CNS I Drug Notes

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  • 8/8/2019 CNS I Drug Notes


  • 8/8/2019 CNS I Drug Notes


  • 8/8/2019 CNS I Drug Notes


    Nonopioid Centrally Acting Analgesics MOA

    Relieve pain by mechanisms largely or completely unrelated to opioid

    receptors; do not cause resp depression, dependence, or abuse.Tramadol: WEAK agonist of mu rec. mostly works by blocking uptake of NE and

    5HT3 thereby activating the monoaminergic spinal inhibition of pain.

    Naloxone will partially block Tramadols effect.

    Clonidine: Pain relief is delivered through continuous epidural infusion.

    Relieves pain by binding to pre & postsynaptic 2 rec in the spinal

    cord & blocks pain signals from the periphery to the brain.

    Ziconotide: Centrally acting analgesic w/ intrathecal admin. NOT 1st

    line agent

    due to adverse rxn (hallucinations, confusion, muscle injury)

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    Muscle Relaxants MOA (says he wont ask MOA) Adverse Effects Uses/Other2 Groups:

    For Muscle Spasm (1) Unclear. May result primarily

    from sedative properties, not by

    specifically controlling muscle


    Used to relieve localized spasm

    resulting from muscle injury. Not

    used for spasticity or other

    muscle disorders resulting from

    CNS pathology (except Diazepam).

    Diazepam (Valium) Promotes presynaptic inh by

    enhancing effects of GABA

    CNS depression sedation,

    lightheaded, dizzy; physicaldependence with life-threatening

    withdrawal if not done slowly

    (see above)not muscle relaxer is

    benzodiazepine; can give you high

    Tizanidine Agonist at the presynaptic 2 rec Same as above + hepatotoxic

    check LFT prior to use.

    (see above)

    Metaxalone Also hepatotoxic

    Chlorzoxazone Marginally effective & can cause

    fatal hepatic necrosis

    Others: Cyclobenzaprine, Cyclo: causes marked drowsinessCarisoprodol, Methocarbamol Caris: just became ctrled subst.

    Orphenadrine, Baclofen

    Drugs for Spasticity (2) Used for movement disorders of

    CNS origin (spasticity); disorders

    w/ heightened muscle tone,

    spasm, & loss of dexterity

    Baclofen Acts w/in the spinal cord tosuppress hyperactive reflexes

    involved in reg of muscle movemt

    Abrupt d/c of intrathecal dose cancause rhabdomyolysis, multi-

    organ failure, death

    MS, usually SCI, cerebral palsy

    Diazepam (listed in 1st

    group) (listed in 1st

    group) Preferred in pts w/ marginal


    Dantrolene Acts directly on skeletal muscle;

    does not allow muscle to

    contract; can decrease strength

    Hepatotoxicity MS, SCI, cerebral palsy; treats

    malignant hyperthermia (life-

    threatening increase in temp)

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    Class & Specific Agents MOA Adverse Effects Uses/OtherBarbiturates Bind to and enhance GABA rec

    Thiopental, Secobarbital


    High abuse potential; rarely used


    Strong resp dep, tolerance,

    dependence, DOC for suicide

    dec response to other drugs (inc

    hepatic synthesizing enzymes)


    Diazepam, Lorazepam,

    Midazolam, Clonazepam,

    Clorazepate, Alprazolam

    Enhance effects of GABA Confusion, anterograde amnesia Uses: anxiety, insomnia, general

    anesthesia, seizure disorders,

    muscle spasm, panic disorders,

    alcohol withdrawal

    Benzo-like Drugs

    Zolpidem (Ambien)

    Enhances GABA, but does not

    bind to benzo receptors

    Some daytime drowsiness insomnia

    Eszopiclone (Lunesta)CIV E: only drug with no limit to how

    long it can be taken


    Zaleplon (C IV)

    Works the same way as zolpidem

    but quick onset and short DOA

    Approved only for short-term


    Melatonin Agonist


    Activates MT1 & MT2 rec for

    melatonin; can inc levels of

    prolactin & dec levels of


    Amenorrhea, Galactorrhea,

    reduced libido, fertility problems

    Avoid during preg/lact

    Miscellaneous Sed-Hyp

    Chloral Hydrate (C IV) CNS dep similar to barbs Tolerance, withdrawal w/ sleep

    disruption and nightmares

    Prodrug that is rapidly

    metabolized to active form in liver

    Trazodone Used for induction of sleep


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    Classification benzodiazepines

    Drug Names Diazepam, Lorazepam, Midazolam, Clonazepam, Clorazepate, Alprazolam, Triazolam, Oxazepam

    MOA (brief) Potentiate the actions of GABA (intensify GABAs effects only, not direct GABA agonists)

    MOA (detailed) Enhance the actions of GABA by binding to specific rec in the supramolecular structure known as the GABA rec-

    chloride channel complex. Since the amount of GABA in the CNS is finite, there is a built-in limit to the depth of CNS

    depression the benzodiazepines can produce. This is why they are much safer than barbiturates, which directly

    mimic GABA. Benzos readily cross the bbb (lipid soluble). Benzos metabolites are pharmacologically active, so the

    effects of the drugs persist long after the parent drug has disappeared.

    Pharmacology Reduce anxiety; Promotes sleep; induce muscle relaxation

    Dosage/Route PO (have no effect on heart & bv); IV (can produce profound hypotension and cardiac arrest); all benzos can be PO

    Adverse Effects Confusion; anterograde amnesia (impaired recall of events that take place after dose) especially w/ Triazolam;

    may exacerbate obstructive sleep apnea (OSA); CNS depression with little to no resp dep; paradoxical effects:

    insomnia/excitation, euphoria/heightened anxiety & rage; abuse; death from OD has never been documented

    When is it used? Anxiety; insomnia; induction of general anesthesia (D,L,M)M is for conscious sedation; seizure disorders (D, L, clona,

    clora); muscle spasm (D); panic disorder (A, L, clona); withdrawal from alcohol

    Metabolic Effects Certain benzos go through very little hepatic metabolism & can be used in pts w/ liver disease (L,O,T)

    Selective Uses Triazolam sleep (b/c rapid onset); Estazolam for someone waking up after falling asleep (slower onset);

    Lorazepam (L,O,T) good in elderly b/c it does not accumulate w/ repeated dosing

    Overdose - Gastric lavage followed by activated charcoal & saline cathartic & possibly dialysis if Sx are severe.- Flumazenil: competitive benzo rec antagonist & will reverse sedative effects but NOT resp dep. Give IV

    slowly over 30 seconds and can be repeated every min PRN. 1st

    dose is 0.2 mg, 2nd

    dose 0.3 mg 3rd

    dose and

    all subsequent doses are 0.5 mg.

  • 8/8/2019 CNS I Drug Notes


  • 8/8/2019 CNS I Drug Notes


    AntiepilepticDrugs (AED):

    AEDs can suppress discharge of neurons within a seizure focus and suppress propagation of seizure activity from focus area to other areas.

    AEDs act through 4 basic mechanisms:

    1. Suppression ofNa+ influx: bind to Na+ channels while they are in inactivated state to prolong channel inactivation, thus decreasing theability of neurons to fire at high frequencies. (seizures that depend on high frequency discharge are suppressed)

    2. Suppression of Ca2+ influx: calcium influx promotes NT release at axon terminal. Block Ca2+ = block transmission.3. Antagonism ofGlutamate: glutamate is primary excitatory NT in CNS. Block its receptors=suppression of neuronal excitation.4. Potentiation ofGABA: decrease neuronal excitability and suppress seizure activity

    Seizure Type Traditional AEDs Newer AEDs

    Partial: Simple, complex, and secondary




    Valproic Acid









    Primary Generalized:




    Same as above & Phenobarbital (rarely)

    Ethosuximide (DOC)

    Valproic Acid (obtain baseline LFTs)

    Valproic Acid





    **red = drugs that suppress Na+

    influx. **blue =drugs that suppress Ca++

    influx. **green=glutamate antagonist also Felbamate (not listed)

    ***Valproic Acid has 3 MOAs: sodium, calcium, and GABA

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    AEDs that potentiate the effects of GABA:


    Barbiturates2. Benzodiazepines3. Gabapentin4. Tiagabine5. Vigabatrin


    Classification AED (most widely used and 1st drug to suppress seizures w/out depressing the entire CNS

    MOA (brief) Blockade of hyperactive Na+


    Therapeutic Range NARROW (the capacity of the liver to metabolize phenytoin is very limited)

    Adverse Effects Gingival hyperplasia (excess swelling, tenderness, bleeding of gums 20% and can be reduced w/ proper hygiene)

    Drug Interactions INC plasma levels: Diazepam, Valproic Acid, alcohol (acute). DEC plasma levels: Carbamazepine, phenobarbital,alcohol (chronic)

    When is it used? Epilepsy, Cardiac Dysrhythmias

    Metabolic Effects life shortens the longer the pt takes the drug