CMSC 104, Lecture 011 Introduction CMSC 104 Problem Solving and Computer Programming Section 401,...

CMSC 104, Lecture 01 Introduction CMSC 104 Problem Solving and Computer Programming Section 401, Thurs. 7:00-9:30 pm, ACIV- 305 Fred Kuss [email protected] Office: ITE 212 Mail Box is in: ITE 325

Transcript of CMSC 104, Lecture 011 Introduction CMSC 104 Problem Solving and Computer Programming Section 401,...

CMSC 104, Lecture 01 1


CMSC 104

Problem Solving and Computer Programming

Section 401, Thurs. 7:00-9:30 pm, ACIV-305

Fred Kuss [email protected]

Office: ITE 212

Mail Box is in: ITE 325

CMSC 104, Lecture 01 2

Text Books

Required Text:

“C How to Program” by Deitel / Deitel

Fourth Edition,

ISBN# = 0-13-142644-3

CMSC 104, Lecture 01 3

Optional Text Books

Computer Confluenceby: George Beekman

ISBN # = 0130882372

Computers in your Futureby: Bryan Pfaffenberger

ISBN # = 0130898155

CMSC 104, Lecture 01 4

Optional Text Books

Foundations of Computer Scienceby: Behrouz A. ForouzanISBN # = 0534-37968-0

The Computer Continuumby: Kurt Lauckner

ISBN # = 0130898139

CMSC 104, Lecture 01 5

Am I in the right class?

CMSC 104o Assumes NO programming experienceo Does NOT count towards your CS majoro Prepares you for CMSC 201

CMSC 201o Assumes some programming experienceo First CMSC course for CS majorso Also required for IFSM majorso More challenging

CMSC 104, Lecture 01 6

What Will We Cover?

• General computer hardware and software concepts

• Basic computer use

• Problem solving

• Basic computer programming in the C programming language

CMSC 104, Lecture 01 7

General Hardware and Software Concepts

• Introduction to computer architecture

• Data representation and memory usage

• Introduction to operating systems

• UNIX/Linux, Windows 95,98,NT,2000

CMSC 104, Lecture 01 8

Basic Computer Use

• Basic use of

• an operating system (Linux)• e-mail (pine)• a text editor (pico/xemacs)• the Internet (Netscape and/or Internet Explorer)

CMSC 104, Lecture 01 9

Problem Solving

• Problem solving and algorithm development

• general vs. specific solution to a problem • use of top-down design• use of pseudocode• algorithm (code) reuse

CMSC 104, Lecture 01 10

Basic Computer Programming in the C Programming Language

• Compiling, linking, and executing a computer program

• Testing a computer program

• C programming language basics

CMSC 104, Lecture 01 11


On the Web

“Lecture Schedule” and Grades are also posted on the Web

Refer to the Web throughout the semester

CMSC 104, Lecture 01 12

Getting a GL Account at UMBC

You MUST have a GL account Go to room ECS 020 (in the basement)

and ask at the desk, OR Using the Internet, go to: (NO www.) Your account can be used in

approximately 1/2 hour

CMSC 104, Lecture 01 13

Changing your Linux password

Login by entering your id and password given on the sheet

At the Linux prompt type:passwd <Return>

You will be prompted for your new password; type it in and press <Return>

You will be asked to type the new password again

CMSC 104, Lecture 01 14

Changing your Linux password (continued)

You will be given a message that the password has been changed

OR you will be given a message that rejects your new password

Passwords should be at least 5 characters long, should be something you will remember.

Your password will be rejected if it is a commonly used word or name

CMSC 104, Lecture 01 15

Computer Science at UMBC

CSEE Administrative Officeso ITE 325

CSEE Student Services Officeo ITE 204 Lynn Crabb = ITE 205, Undergrad Advising

CSHC (Computer Science Help Center)o ITE 208-E 410-455-6336 In the New Building.

Linux Users Group (LUG)o

CMSC 104, Lecture 01 16

OIT Labs

The Office of Information Technology is responsible for all the lab computers

Labs:o ECS 021 -- PCs, MACs, SGI Workstationso ECS 005 -- SGI Workstationso ECS 104 -- PCso ECS 104A -- SGI Workstationso ECS 122A -- PCso ECS 333 -- PCso ECS 336 -- MACs

Labs may be on reserve so plan ahead !

CMSC 104, Lecture 01 17

OIT Labs (Cont'd)

Print Dispatch -- ECS 019 (~cents / page)

Hours of Operationso Beginning of Semester,

� Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 10 pm� Saturday 8:00 am – 10 pm� Sunday 12:00 noon – 10 pm

o During Semester,� Sunday 12 noon – Friday 12 midnight (24 hrs)� Saturday 8:00 am - 12:00 midnight.

CMSC 104, Lecture 01 18

Consultants vs Tutors

OIT Labs are staffed by consultantso using software (pine, xrn, netscape, etc.)o some text editors (emacs, pico)o operating system commands (Unix/Linux)o Formatting / Cleaning floppy diskso communicating with UMBC computers

CSHC is staffed by tutorso Help with homework and projectso emacs and Unix / Linux questionso ITE 208-E -- Hours to be announced

CMSC 104, Lecture 01 19

Logging on from Home

High speed line1: 410 - 719 - 1094 High speed line2: 301 - 322 - 6199

o 56. k bps. Settings for both lines

o No parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit On your computer, you must have

o Communications software (Free CD rom from UMBC Computer Services ECS 020)

o A modem

CMSC 104, Lecture 01 20


Connect to your Internet Service Provider (ISP)

Windows 95/NT/98/2000o click: Starto click: Runo Type: telnet

Login with your UMBC login-

name & password.

CMSC 104, Lecture 01 21

Hardware & Software Needs

Do I need my own computer?o No, but it is more convenient for you

If I have my own computer, can I use it?o Sure, but you will using it mostly to login to

your GL account or for word processing Do I need a C Compiler?

o No, and if you buy one, you may be wasting your $$$. All programming should be done in your GL account.

CMSC 104, Lecture 01 22

Course Overview

Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture Data Representation and Memory Usage Introduction to Operating Systems Problem Solving and Algorithm Development Introduction to Software Engineering Using Top-Down

Design Compiling, Linking and Execution C Programming Reuse Based on Algorithm Selection and Design
