CM101-1T#Web Technology Fundamentals

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  • 8/2/2019 CM101-1T#Web Technology Fundamentals





    A Programme Under the Compumitra Education Series

    Copyright 2010 Sunmitra Education Technologies Limited, India

  • 8/2/2019 CM101-1T#Web Technology Fundamentals



    Definition of Internet?

    How it Works

    Common Terms

    Concept of HyperText and HTTP. Web Protocol Layers.

    Website Languages.





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    Network of Networks

    Connectivity of manyindependent or local computernetworks with each other

    Definition of Internet

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    You send a request for information from yourcomputer connected to a modem (Devicethat connects your computer to acommunication link).

    You requests reaches the Internet ServiceProvider (ISP), who in turn arranges to sendit to the requested internet server.

    The returned response follows back to youusing the same ISP.

    There are millions of ISPs who areinternetworked together. Each messagetravel through multiple routers belonging toany one of the ISPs.

    How it Works?

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    Client-Server: An information-passing scheme that works asfollows: a client program, such as Netscape, sends a request to aserver. The server takes the request, disconnects from the clientand processes the request.

    Protocol: a protocol is a set of rules which is used by computers tocommunicate with each other across a network

    TCP/IP: Stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. Thesetwo are end to end protocols: TCP works at host level to control assembly ofpackets and IP works at internet router level to control the direction oftraffic.

    URL: Uniform Resource Locator: an address of a web page, ftp site, audiostream or other Internet resource, for example,

    IP address: A numeric unique value usually defined in four octets (32Bits)like . A new scheme of 128 (Called IPv6) is also available now.One with 32 bits is called IPv4.

    Domain Name: A domain name is an identification label to define realmsof administrative autonomy, authority, or control in the Internet, based onthe Domain

    Commonly Used Terms - 1

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    World Wide Web (WWW): is a system of interlinkedhypertext documents accessed via the Internet.

    Homepage: the opening page of a web site

    Web-Portals, Websites: Links to web pages thatmaintain lists of district or county web sites.

    Search Engines: are tools that help you to find thingson the Internet. One example of a popular searchengine is Google.

    HTML: a set of tags and rules (conforming to SGML)for using them in developing hypertext documents

    Commonly Used Terms - 2

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    Terms was first coined by Ted Nelson in 1965.

    HyperText: Hyper means More or Over and Textmeans meaningfully ordered language symbols.More here means inviting a reader to look formore information.

    All documents that show information using thisconcept are called hypertext documents. May it bethe Main Page or the Hyperlinked Page. Recursivehyperlinking is also possible (Returning to samepage again).

    An end to end application level protocol to handlerequest-response communication of such a kind ofdata between client and server is called the HTTPor Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.

    HTTP laid the foundation of developing WWW in1990 by Tim Berners Lee.

    Concept of HyperText and HTTP

    This is an hyperlink. This is

    plane Text.

    This is the text that

    comes after clicking

    over the hyperlink.

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    Web Protocol Layers



    Port 80






    Port 80




    Internet Explorer or Chrome type of

    Browser Software at Client Machine

    IIS or apache kind of Software at

    Server machine

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    IIS A Webserver Program

    IIS or Internet Information Server is a webserver programfrom Microsoft.

    It comes along with many version of Windows. It mayhowever need to be installed as an add-on component.

    On Windows XP it acts like a personal web server wheremutiple sites can be published within the single webservice port as directory level webshares. This is the mostconvenient way to test websites on a local server oftencalled the Localhost. The IP address that represents alocal host is You may be required to setpermissions to run sites on an IIS server.

    It is the best program to run ASP or ASP.NET pages.

    Its primary job is to interpret an HTTP request andprepare a suitable response.

    It also provides an application platform level support toprocesses created by Active Server Pages and the ASP.NETframework.

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    Languages used to create a website

    HTML: a set of tags and rules (conforming toSGML) for using them in developing hypertextdocuments.

    DHTML: Enhancements to HTML that createsdynamic effects (interaction and animation), This

    includes mouseover kind of actions, javascript,Style Sheets and client side object orientationmodel called Document Object Model (DOM).

    ASP/ASP.NET: Two variations of active servertechnologies where interaction is achieved by usinglanguage interpretation at the server end.

    JAVA/JSP: Java based interaction technology.

    PHP: PHP hypertext processor, a relatively simplepowerful scripting technology with server sideprocessing.

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    Introduction to HTML

    Primarily meant to render text onthe client side.

    Extensively uses markups. For e.g.Bold Text

    Simple Text based format editablein basic notepad kind of programs.

    File Extension .htm or .html .

    Basic HTML is static. (one Time

    page display rendering) Inteactive and programming

    features come with the use ofDHTML.

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    Creating a HTML File

    Use a simple text editor like Notepad or WordPad.

    First tag:

    Indicates that you are starting an HTML document

    Last tag: Indicates that you are ending an HTML document

    Save file as index.html.

    This is a typical filename often used for home pages.

    More HTML and DHTML editing features can be found

    in tools like Frontpage, Expressionweb or Dreamweaver


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    My First HTML Page

    Markup Tags

    Display rendering as headingstyle 1 which means a predefined

    font size by the browser.

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    Introduction to ASP

    ASP = Active Server Page

    Provide server side programmingcapability.

    Interpreted by IIS Kind of

    webserver programs. Fully Featured Scripting Language

    that provides the power to Buildweb based Applications ratherthan just interactivity on web.

    Connectivity to SQL and otherdatabases is also provided.

    Many commercial websites arebuild using this technology.

  • 8/2/2019 CM101-1T#Web Technology Fundamentals


    My First ASP Page

    My First ASP Page

    Special marks to indicateactive code to be interpreted by the server

    Response.write() ASP functionconverts its input to a regularHTML

    stream at the server end and any thing

    inside brackets is then interpreted by

    the browser. This code can not run

    unless a server that supports ASP is


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    Introduction to ASP.NET

    Microsofts Technology that provides Major enhancements over its Active ServerTechnology.

    Interpreted or Compiled Version of Server side coding is available.

    Server is provided with high degree of caching to quickly serve frequently maderequests from multiple clients.

    Interface component and Application component can be separated at serverlevel. This provides better structure and neat application solution.

    Support for programming in mutiple languages like VB, C# etc.

    Support for a Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) which allows compilationto a Common Intermediate Language (CIL). This runs of Common LanguageRuntime System (CLR) provided by a software layer called DOT.NETFramework provided over the operating system.

    This way DOT.NET technology can be easily supported on many other operatingsystems also.

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    My First ASP.NET Page.




    Special ASP.NET web control withrunat=server atrribute

    .Text property of asp:label class does all

    the trick for you.

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    ASP.NET Active Server Page Using .NETTechnology.

    Script as well compiled Version.

    Microsoft Technology.

    Well Structured.

    Regular IDE Available. Supports Many Development


    May Initially requireunderstanding of manyconcepts.

    Less inclined towards OpenDatabases like MySQL. Moretowards MSSQL Server.

    In active use since 2003, somore newer sites use it.

    PHP PHP Hypertext Preprocessor

    (Recursive Acronym).

    Only Script Version.

    Open Source Technology.

    Less Structured.

    No Regular IDE.

    Supports only interpreted script.

    May be easy for beginners.

    Easy Connectivity with MySQLkind of Open Databases.

    In active use from a longer

    duration, so many older sites still

    use this.

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    ASP.NET Active Server Page Using .NETTechnology.

    Script as well compiled Version.

    Microsoft Technology.

    Regular IDE Available.

    Supports Many DevelopmentLanguages.

    May Initially requireunderstanding of manyconcepts.

    Less inclined towards OpenDatabases like MySQL. Moretowards MSSQL Server.

    In active use since 2003, somore newer sites use it.

    Easy Configuration andAdministration

    JAVA 2 (J2EE) Java 2 Enterprise Edition.

    Script As Well Compiled.

    Suns Open Source Technology.

    IDE Available but less effective.

    Supports mainly JAVA.

    Steep Learning Path.

    Easier Connectivity with Oracle

    kind of Databases.

    In active use from a longerduration, so widespread use but

    now depleting market share.

    Not so easy configuration and


  • 8/2/2019 CM101-1T#Web Technology Fundamentals


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