CMAC 2012 draft program

Civil-Military Affairs Conference 2012 Peace and Stabilisation Operations Learning from the past to meet tomorrow’s challenges 28 & 29 May 2012 Queanbeyan Performing Arts Centre (The Q) Queanbeyan, Australia


Provisional Program for CMAC 2012

Transcript of CMAC 2012 draft program

Page 1: CMAC 2012 draft program

CCiivviill--MMiilliittaarryy AAffffaaiirrss CCoonnffeerreennccee 22001122

PPeeaaccee aanndd SSttaabbiilliissaattiioonn OOppeerraattiioonnss

LLeeaarrnniinngg ffrroomm tthhee ppaasstt ttoo mmeeeett ttoommoorrrrooww’’ss cchhaalllleennggeess

28 & 29 May 2012

Queanbeyan Performing Arts Centre (The Q)

Queanbeyan, Australia

Page 2: CMAC 2012 draft program

Peace and Stabilisation Operations: Learning from the past to meet tomorrow’s challenges

highlights the key successes and challenges from stabilisation operations in Asia and the

Pacific. Drawing on these lessons the conference identifies key considerations for effective

stabilisation operations and examines practical and innovative solutions to improve these

missions in practice.


The conference will:

• Explore key lessons from stabilisation operations in Asia, the Pacific and Africa;

• Identify factors for effective stabilisation operations, including the challenges of civil-

military collaboration;

• Highlight new initiatives and capability developments improving international

community-approaches to stabilisation operations; and

• Advance practical, innovative solutions to improve stabilisation operations in practice.


The five over-arching themes of the conference are:

1) Addressing the successes and challenges identified in the case studies in stabilisation


2) National and multilateral approaches to building civilian capacity for interventions;

3) The role of women in building peace and security;

4) The impact of stabilisation operations on humanitarian action and; and

5) Practical approaches to strengthening local ownership.


Across each theme, four broad areas are considered:

1) Building stability: what are the approaches, preparedness requirements and other

practical mechanisms that make a stabilisation operation successful and what are the

key challenges to success?

2) Civil-military capability: What institutional practices and reforms will help the

international community meet future demands?

3) Lessons in practice: what lessons can we learn from past stabilisation missions and

how can we leverage these lessons to inform future post-conflict interventions?

4) Capacity building: what new capabilities and approaches are required for future

stabilisation operations and how are these challenges being addressed?

Page 3: CMAC 2012 draft program

* Invited

Sunday 27 May

4.00pm Conference registration opens

Crowne Plaza Hotel

6.00pm Reception drinks

Crowne Plaza Hotel

6.30pm Welcome

Dr Alan Ryan, Executive Director, Australian Civil-Military Centre

‘Introducing Same Space, Different Mandate’

Monday 28 May

8.00am Conference registration

Tea and coffee on arrival

8.30am Welcome and administrative announcements

Dr Alan Ryan, Executive Director, Australian Civil-Military Centre

8.45am Keynote Address

The Honourable Stephen Smith MP, Minister for Defence

[Focus: Australia’s whole-of-government approach to stabilisation operations

and the implications of state fragility for national security]



FOCUS: What lessons can we learn from past stabilisation missions and how can we

leverage these lessons to inform future post-conflict interventions? What are the approaches,

preparedness requirements and other practical mechanisms that make a stabilisation operation

successful and what are the key challenges to success?

Session 1A – Peace & Stabilisation Missions in the Asia-Pacific

9.15am *Chair: MAJGEN Rick Burr, Commander Headquarters 1st Division,

Australian Defence Force, Australia

Jim Della-Giacoma, Project Director South East Asia, International Crisis


James Batley, Deputy Director General Asia Pacific and Program Enabling

Group, Australian Agency for International Development, Australia

Page 4: CMAC 2012 draft program

John Braithwaite, Australian Research Council Federation Fellow and

Founder of the Regulatory Institutions Network, Australian National

University, Australia

10.20am Panel Discussion

10.50am Morning Tea

Session 1B – Civil-Military Collaboration in Afghanistan

11.20 pm Chair: Mr Bernard Philip, Former Head Provincial Reconstruction Team,

Uruzgan Province, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia

Professor William Maley, AM, Foundation Director, Asia-Pacific College of

Diplomacy, Australian National University, Australia

Frédéric Grare, Policy Planning Section, Ministry of Defence, France

Barbara Stapleton, Senior Political Advisor and former Deputy to the

European Union Special Representative for Afghanistan

12.25pm Panel Discussion

1.00pm Lunch


FOCUS: What challenges do stabilisation operations pose for the humanitarian community

and will new institutional practices and reforms help the international community address

these challenges?

2.30pm Chair: Susan Harris Rimmer, Manager, Advocacy and Development

Practice, Australian Council for International Development and Visiting

Fellow, Centre for International Governance and Justice, Australia

Michael Marx, Senior Civil-Military Coordination Advisor,

Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, New York

2.55pm Afternoon Tea

3.25pm Larry Maybee, Regional Delegate to Armed & Security Forces, International

Committee of the Red Cross, Kuala Lumpur

Page 5: CMAC 2012 draft program

Jules Frost, Senior Advisor, Civil-Military and Police Relations, World

Vision International, Geneva

4.05pm Panel Discussion

4.30pm End of day


Gandel Hall, National Gallery of Australia

Host: The Honourable Dr Mike Kelly AM MP, Parliamentary Secretary for


Dinner Speaker

Tom Parks, Regional Director for Conflict and Governance, Asia

Foundation, Thailand

Tuesday 29 May

8.30am Tea and coffee on arrival

8.45am Administrative announcements



FOCUS: What new capabilities and approaches are required for future stabilisation

operations and how are these challenges being addressed to build and develop effective

civilian capacity?

9.00am Chair: Sharon Wiharta, Senior Researcher, Stockholm International Peace

Research Institute

*TBC, United Nations, Civilian Capacity in the Aftermath of Conflict Review

Hideaki Shinoda, Director, Hiroshima Peacebuilding Centre, Japan

9.45pm Panel Discussion

10.05am Morning Tea

10.35am *Dr Amut Wieland-Karimi, Director, Center for International Peace

Operations (ZIF), Germany

Page 6: CMAC 2012 draft program

Cheryl Johnson, Assistant Director General Australian Civilian Corps,

Australian Agency for International Development, Australia

Ambassador Robert Loftis, Interagency Professional in Residence, United

States Institute of Peace and former Acting Coordinator for Reconstruction

and Stabilization, Department of State, United States

11.35pm Panel Discussion

12.00pm Lunch


FOCUS: What practices and new approaches are required to address the impact of conflict

on women and ensure their crucial role in building peace and security is considered as a core

element of any missions?

1.30 pm Chair: Penny Williams, Australian Global Ambassador for Women and

Girls, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia

Joy Kere, Permanent Secretary for Foreign Affairs and External Trade,

Solomon Islands

*Dr Funmi Olonisakin, Director, Conflict, Security and Development Group,

King’s College, London

Andrew Hewett, Executive Director, Oxfam Australia, Australia

2.35pm Panel Discussion

3.00 pm Afternoon Tea


FOCUS: What are the key challenges to building successful partnerships between the

affected community and international actors? What new capabilities and approaches are

required to enable local ownership in practice?

3.30pm Chair: Assistant Commissioner Mandy Newton APM, National Manager

International Deployment Group, Australian Federal Police, Australia

H.E Ambassador Nasir Ahmed Andisha, Ambassador Islamic Republic of


Page 7: CMAC 2012 draft program

*Dr David Connolly, Research Fellow, Post-war Reconstruction and

Development Unit, University of York, United Kingdom

Roselyne Kenneth, A/Senior Program Manager Bougainville, AusAID,


4.35pm Panel Discussion

4.55pm Concluding Remarks

Dr Alan Ryan, Executive Director, Australian Civil-Military Centre


Page 8: CMAC 2012 draft program

CCiivviill--MMiilliittaarryy AAffffaaiirrss CCoonnffeerreennccee 22001122

PPeeaaccee aanndd SSttaabbiilliissaattiioonn OOppeerraattiioonnss

LLeeaarrnniinngg ffrroomm tthhee ppaasstt ttoo mmeeeett ttoommoorrrrooww’’ss cchhaalllleennggeess

28 & 29 May 2012

Queanbeyan Performing Arts Centre (The Q)

Queanbeyan, Australia

Page 9: CMAC 2012 draft program

Peace and Stabilisation Operations: Learning from the past to meet tomorrow’s challenges

highlights the key successes and challenges from stabilisation operations in Asia and the

Pacific. Drawing on these lessons the conference identifies key considerations for effective

stabilisation operations and examines practical and innovative solutions to improve these

missions in practice.


The conference will:

• Explore key lessons from stabilisation operations in Asia, the Pacific and Africa;

• Identify factors for effective stabilisation operations, including the challenges of civil-

military collaboration;

• Highlight new initiatives and capability developments improving international

community-approaches to stabilisation operations; and

• Advance practical, innovative solutions to improve stabilisation operations in practice.


The five over-arching themes of the conference are:

1) Addressing the successes and challenges identified in the case studies in stabilisation


2) National and multilateral approaches to building civilian capacity for interventions;

3) The role of women in building peace and security;

4) The impact of stabilisation operations on humanitarian action and; and

5) Practical approaches to strengthening local ownership.


Across each theme, four broad areas are considered:

1) Building stability: what are the approaches, preparedness requirements and other

practical mechanisms that make a stabilisation operation successful and what are the

key challenges to success?

2) Civil-military capability: What institutional practices and reforms will help the

international community meet future demands?

3) Lessons in practice: what lessons can we learn from past stabilisation missions and

how can we leverage these lessons to inform future post-conflict interventions?

4) Capacity building: what new capabilities and approaches are required for future

stabilisation operations and how are these challenges being addressed?

Page 10: CMAC 2012 draft program

* Invited

Sunday 27 May

4.00pm Conference registration opens

Crowne Plaza Hotel

6.00pm Reception drinks

Crowne Plaza Hotel

6.30pm Welcome

Dr Alan Ryan, Executive Director, Australian Civil-Military Centre

‘Introducing Same Space, Different Mandate’

Monday 28 May

8.00am Conference registration

Tea and coffee on arrival

8.30am Welcome and administrative announcements

Dr Alan Ryan, Executive Director, Australian Civil-Military Centre

8.45am Keynote Address

The Honourable Stephen Smith MP, Minister for Defence

[Focus: Australia’s whole-of-government approach to stabilisation operations

and the implications of state fragility for national security]



FOCUS: What lessons can we learn from past stabilisation missions and how can we

leverage these lessons to inform future post-conflict interventions? What are the approaches,

preparedness requirements and other practical mechanisms that make a stabilisation operation

successful and what are the key challenges to success?

Session 1A – Peace & Stabilisation Missions in the Asia-Pacific

9.15am *Chair: MAJGEN Rick Burr, Commander Headquarters 1st Division,

Australian Defence Force, Australia

Jim Della-Giacoma, Project Director South East Asia, International Crisis


James Batley, Deputy Director General Asia Pacific and Program Enabling

Group, Australian Agency for International Development, Australia

Page 11: CMAC 2012 draft program

John Braithwaite, Australian Research Council Federation Fellow and

Founder of the Regulatory Institutions Network, Australian National

University, Australia

10.20am Panel Discussion

10.50am Morning Tea

Session 1B – Civil-Military Collaboration in Afghanistan

11.20 pm Chair: Mr Bernard Philip, Former Head Provincial Reconstruction Team,

Uruzgan Province, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia

Professor William Maley, AM, Foundation Director, Asia-Pacific College of

Diplomacy, Australian National University, Australia

Frédéric Grare, Policy Planning Section, Ministry of Defence, France

Barbara Stapleton, Senior Political Advisor and former Deputy to the

European Union Special Representative for Afghanistan

12.25pm Panel Discussion

1.00pm Lunch


FOCUS: What challenges do stabilisation operations pose for the humanitarian community

and will new institutional practices and reforms help the international community address

these challenges?

2.30pm Chair: Susan Harris Rimmer, Manager, Advocacy and Development

Practice, Australian Council for International Development and Visiting

Fellow, Centre for International Governance and Justice, Australia

Michael Marx, Senior Civil-Military Coordination Advisor,

Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, New York

2.55pm Afternoon Tea

3.25pm Larry Maybee, Regional Delegate to Armed & Security Forces, International

Committee of the Red Cross, Kuala Lumpur

Page 12: CMAC 2012 draft program

Jules Frost, Senior Advisor, Civil-Military and Police Relations, World

Vision International, Geneva

4.05pm Panel Discussion

4.30pm End of day


Gandel Hall, National Gallery of Australia

Host: The Honourable Dr Mike Kelly AM MP, Parliamentary Secretary for


Dinner Speaker

Tom Parks, Regional Director for Conflict and Governance, Asia

Foundation, Thailand

Tuesday 29 May

8.30am Tea and coffee on arrival

8.45am Administrative announcements



FOCUS: What new capabilities and approaches are required for future stabilisation

operations and how are these challenges being addressed to build and develop effective

civilian capacity?

9.00am Chair: Sharon Wiharta, Senior Researcher, Stockholm International Peace

Research Institute

*TBC, United Nations, Civilian Capacity in the Aftermath of Conflict Review

Hideaki Shinoda, Director, Hiroshima Peacebuilding Centre, Japan

9.45pm Panel Discussion

10.05am Morning Tea

10.35am *Dr Amut Wieland-Karimi, Director, Center for International Peace

Operations (ZIF), Germany

Page 13: CMAC 2012 draft program

Cheryl Johnson, Assistant Director General Australian Civilian Corps,

Australian Agency for International Development, Australia

Ambassador Robert Loftis, Interagency Professional in Residence, United

States Institute of Peace and former Acting Coordinator for Reconstruction

and Stabilization, Department of State, United States

11.35pm Panel Discussion

12.00pm Lunch


FOCUS: What practices and new approaches are required to address the impact of conflict

on women and ensure their crucial role in building peace and security is considered as a core

element of any missions?

1.30 pm Chair: Penny Williams, Australian Global Ambassador for Women and

Girls, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia

Joy Kere, Permanent Secretary for Foreign Affairs and External Trade,

Solomon Islands

*Dr Funmi Olonisakin, Director, Conflict, Security and Development Group,

King’s College, London

Andrew Hewett, Executive Director, Oxfam Australia, Australia

2.35pm Panel Discussion

3.00 pm Afternoon Tea


FOCUS: What are the key challenges to building successful partnerships between the

affected community and international actors? What new capabilities and approaches are

required to enable local ownership in practice?

3.30pm Chair: Assistant Commissioner Mandy Newton APM, National Manager

International Deployment Group, Australian Federal Police, Australia

H.E Ambassador Nasir Ahmed Andisha, Ambassador Islamic Republic of


Page 14: CMAC 2012 draft program

*Dr David Connolly, Research Fellow, Post-war Reconstruction and

Development Unit, University of York, United Kingdom

Roselyne Kenneth, A/Senior Program Manager Bougainville, AusAID,


4.35pm Panel Discussion

4.55pm Concluding Remarks

Dr Alan Ryan, Executive Director, Australian Civil-Military Centre


Page 15: CMAC 2012 draft program

CCiivviill--MMiilliittaarryy AAffffaaiirrss CCoonnffeerreennccee 22001122

PPeeaaccee aanndd SSttaabbiilliissaattiioonn OOppeerraattiioonnss

LLeeaarrnniinngg ffrroomm tthhee ppaasstt ttoo mmeeeett ttoommoorrrrooww’’ss cchhaalllleennggeess

28 & 29 May 2012

Queanbeyan Performing Arts Centre (The Q)

Queanbeyan, Australia

Page 16: CMAC 2012 draft program

Peace and Stabilisation Operations: Learning from the past to meet tomorrow’s challenges

highlights the key successes and challenges from stabilisation operations in Asia and the

Pacific. Drawing on these lessons the conference identifies key considerations for effective

stabilisation operations and examines practical and innovative solutions to improve these

missions in practice.


The conference will:

• Explore key lessons from stabilisation operations in Asia, the Pacific and Africa;

• Identify factors for effective stabilisation operations, including the challenges of civil-

military collaboration;

• Highlight new initiatives and capability developments improving international

community-approaches to stabilisation operations; and

• Advance practical, innovative solutions to improve stabilisation operations in practice.


The five over-arching themes of the conference are:

1) Addressing the successes and challenges identified in the case studies in stabilisation


2) National and multilateral approaches to building civilian capacity for interventions;

3) The role of women in building peace and security;

4) The impact of stabilisation operations on humanitarian action and; and

5) Practical approaches to strengthening local ownership.


Across each theme, four broad areas are considered:

1) Building stability: what are the approaches, preparedness requirements and other

practical mechanisms that make a stabilisation operation successful and what are the

key challenges to success?

2) Civil-military capability: What institutional practices and reforms will help the

international community meet future demands?

3) Lessons in practice: what lessons can we learn from past stabilisation missions and

how can we leverage these lessons to inform future post-conflict interventions?

4) Capacity building: what new capabilities and approaches are required for future

stabilisation operations and how are these challenges being addressed?

Page 17: CMAC 2012 draft program

* Invited

Sunday 27 May

4.00pm Conference registration opens

Crowne Plaza Hotel

6.00pm Reception drinks

Crowne Plaza Hotel

6.30pm Welcome

Dr Alan Ryan, Executive Director, Australian Civil-Military Centre

‘Introducing Same Space, Different Mandate’

Monday 28 May

8.00am Conference registration

Tea and coffee on arrival

8.30am Welcome and administrative announcements

Dr Alan Ryan, Executive Director, Australian Civil-Military Centre

8.45am Keynote Address

The Honourable Stephen Smith MP, Minister for Defence

[Focus: Australia’s whole-of-government approach to stabilisation operations

and the implications of state fragility for national security]



FOCUS: What lessons can we learn from past stabilisation missions and how can we

leverage these lessons to inform future post-conflict interventions? What are the approaches,

preparedness requirements and other practical mechanisms that make a stabilisation operation

successful and what are the key challenges to success?

Session 1A – Peace & Stabilisation Missions in the Asia-Pacific

9.15am *Chair: MAJGEN Rick Burr, Commander Headquarters 1st Division,

Australian Defence Force, Australia

Jim Della-Giacoma, Project Director South East Asia, International Crisis


James Batley, Deputy Director General Asia Pacific and Program Enabling

Group, Australian Agency for International Development, Australia

Page 18: CMAC 2012 draft program

John Braithwaite, Australian Research Council Federation Fellow and

Founder of the Regulatory Institutions Network, Australian National

University, Australia

10.20am Panel Discussion

10.50am Morning Tea

Session 1B – Civil-Military Collaboration in Afghanistan

11.20 pm Chair: Mr Bernard Philip, Former Head Provincial Reconstruction Team,

Uruzgan Province, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia

Professor William Maley, AM, Foundation Director, Asia-Pacific College of

Diplomacy, Australian National University, Australia

Frédéric Grare, Policy Planning Section, Ministry of Defence, France

Barbara Stapleton, Senior Political Advisor and former Deputy to the

European Union Special Representative for Afghanistan

12.25pm Panel Discussion

1.00pm Lunch


FOCUS: What challenges do stabilisation operations pose for the humanitarian community

and will new institutional practices and reforms help the international community address

these challenges?

2.30pm Chair: Susan Harris Rimmer, Manager, Advocacy and Development

Practice, Australian Council for International Development and Visiting

Fellow, Centre for International Governance and Justice, Australia

Michael Marx, Senior Civil-Military Coordination Advisor,

Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, New York

2.55pm Afternoon Tea

3.25pm Larry Maybee, Regional Delegate to Armed & Security Forces, International

Committee of the Red Cross, Kuala Lumpur

Page 19: CMAC 2012 draft program

Jules Frost, Senior Advisor, Civil-Military and Police Relations, World

Vision International, Geneva

4.05pm Panel Discussion

4.30pm End of day


Gandel Hall, National Gallery of Australia

Host: The Honourable Dr Mike Kelly AM MP, Parliamentary Secretary for


Dinner Speaker

Tom Parks, Regional Director for Conflict and Governance, Asia

Foundation, Thailand

Tuesday 29 May

8.30am Tea and coffee on arrival

8.45am Administrative announcements



FOCUS: What new capabilities and approaches are required for future stabilisation

operations and how are these challenges being addressed to build and develop effective

civilian capacity?

9.00am Chair: Sharon Wiharta, Senior Researcher, Stockholm International Peace

Research Institute

*TBC, United Nations, Civilian Capacity in the Aftermath of Conflict Review

Hideaki Shinoda, Director, Hiroshima Peacebuilding Centre, Japan

9.45pm Panel Discussion

10.05am Morning Tea

10.35am *Dr Amut Wieland-Karimi, Director, Center for International Peace

Operations (ZIF), Germany

Page 20: CMAC 2012 draft program

Cheryl Johnson, Assistant Director General Australian Civilian Corps,

Australian Agency for International Development, Australia

Ambassador Robert Loftis, Interagency Professional in Residence, United

States Institute of Peace and former Acting Coordinator for Reconstruction

and Stabilization, Department of State, United States

11.35pm Panel Discussion

12.00pm Lunch


FOCUS: What practices and new approaches are required to address the impact of conflict

on women and ensure their crucial role in building peace and security is considered as a core

element of any missions?

1.30 pm Chair: Penny Williams, Australian Global Ambassador for Women and

Girls, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia

Joy Kere, Permanent Secretary for Foreign Affairs and External Trade,

Solomon Islands

*Dr Funmi Olonisakin, Director, Conflict, Security and Development Group,

King’s College, London

Andrew Hewett, Executive Director, Oxfam Australia, Australia

2.35pm Panel Discussion

3.00 pm Afternoon Tea


FOCUS: What are the key challenges to building successful partnerships between the

affected community and international actors? What new capabilities and approaches are

required to enable local ownership in practice?

3.30pm Chair: Assistant Commissioner Mandy Newton APM, National Manager

International Deployment Group, Australian Federal Police, Australia

H.E Ambassador Nasir Ahmed Andisha, Ambassador Islamic Republic of


Page 21: CMAC 2012 draft program

*Dr David Connolly, Research Fellow, Post-war Reconstruction and

Development Unit, University of York, United Kingdom

Roselyne Kenneth, A/Senior Program Manager Bougainville, AusAID,


4.35pm Panel Discussion

4.55pm Concluding Remarks

Dr Alan Ryan, Executive Director, Australian Civil-Military Centre


Page 22: CMAC 2012 draft program

CCiivviill--MMiilliittaarryy AAffffaaiirrss CCoonnffeerreennccee 22001122

PPeeaaccee aanndd SSttaabbiilliissaattiioonn OOppeerraattiioonnss

LLeeaarrnniinngg ffrroomm tthhee ppaasstt ttoo mmeeeett ttoommoorrrrooww’’ss cchhaalllleennggeess

28 & 29 May 2012

Queanbeyan Performing Arts Centre (The Q)

Queanbeyan, Australia

Page 23: CMAC 2012 draft program

Peace and Stabilisation Operations: Learning from the past to meet tomorrow’s challenges

highlights the key successes and challenges from stabilisation operations in Asia and the

Pacific. Drawing on these lessons the conference identifies key considerations for effective

stabilisation operations and examines practical and innovative solutions to improve these

missions in practice.


The conference will:

• Explore key lessons from stabilisation operations in Asia, the Pacific and Africa;

• Identify factors for effective stabilisation operations, including the challenges of civil-

military collaboration;

• Highlight new initiatives and capability developments improving international

community-approaches to stabilisation operations; and

• Advance practical, innovative solutions to improve stabilisation operations in practice.


The five over-arching themes of the conference are:

1) Addressing the successes and challenges identified in the case studies in stabilisation


2) National and multilateral approaches to building civilian capacity for interventions;

3) The role of women in building peace and security;

4) The impact of stabilisation operations on humanitarian action and; and

5) Practical approaches to strengthening local ownership.


Across each theme, four broad areas are considered:

1) Building stability: what are the approaches, preparedness requirements and other

practical mechanisms that make a stabilisation operation successful and what are the

key challenges to success?

2) Civil-military capability: What institutional practices and reforms will help the

international community meet future demands?

3) Lessons in practice: what lessons can we learn from past stabilisation missions and

how can we leverage these lessons to inform future post-conflict interventions?

4) Capacity building: what new capabilities and approaches are required for future

stabilisation operations and how are these challenges being addressed?

Page 24: CMAC 2012 draft program

* Invited

Sunday 27 May

4.00pm Conference registration opens

Crowne Plaza Hotel

6.00pm Reception drinks

Crowne Plaza Hotel

6.30pm Welcome

Dr Alan Ryan, Executive Director, Australian Civil-Military Centre

‘Introducing Same Space, Different Mandate’

Monday 28 May

8.00am Conference registration

Tea and coffee on arrival

8.30am Welcome and administrative announcements

Dr Alan Ryan, Executive Director, Australian Civil-Military Centre

8.45am Keynote Address

The Honourable Stephen Smith MP, Minister for Defence

[Focus: Australia’s whole-of-government approach to stabilisation operations

and the implications of state fragility for national security]



FOCUS: What lessons can we learn from past stabilisation missions and how can we

leverage these lessons to inform future post-conflict interventions? What are the approaches,

preparedness requirements and other practical mechanisms that make a stabilisation operation

successful and what are the key challenges to success?

Session 1A – Peace & Stabilisation Missions in the Asia-Pacific

9.15am *Chair: MAJGEN Rick Burr, Commander Headquarters 1st Division,

Australian Defence Force, Australia

Jim Della-Giacoma, Project Director South East Asia, International Crisis


James Batley, Deputy Director General Asia Pacific and Program Enabling

Group, Australian Agency for International Development, Australia

Page 25: CMAC 2012 draft program

John Braithwaite, Australian Research Council Federation Fellow and

Founder of the Regulatory Institutions Network, Australian National

University, Australia

10.20am Panel Discussion

10.50am Morning Tea

Session 1B – Civil-Military Collaboration in Afghanistan

11.20 pm Chair: Mr Bernard Philip, Former Head Provincial Reconstruction Team,

Uruzgan Province, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia

Professor William Maley, AM, Foundation Director, Asia-Pacific College of

Diplomacy, Australian National University, Australia

Frédéric Grare, Policy Planning Section, Ministry of Defence, France

Barbara Stapleton, Senior Political Advisor and former Deputy to the

European Union Special Representative for Afghanistan

12.25pm Panel Discussion

1.00pm Lunch


FOCUS: What challenges do stabilisation operations pose for the humanitarian community

and will new institutional practices and reforms help the international community address

these challenges?

2.30pm Chair: Susan Harris Rimmer, Manager, Advocacy and Development

Practice, Australian Council for International Development and Visiting

Fellow, Centre for International Governance and Justice, Australia

Michael Marx, Senior Civil-Military Coordination Advisor,

Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, New York

2.55pm Afternoon Tea

3.25pm Larry Maybee, Regional Delegate to Armed & Security Forces, International

Committee of the Red Cross, Kuala Lumpur

Page 26: CMAC 2012 draft program

Jules Frost, Senior Advisor, Civil-Military and Police Relations, World

Vision International, Geneva

4.05pm Panel Discussion

4.30pm End of day


Gandel Hall, National Gallery of Australia

Host: The Honourable Dr Mike Kelly AM MP, Parliamentary Secretary for


Dinner Speaker

Tom Parks, Regional Director for Conflict and Governance, Asia

Foundation, Thailand

Tuesday 29 May

8.30am Tea and coffee on arrival

8.45am Administrative announcements



FOCUS: What new capabilities and approaches are required for future stabilisation

operations and how are these challenges being addressed to build and develop effective

civilian capacity?

9.00am Chair: Sharon Wiharta, Senior Researcher, Stockholm International Peace

Research Institute

*TBC, United Nations, Civilian Capacity in the Aftermath of Conflict Review

Hideaki Shinoda, Director, Hiroshima Peacebuilding Centre, Japan

9.45pm Panel Discussion

10.05am Morning Tea

10.35am *Dr Amut Wieland-Karimi, Director, Center for International Peace

Operations (ZIF), Germany

Page 27: CMAC 2012 draft program

Cheryl Johnson, Assistant Director General Australian Civilian Corps,

Australian Agency for International Development, Australia

Ambassador Robert Loftis, Interagency Professional in Residence, United

States Institute of Peace and former Acting Coordinator for Reconstruction

and Stabilization, Department of State, United States

11.35pm Panel Discussion

12.00pm Lunch


FOCUS: What practices and new approaches are required to address the impact of conflict

on women and ensure their crucial role in building peace and security is considered as a core

element of any missions?

1.30 pm Chair: Penny Williams, Australian Global Ambassador for Women and

Girls, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia

Joy Kere, Permanent Secretary for Foreign Affairs and External Trade,

Solomon Islands

*Dr Funmi Olonisakin, Director, Conflict, Security and Development Group,

King’s College, London

Andrew Hewett, Executive Director, Oxfam Australia, Australia

2.35pm Panel Discussion

3.00 pm Afternoon Tea


FOCUS: What are the key challenges to building successful partnerships between the

affected community and international actors? What new capabilities and approaches are

required to enable local ownership in practice?

3.30pm Chair: Assistant Commissioner Mandy Newton APM, National Manager

International Deployment Group, Australian Federal Police, Australia

H.E Ambassador Nasir Ahmed Andisha, Ambassador Islamic Republic of


Page 28: CMAC 2012 draft program

*Dr David Connolly, Research Fellow, Post-war Reconstruction and

Development Unit, University of York, United Kingdom

Roselyne Kenneth, A/Senior Program Manager Bougainville, AusAID,


4.35pm Panel Discussion

4.55pm Concluding Remarks

Dr Alan Ryan, Executive Director, Australian Civil-Military Centre


Page 29: CMAC 2012 draft program

CCiivviill--MMiilliittaarryy AAffffaaiirrss CCoonnffeerreennccee 22001122

PPeeaaccee aanndd SSttaabbiilliissaattiioonn OOppeerraattiioonnss

LLeeaarrnniinngg ffrroomm tthhee ppaasstt ttoo mmeeeett ttoommoorrrrooww’’ss cchhaalllleennggeess

28 & 29 May 2012

Queanbeyan Performing Arts Centre (The Q)

Queanbeyan, Australia

Page 30: CMAC 2012 draft program

Peace and Stabilisation Operations: Learning from the past to meet tomorrow’s challenges

highlights the key successes and challenges from stabilisation operations in Asia and the

Pacific. Drawing on these lessons the conference identifies key considerations for effective

stabilisation operations and examines practical and innovative solutions to improve these

missions in practice.


The conference will:

• Explore key lessons from stabilisation operations in Asia, the Pacific and Africa;

• Identify factors for effective stabilisation operations, including the challenges of civil-

military collaboration;

• Highlight new initiatives and capability developments improving international

community-approaches to stabilisation operations; and

• Advance practical, innovative solutions to improve stabilisation operations in practice.


The five over-arching themes of the conference are:

1) Addressing the successes and challenges identified in the case studies in stabilisation


2) National and multilateral approaches to building civilian capacity for interventions;

3) The role of women in building peace and security;

4) The impact of stabilisation operations on humanitarian action and; and

5) Practical approaches to strengthening local ownership.


Across each theme, four broad areas are considered:

1) Building stability: what are the approaches, preparedness requirements and other

practical mechanisms that make a stabilisation operation successful and what are the

key challenges to success?

2) Civil-military capability: What institutional practices and reforms will help the

international community meet future demands?

3) Lessons in practice: what lessons can we learn from past stabilisation missions and

how can we leverage these lessons to inform future post-conflict interventions?

4) Capacity building: what new capabilities and approaches are required for future

stabilisation operations and how are these challenges being addressed?

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* Invited

Sunday 27 May

4.00pm Conference registration opens

Crowne Plaza Hotel

6.00pm Reception drinks

Crowne Plaza Hotel

6.30pm Welcome

Dr Alan Ryan, Executive Director, Australian Civil-Military Centre

‘Introducing Same Space, Different Mandate’

Monday 28 May

8.00am Conference registration

Tea and coffee on arrival

8.30am Welcome and administrative announcements

Dr Alan Ryan, Executive Director, Australian Civil-Military Centre

8.45am Keynote Address

The Honourable Stephen Smith MP, Minister for Defence

[Focus: Australia’s whole-of-government approach to stabilisation operations

and the implications of state fragility for national security]



FOCUS: What lessons can we learn from past stabilisation missions and how can we

leverage these lessons to inform future post-conflict interventions? What are the approaches,

preparedness requirements and other practical mechanisms that make a stabilisation operation

successful and what are the key challenges to success?

Session 1A – Peace & Stabilisation Missions in the Asia-Pacific

9.15am *Chair: MAJGEN Rick Burr, Commander Headquarters 1st Division,

Australian Defence Force, Australia

Jim Della-Giacoma, Project Director South East Asia, International Crisis


James Batley, Deputy Director General Asia Pacific and Program Enabling

Group, Australian Agency for International Development, Australia

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John Braithwaite, Australian Research Council Federation Fellow and

Founder of the Regulatory Institutions Network, Australian National

University, Australia

10.20am Panel Discussion

10.50am Morning Tea

Session 1B – Civil-Military Collaboration in Afghanistan

11.20 pm Chair: Mr Bernard Philip, Former Head Provincial Reconstruction Team,

Uruzgan Province, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia

Professor William Maley, AM, Foundation Director, Asia-Pacific College of

Diplomacy, Australian National University, Australia

Frédéric Grare, Policy Planning Section, Ministry of Defence, France

Barbara Stapleton, Senior Political Advisor and former Deputy to the

European Union Special Representative for Afghanistan

12.25pm Panel Discussion

1.00pm Lunch


FOCUS: What challenges do stabilisation operations pose for the humanitarian community

and will new institutional practices and reforms help the international community address

these challenges?

2.30pm Chair: Susan Harris Rimmer, Manager, Advocacy and Development

Practice, Australian Council for International Development and Visiting

Fellow, Centre for International Governance and Justice, Australia

Michael Marx, Senior Civil-Military Coordination Advisor,

Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, New York

2.55pm Afternoon Tea

3.25pm Larry Maybee, Regional Delegate to Armed & Security Forces, International

Committee of the Red Cross, Kuala Lumpur

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Jules Frost, Senior Advisor, Civil-Military and Police Relations, World

Vision International, Geneva

4.05pm Panel Discussion

4.30pm End of day


Gandel Hall, National Gallery of Australia

Host: The Honourable Dr Mike Kelly AM MP, Parliamentary Secretary for


Dinner Speaker

Tom Parks, Regional Director for Conflict and Governance, Asia

Foundation, Thailand

Tuesday 29 May

8.30am Tea and coffee on arrival

8.45am Administrative announcements



FOCUS: What new capabilities and approaches are required for future stabilisation

operations and how are these challenges being addressed to build and develop effective

civilian capacity?

9.00am Chair: Sharon Wiharta, Senior Researcher, Stockholm International Peace

Research Institute

*TBC, United Nations, Civilian Capacity in the Aftermath of Conflict Review

Hideaki Shinoda, Director, Hiroshima Peacebuilding Centre, Japan

9.45pm Panel Discussion

10.05am Morning Tea

10.35am *Dr Amut Wieland-Karimi, Director, Center for International Peace

Operations (ZIF), Germany

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Cheryl Johnson, Assistant Director General Australian Civilian Corps,

Australian Agency for International Development, Australia

Ambassador Robert Loftis, Interagency Professional in Residence, United

States Institute of Peace and former Acting Coordinator for Reconstruction

and Stabilization, Department of State, United States

11.35pm Panel Discussion

12.00pm Lunch


FOCUS: What practices and new approaches are required to address the impact of conflict

on women and ensure their crucial role in building peace and security is considered as a core

element of any missions?

1.30 pm Chair: Penny Williams, Australian Global Ambassador for Women and

Girls, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia

Joy Kere, Permanent Secretary for Foreign Affairs and External Trade,

Solomon Islands

*Dr Funmi Olonisakin, Director, Conflict, Security and Development Group,

King’s College, London

Andrew Hewett, Executive Director, Oxfam Australia, Australia

2.35pm Panel Discussion

3.00 pm Afternoon Tea


FOCUS: What are the key challenges to building successful partnerships between the

affected community and international actors? What new capabilities and approaches are

required to enable local ownership in practice?

3.30pm Chair: Assistant Commissioner Mandy Newton APM, National Manager

International Deployment Group, Australian Federal Police, Australia

H.E Ambassador Nasir Ahmed Andisha, Ambassador Islamic Republic of


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*Dr David Connolly, Research Fellow, Post-war Reconstruction and

Development Unit, University of York, United Kingdom

Roselyne Kenneth, A/Senior Program Manager Bougainville, AusAID,


4.35pm Panel Discussion

4.55pm Concluding Remarks

Dr Alan Ryan, Executive Director, Australian Civil-Military Centre