CMS TEST BEAM & HF WORK BY TASK K PM end of HF, August ’07, in pit


CMS TEST BEAM & HF WORK BY TASK K. PM end of HF, August ’07, in pit. CMS / HF SUMMER WORK BY BOSTON UNIVERSITY 2007 CMS HCAL/ECAL test beam many shifts Carleton & Sulak prototypical slice of HCAL & ECAL of CMS in CERN H2 beam line - PowerPoint PPT Presentation





PM end of HF, August ’07, in pit


many shifts Carleton & Sulak prototypical slice of HCAL & ECAL of CMS in CERN H2 beam line pion, proton, muon, electron beams, 2 GeV - 450 GeV

evaluation of HF punch-through problem helping FreemanHF Super-LHC upgrade tests: quartz plates helping Winn et al.

solid state Si PMTs BU H2 initiative: CMS Data Quality Monitoring (DQM) Plotter by Carleton for Sulak to debug beam

scripts written for H2 DQM histograms automatic dumped after each run, compare with other runs

used PHP to create web-based script to display arbitrary histograms including beam type, energy, run time, date

option of sorting by run number, date, or beam typeselect which set of histograms for each run. see 2 displays

shift crew can instantly recognize element failure, gradual shifts, etc. used in real time during video conferences with FNAL

remedying a major CMS lack: a user-friendly plotting systemCMSSW has largely nonfunctional web pages; fail to make histogramsECAL: display certain types of data, makes a limited number of histograms, only ECAL

Extrapolating H2 Histogrammer to a CMS-wide system for FY ‘08 with Sergei Gleyzer FSU/ECALweb-based histogrammer access central ORACLE database of CMS, using PHPcross-correlate data from any CMS subdetector end product: user selects any two CMS quantities, plots for a range of runs or datesdata retrieved, histogram created using ROOT (CERN-developed C++ derivative) current enhancements in process: view sample histograms for given quantities

searchable database of created histograms in '08 will distribute fully debugged version to the CMS community

quickly generated, custom histograms

cabled HF+ and HF- data acquisition electronics with guidance from Dick Kellogg

cabling up the HF electronics

in counting house

BU CMS histogrammer developed for H2 Test Beam Data ‘07

…histogrammer showing pop up functionality for two histos

A retrofitted tail catcher for HF?...mitigating the "shower punch-through into pm" problem

1998-2003 development of TDR design for HF led by this DOE Taskmany prototypes built at BU (continuation of GEM/SSC), interactive with extensive simulationsdecade long series of test beams of our prototypes @ BNL, FNAL, then CERN

Well-known challenge at the time:untagged, penetrating hadrons - falsely interpreted as missing energy in SUSY searcheslate developing showers into PMs & guides - big signals fake missing energy signal other side

BU solutions:1) PMs put in shielded region far from beam pipe outside region of shower remnants

fiber bundles turn to beam immediately at exit from absorber & as short as possible 1 m long air light guides to beam lead to large radius technology by Osborne

2) a tail catcher after main absorber tagged late-developing showers but...eventually costs of other parts of US/CMS budget restrictions HF severely compromised

a) air light guides eliminated...PMs placed right in the tail of showers b) tail catcher abandoned

2006 CERN Test Beam of wedge of final HF: "unanticipated" spuriously big pulses!!! Carleton on shift2007 Summer Test Beam: Mockup of HF in : Sulak & Carleton on shift

big pulses come from showers entering PMs Freeman2007 BU in situ investigation HF: retrofitting a tail catcher to HF may be straightforward

no mechanical or electronic show stoppers, sufficient spare slots & space for cable runsSimple HF Tail Catcher Retrofit:

1) attach a quartz plate on the handles of the PM box behind each of 36 wedges of HF, each plate covering 24 PMs2) transport Cherenkov photons with 1 m air light guide to high radius behind shielding3) sense light with inexpensive a) small PM, or b) a silicon PM (SiPM) 4) run cables from PMs to spare slots in standard HF front end cards in spare slots of HF crates5) 6 additional fiber optic cables travel in spare space of "accordion tray" 6) standard DAQ cards in spare slots of HF crates take data in counting room see 4 pictures

Proposed Goal in FY'08

prototype then implement a quartz plate channel covering one wedge to evaluate in early LHC runningTeam: Osborne, Heitor Mourato (instrument shop director), Hazen, Carleton (UROP & summer)

Phil Lawson (seasoned PhD student with 4 years hardware experience at NIST)

HF- summer 2007

Note the following:

PM boxes w/cables exiting left

to front end crates

orange steel shielding

plugs of anti-neutron concrete

Space for

quartz covering PM boxes

air light guides

tail-catcher PMs or SiPMs

at periphery

cabled boxes of 16 PMs:

mount wedge-shaped quartz platecovering each

funnel light out

to edge of orange shielding

extra slots at left of each crate on HF

for additional front end modules

Matt Carleton

extra space in cable accordion

for optical fibers to travel

to counting house

Tail catcher retrofitting possibility

checked out…

HF cabling completed!