Coaching Keys

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for fitness and fat loss coaches to help get results for clients . garbage.

Transcript of Coaching Keys

"Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal or goal" - Earl Nightingale Jose Antonio: Athletes 2g Protein/Kilo Bodyweight, 1gFat/Kilo, 3gCarbs/Kilo Powerlifter 3g Pro 2g Carb Poliquin: ReFeed ratio 20:1 to 30:1. (every 7-10days)

SLEEP__ turn off all electronics/computers/phones/wifi 30 minutes before bed. blackout bedroom, wear eye mask, complete darkness. 7-8hrs of great sleep is crucial - FREEMOVE__ any activities that you are continually moving for 30 minutes. walking - FREENUTRITION__ drink 2 glasses water/day - FREEFocus on satisfied instead of full - Eat until 80% fullEstablish a regular meal pattern. Three decent sized meals each day offers a lot more satiety, requires less planning, and helps you avoid snackingAvoid Snacking. If you must, eat some mini carrots or an apple. You dont want that ? Ask yourself: Am I Really Hungry then ? Am i bored ? Am I lonely? What emotion am i Really feeling? Something I do if I think i'm hungry is, i take the dog for a 15 minute walk. If i'm still hungry when we return i have a snack. Often the hunger goes away or i wasnt actually hungry.Eat almost exclusively at the dinner tableThis helps with the no (or rare) snacking thing. No mindless eatingEat Grocery Store Food. Eating out (or ordering in) means high calorie food that is super yummy along with large portions, and it ends up being a mega caloric wallop. Eating out should be saved for special events and family celebrations.Limit Liquid Calorie Bombs - coffee with cream + sugar, soda, gatorade and alcohol can make fat loss nearly impossible.Be Aware of Added Sugar, Fat, Salt. They add calories, and they add extra yummy taste that makes the food more compelling so that the reward centers in your brain go crazy making it easy to over consumeFind things to do besides eatingStretch, brush your teeth, take a walk, play a game, have sex, read a book. Realize that it might be boredom and find a distraction. Hot herbal tea that takes a while to drink can be valuable as well.

Food cannot be the reward for fatloss. There are many ways to reward your efforts and success. Having a pizza and ice cream blowout is counterproductive. Buy some smaller jeans. Buy some quality walking shoes. Treat yourself to a spa day.Listening to their needs and what they want to accomplish. Learning how they live. Discovering whats really important to them. Working together to create a diet thats personal and unique, based on their goals and lifestyle. Observing their progress carefully and correcting course as necessary

Men: Help me be like 'that guy' great body, going places, no problemsWomen: Help me differentiate between Eating and Feeling

At Precision Nutrition, the first step is to identify and remove deficiencies. making sure they get a bit more protein, enough vitamins and minerals, added healthy fats, and more water will get their bodies working better in no time. Add new practices one at a time as necessary and as clients feel capable of dealing with them.Next, focus on things like food quality (i.e. eat whole, minimally processed foods) and food amount (i.e. portions, calories, etc). But go slow, one at a time. And be systematicCalories vs PortionSize Your palm determines your protein portions. Your fist determines your veggie portions. Your cupped hand determines your carb portions. Your thumb determines your fat might begin by eating:2 palms of protein dense foods at each meal; 2 fists of vegetables at each meal; 2 cupped handfuls of carb dense foods at most meals; and 2 thumbs of fat dense foods at most meals.Berardi Busy Men's Workout Weekly Plan: 2 x 30 minute resistance exercise sessions mostly body weight exercises 2 x 15 minute interval exercise sessions on a treadmill or outside at a track 1 x 60 minute walk outdoors with his familyDanJohn Hillis Monthly Work for FatLoss 2 Hard Workouts, 6 Medium, 4 Easy WorkoutsSchedule an annual photo shootWorking out and getting stronger is required, but it is not sufficient for hitting your fat-loss goals.If you dont like the way your body looks, the problem is always food. Sometimes its the quantity of food. Sometimes its the quality of food. Its not genes, age, workout, its food.3 Variables: Quantity, Quality, ratio of Macros (Fat,Pro,Carb)Quantity: Counting Calories, Points, Portion Sizes. Quantity = Scale WeightQuality: as Quality goes up, Quantity is less important. Quality = BodyFat %Macro Ratio: its about Feeling Full. Almost everyone feels full with ProteinDo You? Stay Full and Satisfied after a meal thats mostly Carbs, Fat, or Balanced ?More Protein, More Vegetables, More Water.

Nothing is Right/Wrong. You're not a bad person if you dont follow your plan. Nothing you Eat is bad or wrong. Nothing you eat is good or right. There's no morality to food or fat loss. You arent a bad person if you eat junk food. You arent a good person if you eat organic Vegetables and grass-fed beef. *Eating some things will take you closer to your goals. Eating other things will take you farther away from your goals.I will not judge you for what you write down in your food journal.

If you re judging your food journal, you need to grow up . B eating yourself up isthe opposite of taking responsibility.Taking responsibility with food is looking without emotion at actions that either work or don't work for your goals. Judging or beating yourself up doesnt get you back on track.

If you hit a plateau that sticks for longer than 2 weeks, its time to ReAssess.

1. Am I really as on point as I think? Check your journal. Re-plan and Prepare.2. Is it time to bring up the quality of my carbs and fat?3. Is it time to take a look at advanced food strategies?Second, take stock of what strategies shes using and the results shes gotten.Go back and remind yourself of two things.1. How much weight or bodyfat % or clothes sizes have you lost since you started?2. How much better at meal planning and executing have you gotten? I might ask, Did you ever have protein at breakfast before we started?They ll usually laugh and say, I never even had breakfast before we ve started!

The Four Ninja Food Skills to Practice1. Shopping Ahead of Time2. Prepping and Cooking Ahead of Time3. Portioning the Meal Ahead of Time4. Scheduling Time for the Meal Ahead of Time

SUNDAY: Journal Review, Meal Planning, and ShoppingMONDAY: Meal Preparing, Cooking, and PortioningTUESDAY: Hard WorkoutWEDNESDAY: OffTHURSDAY: Medium WorkoutFRIDAY: OffSATURDAY: Easy Workout