CMMS - Enterprise... · CMMS stands for...

User Guide Part 13 CMMS

Transcript of CMMS - Enterprise... · CMMS stands for...

Page 1: CMMS - Enterprise... · CMMS stands for Computerized Maintenance Management System. It is a powerful tool used by maintenance

User Guide Part 13


Page 2: CMMS - Enterprise... · CMMS stands for Computerized Maintenance Management System. It is a powerful tool used by maintenance

Status Enterprise CMMS


Contents 1 OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................................. 4

1.1 What is CMMS? .................................................................................................................... 4 1.2 Hierarchy Model .................................................................................................................... 4 1.3 Compatibility ......................................................................................................................... 4

2 GETTING STARTED ..................................................................................................................... 5

2.1 Running CMMS ..................................................................................................................... 5 2.2 CMMS and Data Model Designer ......................................................................................... 5 2.3 CMMS Menu ......................................................................................................................... 6 2.3.1 Client .................................................................................................................................. 6 2.3.2 Help .................................................................................................................................... 6

3 EQUIPMENT ................................................................................................................................ 7

3.1 Assets ................................................................................................................................... 7 3.1.1 Trends, Property Table, Alarms and History ..................................................................... 7

4 WORK SCHEDULE ....................................................................................................................... 8

4.1 Creating a Work Schedule .................................................................................................... 8 4.1.1 New Work Schedule .......................................................................................................... 8 4.2 Deleting a Work Schedule .................................................................................................... 9 4.3 Editing a Work Schedule ...................................................................................................... 9 4.4 Sorting Work Schedules ..................................................................................................... 10

5 WORK REQUEST....................................................................................................................... 12

5.1 Creating a Work Request ................................................................................................... 12 5.1.1 New Work Request .......................................................................................................... 12 5.2 Deleting a Work Request .................................................................................................... 13 5.3 Notes ................................................................................................................................... 14 5.4 Documents .......................................................................................................................... 14 5.5 Details ................................................................................................................................. 15 5.6 Response ............................................................................................................................ 15 5.6.1 Work Request Response ................................................................................................. 16

6 JOB ORDER.............................................................................................................................. 18

6.1 Creating a Job Order .......................................................................................................... 18 6.1.1 New Job Order ................................................................................................................. 18 6.2 Deleting a Job Order ........................................................................................................... 20 6.3 Notes ................................................................................................................................... 20 6.4 Documents .......................................................................................................................... 20 6.5 Details ................................................................................................................................. 20 6.6 Response ............................................................................................................................ 21 6.6.1 Job Order Response ........................................................................................................ 21 6.7 Work Master ........................................................................................................................ 23


7.1 Creating a Job List .............................................................................................................. 24 7.1.1 New Job List .................................................................................................................... 24 7.2 Deleting a Job List .............................................................................................................. 24 7.3 Notes, Documents and Details ........................................................................................... 24 7.4 Assigning a Job ................................................................................................................... 25 7.4.1 Removing a Job ............................................................................................................... 25 7.4.2 Notes, Documents, Details, Response, Work Master ..................................................... 25

8 WORK MASTER ........................................................................................................................ 26

8.1 Creating a Work Master ...................................................................................................... 26

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8.2 Deleting a Work Master ...................................................................................................... 27 8.3 Notes ................................................................................................................................... 27 8.4 Documents .......................................................................................................................... 27

9 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND SUPPORT.................................................................................. 28

Figures and Tables

Figure 1 - Equipment Hierarchy Model ......................................................................................................... 4

Figure 2 – Status Server Login Dialog .......................................................................................................... 5

Figure 3 - CMMS Asset Tree ........................................................................................................................ 6

Figure 4 - CMMS Menu ................................................................................................................................. 6

Figure 5 – Refresh ........................................................................................................................................ 6

Figure 6 - User Guide .................................................................................................................................... 6

Figure 7 - Asset Tree .................................................................................................................................... 7

Figure 8 – Trends, Property Table, Alarms and History Tabs ...................................................................... 7

Figure 9 - Add Work Schedule ...................................................................................................................... 8

Figure 10 - New Schedule............................................................................................................................. 8

Figure 11 - Delete Work Schedule ................................................................................................................ 9

Figure 12 - Delete Work Schedule Confirmation .......................................................................................... 9

Figure 13 - Edit Work Schedule .................................................................................................................... 9

Figure 14 - Work Schedule Details ............................................................................................................. 10

Figure 15 - Work Schedule Sorting ............................................................................................................. 10

Figure 16 - Count per Page......................................................................................................................... 10

Figure 17 - Column Filters button ............................................................................................................... 10

Figure 18 - Enable/Disable Column Headings ............................................................................................ 11

Figure 19 - Work Requests ......................................................................................................................... 12

Figure 20 - New Work Request ................................................................................................................... 12

Figure 21 - Delete Work Request ............................................................................................................... 14

Figure 22 - Delete Work Request Confirmation .......................................................................................... 14

Figure 23 - Notes ........................................................................................................................................ 14

Figure 24 - Work Request Documents ........................................................................................................ 15

Figure 25 - Work Request Details ............................................................................................................... 15

Figure 26 - Work Request Response .......................................................................................................... 16

Figure 27 - Job Order .................................................................................................................................. 18

Figure 28 - New Job Order.......................................................................................................................... 18

Figure 29 - Delete Job Order ...................................................................................................................... 20

Figure 30 - Delete Job Order Confirmation ................................................................................................. 20

Figure 31 - Job Order Details ...................................................................................................................... 21

Figure 32 - Job Order Response ................................................................................................................ 21

Figure 34 - Job Order Work Master ............................................................................................................ 23

Figure 35 - Job List ..................................................................................................................................... 24

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Figure 36 - New Job List ............................................................................................................................. 24

Figure 37 - Delete Job List .......................................................................................................................... 24

Figure 38 - Job List ..................................................................................................................................... 25

Figure 39 - Select Job ................................................................................................................................. 25

Figure 40 - Remove Job .............................................................................................................................. 25

Figure 41 - Work Master ............................................................................................................................. 26

Figure 42 - Select Type ............................................................................................................................... 26

Figure 43 - Add New Work Master .............................................................................................................. 27

Figure 44 - Work Master List ....................................................................................................................... 27

Figure 45 - Delete Work Master .................................................................................................................. 27

Figure 46 – Documents ............................................................................................................................... 27

Page 5: CMMS - Enterprise... · CMMS stands for Computerized Maintenance Management System. It is a powerful tool used by maintenance

Status Enterprise CMMS


1 Overview This document outlines the basic functionality of the CMMS. CMMS is an application that is used to utilize meaningful information that will assist maintenance workers in efficiently performing their jobs in a cost effective and timely manner.

1.1 What is CMMS? CMMS stands for Computerized Maintenance Management System. It is a powerful tool used by maintenance managers to schedule and monitor jobs, manage assets and document previously performed jobs thus allowing them to make informed decisions that saves time and reduce costs.

1.2 Hierarchy Model

CMMS follows the ISA-95 Equipment Hierarchy Model.

1.3 Compatibility

Currently, the CMMS application is only functional for new installation. Users with existing data models

will not be able to fully utilize the application at this time.




















Figure 1 - Equipment Hierarchy Model

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Status Enterprise CMMS


2 Getting Started

2.1 Running CMMS When you start CMMS, you will be prompted to log into the Status Server. For more information on Login Settings, see Part 1 – Overview and Concepts, Section 3.

Figure 2 – Status Server Login Dialog

Once logged in and connected to the Status Server, you can begin setting up the Status Asset Manager.

2.2 CMMS and Data Model Designer Equipment that will be used in the CMMS application are created using the Data Model Designer. It is

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advised to create assets within the provided Asset Tree to be compliant with the ISA-95 standard. For more information on adding and removing assets, see Part 2 – Data Model Designer.

Figure 3 - CMMS Asset Tree

2.3 CMMS Menu

CMMS has two main menus: Client and Help.

Figure 4 - CMMS Menu

2.3.1 Client

The Client Menu has only one sub-menu which is Refresh. It is used to update CMMS after making changes in the Data Model Designer.

Figure 5 – Refresh

2.3.2 Help

The Help Menu is used to access the User Guide.

Figure 6 - User Guide

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3 Equipment

3.1 Assets

When users navigate to the Equipment tab, it will be empty until assets are created in the Data Model

Designer. Once the assets are created, it will be displayed in the Asset Tree.

Figure 7 - Asset Tree

3.1.1 Trends, Property Table, Alarms and History

Underneath the Assets Tree, there are tabs for Trends, Property Table, Alarms and History.

Figure 8 – Trends, Property Table, Alarms and History Tabs

It has the same functionality as the Data Model Browser. For more information, please refer to Part 6 – Model Browser.

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4 Work Schedule

4.1 Creating a Work Schedule

Navigate to the Work Schedules tab. Click the Add Work Schedule button.

Figure 9 - Add Work Schedule

This will trigger a New Schedule dialog box.

Figure 10 - New Schedule

4.1.1 New Work Schedule

Schedule Name

This is the name given to identify the schedule.


This provides a meaningful information about the schedule.

Start Time / End Time

This is used to define when a schedule will start and end.

Work Type

This categorizes the type of work for the schedule and can be set with any of the following options:

• None

• Maintenance

• Inventory

• Mixed

Click OK.

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4.2 Deleting a Work Schedule

To delete a work schedule, select the schedule for deletion. Then, click the Delete Work Schedule


Figure 11 - Delete Work Schedule

A confirmation to delete the selected schedule will pop up. Click Yes to continue or No to cancel.

Figure 12 - Delete Work Schedule Confirmation

4.3 Editing a Work Schedule

To edit an existing Work Schedule, select the schedule for editing. Then, click the Details button.

Figure 13 - Edit Work Schedule

The Work Schedule Details screen will be displayed. Users can change all fields in the Work Schedule.

Once done editing, click OK to save the changes made.

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Figure 14 - Work Schedule Details

4.4 Sorting Work Schedules

CMMS allows users to quickly sort and search for Work Schedules by clicking on the column heading.

Figure 15 - Work Schedule Sorting

Users may increase or decrease the number of work schedules to display per page by changing the

Count per Page value.

Figure 16 - Count per Page

Also, column headings may be enabled and disabled. To do that, right click on the Work Schedule area

or click the Column Filters button.

Figure 17 - Column Filters button

This will show all the column headings available. Click the heading you want to enable. The check mark

will appear right next to the heading which means it is already enabled. To disable, do the same process

and it will be unchecked.

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Figure 18 - Enable/Disable Column Headings

This style of sorting can be found on other sections of CMMS as well.

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5 Work Request A work request is a scheduled request to carry out a task.

5.1 Creating a Work Request

After a Work Schedule has been created, users can now start creating work requests. Click the New

Work button.

Figure 19 - Work Requests

This will trigger the New Work Request dialog box.

Figure 20 - New Work Request

5.1.1 New Work Request

Work Request Type

This categorizes where the work request is specifically coming from and can be set using any of the following options:

• Work Request

• Maintenance Work Request

• Production Work Request

• Quality Work Request

Work Type

This categorizes the type of work request and can be set using any of the following options:

• None

• Production

• Maintenance

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• Quality

• Inventory

• Mixed


This is an internal name given to the work request that is meaningful to the organization.


This is the descriptive name given to identify the work request.


This provides a meaningful information about the work request.

Start/End Time

This is the time when a work request starts and ends.


This is used to rank the work request according to its importance and can be set using any of the following options:

• None

• Low

• Med

• High

• Critical

• Emergency

Work Status

This is an indicator of the state of the work request and can be set using any of the following options:

• None

• Closed

• Pending

• Ready

• Scheduled

Requested by

This identifies which user requested the work.

Assign To

This identifies which user will perform the work requested.


This is the area where users can specify the equipment needed to perform the work request.

Click OK.

5.2 Deleting a Work Request

To delete a work request, select the item for deletion and click the Delete Work button

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Figure 21 - Delete Work Request

A confirmation to delete the selected work request will pop up. Click Yes to continue or No to cancel.

Figure 22 - Delete Work Request Confirmation

5.3 Notes

A Note allows users to leave a simple text comment about the work request. By default, it will

automatically create the timestamp (the current date and time of the creation) of the note as well as

identify the user who created the note.

Figure 23 - Notes

5.4 Documents

This is where any documentation pertaining to this work request can be attached. To add a document,

simply click the Add button and select the file from your computer. Once the documented is added, it will

be listed under Related Documents.

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Figure 24 - Work Request Documents

To delete a document, just select the file and click the Delete button. Documents can be opened by

either double clicking on the file or selecting the file first then clicking the Open button.

5.5 Details

To edit a Work Request, simply select the work request and click the Details button.

Figure 25 - Work Request Details

5.6 Response

This allows users to leave a response for a work request.

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Figure 26 - Work Request Response

5.6.1 Work Request Response

Work Type

This categorizes the type of work request and can be set using any of the following options:

• None

• Production

• Maintenance

• Quality

• Inventory

• Mixed

Requested Start Time / Requested End Time

This is the requested time when work is supposed to start and end.

Start Time / End Time

This is the actual start and end time when work was performed.


This is the duration of the time when the work was performed.


This is the place where the work was performed. It can be set using any of the following options:

• None

• Enterprise

• Site

• Area

• Work Center

• Work Unit

• Process Cell

• Unit

• Production Line

• Production Unit

• Work Cell

• Storage Zone

• Storage Unit

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Response State

This is the current state of the work requested and can be set using any of the following options:

• None

• Active

• Canceled

• Closed

• Completed

• In Progress

• Waiting

Closed Date

This is the date and time the work is closed.

Closed By

This specifies the user who closed the work request.


This is where additional meaningful information regarding the work can placed.

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6 Job Order A work request may need more than one task to be fulfilled, hence the need for job orders. A Job Order

is a specific task that needs to be performed.

6.1 Creating a Job Order

To create a job order, click the New Job button.

Figure 27 - Job Order

This will trigger the New Job Order dialog box.

Figure 28 - New Job Order

6.1.1 New Job Order

Work Type

This categorizes the type of job order and can be set using any of the following options:

• None

• Production

• Maintenance

• Quality

• Inventory

• Mixed


This is an internal name given to the job order that would be meaningful to the organization.


This is the descriptive name given to identify the job order.

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This provides a meaningful information about the job order.

Work Master

This is used to attach a work master to a specific job order.


This is used to specify the place where the job order will need to be performed and can be set using any of the following options:

• None

• Enterprise

• Site

• Area

• Work Center

• Work Unit

• Process Cell

• Unit

• Production Line

• Production Unit

• Work Cell

• Storage Zone

• Storage Unit


This is used to rank the job order according to its importance and can be set using any of the following options:

• None

• Low

• Med

• High

• Critical

• Emergency


This is used to define an action status of a job order and can be set using any of the following options:

• None

• Start

• Hold

• Cancel

• Abort

• Stop

Dispatch Status

This is used to define if a job order has been rolled out and can be set using any of the following:

• None

• Dispatched

• Acknowledged

• In Progress

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Request Start / End Time

This is the specified start and end time when a job order has been requested to be performed.

Start Time / End Time

This is the actual start and end time when a job order has been performed.

Requested By

This identifies which user ordered the job.

Assign To

This identifies which user will perform the job.


This is used to specify the equipment needed to perform the job.

6.2 Deleting a Job Order

To delete a job order, select the item for deletion and click the Delete Job button.

Figure 29 - Delete Job Order

A confirmation to delete the selected job order will pop up. Click Yes to continue or No to cancel.

Figure 30 - Delete Job Order Confirmation

6.3 Notes

Just like in Work Requests, there’s also a Notes section in Job Orders which allows users to leave simple

text regarding a particular Job Order.

6.4 Documents

This allows users to attach documents to job orders.

6.5 Details

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Clicking Details allow users to edit the selected Job Order.

Figure 31 - Job Order Details

6.6 Response

This allows users to leave a response for the selected job order.

Figure 32 - Job Order Response

6.6.1 Job Order Response

Work Type

This categorizes the type of job order and can be set using any of the following options:

• None

• Production

• Maintenance

• Quality

• Inventory

• Mixed

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Requested Start Time / Requested End Time

This is the time when a job order is supposed to start and end.

Start Time / End Time

This is the actual time when a job was performed.


This is the duration of the time when the job was performed.


This is the technician (user) who performed the job.


This is the place where the job was performed. It can be set using any of the following options:

• None

• Enterprise

• Site

• Area

• Work Center

• Work Unit

• Process Cell

• Unit

• Production Line

• Production Unit

• Work Cell

• Storage Zone

• Storage Unit

Response State

This is the current state of the job and can be set using any of the following options:

• None

• Active

• Canceled

• Closed

• Completed

• In Progress

• Waiting

Materials Used

This is used to specify the materials used to perform the job.

Closed Date

This is the date and time the job is closed.

Closed By

This specifies the user who closed the job.

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This is where additional meaningful information regarding the job can be placed.


Users will be able to leave notes in a job response.

6.7 Work Master

This allows users to attach a Work Master to the Job Order.

Figure 33 - Job Order Work Master

For more information about Work Master, please refer to the Work Master section of this document.

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7 Job List A job list is used to assign one or more jobs to a specific user.

7.1 Creating a Job List To create a job list, click the New List button.

Figure 34 - Job List

This will trigger a New Job List dialog box.

Figure 35 - New Job List

7.1.1 New Job List


This is the name used to identify the job list.


This is the user assigned to the job list.

7.2 Deleting a Job List

To delete a job list, simply select the Job List to delete and click the Delete List button.

Figure 36 - Delete Job List

7.3 Notes, Documents and Details

Just like in Work Requests and Job orders, users may also create notes and assign documents in Job

Lists while the Details button allows users to edit a Job list.

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7.4 Assigning a Job

This section is used to add jobs in the job list. A job list may have more than one job. To start adding

jobs, click the Add Job button.

Figure 37 - Job List

When the Add Job button has been clicked, this will prompt the user to navigate to the Work Schedules

and to select the job (which were previously created in the Job Orders section) to add.

Figure 38 - Select Job

7.4.1 Removing a Job To remove a job, select the job and click the Remove Job button.

Figure 39 - Remove Job

7.4.2 Notes, Documents, Details, Response, Work Master These buttons allow editing job orders without navigating to the Work Schedules tab.

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8 Work Master A Work Master is a set of instructions on how to perform a job.

8.1 Creating a Work Master

To create a work master, click the New Work Master button.

Figure 40 - Work Master

This will trigger the Types directory to open up. Select either a simple Work Master or a Work Directive.

Figure 41 - Select Type

After selecting the Type, create a name for the Work Master and then click OK.

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Figure 42 - Add New Work Master

This will add the newly created Work Master on the list.

Figure 43 - Work Master List

8.2 Deleting a Work Master

To delete a Work Master, simply select the Work Master to delete and click the Delete button.

Figure 44 - Delete Work Master

8.3 Notes

Just like in Work Requests and Job Orders, there’s also a Notes section in Work Masters which allows

users to leave simple text regarding a particular Work Master.

8.4 Documents

Once a Work Master has been created, documents can now be attached to it. Adding, opening and

deleting documents follow the same process like the other areas of CMMS.

Figure 45 – Documents

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9 Additional Information and Support

For more information in using Status Enterprise, please visit us at This will give you access to instructional videos, documentation and our online forum. You can also email B-Scada support at [email protected]. B-Scada, Inc. 9030 W. Fort Island Trail Building 9

Crystal River, FL 34429 USA +1 352-564-9610