總會長的話 調適生命之道 -...

2006-11.12/1 西元 2006-11.12 第一一八期 佛光紀元 39 總會長的話 調適生命之道 人生難免會有起起落落,若能懂得調適,逆境也會成為順境。生 命需要調適,尤其是觀念的調適最為重要;擁有平靜的心靈,才能擁 有善美的人生。「調適生命之道」有四點建議: 第一、「學習吃虧」能養德: 比較、計較的日子不好過,因此人要學習吃虧。吃虧只是一時之失,得到長久的心安,討便 宜雖是一時之勝,卻難保永久的勝利,好比兄弟相處若互不相讓,則有兄弟鬩牆之虞;朋友 之間若互相占便宜,則不得深厚友誼。所以,從吃虧中學習退讓,久而久之,人的器量就會 增大,人緣也就更廣了。 第二、「人我互調」能慈悲: 要做好人際溝通,最強調的就是同理心,處處站在他人的立場來看事情,待人才能更圓融。 如果每個人在埋怨別人前,都能人我互調地去考量別人的言行,那麼也就不容易起瞋心。好 比你是一名員工,就必須考慮到主管的難處;你是主管,就應該照顧到員工的利益。凡事都 能「待人如己」,為他人著想,才能和他人友好相處。 第三、「當然如此」能自在: 一個人想要擁有智慧,觀念的建立很重要。受苦時,不以為苦,想當然也;受挫時,絕不灰 心,想當然爾。能夠坦然接受人生的各種考驗,生活才會過得自在安忍;凡事如果都認為自 己有理,則經常要怨天尤人,人生不易成長,唯有去除我見、我執,「當然如此」地接受, 才是一種進步。 第四、「享有就好」能常樂: 人生不一定要擁有,享有就好。好比山河大地雖然不是我的,但是我可以悠遊其中;別人擁 有骨董、寶貝不是我的,但是我的眼睛能夠欣賞。富有之人,即使擁有廣廈千間,患得患 失,又有何幸福可言;平民百姓雖然沒有榮華富貴,卻能隨心所欲,安然自在。有的人見不 得人家擁有,給予搶奪、侵犯。其實,能隨喜讚歎,享有歡喜不是更好嗎?世間不可能樣樣 擁有,但是享有的樂趣卻是無窮盡的。 「調適生命」是人一生的功課。人人若能調適生命,生命淨化,社會也將呈現一片祥和。「調 適生命之道」有四點: 第一、「學習吃虧」能養德 第二、「人我互調」能慈悲 第三、「當然如此」能自在 第四、「享有就好」能常樂 歡迎助印 #VEEIBT -JHIU /FXTMFUUFS 48&%&/ PG:4037090-0 BLIA Stockholm IBPS-Sweden, Blygatan 3, 195 72 Rosersberg. Stockholm http://dharma.fgs.org.tw/shrine/ibps-sweden Tel : 08-5903 5801 E-mail:[email protected] Fax:08-5903 5815

Transcript of 總會長的話 調適生命之道 -...

  • 2006-11.12/1

    西元 2006-11.12 第一一八期 佛光紀元 39 年

    總會長的話 調適生命之道


    第一、「學習吃虧」能養德: 比較、計較的日子不好過,因此人要學習吃虧。吃虧只是一時之失,得到長久的心安,討便宜雖是一時之勝,卻難保永久的勝利,好比兄弟相處若互不相讓,則有兄弟鬩牆之虞;朋友之間若互相占便宜,則不得深厚友誼。所以,從吃虧中學習退讓,久而久之,人的器量就會增大,人緣也就更廣了。

    第二、「人我互調」能慈悲: 要做好人際溝通,最強調的就是同理心,處處站在他人的立場來看事情,待人才能更圓融。如果每個人在埋怨別人前,都能人我互調地去考量別人的言行,那麼也就不容易起瞋心。好比你是一名員工,就必須考慮到主管的難處;你是主管,就應該照顧到員工的利益。凡事都能「待人如己」,為他人著想,才能和他人友好相處。

    第三、「當然如此」能自在: 一個人想要擁有智慧,觀念的建立很重要。受苦時,不以為苦,想當然也;受挫時,絕不灰心,想當然爾。能夠坦然接受人生的各種考驗,生活才會過得自在安忍;凡事如果都認為自己有理,則經常要怨天尤人,人生不易成長,唯有去除我見、我執,「當然如此」地接受,才是一種進步。

    第四、「享有就好」能常樂: 人生不一定要擁有,享有就好。好比山河大地雖然不是我的,但是我可以悠遊其中;別人擁有骨董、寶貝不是我的,但是我的眼睛能夠欣賞。富有之人,即使擁有廣廈千間,患得患失,又有何幸福可言;平民百姓雖然沒有榮華富貴,卻能隨心所欲,安然自在。有的人見不得人家擁有,給予搶奪、侵犯。其實,能隨喜讚歎,享有歡喜不是更好嗎?世間不可能樣樣擁有,但是享有的樂趣卻是無窮盡的。


    第一、「學習吃虧」能養德 第二、「人我互調」能慈悲

    第三、「當然如此」能自在 第四、「享有就好」能常樂

    贈 閱歡迎助印

    PG:4037090-0BLIA Stockholm

    IBPS-Sweden, Blygatan 3, 195 72 Rosersberg. Stockholm http://dharma.fgs.org.tw/shrine/ibps-sweden Tel : 08-5903 5801 E-mail:[email protected] Fax:08-5903 5815

  • 2006-11.12/2










    第一、以法為會 第二、以法為師 第三、以法為軌 第四、以法為樂

  • 2006-11.12/3


    12 月 03 日 1.光明燈消災法會 上午 11:00 - 12:30(星期日) 2.「中醫養生保健」講座 下午 2:00 - 4:00

    12 月 10 日 1.禪淨共修 上午 11:00 - 12:30(星期日) 2.理事月例會 下午 2:00 - 4:00

    12 月 17 日 1.光明燈消災法會 上午 11:00 - 12:30(星期日) 2.「06 年佛光會員大會」 下午 2:00 - 4:00

    12 月 24 日 1.禪淨共修 上午 11:00 - 12:30(星期日) 2.「人間」讀書會 下午 2:00 - 4:00

    12 月 30-31 日彌陀精進念佛法會 上午 10:30 – (星期六、日) 下午 4:30




    Jack Ha Tommy Kan Ting Ting Kan


    供奉釋迦(彩):葉炳宏 黃偉洲 余坤峻

    供奉地藏(中):溫笑容 葉古美嫺

    護 法 委 員:何真安 胡碧欣

  • 2006-11.12/4

    Investigating Cause and Effect 推果尋因 By Venerable Master Hsing Yun

    It is easy for everyone to talk about "cause and effect," but not everyone understands its true meaning. Even scholars or professors do not understand it clearly. This is because ordinary people only care about the effect and do not appreciate the cause. This is why there is the Buddhist saying, "Bodhisattvas fear cause and sentient beings fear effect." In the course of creating various bad causes, we do not realize how serious they are. But once their effects materialize, we then discover things have gone wrong. Only, it is too late for any regrets.

    When faced with setbacks, most blame the heavens and everyone else for their plight. They do not know that they should look for the cause from the effect. Because of wrong causes, similarly bad effects arise. For instance, let us suppose that two people, Smith and Jones, get into a fight, and then Smith accuses Jones of beating him up. On hearing this, we might consider the effect of beating up others as deplorable, but if we judge the situation on the surface and do not investigate the real reasons, we are simply being ignorant. In reality, the reason Jones beat up Smith may be due to Smith's hideous acts of transgression against Jones.

    People in the world look at things superficially. Some may blame parents for the "effect" of being too harsh. They fail to realize, however, the "cause" of their parent's harshness was their own unruliness. Or some may blame children for the "effect" of not respecting their parents. They do not know that the "cause" of their disrespect is the parents' immorality. Therefore, if we do not investigate the cause and effect of phenomena, how are we to understand the reality and be just in our assessments?

    Then, there are some people who are ignorant of the cause and effect relationship and often misinterpret it. For instance, they may ask, "Why do those who practice vegetarianism and recite the sutra, and who are also compassionate and generous in helping others, meet with misfortune? So what justice is there in cause and effect?" These people do not realize that when there is still an outstanding debt owed to the bank, being virtuous does not wipe it out!

    Similarly, some people may have committed serious crimes and got-ten away with it. They may even lead lives of luxury. The gist of "cause and effect" for such cases is that they made a large bank deposit to their savings account in the past. There is no reason to stop them from using it. Therefore, cause and effect are linked cyclically to the three periods of past, present, and future.

    When we see flowers bloom, we should remember that someone planted seeds for them in the past. When we witness others practicing compassion and generosity, we should think of the sweet fruits they will enjoy in the future. Only the ignorant speak of "cause and effect" but do not understand it. The rules for judging good and bad, kind and evil in the world lie within the true meaning of cause and effect.