Code Review In Testing View

Company LOGO Md. Rizwanur Rashid Enosis Solutions [] Code Review in [Testing View ]


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Transcript of Code Review In Testing View

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Md. Rizwanur Rashid

Enosis Solutions[]

Code Review in [Testing View]

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A quotation…………….

“Testers can partner with developers to strengthen unit tests, participate in code reviews and inspections, and better understand where to focus their ‘testing attention’ based on a more in-depth analysis of the system.”

-Bj Rollison-Test Architect, Microsoft[Source: Interview of Bj Rollison]

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Code Review

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Code Review in Testing View….

Devs will perform their part of review. We’ll perform some additional, such as:

Identify code blocks which may create crashing bug!

Identify code blocks which may increase execution time (performance issue!).

Identify code blocks which may cause memory leaking.

Database inconsistencies Cosmetic Issues

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Example: Read File

StreamReader re = File.OpenText(“file.txt”);

string input = null;

input = re.ReadLine();

while ((input=re.ReadLine())!=null)




Will always skip first line!!

Functional flaw which identified earlier!

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Example: Database Connection

SQLConnection con = new SQLConnection();<Initilizing object con>;<Blah; blah; whatever!><End of coding!>

try{ SQLConnection con =new SQLConnection(); <Initilizing object con>; <Blah; blah; whatever!> <End of coding!>}catch{}finally{ con.close();}

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Example: Try-Catch

class foo1(){


foo2();}void foo2(){


………..;}catch (Exception exp){

throw exp;}


class foo1(){


try{foo2();}catch (Exception ex){whatever!}

}void foo2(){


………..;}catch (Exception exp){

throw exp;}


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Example: Null Check

Better to perform Empty/null checking.

void foo(){string var1;------------------------if(!string.IsNUllOrEmpty(var1) do something;


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Example: Database

Database Objects Convension

SP Parameter and Column Length/DataType

Usage of Index [Performance Issues]

Usage of SubQuery/Join [Performance Issues]


UserName: varchar(10)


UserName: varchar(8)

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So, we need programmer as testing

guy now?- BIG NO!!

Distribute task accordingly.

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Attached with development procedures from early stage.

Thus gain more knowledge on implementing requirements.

Helps in quick bug tracing. Also helps testing guys to be more:

Skilled Analytical Efficient

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QA [not Quality Assurance it’s Question Answer..]