. -- . I 60i 75

Chickens, dressed, ft &.- -. --. 5 8Tnr&eys. dressed. ?&. 7dWood, cord...-...- .- 3S55 00Hay, ton.. .- -. 4 003 G0

KETAU. MARKET.Flour. R. T. Davis 4 50

" Savannah Mil! fall wheat M" Glen Rock fall wheat-- 400" Gleallock spring wheat 33ftM Sheridan spring wheat- - .. 336" Nemaha Vallsy spring. - 335" Graham ...- 3 0

Bran and Shorts mixed, per 10O. 75Cera, p'flr bushel- -. ...... 30Sugar, coffee A, 8K 2u for ; 100

Extra. C. 9 n : : 1 00" C. lOasa :.... :" tight bmwa. lifts 206" Cat Loaf. 7X 100M Powdered, 7 Sis.-- J. 100

Coffee, Rio. 5 S-- ... .. INO.G. Java. 3H lbs. 1 CO

M Moca. S lbs ; X

Tea 3?3tWCranberries, per qL. K

Dried Corn, per &- -Dried Apples. 8 a for-Dri-

ed 160Peaches. S & for. l oe

Pared Peaches. V a- - --Pitted

99Cherries, th., 35

Byrnp. per gal 49AIMLard. ... ...,;,... ,. MCoal Oil. pergailon-- ., 3K

White Fish, per kit-Ma- ckerel, S0376per kit... 73

Bait, per barrel.. 1S5Coal Ft. Boon radfper toni SCO

1 - b;a4k ytr ion 700