Coaching vs. Modeling – Advantages and Disadvantages in Public ...


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Key words:

management, modeling,

performance, coach.

JEL Classification: M12, M14, M53, M54.

Coaching aims to identify and use those va-riables which will generate the best results and the process follows the transformation style of different moments, starting with the first moment, going through intermediate moments and ending with the final moment which should coincide with achieving the ob-jective. Modeling aims the reproduction of an exceptional behavior targeting for this pur-pose all the elements: attitude, communica-tion ability, nonverbal language. The process of modeling can be watched as an internal process, it is the process which can help to improve the average individual performances and the average group performances using techniques. Identification of purposes, of the people with maximum performance and set-ting the scale that will be used for the trans-formation in the modeling process. Modeling has an import role in identifying models and procedures because these represent key elements to achieve a certain goal. The main purpose of these models and procedures is to identify certain traits that make the difference between an employee with average per-formance and an employee with good results, so when they are transposed to other person to permit them to achieve a higher level of performance.


* Ph.D. Stud., National Institute of Statistics – Suceava Branch,Romania

1. Introduction The increasing of efficiency and effectiveness of humanresources in public administration is one of the mainconcern of recent years, being carried out severalactions including: reducing the number of employees ofstate companies, reducing the number of officials frompublic administration and from budgetary sectors thatconsume a lot of money resources: education, healthcare, social assistance.

Modeling can provide major advantages in terms ofincreasing efficiency of labor and effectiveness in publicadministration. This can be achieved by implementingthis technique in the public administration because ithas the basic idea that any behavior of a person withvery good performances can be copied, adapted andtransferred to people with average performance.

Article theme is centered on the ides of effective humanresources, increase employee skills and motivations of

the public administration – all aiming to improve theperformance in this area.

The article is based on the concept of Neuro linguisticprogramming – NLP. The concept brings a differentapproach to relationships within a group of people ororganizations and to the individual. This approach placesthe person in a different environment and tries to interpretthe individual from a strictly psychological view withoutmissing some other aspects. NLP offers a new approach tohuman relationships in terms of a psychologicalinterpretation, an advanced interpretation of verbal andnon verbal language, and not least, it comes with anumber of techniques, tools, methods, models, proceduresin order to improve the performances of employees.

This article has two parts – the first one presents theconcept of modeling and coaching and the second part isa comparison between modeling and coaching.


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Cornel Marian IOSIF

2. Modeling Modeling is a technique of NLP which tracks to reproduce a performing behavior and uses all elements: attitude, communication skills, non-verbal language, etc. The person that uses modeling tries to find some elements that make difference between the behaviors that generate medium results and those that generate the best results, excellence. This way, these behaviors can be copied, studied, taught, and adapted in order to be applied by some other people. “The modeling process follows some different steps. The first one is observing the person and it is also necessary the establishing of the relationship and the physical and natural mirroring. The second step consists on adopting the behavior of that person, the adopting of his/her speech, ways of communication. The third step consists on analyzing the transformations produced by this new knowledge al the personal level. Modeling supposes such elements as: strategies, values and metaprogram, believe physiology and speech (Knight, 2007, p. 229).”

It may be noted that this technique has two major stages - the first one consists on analyzing a certain person in order to find out as many aspects as possible - body posture, language, mental strategies used to solve a particular case; and the second stage consists on modifying that person’s behavior using the information collected in the first one. The third, and the most important step, is to identify positive or negative performance of the new obtained behavior, comparing it to the initial state, that before the change. This way one can draw some conclusions on the individual and these conclusions can affect the group at a certain level. In order to obtain a more efficient group and much more effective one, the majority of the people should have substantial improvement after using this technique. The elements used in modeling process are: strategies, values, beliefs, psychology, and language.

“Strategies - they are centered on verbal and nonverbal language as well as the mental schemes which are being used to achieve success. Within the strategy the following types of questions are being used: How do you know you must...?, When do you know you have to...?, When it was the last time when...? (Molden, 2007, p.280).”

The strategies used in the modeling process are key elements in differentiation between the average performance employees and the employees with superior performance. In other words, strategy is the centerpiece by which a person can improve his/her work, his/her performance. Strategies include: mental schemes, ways of dealing with complex situations, ways to use verbal and nonverbal language.

“Values - reveals the types of meta programs used, so that further information are obtained about the inner feelings beliefs, important events which left their mark on that person (Molden, 2007, p.280).”

We can appreciate that metaprograms and filters are the most important category of values. Thus, metaprograms provide the routine programs - their functioning and the necessary support - in the form of software. On the other hand, the filters let pass only the really important information and bring some new information to that person. Thus, that three elements ensure an optimal functionality, the most relevant information, and at the same time, the necessary support in order to process the information.

“Beliefs - provide information about ones self-motivation style, about fundamental values, manner of reaction in crisis periods, what resources uses and how they are managed (Molden, 2007, p.280).”

A belief represents the elements accessed by a person in extreme situations. These are resources that are used in times of crisis, for self-motivation. Beliefs can be regarded as the deepest, hidden and the most valuable resource available to a person. On the other hand, beliefs provide information about the use of other resources elements in extreme situations.

“Physiology - with the help of calibration - which means the recognition of one each others states based on the nonverbal and behavioral reactions - the different states of a person are being observed, passing from one state to another, identifying the main sense organ (Molden, 2007, p.280).”

Psychology is the ability of a person to adapt to the environment so that he/she can identify the mood of another person without using the verbal language. So the main decoding signals transmitted by means of non verbal language or behavior is in the advantage of the person who knows these elements and can interpret them correctly and in real time. Once identified the primary sensory organ of a person, that person can be more easily understood or directed in a discussion.

“Language - with the help of the report - the report represents the state of harmony, agreement between two persons - the tone changes, the general state, rhythm, accent can be identified - these can provide further and very important information about certain meta models, meta programs used within the excellence behaviors (Molden, 2007, p.280).”

The language is a mixture between metamodels and report. Metamodels provide information about the syntax of the sentence that a person uses, how it can be interpreted, but also provides information about the structure and vocabulary used by means of


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metalanguage. Metamodels and metalanguage help us to decode quickly and correctly the additive messages sent by a person, focusing on certain structures of the phrases and words which in certain contexts may give important information about that specific person. The report provides the state of stillness between two or more people, obtaining an easier and faster decoding of transmitted messages but also they obtain a very good interpretation.

“By modeling, NLP has developed techniques and instru-ments which can help to identify and describe verbal and nonverbal patterns for people behavior. The main objec-tive is modeling the special exceptional abilities and helps transfer them to other persons. The purpose of the mo-deling process is to apply what it was observed and de-scribed in actions which can improve productivity. The in-struments of modeling allow identifying the reproduction of language and behavior patterns, thus, modeling does not try to describe a person, but rather to make a map that allows modeled strategies to be applied in an useful manner. The applications used in modeling to decipher the behavior and the cognitive strategies involve the use of some structures which allow us to achieve our objective (10).”1

Modeling aims to identify and transfer the abilities of people with the best performance within the organization to the people with average performance. This way, at the level of a group and in public administration it can be recorded in a short period of time an increase of the efficiency of the work performed by employees and an improvement of the obtained results, because this technique - having the necessary instruments to isolate those skills but also the necessary instruments of transferring them to others - could lead to changes or improvements in behavior within the group in improving the performances of the employees who in the past had average performances.

Modeling technique is based on: verbal and non verbal language, models of behavior, the used mental strategies. These tools help us first of all to identify the skills that make the difference between an employee with average performance and an employee with good results, and secondly they help us to transmit these instruments to the other employees.

Verbal language has the role to reveal the construction used in certain situations, their way of use and the resources used by that person at the mental level.

Non verbal language is particularly important because it provides many access keys of cognitive processes, attitudes, mental schemes used. The use of certain


domestic programs is done in order to optimize activity, to respond better during periods of maximum demand.

Patterns are presented as diagrams and instructions that can adapt to any environmental conditions, no matter the time of stimuli response from the environment. More these schemes and instructions are flexible and adapt quickly to the environment, much more valuable they are because they provide a better and response of quality depending of the environment.

Mental strategies represents the totality of approaches by means of which a person tries to optimize his/her behavior so that to adapt to environment as soon as possible and easier, and on the other hand to generate the best results with minimum effort.

In the public administration it is known that there are a limited number of employees with performances, skills and very good results and the rest of the employee are placed at an average level, much lower than the best people in the organization but also to their own possibilities. Thus this technique can lead first to increased employees’ individual performances and on the other hand can lead to a better use of their skills and to a better use of their abilities in the work process. The aims of modeling technique is not to create identical people to those with the best performances, but to transfer techniques, tolls, patterns used by them to the people with medium performances, so that their results to get better in a short period of time and with a little effort.

Modeling technique requires the passing of certain steps: gathering information about a certain person and how he/she behaves – using metaprograms; another step consists on finding the best techniques or methods to be subjected to modeling; a further stage is to identify the way that technique or method acts, and the principles that makes it to be effective; another step is transferring this knowledge to others and not at least comparing the results obtained after the transfer of information to the results obtained before the transfer of information. Modeling technique is very easy customizable so that every person can add his/her own information to the source code to make it more easily to assimilate and to use. The ultimate goal of this technique is not only a simple transfer of information but the ability of individuals to assimilate the information provided and to use them with a highly efficiency and a low consumption of energy.

Modeling technique has two variants – the default modeling and explicit modeling. The difference between the two is a major one – the default modeling is done at the level of the self and aims the improvement of performances without requiring transfer of information, while explicit modeling is performed to the self, but the information will be transmitted to the others, external.


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Implicit modeling aims to build the experiences, to optimize and use at maximum the sensorial system, in this way enriching ones experiences in order to achieve new objectives.

Explicit modeling aims to split every experience in fundamental elements so this can be transferred to others in the process of modeling, and on the other hand aims to get a better description of the fundamental experiences, so these can easier be used by others.

3. Coaching Coaching appeared in the ‘70 and uses sport techniques that have been introduced in many fields of activities. The first book that explains this method is The inner Game of Tennis and belongs to Tim Gallwey. The main idea of this work is that the sportsmen find easily ways to improve their performances, instead of concentrating on their mistakes in the competition. The sportsmen concentrate on how to improve their performances continuously or to change the strategy in the next competition.

Personal coaching or the one used in business is “a continuous professional relationship which helps the persons to obtain extraordinary results in life, carrier, and business or in the organization they belong to (4).” “Coaching starts from the premise that every one of us has already all the resources in order to fulfill our goals, but we can not access them because of some limitative believes and because of a blockage in thinking (5).”

Coaching is used because it succeeds to increase the level of performance in career but also because it optimizes personal life. Any person has a coach that helps his/her to establish easily his/her goals, ways, methods and means of achieving them.

Coaching represents “a synthesis of some different principles, methods, theories and successful techniques taken from psychology, management, self development and sport (7).” By means of coaching, a team or a person and a trainer track to reach an objective and pay attention on the actions, tools and methods that can lead them to fulfilling that specific objective. Coaching tracks identification and using of the versions which generate the best results. The process pays attention on the transforming of different moments, beginning with the first moment, following the next ones and ending with the final one which should be the fulfilling of the goal. The results depend on the person/team, abilities, coach and methods.

Coach has the role to adapt himself/herself to the needs of the person he/she coaches, in order to improve that person performance in a short period of time.

He/she tries to find solutions and strategies, the person/team being considered as having sufficiently resources and creative force in order to reach the proposed objective. “The mission of the coach is to give support to a person or group of people for them to improve their abilities, their resources and creativity (4).” Coach is seen as a personal trainer that helps the person or the group to reach specific performances. Coach helps them in the process of self-discovery, because he/she helps them to fix the goal, to identify resources, abilities, to find and use the best techniques in order to reach the objective. The coach can be seen as a combination between: mentor, manager, trainer, consulter, and adviser.

Within public administration coaching should be used at the level of the organization and not at the individual level, because people face the same problems, the platforms are generally the same, their professionally are the same, in conclusion an approach at the individual level would be extremely expensive, but in terms of advice would be a huge advantage.

Coaching leads the person to performances in his/her private life ant in the profession, using objectives and finding some ways of action and the reaching of the proposed goal. The objectives of coaching are: “defining the goals for a long time and for a short time, finding the best ways of action in order to reach the proposed goal, obtaining equilibrium between professional life and private one. After the reaching of the proposed goal, the coacher must assure himself/herself the goal is not against general principles of that person or team (7).”

The coaching process has three steps: • “Initial goals – at the beginning of the process are

proposed some goals to be reached by person or

Figure 2. Explicit modeling

Source: Adapted from the Dilts R., Lozier, J. D., 2009

Figure 1. Implicit modeling

Source: Adapted from the Dilts R., Lozier, J. D., 2009


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team. These goals can be personal ones or professional.

• Becoming aware – no matter the type of the objectives, the coaching process enlarges the reference frame of the person/team. The goal is determined by the value system of that specific person/team and by his/her/their identity. Self-motivation is superior and becomes much clearer why the reaching of the objective is so important.

• To do – The final part of the coaching process is to take action. The person/group that has/have access to resources makes/make plans and then takes/take action in order to reach the objective. The coacher only helps them in finding the best solutions. It is taken for granted that many problems can be solved using anterior experiences and self-experiences (9).”

Within public administration, coacher pays attention to the individual processes but also to the relationship between the individual and work unit and to how these two factors link to each other. On the other hand, the coacher pays attention to the way in which the objectives of that per-sonal synchronize to the group goals and to the unit, so that these objectives become convergent and not diver-gent, in order to lead to consolidation and homogenization of the group, not to weaken it and break it.

Coaching deals with the individual/team as an unitary whole, in which the professional, personal, emotional levels influence each other in order to find the balance but also the fulfillment on each level; the approach is based on past experiences, solutions being found by the individual/team, his/their support being very important, the coach having only the role to help find the best solutions; the assumption is that most problems have their answer both within the past experiences and own experience. Coaching benefits: “o broader perspective on self, on relations with others and on own business, development of a vision and a personal mission based on personal, authentic values, establishing a clear direction of development, establishing the objectives and defining the priorities, performance improvement, efficiency growth, overcoming internal blockages and external obstacles, decision capacity improvement, development of communication skills and inter-relationship, a better management of time, a better crisis management, achieving a balance in every aspects of life (9).”

4. Relationship between HR and modeling Human resources in public administration can suffer a process of increasing performances by means of modeling technique. Modeling technique aims to transfer skills from

people with the best performances to the employees with average performance. On the other hand, this technique leads to an increase in labor productivity and better use of skills of the persons. At the level of the team, modeling can create a more competitive spirit than any other form of training.

Advantages of using modeling in human resources from the public administration: increasing productivity, impro-ving employee’s abilities, it can be applied in any field of activity, it is an internal process, the technique is highly customizable, the results are for a long time, it provides an additional motivation to succeed or to reach their goals to the people that are involved in the process.

Disadvantages of using this technique in human re-sources in public administration: the relatively high cost, the need of using qualified personnel, complicated proce-dures to be followed, a relatively big period of time in which the information is assimilated.

5. Relationship HR and coaching Coaching can be successfully used in human resources from public administration in order to achieve a better unit at group level and at the entity level by convergence indi-vidual objectives with those of the unity. On the other hand, it can provide better knowledge of people so that they can achieve an optimal ratio between the different aspects of the personal and professional life. At the level of the team, coacher can help to increase confidence of its members and to optimize ways of solving situations. Advantages of using coaching in human resources management: realizing a relationship between coacher and the person directly involved in this process and ultimately can achieve a balance between different life aspects of the person involved. It is based mainly on inner resources of that person and the goals are pursued to the end. Disadvantages of using this technique in human resource administration: cost, time, the need to carry out trainings at regular periods of time, lack of control over the investment, a relative big period to assimilate information.

6. Performance in public administration Performance in public administration can be regarded as the level of competence reached by an employee in a certain period of time, no matter if he/she had followed training courses. Competence can be judged both in terms of routine activities performed by the employee every day but also of his/her ability to assimilate new information in order to adapt to environmental changes. Regarding the routine activities, they must be regarded beyond the grades obtained by the employee annually and they


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should be interpreted in order to find out whether that person truly knows the concepts with he/she operates, because in time he tends to become a robot, the new informatio in public administration being extremely low. Regarding the ability to adapt to the environment ant to nearn, it is necessary to see if his/her knowledge is correct and how much that knowledge is useful in working.

To be performant in public administration does not mean to solve more applications per day, but to solve them as well as posible. One can not solve a request without knowing the necessary stepts to follow and without knowing legislation. A good solving for applications, for example, leads to decreasing of the time required for processing an application alone, but this means time and labor.

Modeling proposes certain structures, schemes that should be copied, transferred and applied exactly in origi-nal form, in order that someone could become performing. Otherwise the results will be zero. In coaching, perfor-

mance means setting goals and establishing ways of achieving them and not at least reaching them no matter the moment, because only then it is considered that the person is aware of his/her own skills and abilities. This way, in time, it is ensured a balance between work and personal life.

7. Comparative analyzes modeling vs. coaching The elements that are involves in the process of modeling represents the base elements in this process because they follow all the aspects that must be improved by the person which is modeled – identity, beliefs and values, capabilities, behavior, environment. On the other side the person which is modeled follows with three axes: the per-son himself, the process of modeling, the abilities that are modeled and the organization. The process of modeling seems like a matrix where the elements involved in this process offers the answers to the main questions of this process of modeling.

Table 1 The comparative analysis between coaching and modeling

Advantages Disadvantages

Coaching Modeling Coaching Modeling It builds a relationship

between coach and the person

It may be applied in any field Costs Relatively high costs

It aims to create a balance between different aspects in

life of the person involved Modeling source is internal Duration

The necessity to request qualified


It is relayed on the internal resources

The possibility to customize every model individually

The balance in the all aspects of life can be

obtain very hard

Complicate procedures of teaching/learning

High capacity of learning Results are usually

immediate and for a long time

The requirement to make trainings from time to


Relatively high period of time to assimilate

the information The objectives are followed

extremely carefully Development of physical

and psychical abilities Lack of control over


Develops emotional intelligence

Motivation of the employees

Relatively high period of time to assimilate the


Higher loyalty to the company Flexibility towards the

changes that occur inside the community

Better psychology development for people

This technique uses the internal resources of the


Improvement in stress and time management

High capacity of learning

Improvement the performances of the team

Source: Adapted from the Dilts R., Lozier, J. D., 2009


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These tables show in comparative analysis and very short the advantages and the disadvantages of these two methods. So we can see that the process of modeling is an internal one and can be realized with internal resources in a long period of time and this process needs a high cost. On the other hand, coaching is an external process similar to the process of the modeling up to some point and supposes a long period of time and high costs.

In conclusion, the process of modeling ca be watched as an internal process, is the process which can help to improve the average individual performances and the average group performances using techniques, instruments, processes that are used by most performances employees. On the other hand, this process can improve the relationships between employees, so these can become stronger one more homogenous.

Modeling, seen just as the process of growing the individual performances by internal methods, not external; can improve the competivity of the firm overall and of each person in it.

“The modeling technique consists in applying various strategies to examine the mental and physic processes which could describe an additional performance or to achieve an additional result, and then in creating some explicit maps or descriptions of those processes which can be applied to obtain a certain practical purpose. (10).”2

Modeling has an import role in identifying models and procedures because these represent key elements to achieve a certain goal. The main purpose of these models and procedures is to identify certain traits that


make the difference between an employee with average performance and an employee with good results, so when they are transposed to other person to permit them to achieve a higher level of performance.

8. Conclusions The modeling process can be systematized as follows: Identification of purposes, of the people with maximum performance and setting the scale that will be used for the transformation in the modeling process. Collecting information from people with the best performances and skills, abilities, in order to achieve a certain hierarchy among them, a certain order that should be followed. By comparing different methods, one can achieve a pattern that includes in it all the skills used by people with good performances.

Obtained model will be tested in order to see whether the results are worse than those obtained previously. If not, they are transferred to the designated people. The transfer is intended to improve results of employees with medium performances. They have to apply the transferred information, but also they have the possibility to customize it, to adapt it to their needs.

The purpose of NLP modeling is creating meta patterns and using instruments which allow us to examine and to enrich our own patterns about the world. The techniques and methods could also be used to identify and create excellence patterns based on the exceptional individual performances. Modeling is trying to create a practical map of the particular skills by identifying the relevant abilities and elaborating the necessary steps to use the concerned options eng capabilities. The purpose of applying a particular pattern or following the steps in a particular pattern.

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