Co ngre ga t ion Kehil la t Isr ae l H igh Holid a y Se rv ... · N o o n e i s t u r ne d aw a y f...

L’shanah Tovah May You Have A Good Year Congregation Kehillat Israel 2014 Forest Road Lansing, MI 48910 (517) 882-0049 Michael Zimmerman, Rabbi Nicole Ellefson, School Director Robin Willner and Leon Puttler, Co-Presidents Katherine Booker, Administrator Congregation Kehillat Israel High Holiday Services 5780 Rosh Hashanah September 29-October 1, 2019 Yom Kippur October 8-9, 2019 Please leave program on your seat until all services are completed. Thanks!

Transcript of Co ngre ga t ion Kehil la t Isr ae l H igh Holid a y Se rv ... · N o o n e i s t u r ne d aw a y f...

Page 1: Co ngre ga t ion Kehil la t Isr ae l H igh Holid a y Se rv ... · N o o n e i s t u r ne d aw a y f o r fin ancial r easo n s ~~~~~ I would like to become a member of Kehillat Israel

L’shanah Tovah 

May You Have A Good Year  

 Congregation Kehillat Israel 

2014 Forest Road Lansing, MI 48910 (517) 882-0049 

 Michael Zimmerman, Rabbi 

Nicole Ellefson, School Director Robin Willner and Leon Puttler, Co-Presidents 

Katherine Booker, Administrator 

Congregation Kehillat Israel  

High Holiday Services 



Rosh Hashanah September 29-October 1, 2019 

 Yom Kippur 

October 8-9, 2019  


Please leave program on your seat until all services are completed. Thanks! 

Page 2: Co ngre ga t ion Kehil la t Isr ae l H igh Holid a y Se rv ... · N o o n e i s t u r ne d aw a y f o r fin ancial r easo n s ~~~~~ I would like to become a member of Kehillat Israel

Page 2 - Rosh Hashanah  Erev Rosh Hashanah - Sunday, September 29, 7:00pm  Welcome Rabbi Michael Zimmerman  

Ma’ariv Rabbi Zimmerman and Lois Rosen   


Tonight, we are called upon to not merely listen but remake our hearing.   

We are commanded to hear the sound of the ram's horn (Num. 29:1).   

And by the Psalmist's words, not just to hear it, but truly "know" the sound (Ps. 89:15). 

When the last note is sounded, will we forget the memory of the blast and go back to ourselves?  

Or will we walk through the other side of our doorways, toward the sounds of others, coming to truly know all people, 

walking in the light of humanity and the light of G-d?    

~ Devon Spier ~  

Page 15 - Become A Member Of Kehillat Israel  

We are delighted that you have joined us for High Holidays  and would love for you to continue to be part of the KI community!  

 Membership In The Congregation: 


● Connects you with a network of friendship and support  ● Provides lifelong Jewish learning and social /cultural activities ● Provides the full range of Lifecycle events and support  


Membership Pledges:  

● Fund High Holiday Services to the Community at no charge-we rely on the support of our members to make this possible! 

● Cover over 90% of all operating expenses   

Requested Membership Pledge:  

● 1st year is only $400 ● After the 1st year the “fair share” pledge is 2.5% of income ● No one is turned away for financial reasons 


□ I would like to become a member of Kehillat Israel at this time.  □ Please have a Membership Committee representative contact me.   □ I am not interested in becoming a member at this time, but would like 

to make a donation. Amount: $   Names of Adult Members:    Address:    Phone: Email: 

  2019-2020 Pledge Amount $    Signature:  Date:     Please return this form to the membership container in the KI lobby, or mail to: 

Congregation Kehillat Israel, 2014 Forest Road, Lansing, MI 48910   

Page 3: Co ngre ga t ion Kehil la t Isr ae l H igh Holid a y Se rv ... · N o o n e i s t u r ne d aw a y f o r fin ancial r easo n s ~~~~~ I would like to become a member of Kehillat Israel

Page 14 - What are Piyyutim?  


The institution of the piyyut (from the Greek poietes, poem) is an                       ancient one dating to early liturgical poets such as Yose ben Yose,                       Eleazar Kalir, and Yannai, all of whom lived in the Land of Israel                         sometime between the 3rd and 6th centuries. Their work was emulated                     by the payytanim of Spain, Italy, France, and Germany during the                     Middle Ages. These poems were composed to add variety to the service                       and were intended for the use of the leader of the service, rather than for                             the congregation (except for refrains which the congregation could                 repeat). Worshippers would often come to a service expecting to hear a                       new poetic work of devotion that would enhance the experience of                     worship. 

Just as English poetry developed a canon of different types of                     poems–such as sonnets, ballads, and odes–specific forms developed for                 the piyyut: the Yotzer for the 1st blessing, the Zulat after the Shema,                         the circulare with two lines, the siluk before the Kedushah, etc. Piyyutim                       that were particularly popular became staples of the service. In the                     1920s, Israel Davidson collected some 35,000 poems written by 2,836                   poets, which were incorporated into the Sabbath and Holy Day prayers. 

(From “Piyyutim: Religious Poetry” by Rabbi Dr. Reuven Hammer) 

 Page 3 - Rosh Hashanah 

 Rosh Hashanah Day 1 - Monday, Sept. 30, 9:30am 

(Children’s Service at 11:00am - Led by Liz Harrow)  Pseukei d’Zimra - Arlene and Joel Sharkey    

Shacharit - Rabbi Zimmerman, Sheryl Groden, Sophie Pager  

Welcome/Announcements - Robin Willner    

Torah Service - Howard and Eileen Heideman  

Gabbai Rishon - Rabbi Zimmerman  

Torah Readers - Ken Nadler and Gail Richmond    

Haftarah Readers - Gail Richmond and Robin Willner  

Shofar Service - Ken Sperber, Val Thonger, and Leon Puttler  

D’var Torah - Steve Weiland  

Musaf - Doug Moffat and Madeleine Lenski  (Teen Discussions led by David Wiener are during Musaf) 


Ba’alei Tekia - Ken Sperber, Val Thonger, and Leon Puttler  

Kiddush - Community Members  

Tashlich - Led by Madeleine Lenski - Gather at approx. 1:30pm   Dock at Crego Park, off of Mount Hope Road 

 May my words of prayer and my heart’s meditation be seen favorably,  

Precious One, my rock, my champion. (Psalm 19:15)   

Page 4: Co ngre ga t ion Kehil la t Isr ae l H igh Holid a y Se rv ... · N o o n e i s t u r ne d aw a y f o r fin ancial r easo n s ~~~~~ I would like to become a member of Kehillat Israel

 Page 4 - Kavanah 



“Years ago my teacher, Reb (Rabbi) Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, of                 Blessed Memory, told me that he had once hiked into the mountains and                         spray-painted “holy graffiti” on a water reserve tank. He was inspired                     by the experiments of Dr. Masaru Emoto, who claimed that even writing                       emotionally charged words on a bottle of water changed the structure of                       the water itself. Words of hate created chaotic structures, and words of                       love, beautiful patterns.  

“So Reb Zalman took a path into the mountains behind his home in                         Boulder, and hiked up to a large water tank that provided water to the                           community, and spray-painted on it:   


“Today, a little over a year since his passing, I decided to hike up into the                               mountains to see if I could find the water tank and see if his holy graffiti                               still existed.   

“I reached the water tank just after six o’clock in the evening. There was                           plenty of graffiti on it, but none of it “holy” - at least not on the part of                                   it I could see. I decided to look around the back of it.   

“The ground was wet, so I walked the narrow cement edge around the                         tank, until finally I came to the faded black remains of Reb Zalman’s                         graffiti. After some twenty years, and probably more than one paint                     over, it was still there!”  

~ Reb Netanel Miles-Yepez, March 2016  


 Page 13 - KIvunim School 



Kivunim Means “Directions”  

At the Kivunim School we strive to:  

Think Jewishly: Possess a Jewish imagination filled with Jewish stories, songs, expressions, customs, and cultural idiosyncrasies;  

Be Jewishly Literate: Know how to pick up a siddur (prayer book) and daven (pray), or pick up a chumash (Torah text) and learn;  

Be Jewishly Active: Perform synagogue, home and community rituals, and participate in synagogue and Jewish communal life;  

Live Ethically: Act according to Jewish values and ethics, committing to tzedakah (justice and righteousness), tikkun olam (healing the world), gemilut hasadim (acts of loving-kindness).  

School Hours:  

Kitah Aleph (grades K-2) - Sundays 10am-12:15pm  

Kitah Bet (grades 3-7) - Sundays 10am-12:15pm, Wednesdays 4-6pm  

Tot Shabbat (for toddlers and families) - Normally the 3rd Saturday of each month - Check KI Calendar for details  

Check us out at:  

Page 5: Co ngre ga t ion Kehil la t Isr ae l H igh Holid a y Se rv ... · N o o n e i s t u r ne d aw a y f o r fin ancial r easo n s ~~~~~ I would like to become a member of Kehillat Israel

 Page 12 - Ongoing Events 

 Shabbat Services: Saturdays, 10:00am. Services are followed by               kiddush, and on occasion an Adult Education program. See the calendar                     for details.  

Tot Shabbat: A musical Shabbat for toddlers and their families. Second                     Shabbat of every month, 11am at KI. Next meeting is Oct. 12 at 11am.  

Shabbat Chavurah: Meets monthly on a Friday evening for Shabbat                   dinner and music. Date and location varies monthly. The goal is to form                         a tight-knit community for home Shabbat observance. Please contact                 Devorah Tucker-Fick at [email protected] or Stan           Kaplowitz at [email protected] for more details.  

Kivunim School: Kitah Aleph (K-2), Sundays from 10am-12:15pm.               Kitah Bet (3-7), Sundays from 10am-12:15pm and Wednesdays from                 4-6pm. Meets at KI unless otherwise instructed.  

Advent House: One Sunday every two months, volunteers serve a meal                     at Advent House Ministries. We prepare or purchase main dishes, salads,                     desserts, and help serve the meal. Next meeting is Sun. Oct. 20 at 2pm.  

Network of Spiritual Progressives: Third Thursday of most months, 7pm                   at KI. Teaching, practice, activism, and mutual support to create a new                       bottom line that values people over profit and caring over power.  

Soup and Schmooze: Meets monthly for various topics presented in                   homes of community members. While the date and location vary (see the                       calendar) there is always a potluck dinner preceding the presentation.  

Hadassah Book Club: Meets the fourth Wednesday of most months at                     KI. The group reads non-fiction, fiction, memoir, history, all with some                     Jewish content. KI members are invited to attend!  

Great Books Club: Meets the third Monday of most months at KI. The                         next meeting is Oct. 21 at 2pm.   

Meditation Led by Rabbi Zimmerman: Meets at KI every Sunday from                     1-2pm beginning Oct. 27.    

 Page 5 - Rosh Hashanah 

 Rosh Hashanah Day 2 - Tuesday, Oct. 1, 9:30am 

 Pseukei d’Zimra - David and Beverly Wiener    

Shacharit - Leon Puttler and Deb Weiland  

Welcome/Announcements - Leon Puttler  

Torah Service - Toba and Stan Kaplowitz  

Gabbai Rishon - Rabbi Zimmerman  

Torah Reader - Ken Frank  

Haftarah Reader - Arthur Slobasky  

Shofar Service - Ken Sperber, Val Thonger, and Leon Puttler  

D’var Torah - Doug Moffat  

Musaf - Rabbi Zimmerman and Linda Losik  

Ba’alei Tekia - Ken Sperber, Val Thonger, and Leon Puttler  

Kiddush - Community Members 


Seek goodness everywhere, and when it is found,  bring it out of its hiding place and let it be free and unashamed. 

~ William Saroyan  


Page 6: Co ngre ga t ion Kehil la t Isr ae l H igh Holid a y Se rv ... · N o o n e i s t u r ne d aw a y f o r fin ancial r easo n s ~~~~~ I would like to become a member of Kehillat Israel

 Page 6 - Kavanah 



“The reason for the blowing of the Ram’s Horn  was revealed to me in a dream: 


It is as though two friends,  or a father and son,  

who do not wish that what the one writes to the other  should be known to others,  

were to have a secret language,  known to no one but themselves.  


So it is on Rosh Hashanah, the Day of Judgement;  it was not the Will of the Omnipresent  

that the Accuser should know of our pleas.  Therefore, G-d made up a language for us,  

that is the Ram’s Horn,  which is only understood by G-d.” 


~ From Sefer Tiferet Uziel    

 Page 11 - Upcoming Events 

 Sat. Oct. 5 - 8:30am KI Runs for Cristo Ray - Charity 5k  

Sun. Oct. 20 - Noon Soup in the Sukkah  

Mon. Oct. 21 - 6pm Yizkor Service  

Tues. Oct. 22 - 6pm Congregational Simchat Torah Celebration   

Sat. Nov. 2 & 9 - 1pm &   Fri. Nov 15 & 22 - 2pm Adult Ed: “Magic within the Mundane”  

Sat. Nov. 16 - 10am J. Kalt Bar Mitzvah  

Sun. Nov. 17 - 10am Global Day of Jewish Learning at Shaarey Zedek  

Sat. Dec. 14 - 10am Shabbat w/Ann Arbor Recon Congregation at KI  

Sat. Dec. 14 - 1pm Adult Ed with Rabbi Orna Nitkin-Kaner  

Sun. Dec. 22 - 6pm Chanukah Party (Crafts and Dreidels at 5:30pm)  

Tues. Dec. 24 - 6pm  Chinese Buffet Dinner and Film  



For details concerning all KI events, please see the calendar at: 


Page 7: Co ngre ga t ion Kehil la t Isr ae l H igh Holid a y Se rv ... · N o o n e i s t u r ne d aw a y f o r fin ancial r easo n s ~~~~~ I would like to become a member of Kehillat Israel

 Page 10 - Yom Kippur 

 Yom Kippur Afternoon - Wednesday, Oct. 9, 4:00pm 

(Meditation at 3:00pm - Rabbi Zimmerman)   Yizkor - Carol Levin and Rabbi Zimmerman  

Eleh Ezkerah - Karen Ogle and Dan Mishkin  

Mincha Torah Service - Rich Block and Marcia Horan  

Gabbai Rishon - Rabbi Zimmerman  

Torah Reader - Nigel Paneth  

Haftarah Reader - Art Seagull     

D’var Torah - Linda Losik  

Mincha Amidah - David Wiener and Betty Seagull  

Ne’ilah - Rabbi Zimmerman and Dan Mishkin   

Children’s Ne’ilah Service - Sarah Fox-Long  

Break The Fast - Havdalah and Food at 7:15pm  


Special thanks to:   

Liz Harrow for coordinating the Children’s Services David Wiener for leading our Teens in Discussion Groups 

All of our Service Leaders and participants  

 Page 7 - Yom Kippur 

 Kol Nidre - Tuesday, Oct. 8, 7:00pm 

 Welcome - Robin Willner 


Leaders - Gail Richmond, Ody Norkin, and Rabbi Zimmerman   


“On Yom Kippur  the night is the same as the day.  

For during all the days of the year  the gates of compassion are open during the day;  

during the night they are shut.   

But on Yom Kippur,  the night is the same as the day;  

for the gates of understanding are open from nightfall on,  and the night is the same as the day,  

to our benefit.”  

~ From Hemdat Yamim  

Page 8: Co ngre ga t ion Kehil la t Isr ae l H igh Holid a y Se rv ... · N o o n e i s t u r ne d aw a y f o r fin ancial r easo n s ~~~~~ I would like to become a member of Kehillat Israel

 Page 8 - Yom Kippur 

 Yom Kippur Morning - Wednesday, Oct. 9, 9:00am 

(Children/Teen Services at 11:00am - Led by Liz Harrow & Nicole Ellefson)  Pseukei d’Zimra - Sara Kalt and Kirsten Fermaglich    

Shacharit - Ody Norkin and Sandi Gross  

Welcome/Announcements - David Wiener  

Torah Service - Sarah Fox-Long and Nicole Ellefson  

Gabbai Rishon - Rabbi Zimmerman  

Torah Readers - David Wiener, Gail Richmond, Sophie Pager  

Haftarah Reader - Nigel Paneth  

D’var Torah - Rabbi Zimmerman  

Avodah - Doug Moffat and Rebecca Froebe  

Musaf - Rabbi Zimmerman and Judy Spanogle  


 Page 9 - Kavanah 



“It is told of the pious Rabbi of Apt (18th-19th century)  that he came to this world ten times.  

Once he came as a High Priest  and once as a prince,  and once as a king,  

and once as an exilarch.  We have heard from knowing men  

that he was often heard to say  with his holy lips  

during the section describing the Temple Service  on Yom Kippur,  

“Thus I would say” (in place of “Thus he [the High Priest] would say”), for he was remembering the time  

when he served as High Priest in the Temple.”  

~ From Eser Orot