CocoaHeads Stockholm 08/2014

The implications of the new iOS 8 features on user behavior CocoaHeads Stockholm 2014-08-04, Bontouch @yangmeyer [email protected]


How the new iOS 8 features will affect users’ expectations on your apps.

Transcript of CocoaHeads Stockholm 08/2014

Page 1: CocoaHeads Stockholm 08/2014

The implications of the newiOS 8 features on user behavior

CocoaHeads Stockholm2014-08-04, Bontouch

@[email protected]

Page 2: CocoaHeads Stockholm 08/2014

What’s new in iOS 8

Swift Metal SceneKit SpriteKit CloudKit

Extensions iCloud Drive

HealthKit HomeKit Handoff

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What’s new in iOS 8 Swift Metal SceneKit SpriteKit CloudKit

Extensions iCloud Drive

HealthKit HomeKit Handoff

“Implementation details”

“Apps working together”

“Devices working together”

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Implementation details

Swift – less bugs and crashes Metal – super-smooth performance SceneKit – visual realism SpriteKit – behavioral realism CloudKit – syncing that works

➤ user expectations fundamentally unchanged

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Devices working together

HealthKit platform for health accessories

HomeKit platform for home appliances

➤ iOS device as controller and dashboard

Handoff users can continue their current activity – “job to be done” – on

another device

➤ seamless continuation of activities between Mac/iOS devices

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Apps working together

Extensions Photo editing Sharing Actions Today widgets Storage provider Custom keyboards

iCloud Drive view/edit another app’s document

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Apps working together:being useful in the context of stock apps

Extensions Photo editing Sharing Actions Today widgets Storage provider Custom keyboards

iCloud Drive view/edit another app’s document

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Apps working together:being useful within third-party apps

Extensions Photo editing Sharing Actions Today widgets Storage provider Custom keyboards

iCloud Drive view/edit another app’s document

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Apps working together

Users will expect to useyour app’s features within other apps: apply custom Bokeh filter within Photos app fill in fields from 1Password within Safari app show page views metric within Today view show blood pressure within Health app …

Users will want to view and edit the same document(not a copy) in multiple apps: annotate a PDF within some other app

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Key take-away:Pre-iOS 8, apps were silos

Every app had their own private data, library UI, sharing To use an app, you had to open it

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Key take-away: More than ever,Apps are service providers

Apps are service providers for “jobs to be done”: do one thing great then get out of the way

Make your services useful to your users: within other apps across devices

➤ Homework for you: How can your apps be useful without being opened?

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Content size classes: prepare your UI for future device form factors

Mail app draft UX pattern: use the “stashable creation sheet” UX pattern in your own apps

Touch ID: use for local authentication

Custom actions on notifications: quick in-context decision