CO NEW YORK e r- Dr to Buy › lccn › sn86069873 › ...i rt K I A If 9 i J I 8- r f V- lioyal...

i rt K I A If 9 i J I 8 - r f V - lioyal mattes the tood pure wholesome and delicious AKlH POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO NEW YORK tie winn HEWS Eighteenth Year Established 1881 Published every Tuesday and Friday by WALTER CHAMP j BBUHE MILLER Editor and Otvners W Make all Checks Money Orders etc Payable to the or der of Champ Miller ADVER1I81NG RATES Displays one dollar per inch for first Inser ¬ tion half rates each Insertion thereafter Locals or reading notices ten cents per line each insertion Locals in black type twenty cents per line each insertion Fractions of lines count as full lines when running at line rates Obltuaros cards of thanfis calls on candi ¬ dates resolutions of respect and matter of a like nature ten cents per line Special rates given for large advertise ¬ ments and yearly cards Late News of the War A rumor from Madrid says that tbe people of Canary Islands are panic stricken at the prospect of a visit from American warships Sampson says that the Spanish cruiser Maria Theresa can be raised - Gen Shafter wants more immunes at once Another expedition will sail for Manila Sunday Watsons fleet has been disbanded and part of it will go to Porto Rico The Porto Rico expedition is under way Cervera may become a citizen of the United States Business has been resumed at Santi- ago ¬ War telegrams will be found on page two No more arms will be issued for the Cubans and they will not be considered military allies Garcia has withdrawn hie troops from further eo operation Fourteen thousand American soldiers have set sail for Porto Rico Semi official announcement is made that Porto Rico will be neld as a price of peace No declaration has been made as regards disposition of Phil lipines as yet Dr Godfrey Hunter writes home that he is much pleased with Central America Kentucky is so glad that Godfrey is pleased and hopes he will stay pleased Military Coincid nces Lexington Observer The editor of the Observer W H Polk belonged to Col U S Grants regiment in the civil war Now the editors youngcst eon is under the com- mand ¬ of Col Grants son Gen F D Grant at Chickamauga Another coin- cidence ¬ is that the editors son is camped on the very ground where his fathers regiment fought Longstreeta division years ago Awarded Highest Honors Worlds Fair Da- - CREAM BAKING POWDER MOST PERFECT MADE A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder Free from Ammonia Alum or any other adulterant AO YEARS THE STANDARD tn3TOTSWCWaWarj THE BOURBON NEW 8 P4SEUS KY FRIDAY JULY 22 1898 From Camp Thomas Camp Thomas Chickamauga Ga July 20th 1898 The Second Kentucky Reg ¬ iment is very much disappointed at not jeing included in the ngiuient to be ent to Porto Rico aud the men do not now expect to leave Chickamauga until he war is over There is a srroug feel ¬ ing in the Second that tbe regiment has been badly treated It was the first to go into camp at Lexington the first to be mustered aud equipped aud the first to be sent to Chickamauga and then to be kept in camp while the First and Third Kentucky goes to the front makes the boys of the Second feel any ¬ thing but contented The First and Third will be moved within ten days Five shots in quick succession ill the tent of Capt Harry Strother of the Winchester company caused a commo- tion ¬ Tuesday night It was caused by a slumbering spark setting fire to his bed- ding ¬ and exploding the cartridges in his belt Both Capt Strother and his tent mate Seth Beckner escaped from the flying bullets but the tent equipments and leggings were destroyed Brigadier General Fred Grant who was recently transferred to command the First Brigade Second Division Third Corps Ninth New York Second Kentucky First Arkansas was this afternoon notified by Major General Brooke to take command of the Third Brigade First Division First Corps First Kentucky Fifth Illinois Third Kentucky General Grant said While I am grateful at the opportunity to go to the front I of course am not pleased at so many changes of command in so phort a period However the brigade which I am to take to morrow is a good one I am told The Kentuck ians are good fighters and I have a very liberal allowance of them about 2 GOO From what I could learn at army head- quarters ¬ it will be about 10 day3 before I can move The Second Kentucky boys regret the transfer of Gen Grant who is very popular with thro He is a splendid commander and the boys re- gret ¬ that they cannot go to Porto Rico with him Colonel Elias Chandler of the First Arkansas will probably suc- ceed ¬ General Grant temporarily in com- mand ¬ of this brigade So una Going To War John Philip Sousa the famous bandmaster has been comuiissioued a Captain on General Wilsons staff and has accepted He will drill the Regi- mental ¬ Bands and ask no remuneration Sousa is a Spaniard by birth but is will ¬ ing to go to the front for the Stars and Stripes Sousa is the composer of the Stars and Stripes Forever The Trooping of the Colors and the success- ful ¬ comic opera The Bride Elect He is quite a favorite in this city -- - - The very best companies com- pose ¬ my agency whicn insures against fire wind and btorm Non union W 0 H1NTON Agent MRS LAURA WEISHAUF Of Murry Ind Recommends Wrights Celery Capsules Murry Ind Sept 17 1896 The Wright Medical Co Columbus Ohio Dear Sirs Last spring I purchased a box of Wrights Celery Capsules from L C Davenport druggist Bluffton Ind and used them tor stomach trouble with which I had been afflicted for more than 15 years Since taking your Cap- sules ¬ I have lost all trace of pain and my stomach is entirely well I can eat any ¬ thing and can truthfully say that I have not felt better in years Yours Respectfully Mrs Laura Weishauft Sold by W T Brooks at 50c and 100 per box Send address on postal to the Wright Med Co Columbus Ohio for trial size free Try our special A coffee six pounds for 100 McDermott Spears Send your linen to Haggard Reeds Steam Laundry for a good finish tf Yesterdays Temperature The following is the temperature as noted yesterday by A J Winters Co of this city 7 am 76 8 a m 78 9 am 791 10 a m 81 11 am 85 12 m 86 2 pm 90 3 p m 9 J P- - m 92 5 P m 90i 7pm 84 v Plan Your Summer Outing Now Go to Picturesque Mackinac via The Coast Line It only costs 13 50 from Detroit 1550 from Toledo 17 from Cleveland for the round trip including meals and berths One thousand miles of lake ride on new modern steel steamers for the above rates Send 2c for illustrated pamphlet Address A A Schantz GP A Detroit Mich Feed sw eet potatoer McDeemott Spears 1 GOSSIPY PARAGRAPHS Xv Theatrical And Otherwise Remarks Iu The Fovor r - Anna Held will return to America next year and may star in play by Chas Hoyc - -- - Color Sergeant Charlton- - Alexander who has been absent from Chickamauga on recruiting duty and on account of being In a Cincinnati hospital has re turned to Camp Thomas V Rowena the beautiful 1200 saddle horse owned by Miss Alice Castleman of Louisyille died last week at the Sum mer home of the Castlemans at Shaker town The intelligent animal went around and told the family goodbye be- fore ¬ it died e The hand filters for purifying drink- ing ¬ water have been abandoned being too slow The water is now filtered through medicated abeatos cloth and as a consequence of the filtered water there is less sickness in the camp Private Will Clark of Company I has been suff ring for several days with his foot which was hurt the other day by a plank falling on it Private Jas Stanfield is suffering from a broken wrist sustained while wrestling Generally speaking the health of the Second Kentucky is very good Cap- tain ¬ Winn of Company I has been sick for several days but hopes to be well enough for duty in a day or so Alex Enochs of same company has the measles in mild form and has been isolated to prevent the disease from spreading Deering binder twine machine oil and all repairs for the Deering machinery at R B HUTCHCRAFTS bTOCK AND TURF NEWS Sales aud Transfers Of Stock Crop Turf Notes Ktc The Georgetown Times- - says Elley Blackburn delivered to Weihl on Satur ¬ day 34 head of export cattle average weight 1530 Warren Graves delivered to same 26 weight a little less than 1500 and John B Graves 62 weight 1350 All were Fold at 150 Thy Were driven to Lexington aud shipj el from that place My agency insures against fire wind and storm best ol re- liable ¬ prompt paying compani- esnon-union W O HINTON Agent - Use Parib Milling Cos Purity flour for sale by all grocers Ask for it Take no other - Your Life Insured 1c a Day Our insurance is protected oy bank- able ¬ paper on the Capital City Bank of Columbus O There can be no stronger guarantee given you We dare not use a banks name without authority if you doubt it write them Good health is the best life insurance Wrights Celery Capsules gives you good health they cure Liver Kidney and Stomach trouble Rheumatism Constipation aud Sick Headaches 100 days treatment costs lc a day A sight draft on above bank in every 1 box which brings 5our money back if we fail to cure you Sold by W T Brooks druggist Dill pickle McDermott Spears tf A beautiful line of white and silk puff shirts for hot weather at Price Oos Insure in my agency non- union ¬ Prompt paying reliable companies insures against fire wind and storm W O HTNTO Agent Advice to Consumptives There are three great reme- dies ¬ that every person with weak lungs or with consump- tion ¬ itself should understand These remedies will cure about every case in its first stages and many of those more advanced It- - is only the most advanced that are t hopeless Even these are t wonderfully relieved and life I itself greatly prolonged I What are these remedies I Fresh air proper food and scatts Emulsion I of Cod Liver Oil with Hypo I phosphites Be afraid of I draughts but not of fresh air I Eat nutritious food and drink plenty of milk Do not forget that Scotts EmulsionTs the oldest the most thoroughly tested and the highest en- dorsed ¬ of ail remedies for weak throats weak lungs and consumption in all its stages 30c and 100 all druggists SCOTT BOWNE Chemists New York iMMM Always ask for Paris Milling Cos Purity flour All grocers keep it Insist on having Purity every time To Cure A Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lets ¬ All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure 25c For sale by W TT Brooks and James Kennedy Paris Ky A Good Memory otyeu saves money and also good Health If you are troubled with constipation indiges ¬ tion or any form of stomach trouble remem- ber ¬ to take home a bottle of Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin and health will be restored lo you Trial sizes loc lo doses 10c large size 50c and 5100 of V T Brooks druggist Paris Ky ljaiwm Van Hook Whiskey 50 cents per quart McDermott Spears Railroad Engineer Testifies to Benefits Received From Dr Miles Remedies Is no more responsible position THERE than that of a railroad engin ¬ eer On his steady nerves clear braint bright eye and perfect self command de ¬ pend the safety of the train and the lives of Its passengers Dr Miles Nervine and other remedies are especially adapted to keeping the nerves steady the brain clear and the mental faculties unimpaired Engineer F W McCoy formerly of 1323 Broadway Council Bluffs but now residing at 3411 Humboldt St Denver writes that he suffered for years from constipation caus ¬ ing sick nervous and bilious headaches and was fully restored to health by Dr Miles Nerve Liver Pills I heartily recommend Dr Miles Remedies Dr Miles Remedies are sold by all drug- gists ¬ under a positive guarantee first bottlo benefits or money re ¬ funded Book on dis- eases ¬ of the heart and nerves free Address P Dr rm g Miles Restore Jm m Health JB DR MILES MEDICAL CO Elkhart Ind MASTERS SALE OF City Property Bourbon Circuit Court Jas R Stivers Assignee Plaintiff V8 Sherman Stivers etc Defendant By virtue of a judgment of the Bour ¬ bon Circuit Court made and entered iu the above styled cause on July 2d 1898 I will sell publicly at the Court house house door in Paris Kentucky on SATURDAY JULY 2g 1898 between the hours of 10 oclock a m and 2 p m the following described real estate to wit Lot No 16 in Higgius Sub division to the City of Paris fronting 50 feet on McCann Avenue and extending back of uniform width to J H Lewis 113 feet more or less bounded on the N by Reynolds land and on the S by lot 14 and is the same lot conveyed to Sher- man ¬ Stivers by J M Thomas and wife by deed of date May 30th 1888 of record in the office of the Clerk of Bourbon County Court Also the undivided one seventh in- terest ¬ of the defendant Sherman Stivers in the following tract of land subject to the dower right of his mother Mrs Mollie Stivers therein to wit A certain tract of land lying and being in Bourbon county Kentucky bounded on the E by the lands of the Ogden heirs and on the W by tbe lands of Jas Hinton yn the N by the lands of the Willis Wright and on the S by the lands of the Warfield heirs containing about acres Said sale will be made upon a credit of six and twelve months for equal parts of the purchase money for which the purchaser will be required to give bonds with good surety to be approved by the undersigned Master Commis- sioner ¬ payable to said Commissioner and bearing interest from date until paid at the rate of six per cent per an ¬ num and having the force and effect of judgments EMMETT M DICKSON Master Commissioner Bourbon Circuit Court Harmon Stitt Attorney THE BOURRON NEWS AND THE OJLKLOlTl Tl ftl WEEKLY ENQUIRER We have arranged a Clubbing Rate by which we can eive Both Papers One Year for only 225 Regular Price for Both is 275 GARTH FUND The present bjneficiaries of the Garth Fund will meet the commissioners at the City School Wednesday July 20th at 9 a m They must bring the text books used during the last school year New applicants will be considered Thursday July 21st at same hour and place They are required to present cer- tificates ¬ from last school attended re- specting ¬ their application proficiency and conduct and also evidence as to their financial condition Sjy td 0 u E F CLAY E M DICKSON GEO VARDEN Commissioners trayed or Stolen Bay mare 15 hands high 3 years old was taken from hitching rack at colored Baptist Church in Paris on the night of July 4th She is shedding front teeth Heavy mane and tail Had on brown leather saddle with heavy lap robe for blanket Will pay for infor ¬ mation leading to her recovery or will give 5 for her return to me WILLIE CALAMESE 8july 3t Box 51 J Paris Ky Estill S piin gs OPES JUKE Mil TO OCT 1ST Noted White Sulphur and Chalybeate Waters The prettiest Place and best kept Summer Resort in the West For particulars apply to CAPT J M THOMAS Proprietor IRVINE KY HHIIISTUTDBS NOTICE All persons having claims against the estate of Augusta Gr Rogers deceased must present same properly proven as required by law before me at my effice before Sept 1 198 or else be barred By order of the Bourbon County Court S B ROGERS July 2 1898 Administrator 3t T Pretty Bicycles are all right if you want something pretty to look at but there is a world of satisfaction in knowing you have a wheel that will stand the racket on all roads under all conditions The Phoenix will do it j4- tJo g m fZ -rr- -P- EDOOjn UShea Ufantei Come and see us before selling your VY heat Will furnish sacks and store on the most reasonable terms Will guar tee that vou can borrow money on our warehouse receipts at 7 per cent inter- est ¬ or less E B HUTCHCRAPT Wheat Sacks FOR SALE CHEAP Wheat stored on reasonable terms and highest market price paid for Wheat Call on us at Paris Milline Cos office B M RENIOK 00 P S Farmers would do well to store their wheat near home Wanted to Buy 300000 bushels of wheat the highest market price in will furnish sacks and store in an elevator and buy your you are ready to sell at the ket price Those who held year made big mone wheat and get the profit E 0 FRETWELL 5julv 4t I will pay cash or I your wheat wheat when highest last Store your Agent Ky 3STOTTOE Notice is hereby given that the firm of McDermott Spears is dissolved J K Spears having purchased the inter- est ¬ of Fred McDermott will continue the business FRED McDERMOTT J K SPEARS Crawford Bros have lately improv ¬ ed their barber shop making it decided- ly ¬ the most attractive shop in Paris They offer a prompt expert and polite service and their shop is as cool as any in the city Hot or cold baths at any hour tf PHOENIX BICYCLES DAUGHERTY BROS DEALERS IN Bicycles Sundries etc Bicycle Repairing Vulcanizing etc My aim is to give you the very best furniture at the very lowest prices consistent with good reliable goods w smT Years of experience in buying and the fact that I pay cash for all goods insures good results Another important fact not to be overlooked lgi I am paying a big rent and this feature is very much to the advantage of the furniture buyers of Bourbon and surrounding coun- ties ¬ not Big wordy advertisements and quoting prices on nothing in particular but everything in general are intended only tofool the buyers and pull them in To come to the point If you want the best furniture for the least money go to J TV HINTON Close Prices on Mattings This Week Elegant line of Pictures and Room Mouldings Send me your old furniture to be repaired Your furniture moved by experienced hands Wood Mantels furnished complete Undertaking in all its branches Embalming scientifically attended to CARRIAGES FOR HIRE a- - mar-whea- t- Paris Mr J1 I r- - K if W tt A 1 M

Transcript of CO NEW YORK e r- Dr to Buy › lccn › sn86069873 › ...i rt K I A If 9 i J I 8- r f V- lioyal...

Page 1: CO NEW YORK e r- Dr to Buy › lccn › sn86069873 › ...i rt K I A If 9 i J I 8- r f V- lioyal mattes the tood pure wholesome and delicious AKlH POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAKING








8 -



V -

lioyal mattes the tood purewholesome and delicious

AKlHPOWDERAbsolutely Pure


tie winn HEWSEighteenth Year Established 1881

Published every Tuesday and Friday by


Editor and Otvners

W Make all Checks Money Orders etcPayable to the order of Champ Miller

ADVER1I81NG RATESDisplays one dollar per inch for first Inser¬

tion half rates each Insertion thereafterLocals or reading notices ten cents per

line each insertion Locals in black typetwenty cents per line each insertion

Fractions of lines count as full lines whenrunning at line rates

Obltuaros cards of thanfis calls on candi ¬

dates resolutions of respect and matter of alike nature ten cents per line

Special rates given for large advertise ¬

ments and yearly cards

Late News of the War

A rumor from Madrid says that tbepeople of Canary Islands are panicstricken at the prospect of a visit fromAmerican warships

Sampson says that the Spanish cruiserMaria Theresa can be raised

- Gen Shafter wants more immunes atonce

Another expedition will sail forManila Sunday

Watsons fleet has been disbanded andpart of it will go to Porto Rico

The Porto Rico expedition is underway

Cervera may become a citizen of theUnited States

Business has been resumed at Santi-ago


War telegrams will be found on pagetwo

No more arms will be issued for theCubans and they will not be consideredmilitary allies Garcia has withdrawnhie troops from further eo operation

Fourteen thousand American soldiershave set sail for Porto Rico

Semi official announcement is madethat Porto Rico will be neld as a priceof peace No declaration has beenmade as regards disposition of Phillipines as yet

Dr Godfrey Hunter writes homethat he is much pleased with CentralAmerica Kentucky is so glad thatGodfrey is pleased and hopes he willstay pleased

Military Coincid nces

Lexington ObserverThe editor of the Observer W H

Polk belonged to Col U S Grantsregiment in the civil war Now theeditors youngcst eon is under the com-mand


of Col Grants son Gen F DGrant at Chickamauga Another coin-cidence


is that the editors son is campedon the very ground where his fathersregiment fought Longstreeta divisionyears ago

AwardedHighest Honors Worlds Fair




MOST PERFECT MADEA pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder Freefrom Ammonia Alum or any other adulterant




From Camp Thomas

Camp ThomasChickamauga Ga

July 20th 1898

The Second Kentucky Reg ¬

iment is very much disappointed at notjeing included in the ngiuient to be

ent to Porto Rico aud the men do notnow expect to leave Chickamauga untilhe war is over There is a srroug feel ¬

ing in the Second that tbe regiment has

been badly treated It was the first to

go into camp at Lexington the first tobe mustered aud equipped aud the first

to be sent to Chickamauga and then to

be kept in camp while the First and

Third Kentucky goes to the frontmakes the boys of the Second feel any ¬

thing but contented The First andThird will be moved within ten days

Five shots in quick succession ill thetent of Capt Harry Strother of theWinchester company caused a commo-



Tuesday night It was caused by aslumbering spark setting fire to his bed-


and exploding the cartridges in hisbelt Both Capt Strother and his tentmate Seth Beckner escaped from theflying bullets but the tent equipmentsand leggings were destroyed

Brigadier General Fred Grant whowas recently transferred to commandthe First Brigade Second DivisionThird Corps Ninth New York SecondKentucky First Arkansas was thisafternoon notified by Major GeneralBrooke to take command of the ThirdBrigade First Division First CorpsFirst Kentucky Fifth Illinois Third

Kentucky General Grant saidWhile I am grateful at the opportunity

to go to the front I of course am notpleased at so many changes of commandin so phort a period However thebrigade which I am to take to morrowis a good one I am told The Kentuckians are good fighters and I have a veryliberal allowance of them about 2 GOO

From what I could learn at army head-


it will be about 10 day3 beforeI can move The Second Kentuckyboys regret the transfer of Gen Grantwho is very popular with thro He isa splendid commander and the boys re-


that they cannot go to Porto Ricowith him Colonel Elias Chandler ofthe First Arkansas will probably suc-


General Grant temporarily in com-


of this brigade

So una Going To War

John Philip Sousa the famousbandmaster has been comuiissioued aCaptain on General Wilsons staff andhas accepted He will drill the Regi-


Bands and ask no remunerationSousa is a Spaniard by birth but is will ¬

ing to go to the front for the Stars andStripes Sousa is the composer of the

Stars and Stripes Forever TheTrooping of the Colors and the success-ful


comic opera The Bride ElectHe is quite a favorite in this city

-- - -

The very best companies com-pose


my agency whicn insuresagainst fire wind and btormNon union

W 0 H1NTON Agent


Of Murry Ind Recommends WrightsCelery Capsules

Murry Ind Sept 17 1896The Wright Medical Co

Columbus OhioDear Sirs Last spring I purchased

a box of Wrights Celery Capsules fromL C Davenport druggist BlufftonInd and used them tor stomach troublewith which I had been afflicted for morethan 15 years Since taking your Cap-sules


I have lost all trace of pain and mystomach is entirely well I can eat any¬

thing and can truthfully say that I havenot felt better in years

Yours RespectfullyMrs Laura Weishauft

Sold by W T Brooks at 50c and 100per box Send address on postal to theWright Med Co Columbus Ohio fortrial size free

Try our special A coffee sixpounds for 100

McDermott Spears

Send your linen to Haggard ReedsSteam Laundry for a good finish tf

Yesterdays Temperature

The following is the temperature asnoted yesterday by A J Winters Coof this city

7 a m 768 a m 789 a m 791

10 a m 8111 a m 8512 m 862 p m 903 p m 9J P- - m 925 P m 90i7pm 84

vPlan Your Summer Outing Now Go to

Picturesque Mackinac via The CoastLine

It only costs 13 50 from Detroit1550 from Toledo 17 from Cleveland

for the round trip including meals andberths One thousand miles of lake rideon new modern steel steamers for theabove rates Send 2c for illustratedpamphlet Address

A A Schantz G P ADetroit Mich

Feed sw eet potatoerMcDeemott Spears



Theatrical And Otherwise Remarks IuThe Fovor r


Anna Held will return to Americanext year and may star in play byChas Hoyc -


Color Sergeant Charlton- - Alexanderwho has been absent from Chickamauga

on recruiting duty and on account ofbeing In a Cincinnati hospital has returned to Camp Thomas


Rowena the beautiful 1200 saddlehorse owned by Miss Alice Castlemanof Louisyille died last week at the Summer home of the Castlemans at Shakertown The intelligent animal wentaround and told the family goodbye be-


it diede

The hand filters for purifying drink-ing


water have been abandoned beingtoo slow The water is now filteredthrough medicated abeatos cloth and asa consequence of the filtered waterthere is less sickness in the camp

Private Will Clark of Company Ihas been suff ring for several days withhis foot which was hurt the other dayby a plank falling on it Private JasStanfield is suffering from a brokenwrist sustained while wrestling

Generally speaking the health of theSecond Kentucky is very good Cap-


Winn of Company I has beensick for several days but hopes to bewell enough for duty in a day or soAlex Enochs of same company has themeasles in mild form and has beenisolated to prevent the disease fromspreading

Deering binder twine machineoil and all repairs for the Deeringmachinery at



Sales aud Transfers Of Stock CropTurf Notes


The Georgetown Times-- says ElleyBlackburn delivered to Weihl on Satur¬

day 34 head of export cattle averageweight 1530 Warren Graves deliveredto same 26 weight a little less than1500 and John B Graves 62 weight1350 All were Fold at 150 ThyWere driven to Lexington aud shipj elfrom that place

My agency insures againstfire wind and storm best ol re-


prompt paying compani-



Use Parib Milling Cos Purityflour for sale by all grocersAsk for it Take no other -

Your Life Insured 1c a Day

Our insurance is protected oy bank-able


paper on the Capital City Bank ofColumbus O There can be no strongerguarantee given you We dare not usea banks name without authority if youdoubt it write them Good health isthe best life insurance WrightsCelery Capsules gives you good healththey cure Liver Kidney and Stomachtrouble Rheumatism Constipation audSick Headaches 100 days treatmentcosts lc a day A sight draft on abovebank in every 1 box which brings5our money back if we fail to cure youSold by W T Brooks druggist

Dill pickleMcDermott Spears tf

A beautiful line of white andsilk puff shirts for hot weatherat Price Oos

Insure in my agency non-union


Prompt paying reliablecompanies insures against firewind and storm


Advice toConsumptives

There are three great reme-dies


that every person withweak lungs or with consump-tion


itself should understandThese remedies will cure

about every case in its firststages and many of thosemore advanced It- - is onlythe most advanced that are

t hopeless Even these aret wonderfully relieved and lifeI itself greatly prolongedI What are these remediesI Fresh air proper food and

scatts EmulsionI of Cod Liver Oil with HypoI phosphites Be afraid ofI draughts but not of fresh airI Eat nutritious food and drink

plenty of milk Do not forgetthat Scotts EmulsionTs theoldest the most thoroughlytested and the highest en-


of ail remedies forweak throats weak lungs andconsumption in all its stages

30c and 100 all druggistsSCOTT BOWNE Chemists New York


Always ask for Paris MillingCos Purity flour All grocerskeep it Insist on having Purityevery time

To Cure A Cold In One Day

Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab-lets


All druggists refund the moneyif it fails to cure 25c For sale by WTT Brooks and James Kennedy ParisKy

A Good Memoryotyeu saves money and also good Health Ifyou are troubled with constipation indiges ¬

tion or any form of stomach trouble remem-ber

¬to take home a bottle of Dr Caldwells

Syrup Pepsin and health will be restored loyou Trial sizes loc lo doses 10c large size 50cand 5100 of V T Brooks druggist ParisKy ljaiwm

Van Hook Whiskey 50 cents perquart McDermott Spears

Railroad EngineerTestifies to Benefits Received From

Dr Miles Remedies

Is no more responsible positionTHERE than that of a railroad engin ¬

eer On his steady nerves clear braintbright eye and perfect self command de ¬

pend the safety of the train and the livesof Its passengers Dr Miles Nervine andother remedies are especially adapted tokeeping the nerves steady the brain clearand the mental faculties unimpaired

Engineer F W McCoy formerly of 1323Broadway Council Bluffs but now residingat 3411 Humboldt St Denver writes that hesuffered for years from constipation caus¬

ing sick nervous and bilious headaches andwas fully restored to health by Dr MilesNerve Liver Pills I heartily recommendDr Miles Remedies

Dr Miles Remediesare sold by all drug-gists


under a positiveguarantee first bottlobenefits or money re¬

funded Book on dis-


of the heart andnerves free Address

P Dr rmg Miles

Restore Jmm Health JB



City PropertyBourbon Circuit Court

Jas R Stivers Assignee PlaintiffV8

Sherman Stivers etc Defendant

By virtue of a judgment of the Bour ¬

bon Circuit Court made and entered iuthe above styled cause on July 2d 1898I will sell publicly at the Court househouse door in Paris Kentucky on


between the hours of 10 oclock a mand 2 p m the following describedreal estate to wit

Lot No 16 in Higgius Sub division tothe City of Paris fronting 50 feet onMcCann Avenue and extending back ofuniform width to J H Lewis 113 feetmore or less bounded on the N byReynolds land and on the S by lot 14and is the same lot conveyed to Sher-man


Stivers by J M Thomas and wifeby deed of date May 30th 1888 ofrecord in the office of the Clerk ofBourbon County Court

Also the undivided one seventh in-terest


of the defendant ShermanStivers in the following tract of landsubject to the dower right of hismother Mrs Mollie Stivers therein towit A certain tract of land lying andbeing in Bourbon county Kentuckybounded on the E by the lands of theOgden heirs and on the W by tbe landsof Jas Hinton yn the N by the landsof the Willis Wright and on the S by thelands of the Warfield heirs containingabout acres

Said sale will be made upon a creditof six and twelve months for equal partsof the purchase money for which thepurchaser will be required to givebonds with good surety to be approvedby the undersigned Master Commis-sioner


payable to said Commissionerand bearing interest from date untilpaid at the rate of six per cent per an ¬

num and having the force and effect ofjudgments

EMMETT M DICKSONMaster Commissioner Bourbon Circuit

CourtHarmon Stitt Attorney




We have arranged a Clubbing Rateby which we can eive

Both Papers One Year for only 225Regular Price for Both is 275

GARTH FUNDThe present bjneficiaries of the Garth

Fund will meet the commissioners atthe City School Wednesday July 20that 9 a m They must bring the textbooks used during the last school year

New applicants will be consideredThursday July 21st at same hour andplace They are required to present cer-tificates


from last school attended re-specting


their application proficiencyand conduct and also evidence as totheir financial condition

Sjy td




trayed or StolenBay mare 15 hands high 3 years old

was taken from hitching rack at coloredBaptist Church in Paris on the nightof July 4th She is shedding frontteeth Heavy mane and tail Had onbrown leather saddle with heavy laprobe for blanket Will pay for infor ¬

mation leading to her recovery or willgive 5 for her return to me

WILLIE CALAMESE8july 3t Box 51 J Paris Ky

Estill S piin gsOPES JUKE Mil TO OCT 1ST

Noted White Sulphur and ChalybeateWaters The prettiest Place and bestkept Summer Resort in the West

For particulars apply to



All persons having claims against theestate of Augusta Gr Rogers deceasedmust present same properly proven asrequired by law before me at my efficebefore Sept 1 198 or else be barred

By order of the Bourbon CountyCourt


July 2 1898Administrator

3t T

Pretty Bicycles

are all right if you want somethingpretty to look at but there is a worldof satisfaction in knowing you have a

wheel that will stand the racket onall roads under all conditions ThePhoenix will do it


tJo g

mfZ -rr- -P-


UShea UfanteiCome and see us before selling your

VY heat Will furnish sacks and store onthe most reasonable terms Will guartee that vou can borrow money on ourwarehouse receipts at 7 per cent inter-est


or less



Wheat stored on reasonable termsand highest market price paid forWheat Call on us at Paris MillineCos office

B M RENIOK 00P S Farmers would do well to store

their wheat near home

Wanted to Buy300000 bushels of wheat

the highest market price inwill furnish sacks and storein an elevator and buy youryou are ready to sell at theket price Those who heldyear made big monewheat and get the profit

E 0 FRETWELL5julv 4t

I will paycash or Iyour wheatwheat whenhighest

lastStore your


3STOTTOENotice is hereby given that the firm of

McDermott Spears is dissolved JK Spears having purchased the inter-est


of Fred McDermott will continuethe business FRED McDERMOTT


Crawford Bros have lately improv ¬

ed their barber shop making it decided-ly


the most attractive shop in ParisThey offer a prompt expert and politeservice and their shop is as cool as anyin the city Hot or cold baths at anyhour tf



Bicycles Sundries etc Bicycle Repairing Vulcanizing etc

My aim is to give you the very best furniture at the verylowest prices consistent with good reliable goods


Years of experience in buying and the fact that I pay cashfor all goods insures good results

Another important fact not to be overlooked lgi I ampaying a big rent and this feature is very much to

the advantage of the furniture buyers ofBourbon and surrounding coun-



Big wordy advertisements and quoting prices on nothingin particular but everything in general are intended

only tofool the buyers and pull them in Tocome to the point If you want the best

furniture for the least money go to

J TV HINTONClose Prices on Mattings This Week

Elegant line of Pictures and Room MouldingsSend me your old furniture to be repairedYour furniture moved by experienced hands

Wood Mantels furnished completeUndertaking in all its branches

Embalming scientifically attended toCARRIAGES FOR HIRE


mar-whea- t-



Ir- -


