CMC Newsweekly - Amazon Web...

CMC Newsweekly 540-433-2148 [email protected] 02/19/17 Worship Leader: Hadley Jenner Song Leader: Nancy Heisey Prelude: Danny King and Alden Hostetter Attendance last Sunday = 249 Offering last Sunday = $8,026 Everyone Welcome = $875 WORSHIP THIS SUNDAY Journey with Jesus Built on a rock Preacher: Pastor Jennifer Davis Sensenig Community Mennonite Church, 70 S High Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 UPCOMING CMC EVENTS Feb. 23 rd Bible Stories for Real Life Bible Study – “The Stories Jesus Told— Parables” from 7pm – 8:30pm in room #109 Feb 26 th CMC Senior’s and MYF – Rt.42 Diner Dinner and Games Night Future dates ……… Feb. 28 th Mardi Gras/Fat Tuesday, Bible Stories for Real Life Bible Study from 7pm – 8:30pm in room #109. Read aloud the gospel of Matthew. (I’ve heard that Pastor Jennifer will have donuts to share.) Mar. 1 st Join us for our Ash Wednesday Worship Service at 7:30pm in the Sanctuary.

Transcript of CMC Newsweekly - Amazon Web...

Page 1: CMC Newsweekly - Amazon Web CMC EVENTS Feb. 23rd Bible Stories for Real Life Bible Study – “The Stories

CMC Newsweekly 540-433-2148 [email protected]


Worship Leader: Hadley Jenner Song Leader: Nancy Heisey Prelude: Danny King and Alden Hostetter

Attendance last Sunday = 249 Offering last Sunday = $8,026

Everyone Welcome = $875


Journey with Jesus Built on a rock Preacher: Pastor Jennifer Davis Sensenig

Community Mennonite Church, 70 S High Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801


Feb. 23rd Bible Stories for Real Life Bible

Study – “The Stories Jesus Told—Parables” from 7pm – 8:30pm in room #109

Feb 26th CMC Senior’s and MYF – Rt.42

Diner Dinner and Games Night

Future dates ………

Feb. 28th Mardi Gras/Fat Tuesday, Bible Stories

for Real Life Bible Study from 7pm –

8:30pm in room #109. Read aloud the gospel of Matthew. (I’ve heard that Pastor Jennifer will have donuts to share.)

Mar. 1st Join us for our Ash Wednesday

Worship Service at 7:30pm in the Sanctuary.

Page 2: CMC Newsweekly - Amazon Web CMC EVENTS Feb. 23rd Bible Stories for Real Life Bible Study – “The Stories

CMC Notices Mennonite Women of Virginia will hold

their annual missions event on Saturday, May 6 at First Mennonite Church in Richmond. Moriah Horst, the Nurture & Faith Development Pastor at Parkview Mennonite Church, will speak on the topic "We Are All Missionaries." Brunch and an optional trip to the Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens are also included. Bus transportation will be available to and from Harrisonburg. More information is available at

Join us this Sunday, February 19th for a drop-in Baby Shower for Rebeca Barge & Boris Ozuna. They are excited to welcome

Baby Ozuna Barge to their life sometime around April 10th. Join our family at Elaine & Nathan's home for a time of sharing blessings, laughter and snacks as they prepare for their first baby! Stop in anytime from 2:30-5:00pm at 1126 Waterman Drive. Rebeca & Boris are registered at BabyList at

Do you need a babysitter? I enjoy babies

and young children and would love to take care of yours! If interested, please call 833-4161, or email me at [email protected] -Caroline Murch. Notice to parents of EMS and college/university students: It’s time to

make applications for church matching grants for the 2017-2018 school year. Blank forms are in the boxes of likely students. Find extra forms in the wall rack near the boxes. Turn in completed forms to Shannon Sneary Alabanza by Sunday, March 12. CMC families may still register children with Community Preschool this Monday,

Feb. 20 for the 2017-2018 year. Please go to the preschool area on lower level and speak to one of the teachers. On Tuesday, February 21 will be public registration for anyone- 8:00 am- 11:00 am.

A Taize prayer service will be held at 715

N Main (the White House at Vine and Fig) on Wednesday February 22nd 8-9pm, with the hope of making this an ongoing service. All are welcome and the planners are looking for musicians who may want to play whenever it suits. For more information, contact Shauna Frantz at: [email protected]

On Sunday, February 26 from 6-8:00 p.m. the CMC seniors are hosting the MYF. This is the 4th year that the Seniors

and MYF have enjoyed an evening of fun and fellowship together. An exciting evening is planned for February 26th. Arrive with a good appetite for both "food and fun". Food will be provided.

Weekly Lenten Prayer Group:

All CMCers are invited to join a guided prayer group during the 6 weeks of Lent. This group will focus on learning and practicing the tradition of contemplative prayer, a form of meditative prayer that provides spiritual nourishment, a way of grounding action in the love of God, and a space to discern how to act. Join us Tuesday mornings between March 7th and April 11th from 7:15am to 7:45am in the Fellowship Hall. Enter through ramp door.

Exploring Church Membership:

Interested in exploring church membership at CMC or just learning more about Mennonites? Pastor Dayna will be leading a six week adult education class during Lent (March 5 - April 9) designed to create space for considering church membership, learning more about Mennonite history, beliefs, and faith practices, and learning about ways to get involved at CMC. Contact Pastor Dayna for more information [email protected].

Bible Stories for Real Life

Everyone is welcome to join us for Bible study in CMC room 109 from 7:00-8:30 pm. The upcoming dates are Feb 23rd. and Feb. 28th. Pastor Jennifer will lead the study. On February 23rd we will focus on The Stories Jesus Told--Parables,

Matthew 13:1-58. Pastoral Team Pastoral Care at CMC

Did you know that in 2016 there were 400+ adults who considered CMC their congregational home and Pastoral Team (pastors and pastoral elders) were able to visit personally with 75% of them? As a congregation we also provided 115+ meals to demonstrate our care for each other during challenging times. If you need pastoral support, please be in touch with someone from Pastoral Team: Pastors Jennifer, Jason and Dayna. Pastoral Elders: Jan Jenner, Mike Brislen, and Esther Stenson.

Welcoming Children and Youth at CMC

In our 2016 CMC Vision Process we recognized welcoming children and youth into all aspects of our congregational life as a core practice. During January and February 2017 our scripture themes in worship coincide with the scriptures used in our children's SS curriculum. We hope this provides natural opportunities to talk about God's word together across the generations. Pastoral Team Is God calling you into mission or service?

CMC encourages people of all ages to be ready to respond to God’s call into mission and service assignments—both short and long-term. We set aside funds annually to support CMCers in this way. If you are considering an assignment domestically or abroad, be in touch with the chair of Outreach Commission, currently Hadley Jenner, or Pastor Jason, who works with this commission. They can talk with you about funding that may be available. Pastoral Team Set it and forget it! Did you know that

you can set up automatic contributions to the church for your regular giving? Check out the instructions on our website

Page 3: CMC Newsweekly - Amazon Web CMC EVENTS Feb. 23rd Bible Stories for Real Life Bible Study – “The Stories

Our Sunday School children will be

preparing kits (similar to MCC Hygiene

kits) for Patchwork Pantry families. Please consider helping by donating items from this list. There will be a basket by the mailboxes on Sunday: Fingernail Clipper Toothbrush (individually packaged) Toothpaste (any size) Shampoo Hairbrush or Comb If you haven’t already done so, please

sign the quilt in the Fellowship Hall. Thank you. Betty Simensen

Wanting to borrow a deep fat fryer. If

someone has one to loan, please call Joan Kauffman 620-960-3495 or email at [email protected]. Housing/Employment Needs

Nathan McKnight is a 2016 graduate of EMU. He majored in Peacebuilding and Development and has spent the past 7 months with the PULSE program in Pittsburgh. Due to lack of funding at his work placement he is leaving the PULSE program early and will be moving to Harrisonburg February 19. Nathan is seeking a temporary or longer-term place to live and suggestions or offers for work. He does best in a structured work setting where the expectations are clear. He desires to interact with people and not be behind a desk. He is open to part-time work. For more information please contact [email protected]

Please notice new messages on the Mission Bulletin Board—one from

Larisa Zehr in Colombia, another report with pictures from Doug and Cristena in Kenya and a report from Sam Miller from his MDS work in West Virginia. Thank you so much. Joyce Osborne.

Your assistance is needed on Sunday,

March 5th. Weaver’s Carpet & Flooring will be here on Monday, March 6th to install carpeting in the Prayer Alcove. We could use some assistance (muscle) in moving out the furniture in that area. If you can help, please let Ellen know: [email protected] or 540-433-2148. Church Council recently reviewed and updated the church's organizational chart, bringing it up-to-date to reflect the

current structures of the church. You can view the new version at: . To learn more about the Commissions and Committees that keep our church going, you can see a full list, including the people involved at The Annual Report for 2016 has been

updated and uploaded and is ready to be viewed on our CMC website. JANUARY REDUX - Relive a few

activities in the life of CMC from the first month of 2017 with a new photo collage now up and running, with primary focus on Membership Commitment Sunday. Next to it, turn back the hands of time and re-experience some CMC events from January, 2014 on the worship theme of "Anabaptist Identity." While checking out these displays, take a moment to reflect on two Virginia Ham columns from Mennonite Weekly Review on valentine/love themes, all awaiting your consideration on the bulletin board on the west wall of the fellowship hall. Jim Bishop